Caithness volume 09

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/7/9/1 REAY [parish] Reay Reay Reay Reay Reay Reay Reay Reay New Statl [Statistical] Account. Census Returns for 1871 published in the daily Scotsman newspaper 19th April 1871 Oliver & Boyds Almanac Blacks Map of Scotland Fullarton's Gazetteer Morrison's Map of Sutherland James Brims, Procurator Fiscal Thurso William Miller, Town ClerK Wick The parish of Reay is in the presbytery of Caithness, Synod of Sutherland and Caithness. Patron the Crown, it is bounded on the north by the North Sea, on the west by the parish of Farr. Co. [County] Sutherland, on the south by the parish of Kildonan Co. [County] Sutherland and HalKirK Co. [County] Caithness, and on the east & south east by the parishes of HalKirK and Thurso. The parish is partly situated in the Co. [County] of Caithness and partly in the Co. [County] of Sutherland, the portion in Caithness contains about 45519 Statute acres and also the parish Church and the village of Reay, the portion situated in Sutherland contains about 46324.271 Statute acres, this portion contains the populous fishing village of Melvich. There are no detached portions of the parish of Reay, nor are there any detached portions of any other parish situated within it. The surface is very irregular presenting a series of heath covered hills & valleys among which are ensconced a number of laKes of considerable size, the [continued on page 2]
OS1/7/9/1 [Page] 1 Reay Ph [Parish] -- Counties of Caithness & Sutherland [Note] not yet completed completed now 1873 [initials]
OS1/7/9/2 REAY [parish] [continued from page 1] largest of which are, Loch Calder, Loch Shurrery and Loch Callum; the coast line is very rugged and much indented, it's principle bays are Sandside & Bighouse, it's principle headland is Fresgoe Head, near Sandside, a very small proportion of the area of the parish is under tillage comprising only a narrow strip of land along the coast.
OS1/7/9/2 [Page] 2
OS1/7/9/3 ST MARY'S CHAPEL (Remains of) Chapel (remains of) Mr. G. McKay Esqr. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore. Hugh Campbell, Reay. 004 This chapel appears to be of considerable antiquity. The smallness of its size, its being built with undressed and uncemented stones - and its having no traditionary dedication - are all indications of this, but the fact of its being divided into nave and chancel forbids the supposition of its belonging to the very earliest period of Ecclesiastical buildings in Scotland. This is said to be the oldest Chapel known in Caithness with Nave and Chancel, and the Revd [Reverend] Mr Muir - assigns it to the 12th and Sir Henry Dryden to the Eleventh Centuary. Both these gentlemen are great antiquaries and belong to the society of Antiquaries in Scotland - the latter made several antiquarian researches in this district in the summer of '71. This sketch; from memory will give a better idea of what remains of the building than if I were to explain. The Portion (Chancel) marked a. has been wholly rebuilt about a year ago as a tomb for some of the Gunn Family. Although thas Chapel has no traditionary dedication yet it may have been dedicated to St. Mary, as the well belonging to the Chapel which is 15 chains south of it is called St. Mary's Well.
OS1/7/9/3 GRAVE YARD [St Mary's Chapel] Graveyard 004 A graveyard surrounds this chapel which is still used as a place of interment - it is enclosed with stone walls.
OS1/7/9/3 [Page] 3 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness ST MARY'S CHAPEL (Remains of) Diagram/drawing included on page
OS1/7/9/4 [Page] 4 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/5 GOE CROICHE Goe Croiche (Scaffold Goe) Robert Stephen - Fresgoe.- William Henderson - Dunreay Niel Henderson - Dunreay 004 A small narrow Goe with Precipitous sides - not high - which terminates in a cave formed by huge stones falling - as it were, on the narrow End of the Goe - or as if a scaffolding of stones had been placed on it - hence the name.
OS1/7/9/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness
OS1/7/9/6 [Page] 6 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/7 HING GOE Hing Goe Robert Steven, Fresgoe William Henderson, Dunreay Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 A large Goe with very high and precipitous cliffs - some of which are overhanging - and this fact is probably the origin of the name - Hing Goe - i.e. Hanging Goe.
OS1/7/9/7 SANDY GOE Sandy Goe Robert Steven, Fresgoe William Henderson, Dunreay Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 A small Goe a few chains to the East of Chapel Goe the bottom - or rather the bed of which is sand an shingle - hence the name.
OS1/7/9/7 WARE GOE Ware Goe Robert Steven, Fresgoe William Henderson, Dunreay Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 A small Goe a few chains East of Sandy Goe - into which the sea throws up a great quantity of sea weed - or Ware as it is called here.
OS1/7/9/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Reay - County of Caithness [Note Hing Goe] 2nd [Note Sandy Goe] 2nd [Note Ware Goe] 3rd [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/8 CHAPEL GOE Chapel Goe Robert Stephen. Fesgoe William Henderson. Dunreay Niel Henderson. Dunreay 004 A small narrow goe - near the ruins of an old Catholic Chapel hence the name.
OS1/7/9/8 CHAPEL POOL Chapel Pool Robert Stephen. Fesgoe William Henderson. Dunreay Niel Henderson. Dunreay 004 A small hollow in the rock - a few feet in depth - at the mouth of the Chapel Goe - in which when the tide recedes - a quantity of water is left.
OS1/7/9/8 GOE BUlLA Goe Buila Robert Stephen. Fesgoe William Henderson. Dunreay Niel Henderson. Dunreay 004 A long narrow Goe - about 3 Chains west of Chapel Goe Cannot give any reason for this Goe having such a name - however it is well Known by this appellation.
OS1/7/9/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Chapel Goe] 3rd [Note Chapel Pool] 3rd [Note Goe Buila] 3rd
OS1/7/9/9 ST MARY'S WELL St. Mary's Well Mr G. McKay, Esq. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson Dunreay 004 A fine spring of water which is said to have been the Holy Well belonging to the Chapel near it. Medicinal and healing qualities are atributed to it and to this it is visited by people who believe in its virtue of healing diseases. The Well is a natural hollow in the rock and has no traces of building about it.
OS1/7/9/9 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) Pictish House (remains of) Mr G. McKay, Esq. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson Dunreay 004 All that remains of this Pictish house is a circular embankment of earth and stones - it seems from its appearance to have been a Chambered Cairn - the embankment is divided into compartments - which have long since fallen in - like the rest of the Chambered Cairns of Caithness
OS1/7/9/9 [Page] 9 Ph [Parish] of Reay, -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/10 CRAIGAN WELL Craigan Well Mr G. McKay, Esq. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson Dunreay 004 A fine spring of water issuing from the rock - forming a small stream which flows into the river.
OS1/7/9/10 CROSSKIRK BAY CrossKirk Bay For authorities and descriptive remarKs see name list's of Thurso Ph [Parish]
OS1/7/9/10 [Page] 9 Ph [Parish] of Reay, -- County of Caithness [Note Craigan Well] 3rd
OS1/7/9/11 GLING GLANG Gling Glang Robert Stephen, Fresgoe John McDonald, Reay Neil Henderson, Dunreay 004 A very deep and very narrow Goe terminating in a cave - which can only be exposed at extreme low water - and which is said to go a great distance inland. The sides of this Goe are very rough and uneven and when a stone is cast into it - in its descent it strikes against the Projections - emitting a hollow echoing sound resembling that of "Gling - Glang" - which is the name given it by the inhabitants of the surrounding district.
OS1/7/9/11 GLUPEIN NA DROCHAIDE Glupein-na-drocheid Robert Stephen, Fresgoe John McDonald, Reay Neil Henderson, Dunreay 004 On the same range of cliffs is a strong natural arch, covered with Green turf, on a level with the adjacent ground and leading over a chasm about 40 feet deep - into which the tide flows Clubin - pronounced Glupein - sometimes "Glupe" - is a common name to many of the Goes or creeks - in Orkney - vide - "Torfaeus"
OS1/7/9/11 GEODH NAM FITHEACH Geo - na Fhithich Robert Stephen, Fresgoe John McDonald, Reay Neil Henderson, Dunreay 004 A long narrow Goe with steep and precipitious sides near Equidistant between "Gling Glang" and "Clubin na drocheid"
OS1/7/9/11 [Page] 11 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Gling Glang] 3rd [Note Glupein-na-drocheid] (The Glupe (or Goe) of the Bridge) [Note Geo - na Fhithich] "Ravens Goe" 2nd [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/12 GIE-UISG GOE Gie - Uisg - Goe Robert Stephen - Fresgoe William Henderson - Dunreay Neil Henderson - Dunreay 004 A large Goe with preciptious sides is oftern used as a haven or harbour for boats. The word "Gie" - I have written as it is pronounced. I probably means - "Guide" - as a "Guy rope"
OS1/7/9/12 GREENY GOE Greeny Goe Robert Stephen - Fresgoe William Henderson - Dunreay Neil Henderson - Dunreay 004 A small goe about 20 chains west of "Gie Uisg goe" - the rocks near it are sometime covered with a greenish sea weed - hence the name
OS1/7/9/12 OIGINS GOE Oigins Goe Robert Stephen - Fresgoe William Henderson - Dunreay Neil Henderson - Dunreay 004 A narrow Goe about 20 chains south west of "Gling Glang" - "Oigin" was the name of a Great smuggler who used to hide in the Goe.
OS1/7/9/12 [Page] 12 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Gie - Uisg - Goe] (I have written this name as it is pronounced) G.H. [Note Greeny Goe] 3rd [Note Oigins Goe] 3rd
OS1/7/9/13 BORROWSTON MAINS Borrowston Mains Mr G. McKay, Esqr. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 A large arable farm - with steading, dwelling house, outhouses and garden attached the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Munkle, Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/13 HILL OF LYBSTER Hill of Lybster Mr G. McKay, Esqr. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 A slight Eminence. situated in the north west corner of the Ph [Parish] between the turnpike road which connects the Phs [Parishes] and the Forss Water - it is almost all in cultivation and takes its name from the farm to which it belongs.
OS1/7/9/13 TULLOCH OF LYBSTER 004 A slight Eminence. situated in the north west corner of the Ph [Parish] between the turnpike road which connects the Phs [Parishes] and the Forss Water - it is almost all in cultivation and takes its name from the farm to which it belongs.
OS1/7/9/13 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Tulloch of Lybster] 004 On the north side of the hill and within 10 chains of its summit are the remains of a very large Pictish House - a considerable portion of the wall of the internal chamber are still to be seen - from its appearance and frm what remains of it - I imagine - (fro I can get no information about it) that there were outer chambers surrounding the inner one.
OS1/7/9/13 BROUGH [1895] [Tulloch of Lybster] The Rev. [Reverend] A. Mackay. Westerdale Halkirk 004
OS1/7/9/13 [Page] 13 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Borrowston Mains] 1st [Note Hill of Lybster] 2nd [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/14 GREEN TULLOCHS Green Tulachs (Pictish Houses remains of) Mr G. McKay Esq. Borrowston Mains Mr Waters. Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson, Dunreay 004 About 64 chains west of the chapel - along the shore and close to the edge of the cliff is a pictish cairn - all of which has been removed but the principal wall of the building - that - through time and exposure has now become an Embankment of loose Earth and stones - and is about 8 or 10 feet high -
OS1/7/9/14 PICTS' HOUSES (Remains of) [Green Tullochs] 004 a few paces to the south west a small conical mound stands - another Pictish-house almost entire. It has like the rest - no doubt - an internal chamber - no Excavation has been made in it - a quantity of earth has been taken out of the side of it but the building remains untouched - no information can be obtained about the other one - what so ever
OS1/7/9/14 A STONE CIST CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1871 [nr. Green Tullochs] (Stone coffin found here A D 1871) 004 A few paces south of the cairn in an arable field a stone coffin of small dimentions containing human remains was discovered - in the summer of '71. I may mention that in the same field and in the vicinity of the cairn several cannon balls have been picked up - which have no doubt been fired at the cairns from the sea - by French ships of war - in the interval of our war with France between the years - 1798 - 1815 as these Cairns have from the sea - the appearance of small forts.
OS1/7/9/14 [Page] 14 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/15 LYBSTER Lybster Mr G. McKay, Esq Borrowston Mains Mr Waters, Bulmore Mr Niel Henderson Dunreay. 004 An ordinary sized arable farm - with dwelling house and outhouses near it. The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle, Bart [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/15 CLASHDOIN Clashdoin Estate Plan Mr Tait. Factor. Mr Scott, Gunn. Clerk to Factor Tait. 004 A small arable farm with dwelling house and outhouses attached - the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle Bart [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/15 KENNACHY Kennachy Estate Plan Mr Tait. Factor. Mr Scott, Gunn. 004 A small arable farm similar to the above, with dwelling house and outhouses attached. The Property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/15 [Page] 15 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Lybster] 2nd [Note Clashdoin] 2nd
OS1/7/9/16 [Page] 16 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/17 LYBSTER MILL (Corn) Lybster Mill (corn) Mr Donald Campbell Mr John Campbell Mr John Dunnet 004 A large corn, - or meal Mill: the property of Sir Robert Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/17 BRIDGE OF FORSS Bridge of Forss (County) Mr Donald Campbell Mr John Campbell Mr John Dunnet 004 A large stone bridge over Forss Water near to Forss House It is a county bridge, and is about half way between Reay and Thurso 5 1/2 miles to each - nearly.
OS1/7/9/17 [Page] 17 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Lybster Mill (corn)] 2nd [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/18 KENNACHY BURN Kennachy Burn Mr Donald Campbell Keanachy Mr John Cambpell Keanachy Mr John Dunnet Hallum Estate Plan Mr Tait, Factor. 004 A small stream from the farm of Keanachy to Forss Water - about 20 chains above the Bridge of Forss.
OS1/7/9/18 DALCLAGIE Dalchlagy Dalclagy Dalclagie Mr Donald Campbell Keanachy Mr John Cambpell Keanachy Mr John Dunnet Hallum Valuation Roll Estate Plan Mr Tait, Factor. Rent Roll of Estate 004 Formerly a Croft, but now a labourer's residence: the property of Sir Robert Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/18 [Page] 18 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Kennachy Burn] 3rd [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/19 LOWER DOUNREAY Lower Dounreay Mr J. Miller - Tenant Mr David Henderson - Dunreay Mr Robert Stephen - Fresgoe Mr Tait, Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A large farm steading with a comfortable and commodious dwelling house, outhouses and garden attached The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle, Bart [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/19 CRAIGTON Craigton Mr J. Miller - Tenant Mr David Henderson - Dunreay Mr Robert Stephen - Fresgoe Mr Tait, Factor. Estate Plan. 004 Once a small farm steading now joined to Dunreay - the houses are inhabited by the servants of the above named farm.
OS1/7/9/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Lower Dounreay] 1st [Note Craigton] 2nd "Graves of sailors who were wrecked near this point - A.D. 1800." [crossed out] [Signed] George Hobson, C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/20 GOE CUINGE Goe Cuinge Mr Bain, Isauld Sergt [Sergeant] Ross Reay Innes McKay, Reay 004 A small narrow Goe or fissure in the rocks, up which the tide comes at high water.
OS1/7/9/20 LING GOE Ling Goe Mr Bain, Isauld Sergt [Sergeant] Ross Reay Innes McKay, Reay 004 This can scarcely be called a Goe - as it is only a slight indentation in the rocks. It is 15 chains west of Goe Cuingich.
OS1/7/9/20 SCARBACH GOE Scarbach Goe Mr Bain, Isauld Sergt [Sergeant] Ross Reay Innes McKay, Reay 004 A small fissure in the rocks a few chains west of the Old House of Dounreay. In a small crevice at the foot of the Cliff in the east side of the Goe there issues a tiny stream of water which falls into an artificially cut basin a foot and a half in diameter - and about 6 inches deep. This is supposed to be the holy well belonging to a Catholic Chapel which stood on the rising ground about 40 yards from the edge of the cliff. N.B. The Basin in the rock is roughly cut - and not at all like what the action of water wd [would] make it - and besides the water has not a sufficient fall or quantity to perform such work.
OS1/7/9/20 [Page] 20 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Goe Cuinge] (Narrow Goe) [Note Ling Goe] 3rd [Note Scarbach Goe] 2nd [Signed] George Hobson, C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/21 GRAVE YARD (Site of) [Chapel, Dounreay House] Graveyard (Site of) Mr J. Miller - Dunreay Mr David Henderson, Dunreay Mr Robert Stephen, Fresgoe 004 A graveyard in connection with an old Catholic Chapel - it is situated on a rising ground near the shore - and about 14 chains due west of the chapel - no information can be obtained of it - Except of the fact of it being there - While levelling part of the stackyard about 8 years ago - several Coffins were uncovered - which caused the Present Tenent to desist from touching it.
OS1/7/9/21 CHAPEL (Remains of) [Dounreay House] Chapel (remains of) Mr J. Miller - Dunreay Mr David Henderson, Dunreay Mr Robert Stephen, Fresgoe 004 All that remains of this Chapel is an angle of the fooundation a foot or two above the ground no information can be obtained of when it ceased to be used as a place of worship - or to what particular saint it was dedicated - only it is well Known in the district that a Chapel stood there
OS1/7/9/21 [Page] 21 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [signed] George Hobson. C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/22 DOUNREAY HOUSE (In Ruins) Dounreay House (in ruins) Mr James Sutherland Mary's Cottage Mr William Innes. Reay Mr George Ross. Reay Mr Tait. Factor. 004 An Old Grey weather-beaten structure of four stories the walls of which are about 7 feet thick and built with clay and comparatively small stones for such a large building It is supposed to be more than three hundred years old and from its appearance seems to have been built more for strenght than comfort as nearly all the windows are mere arrow slits - and seem to have been Iron barred. The sea during a storm broke down and washed away part of a thick wall which surrounded it. The remaining portion of it forms the front wall of a dwelling house attached to the old House on the south side. From its name "Dunreay" it seems to have been at one time the principle "Dun" or Castle in the district - and is said to have been the residence of Lord Reay. It is almost entire but uninhabitable.
OS1/7/9/22 [Page] 22 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [signed] George Hobson, C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/23 BALMORE Balmore Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Innes - Bouldhu Mr George Ross - Reay 004 This name applies to four small crofts situated on both sides of the Turnpike road leading to Thurso and about 7 miles from the above named town - Formerly it was a large tract of Rough pasture - used as a grazing ground for the cattle of Dunreay. It is no doubt a corruption of Clas-Duin. The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/23 BULLDOO Bulldoo Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Innes - Bouldhu Mr George Ross - Reay Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A number of small crofts south west of Clashdon and bordering with it. It is on the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair Bart. [Baronet] The name is a corruption of Boulla dhu the Black walls
OS1/7/9/23 BUAILDHU [1895] For 1" purposes only. see Index Mr D. Nicolson. Mountpellier House. Wick. N.B. [North Britain] 004
OS1/7/9/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Balmore] 2nd [Note Bulldoo] 1st
OS1/7/9/24 DOUNREAY QUARRY Dounreay Quarry Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Innes. Bouldhu Mr George Ross, Reay Mr Tait. Factor 004 A small slate quarry by the side of the turnpike road leading to Thurso and near the south side of boundary of Bouldhu The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle. Bart [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/24 ACHREAMIE Achreamie Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Innes. Bouldhu Mr George Ross, Reay Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. Rent Roll of Estate 004 A large district East of Clashdon and north East of Bouldhu - consisting of small crofts - and heathy Pasture - The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/24 ACHREAMIE QUARRY Achreamie Quarry Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Innes. Bouldhu Mr George Ross, Reay Mr Tait. Factor 004 A small slate quarry in the west corner of the above district - not in operation. The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/24 [Page] 24 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Dounreay Quarry] 2nd [Note Achreamie] 1st [Note Achreamie Quarry] 2nd
OS1/7/9/25 NORTH CAIRN (Site of) North Cairn (Pictish House) Mr Donald Hamilton, Achreamie, Mr Neil Henderson, Bulldoo. 004 The remains of this Pictish dwelling was cleared away by Mr Donald Hamilton in the year 1866, and he informs me that there was a considerable quantity of bones (animal) and red ashes, as well as a great number of round stones resembling small cannon balls, in the centre of the floor of this building. Small sea shells were discovered in great quantities, mixed with a deposit of blackish earth. The building itself was in very good order, the cells &c. being complete, the stones of which were all removed for building purposes.
OS1/7/9/25 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) [North Cairn] 004 The remains of this Pictish dwelling was cleared away by Mr Donald Hamilton in the year 1866, and he informs me that there was a considerable quantity of bones (animal) and red ashes, as well as a great number of round stones resembling small cannon balls, in the centre of the floor of this building. Small sea shells were discovered in great quantities, mixed with a deposit of blackish earth. The building itself was in very good order, the cells &c. being complete, the stones of which were all removed for building purposes.
OS1/7/9/25 Site of PEAS CAIRN (Site of) Peas Cairn (Pictish House) Mr Donald Hamilton, Achreamie, Mr Neil Henderson, Bulldoo. 004 This as well as the "North Cairn" appears to have been very large, and must have been a good land-mark, as it was situated only a short distance from the coast, and formed a very prominent feature. This mound was removed about 40 years ago, and small sea shells & round stones, similar to those described above, were found in abundance lying on the floor of the building. It got the name "Peas Cairn" from the quantity of wild peas which used to grow on it.
OS1/7/9/25 Site of PICT'S HOUSE [Peas Cairn] 004 This as well as the "North Cairn" appears to have been very large, and must have been a good land-mark, as it was situated only a short distance from the coast, and formed a very prominent feature. This mound was removed about 40 years ago, and small sea shells & round stones, similar to those described above, were found in abundance lying on the floor of the building. It got the name "Peas Cairn" from the quantity of wild peas which used to grow on it.
OS1/7/9/25 BROUGH [1895] [North Cairn] Archaeologia Scotica vol [volume] 5 p.p. [pages] 1 p [page] 185 004
OS1/7/9/25 [Page] 25 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/26 WESTER BORROWS TON Wester Borrowston Wester Borrowston Wester Borrowston Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. Rent Roll of Estate 004 A small farmsteading situated between the farms of "Mains of Borrowston", and "Lower Dounreay"; the property of Sir Robert Sinclair Bart. [Baronet] Reay &.c.
OS1/7/9/26 [Page] 26 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Wester Borrowston] 2nd
OS1/7/9/27 ACHREAMIE MOSS Achreamie Moss Mr William Innes, Reay Mr John McDonald Achramey Mr George Innes Bouldhu Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A small peat moss in the south west corner of Achramey used by the surrounding tenants for cutting peat and turf in.
OS1/7/9/27 CNOC NA H-UISEIG Cnoc na h-Uiseig (Pictish House) Mr William Innes, Reay Mr John McDonald Achramey Mr George Innes Bouldhu Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A small Pictish dwelling a short distance north of Bouldhu. It has the appearance of a round green Knoll and is about 9 feet in height no excavation has been made in it.
OS1/7/9/27 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Cnoc na h-Uiseig] 004 A small Pictish dwelling a short distance north of Bouldhu. It has the appearance of a round green Knoll and is about 9 feet in height no excavation has been made in it.
OS1/7/9/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Cnoc na h-Uiseig] (Hillock of the lark)
OS1/7/9/28 [Page] 28 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/29 LOCH OF SKIALL Loch of Skiall Mr. George Dunnet Mr. John Campbell Mr. Donald Campbell Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A small fresh-water loch in the district of SKaill: the property of Sir Robert Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/29 HALLAM Hallam Mr. George Dunnet Mr. John Campbell Mr. Donald Campbell Mr Tait. Factor. Estate Plan. 004 A large farm-steading: the property of Sir Robert Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/29 [Page] 29 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Loch of Skiall] 2nd [Note Hallam] 2nd [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/30 [Page] 30 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/31 SKIALL Skiall Mr. Alexander McKay Achreamie Mr. John Dunbar Buolfruach Mr. W. Laing SKiall Mr. Tait Factor Estate Plan 004 A large farm-steading the property of Sir Robert Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/31 SKAIL [1895] Mr D. Ncolson Montpellier House, WicK N.B. [North Britain] 004
OS1/7/9/31 BUOLFRUACH Bulofruach Not on Estate Plan 004 A small house - laborers dwelling. the property of Sir. R. Sinclair of Reay.
OS1/7/9/31 [Page] 31 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Skiall] 1st [Note Bulofruach] 3rd [Signed] Robert Kane Sappr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/32 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) Pictish House Site of Robert Brown Esq. Upper Dounreay James Sutherland Mary's Cottage William Innes Reay 010 This Pictish House was removed in 1868, and with the exception of some broKen querns calcined bones (probably animal) and burnt wood, nothing of any importance was found in it it resembles the rest of the chambered cairns of Caithness so often described.
OS1/7/9/32 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) [N of Upper Dounreay] Pictish House (Site of) Robert Brown Esq. Upper Dounreay James Sutherland Mary's Cottage William Innes Reay 010 At the north end of a ridge of ground called Druim na Ceud, and about 13 chains north of Upper Dounreay, is the site of a large Pictish House. It was removed about 7 years ago while the land was in course of cultivation - nothing of any importance was found in it The place where it stood presents the appearance of a slight mound a foot or two higher than the surrounding land. Burnt bones, sea shells burnt wood &c can still be picked up on it.
OS1/7/9/32 [Page] 32 Co [County] Caithness -- Reay Parish
OS1/7/9/33 HALLAM BURN Hallam Burn Mr. George Dunnet Hallam Mr. John Dunnet Mr. David Henderson Camster Estate Plan Mr. Tait, Factor. 004 A small Burn issuing from the ''Yellow Moss'' and running into Forss Water at the farm of Hallam.
OS1/7/9/33 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) Pictish House (Remains of) Mr. George Dunnet Hallam Mr. John Dunnet Mr. David Henderson Camster Estate Plan Mr. Tait, Factor. 004 A small Mound: the ruin of a ''Pictish House'': the property of the Crown.
OS1/7/9/33 BROUGH [1895] Archaeologica Scotica vol [volume] 5 p. [part] 1. p. [page] 185 004
OS1/7/9/33 STEMPSTER HILL Stempster Hill Mr. George Dunnet Hallam Mr. John Dunnet Mr. David Henderson Camster Estate Plan Mr. Tait, Factor Mr McKay, Occupier of the farm of Stempster and Factor for the Crown property. 004 A broad, but low, uncultivated hill: the property of the Crown
OS1/7/9/33 STEMSTER HILL [1895] Mr D. Nicolson, Montpellier House, Wick N.B. [North Britain] 004
OS1/7/9/33 OLD BRIDGE OF FORSS Bridge of Forss (old) Mr. George Dunnet Hallam Mr. John Dunnet Mr. David Henderson Camster Estate Plan Mr. Tait, Factor 004 An old stone Bridge of Forss Water over which a public road formerly crossed, but it is now seldom used except as a pass for Sheep from one farm to another across this Water.
OS1/7/9/33 [Page] 33 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Hallam Burn] 2nd [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/34 [Page] 34 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/35 ISAULD Isauld Mr Bain - Isauld Mr George Ross - Reay Mr Sutherland - Mary's Cottage 010 A small district on the Estate of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair composed of small crofts and patches of rough pasture.
OS1/7/9/35 MARY'S COTTAGE Mary's Cottage Mr Bain - Isauld Mr George Ross - Reay Mr Sutherland - Mary's Cottage 010 A neat little cottage with outhouses and garden attached - built by the late proprietor of Laudside for an invalid sister - it is now the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland
OS1/7/9/35 BRIDGE OF ISAULD Bridge of Isauld (County) Mr Bain - Isauld Mr George Ross - Reay Mr Sutherland - Mary's Cottage 010 A strong and substantially bult bridge of two arches which spans the Isauld Burn On the turnpike road leading to Thurso it is held in repair by the County
OS1/7/9/35 [Page] 35 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Isauld] 1st [Note Mary's Cottage] 2nd [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/36 Site of CHAPEL [Isauld] Site of Chapel Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Ross, Reay Mr Sutherland, Mary's Cottage 010 At the mouth of the Isauld Burn and within a few chains of the high water mark stood a chapel Portions of the walls of which were to be seen a few years ago. but the sand has drifted so much that nothing but a small mound covered with bent is to be seen now. There are traces of ruins near it of which I can get no account nor can I get any information about the Chapel further than that it was one and, like many more of them in the district, that it was a very primitive building
OS1/7/9/36 [Page] 36 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C. A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/37 GUNNSCROFT Gunnscroft Mr Bain - Isauld George Ross - Reay Robert Steven - Fresgoe 010 A small croft - dwelling house with outhouses and garden attached. the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/37 KNOCK URRAY Knock Urray (Pictish House) Mr Bain - Isauld George Ross - Reay Robert Steven - Fresgoe 010 A Pictish house almost entire - no part of which has been excavated - its appearance is a round green knoll - about 10 feet high. 'Urray' is the name of a pictish hero who is said to have inhabited it - vide -statistical account. No information can be obtained about it except that it is well known by the name given.
OS1/7/9/37 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Knock Urray] 010 A Pictish house almost entire - no part of which has been excavated - its appearance is a round green knoll - about 10 feet high. 'Urray' is the name of a pictish hero who is said to have inhabited it - vide -statistical account. No information can be obtained about it except that it is well known by the name given.
OS1/7/9/37 BROUGH [1895] Brough Archaeologia Scotica Vol [Volume] 5. p [part] 1. p [page] 185 010
OS1/7/9/37 [Page] 37 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C. A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/38 ISAULD PORT Isauld Port Mr Bain - Isauld Sergt [Sergeant] Ross - Reay James McKay - Reay 010 This name applies to a landing place for boats, situated south west of Isauld farm - from which it takes its name.
OS1/7/9/38 WHITE GOES White Geos Robert Stephen, Fresgoe Niel Henderson, Downreay William Henderson, Downreay 010 Two small goes 20 chains north of Isauld Port - up which in stormy weather the Ocean sends huge masses of spray - giving them a white appearance - hence the name.
OS1/7/9/38 ISAULD HOUSE Isauld House Robert Stephen, Fresgoe Niel Henderson, Downreay William Henderson, Downreay Mr Tait, Factor Mr Scott Gunn 010 A comfortable and commodious dwelling house - with large Farm steading - outhouses and garden attached - the property of Sir Robert C Sinclair of Murkle Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/38 [Page] 38 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Isauld Port] 2nd [Note White Geos] 2nd [Note Isauld House] 1st [Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/39 PICT'S HOUSE (Site of) [Bridge of Isauld] Pictish House (Site of) Mr James Sutherland Mary's Cottage Mr William Innes, Reay Mr George Ross, Reay 010 About 12 years ago the tenant of that portion of arable land near the Bridge of Isauld removed a large sized Pictish house - nothing of any importance was found in it except some querns, bones of animals and other trifling traces of its primitive inhabitants - a very fine spring of water was in the centre of the building which is now conducted to the Isauld Burn by a drain - no traces remain of this Pictish house except a slight inequality of the ground.
OS1/7/9/39 [Page] 39 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness
OS1/7/9/40 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) wBridge of Isauld] Supposed Stone Circle (remains of) Mr James Sutherland Mary's Cottage Mr William Innes Reay Mr Gunn, Schoolmaster Reay 010 About 15 Chains west of the Bridge of Isauld - and on each side of the turnpike road are several large stones which form a circle - some of them are imbedded in the sand - others have been knocked over and broken and by all appearance will be removed for building puposes - as several stones have been broken and taken away from this circle to build dykes. I can get little or no information about it as it is not many years since the sand drifted and partly uncovered the stones. I here give a sketch of the principal one - (marked Standing Stone in trace) Its height exceeds five feet - breadth 2 1/2 ft thickness about 1 3/4 ft - I may here mention that there are the remains of ancient middens at and near these stones - in which may be found sea shells, bones of animals, stones blackened and chared by fire - and bronze pins and needles are frequently found - there are also traces of ruins almost all the stones of which have been removed for building purposes.
OS1/7/9/40 [Page] 40 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [sketch/drawing on page] No 1 No 2 No 3 The others are almost covered with sand. [signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/41 ISAULDGATE Isauldgate Isauldgate Isauldgate Mr Tait. Factor Estate Plan Rent Roll of Estate 010 Applies to a small croft situated close to the Lodge gate at the entrance to Achvarasdal Lodge: the property of Sir Robert C. Sinclair. Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/41 POST OFFICE [Isauld] Post Office Mr Tait. Factor Estate Plan Rent Roll of Estate 010 A Sub office for the Reay district. Kept in a private room rented for the purpose
OS1/7/9/41 [Page] 41 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Glebe [crossed out] [Note Isauldgate] 3rd
OS1/7/9/42 SANDSIDE BAY Sandside Bay 010 For Authorities &c see the Six Inch Name Book of Reay.
OS1/7/9/42 BURN OF ISAULD Burn of Isauld or Isauld Burn James Sutherland Esq Mary's Cottage William Innes, Reay Inn Sergt. [Sergeant] Ross Post Office Reay 010 The continuation of the Achvarasdal Burn from its junction with Achiegallan Burn to the sea. Isauld some years ago was a small estate. this formed the boundary of it on the south & west sides - hence it was call the Isauld Burn.
OS1/7/9/42 [Page] 42
OS1/7/9/43 STANDING STONE [Upper Dounreay] Standing Stone J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair Achullan H. MacKay Loanscorribest 010 This stone stands in hight about five feet and is about 3 feet square, it is upon the farm of Upper Dounreay and south about half a mile from where a battle had taken place upon the N. [North] West side of Shebster Hill. it is on arable ground.
OS1/7/9/43 STANDING STONE [Shebster Hill] Standing Stone J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair Achullan H. MacKay Loanscorribest 010 This stone stands seven feet above ground, in Breadth 3 feet, and about one and half thicK, it stands upon heathy ground, & is near the site of battle, upon the N. [North] west side Shebster Hill. the property of Sir R. C. Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/43 [Page] 43 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [sketch/drawings on page] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/44 ACHBUILIGAN TULLOCH Achbuiligan Tulloch Pictish House Remains of J. McDonald. Isauld William Sinclair Achullan H McKay Loanscorribest 010 This is a large Pictish House, it rises to about 20 feet in the centre above the general level of the ground around it, it has been opened at the top some time ago. it is situated at the North end of Loch Builigan, on the property of Sir R. C. Sinclair of MurKle This Tulloch takes its name from a small farm which has long since been annexed to Upper Dounreay
OS1/7/9/44 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Achbuiligan Tulloch] Archaeologia Scotia Vol. [Volume] 5 p [part] 1 p [page] 185. 010 This is a large Pictish House, it rises to about 20 feet in the centre above the general level of the ground around it, it has been opened at the top some time ago. it is situated at the North end of Loch Builigan, on the property of Sir R. C. Sinclair of MurKle This Tulloch takes its name from a small farm which has long since been annexed to Upper Dounreay
OS1/7/9/44 BROUGH [1895] [Achbuiligan Tulloch] Archaeologia Scotica vol. 5 p1 p185 010
OS1/7/9/44 UPPER DOUNREAY Upper Dounreay George Brown, Tenant J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair Achullan 010 This is a large Farmsteading and considered to be about the best one, in the County, Dwelling house & offices are all in the very best of repair, there is also a small but neat garden attached, & situated on the west side of Shebster Hill about one mile, the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair of MurKle
OS1/7/9/44 [Page] 44 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Upper Dounreay] 1st [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/45 GLAODH ODHAR Glaodh Odhar R. Brown Esq. Dounreay Mr William Henderson, Achramie Mr W Innes, Reay 010 A long broad hollow in the hill side, of no great depth situated midway between the Hill of Shebster and Cnoc - Freiceadan. on the property of Sir Robert C. Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/45 DRUIM NA CEUD Druim na Ceud R. Brown Esq. Dounreay Mr William Henderson, Achramie Mr W Innes, Reay 010 This name applies to a long low ridge on the farm of Dounreay North East of the Steading. The local tradition says that a hundred men fell fighting on this ridge in the conflict called ''Ruaig Haunsaid'' (Sandside Chace) A.D. 1437 - (see description of Conflict in namesheet - belonging to plan 10-3). This ''Druim'' is now all in cultivation and has been for some time and no traces of the graves are now visible - (for those who fell on it were interred there). They tell me that before the land was cultivated a great number of small stones set on End - a foot or so in height - might have been seen. These stones were erected no doubt to mark the spot where each combatant fell
OS1/7/9/45 [Page] 45 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Glaodh Odhar] (Dun Hollow) [Note Druim na Ceud] (ridge of the hundred) [Signed] G.H.
OS1/7/9/46 CREAG BHREAC BHEAG Creag Breac Beag R. Brown Esq. Dounreay Mr William Henderson, Achramie Mr William Innes, Reay 010 A small round low hillock due East of Druim na Ceud a piece of cropping rock on the South side of it partly covered with heather has a speckled appearance - hence the name the remains of a pictish house is situated on the highest part of it - (described).
OS1/7/9/46 CREAG BHREAC MHÒR Creag Breac Mòr R. Brown Esq. Dounreay Mr William Henderson, Achramie Mr William Innes, Reay 010 A long low ridge near the above and somewhat similar in appearance to it - it has also a ridge of cropping rock on the south side of it which has a greyish speckled appearance. Both names are well known in the district.
OS1/7/9/46 STANDING STONES [Creag Breac Beag] (small standing stones) R. Brown Esq. Dounreay Mr William Henderson, Achramie Mr William Innes, Reay 010 On the south side of Creag Breac Beag may be seen - several small stones set on End about a foot and a half high which they tell me mark the graves of some of the Combatants of the ''Ruaig Haunsaid'' There is a very fine standing stone near them - but I think it belongs to a much earlier date than 1437 - (Date of Conflict)
OS1/7/9/46 [Page] 46 Ph. [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Creag Breac Beag] (Small speckled Craig) [Note Creag Breac Mòr] (Great speckled Craig) [Signed] G. Hobson.
OS1/7/9/47 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Upper Dounreay] Pictish House No. 3 (Remains of) Mr J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair Achullan Henry McKay Loanscorribest 010 A Pictish House situated upon the North of Upper Dounreay Farm & near to the Standing Stones in that district it has been very much destroyed, and at present has a small appearance.
OS1/7/9/47 BROUGH [1895] [Upper Dounreay] Archaeologica Scotica vol [volume] 5, p. [part] 1 p [page] 186 010
OS1/7/9/47 DOUNREAY BURN Dounreay Burn Mr J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair Achullan Henry McKay Loanscorribest 010 A small burn the continuation of Shebster Burn, it flows Northwards into Loch [Willigan], after which it is conveyed by a cut ditch to the Mill Lead of Lower Dounreay, it is well known by this name.
OS1/7/9/47 [Page] 47 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Pictish House (Remains of) No 1 [crossed out] Mr Brown the tenant of of Upper Dounreay informed me that what is shewn as Pictish House (site of): is the site of an old turf and stone sheepfold Erected by the late Mr Patterson when tenant of Dounreay and Isauld - One of the oldest inhab- itants in the district William Henderson, Achraemie and an intelligent man too - tells me the same fact. [signed] G. Hobson [Note Pictish House No. 3 (Remains of)] Large stones set on End appear a foot or two above the surface. It seems to have been a Cham- -bered Cairn, divided into compartments by these upright stones like the rest of the Chambered Cairns of Caithness [Signed] G. Hobson [signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/48 ACHUNABUST BRIDGE Achunabust Bridge (County) J. McDonald Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan H. Mackay, Loanscorribest 010 A small bridge in good repair upon the turnpiKe road leading through Shebster to Reay, & upon the Dounreay Burn, well known by this name. there is but on small arch. held in repair by the County
OS1/7/9/48 LOCH ACHBUILIGAN Loch Achbuiligan J. McDonald Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan H. Mackay, Loanscorribest 010 A small loch, situated in the North east corner of Isauld district, the Dounreay Burn flows into this loch, & from this loch Lower Dounreay is supplied with Mill water, the Loch is often called by the people here abouts, The Dam. it is the property of Sir R.C. Sinclair of MurKle. Achbuiligan was a small farm steading contiguous to the loch It has long since been annexed to the farm of Upper Dounreay
OS1/7/9/48 [Page] 48 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Loch Achbuiligan] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/49 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) Picts House (Remains of) Mr. Innes Reay Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill John McDonald Reay 010 A small round knoll, the remains of a pictish House, Situated some little distance north of the Tri Sithean. Many of the stones, seem to have been taken away, from this one, but only from the top and base. Very probably the Stones which mark the graves in Same trace have been taken from here.
OS1/7/9/49 ACHIEBRAESKIALL BURN Achiebraeskiall Burn Mr. Innes Reay Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill John McDonald Reay 010 This Stream rises on the north west side of the yellow Moss, from which it pursues a north easterly course to a confluence with another small Stream, without name. Some little distance from where it passes through the cultivated land, after which it assumes the name of Halam Burn.
OS1/7/9/49 [Page] 49 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achiebraeskiall Burn] 3rd [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/50 ACHIEBRAESKIALL Achiebraeskiall Mr. Tait Factor Estate Plan Rent Roll Mr. Innes Reay 010 This name applies to the remains of two or three old farms, all of which are now under sheep and that which was cultivated is quite rough. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/50 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) Picts House (Remains of) Mr Innes Reay Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A Small round knoll, the remains of a Picts House. Some of the stones have been taken away from the north side of it, but not to any extent. I can't get any information as to when it was done, or anything in connection with it. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/50 [Page] 50 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achiebraeskiall] 2nd [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/51 Site of CONFLICT BETWEEN CLANS A.D. 1437 Site of Conflict Mr. Innes Reay Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill Mackay's History of the House and Clan Mackay 010 The engagement between the Caithness men, called ''Ruoig Haunsaid'' or the Sandside Chace, is said to have ended here, as well as begun, which will be seen from the following extrat, from ''Mackay's History of the house,'' and Clan Mackay. Page 76. ''The tradition regarding this invasion, is to the following effect: The people of Caithness had commited some depredations on the east parts of the Reay country, in return for which, Neil-wasse Mackay and his brother John Abrach with their men Marched into Caithness, and took a great spoil with them. The better to provide against an assault, they placed a reserve about the border beyond Drimholisten, to be ready to assist, if necessary. Niel and John were overtaken by a great company of Caithness-men at Downreay when a fierce conflict ensued; but at length the latter fled, and were pursued with Slaughter about four miles to the water of Forss, where Niel and John Saw a fresh company marching with speed down the hill of Forss, to assist their flying Country men. The Mackays then retired back as far as Sandside, before their opponents got up with them, and by that time, they were joined by their reserve. A most desperate engagement [continued on page 52]
OS1/7/9/51 [Page] 51 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/52 Site of CONFLICT BETWEEN CLANS A.D. 1437 Site of Conflict continued [continued from page 51] followed which terminated in the defeat and flight of the Caithness men who were pursued with considerable slaughter as far a Downreay, about three miles. It is to this day called Ruoig Haunsaid, i.e. the Sandside Chace''.
OS1/7/9/52 STANDING STONES Standing Stones (Sepulchral monument) Mr. Innes Reay Mr. John Dunbar Skaill Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 The stones which mark the graves are nearly all Standing, and are from one to two feet high. The dead bodies seem to have been all, or at least all who were near gathered to this place to be interred, as there is so many graves, all quite near each other.
OS1/7/9/52 [Page] 52 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/53 CNOC FREICEADAIN Cnoc Freiceadain Mr. Innes Reay John McDonald Reay 010 A heath covered eminence of considerable elevation, situated north of Shebster Hill. From the name, the number of Picts Houses &c. this hill appears to have been a kind of fortified; no one could approach on any side of the hill, without being observed from one of the three Pictish houses. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/53 NA TRI SÌTHEAN Tri Sìthean Mr. Innes Reay John McDonald Reay 010 Situated on and near the Summit of Cnoc Freiceadain. Small Knolls, the remains of three Pictish houses. Two of these are joined together by a Subterranean passage which is from 2 to 3 feet above the surface of the hill. No 1 the largest is about 10 feet high and appears to be almost complet; there is no appearance of any of it having fallen in. The entrance on the top, through filled in with stones &c. can partly be seen; formed by large flags into something like the top of hatch. There is also a Subterranean passage extending north eastward from No 3, which appears to have been the entrance to the house. this one has fallen in in several places along the passage, and a few of the stones which supported the roof can partly be seen standing in the hollows, where it has fallen in.
OS1/7/9/53 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Na Tri Sithean] 010 Situated on and near the Summit of Cnoc Freiceadain. Small Knolls, the remains of three Pictish houses. Two of these are joined together by a Subterranean passage which is from 2 to 3 feet above the surface of the hill. No 1 the largest is about 10 feet high and appears to be almost complet; there is no appearance of any of it having fallen in. The entrance on the top, through filled in with stones &c. can partly be seen; formed by large flags into something like the top of hatch. There is also a Subterranean passage extending north eastward from No 3, which appears to have been the entrance to the house. this one has fallen in in several places along the passage, and a few of the stones which supported the roof can partly be seen standing in the hollows, where it has fallen in.
OS1/7/9/53 STANDING STONES [Na Tri Sithean] 010 Situated on and near the Summit of Cnoc Freiceadain. Small Knolls, the remains of three Pictish houses. Two of these are joined together by a Subterranean passage which is from 2 to 3 feet above the surface of the hill. No 1 the largest is about 10 feet high and appears to be almost complet; there is no appearance of any of it having fallen in. The entrance on the top, through filled in with stones &c. can partly be seen; formed by large flags into something like the top of hatch. There is also a Subterranean passage extending north eastward from No 3, which appears to have been the entrance to the house. this one has fallen in in several places along the passage, and a few of the stones which supported the roof can partly be seen standing in the hollows, where it has fallen in.
OS1/7/9/53 [Page] 53 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Cnoc Freiceadain] The Watch Hill [Note Tri Sìthean] Three Hillocks This name is well known and even where spoken of in English they are called theTri Sithean pronounced Tre Shean [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/54 STEMPSTER BURN Stempster Burn Stemster Mr. Innes Reay Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill Mr. J. McDonald Reay Val [Valuation] Roll 010 Is formed by the union of a few drains at the north east base of the Yellow Moss from which it pursues a north easterly course to a Mill Dam at Stempster and afterwards joins the Bailee Burn.
OS1/7/9/54 [Page] 54 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Stempster Hill] see page 33 [Note Stempster Burn] Correct Pictish House (Remains of) [crossed out] [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/55 BAILIE Bailie Mr. J. McLeod Mr. D. Coghill Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill 010 An old Farm steading, now the residence of a Shepherd. The property of J. Sinclair Esqr. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/55 BURN OF BAILIE Burn of Bailie Mr. J. McLeod Mr. D. Coghill Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill 010 A small stream, formed by the union of a few drains a short distance south east of Stempster
OS1/7/9/55 STRATH OF BAILIE Strath of Bailie Mr. J. McLeod Mr. D. Coghill Mr. J. Dunbar Skaill 010 Extends Southwards from the Strath of Stempster and lies on the same side of the River. The property of J. Sinclair Esqr, Forss.
OS1/7/9/55 [Page] 55 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Bailie] 2nd [Note Burn of Bailie] 3rd [Note Strath of Bailie] 2nd [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/56 STEMPSTER Stempster Mr. J. McLeod Stempster Mr. John Dunbar Skiall Mr. D. Coghill Stempster Mr. McKay, Factor 010 A Large Farm steading, dwelling house &c. The property of the Crown.
OS1/7/9/56 STEMSTER [1895] Rev. [Reverend] A. Mackay. Westerdale, Halkirk 010
OS1/7/9/56 TULLOCH OF STEMPSTER Tulloch of Stempster Pictish House (Remains of) Mr. J. McLeod Stempster Mr. John Dunbar Skiall Mr. D. Coghill Stempster Mr. McKay, Factor 010 Situated a short distance South east of Stempster Farmsteading, A Small round knoll, covered with rough pasture. It has never been opened.
OS1/7/9/56 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Tulloch of Stempster] 010 Situated a short distance South east of Stempster Farmsteading, A Small round knoll, covered with rough pasture. It has never been opened.
OS1/7/9/56 [Page] 56 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Stempster] 2nd Strath of Stempster cancelled [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/57 REAY INN Reay Inn William Innes Tenant J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 A small Inn, situated in Reay and near to the Parish Church. it is in good repair the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/57 CHURCH [Reay] Church Revd [Reverend] James Murray. Pastor J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 This is a very old church but is still in good repair. its small having sittings for only four or five hundred persons, it is situated a short distance east of Reay Village. it has a Gallery.
OS1/7/9/57 SCHOOL [Reay] Parish School John Gunn. Teacher. J.McDonald. Isauld. William Sinclair. Achullan. 010 This a new building and is a large and good school house for a country district such as Reay. there is 130 scholars, 70 Boys and 60 Girls attending this school. it is situated near to the Parish Church. There is no dwelling house attached.
OS1/7/9/57 [Page] 57 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Reay Inn] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/58 TOR RAN NA CIRCE Torran-na-Circe Henry McKay, Loanscorribest J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 A small rocKy HillocK, situated about 30 chains west of the Parish Church well known by this name, the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/58 MANSE [parish] Parish Church Manse Revd. [Reverend] James Murray, Reay. J. McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 Built about five years ago And is in very good repair. it is a large house and is a very comfortable liKe dwelling, its situated about 30 chains east of the Church, and a few chains from the public road.
OS1/7/9/58 [Page] 58 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay The Knowe's [crossed out] [Note Torran-na-Circe] (the hens hillock) 3rd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/59 BIG KEOLTAG Big Keoltag William Innes. Reay Inn. J McDonald. Isauld. William Sinclair. Achullan 010 A small hill situated about 20 chains east of Reay Bridge. it is a nice green hill this and well known by this name the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/59 LITTLE KEOLTAG Little Keoltag William Innes. Reay Inn. J McDonald. Isauld. William Sinclair. Achullan 010 A small hill situated about 10 chains east of Big Keoltag. well known by this name. the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/59 KEOLTAG WELL Keoltag Well William Innes. Reay Inn. J McDonald. Isauld. William Sinclair. Achullan 010 A spring Well situated about 10 chains South of Big Keoltag. and is well known by this name. the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/59 [Page] 59 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Big Keoltag] 2nd [Note Little Keoltag] 3rd [Note Keoltag Well] 3rd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/60 MILTON Milton William Innes. Reay Inn J. McDonald. Isauld William Sinclair. Achullan. 010 Is a small district having 6 or 7 small crofts in it situated between Borlum and Achvaresdale Cottage, none of the dwellings is in very good repair, the property of His grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/60 REAY BRIDGE Reay Bridge [County] William Innes. Reay Inn J. McDonald. Isauld William Sinclair. Achullan. 010 A small bridge having but one arch. it was built about 60 years ago, and is still in good repair. situated upon the turnpiKe Road leading from Thurso to Reay and spans the Reay Burn, well known by this name, Kept in repair by the County.
OS1/7/9/60 [Page] 60 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Borturn] see p. [page] 66 [Note Milton] 1st [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/61 TORR FÉILLE LEATHAN Torr Féil Leathan H. McKay, Loanscorribest J McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 A small hillocK situated South of Achvaresdal Cottage about 15 chains, it is arable land and well known by this name, the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/61 BORLUM ROCK Borlum Rock H. McKay, Loanscorribest J McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 Is a small hill and is very rocKy the west side of which is also steep which gives that part of the hill, a bold appearance, situated south of Borlum, about 30 chains.
OS1/7/9/61 LITTLE ROCK Little Rock H. McKay, Loanscorribest J McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 This name applys to part of the hill mentioned above, it is about 10 chains east of Borlum RocK, and is much smaller, but is rocky and well known by the name here given the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/61 [Page] 61 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Torr Féil Leathan] Broad Market Knoll Féille [Note Borlum Rock] 2nd [Note Little Rock] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/62 ACHIEGALLAN BURN Achiegallan Burn Henry McKay Loanscorribest J. McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 A small burn that branches of from Dounreay Burn, and flows westwards until it joins the Isauld Burn. close to Achavaresdale Cottage, known by this name.
OS1/7/9/62 CNOC NA BANTRAICH Cnoc na Bantraich (Widow's Hill) Henry McKay Loanscorribest J. McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 A small hill situated on the South of Mill of Milton about 20 chains well known by this name, the property of his grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/62 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Achvarasdal Lodge] Pictish House (remains of) Henry McKay Loanscorribest J. McDonald, Isauld. William Sinclair, Achullan. 010 This Tulloch has been one of the largest sized in the district it was partly destroyed some time ago, for the purpose of erecting a Flag-staff in its centre, at which time a large KnocKing stone, and several small ones were found, and also bones and 2 or 3 human sculls, situated close to Achavaresdale Lodge the property of R.G.Sinclair of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/62 HUMAN REMAINS AND QUERNS FOUND HERE [Pict's House, Achvarasdal Lodge] 010 The red circular line shown on trace is the wall of the inerior of the house. It was cleared out about two years ago, and a large Flag-pole planted in the rock in the centre of the apartment. The wall is from 5 to 6 feet high as it now stands, and with the exception of a few Stones, which have been built in to Keep it together the wall is the Same as when dug out. The entrance which is on the east side of it, is the original one. To all appearance the house has been destroyed by fire. The walls are burned right round. ''Human'' and other bones, and a number of small Querns were found in it. Also a large stone with a hole through it, the use of which is not known.
OS1/7/9/62 BROUGH [1895] [Achvarasdal Lodge] Archaeologia Scotica vol [volume] 5. p. [part] 1 p [page] 186 010
OS1/7/9/62 [Page] 62 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achiegallan Burn] 2nd [Note Cnoc na Bantraich] (Widow's Hill) [Signed] G.R. Matthew Banks C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/63 ACHVARASDAL LODGE Achvarasdal Lodge Sir R.C. Sinclair Proprietor Valuation Roll for 1872 J. McDonald, Isauld 010 Is a very neat and nice building it is almost new and therefore is in the best of repair, the grounds in connection have been tastefully laid out, with small belts of wood here and there, there is office houses and a fine garden attached it is situated about one mile south east of Reay Village. and is the property and Summer residence of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/63 MILL OF MILTON (Corn) Mill of Milton John Ross. Tenant Valuation Roll J. McDonald. Isauld 010 This is a Meal and Barley Mill. part of which was formerly used as a lint Mill. it is situated in Milton and about 40 chains west from Achavaresdale Cottage, the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/63 [Page] 63 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achvarasdal Lodge] 1st [Note Mill of Milton] corn 2nd [Signed] Matthew Banks C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/64 TORRAN DUBH Torran Dubh William Innes, Reay Inn. J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 A Small hillocK well known by this name situated about seven chains South of Mill of Milton. the proproperty of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/64 TORR AN ATHAIN Torr an Athan William Innes, Reay Inn. J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 A small hillocK situated in the district of Milton near to this hillocK at one time was a ford over a small burn, and from which the hillock was named. there is now a bridge where the ford used to be. the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/64 [Page] 64 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay The HillocKs [crossed out] [Note Torran Dubh] (Black Hillock) [Note Torr an Athan] (Small Ford HillocK) [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/65 CHURCH (Remains of) [old parish church] Old Church (Remains of) The Rev. [Reverend] Mr Murray Manse, Reay Mr. H. Campbell Reay Mr. Innes Reay Mr. Gunn Teacher,Reay 010 This is said to be the remains of the old parish church, and is also supposed to have been a R. [Roman] Catholic Chapel, and is by some called ''the Aisle'' to this day, a name very often applied to the remains of old chapels. No person, however, can give me any Satisfactory information about it, as there is nothing about it in History. It has been kept in repair as the burial place of the MacKays of Bighouse, and many if not all of the ministers of the parish are also interred here. There are one or two very old Stones built in the walls, within the building. The oldest legible date on these tomb stones is 1691. On the property of the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/65 GRAVE YARD [old Parish Church] This is said to be the remains of the old parish church, and is also supposed to have been a R. [Roman] Catholic Chapel, and is by some called ''the Aisle'' to this day, a name very often applied to the remains of old chapels. No person, however, can give me any Satisfactory information about it, as there is nothing about it in History. It has been kept in repair as the burial place of the MacKays of Bighouse, and many if not all of the ministers of the parish are also interred here. There are one or two very old Stones built in the walls, within the building. The oldest legible date on these tomb stones is 1691. On the property of the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/65 [Page] 65 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/66 BORLUM HOUSE Borlum House Mr. Rae Tenant Mr. Innes Reay Mr. Murray Manse Reay 010 A large and commodious mansion, at one time the residence of the McDonalds of Sandside. Office houses and garden attached. The Property of His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/66 [Page] 66 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Borlum House] 2nd [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/67 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) Pictish House (remains of) Henry McKay, Loanscorribest J. McDonald, Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 This has been a small Pictish House. it is situated about 40 chains East of Chimmering Park, and upon high moorland ground, it has been opened in the centre and is now a heap of ruins, the property of His Grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/67 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Big Keoltag] Pict's House (Remains of) Mr. H. Campbell Reay Mr D. Campbell Reay Mr. D. Innes Reay 010 Very little of this one remains, to be seen, as the greater part of it has been removed and nearly all the Stones carried away, many years ago. None of my authorities can tell, whether anything was found in it or not. Situated on the Summet of Big Keoltag.
OS1/7/9/67 [Page] 67 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/68 CREAGAN WELL Creagan Well Henry McKay, Loanscorribest J. McDonald Isauld William Sinclair, Achullan 010 Is a fine spring well situated close to a small rocky hillock about 20 chains east of Borlum it is well known by this name in the district round about where it is the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/68 [Page] 68 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Creagan Well] 3rd Simmering Hill [crossed out] Simmering ParK [crossed out] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/69 ACHIEGALLAN Achiegallan William Sinclair, Tenant. Hugh McKay, Blairmore. George Sinclair, Achunabust. Mr. Tait, Factor. Estate Plan. 010 Two small Farmsteadings in bad repair situated in Isauld, & about 20 chains East of Achavaresdale Cottage. the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/69 ACHUNABUST Achunabust Mr. Tait Factor George Sinclair Tenant Valuation Roll. Hugh McKay, Blairmore. Estate Plan. 010 An ordinary sized Farmsteading in very good repair situated East of Achavaresdale Cottage, about 60 chains. the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKe.
OS1/7/9/69 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Achunabust] Tulloch Pictish House (remains of) Mr. Tait Factor George Sinclair Tenant Valuation Roll. Hugh McKay, Blairmore. Estate Plan. 010 This is the remains of a very large Pictish House. it is situated close to Achenebest Farmsteading upon the highest part of that farm, it is seen for a long way of in its ruins are still visible. some of its chambers. the same being strongly built with all kinds of course stone. well known by this name.
OS1/7/9/69 BROUGH [1895] [Achunabust] Archaeologia Scotica vol [volume] 5 p [part] 1.p. [page] 185 010
OS1/7/9/69 [Page] 69 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achiegallan] 2nd [signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/70 SHEBSTER QUARRY Shebster Quarry Hugh McKay, Blairmore. William Sinclair Achullan. J. McDonald, Isauld. 010 Is an old flagstone quarry situated in West Shebster, & Close to the road side that is leading between Thurso and Reay. well known by this name. the property of His grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/70 THE BIELD The Bield Hugh McKay, Blairmore. William Sinclair Achullan. J. McDonald, Isauld. 010 Is an enclosed piece of moorland and planted with whins. the same being in rows. it is situated in West Shebster & East of Shebster Quarry about 50 Chains the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland. These whins were planted for shelter for the sheep.
OS1/7/9/70 THE BIEL [1895] For 1" purposes only. see remark in Index Mr. D. Nicholson, Montpelier House, Wick N.B. [North Britain] 010
OS1/7/9/70 CREAGAN LIATH Creagan Liath Hugh McKay, Blairmore. William Sinclair Achullan. J. McDonald, Isauld. 010 This is a small hillocK with a few flat rocks upon it. well known by this name, and is situated East of Loanscorribest about 25 Chains the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/70 [Page] 70 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Shebster Quarry] 2nd [Note The Bield] 3rd [Note Creagan Liath] (Little Gray Craig) [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/71 ACHRASKER (In Ruins) Achrasker Hugh McKay, Blairmore. William Sinclair, Achullan. George Sinclair, Achenebest. 010 The ruins of an old Farmsteading, situated about half a mile east of Loanscorribest, well known by this name. the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/71 BLARMORE Blarmore Hugh McKay. Tenant. George Sinclair, Achenebest. William Sinclair Achullan. 010 Is a Shepherds dwelling. it is in good repair. situated about 30 chains east of Achreskel Farm in ruins, the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/71 GRAY CAIRN Gray Cairn Pictish House (Remains of) Hugh McKay. Tenant. George Sinclair, Achenebest. William Sinclair Achullan. 010 This a large heap of stones collected together by the Shepherd of that district. it is situated in west Shebster, & has every appearance of having been a Pictish House A burning light has been often seen in the Cairn, after night, said to be & believed by a number of the inhabitants. This is a ''Pictish House'', and the stones on the top forming the sheep shelter are all that the Shepherd collected. - Part of the building is still visible.
OS1/7/9/71 [Page] 71 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achrasker] 2nd [Note Blarmore] 3rd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/72 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [W of Gray Cairn] Pictish House (remains of) Hugh McKay. Blairmore. William Sinclair. Achullan. George Sinclair. Achenebest. 010 This pictish house is so much destroyed that it is almost level with the ground it stands upon, situated about ten chains West of the Gray Cairn. the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/72 LÀTHACH AN LÌN Làthach-na-Lin (lint Moss) Hugh McKay. Blairmore. William Sinclair. Achullan. George Sinclair. Achenebest. 010 A small peat moss, situated about 15 chains, North of Achenebest, well known by this name, the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair, of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/72 BEUL AN LOCHAIN Beul-an-Lochan Hugh McKay. Blairmore. William Sinclair. Achullan. George Sinclair. Achenebest. 010 This was formerly a very wet or marshy piece of ground, it is now well drained, but is still known by this name. situated about 20 chains west of Blairmore. the property of Sir Robert Charles Sinclair of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/72 [Page] 72 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Beul-an-Lochan] (mouth of the small loch) [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/73 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) (Remains of) Pictish House (Remains of) Pictish House (Remains of) Pictish House Mr. William Innes. Reay. Mr. Sinclair. Achunabust. Mr. John McDonald. Milton. 010 All that remains of this house is a heap of stones. It is supposed to have been nearly all removed a century ago for building purposes. This ''Pictish House'' was about the usual size to all appearance, and of the same construction as the generallity of those in this district.-
OS1/7/9/73 ACHRASKER WELL Achrasker Well Achrasker Well Achrasker Well Mr. William Innes. Reay. Mr. Sinclair. Achunabust. Mr. John McDonald. Milton. 010 This is a very fine Spring well and its water is carried in pipes to supply the ''Achvarasdal Lodge''. This well is the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/73 [Page] 73 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achrasker Well] 3rd
OS1/7/9/74 LOANSCORRIBEST Loanscorribest Loanscorribest Loanscorribest Mr. Thomas Rae. Manager for h g [His Grace] Mr Innes, Reay Valuation Roll. 010 Applies to a small farm steading, situated close to ''Creagan Liath''; the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/74 [Page] 74 Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/75 YELLOW MOSS Yellow Moss Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro East Shebster Evander Matheson, Teacher East Shebster George Sinclair, Shebster 010 This is a large peat moss situated in East Shebster about half a mile North of Shebster Farmsteading, part of which belongs to J Sinclair of Forss, and part to the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/75 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Hill of Shebster] Pictish House (Remains of) Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro East Shebster Evander Matheson, Teacher East Shebster George Sinclair, Shebster 010 This Pictish House is very much broken down, but what remains of it, is seen and used by Fishermen as a land-mark when out on sea, it is situated upon the Highest part of the hill of Shebster.
OS1/7/9/75 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [E of Hill of Shebster] Pictish House (Remains of) Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro East Shebster Evander Matheson, Teacher East Shebster George Sinclair, Shebster 010 This is a smaller Pictish House than the one mentioned above, it is also much destroyed, situated upon the East side of Shebster Hill. this one is not visible from the sea but there are three of them upon this hill known by the name of the Three Sheans, visible from the sea. The Tri Sithean is on the plan north of this, and not on this one as here stated.
OS1/7/9/75 [Page] 75 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/76 SHEBSTER Shebster George Sinclair, Tenant Shepherd. Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster Valuation Roll. 010 An ordinary sized Farmsteading in good repair, situated in West shebster, the whole of which is under sheep pasture, the property of His Grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/76 HILL OF SHEBSTER Hill of Shebster George Sinclair, Tenant Shepherd. Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster Valuation Roll. 010 This is not a very large hill, but as there is no other between the sea and it upon the West side, it gives it a higher appearance, situated in West Shebster, the property his grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/76 WEST SHEBSTER West Shebster George Sinclair, Tenant Shepherd. Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster Valuation Roll. 010 Is a large district, but almost the whole of it is Sheep pasture, it is situated East of Reay Village, about three miles, the public Road between Reay and Thurso runs through it, it is the property of His Grace The DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/76 [Page] 76 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Shebster] 2nd [Note Hill of Shebster] 2nd [Note West Shebster] 1st [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/77 THE FLOW The Flow Revd. [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster Peter Henderson, Achimenach. Mr D. McKay, East Shebster 010 Is a large piece of flat moorland, and in some parts marshy, situated in East Shebster & well known by this name the property of James Sinclair Esq of Forss.
OS1/7/9/77 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [East Shebster] Pictish House (remains of) Revd. [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster Peter Henderson, Achimenach. Mr D. McKay, East Shebster 010 This Pictish is almost level with the ground having been destroyed many years ago. it is situated upon the East side of The Flow in East Shebster. the ruins of one small chamber is still visible
OS1/7/9/77 ACHIBEGG (In Ruins) Achibegg (in ruins) Revd. [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster Peter Henderson, Achimenach. Mr D. McKay, East Shebster 010 This Farmsteading is in ruins, and is attached to Mr. Hendersons Farm, Achimenach, it is situated in East Shebster the property of James Sinclair Esq. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/77 ARCHIBEG [1895] Mr D. Nicholson, Montpellier House, Wick N.B [North Britain] 010
OS1/7/9/77 [Page] 77 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note The Flow] 1st [Note Achibegg (in ruins)] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/78 [Page] 78 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Achimoss Well [crossed out] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/79 Supposed Remains of CHAPEL (Supposed Remains of) Chapel (Supposed Remains of) Chapel (Supposed Remains of) Chapel Revd [Reverend] D. Munro. F.C [Free Church] Shebster. Mr. William Innes. Reay. Mr. Hugh Campbell. Reay. 010 I am given to understand that this is the supposed remains of a Roman Catholic Chapel, and the New Statistical account mentions the fact of one having stood here; but nothing definite can be ascertained about it. The mass of stones at this place resemble the remains of a burial cairn; and are similar to those frequently discovered in Aberdeen-shire. I can discover nothing resembling the ruins of a building in this heap of stones.
OS1/7/9/79 [Page] 79 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/80 TUMULUS (Remains of) Grave Grave Grave Revd [Reverend] D. Munro. Mr William Innes. Mr Hugh Campbell. 010 This was originally a small mound and many years ago the earth on its summit was removed, when a stone cist containing remains (human) were discovered. The Statistical account makes mention of this grave or tomb, and says a coffin formed of ur blocks of stone was found in it, which measured nearly 7 feet long, and was 2 1/2 feet broad. This stone cist is still visible.
OS1/7/9/80 A STONE CIST CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Tumulus, ... ] 010 This was originally a small mound and many years ago the earth on its summit was removed, when a stone cist containing remains (human) were discovered. The Statistical account makes mention of this grave or tomb, and says a coffin formed of ur blocks of stone was found in it, which measured nearly 7 feet long, and was 2 1/2 feet broad. This stone cist is still visible.
OS1/7/9/80 [Page] 80 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/81 MANSE [Free Church] Manse Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro. Pastor Evander Matheson, Schoolmaster Valuation Roll. 010 This is a very nice Manse having office houses attached and all in good repair, it is quite near to the Church and to the public road it is about four miles East of Reay Village, built in the year 1845.
OS1/7/9/81 FREE CHURCH [East Shebster] Free Church Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro. Pastor Evander Matheson, Schoolmaster Valuation Roll. 010 This is a neat little Church situated in East Shebster, it has no Gallery and has sittings for 665 persons. built in 1844 and is in good repair conveniently built for the inhabitants of the District.
OS1/7/9/81 ACHIMORE (In Ruins) Achimore (in ruins) Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro. Pastor Evander Matheson, Schoolmaster Valuation Roll. 010 This was once a large Farmsteading, it is now in ruins, it is situated about 20 chains North of the Free Church, and in the district of East Shebster the property of James Sinclair Esq of Forss.
OS1/7/9/81 [Page] 81 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Free Church] 2nd [Note Achimore (in ruins)] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/82 CROFTS OF ACHIMORE Crofts of Achimore Donald McKay, Tenant Donald Gallie, Tenant Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster 010 There are four of these crofts situated upon the South side of the Yellow Moss, and in the district of East Shebster they are all in bad repair the property of James Sinclair Esq of Forss.
OS1/7/9/82 EAST SHEBSTER East Shebster Donald McKay, Tenant Donald Gallie, Tenant Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster 010 Is a large district situated in the East side of Reay Parish, there are several large Farms in this district but the greater part of it is under Sheep pasture, the property of J. Sinclair Esq.
OS1/7/9/82 SCHOOL [Free Church, East Shebster] Free Church School Evander Matheson, Teacher. Revd [Reverend] D. Munro. East Shebster Valuation Roll. 010 Is situated in the district of east Shebster, there is a dwelling house attached the whole house is in good repair, it was built in 1849. the number of Scholars attending School is 80 45 Boys and 35 Girls. it is very conveniently situated for the surrounding district.
OS1/7/9/82 [Page] 82 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Crofts of Achimore] 2nd [Note East Shebster] 1st [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/83 DUNCAN'S WELL Duncan's Well George Sinclair. Shebster Mr Donald McKay, East Shebster Revd [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster 010 Is a spring well situated at the East corner of the Leans of Shebster, and in the district of West Shebster, it is well known by this name, on the property of the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/83 LEANS OF SHEBSTER Leans of Shebster George Sinclair. Shebster Mr Donald McKay, East Shebster Revd [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster 010 This is a low lying piece of meadow land, by the side of the Burn of Shebster, and in the district of West Shebster, the property of His Grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/83 BURN OF SHEBSTER Burn of Shebster George Sinclair. Shebster Mr Donald McKay, East Shebster Revd [Reverend] D. Munro, East Shebster 010 Is a small burn which taKes its rise from drains in the Flow, and flows westwards for about two miles, after which it joins the Dounreay Burn. it is well known by this name.
OS1/7/9/83 [Page] 83 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Duncan's Well] 3rd [Note Leans of Shebster] 2nd [Note Burn of Shebster] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/84 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Burn of Shebster] Pictish House (Remains of) Revd [Reverend] Donald Munro, East Shebster George Sinclair, Shebster. Peter Henderson, Achimenach. 010 A small partly destroyed Pictish House, situated close upon the Burn of Shebster, in apearance it resembles other houses of the kind being green, and built with. all kinds of stone.
OS1/7/9/84 ACHIMENACH Achimenach Peter Henderson, Tenant Revd. [Reverend] Donald Munro. Valuation Roll. 010 Is an ordinary sized Farmsteading, not in very good repair, situated in East Shebster, the property of James Sinclair Esq of Forss.
OS1/7/9/84 [Page] 84 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achimenach] 2nd Shebester Village [crossed out] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/85 BAILIE HILL Bailie Hill Mr. James Robertson Shebster Mr. D. Dick Shebster Mr. Cairncross Thurso Mr. McKay. Tenant of Bailie farm. 010 An uncultivated, medium hill the property of James Sinclair Esqr. Forss.
OS1/7/9/85 [Page] 85 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Bailie Hill] 2nd [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/86 [Page] 86 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/87 BORAG (In Ruins) Borag (in ruins) John McDonald. Milton John Ross. Mill of Milton Hugh McKay, Clashmore. 010 This name applys to a small ruin, situated about 15 chains North of Claperon. the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/87 BORAG KNOWE Borag Knowe John McDonald. Milton John Ross. Mill of Milton Hugh McKay, Clashmore. 010 A small hillock well known by this name situated about ten chains North of Claperon. the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/87 BREAC-LEATHAD Breac - leathad John McDonald. Milton John Ross. Mill of Milton Hugh McKay, Clashmore. 010 This name applys to the whole of the west side of the hill called Cnoc-an-t-Samraidh, & is well known by this name, the property of His grace the DuKe of Portland.
OS1/7/9/87 [Page] 87 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Borag (in ruins)] 3rd [Note Borag Knowe] 3rd [Note Breac - leathad] (Speckled Hill side) [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/88 [Page] 88 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Leans of Reay Burn - Can [Cancelled] Milton Moss Well - Can [Cancelled] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/89 [Page] 89 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Helshetter Moss [crossed out] Cancelled [signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/89 Entries crossed out.
OS1/7/9/90 [Page] 90 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/91 CREAG LEATHAN Creag Leathan William Innes Esq Reay Thomas Rae, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A low broad - topped hill with a round rocky protuberance on the North East end of it - the ascent on the north side of Creag Leathan is steep - on the south side it slopes gradually from Claperon
OS1/7/9/91 MILTON MOSS Milton Moss William Innes Esq Reay Thomas Rae, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A large peat moss from which the tenants of Millton and the surrounding farms and crofts take their peats. it is on the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland
OS1/7/9/91 [Page] 91 Ph. [Parish] of Reay -- Co. [County] of Caithness [Note Creag Leathan] (Broad Craig) 2nd [Signed] G. Hobson C A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/92 SANDSIDE BURN Sandside Burn Rev. [Reverend] J Murray. Minister Thomas Rae. Esq. Borlum W Gunn. Schoolmaster Reay 010 ; 016 The continuation of Allt Gleann Thorcaill from its junction with Alltan Nodha Mòr after a serpentine course of about four miles it enters the sea at Sandside Bay
OS1/7/9/92 [Page] 92 Co [County] Caithness -- Reay Ph. [Parish]
OS1/7/9/93 CNOC AN T-SAMHRAIDH Cnoc-an-t-Samraidh William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq, Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 A long low hill covered with heather - which affords good pasturage for the cattle during the Summer Hence the name.
OS1/7/9/93 BRUACH BHREAC Bruach Bhreac William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq, Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 This name applies to the North end of the hill called Cnoc-an-t-Samraidh it is rugged and broken. A few cropping rocks shewing themselves above the heather gives it a speckled appearance - hence the name.
OS1/7/9/93 REAY BURN Reay Burn William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq, Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 A small stream which rises about a mile south of Claperon Its course is in a northerly direction and it falls into the sea a few chains west of Isauld Port.
OS1/7/9/93 [Page] 93 Ph. [Parish] of Reay -- Co. [County] of Caithness [Note Cnoc-an-t-Samraidh] (Summer Hillock) 2nd [NoteBruach Bhreac] (Speckled Bank) [Signed] G. Hobson CA [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/94 HELSHETTER Helshetter Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum House William Innes Esq. Reay. John McDonald, Millton 010 A shepherd's house about half a mile south of Reay Village, The property of His Grace The Duke of Portland
OS1/7/9/94 TORRAN DUBH Torran Dubh Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum House William Innes Esq. Reay. John McDonald, Millton 010 A small round rocky hillock about 22 chains south of Helshetter, partially covered with heather.
OS1/7/9/94 CLAPERON Claperon Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum House William Innes Esq. Reay. John McDonald, Millton 010 A small round rocky Knoll, a prominent feature on the moorland - the name is pronounced in two syllables - thus: Clape-ron, and may be a corruption of the Gaelic, meaning, ''Hook nose''.
OS1/7/9/94 [Page] 94 Parish of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Helshetter] 2nd [Note Torran Dubh] (Black Hillock) 3rd [Note Claperon] 3rd [Signed] G. Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/95 CREAG LIATH Creag Liath John Campbell, Isauld Thomas Campbell Isauld Hugh McKay, Clashmore 010 A large flat rocK situated upon the east side of Creag Mor it is high up upon the hill, & is seen for a good distance, well known by this name the property of Sir R.C. Sinclair of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/95 [Page] 95 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Creag Liath] (Gray Craig) 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/96 [Page] 96 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Achvarasdal Well (chalybeate) [crossed out] cancelled CnocKfin Well (chalybeate) [crossed out] Clashmore Well (chalybeate) [crossed out] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/97 CREAG BHEAG Creag Bheag William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 A small round hill the surface of which is rugged and broken - covered with heathy pasture - it is on the property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/97 CREAG MHÒR Creag Mòr William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 Another round hill similar to the above but larger in size and a little more rugged and broken - both are striking features in the landscape - Creag Mòr is on the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/97 CLAIS AN TUIRC Clais an Tuirc William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae Esq. Borlum John McDonald, Millton 010 This name applies to a small narrow valley at the foot of Creag Mòr It is one of those peculiar features which one cannot account for but it has probably been hollowed out by the action of water.
OS1/7/9/97 [Page] 97 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co. [County] of Caithness [Note Creag Bheag] (Little Craig) [Note Creag Mòr (Big Craig) [Note Clais an Tuirc] (Hollow of the Castrated Boar) 2nd [Signed] G. Hobson CA [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/98 CLACH CLAIS AN TUIRC Clach-Clais-an Tuirc William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq. Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A large standing stone a few chains North of Clais an Tuirc. It probably marks the spot where some pictish hero fell. Not far from it are what seems to be Tumuli but as no information whatever can be obtained of them I did not put them in the Plan.
OS1/7/9/98 KNOCKFIN Knockfin William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq. Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 The ruins of a small farm steading, at the foot of Creag Beag. on the property of his Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/98 CLASHMORE Clashmore William Innes, Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq. Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 This name applies to the ruins of a number of small farm steadings, on the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle.
OS1/7/9/98 [Page] 98 Ph. [Parish] of Reay -- Co. [County] of Caithness [Note Clach-Clais-an Tuirc] (Stone of the Hollow of the Castrated boar) (Standing Stone) Diagram/drawing on page [Note Clashmore] 2nd [Signed] G Hobson CA [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/99 ACHAVEILAN Achaveilan William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A number of small farm steadings in ruins, on the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/99 ACHAVEILAN BURN Achaveilan Burn William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 This burn issues from Loch Saorach - and pursues a North Westerly course joining the Achinabest Burn, almost opposite the farm of that name.
OS1/7/9/99 CREAGAN REAMHAR Creagan Reamhar William Innes Esq, Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A small Eminence Covered with heathy pasture - it is only about 30 feet above the level of the surrounding moorland - there is a small craig on the East side of it.
OS1/7/9/99 [Page] 99 Ph. [Parish] of Reay -- Co. [County] of Caithness [Note Achaveilan Burn] 2nd [Note Creagan Reamhar] (Fat or plump little Craig) [Signed] G. Hobson CA [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/100 ACHVARASDAL (In Ruins) Achvarasdal Mr N Innes, Esq Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 The ruins of a farm steading - situated at the foot of Creag Mòr. The property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/100 CNOC NA GAOITH Cnoc-na-Gaothe Mr N Innes Esq Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 A small round hill in the centre of an extensive peat moor although a prominent feature it is of no great height
OS1/7/9/100 BLAR CNOC NA GAOITH Blar-Cnoc-na Gaorthe Mr N Innes Esq Reay Thomas Rae, Esq, Borlum House John McDonald, Millton 010 An extensive peatmoss on the property of Sir Robert Gordon Sinclair of Murkle Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/7/9/100 [Page] 100 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co [County] of Caithness [Note Cnoc-na-Gaothe] (Hill of the Wind) [Note Blar-Cnoc-na Gaorthe] (Hill of the wind Moss) [Signed] G Hobson C A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/101 ACHIBEGG MOSS Achibegg Moss George Sinclair. Shepherd Shebster Angus Ross. Achreregan John Ross. Mill of Milton. 010 This is a peat moss, it is not very large, but the peats taKen from it are said to be very good, it is situated at the south end of East Shebster and is the property of James Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/101 ALLT RUADH Allt Ruadh George Sinclair. Shepherd Shebster Angus Ross. Achreregan John Ross. Mill of Milton. 010 A small burn which taKes its rise on the moor about 130 chains south of Broubster Cottage, a flows eastwards untill it joins the Forss Water, at the south corner of Blar-na-Craoibhe Moss, it is very well known by this name
OS1/7/9/101 [Page] 101 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Allt Ruadh] (Red Burn) Bard a' Ghunnach [crossed out] [Signed] Matthew BanKs C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/102 ACHREREGAN MORE (In Ruins) Achreregan More [in ruins] George Sinclair, shepherd Shebster Angus Ross, Ashreregan John Ross Mill of Milton 010 This is the ruins of an old Farmsteading it is situate about 20 chains south of Achreregan Begg all the land that was attached to this farm is now under sheep pasture it is on Broubster & the property of Sir R.C Sinclair of MurKle.
OS1/7/9/102 [Page] 102 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Blar Clais an Fhearchair [crossed out] [Note Achreregan More] 2nd [Signed] Matthew BanKs. C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/103 BROUBSTER COTTAGE Broubster Cottage Rent roll of estate Mr Tait, Factor for Sir R.C. Sinclair Mr Scott Gunn, Clerk , Thurso 010 A small cottage by the side of the public road leading to Broubster and near the north end of Clais an Fearchair. The property of Sir R.C. Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/103 CLAIS AN FHEARCHAIR Clais an Fearchair Clushna Farquhar William Innes - Reay Inn John McDonald, Millton Hugh McKay, Blarmore New Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] 010 A hollow at the foot of the Acheregan Hill - which is said to take its name from a pictish hero who was slain near it. There is nothing peculiar in its appearance - nor any standing stone in it - to confirm the tradition.
OS1/7/9/103 [Page] 103 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co [County] of Caithness [Note Broubster Cottage] 2nd [Notes Clais an Fearchair] Farqahar's Hollow [to be written] for reference The letter F always aspirated after the genitive mas. [masculine] An of the Article. "Tradition states that, at the time when the Danes overran these northern parts, a son of a Danish prince, named Alluva, was slain, and interred at a place in Strathalladale, called after his name Dalalluva, and that another Danish prince named Farquhar, was interred at Brubster, in a place to this day demoninated Clashua Farquhar" vide new Stat. Acct [Statistical Account]
OS1/7/9/104 LEANS OF ACHREREGAN Leans of Achreregan William Innes. Reay Inn Sergt (Sergeant) Ross. Post Office John McDonald - Reay 010 A long flat of marshy rough pasture land by the side of the Forss Water and about a mile north of Broubster Village, it takes its name from the farm of Achreregan
OS1/7/9/104 [Page] 104 Co [County] of Caithness -- Ph [Parish] of Reay
OS1/7/9/105 HILL OF ACHALONE Hill of Achalone Mr Innes, Reay Inn John McDonald, Millton Hugh McKay, Blarmore 010 A small round hill Covered with heathy pasture - on the property of Mr Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/105 BLAR NA CRAOIBHE Blar- na-Craiobe Mr Innes, Reay Inn John McDonald, Millton Hugh McKay, Blarmore 010 A large peat moss - at the foot of the Hill of Achalone It takes its name from a small farm near it - called Crieve (corruption of Croibh a tree) (The name of this farm has been altered to "Cruives" by the factor of the estate) The property of Sir R.C Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/105 CÙlL NA CRAOIBHE Cuil na Criathe Mr Innes, Reay Inn John McDonald, Millton Hugh McKay, Blarmore 010 A small hollow at the foot of the Hill of Achalone - and at the north corner of Blar na Craoibhe- it is on the property of Mr Sinclair of Forss
OS1/7/9/105 [Page] 105 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co [County] of Caithness [Note Hill of Achalone] 2nd [Note Blar-na-Craiobe] (Moss of the tree) 200 [Note Cuil na Criathe] 2nd (Corner of the tree) 199
OS1/7/9/106 ACHREREGAN BEGG Achreregan Begg Rent roll of Estate Mr Tait, factor Mr S. Gerrard, Thurso 010 A small arable croft with dwelling house outhouses and gardens attached - the property of Sir R.C. Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/106 ACHREREGAN BEG [1895] Mr D, Nicolson, Montpellier Ho [House], Wick N.B. [North Britain] 010
OS1/7/9/106 ACHREREGAN HILL Achreregan Hill Rent roll of Estate Mr Tait, factor Mr S. Gerrard, Thurso 010 A small round hill of no great eminence (covered with heather) -part of which is arable Sir R.C. Sinclair's property and part belongs to Mr Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/106 [Page] 106 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co [County] of Caithness [Note Achreregan Hill] 2nd Allt Clais an [crossed out] Cancelled [Signed] Matthew BanKs c/a. [civilian assistant]
OS1/7/9/107 CRUIVES Cruives Mr Tait, Factor, Thurso Mr Scott Gunn, Thurso Rent roll of Estate 010 A small croft with arable land and sheep pasture attached - situated on the Extreme south east end of the parish. The property of Sir R.C. Sinclair of Murkle
OS1/7/9/107 ACHALONE Achalone Sinclair Esq. of Forss. Mr Swanson, Tenant. William Campbell, Achalone 010 A small arable farm with a steading - dwelling house and outhouses attached. The property of Mr Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/107 [Page] 107 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- Co [County] of Caithness
OS1/7/9/108 MEUR GADACH Meur Gadach For Authorities and descriptive remarks see the 6 inch name Book of Reay Sheet 16.
OS1/7/9/108 [Page] 108
OS1/7/9/109 FUARAN GEAL (Sulphureous) Fuaran Geal Mr. J. McDonald, Reay Mr. G. Ross, Reay Mr W. Burnett, Helshetter 010 Situated about a mile South east of Helshetter. Its waters are Said to be medicinal, and are Supposed to contain about as much Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, as the mineral waters of Strathpeffer, though not so much used as a medicine, as very few know of it.
OS1/7/9/109 MEUR AN FHUARAIN GHIL Meur an Fluarain Ghile Mr. J. McDonald, Reay Mr. G. Ross, Reay Mr W. Burnett, Helshetter 010 Rises Some little distance South east of the White well, pursues a north westerly course to a confluence with the Reay Burn.
OS1/7/9/109 [Page] 109 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Fuaran Geal] White Well [Notes Meur an Fluarain Ghile] Branch of the White Well Mr Carpenter Correct J.C [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/110 LEATHAD BREAC Leathad Breac John McDonald, Milton, Reay. William McDonald, Shurrery William Burnett, Helshetter 010 Leathad Breac applies to the west side of Cnoc an Airidh. It is covered with heath. The property of His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/110 MEUR AI CHROCHAIN GHIL Meur a Chrocan Gheal John McDonald, Milton, Reay. William McDonald, Shurrery William Burnett, Helshetter 010 Rises some little distance north west of Cnoc an Fhraoich and flows northward to a confluence with Meur a' Chrochan Gheal and Meur Gadach, where they assume the name of Reay Burn.
OS1/7/9/110 CROCHAN GEAL Crochan Geal John McDonald, Milton, Reay. William McDonald, Shurrery William Burnett, Helshetter 010 This name applies to a rushy piece of ground at the confluence of Meur an Fraoch with Meur a' Chrochan Gheal. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/110 [Page] 110 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Leathad Breac] Spotted hill-side [Notes Meur a Chrocan Gheal] Branch of the White Bog See the name meur a chrochain Ghil page 29 Name Bk [Book] for sheet 16 [Note Crochan Geal] This name isn't in the dictionary. It is said to mean bog. [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/111 MEUR AN FHRAOICH Meur an Fhraoch G. Brydon Shurrery G. Bain Achnacly William McDonald Shurrery 010 A Small Stream, rising on the north base of Cnoc an Fhraoich, It flows northward to a confluence with Meur a' Chrochan Gheal.
OS1/7/9/111 MEUR BEINN RÀTHA Meur Beann Ràtha G. Brydon Shurrery G. Bain Achnacly William McDonald Shurrery 010 ; 015 A Small Stream, rising on the South East base of Beinn Rath. It flows north eastwards, to a confluence with Sandside Burn.
OS1/7/9/111 ALLTAN NODHA BEAG Alltan Nodha Beag G. Brydon Shurrery G. Bain Achnacly William McDonald Shurrery 010 Rises east of Sithean Harry and runs to the South to a confluence with Meur Beann Ratha
OS1/7/9/111 [Page] 111 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Meur an Fhraoich] -- The Heather Branch [Note Meur Beinn Ràtha] -- The Ben Raw Branch or Branch of circle Hill. [Note Alltan Nodha Beag] -- the Small New Streamlet [Signed] George Rose C. A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/112 HELSHETTER STRATH Helshetter Strath Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. W. Burnett Helshetter Mr. G. Ross Reay 010 This name, applies to a flat piece of ground, along the Sandside Burn some little distance above Helshetter. The property of His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/112 CNOCAN NAN EUN Cnocan an Eun Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. W. Burnett Helshetter Mr. G. Ross Reay 010 A small rocky knoll north of Cnoc an Airidhe, The property of The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/112 CNOCAN DUBH NAN EUN Cnocan Dubh an Eun Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. W. Burnett Helshetter Mr. G. Ross Reay 010 A heath covered eminence north of Cnoc an Eoin The Property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/112 LOCHAN NAN EUN Lochan an Eun Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. W. Burnett Helshetter Mr. G. Ross Reay 010 A small Lake west of Cnoc an Eoin, and South west of Cnocan Dubh an Eoin.
OS1/7/9/112 [Page] 112 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Cnocan an Eun] -- Birds' Hillock [Note Cnocan Dubh an Eun] -- The birds Black hillock [Note Cnocan Dubh an Eun] -- The birds Black hillock [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/113 ARYLEIVE Aryleive Mr. Rae, Borlum. Mr. McDonald Reay Mr. Brydon Shurrery 010 This name applies to a piece of Green, Rough, pasture, part of which appears to have been, at one time, in cultivation. There is a lime Kiln at this place, in which lime is made for the land. The Stone is taken out of a quarry quite close to it. The property of the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/113 ARYLEIVE MOSS Aryleive Moss Mr. Rae, Borlum. Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. Brydon Shurrery 010 A peat moss extending northward from Aryleive. I think this name is a corrupton of Airidh Liath. Signifying Grey Sheiling. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/113 [Page] 113 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/114 CNOC NAN AIRIDHE Cnoc an Airidh Mr. J. McDonald Reay Mr. Brydon Shurrery Mr. William McDonald Shurrery 010 A heath covered eminence immediately west of Aryleive. The property of His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/114 ACHVARASDAL LEANS Achvarasdal Leans Mr. J. McDonald Reay Mr. Brydon Shurrery Mr. William McDonald Shurrery 010 This name applies to a piece of rough pasture extending along the east bank of the Stream of that name Proprietor Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/114 [Page] 114 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Cnoc an Airidh] -- Sheiling Hill [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/115 GLEANN SAOTHAIR AN ATHAICH Gleann Saothair an Athaich John McDonald Millton, Reay Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr. George Brydon Shurrery 010 This name applies to a deep narrow glen, near Loch Thormaid, which was believed by the old inhabitants to be made by a giant with thee [three] cuts of his Spade; hence the name. It was also believed to be haunted by Ghosts, and many of the old people Still Say ''That no person ever passed through it in the night without Seeing Something a Ghost. The glen appears to have been made by a land-slip, for there is no Stream passes through it, by which it might have been worn out. The property of Sir R. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/115 [Page] 115 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Gleann Saothair an Athaich] -- Glen of the Giants Labour [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/116 ACHVARASDAL BURN Achvarasdal Burn Achvarasdal Burn Achvarasdal Burn Achvaresdale Mr. Tait Factor. Rent Roll Estate Plan Valuation Roll 010 Rises on the north west base of Beinn nam Bad, from which it pursues a northerly course; passes Achvarasdal Lodge, near which the name is changed to Isauld Burn.
OS1/7/9/116 CNOC AN RUIGHEIN DUIBH Cnoc an Ruighean Duibh R. Sutherland Broubster J. McDonald Reay 010 This name applies to a heath Covered eminence, west of Loch Tormaid. The property of Sir R. G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/116 CNOC SAOTHAIR AN ATHAICH Cnoc Saothair an Athaich. R. Sutherland Broubster J. McDonald Reay 010 A heath covered eminence on the north side of the Glen so called. The Property of Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/116 [Page] 116 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Pencil Note Achavarasdal Burn] -- Achvaresdale - It is written this on the 6 inch south of this plan please alter it [Initialled] G.R. [Note Cnoc an Ruighein Duibh] -- Hill of the black base or side [Faint Note] -- [??] ending n followed by an adjective beginning with D the latter is not aspirated [as a] rule [??] always followed but on [??....] on [plans] [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/116 Note Cnoc an Ruighein Duibh - parts illegible.
OS1/7/9/117 LOCH THORMAID Loch Thormaid Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster 010 A large Lake, lying Some little distance north east of Loch Sigh. This Lake is very good for Trout fishing. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/117 LOCH SAORACH Loch Saorach Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster 010 Another long narrow Lake lying east of Loch Thormaid, the waters of which flows into this Lake. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/117 BARD AN EICH Bard an Eich Mr J. McDonald Reay Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster 010 This name applies to an old park, which was at one time in cultivation, but is now quite rough. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/117 [Page] 117 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Loch Thormaid] -- Norman's Lake [Note Loch Saorach] -- Laborious Lake [Notes Bard an Eich] -- The horse Park Bard in Sutherland signifies a ParK, an Inclosure [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/118 BROUBSTER HILL Broubster Hill Mr. R. Sutherland Mr. A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A heath covered eminence on the East Side of Loch Saorach. The property of Sir R. G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/118 BRUBSTER HILL [1895] For 1" purposes only. see Index Mr D. Nicolson, Montpellier House, Wick N.B [North Britain] 010
OS1/7/9/118 GÀRADH AN RÀTHA Gàradh an Ràtha Mr. R. Sutherland Mr. A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 This name applies to the remains of a picts house round the base of which, Stones have been thrown off the land, and formed a rough fence; hence the name. The house has been a small one, and has no appearance of ever having been opened.
OS1/7/9/118 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Gàradh an Ràtha] Pictish House (Remains of) 010 This name applies to the remains of a picts house round the base of which, Stones have been thrown off the land, and formed a rough fence; hence the name. The house has been a small one, and has no appearance of ever having been opened.
OS1/7/9/118 BUALMORE (In Ruins) Bualmore Mr. R. Sutherland Mr. A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 From Buaile Mòr Signifying large Fold. The remains of an old Farm-steading. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/118 [Page] 118 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Gàradh an Ràtha] -- Wall of the circle [Signed] G Rose. C A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/119 MEANAVAL (In Ruins) Meinaval Mr. R. Sutherland Brubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay Mr A. Elder Brubster 010 The remains of an old farm-steading. The name is derived from the gaelic words Meadhon a' Bhaile Signifying Middle of the town. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/119 CLABAN (In Ruins) Claban Mr. R. Sutherland Brubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay Mr A. Elder Brubster 010 The remains of a Small Farm-steading. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/119 STAILL Staill Mr. R. Sutherland Brubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay Mr A. Elder Brubster 010 An old Farm-steading, now the residence of a Shepherd. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/119 [Page] 119 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/120 TORNAHEATEN (In Ruins) Tornaheaten Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 From - Torr an Eudainn; Signifying - Hillock of the face. Applies to the remains of A Small Farm-steading. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/120 CLACHVOL (In Ruins) Clachvol Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 From - Clach Bhuaile, Signifying - Stone-fold. Another Small farm-Steading, (in Ruin) The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/120 TORR AN T-SNIOMHA Torr an Sniomha Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr. G. Brydon Shurrery Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A Small round hillock, the remains of a Pictish House, There is a few Small burned Stones, to be Seen on this hillock, but there is no appearance of its having been opened.
OS1/7/9/120 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Torr an t-Sniomha] 010 A Small round hillock, the remains of a Pictish House, There is a few Small burned Stones, to be Seen on this hillock, but there is no appearance of its having been opened.
OS1/7/9/120 [Page] 120 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Torr an Sniomha] -- Hillock of Sadness [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/121 LEANS OF BROUBSTER Leans of Broubster Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A large tract of Soft land, extending along the Forss water. The property of Sir R. G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/121 LOCHAN EALACH Lochan Ealach Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A Small lake, lying north east of the Village of Broubster, One half of which belongs to Mr. Sinclair Forss, and the other to Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/121 TORR NA CRAOIBHE Torr na Craoibhe Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Mr A. Elder Broubster Mr. J. McDonald Reay 010 A large Knoll by the edge of the Public Road, near the Bridge of Broubster. Part of it on the north side, Seems to have been cut away, but it must have been may [many] years ago, as no person knows anything about it. Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Says, ''there was a house of some kind stood at that end of it, which looked like an old Chapel, with a fence round it, this however is only supposition, and the stones of both house, and fence, have been taken away, for building purposes, many years ago.
OS1/7/9/121 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Torr na Craoibhe] Picts House Remains of 010 A large Knoll by the edge of the Public Road, near the Bridge of Broubster. Part of it on the north side, Seems to have been cut away, but it must have been may [many] years ago, as no person knows anything about it. Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster Says, ''there was a house of some kind stood at that end of it, which looked like an old Chapel, with a fence round it, this however is only supposition, and the stones of both house, and fence, have been taken away, for building purposes, many years ago.
OS1/7/9/121 [Page] 121 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Lochan Ealach] -- Small Swan Lake [Note Torr na Craoibhe] -- Knoll of the tree [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/122 ACHNACLY Achnacly Mr. Sutherland Brubster Mr. G. Bain Brubster Mr J. McDonald Reay 010 This name applies to two Small Farm-Steadings, one occupied by Mr. G Bain and the other by Mr. R. Sutherland. The Property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/122 TORR A' CHÀISE Torr a Chaise Mr. Sutherland Brubster Mr. G. Bain Brubster Mr J. McDonald Reay 010 This name applies to a small knoll, covered with stones and rough pasture, on which the tenants were in the habit of drying their cheese in the sun. Hence the name.
OS1/7/9/122 [Page] 122 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Tota na Drochaid crossed out] [Notes Torr a' Chàise] -- The Cheese Knoll accent wanted [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/123 BRIDGE OF BROUBSTER Bridge of Broubster Mr. R. Sutherland Brubster Mr. Brydon Shurrery Mr. Bain Achnacly 010 A Stone Bridge which Spans the Forss Water on the public Road near the Village of Broubster. This bridge is held in repair by the County -
OS1/7/9/123 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Bridge of Broubster] Pictish House (Remains of) Mr. R. Sutherland Brubster Mr. Brydon Shurrery Mr. Bain Achnacly 010 As this one has been taken down and cultivated some time ago, there is nothing of it to be seen except a kind of rise in the ground, where it Stood. Mr. Sutherland, who removed it, found Human bones in it, but as he only flatened the top of it, he can give no information about the interior of it.
OS1/7/9/123 HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Pict's House, Bridge of Broubster] 010 As this one has been taken down and cultivated some time ago, there is nothing of it to be seen except a kind of rise in the ground, where it Stood. Mr. Sutherland, who removed it, found Human bones in it, but as he only flatened the top of it, he can give no information about the interior of it.
OS1/7/9/123 [Page] 123 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Tota Gharbhaig crossed out] [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/124 AULTAN Aultan Mr. A. Elder Tenant Mr. G. Bain. Tenant of Achnacly Mr. Sutherland Achnacly 010 This name Applies to a Small croft, out houses & garden attached. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/124 TWO STONE CISTS CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Tumulus, Achnacly] Stone Cist found here - A.D. 1790 Stone Cist found here A.D. 1872 Mr G. Bain, Broubster Mr C. Bain, Broubster Mr Sutherland, Achnacly 010 About 80 years ago the present tenant's father of Achnacly while removing some Earth and stones from Tota Gharbhaig discovered a stone cist containing human remains - This cist, which was formed of four rough slabs set on edge - appears, from Mr Bain's description, to have been a Short one - The one found two years ago by his son (The present tenant) was of the same description and contained human remains - which were almost turned to Earth - I think that Tota Gharbhaig is a ''Grave Mound'' and not the remains of a pictish house - as there is nothing but a confused heap of Earth and stones - and no trace of building - but it is impossible to get any information about these antiquities without antiquarian notes on the different Broughs & picts Houses - I am afraid that many of these mounds which are no doubt ''Grave Mounds'' or Sepurchural cairns have in some cases been erroneously described as the remains of Pictish houses
OS1/7/9/124 TUMULUS (Remains of) 010 About 80 years ago the present tenant's father of Achnacly while removing some Earth and stones from Tota Gharbhaig discovered a stone cist containing human remains - This cist, which was formed of four rough slabs set on edge - appears, from Mr Bain's description, to have been a Short one - The one found two years ago by his son (The present tenant) was of the same description and contained human remains - which were almost turned to Earth - I think that Tota Gharbhaig is a ''Grave Mound'' and not the remains of a pictish house - as there is nothing but a confused heap of Earth and stones - and no trace of building - but it is impossible to get any information about these antiquities without antiquarian notes on the different Broughs & picts Houses - I am afraid that many of these mounds which are no doubt ''Grave Mounds'' or Sepurchural cairns have in some cases been erroneously described as the remains of Pictish houses
OS1/7/9/124 [Page] 124 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Aultan] -- from Alltan a Streamlet [Signed] George Hobson
OS1/7/9/125 STANDING STONES [Port an Eilein] Standing Stone No. 1 Alexander Elder Broubster Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster George Bain Achnacly 010 Is Situated on the north west of Port an Eilein, a Short distance east of Brubster Village. It is Supposed to be a Sepulchral monument.
OS1/7/9/125 STANDING STONES Standing Stone No 2 010 Another of the Same Situated about 5 chains South of No.1.
OS1/7/9/125 STANDING STONES [Broubster] Standing Stone No.3 Alexander Elder Broubster Mr. R. Sutherland Broubster George Bain Achnacly 010 Another Similar to No 1 Situated, about half way between No 1 and the Village of Broubster
OS1/7/9/125 [Page] 125 [Sketches of Standing Stones inserted, with measurements] -- 1. [Height] - 4 Feet 5 in [inches]; [Width] - 2 1/2 feet; [Depth] 1 F. [Foot] 2. [Height] - 3 feet; [Width] 1 1/2 [feet]; [Depth] - 1 F [Foot] 3. [Height] - 3 feet; [Width] - 2 ft [feet]; [Depth] - 1 1/2 [feet] [signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/126 STANDING STONE Standing Stone No 4 Mr. Elder Broubster Mr. R. Sutherland Mr. Bain Achnacly 10.16.5. Situated within a few links of No.3. A Supposed Sepulchral monument.
OS1/7/9/126 [Page] 126 County - Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note] -- see page 125 [Sketch inserted, with measurements] -- [Height] - 3 F [Feet]; [Width] - 2 1/2 feet; [Depth] - 1 foot [Signed] George Rose C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/127 BIG ISLAND Big Island William Falconer. Lochside. James Bremner. Assary. Robert McDonald Assary 011 A small Island in Loch Calder through which the parish boundary runs; it contains the ruins of a robers dwelling, who was supposed to have lived here about the year 1600.
OS1/7/9/127 RUDHA GAR Rudha Gar William Falconer. Lochside. James Bremner. Assary. Robert McDonald Assary 011 Applies to a small head running into the Loch near its middle on the west side, and not far from the ''Big Island''.
OS1/7/9/127 [Page] 127 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay
OS1/7/9/128 [Page] 128 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/129 [Page] 129 County of Caithness -- Ph [Parish] of Reay [Note Burn of Broubster, crossed out] -- see p. [page] 136
OS1/7/9/130 ALLT FORSIESCYE Allt. Forsiescye 016 For Authorities and descriptive remarKs see the 6 inch name booK of Sheet 15
OS1/7/9/130 [Page] 130 Reay Parish
OS1/7/9/131 FORSS WATER Forss Water George Brydon Shurrary George Bain Achnacly James Murray Brubster 016 Issues from Loch Shurrery, pursues a northerly course past the Village of Brubster, and after various windings falls into the bay of Crosskirk. Dividing this Parish on the east from the Parish of Thurso.
OS1/7/9/131 ALLT TORIGIL Allt Torigil George Brydon Shurrary George Bain Achnacly James Murray Brubster 016 This name applies to the lower part of the Stream - Allt Forciesigh, it is called Allt Torigil from where it joins Forss River to a small Island, some little distance west of Feranelan.
OS1/7/9/131 [Page] 131 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Allt Torigil] -- meaning unknown unless from Torcall - a man's name [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/132 FERANELAN (In Ruins) Feranelan George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Achnacly James Murray Brubster 016 This name applies to the remains of a small farm steading, how the word Island is applied to it, is not known unless it has been taken from a small one on the Stream Allt Torigil. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/132 BROUBSTER Broubster George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Achnacly James Murray Brubster 010 ; 016 This name applies to a number of Small farms, and Crofts, some of which have other names besides, but the greater number have none except this. The property of Sir R.G. Sinclair Bart [Baronet].
OS1/7/9/132 BRUBSTER [1895] For 1" purposes only. see index Mr D Nicolson, Montpellier House WicK N.B [North Britain] 010 ; 016
OS1/7/9/132 [Page] 132 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Feranelan] -- Grass of the Island [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/133 CLAIS AN EICH Clais an Eich D. Sutherland George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Achnacly 016 A small hollow South of Monadh an Carn. The Property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/133 SHURRERY Shurrery Shurrery Shurery Shurery Shurery D. Suther;amd George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Achnacly Valuation Roll. New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] BlacKs Map of Caithness Johnstones Map of Caithness 016 This name applies to a number of Small crofts, houses, and a large Sheep Farm. Some of them have other names besides this, but these names are only known among the inhabitants and neighbours. The proprietor his Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/133 [Page] 133 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Clais an Eich] -- Horse's Hollow [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/134 BLÀR AN T-SUIDHE Blar an t-Suidh D. Sutherland Shurrery George Bain Achnacly William Macdonald Shurrery 016 A large peat moss lying Some distance east of the Village of Brubster the Origin of the name is not known. Proprietor - Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/134 BROUBSTER VILLAGE Broubster Village D. Sutherland Shurrery George Bain Achnacly William Macdonald Shurrery 016 This name applies to a small Square of Dwelling houses, The tenants of which, have small pieces of land &c. Proprietor - Sir R.G. Sinclair.
OS1/7/9/134 BRUBSTER VILLAGE [1895] For 1" purposes only, see Index Mr D Nicolson, Montpellier House, WicK, N.B [North Britain] 016
OS1/7/9/134 [Page] 134 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Blàr an t-Suidhe] -- Moss of the Seat, or Sitting [Note Achnacly, crossed out] -- Twice des? [described] [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/135 CHURCH (Chapel of Ease) [Monadh nan Carn] Church (Chapel of Ease) Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Brydon Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 Situated on Monadh an Carn, Was erected by William Innes Esqur of Sandside in 1838. The Tenants of all the Small farms now under Sheep were removed Soon after, and as there was very few left, the Church was Shut up, and has remained So ever since. It belongs to the Established Church and is kept in very good repair.
OS1/7/9/135 MANSE [Chapel of Ease, Monadh nan Carn] Manse Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Brydon Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 The manse is Situated Some little distance South west of the Church, and is at present Occupied by a Crofter, named Donald Sutherland.
OS1/7/9/135 [Page] 135 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Pencil Note Church] -- ? not [Chapel of Ease] [Pencil Note Manse] -- ? [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/136 CLAIS NAN GAIRBHEAL Clais nan Gairbheal Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Bryden Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A Small hollow on the north side of Sithean Dubh, covered with heath. Stones for building purposes are taken out of this hollow, hence the name.
OS1/7/9/136 BURN OF BROUBSTER Burn of Brubster Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Bryden Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A small Stream, formed by the union of two or three drains on the South west side of Port an Eilean, and flows north ward, to a confluence with Loch an Ealach
OS1/7/9/136 [Page] 136 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Clais an Fhuaran crossed out] [Notes Clais nan Gairbheal] -- Quarry Hollow of the freestones of the Free stones? [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/137 MONADH NAN CÀRN Monadh nan Carn Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Brydon Shepherd Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 This name applies to an eminence Some little distance east of the Village of Brubster, part of it is covered with heath and part of [it] is cultivated. There is a church, Manse small croft, and the remains of a Pictish house on this hill; from the latter it has, no doubt, taken the name carn. The Property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/137 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Monadh nan Carn] Pictish House Remains of Donald Sutherland Shurrery George Brydon Shepherd Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 Situated on the top of Monadh an Carn, near the old church. A great number of the Stones of this cairn, have been taken away for building purposes, but it is Still about 8 feet high, covered with loose Stones.
OS1/7/9/137 [Page] 137 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Monadh nan Carn] -- Hill of the Cairns [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/138 SITHEAN DUBH Sithean Dubh George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery 016 A heath covered eminence, Some little distance South of Monadh an Carn, on the Summet of which is the remains of a Pictish house, which when Spoken of, is Sometimes called Sithean Dubh but the hill on which it Stands is the object to which the name belongs. Proprietor His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/138 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Sithean Dubh] Pictish House (Remains of ) George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery John Sutherland Brawlbin 016 Situated on the very summet of Sithean Dubh it is about 10 feet high, covered with loose Stones, Two Skeletons of gigantic Size (human) were taken out of this place, on or about the year 1831, and were Sent to Some Antiquarian Society in London, by the late Captain McDonald of Sandside Reay.
OS1/7/9/138 HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Pict's House, Sithean Dubh] 016 Situated on the very summet of Sithean Dubh it is about 10 feet high, covered with loose Stones, Two Skeletons of gigantic Size (human) were taken out of this place, on or about the year 1831, and were Sent to Some Antiquarian Society in London, by the late Captain McDonald of Sandside Reay.
OS1/7/9/138 STANDING STONE [Sithean Dubh] Standing Stone George Brydon Shurrery George Bain Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery John Sutherland Brawlbin 016 A Standing stone on the north west base of Sithean Dubh. It is Supposed to be a Sepulchral monument.
OS1/7/9/138 [Page] 138 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Sithean Dubh] -- Black Hill [Sketch of Standing Stone inserted with measurements] -- [Height] 3 1/2 Feet; [Width] 2 1/2 Feet; [Depth] 4 inches [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/139 CÀRN LIATH Carn Liath G. Brydon Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery D. Sutherland Shurrery 016 A green knoll, covered with Stones, the remains of a Pictish house, It is of no great height, as many of the Stones have been taken away. I can learn of nothing, being discovered in it. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/139 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Carn Liath] 016 A green knoll, covered with Stones, the remains of a Pictish house, It is of no great height, as many of the Stones have been taken away. I can learn of nothing, being discovered in it. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/139 TOTA MÒR Tota Mòr G. Brydon Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery D. Sutherland Shurrery 016 Applies to the remains of an old house which is Said to have been the residence of one of the proprietors of the Shurrery estate. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/139 TOTA AN DRANNDAIN Tota an Dranndan G. Brydon Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery D. Sutherland Shurrery 016 A round green Knoll about 7 feet high Covered with Rough pasture and Stones, the remains of a Pictish house.
OS1/7/9/139 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Tota an Dranndain] 016 A round green Knoll about 7 feet high Covered with Rough pasture and Stones, the remains of a Pictish house.
OS1/7/9/139 [Page] 139 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Carn Liath] -- Gray Heap [Note Tota Mòr] -- Great Ruin [Note Tota an Dranndain] -- Ruin of the Buzzing [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/140 TIGH-PHEASAIG (In Ruins) Tigh Pheasgaig G. Brydon Shurrery David Campbell Shurrery A. Mackay Cnocglas 016 The remains of a small farm Steading some little distance south east of Torr A Bhathaich. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/140 TIGH AN FHRAOICH (In Ruins) Tigh an Fhraoich G. Brydon Shurrery David Campbell Shurrery A. Mackay Cnocglas 016 The remains of a small farm steading, now under Sheep. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/140 [Page] 140 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Tigh Pheasgaig] -- House of the crevice [Allt Tigh Pheasgaig crossed out] [Note Tigh an Fhraoich] -- House of the heather [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/141 TIGH-A-BHEANNAICH Tigh a' Bheannaich George Bryden Shurrery William MacDonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 This name applies to a small Farm, or Croft, in Shurrery, It takes the name Beannaich - from the remains of the old Chapel called Creagan a' Bheannaich. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/141 TOTA MHURCHAIDH Tota Mhurchaidh George Bryden Shurrery William MacDonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 This name applies to a ruin some little distance west of Tigh an Fhraoch. The proprietor His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/141 BEN SHURRERY Ben Shurrery George Bryden Shurrery William MacDonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A heath covered eminence of considerable elevation situated west of Ben Frectan. Proprietors His Grace the Duke of Portland and J. Sinclair Esquire of Forss.
OS1/7/9/141 [Page] 141 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Tigh a' Bheannaich] -- House of Bless [Note Tota Mhurchaidh] -- Murdoch's Ruin [Pencil Note] -- See page 144 & 180 - this form in the gen. [genitive] is Correct Nom. [Nominative] case Murcha. gen. [genitive] case Mhurchaidh or Mhurchai? [Signed] George Rose
OS1/7/9/142 CNOC AN RÀTHA Cnoc an Ràth Donald Sutherland Shurrery A. Mackay Knockglas George Brydon Shurrery 016 This name applies to a heath covered eminence, some little distance south of Sithean Dubh, on the Summit of which is an old embankment, Supposed to be the remains of a fortification there are also some small circular places which is supposed to have been a kind of watch towers or something Similar. It is Situated some little distance nort of Ben Frectan, or Beinn Fruceadan and has no doubt some connection with the old fortification on that hill. Proprietor - James Sinclair Esqr. Forss.
OS1/7/9/142 Supposed Remains of FORT [Cnoc an Ratha] 016 This name applies to a heath covered eminence, some little distance south of Sithean Dubh, on the Summit of which is an old embankment, Supposed to be the remains of a fortification there are also some small circular places which is supposed to have been a kind of watch towers or something Similar. It is Situated some little distance nort of Ben Frectan, or Beinn Fruceadan and has no doubt some connection with the old fortification on that hill. Proprietor - James Sinclair Esqr. Forss.
OS1/7/9/142 Supposed Remains of WATCH TOWERS 016 This name applies to a heath covered eminence, some little distance south of Sithean Dubh, on the Summit of which is an old embankment, Supposed to be the remains of a fortification there are also some small circular places which is supposed to have been a kind of watch towers or something Similar. It is Situated some little distance nort of Ben Frectan, or Beinn Fruceadan and has no doubt some connection with the old fortification on that hill. Proprietor - James Sinclair Esqr. Forss.
OS1/7/9/142 LOCHAN DUBH Lochan Dubh Donald Sutherland Shurrery A. Mackay Knockglas George Brydon Shurrery 016 A small lake some little distance west of Cnoc an Rath. The Property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/142 [Page] 142 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Cnoc an Ràtha] -- Hill of the Circle [Note Lochan Dubh] -- Small Black lake [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/143 CREAGAN A' BHEANNAICH . Creagan a' Bheannaich George Brydon Shurrery David Campbell Shurrery William McDonald Shurrery 016 A round low hillock covered with stones, the remains of a Chapel and graveyard, no one of the present age had Seen anyone interred here, but Some of them can point out, two or three graves with rough flat Stones over them Shown to them by their fore-fathers. There is nothing of the Chapel to be Seen, except a few large Scattered Stones; to whom it has been dedicated, is not know unless, as some say, there has been a Saint of the name Beannaich. A large Stone which Stood on end Some-where near this place was broken down for building purposes, part of it is still to be seen in a wall near Tigh a Bheannaich, cut on that part of this Stone which is in sight, is a cross and a Small circle. Besides this - there was an incription [inscription] on it, written in Hebrew. but that is not anywhere to be seen.
OS1/7/9/143 CHAPEL AND GRAVE YARD (Site of) [Creagan a' Bheannaich] 016 A round low hillock covered with stones, the remains of a Chapel and graveyard, no one of the present age had Seen anyone interred here, but Some of them can point out, two or three graves with rough flat Stones over them Shown to them by their fore-fathers. There is nothing of the Chapel to be Seen, except a few large Scattered Stones; to whom it has been dedicated, is not know unless, as some say, there has been a Saint of the name Beannaich. A large Stone which Stood on end Some-where near this place was broken down for building purposes, part of it is still to be seen in a wall near Tigh a Bheannaich, cut on that part of this Stone which is in sight, is a cross and a Small circle. Besides this - there was an incription [inscription] on it, written in Hebrew. but that is not anywhere to be seen.
OS1/7/9/143 [Page] 143 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Creagan a' Bheannaich] -- Small Rock of Bless [Pencil Note Beannaich] -- Query Blessed [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/144 TIGH NA CROITE (In Ruins) Tigh na Croite George Bryden Shurrery David Campbell Donald Sutherland Shurrery 016 This name apples to the remains of a house, and old park of arable land which is now in rough pasture. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/144 TORR A' BHÀTHAICH Torr a' Bhàthaich George Bryden Shurrery David Campbell Donald Sutherland Shurrery 016 This name applies to a green Knoll on the top of which Stands the residence of a shepherd. The name is sometimes applied to the houses but only by the neighbours. Shurrery is the name which is generally applied to all the houses about there. The property of his Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/144 TORROVAICH [1895] For 1" purposes only, see Index. Mr. D. Nicolson Montpellier House Wick N.B. [North Britain] 016
OS1/7/9/144 ALLTAN MOINE-MHURCHAI Alltan Moine Mhurchad George Bryden Shurrery David Campbell Donald Sutherland Shurrery 016 A small stream which rises north of Torr a Bhathaich, it pursues an easterly course to a confluence with Forss River.
OS1/7/9/144 [Page] 144 County of Ross -- Parish of Reay [Note Tigh na Croite] -- House of the Croft [Note Torr a' Bhàthaich] -- The Byre Knoll [Notes Alltan Moine Mhurchad] -- Stream of Murdoch's Moss Moine-Mhurchaidh See page 141 [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant] [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/145 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [E of Sithean Dubh] Pictish House (Remains of) William Sinclair Brawlbin A. McKay Cnocglas Donald Sutherland Shurrery 016 Situated some little distance east of Sithean Dubh and north of Cnoc an Rath. The highest part of it is only about 3 feet high, whether part of it has been taken away is not known. Perhaps it may have fallen in. The property of James Sinclair Esquire of Forss.
OS1/7/9/145 [Page] 145 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/146 [Page] 146 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/147 TORR A' MHUILINN Torr a' Mhuilinn George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 Applies to a small Knoll some little distance east of Tigh an Fhraoch, by the river side. The remains of an old (corn) mill is Still to be Seen on the east base of it; hence the name. Proprietor - His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/147 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [S of Tulach Gorm] Pictish House (Remains of) George Brydon Shurrery Peter Elder Shurrery Lodge John McDonald Reay 016 All that remains of this Pictish house is a circular mound a few feet in height, The stones which formed the interior building have long since been removed to build dyKes - nothing of any importance was found in it. It is situated near the side of the Forss Water about 16 chains due South from ''Tulach Gorm''
OS1/7/9/147 [Page] 147 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Torr a' Mhuilinn] -- The Mill Knoll [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/148 INNIS-A-MHUILINN (In Ruins) Innis a' Mhuilinn George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 The remains of a Small Farm. The name Muileann is taken from a Small corn mill which once Stood some little distance to the north. Proprietor His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/148 MEALL DUBH BEAG Meall Dubh Beag George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A heath Covered eminence some little distance north of Shurrery Cottage. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/148 [Page] 148 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Innis a' Mhuilinn [note] Mill pasture Meall Dubh Beag [note] Little Black hill [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/149 TULACH GORM Tulach Gorm George Bryden Shurrery William MacDonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A small green knoll by the river edge some little distance east of the place called Na h-Achadhean. It is about 8 feet high.
OS1/7/9/149 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Tulach Gorm] 016 The remains of a Pict's Ho [House]
OS1/7/9/149 [Page] 149 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Na h-Achaidhean [crossed out] [Bard] Beag [crossed out] Tulach Gorm [note] Green Knoll [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/150 FÉITH BUIDHE Feith Buidhe George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 This name applies to a soft piece of ground, extending Southward along a Small Stream or drain which rises in Coire Buidhe and flows South ward to Loch Calder The property of J. Sinclair Forss.
OS1/7/9/150 ACHNABEINN (In Ruins) Achnabeinn or Achadh na Beinn George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 The remains of a Small Farm Steading, the land which was in cultivation at this place is now rough, and is all under sheep. Proprietor - His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/150 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Achnabeinn] Knoll of the Mountain Field George Brydon Shurrery William Macdonald Shurrery D. Campbell Shurrery 016 Is a low green knoll, the remains of a pictish house. The highest part of it, is not more than 4 feet high, It has every appearance of having cut down, but nothing is known about it
OS1/7/9/150 [Page] 150 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Feith Buidhe] -- Yellow Mire [Note Achnabeinn] -- Field of the Mountain [Signed] G Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/151 SHURRERY COTTAGE Shurrery Cottage George Brydon Shurrery A. Mackay Knocglas R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A Small Shooting Lodge almost concealed in a Small plantation on the west base of Loch Shurrery. This place before the lodge was errected was called Achscoriclate but as the houses so called, are taken away, this name extinct. Proprietor His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/151 SHURRERY PLANTATION Shurrery Plantation George Brydon Shurrery A. Mackay Knocglas R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A Small Plantation of Fir, and Forest trees, on the west base of Loch Shurrery. The property of His Grace the Duk [Duke] of Portland.
OS1/7/9/151 [Page] 151 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/152 TORR NA CRÌCHE Torr na Crìoch George Brydon Shurrery A. Mackay Knockglass D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A Small heath covered hill on the north east base of Loch Shurrery. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/152 BARD NA CAILLICHE Bard na Cailleach George Brydon Shurrery A. Mackay Knockglass D. Campbell Shurrery 016 A piece of Ground on the north east base of Loch Shurrery. Covered with heath and rough pasture The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/152 MEALL DUBH MÒR Meall Dubh Mòr George Brydon Shurrery A. Mackay Knockglass D. Campbell Shurrery 016 Applies to an eminence, South of Meall Dubh Beag, and north west of Shurrery Cottage. Proprietor His Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/152 [Page] 152 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Torr na Crìche] -- The March Knoll [Notes Bard na Cailliche] -- Old Woman's Park Caillich without the final - e See Mac Eachainns Dicty. [Dictionary] [Note Meall Dubh Mòr] -- Great Black hill, or lump. [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/153 CLAIS NAN CAORACH Clais nan Caorach A MacKay Cnocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A Small hollow on the South side of Cnoc an Aireamh The property of J. Sinclair Esqur of Forss.
OS1/7/9/153 LOCH SHURRERY Loch Shurrery A MacKay Cnocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A large lake lying west of Ben Shurrery, and some distance east of Beinn nam Bad. The River Forss flows out of the north end of it. Both Lake and River are very good for Trout fishing.
OS1/7/9/153 BUAILE NAN GOBHAR Buaile nan Gobhar A MacKay Cnocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 This name applies to the remains of a Smal Farm or Croft, also to a Sheepfold, and houses which once Stood near it. The property of his Grace The Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/153 [Page] 153 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Clais nan Caorach] -- The Sheeps' Hollow [Note Buaile nan Gobhar] -- The Goats Fold [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/153A COIRE BUIDHE Coire Buidhe A. MacKay Knockglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A large hollow on the east base of Druim na Calltuinneach, between Ben Frectan and Ben Shurrery. The property of J. Sinclair Esqur Forss.
OS1/7/9/153A DRUIM CALLTUINNEACH Druim Calltuinneach A. MacKay Knockglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A long heath covered ridge, lying between Ben Shurrery and Cnoc an Aireamh. The property of His Grace the Duke of Portland and J. Sinclair Forss.
OS1/7/9/153A CNOC AN AIREIMH Cnoc an Aireamh A. MacKay Knockglas William Sinclair Brawlbin R. Campbell Lambsdale 016 A heath covered eminence west of Ben Frectan. From the name, it is supposed to have been made use of as a place of meeting by those who occupied the fort on the last named hill. Proprietor - J. Sinclair Esqur of Forss.
OS1/7/9/153A [Page] 153A County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Coire Buidhe] -- Yellow Hollow [Note Druim Calltuinneach] -- Ridge of the Hazels [Note Cnoc an Aireimh] -- Hill of the numbering [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/153B TORRAN WATER Torran Water Alexander McKay Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirK, Dorrery 016 The continuation of KnocKglass Water the name extends from where it is joined by Allt-na-h-Imriche to Loch Shurrery Its course is principally in a north westerly direction An Artificial Channel has been cut by the present tenant of Dorrery to prevent the frequent flooding of the Pasture along its course in the Winter season - He was awarded the Highland & Agricultural society's Gold Medal for this Effective and Extensive improvement
OS1/7/9/153B ACHSTEENLATE BURN Achsteenlate Burn Alexander McKay Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirK, Dorrery 016 Rises in Blar-Mairi on the East base of Beinn nam-Bad. It pursues a serpentine course in a north Easterly direction and falls into Loch Shurrery
OS1/7/9/153B [Page] 155 Thurso Ph. [Parish] Detached -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/153B This page is numbered as 155 in the name book but 153B on the template.
OS1/7/9/154 ACHSTEENCLATE (In Ruins) Achsteenlate (In ruins) Alexander McKay, Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirk, Dorrery 016 This name applies to the ruins of two small farm steadings by the side of the Achsteenlate Burn and south of Loch Shurrery on the property of - His Grace The Duke of Portland
OS1/7/9/154 ACHSTEENLATE [1895] Mr. D. Nicolson, Montpellier House WicK N.B. [North Britain] 016
OS1/7/9/154 BLARIFAULD (In Ruins) Blarifauld (In ruins) Alexander McKay, Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirk, Dorrery 016 The ruins of two small farm steadings lying south of Achsteenlate - on the property of - His Grace the Duke of Portland
OS1/7/9/154 [Page] 154 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness
OS1/7/9/155 TORRAN WATER Alexander McKay Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirK, Dorrery 016 The continuation of KnocKglass Water the name extends from where it is joined by Allt-na-h-Imriche to Loch Shurrery Its course is principally in a north westerly direction An Artificial Channel has been cut by the present tenant of Dorrery to prevent the frequent flooding of the Pasture along its course in the Winter season - He was awarded the Highland & Agricultural society's Gold Medal for this Effective and Extensive improvement
OS1/7/9/155 ACHSTEENLATE BURN Achsteenlate Burn Alexander McKay Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam HopKirK, Dorrery 016 Rises in Blar-Mairi on the East base of Beinn nam-Bad - It pursues a serpentine course in a north Easterly direction and falls into Loch Shurrery
OS1/7/9/155 [Page] 155 Thurso Ph [Parish] Detached -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/155 This page 155 is a duplicate of the same page listed as 153B. I have not transcribed it again.
OS1/7/9/156 LAMBSDALE LEANS Lambsdale Leans (Ph [Parish] of Reay) Alexander McKay, Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam Hopkirk, Dorrery 016 The Lambsdale Leans are similar to the above - about 40 acres in extent, and are a continuation of the flat of rough pasture already described - The property of Mr Sinclair of Forss -
OS1/7/9/156 LAMBSDALE Lambsdale Alexander McKay, Knockglass Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Adam Hopkirk, Dorrery 016 A shepherd's house situated near the foot of the Dorrery Hill and on the north East side of Torran Water The property of Mr Sinclair of Forss -
OS1/7/9/156 [Page] 156 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Note Torran Leans, crossed out] -- Copied on name-sheet of halKirk Parish. [Signed] George Hobson C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/156 The Description for Lambsdale Leans makes reference to that for Torran Leans, which has been crossed out and not transcribed.
OS1/7/9/157 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Lambsdale] Tulloch of Lambsdale Pictish House (remains of) Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Alexander McKay, Knockglass Adam HopKirk, Dorrery 016 The remains of a small Pictish dwelling - on the bank of the Torran Water and southwest of Lambsdale Part of it has been removed, but it is so long ago that no information can be obtained if anything of any consequence was found or of the style of its formation the remaining portion of it is between 9 and 10 feet high
OS1/7/9/157 WHITE WELL (Petrifying) White Well Robert Campbell, Lambsdale Alexander McKay, Knockglass Adam HopKirk, Dorrery 016 A fine spring of water almost in a line between Lambsdale and ''The Tulloch'' - and about equidistant from both the qualities of which are slightly pertrifying - a small stream flows from it in which may be found weeds and grass quite hard and encrusted with a whitish substance
OS1/7/9/157 [Page] 157 Ph [Parish] of Reay -- County of Caithness [Signed] George Hobson C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/158 BLAR DEARG Blar Dearg A. Mackay Cnocglas R. Campbell Lambsdale George Brydon Shurrery 016 An extensive moor, covere [covered] with heath and rough pasture extending South eastward from the South end of Loch Shurrery. The Property of the Crown; Sinclair Forss, and His Grace the Duke of Portland.
OS1/7/9/158 TORRAN DUBH MEADHON A' BHLAIR Torran Dubh Meadhon a' Bhlair A. Mackay Cnocglas R. Campbell Lambsdale George Brydon Shurrery 016 A Small round hill in Blar Dearg. The property of The Crown and Sinclair Forss.
OS1/7/9/158 [Page] 158 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Blar Dearg] -- Red Moss [Note Torran Dubh Meadhon a' Bhlair] -- Small Black hill of the Middle of the Moss. [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/159 [Page] 159 [Blank Page]
OS1/7/9/160 LOCH CALDER Loch Calder Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 017 A large fresh-water Loch, about three and a half miles long, and about half a mile broad; one half of it is in this ''Parish'' and the other half is in ''Halkirk'' Parish
OS1/7/9/160 PORT-AN-EILEIN Port an Eilein Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 016 An extensive moorland hill; so named from a harbour, or landing place having formerly been at it's base - at the shore of ''Loch Calder'' - in connection with an Island in that Loch, where a ''Freebooter once resided; the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/160 LORG AN FHAMHAIR Lorg an Fhamhair Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 017 A small ''Knowe'':- the summit of ''Puirt an h, Eilean Hill.'' The name is derived from a marK in a stone thereon resembling that of a human foot: the property of James Sinclair Esqr
OS1/7/9/160 [Page] 160 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Port an eilein] -- Port of the Island [Note Lorg an Fhamhair] -- Giant's Mark [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/160 Lorg an Fhamhair - drawing inserted on page, unsure whether this is meant to depict the footprint on the stone.
OS1/7/9/161 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) The Tulloch Mr Kenneth McKenzie Achater Mr George Gunn Brawlbin Mr William Anson Calder 017 The ruins of a ''Pict's'' house the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/161 CARRISIDE FOLD Carriside Fold Mr Kenneth McKenzie Achater Mr George Gunn Brawlbin Mr William Anson Calder 017 A small rectangular Green: the remains of a sheep, and cattle ''fold'', or ''Pen'' attached to the land of Carriside from which the name arose: the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/161 BURN OF ACHANAON Burn of Achanaon Mr Kenneth McKenzie Achater Mr George Gunn Brawlbin Mr William Anson Calder 017 A small ''Burn''from a junction of Streams at the South West of the lands of ''Achanaon'' to the ''Brawlbin Burn'' at the South East of said lands: this burn separates ''Brawlbin'' from ''Achanaon''
OS1/7/9/161 [Page] 161 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/162 FÉITH GHORM Feith Gorm William Sinclair Brawlbin John Macdonald Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Applies to a soft green piece of ground on the south west side of Loch Calder. The property of J. Sinclair Esquire of Forss.
OS1/7/9/162 [Page] 162 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Notes] - Green Mire should this be Gorm - as in page 149? No. [Initialled] J.C. [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/163 [Page] 163 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Loch Calder crossed out] [Note Port-an-eilein,crossed out] -- see p. [page] 160 [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/164 ACHANAON Achanaon Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 017 This was formerly a small farm-steading; but now a labouer's residence: the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/164 CARRISIDE Carriside Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 017 This was formerly a small farm-steading but is now a labouer's residence:- the land having been converted into ''Sheep pasture'' the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/164 CREAG NAN UAN Creag nan Uan Mr Kenneth McKenzie Mr George Gunn Mr William Anson 017 A small ''Crag'' on the lands of Carriside the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/164 [Page] 164 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Achanaon] -- from Achadh an Athain Field of the ford [Note Creag nan Uan] -- (The Lambs Crag) [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/165 LITTLE ISLAND Little Island 017 For authorities and descriptive remarKs see the name lists of HalKirK Psh [Parish]
OS1/7/9/165 [Page] 165
OS1/7/9/166 STONE CISTS CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Ceanheesaval] Stone Coffin found here Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small hillock in the "top" of which several stone coffins have been found at different times each containing Human remains; the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/166 CEANHEESAVAL Ceanheesaval Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small farm-steading in ''Brawlbin'' the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/166 BUAL Bual Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small ''Croft'' formerly - now a Shepherd's residence in Brawlbin: the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/166 [Page] 166 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Ceanheesaval] -- From Ceann Shios a Baile Signifying East end of the town [Note Bual] -- from Buaile (a fold) [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/167 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Brawlbin] Tulloch Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 The ruins of a ''Picts'' house; in ''Brawlbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/167 SÌTHEAN BUIDHE Sìthean buidhe Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 An artificial hillock: the ruins of a ''Picts'' house, in ''Brawlbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr Forse
OS1/7/9/167 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Sìthean Buidhe] 017 An artificial hillock: the ruins of a ''Picts'' house, in ''Brawlbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr Forse
OS1/7/9/167 CATTAG Cattag Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A large farm steading in Brawlbin. the property of James Sinclair Esqr. of Forse. This name, was given to the Farm, by the people near it, while it was occupied by a man Gunn, from Cattag, near Dirlot, but the name is never written, nor well known, It is generally called after the Tenant. [Initialled] G.R.
OS1/7/9/167 [Page] 167 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/168 BRAWLBIN Brawlbin Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A large district - principally cultivated - the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/168 MILL BRIDGE Mill Bridge Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A Small stone Bridge - of a single arch of Seven foot Span - over a small burn on the Road from HalKirk to ''Doreay'' and ''Brawlbin'': Kept up by the County.
OS1/7/9/168 CLACHBIORACH Clachperach or Clach Biorach Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small ''croft'', in Brawlbin: the property of James Sinclair of Forse
OS1/7/9/168 [Page] 168 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Clachbiorach] -- Signifying - Pointed Stone [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/169 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Brawlbin] An Tulloch Pictish House (Remains of) Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 The ruins of a - ''Picts'' - house, the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/169 SÌTHEAN MÒR Sìthean Mòr Pictish house (Remains of ) Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 The ruins of a large - ''Picts'' - house in ''Brawbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/169 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Sìthean Mòr] 017 The ruins of a large - ''Picts'' - house in ''Brawbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/169 LOCH A' MHUILINN Loch a' Mhuilinn Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A Small ''Loch''; in ''Brawlbin'' the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse.
OS1/7/9/169 [Page] 169 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Loch a' Mhuilinn] -- Mill Lake [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/170 ALLT A' MHUILINN Allt a' Mhuilinn Donald Sutherland Brawlbin William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Is formed by the union of Alltie Vachlan with another Small Stream from Loch Olgney. It pursues a North westerly course past the old mill from which it derives the name, and falls into Brawlbin Burn near to Loch Calder.
OS1/7/9/170 ALLT A' BHACHLAIN Allt a' Vachlan Donald Sutherland Brawlbin William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 A small Stream rising on the South East side of Torr a' Gobhainn, and flows north eastward, to a confluence with Allt a' Mhuilinn. The meaning of the name is not known, but I think, from its connection with the old still (Tigh na Poite) that it is a corruption of - Allt a' Bhach Ghlaine - Signifying Stream of the Glass of drunkenness.
OS1/7/9/170 [Page] 170 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Allt a' Mhuilinn] -- The Mill Stream [Pencil Note Allt a' Bhachlan] -- It would be better to use Gaelic letters in the spelling - Allt a' Bhachlain [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/171 BRAWLBIN BURN Brawbin Burn Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small stream collected from the lands of ''Clochglas'' and ''Toramean'', and is emptied into ''Loch of Calder''.
OS1/7/9/171 [Page] 171 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Tigh na Poìte crossed out] [Feithe buidhe crossed out] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers
OS1/7/9/172 TORNAMEAL Tornameal Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A large farm-steading: the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/172 SITHEAN GLAS Sìthean Glas Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small hillock, supposed to have been inhabited by Fairies: the property of James Sinclair Esq. of Forse
OS1/7/9/172 CLACHGLAS Clachglas Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small farm-steading: the property of James Sinclair Esqr. of Forse
OS1/7/9/172 [Page] 172 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Tornameal] -- from Torr nam Mial Hill of the Lice [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/173 BALABING Balabing Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small ''Croft'': the property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forse
OS1/7/9/173 SHINNERY Shinnery Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A medium farm-steading: the property of James Sinclair Esqr Forse
OS1/7/9/173 TORR A' GHOBHAINN Torr a' Ghobhainn Mr George Gunn Mr George Dunbar Mr James Manson 017 A small hill in ''Brawlbin'': the property of James Sinclair Esq. of Forse.
OS1/7/9/173 [Page] 173 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Shinnery] -- right From - Sean Airidh Sig [Signification] - Old Sheeling [Note Torr a' Ghobhainn] -- Blacksmith's Hill [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/174 BARDNAHUSAG Bardnahusag or Bard na h-Uiseig William Sinclair Brawlbin William Mackay Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Applies to a small Cottage in Brawlbin, garden attached. The property of James Sinclair Esqr of Forss.
OS1/7/9/174 BALNAHARD Balnahard William Sinclair Brawlbin William Mackay Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Applies to a Small Farm Steading garden attached. The property of James Sinclair Esqur of Forss.
OS1/7/9/174 [Page] 74 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Bardnahusag] -- Signifying - Larks' Park. [Note Balnahard] -- Town of the height [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/175 LOCH OLGINEY Loch Olginey 017 For Authorities and descriptive remarks see the name book of HalKirK Ph [Parish]
OS1/7/9/175 [Page] 175 Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Reay Torr na Culbhaige [crossed out] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/7/9/176 CLAIS DHUBH Clais Dubh William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Knocglas 017 A Small heath covered hollow north of Ben Dorrery. The Property of J. Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/176 TORR PHÀDRUIG Torr Phàdruig William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Knocglas 017 The remains of a pictish house. a small round Knoll covered with rough pasture and stones. There are also a few small cairns a short distance South east of the Knoll, to which I have written ''Tumuli'', (Supposed to be Sepulchral.)
OS1/7/9/176 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Torr Phàdruig] 017 The remains of a pictish house. a small round Knoll covered with rough pasture and stones. There are also a few small cairns a short distance South east of the Knoll, to which I have written ''Tumuli'', (Supposed to be Sepulchral.)
OS1/7/9/176 TUMULI [Torr Phàdruig] 017 The remains of a pictish house. a small round Knoll covered with rough pasture and stones. There are also a few small cairns a short distance South east of the Knoll, to which I have written ''Tumuli'', (Supposed to be Sepulchral.)
OS1/7/9/176 [Page] 176 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Clais Dubh] Black Hollow [Note Torr Phàdruig] Patricks Knoll [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/177 TERRIGASH Terrigash William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Cnocglas 017 A Small eminence, north of Ben Frectan. The property of J. Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/177 POLL ACHAIR Poll Achair William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Cnocglas 017 Applies to a hollow north of Terrigash. Meaning unknown. The property of J. Sinclair Esqr. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/177 BALNABEINN Balna beinn or Baile-na-Beinn William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Cnocglas 017 Applies to the remains of two small farms, on the north east base of Ben Frectan. The property of James Sinclair Esqur. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/177 [Page] 177 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Terrigash] meaning unknown [Note Poll Achair] Poll - a hole Father's Hollow [Note Balna beinn or Baile-na-Beinn] Town of the mount [Signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/178 TORR MÒR Torr Mor A. Sinclair Brawlbin William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Knocglas 017 This name applies to a heath covered eminence on the north base of Ben Frectan. The property of James Sinclair Esqr. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/178 TORR BEAG Torr Beag A. Sinclair Brawlbin William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Knocglas 017 A Small round Knoll the remains of a pictish house a Short distance north of Balnabeinn The Property of James Sinclair Esqur. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/178 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Torr Beag] 017 A Small round Knoll the remains of a pictish house a Short distance north of Balnabeinn The Property of James Sinclair Esqur. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/178 FÉITH AN IME Feith an Im A. Sinclair Brawlbin William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Mackay Knocglas 017 Applies to a piece of land on either Side of the boundry fence, between Dorrery and Brawlbin. The property of the Crown, and James Sinclair Esqr. Forss.
OS1/7/9/178 [Page] 178 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Torr Mor] Large Knoll [Note Torr Beag] Little Knoll [Note Feith an Im] Butter Mire [Signed] George Rose C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/179 [Page] 179 [Blank page]
OS1/7/9/180 BUAILE OSCAR Buaile Oscar A. Mackay Knocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Applies to the old Fortification on top of Beinn Freiceadan. Oscar is Said to have been the name of a Giant who lived there.
OS1/7/9/180 FORT (Remains of) [Buaile Oscar] 017 Applies to the old Fortification on top of Beinn Freiceadan. Oscar is Said to have been the name of a Giant who lived there.
OS1/7/9/180 CLAIS AN TUIRC Clais an Tuirc A. Mackay Knocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Applies to a large hollow, between Ben Frectan and Ben Dorrery. The property of James Sinclair Esqr. of Forss.
OS1/7/9/180 MULLACH UIDH MHURCHAIDH Mullach Uidh Mhurchadh A rocky eminence lying between Ben Dorrery and Ben Frectan, at the top of Clais an Tuirc. The property of J. Sinclair Forss.
OS1/7/9/180 [Page] 180 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Buaile Oscar] Oscar's Fold [Note Clais an Tuirc] Hollow of the Castrated Boar. [Note Mullach Uidh Mhurchadh] Top of Murdoch's Journey See pages 141 &, 144. [signed] George Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/181 BEINN FRIECEADAIN Beinn Freiceadan A. Mackay Knocglas William Sinclair Brawlbin A. Sinclair Brawlbin 017 Situated between Ben Dorrery and Ben Shurrery. On the top of this hill (which is nearly flat) is the remains of an old fortification Called Buaile Oscar. The east, and South east Sides of the hill is very precipitous and no doubt served as a defence on that Side of the hill, on the north and west sides is the remains of an embankment which to all appearance has been of considerable strength. There is the remains of a Pictish house on the very Summet of it, as a small round knoll covered with rough pasture. Proprietor J. Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/181 PICT'S HOUSE (Remains of) [Beinn Freiceadain] 017 Situated between Ben Dorrery and Ben Shurrery. On the top of this hill (which is nearly flat) is the remains of an old fortification Called Buaile Oscar. The east, and South east Sides of the hill is very precipitous and no doubt served as a defence on that Side of the hill, on the north and west sides is the remains of an embankment which to all appearance has been of considerable strength. There is the remains of a Pictish house on the very Summet of it, as a small round knoll covered with rough pasture. Proprietor J. Sinclair of Forss.
OS1/7/9/181 [Page] 181 County of Caithness -- Parish of Reay [Note Beinn Freiceadan] Watching Hill [Signed] G. Rose C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/7/9/182 BEN DORRERY Ben Dorrery 017 For authorities and descriptive remarks see the name lists of Thurso Ph. (Det) [Parish Detached]
OS1/7/9/182 [Page] 182
OS1/7/9/183 [Page] 183 OS1/7/9 PAGES 183-185 ARE BLANK
OS1/7/9/186 [Page] 186 OS1/7/9 NAME BOOK 1.2500 of REAY P.H. [Parish] CO. [COUNTY] CAITHNESS [Signed] FW Nixon Lt R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] 1 Janry [January] 73
OS1/7/9/187 [Page] 187 (NAME BOOK). REAY PARISH INDEX Name of Objects -- Page Achalone -- 107 Achanaon -- 164 Achaveilan -- 99 Achaveilan Burn -- 99 Achbuiligan Tulloch Pict's House (Remains of) -- 44 Achibegg -- 77 Achibegg Moss -- 101 Achiebraeskiall -- 50 Achiebraeskaill Burn -- 49 Achiegallan -- 69 Achiegallan Burn -- 62 Achimenach -- 85 Achimore -- 81 Achnabeinn -- 150 Achnacly -- 122 Achrasker -- 71 Achrasker Well -- 73 Achreamie -- 24 Achreamie Moss -- 27 Achreamie Quarry -- 24 Achreregan Begg -- 106 Achreregan Hill -- 106 Achreregan More -- 102 Achsteenlate (In ruin) -- 154 Achsteenlate Burn -- 155 Achunabust -- 69 Achunabust Bridge -- 48 Achvarasdal (In Ruins) -- 100 Achvarasdal Burn -- 116 Achvarasdal Leans -- 114 Achvarasdal Lodge -- 63 Allt a' Mhuilinn -- 170 Alltan Moine-mhurchai -- 144 Alltan Nodha Beag -- 111 Allt a' Bhachlain -- 170 Allt Forsiescye -- 130 Allt Ruadh -- 101 Allt Torigil -- 131 Aryleive -- 113 Aryleive Moss -- 113 A Stone Cist containing Human Remains found here AD 1871 -- 14 Aultan -- 124 Bailie -- 55 Bailie Hill -- 85 Balabing -- 173 Balmore -- 23 Balna beinn -- 174 Balnahard -- 174 Bard an Eich -- 117 Bard na Cailliche -- 152 Bardnahusag -- 174 Beinn Freiceadain -- 181 Ben Dorrery -- 182 Ben Shurrery -- 141 Beul an Lochain -- 72 Big Island -- 127 Big Keoltag -- 59 Blàr Cnoc na Gaoith -- 100 Blàr Dearg -- 158
OS1/7/9/188 [Page] 188 (NAME BOOK). INDEX Names of Objects -- Page Blar an t-Suidhe -- 134 Blarifauld (In Ruins) -- 154 Blàr na Craoibhe -- 105 Borag (In Ruins) -- 87 Borag Knowe -- 87 Borlum House -- 66 Borlum RocK -- 61 Borrowston Mains -- 13 Brawlbin -- 168 Brawlbin Burn -- 171 Breac-leathad -- 87 Bridge of Broubster -- 123 Bridge of Forss -- 17 Bridge of Isauld -- 35 Broubster -- 132 Broubster Cottage -- 104 Broubster Hill -- 118 Broubster Village -- 134 Bruach Bhreac -- 93 Buaile Oscar (Fort Remains of) -- 180 Bual -- 166 Bualmore (In Ruins) -- 118 Bual na Gabhar -- 153 Buolfruach -- 31 Bulldoo -- 23 Burn of Achanaon -- 161 Burn of Bailie -- 55 Burn of Broubster -- 136 Burn of Isauld -- 42 Burn of Shebster -- 83 Carriside -- 164 Carriside Fold -- 161 Carn Liath (Pict's House Remains of ) -- 139 Cattag -- 167 Ceanheesaval -- 166 Chapel (Remains of) -- 21 Chapel Goe -- 8 Chapel Pool -- 8 Church -- 57 Church (Remains of) -- 65 Church (Chapel of ease) -- 135 Claban (In ruins) -- 119 Clachbiorach -- 168 Clach Clais an Tuirc -- 98 Clachglas -- 172 Clachvol (In ruins) -- 120 Claperon -- 94 Clais an Eich -- 133 Clais an Fhearchair -- 103 Clais an Tuirc -- 97 Clais an Tuirc -- 180 Clashdoin -- 15 Clais Dhubh -- 176 Clashmore -- 98 Clash nan Caorach -- 153 Clais nan Gairbheal -- 136 Cnoc an Aireimh -- 153a Cnocan Dubh nan Eun -- 112 Cnocan nan Eun -- 112 Cnoc an Ruighein Duibh -- 116 Cnoc an t-Samhraidh -- 93 Cnoc an Ràtha (Supposed Remains of Fort) -- 142 Cnoc Freiceadain -- 53 Cnoc na Bantraich -- 62 Cnoc na Gaoith -- 100 Cnoc na h-Uiseig (Pict's House Remains of) -- 27 Cnoc nan Airidhe -- 114 Cnoc Saothair an Athaich -- 116 Coire Buidhe -- 153a
OS1/7/9/189 [Page] 189 (NAME BOOK). INDEX Names of Objects -- Page Craigan Well -- 10 Craigton -- 19 Creagan Well -- 68 Creagan Liath -- 70 Creagan Reamhar -- 99 Creagan a' Bheannaich (Chapel Grave Yard site of) -- 143 Creag Bheag -- 97 Creag Bhreac Bheag -- 46 Creag Bhreac Mhòr -- 46 Creag Leathan -- 91 Creag Liath -- 70 Creag Mhòr -- 97 Creag nan Uan -- 164 Crochan Geal -- 110 Crofts of Achimore -- 82 CrossKirK Bay -- 10 Cruives -- 107 Cuil na Craoibhe -- 105 Dalclagie -- 18 Dounreay Burn -- 47 Dounreay House (In ruins) -- 122 Dounreay Quarry -- 24 Druim Calltuinneach -- 153a Druim na Ceud -- 45 Duncan's Well -- 83 East Shebster -- 82 Fèith an Ime -- 178 Fèith Bhuidhe -- 150 Fèith Ghorm -- 162 Feranelan (In ruins) -- 132 Forss Water -- 131 Free Church -- 81 Fuaran Geal (Sulphurous) -- 109 Gàradh an Ràtha (Pict's House Remains of) -- 118 Geodh nam Fitheach -- 11 Gie-uisg Goe -- 12 Glasdh Odhar -- 45 Gleann Saothair an Athaich -- 115 Gling Glang -- 11 Glupein na Drochaide -- 11 Goe Buila -- 8 Goe Croiche -- 5 Goe Cuinge -- 20 Grave Yard -- 3 Grave Yard (site of) -- 21 Grave Yard -- 65 Gray Cairn (Pict's House Remains of) -- 71 Green Tullochs (Picts' Houses Remains of) -- 14 Greeny Goe -- 12 Gunnscroft -- 37 Hallam -- 29 Hallam Burn -- 33 Helshetter -- 94 Helshetter Strath -- 112 Hill of Achalone -- 105 Hill of Lybster -- 13 Hill of Shebster -- 76 Hing Goe -- 7 Innis-a-mhuilinn (In Ruins) -- 148 Isauld -- 35 Isauldgate 41 Isauld House -- 38 Isauld Port -- 38 Kennachy -- 15 Kennachy Burn -- 18 Keoltag Well -- 59 Knockfin -- 98 Knock Urray (Pict's House Remains of) -- 37 Lambsdale -- 156
OS1/7/9/190 [Page] 190 (NAME BOOK). INDEX Names of Objects -- Page Lambsdale Leans -- 156 Làthach an Lìn -- 72 Leans of Achreregan -- 104 Leans of Broubster -- 121 Leans of Shebster -- 83 Leathad Breac -- 104 Ling Goe -- 20 Little Island -- 165 Little Keoltag -- 59 Little Rock -- 72 Loanscorribest -- 74 Loch Achbuiligan -- 48 Loch a' Mhuilinn -- 169 Lochan Dubh -- 142 Lochan Ealach -- 121 Lochan na Eun -- 112 Loch Calder -- 160 Loch Olginey -- 175 Loch of SKaill -- 29 Loch Saorach -- 117 Lorg an Fhamhair -- 160 Lower Dounreay -- 19 Lybster -- 15 Lybster Mill (corn) -- 17 Manse -- 58 Manse -- 81 Manse -- 135 Mary's Cottage -- 35 Meall Dubh Beag -- 148 Meall Dubh Mòr -- 152 Meinaval (In ruins) -- 119 Meur a' Chrochain Ghil -- 110 Meur an Fhraoich -- 111 Meur an Fhuarain Ghil -- 109 Meur Beinn Ràtha -- 111 Meur Gadach -- 108 Mill Bridge -- 168 Milton -- 60 Milton Moss -- 91 Mill of Milton -- 63 Monadh nan Càrn -- 137 Mullah Uidh Mhurchai -- 180 Na Tri Sithean Picts' Houses (Remains of) -- 53 North Cairn Pict's House (Site of) -- 25 North Sea Oigin's Goe -- 12 Old Bridge of Forss -- 33 Peas Cairn (Site of Pict's House) -- 25 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 9 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 33 Pict's House (Site of) -- 39 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 47 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 49 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 50 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 62 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 67 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 67 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 69 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 72 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 73 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 75 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 77 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 84 Pict's House (Site of) -- 123 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 137 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 138 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 145 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 150
OS1/7/9/191 [Page] 191 (NAME BOOK). INDEX Names of Objects -- Page Pict's House (Remains of) -- 157 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 161 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 167 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 169 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 181 Pict's House (Remains of) -- 147 Pict's House (Site of) -- 32 Pict's House (Site of) -- 32 Poll Achair -- 177 Port-an-eilein -- 160 Post Office -- 41 Reay -- 1 Reay Bridge -- 60 Reay Burn -- 93 Reay Inn -- 57 Rudha Gar -- 127 Sandside Bay -- 42 Sandside Burn -- 92 Sandy Goe -- 7 Scarbach Goe -- 20 School -- 57 School (Boys and Girls) -- 82 Shebster -- 76 Shebster Quarry -- 70 Shinnery -- 173 Shurrery -- 133 Shurrery Cottage -- 151 Shurrery Plantation -- 151 Site of Chapel -- 36 Site of Conflict between Clans -- 57 Sìthean Buidhe (Pict's House Remains of) -- 167 Sìthean Dubh -- 138 Sìthean Glas -- 173 Sìthean Mòr (Pict's House Remains of) -- 169 SKiall -- 31 Standing Stone -- 43 Standing Stone -- 43 Standing Stone -- 46 Standing Stones -- 52 Standing Stones -- 53 Standing Stone -- 53 Standing Stones -- 125 Standing Stones -- 125 Standing Stone -- 138 Staill -- 119 Stempster -- 56 Stempster Burn -- 54 Stempster Hill -- 33 St. Mary's Chapel (Remains of) -- 3 St. Mary's Well -- 9 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 40 Stone Cists containing Human Remains found here -- 166 Strath of Bailie -- 55 Supposed Remains of Chapel -- 79 Supposed Remains of Forts -- 142 Supposed Remains of Watch Tower -- 142 The Bield -- 70 The Flow -- 77 Tigh-an-bheannaich -- 141 Tigh an Fhraoich (In Ruins)- 140 Tigh na Croite (In Ruins) -- 144 Tigh-pheasgaig (In Ruins) -- 140 Torrigash -- 177 Torr a' Bhathaich -- 144 Torr a' Chàise -- 122 Torr a Ghobhainn -- 173
OS1/7/9/192 [Page] 192 Names of Objects -- Page Torr a Mhuilinn -- 147 Torr an Athain -- 64 Torran Dubh- 64 Torran Dubh -- 94 Torran Dubh Meadhon a' Bhlair -- 158 Torran na Circe -- 58 Torran Water -- 155 Torr an t Sniomha (Pict's House Remains of) -- 120 Torr Beag. (Pict's House, Remains of) -- 178 Torr Fèille Leathan -- 61 Torr Mòr -- 121 Torr na Craoibhe (Pict's House Remains of) -- 121 Torr na Crìche -- 152 Tornaheaten (In Ruins) -- 120 Tornameal -- 172 Torr Phadruig (Pict's House Remains of) -- 176 Tota an Dranndain (Pict's House Remains of) -- 139 Tota Mhurchai -- 141 Tota Mòr -- 139 Tulach Gorm. (Pict's House Remains of) -- 149 Tulloch of Lybster (Pict's House Remains of) -- 13 Tulloch of Stempster (Pict's House Remains of) -- 56 Tumuli -- 176 Tumulus (Remains of) -- 80 Tumulus (Remains of) -- 124 Upper Dounreay -- 44 Ware Goe -- 7 Wester Borrowston -- 26 West Shebster -- 76 White Goes -- 38 White Well (Petrifying) -- 157 Yellow Moss -- 75 Brough -- 25 Brough -- 62 Brough -- 37 Brough -- 47 Achsteenclate -- 154 (Altered by Authority of Mr. D. Nicolson Montpellier House, Wick N.B [North Britain] to be used for 1''purposes only, further investigation to be made during the revision of the larger scales -- by order of the D.G. [Diector General] 12.8.95.) Torrovaich -- 144 (See Remarks above) Brubster -- 132 (see remarks to 154) Brubster Hill -- 118 (see remarks to 154) See remarks to Achsteenclate Brubster Village -- 134 Achreregan Beg -- 106 Skail -- 31 Stemster Hill -- 33 Stemster -- 56 Brough -- 33 Brough -- 37 Brough -- 44 The Biel -- 70 Archibeg -- 77 Buaildhu -- 23 Brough -- 13 Brough -- 69
OS1/7/9/193 [Page] 193 List of the principal Landowners, with their Addresses, in the parish of Reay. Names -- Residence -- Nearest Post Town His Grace the Duke of Portland -- Sandside House, Reay or Berriedale Castle, Latheron. -- Thurso Sir Robert Sinclair -- Achvarasdal Lodge, Reay -- Thurso James Sinclair Esq. -- Forss House -- Thurso