
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DAIL DUBH Dail Dubh Mr William Hill
Mr David Bain
Mr William Henderson
017 A small "Plot" of ground now partially cover'd [covered] with heather, but was under cultivation a few years since the property of Col. [Colonel] Charles S. Guthrie, of Scots Calder.
DAIL A' CHROTHA Dail a' Chrotha Mr William Hill
Mr David Bain
Mr William Henderson
017 A small portion of ground in an uncultivated state, - but it had been cultivated - property of Col. [Colonel] C.S. Guthrie. The name is derived from a small hut, built by the Herds which once stood there.
[initialled] G.R.
POLL A' CHOBHAIR Poll a' Chobhair Mr William Hill
Mr David Bain
Mr William Henderson
017 A deep portion of Thurso River So named from the frothy Surface of the Water: the property of Sir J.G Tollemache Sinclair Bart. [Baronet]

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 120
Co. [County] of Caithness -- Parish of Halkirk

[Note Dail Dubh] -- Black Dale
[Note Dail a' Chrotha] -- Dale of the Hut
[Note Poll a' Chobhair] -- Pool of the Froth

[signed] Robert Kane Sap. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]

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