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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FORT (The Dun) The Doon (Fort)
The Doon (Fort)
The Doon (Fort)
Andrew Duncan, Ardscalpsie;
Dugald McGilp
George McFie, Barone
Estate Map
215.05 A British fort situated on a tolerably commanding position on the farm of Scalpsie. The inner slope or wall is constructed of a mass of loose stones or boulders partly grown over with grass. The outer slope is natural partly assisted by art. Mr McGilp the farmer says it is handed down by tradition that a battle had been fought here betwixt the Scotch and Danes, and that Tumulus or circle which is a little to the east had been the place of internment for the fallen.
CAIRN [The Dun] Tumulus
Mr George McFie, Barone
Mr Grant, Schoolmaster Rothesay
Dugald McGilp
215.05 Relative to the Tumulus so far as I am informed by Mr Muir of MecKnoch, it had been a large Cairn of stones, and was removed by his father in law about 50 years ago for the saKe of cultivating it, but a stone cist being found in it, when almost demolished, it was let alone and has never yet been ploughed. The evidence on the ground is quite distinct although not shadeable. Farther information cannot be gleaned for these 2 objects. Mr Muir the Factor and the Gentlemen of the place seem to be quite ignorant of the Antiquities of the island in general:

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