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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Machrie Farm
Mauchrie Farm
Mauchry Farm
McArthurs Antiquities
Estate Map
248.07 This is a large Agricultural and sheep farm supplied with all the modern appliances for farming, having a good thrashing mill worked by water, but it is used only in connection with the farm.
CAIRN [Tormore] Cairn No. 1
Cairn No. 1
Cairn No. 1
John Miller Machrie
Alexander McKenzie Tormore
Peter Currie Shedog
248.07 This is a small cairn, or circle, composed of three blocks of red sandstone on the south side of it, with parallel rows of stones in the Centre appearing at the surface, evidently a grave. Situate on the farm of Machrie.
CAIRN & CIRCLE [Tormore] Cairn No. 2 John Miller Machrie
Alexander McKenzie Tormore
Peter Currie Shedog
248.07 This is a large Cairn partly demolished but enough still remains to attest its magnitude. There are still standing, nine large upright stones irregularly placed. many others were removed. this seems to be the western limit of the Tormore Circle the place is evidently sepulchral.
STANDING STONE Standing Stone No. 3 John Miller Machrie
Alexander McKenzie Tormore
Peter Currie Shedog
248.07 This is a huge block of sandstone nearly six feet above the surface, and a commanding object for a distance, whether it formed part of a Circle, it is not now easy to determine, it is believed to be monumental.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 36
Parish of Kilmory

TORMORE - This has been described already in connection with sheet 248-11

Cairn Number 2 [note] This, Luidhe Coire Fhionn, and a similar object at Auchagallon, are remarkable examples of Cairns Encircled with Standing Stones or as they have been termed " Encircled Cairns".

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Bizzy- Moderator, CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seamill

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