
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BLYTHE EDGE Blythe Edge Andrew Davidson - Bermuda
J Weatherstone - Blytherig
James Allan - Westruther
008 A high mountain ridge forming a part of the Lammermoor range, and extending from Wedder Lairs eastward towhere the ??, from Blythe to Byrecleugh ?
TITLING CAIRN Titling Cairn Andrew Davidson
George Brown
John Weatherstone
A conspicuous pile of stones built on the parish boundary between Longformacus and Lauder and between Hunt Law and Wedder Lairs.

Transcriber's notes

..... Wedder Lairs eastward towhere the ??, from Blythe to Byrecleugh ?
Cannot make out the places mentioned. Maps haven't helped.

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