Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Old Whitlaw
Old Whitlaw
Mr. Hume, Estate Factor.
Mr. Paterson, Teacher. Lauder
Mr. Hogg. Tenant. Whitlaw
019.07 An old farm Steading in bad repair and thatched, consisting of a dwelling house and some offices. it is now unoccupied, the land formerly attached to it being added to the farm of Whitlaw. It is in the occupation of Mr. Hogg, farmer Whitlaw, and the property of the Earl of Lauderdale
TRABROWN HILL Trabrown Hill Mr. Hume. Estate Factor.
Mr. Paterson. Teacher. Lauder
Mr. Tillie. Farmer. Trabrownhill
Mr. Hay. Farmer. Trabrown
019.07 A high ridge or knowe extending westwards from Trabrown, for about a half mile: it has been brought nearly all under the plough, except some portions that are planted with wood. It is for the most part occupied by Mr. Tillie Trabrownhill, and the property of the Earl of Lauderdale. See, Trabrown P. [Page] 2

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Lauder

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