
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WHINRIG Whinrig Mr. Wanless
Mr. R. Neil
Mr. William Rathie
009.14 A neat Cottage, built of Stone with a Garden & occupied by one of the shepherds of Rawburn. It is situated near the summit of Whin Rig - about 71/2 furlongs W. by S. [West by South] of Longformacus
WATCH WATER Watch Water Mr. R. Neil
Mr. Wanless
Mr. J. Wilson
009 ; 014 ; 015 A considerable Stream which has its rise or Source in wet moss land near where the parishes of Lauder Longformacus and Cranshaws (Detached) makes an Easterly Course & discharges itself into the Dye Water 21/2 furlongs W. by S. [West by South] from Longformacus Village.

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Cranshaws (Detached)

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