OS1/5/12/1 |
COLDSTREAM [parish] |
(Parish) |
County Map
New Statistical Account of Berwickshire
Fullertons Gazetteer
Chalmers Caledonia |
022 ; 023 ; 028 ; 029 |
The original name of the parish of Coldstream was Lennel - It was found in ancient Charters written in the ancient forms of Lunhall, Lenhal, Lunal, Lennal, and Lennel - The Kirk-town of Lennel Stood on the north bank of the Tweed, (see Sheet 29.6) which at that place forms a pool, or Llyn - (Linn) - as it is termed in the Cumbra-British dialect - When the Saxon Settlers took possession of the vale of the Tweed, they added to the original name their own term Hal, which signifies a large house. and thus there was formed the name Linnhall, which is to be met with in deeds as early as 1147 - The church of Linnhall continued in the possession of the Prioress of Coldstream, till the period of the Reformation, and retained its original name for a Century and a half after that epoch - |
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Parish of Coldstream W Beatty |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
The original village was
destroyed by the English
in their predatory incursions
and in 1716 a new parish church
was built at Coldstream,
which was then becomming
the most popular district
of the parish -
The parish extends 7½ miles in length, & Somewhat more than 4 in breadth,
it is of an irregular Shape, and has the parish of
Ladykirk for it's boundary in the N. [North] East, Swinton on the North,
Eccles on the West, while Tweed separates it from England
on the South - The general appearance of the parish is
flat, & there in is riding grounds that deserves the name
of hill. Fire-burn mill Toll Bar is 108ft above Berwick piers, |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
Coldstream Bridge is 61 feet, and
Hatchednize 188 feet above the
same level. Dovecotmains is
considerably higher than any of
these places -
With the exception of a lake almost entirely artificial in the grounds
of Hirsel, there is no sheet of water deserving the name. Several
which are referred to in the titles of the Snook Barony have entirely
disappeared - with two exceptions - which are called Crooks Loch &
another called Lithtilburn Loch -
The Strata which are prevalent in this parish are the following,
and written in the order in which they seem to be most
abundant - 1st White sands Caul; 2nd Clay Marl; 3rd Reddish Sandstone, |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
4th Limestone; 5th Gypsand.
Stone Coffins have been
found in different parts
of the parish, and likewise
great quantities of human bones, particularly in the grounds
of Hirsel, and at the junction of the Tweed and Leck, where
the Abbey was Situate.
It will be known that General Monk, before the
Restoration of Charles II, raised here a Requirement of
Foot-guards which still bear the name of the parish -
There is a weekly Corn Market in Coldstream; and
likewise a Monthly for the sale of Sheep & Cattle - |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
The Church is conveniently Situate
for the greater part of the parish,
although it is nearly 5 miles from
the eastern, 3½ miles from the northern,
& 1½ miles from the western extremity
of the parish. It was built in 1795,
is in good repair, and was intended to accommodate upwards
of 1100 Sitters. Being built by the heritors alone, it is their
property, & consequently no rent is paid by any of the people -
Upon the death of the late Incumbent in 1830, the heritors
resolved to build a new manse, according to a plan furnished
by Mr Hamilton of Edinburgh, it was completed in 1832,
and is acknowledged to be the neatest & most commodious
manse in Berwickshire. Nothing, indeed, could exceed |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
the Kindness of the heritors,
or their anxiety to Secure the
Comfort of the Clergyman -
Including the Site of the Manse
and Garden, the extent of
the Glebe is about 11 acres, and its annual value may be Stated
at £50.0.0 - The Stipend is 16 chalders, in equal proportions
of Meal and Barley, with £8.6.8 for Commercial elements -
There are Seven Schools in the parish - Most of them are well
attended and the ordinary branches are taught, except at
the Grammar School & a private academy, where the pupils
are prepared for the University - of late, the number
of children at the parish School has greatly increased -
The Salary is the Maximum; and the fees for |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
reading, writing, & arithmetic,
are 3/- a quarter, with a proportional
increase for other branches, being
Considerably less than the fees of Most of the other Schools -
The Schoolhouse has been recently
enlarged, whereby the Comfort
of the teacher & pupils has been greatly promoted - The Schoolfees
average between £70.0.0 & £80.0.0 a year -
There is no portion of Coldstream within any other parish.
There is no portion of any other parish within that of Coldstream. |
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MERSE (District) |
(District) |
Fullerton's Gazeteer
New Statistical Account
Chalmers Caledonia |
022 ; 023 ; 028 ; 029 |
In ancient times, the Shire of
Berwick seems to have been a
separate jurisdiction from the
Bailliery of Lauderdale, & to
have been itself divided into the Merse & Lammermoor districts.
It is not easy to say what had been the
exact boundaries & extent of these three
divisions, now almost obsolete - For the purpose of Agricultural
inquiry, the whole County may be very conveniently Considered
under two districts - The Merse & Lammermoor: the former including all the Comparatively low land along
Tweed, Whiteadder, Blackadder & Eye; and the latter
Comprehending Lauderdale, along with the more hilly Country peculiarly Called Lammermoor.
According |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty
Merse (District) Continued
to the general division of
the County just pointed out - the Merse designates
the whole lower ground
from Tweed up the Cultivated Slopes of the lower range
of the Lammermoor hills including the Western
parishes of Nenthorn & Merton - and forming
the largest piece of compact level ground, divercified
only by a few gentle undulations - to be found in
Scotland - Mr Blackadder, estimates this division
to contain 100.226 acres. |
OS1/5/12/11 |
Leet Water |
John Heatley. Marlfield
Mr. Somerville, Hawkslaw
Thomas Easton, Darnchester |
022 ; 028 ; 029 |
A rivulet of the Merse, Berwickshire.
It rises in the extreme North of
the parish of Whitsome, at a place
Called Leethead; flows 5 miles
S. [South] Westward through that parish
of Swinton - divides, for 2 miles
Southward, Swinton & Coldstream
on the East from Eccles on the West -
- and runs Sinuously 5 miles South
Eastward over a geographical
distance of 3½ miles through
Coldstream parish to the Tweed
at the town of Coldstream - |
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Parish of Coldstream
W. Beatty |
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Dovecot Mains
Dovecot Mains
Dovecot Mains |
Alexander Somerville, Hawkslaw.
John Heatley, Marlfield
George Moore, Darnchester |
022.16 |
A large farm house two
stories high, with suitable offices,
garden, and arable farm
attached. It cannot rightly be
ascertained who is the proprietor of it; but the property is at
present in the hands of the
trustees of the late Mr.
Roughhead of Edinburgh. |
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Marlfield |
John Heatley
Alexander Somerville
George Moore
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Goldie Coldstream
Mr Allison Par. [Parish] School Coldstream
Mr Robert Hislop. Castlelaw |
022.16 |
A farm house two stories high
with Commodious offices, garden,
and small arable farm
attached. It is now in the
hands of the trustees of the late
Mr. Robert Hogarth of Eccles Tofts. |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 22.14 Described by R Wighton c/a [Civilian Assistant]
Note: Marlfielf - Marl. A sort of fat earth, consisting of clay and the carbonate of lime. |
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Howdean Burn |
John Gray . Lennel
James Gray . Lennel
Alexander Gray . Lennel |
029.06 |
A small stream having its Source a short distance East of the road leading from Lennel Newton to Oxenrig, and flowing in an Easterly Course until it Empties itself in the Tweed at Howe Dean. - |
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Howe Dean |
John Gray. James Gray. Alexander Gray |
029.06 |
A slight Valley through which Howdean Burn flows. - |
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Simprim Burn
Simprim Burn
Simprin Burn
Simprin |
John Wilson . Simprim
George Wilson Simprim
John Gray
County Map -
New Statistical account
Fullerton's Gazetteer
Chalmer's Caledonia
Decree of Annexation
R E Logan . Minister |
022.16 ; 023.13 ; 023.14 |
A Considerable Stream having its Source in the Ph. [Parish] of Swinton, and flowing in an Easterly Course, forming a
portion of the boundary between the above mentioned Ph. [Parish] and Coldstream, to its junction with Hurls Burn. - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheets 23 & 9 No.s 6 & 14
Collected and described by John Callanan LCorp.RE [Lance Corporal. Royal Engineers]
Howe - Hollow, Any hollow place. A plaine, a Tumulous -
Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/5/12/14 |
Snuke Field
Snuke Field
Snuke Field |
D. Milnhome Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.14 ; 023.15 ; 029.01; |
A large pasture field at [the] South Extremity of which [the] Remains of a Camp is visible baronial Mansion of "Snuke" supposed to have Stood in this [place] at a Remote period - but [none] of it now remains visible.
D. Milnhorne Esqr. - |
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Little Haugh
Little Haugh
Little Haugh |
D. Milhorne Esqr.
James scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A strip of pasture on the South East Side of Snuke field, and to the River Tweed. Proprietor D. Milnhome Esqr. |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 23 No. 15. Collected & described by
John Callanan |
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some words lost in fold of book |
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Milnegraden Mains
Milnegraden Home Farm
Milnegraden Home Farm |
Henry Knowles, Sunnyside
George Kydd, Sunnyside - Schoolmaster
Mr Bardner Occupant
David Milne Home Esqr. Milne Graden |
023.15 |
This is Milne Graden Home farm, and consists of a neat dwelling house with suitable and extensive out houses, and a considerable farm of arable land attached Occupied by Mr Bardner Factor for the Milne Graden estate The property of D. Milne Home Esqr of Milne Graden. |
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Bannock Burn |
H. Knowles, Sunnyside
George Kydd, Sunnyside - Schoolmaster
Mr. Bardner, Milne Graden Mains |
023.11 ; 023.15 |
A stream, known by the name of Bannock Burn; from its junction with the "Tweed" upwards for better than 3 quarters of a mile west of Milne Graden Home Farm, Knew by the name of "Shiels Burn" It ivides Coldstream Ph. [Parish] from Ladykirk. The name Bannock Burn applies from the point where it is Crossed by the Turnpike Road on Sheet 23.15 to its junction with the Tweed. |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 23 No. 15 Trace 1 Described by E. Price |
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Sunnyside |
H Knowles , Occupant
George Kydd, Schoolmaster
Mr. Bardner, Milne Graden Mains |
023.15 |
This farm consists of a dwelling house, with out houses and an
arable farm of land attached, Occupied by H. Knowles. The Property of D. Milne Home Esqr. Milne Graden |
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SCHOOL [Sunnyside] |
School |
H Knowles, Sunnyside
George Kydd, Ph. [Parish] Teacher
Mr. Bardner, Milne Graden Mains |
023.15 |
This school is in a part of "Sunnyside" farm house, and was instituted for the advantage of the children of parish
employees on Milne Graden estate The teacher is Mr. George Kydd whose Salary is the Maximum - the an[nual] attendance is 60 of both sexes - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 23 No. 15 Trace 2 |
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Shiels Burn
Shiels Burn
Shiels Burn |
D. Milne Home Esqr Milne graden
Mr Herriot Milnegraden West mains
John Duncan Tweed Mile |
023.14 |
A considerable stream having its rise in the parish of Ladykirk
and after flowing in a south easterly direction as far as the road leading between Coldstream and Ladykirk it gets the name of Bannock Burn till it empties itself into the Tweed |
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Milnegraden West Mains
Milnegraden West Mains
Milnegraden West Mains |
Mr Herriot
D. Milne Home Esqr
John Duncan |
023.14 |
A farm house two stories high in good repair with suitable out buildings a garden and large arable farm attached. The property of David Milne Home Esqr Milne Graden |
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Parish of Coldstream 23 - 14 Described by G. Turner Sapper Royal Engineers |
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Graden Burn
Graden Burn
Graden Burn |
D Milne Home Esqr
William Herriot
John Duncan |
023.14 ; 023.15 ; 029.01; 029.02 |
A small stream rising on the farm of Skaithmuir and flows into the Tweed near Milne Graden The name does not apply to it w[here] it crosses the road from Coldstream to Simprim near Skaithmuir. |
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CAMP (Remains of) [Milne Graden] |
Camp (Remains of) Camp (Remains of)
Camp (Remains of) |
D. Milne Home Esqr
William Herriot
John Duncan |
023.14 ; 023 ;15 ; 029.02 |
The remains of a small Camp situated on the North bank of
the River Tweed, and on the Estate of Milne graden. |
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Parish of Coldstream 23 - 14 Described by G Turner Sapper Royal Engineers |
OS1/5/12/19 |
Littlehaugh Shiel
Littlehaugh Shiel
Littlehaugh Shiel |
D. Milnhome Esqr
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A circular Stone building erected for the accommodation of persons engaged during the Season of Salmon fishing - Proprietor D. Milnhome Esqr. |
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Black Horse
Black Horse
Black Horse |
D. Milnhome Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A salmon Cast on the South Side of the River Tweed. Proprietors D. Milnhome Esqr. and Sir F. Blake. |
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White Cat
White Cat
White Cat |
D. Milnhorne Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A Salmon Cast on the South Side of
the River Tweed. Proprietors D. Milnhorne
Esqr. and sir F. Blake. |
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Parish of Coldstream. Sheet 23 No. 15 Collected and described by
John Callanan Lance Corporal Royal Engineers |
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Fairy Well
Fairy Well
Fairy Well |
D. Milnhome Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A copious Spring, artificially conducted down a Slope passing thru' [through] two or more tr[aps] or receptacles, and finally Empties itself in a Well [at] the base. It is on the estate Milngraden. - |
OS1/5/12/20 |
Grot Heugh
Grot Heugh
Grot Heugh |
D. Milnhorne Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A salmon cast on the South Side of the river Tweed. Proprietors D. Milnhorne Esqr. and Sir F. Blake. - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 23 No. 15. Collected & described by
John Callanan Lance Corporal Royal Engineers
Heugh is to be adopted in Berwickshire.
Heuch in Selkirkshire -
Heuch Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
- O. M. O Remarks - |
OS1/5/12/21 |
Milne Graden
Milne Graden
Milne Graden |
David Milne Home Esqr.
W. Herriot Milne Graden West Mains
J Duncan Tweed Mill |
023.15 |
A large Mansion on the bank of the Tweed of modern construction, surrounded by neatly ornamental grounds. Their are good stables and large garden attached. The property of David Milne Home Esqr. |
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Sheet 23 No. 15 Parish of Coldstream Collected by G. turner Sapper Royal Engineers |
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Dreeper Island
Dreeper Island
Dreeper Island |
David Milne Home esqr.
James Duncan
John Flogan |
023.15 |
A large Island in the Tweed opposite Milne Graden covered with wood. It is the Property of Sir Francis Blake and belongs to England - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 23 No. 15 Collected by G Turner Sapper Royal Engineers |
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Darnchester West Mains
Darnchester West Mains
Darnchester West Mains |
Willam Davidson. Darnchester West Mains
Thomas Young. Todrig
John Thompson. Hirsel lair Toll |
028.04 |
A substantial Built farm house with suitable Outhouse Offices a Small garden & a Steam Thrashing Mill Attached. The property of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees & Occupied by Mr. William Davidson |
OS1/5/12/23 |
Rough Haugh
Rough Haugh
Rough Haugh |
William Davidson
Thomas Young
John Thompson |
028.04 |
A Small valley west of Darnchester west Mains, deriving its name from its Rough & Irregular Appearance. It is the property of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 4 Described by Sapper E O'Donnell Royal Engineers |
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Blank page |
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Leet Water
Leet Water
Leet Water |
John Heatley, Marlfield
Mr. Somervile, Hawkslaw
Thomas Easton, Darnchester |
022 ; 028 ; 029 |
A large stream which takes its rise near Whitsome, and, after a serpentine course in a southerly direction falls into the Tweed at Coldstream. |
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Hawkslaw |
Mr Somerville.
Thomas Easton.
John Heatley |
028.04 |
A large and well-built farm house with commodious offices, a garden, and a large arable farm attached. It is the property of a Mr. Rocheid of Inverleith, and tenanted by Mr Somerville. |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28.4 Described by R. Wighton C/A Civilian Assistant |
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Darnchester |
George Moore, Darnchester.
Thomas Easton, Darnchester.
Mr. Somerville, Hawkslaw |
028.04 |
A cottage-built farm house, with farm offices, a garden and small arable farm attached. It is the property of Mr. James Dickson,
Chatto. |
OS1/5/12/26 |
Wyliecleugh |
Thomas Easton
George Moore
Alexander Somerville |
028.04 |
An unoccupied cottage, and a number of farm offices attached - the property of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees. Wyliecleugh
farm is now attached to the farm of Darnchester West Mains |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28.4 Described by R. Wightson c/a [Civilian Assistant] |
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Wylie Cleugh
Wylie Cleugh
Wylie Cleugh |
George Moore
Alexander Somerville
Robert Hislop |
028.04 |
A Valley extending for a considerable length on both sides of the Leet Water. |
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VIRTUE WELL (Chalybeate) |
Virtue Well
Virtue Well
Virtue Well |
George Moore
Alexander Somerville
Robert Haislop |
028.04 |
A Chalybeate Spring, covered by a Stone Slab, on which appears the following. "Erected 1780. Renewed 1812." - |
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Hawks Law
Hawks Law
Hawks Law |
Alexander Somerville
George Moore
Robert Haislop |
028.04 |
This name applies to a Small hill Situate on the farm, and close to the dwelling house of Hawkslaw. - |
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Parish of Coldstream sheet 28 & 9. No. 4 Collected & described by
John Callanan LCorp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/28 |
Hirsel Lake
Hirsel Lake
Hirsel Lake |
Mr. George Smith
Mrs. Scott
Richard Henderson |
028.12 ; 029.09 |
A Sheet of water of Considerable extent - being almost artificial and partly surrounded by [?] It abounds in fish, and is the [?] of Wildfowl.- |
OS1/5/12/28 |
Dunglas Bridge
Dunglas Bridge
Dunglas Bridge |
George Smith
Mrs. Scott
Robert Haislop |
029.05 |
A Small Stone bridge con[sisting] of two arches, and spanning Leet Water adjacent to the [?] |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheets 28 & 9 Nos. 5 & 12 Collected & described by John Callanan [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
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Trouble with end of lines missing |
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Georgefield |
George Wilson. Chemist Coldstream
James marshall. George Field
William Lewens. Oxenrigg |
029.01 |
A substantial built farm house with suitable Outhouses, a small
Garden, and a large Arable & pasture farm Attached. It is the property of Mr. George Wilson Coldstream - |
OS1/5/12/29 |
Fair Rig
Fair Rig
Fair Rig |
William Lewens. Oxenrigg
George Dunlop. Skaithmoor
John Thompson. Hirsel fair Toll |
029.01 |
A small arable Hill on the farm of Oxenrig affording good pasture It is the property of Lord Haddington - |
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Hirsellaw Toll [Pike]
Hirsellaw Toll [Pike]
Hirsellaw Toll [Pike] |
John Thomson
George Dunlop
George Wilson |
029.01 |
A Toll-bar on the road from Coldstream
To Dunde, The property of the Trustees
(of Berwickshire). - |
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Ph. [Parish] Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 1 Described by Sapper E ODonnell Royal Engineers |
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Blank Page |
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Todhill Rig
Todhill Rig
Todhill Rig |
John Fairbairn, Todhill Rig
Mr. Dunlop, Skaithmuir
Mr. George Wilson (Coldstream) |
029.01 |
A farm house with a small garden, suitable offices, and a small arable farm attached. It is the property of the Earl of Haddington, and tenanted by Mr. John Fairbairn. |
OS1/5/12/31 |
Skaithmuir |
Mr. Dunlop, Skaithmuir
John Fairbairn,
County Map |
029.01 |
A large and substantially built farm house, with a garden, commodious farm offices, and a large arable farm attached. It is the property of Sir John Marjoribanks, of Lees, and tenanted by Mr. Dunlop. |
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Parish of Coldstream sheet 29.1 Described by R. Wightson c/a [Civilian Assistant] |
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Blank Page |
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Lennelhill |
W. Herriot Milnegraden West Mains
John Duncan Tweed Mill
James Flogan Tweed Mill |
029.02 |
A neatly built farm house with suitable Offices a garden and large arable farm attached. The property of the Earl of Haddington. |
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Skaithmuir Toll (Disused)
Skaithmuir Toll (Disused)
Skaithmuir Toll (Disused) |
Mr Herriot Milnegraden West Mains
John Duncan
James Flogan |
029.02 |
This was formerly used as a toll bar but at present occupied by a servant of Sir John Marjoribanks. It is a neat Cottage one story high. |
OS1/5/12/33 |
Tweed Mill
Tweed Mill
(Corn)Tweed Mill
(Corn) |
William Herriot
John Duncan
James Flogan |
029.02 |
A stone building two stories high
on the north bank of the Tweed,
used as a Corn Mill and propelled by Water power - The property of the Earl of Haddington - detached
is a Kiln and dwelling houses - |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet29.2Described by G Turner Sappr. [Sapper] RE [Royal Engineers] |
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Tweedmill Quarry
Tweedmill Quarry
Tweedmill Quarry |
William Herriot
James Flogan
John Duncan |
029.02 |
A large Sandstone Quarry a Short distance west of Tweed[mouth] The property of The Earl of Haddington |
OS1/5/12/34 |
Great Haugh
Great Haugh
Great Haugh |
William Herriot
James Flogan
John Duncan |
029.02 |
A large Island in the Tweed a short distance west of Tweed Mill, and used as a fishing station. The property of Sir Francis Blake It is situated in Cornhill Tillmouth Township [-] to Northumberland |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29.2 Described by G Turner Sapr' [Sapper] RE [Royal Engineers] |
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Cannot read part of the faded writing |
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Colour Heugh
Colour Heugh
Colour Heugh |
William Scott
John Gray
Henry Johnstone |
029.06 |
The Name applies to a Salmon Cast in the Tweed, adjacent to a Rocky Precipice on the English Side, Called Colour Heugh, from which it derives the Name. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Sir Francis Blake. - |
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Dreeping Heugh
Dreeping Heugh
Dreeping Heugh |
William scott
Mr. Gray
James Gray |
029.06 |
A Rocky precipice and salmon Cast, situated on the West Side of Tweed. The Rocks are perpendicular from which water is oozing, hence the name. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Sir Francis Blake. - |
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Lennelhaugh Shiel
Lennelhaugh Shiel
Lennelhaugh Shiel |
William scott
Mr. Gray
James Gray |
029.06 |
A Small brick building erected for the Convenience of persons engaged during the Season of Salmon fishing. Proprietor Lord Haddington. |
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Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 6 Collected & described by
John Callanan LCorp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/36 |
Wellington |
William Scott
John Gray
James Gray |
029.02 |
A Salmon Cast on the North side of Tweed and opposite Tweedmill Proprietors Lord Haddington and Sir Francis Blake.- |
OS1/5/12/36 |
Chapel Stream
Chapel Stream
Chapel Stream |
William Scott
John Gray
James Scott |
029.02 |
A rapid Current on the South Side of the Tweed famed for being a first rate Salmon Cast. It derives the [name] from an Old Chapel being situated Close by - on English Side of the River Proprietors Lord Haddington & Sir Francis Blake. - |
OS1/5/12/36 |
The Pot
The Pot
The Pot |
William Scott
John Gray
James scott |
029.02 |
A Salmon Cast on the East Side of Tweed, and to where the River Fill Joins - proprietors Lord Haddington and Sir Francis Blake. - |
OS1/5/12/36 |
page 36
Parish of Coldstream. Sheet 29 No. 2 Collected and described by
John Callanan Le.Corp [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers |
OS1/5/12/37 |
Scart Heugh
Scart Heugh
Scart Heugh |
William Scott
John Gray
James Scott |
029.02 |
A Rocky Cliff, and Salmon Cast, Situated on the North Side of the Tweed. The origin of the Name is not known. Proprietors D. Milnehome Esqr. and sir Francis Blake |
OS1/5/12/37 |
Greathaugh Shiel
Greathaugh Shiel
Greathaugh Shiel |
William Scott
John Gray
James Scott |
029.02 |
A Small brick building Situate on Greathaugh Island, for the
accommodation of persons engaged during the Season of Salmon fishing. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Sir Francis Blake. - |
OS1/5/12/37 |
[Page] 37
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 Nos. 2 & 3 Collected & described by
John Callanan Lce. Corp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/38 |
Lennel Hill
Lennel Hill
Lennel Hill |
William Scott
John Gray
James scott |
029.02 |
A Considerable Elevation, on the Summit of which is Situate the farm house, and out buildings of Lennelhill. Proprietor Lord Haddington |
OS1/5/12/38 |
Twisel Ferry
Twisel Ferry
Twisel Ferry |
William Scott
John gray
James Scott |
029.02 |
This Name applies to a ferry opposite Twisel castle, wher a Cast is kept (on the English Side) for Conveying pedestrians across the Tweed, for the charge of one halfpenny each. Proprietor Sir Francis Blake |
OS1/5/12/38 |
Twisel Ford
Twisel Ford
Twisel Ford |
William Scott
John Gray
James Scott |
029.02 |
A ford across the Tweed, which is very seldom used Since the Erection of Norham Bridge. |
OS1/5/12/38 |
[Page] 38
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 2 Collected and described by
John Callanan Lce. Corp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/39 |
Todrig |
Thomas Young. Todrig
Andrew Davidson. West Main
John Thompson. Hirsel Law Toll |
028.07 |
A comfortable farm house with suitable Outhouses, a garden and a large Arable & pasture farm attached. It is the property of Captain Dickson & Tenanted by Mr. Thomas Young. |
OS1/5/12/39 |
[Page] 39
Ph. [Parish] Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 7 Described by Sapper E. ODonnell Royal Engineers |
OS1/5/12/40 |
[Page] 40
Blank page |
OS1/5/12/41 |
Hatchednize |
Mr. Foulton, Occupant
Mr. Turnbull, Crooks
Thomas Hood, Coldstream Mains |
028.08 |
A good dwelling house with large and suitable out houses, and an arable farm of land attached. Occupied by Mr. Foulton. The Property of Sir Hugh Cambell (Marchmount) |
OS1/5/12/41 |
Wallace's Crook |
Mr. William Paterson
Mr. Stevenson
John Hislop. Gardener |
028.08 |
This name is well known, and applies to the bend of a small Crook, that forms the parish Boundary between Coldstream and Eccles. -
Tradition asserts, that the Scotch patriot Sir William Wallace, passed a night hidden beside the Stream, from which it derived the name. - |
OS1/5/12/41 |
Crooks Loch. |
Mr. Robert Henderson
Mr. Robert Mauchlin.
Mr. Cockburn |
028.08 ; 028.12 |
A small pond intersected by the parish boundary between Coldstream and Eccles and situated on the farm of "Crooks" from which its name is derived. - |
OS1/5/12/41 |
page 41
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8 Trace 1 |
OS1/5/12/42 |
Montague Lodge |
Mr. Foulton, Hatchednize
Mr. Turnbull, Crooks
Mr. Smith, Steward (Hirsel) |
028.08 |
A neat lodge, on Hirsel estate, at the north west entrance to Hirsel |
OS1/5/12/42 |
[Page] 42
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8 Trace 5 Described by E. Price |
OS1/5/12/43 |
OBELISK (Lord Dunglas's Monument) |
Obelisk (Lord Dunglas's Monument)
Obelisk (Lord Dunglas's Monument)
Obelisk (Lord Dunglas's Monument) |
Mr. George Smith
Mr. Richard Henderson
Mr. William Scott |
028.08 |
A Stone pillar 42 feet 11 inches high, having four sides, and lessening upwards till it terminates in a point. It bears the following inscription on the South West Side. "Alexander 9th Earl of Home, to the Memory of his Son William Lord Dunglas who died in the 24 year of his age, of wounds received at the Battle of Gilford in America", and on the North East side is - "Lord Dunglas born 27th November 1757. Died December 1781. Obelisk erected Nov. [November] 1st 1784". |
OS1/5/12/43 |
[Page] 43
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8 Collected & described by
John Callanan Lce.Corp R.E [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/44 |
Lithtillum Loch
Lithtillum Loch
Lithtillum Loch |
George Smith
William Scott
Richard Henderson |
028.08 |
A small Lake on the farm of Hatchednize. |
OS1/5/12/44 |
Chatterpath Bridge
Chatterpath Bridge
Chatterpath Bridge |
George Smith
William Scott
Richard Henderson |
028.08 |
A Small Stone bridge Consisting of one Arch, built over the Leet Water on the Road leading from Hirsel law Toll towards Greenlaw. - |
OS1/5/12/44 |
Damford Shiel
Damford Shiel
Damford Shiel |
D. Milnhome Esqr.
James Scott
John Moore |
023.15 |
A Circular Stone building erected for the accommodation of persons engaged during the Season of Salmon fishing. Proprietor D. Milnhome Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/44 |
[Page] 44
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8. Collected and described by
John Callanan LCorp. RE [Lance Corporal. Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/45 |
Crooks |
Mr Turnbull, Occupant
Mr. Smith, Steward (Hirsel)
Mr. Foulton; Hatchednize |
028.08 ; 028.12 |
A good dwelling house, with commodious and corresponding out houses, and an arable farm attached. Occupied by Mr Turnbull. The Property of the Earl of Hume. |
OS1/5/12/45 |
page 45
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8 Trace 6 Described by E Price |
OS1/5/12/46 |
[Page] 46
Blank page |
OS1/5/12/47 |
Castlelaw |
Archibald Dickson Esqr.
John Jeffery
George Smith |
028.08 |
A good Stone building two Stories high, with out offices, a garden, Orchard, and arable farm attached. Proprietor Archibald Dickson Esqr. - |
OS1/5/12/47 |
The Mount
The Mount
The Mount |
Archibald Dickson Esqr
John Jeffery
George Smith |
028.08 |
A Small hillock or Mound, having a tabulated Summit, and surrounded by a slight fosse; the whole being studded with Wood. |
OS1/5/12/47 |
[Page] 47
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8 Collected and described by
John Callanan LCorp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers |
OS1/5/12/48 |
Castlelaw Mains
Castlelaw Mains
Castlelaw Mains |
Archibald Dickson Esqr.
John Jeffery
George Smith |
028.08 |
A commodious farm house two Stories high, having suit(able)
outbuildings - including a threshing Mill - a garden and large ar(able) farm attached. Proprietor Archibald Dickson Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/48 |
St. [Saint] Mary's Well
St. [Saint] Mary's Well
St. [Saint] Mary's Well |
Archibald Dickson Esqr
John Jeffery
Robert Haislop |
028.08 |
A Spring well faced with [?ey], and having a Stone erected over it, bearing the Name in O(ld) English - This name was g(iven) to the Well. by Mr Wait, former proprietor in Commemoration of one of
his relatives a benevolent & pious young lady - |
OS1/5/12/48 |
[Page] 48
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 8. Collected and described by
John Callanan LCorp (RE) [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/49 |
Kincham Lodge
Kincham Lodge
Kincham Lodge |
Mr. smith (Factor)
Mr. Foulton
J. Hood |
029.05 |
A neat lodge on the road from Coldstream to Dunse. The property of lord Hume. |
OS1/5/12/49 |
Oxenrig |
Mr Smith
Mr Foulton
J Hood |
029.05 ; 029.06 |
A large farm house neatly built, with suitable offices, a garden and good arable farm attached. The property of the Earl of Haddington. |
OS1/5/12/49 |
[Page] 49
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 5 Collected by G Turner Sapper R.E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/50 |
Dunglas Wood
Dunglas Wood
Dunglas Wood |
Mr Smith Hirsel
Thomas Hood Coldstream Mains
Mr Foulton Hatchednize |
028.08 ; 029.05 |
A large wood north of Hir(sel) The property of Lord Hume |
OS1/5/12/50 |
Kincham Wood
Kincham Wood
Kincham Wood |
Mr Smith
J Hood
Mr Foulton |
029.05 |
A large wood on the Estate of Hirsel, The property of Lord Hume |
OS1/5/12/50 |
Muirhouses |
J. Hood
Mr Foulton
Mr Smith |
029.5 |
A row of hinds houses in a ruinous st[ate] The property of the Earl of [Haddington] |
OS1/5/12/50 |
Hirsel law
Hirsel law
Hirsel law |
Mr Smith
Mr Foulton
J Hood |
028.08 ; 029.05 |
A Considerable hill on the estate (of) Hirsel. |
OS1/5/12/50 |
OS1/5/12/50 |
[Page] 50
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 N0. 5 Collexted and described by G Turner sapper R.E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/51 |
Coldstream Mains |
J. Hood, Occupant
Mr. Smith, Steward Hirsel
Mr. Turnbull, Crooks |
029.05 |
A good dwelling house, with commodious and suitable out houses, and a considerable farm of arable land attached
Occupied by J Hood, The Property of the Earl of Haddington. |
OS1/5/12/51 |
[Page] 51
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 5 |
OS1/5/12/51 |
Coldstream is all one word |
OS1/5/12/52 |
Hirsel |
Hirsel estate plan
Mr. Smith, Steward Hirsel
Mr. Turnbull, Crooks |
029.05 |
This is the Mansion house, of the earl of Hume, and is of pretty large dimension It is extensively surrounded (by) wood and ornamental grounds |
OS1/5/12/52 |
[Page] 52
parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 5 Trace 4 Described by E price |
OS1/5/12/53 |
Crow |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnstone |
029.06 ; 029.10 |
A portion of the river tweed used as a Salmon Cast. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Mr. Collingwood Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/53 |
Crow Shiel
Crow Shiel
Crow Shiel |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.06 |
This name applies to a Small Circular building erected for the accommodation of persons engaged during the Season of Salmon Fishing. Proprietor Lord Haddington |
OS1/5/12/53 |
Crooksbul |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.06 |
A Small portion of the North Side of Tweed used as a Cast in angling for salmon. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Mr. Collingwood Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/53 |
[Page] 53
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29. N0. 6 + 10. Collected and described by
John Callanan
Le.Corp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers |
OS1/5/12/54 |
Lennel Haugh
Lennel Haugh
Lennel Haugh |
William Scott. Coldstream
James Scott. Werk
John Gray - Lennel |
029.06 |
A Strip of pasture Situate on the North bank of the Tweed, importing the Name also to the Salmon fishing (on the Same Side) as far as[it] extends. Proprietor Lord Haddington. |
OS1/5/12/54 |
Propstone Shiel
Propstone Shiel
Propstone Shiel |
William Scott
John Gray
Henry Johnston |
029.06 |
A Small brick building for the accommodation of persons
engaged during the Season of Salmon fishing. Proprietor Lord Haddington. |
OS1/5/12/54 |
Rough Stones
Rough Stones
Rough Stones |
William Scott
Mr. Gray
Henry Johnston |
029.06 |
A Salmon Cast on the South Side of Tweed, deriving the Name from a few boulders that are visible when the Water is low.
Proprietors Lord Haddington & Mr. Collingwood Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/54 |
[Page] 54
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 6 Collected and described by
John Callanan [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/55 |
LENNEL CHURCH (Remains of) |
Lennel Church
(Remains of)
Lennel Church
(Remains of)
Lennel Church
(Remains of) |
Archibald Walker, Lennel (Newtown)
John Gray, Lennel
Alexander Scott, Lennel |
029.06 |
An old ruin and graveyard situated within a short distance of Lennel (Newtown) - one of the gables (to which has been built a watch house) and two small pieces of the side walls being all that are left standing. The grave-yard is used as a place of interment by the inhabitants of Coldstream. Lennel Church is all that remains of the old village of Lennel, which was
destroyed by the English. |
OS1/5/12/55 |
[Page] 55
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29.6 Described by R Wighton c/a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/5/12/56 |
[Page] 56
Blank Page |
OS1/5/12/57 |
LENNEL (Newtown) |
(Newtown) |
Thomas Hood Coldstream Mains
Mr Nichalson. Lennelhill
Revd. [Reverend Mr. Goldie - Coldstream |
029.06 |
A Small village, of modern erection Situate beside the "River Tweed" about a mile east of Coldstream - the houses are all small being only one Story high, with neat gardens attached and affording proper accommodation for the occupants, nearly all of whom are agricultural labourers apparently in comfortable circumstance The Property of the Earl of Haddington - A little further east of this again, once stood the original village of Lennel said to have been entirely destroyed by the English in times past, when the two countries were at hostilities with each other. |
OS1/5/12/57 |
[Page] 57
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 6 Trace 4 Described by E Price |
OS1/5/12/58 |
SALMON INN [Lennel] |
Salmon Inn |
S. Scott Occupant
Thomas Hood, Coldstream Mains
Mr Nichalson, Lennelhill |
029.06 |
A small public house, at the east angle of the road leading north [to]
the village of Lennel. Occupi[ed] by S Scott The Property of [M] Freston of Lennel. |
OS1/5/12/58 |
Lennel House |
Thomas Hood, Coldstream Mains
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Goldie, Coldstream
Mr Nichalson, Lennelhill. |
029.06 |
This is one of the Earl of Haddin[gtons] Seats, and it is agreeably situate Ea[st] the Tweed at the South Side of [Lennel] village - it is neatly surrounded [by] wood, and ornamental grounds, [though]
not extensively. Presently occup[ied] by General Macintosh. |
OS1/5/12/58 |
[Page] 58
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 6 Trace 4 Described by E. Price |
OS1/5/12/59 |
Wark Dub
Wark Dub
Wark Dub |
William Scott. Coldstream
James Scott. Wark
Henry Johnston. Cornhill |
028.16 |
The Name applies to a portion of
the River Tweed used as a Cast in
angling for salmon. Proprietors Lords Home and Ossulstow. |
OS1/5/12/59 |
Island Side
Island Side
Island Side |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
028.16 |
A portion of the South Side of Tweed used as a Salmon Cast. Proprietors Lords Home and Ossulstow. |
OS1/5/12/59 |
Earls Haugh
Earls Haugh
Earls Haugh |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
028.12 ; 028.16 ; 029.13 |
A strip of pasture Situate on the North bank of the Tweed, and giving a name to the Salmon fishery (on the Same Side) as far as it extends. Proprietor Lord Home. |
OS1/5/12/59 |
[Page] 59
Parish of Coldstream Sheets 28.12 +16 Collected and described by
John Callanan
Le.Corp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/60 |
Cuddys Hole
Cuddys Hole
Cuddys Hole
Cuddie |
William Scott. Coldstream
James Scott. Wark
Henry Johnston. Cornhill
Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
028.16 |
A portion of the North Side of Tweed used as a Salm[on] Cast. Proprietors Lord Home and Ossulstow. |
OS1/5/12/60 |
Wark Ferry
Wark Ferry
Wark Ferry |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
028.16 |
The Name applies to a ferry opposite the Village of Wark, where a Boat is kept (on the English Side) to Convey pedestrians across the
Tweed for the charge of one halfpenny each. Proprie[tor] Lord Ossulstow. |
OS1/5/12/60 |
[Page] 60
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28. No. 16 Collected and described by
John Callanan
Le.C [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/61 |
Wester Fireburnmill
Wester Fireburnmill
Wester Fireburnmill |
George Dods Fireburnmill
Thomas Steel Fireburnmill Toll
John Jeffery Castle Law |
028.12 |
A small cottage with garden attached, on the road from Coldstream to Kelso. The property of the Earl of Hume. |
OS1/5/12/61 |
Fireburnmill |
George Dods
Thomas Steel
John Jeffery |
028.12 |
A farm house with suitable Offices, a garden and large Arable farm attached. The property of Sir Hugh Campbell of Marchmont. |
OS1/5/12/61 |
[Page] 61
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28 No. 12 Collected by G Turner Sapper. R.E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/62 |
Fireburnmill Toll
Fireburnmill Toll
Fireburnmill Toll |
Thomas Steel
George Dods
John Jeffery |
028.12 |
A toll house on the road from Coldstream to Kelso and Greenlaw. The property of the Road Trustees of Berwickshire
Collected by Thomas Steel. |
OS1/5/12/62 |
[Page] 62
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 28.12 Collected by G Turner. Sapper. R.E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/63 |
LOCK-UP [Coldstream] |
Lockup House House
Lockup House House
Lockup House House |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqr.
Captn. [Captain] McLaren |
029.09 |
A square stone building 2 stories high, the residence of the County Constable, there are two cells on the ground floor for disorderlies. |
OS1/5/12/63 |
TOWN HALL [Coldstream] |
Town Hall
Town Hall
Town Hall |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqe.
Captain McLaren. |
029.09 |
A plain stone building two stories high, for the use of the Magistrates and Commisioners of police, there is also a News Room and Library attached for the use of the town. |
OS1/5/12/63 |
[Page] 63
Parish of Coldstream Collected by C.E. Hewitt Sappr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/64 |
West Church (United Presbyterian)
West Church (United Presbyterian)
West Church (United Presbyterian) |
Revd. [Reverend] Adam Thomson,
Revd. [Reverend] James Porteous
Mr. G. Wallace |
029.09 |
A plain stone building used by the sect of united presbyterians for public worship, sittings about 920 Communicants about 490, erected
A.D. 1806 |
OS1/5/12/64 |
CITY OF GLASGOW BANK (Branch of) [Coldstream] |
City of Glasgow Bank
(Branch of)
City of Glasgow Bank
(Branch of)
City of Glasgow Bank
(Branch of) |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqe.
Mr. J. Melrose, Agent |
029.09 |
A good stone building three stories high, used as a branch of the City of Glasgow bank, Mr. J Melrose agent. |
OS1/5/12/64 |
[Page] 64
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/65 |
Quarry Houses
Quarry Houses
Quarry Houses |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie, Coldstream
Capt. [Captain] McLaren, Hope Park
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A name given to 5 Cottages two stories high, the property of
the trustees of the late Mr. Rennie. |
OS1/5/12/65 |
Home Place
Home Place
Home Place |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Captain McLaren
W.L. Beloe, Home Place |
029.09 |
A row of houses 2 stories high, having gardens attached the
property of W.L. Beloe and others. |
OS1/5/12/65 |
[Page] 65
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt, Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/66 |
Hope Park
Hope Park
Hope Park |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A neat stone Mansion one story high, with extensive gardens and ornamental grounds attached the property and residence
of Capt. [Captain] McLaren, |
OS1/5/12/66 |
Manse (parish)
Manse (parish)
Manse (parish) |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
An elegant stone building 2 stories high, with exten[sive] offices, Gardens, ornamental grounds and glebe attached the property & residence of the Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie for the time being. |
OS1/5/12/66 |
[Page] 66
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/67 |
Masons Cottage
Mason's Cottage
Mason's Cottage |
Mr. J. Davidson, Coldstream
Mr. G. Wallace
James Weatherhead, Tenant |
029.09 |
A cottage house one story high with a stable and portion of land attached, the property of Mr. George Humble, Kelso. This cottage was built by a person of the name of Mason from which it derived its name. |
OS1/5/12/67 |
Hatfield |
Mr. J Davidson, Tenant
Mr. George Wallace
James Weatherhead |
029.09 |
Two cottage houses with garden, stable, and small arable farm attached, the property of the trustees of the late Dr. [Doctor]
Weatherhead of London. |
OS1/5/12/67 |
[Page] 67
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/68 |
Gallowsknowe |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Mr. J. Nielans, Tenant
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A small farm house with suitable offices and small arable farm attached, the property of the Earl of Haddington. According to tradition a gallows was erected on this [site] during the Border Wars, from which it derives its name. |
OS1/5/12/68 |
Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqe.
Mr. George Wallace |
029.09 |
A good spring of water faced with masonry and a metal spout, the origin of this name is not known, |
OS1/5/12/68 |
[Page] 68
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/69 |
MARKET PLACE [Coldstream] |
Market Place
Market Place
Market Place |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A large open space of ground where the Market is held on the last Thursday of every Month for the sale of Cattle, in the centre there is a fountain surrounded by iron palisades, but the houses that surround the market-place are only poor |
OS1/5/12/69 |
New Road
New Road
New Road |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A street leading from the Market place to Leet water the houses are mostly occupied by Laborers and Mechanics. |
OS1/5/12/69 |
[Page] 69
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/70 |
GAS LANE [Coldstream] |
Gas Lane
Gas Lane
Gas Lane |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow lane leading from the Market place to the Gas Works. |
OS1/5/12/70 |
BREWERY LANE [Coldstream] |
Brewery Lane
Brewery Lane
Brewery Lane |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow lane leading from the market place to the leet water. |
OS1/5/12/70 |
[Page] 70
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/71 |
Lees |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Mr. James Cunningham
Capt. [Captain] McLaren |
029.09 |
An elegant stone Mansion two stories high, the property and residence of Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] There are considerable and well laid out pleasure grounds, also a good garden, and outoffices detached. |
OS1/5/12/71 |
LEES MILL (Corn) |
Lees Mill (Corn)
Lees Mill
Lees Mill |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Mr. James Cunningham
Mr. R. Tait, Tenant |
029.09 |
A good stone building three stories high, worked by water power, the property of Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] of Lees. |
OS1/5/12/71 |
[Page] 71
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B E Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/72 |
Quarry House
Quarry House
Quarry House |
Adam Thompson, Forester
Mr. G. Wallace
Mr. James Cunningham |
029.09 |
A small cottage house one story high, the property of the Right Honle. [Honourable] the Earl of Home and the residence of his forester. |
OS1/5/12/72 |
Hill House
Hill House
Hill House |
Mr. T. Hogg, Tenant
Mr. G. Wallace
Mr. James Cunningham |
029.09 |
A farm house with suitable offices and small arable farm attached, in the occupancy of Mr. T Hogg and the property of the Earl of Home |
OS1/5/12/72 |
[Page] 72
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/73 |
Marjoribanks Monument
Marjoribanks Monument
Marjoribanks Monument |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A Doric fluted column surmounted by a sculptured statue of Charles
Marjoribanks Esqe. The following inscription is cut in stone on the N[orth] side.
Erected by the numerous friends of Charles Marjoribanks Esqe. M.P. [Member of Parliament] for the County of Berwick, 3rd son of Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] of Lees to perpetuate their admiration of his high talents amiable qualities and Political principles and to commemorate the triumphant victory obtained by the independent and liberal electors of Berwickshire A.D. 1832.
The height of the pillar from the base to the top of the statue is about 70 feet. |
OS1/5/12/73 |
page 73
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/74 |
Obelisk |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
James Cunningham Esqe.
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A small Obelisk 14 feet high surrounded by iron paling, The following inscription is cut on Granite on the North face of it. Erected by the inhabitants of Coldstream in honour of Sir John Marjoribanks of Lees Bart. [Baronet] to testify their gratitude for his munifcient gift of an abundant and permanent supply of water to the town 1832. |
OS1/5/12/74 |
[Page] 74
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/75 |
Coldstream |
Revd. [Reverend T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqe.
County Map |
029.09 |
A small and irregular built town with a Market for the sale of Cattle on the last thursday of every month, there are no Manufactories in the town worthy of note, but being situated in the midst of an agricultural district it derives great benefit from that source, the public buildings are plain and neat as also are a number of gentlemens and tradesmens houses. |
OS1/5/12/75 |
[Page] 75
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/75 |
Coldstream is all one word |
OS1/5/12/76 |
Rosybank |
William Cunningham Esqe.
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie |
029.09 |
A good stone dwelling house two stories high, with a small garden attached, the property and residence of William Cunningham Esqe. |
OS1/5/12/76 |
ST MARY'S ABBEY (Site of) |
Coldstream Abbey (site of)
Coldstream Abbey (site of)
Coldstream Abbey (site of)
St. [Saint] Mary
St. [Saint] Mary
St. [Saint] Mary |
William Cunningham Esqe.
Captain McLaren
Rev. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Dedicatory Name
Redpaths Border History
Chalmers Caledonia |
029.09 |
This Abbey was founded by Gospatrick or Cospatrick, the fourth Earl of Dunbar, and his pious Countess Deider, sometime towards the close of the reign of King David 1st probably in the year 1158 but of this we have not authentic information, as the chronicles of that period fail to register the event, and the charters of foundation as in general with those early legal instruments have no date appended, (extracted from Historic Memorials of Coldstream Abbey, collected by a delver in antiquity) This Abbey was dedicated to St. [Saint] Mary but not a vestige of it is now to be seen, except a small portion of the ancient burial ground which is seldom used. |
OS1/5/12/76 |
[Page] 76
Sheet 19.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/77 |
River Tweed
River Tweed
River Tweed |
Revd. [Reverend]Thomas S. goldie Coldstream
Mr. T. Hood
County Map |
029 |
A large river which rises in the parish of Tweedsmuir, near the point where the counties of Peebles, Dumfries and lanark meet. It runs nearly N.E. [North East] receiving many rivulets, till it reaches Peebles, where running nearly E. [East], its stream is augmented by those of the Etterick, near Selkirk, the Gala at Galashiels, The Leader near Melrose, and Teviot at Kelso. For many miles it forms the boundary between ngland and Scotland, until it falls into the German Ocean at Berwick-upon-Tweed. |
OS1/5/12/77 |
[Page] 77
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 10 Collected by G Turner Sapper R.E [Royal Engineers]
For a more lengthened description of the
River Tweed See the Name Lists of
The County of the Borough & Town of Berwick
-upon-Tweed. |
OS1/5/12/78 |
Coldstream Bridge
Coldstream Bridge
Coldstream Bridge |
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Smith Goldie Coldstream
William Herriot
John Duncan. Tweed Mill |
029.10 |
A stone bridge consisting of 5 arches built across the River Tweed, on the Road between Coldstream and Cornhill. |
OS1/5/12/78 |
[Page] 78
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 10 Collected by G Turner Sapper RE [Royal Engineers]
Coldstream Bridge (In Roman Print) |
OS1/5/12/79 |
Back of the Wall
Back of the Wall
Back of the Wall |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.10 ; 029.13 |
This Name applies to a Considerable portion of the Tweed which is used, and considered to be a good Salmon Cast (on the South Side).
Proprietors Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] and Earl Gray. |
OS1/5/12/79 |
Cornhill Stream
Cornhill Stream
Cornhill Stream |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.10 |
A Rapid Current in the Tweed used as a Cast in angling for Salmon. Proprietors Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] and Mr. Collingwood
Esqe. |
OS1/5/12/79 |
Deddo Mouth
Deddo Mouth
Deddo Mouth |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.01 |
A portion of the Tweed at the point where the Deddo joins it, used as a Cast in angling for Salmon. proprietors sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] and Mr. Collingwood Esqr. |
OS1/5/12/79 |
[Page] 79
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 Nos. 10 & 14. Collected and described by
John Callanan
L.Corp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/80 |
Cauld Slap
Cauld Slap
Cauld Slap |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.10 |
The Name applies to a gap in the Weir at the S.[South] East end of
Coldstream Bridge, which is considered to be the best Salmon Cast
in the Neighbourhood of Coldstream. Proprietors Lord Haddington and Mr. Collingwood |
OS1/5/12/80 |
Long Stream
Long Stream
Long Stream |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.01 |
A rapid current in the Tweed used as a Salmon Cast, being a Continuation of Cauld Slap. |
OS1/5/12/80 |
Crow Green
Crow Green
Crow Green |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.06 ; 029.10 |
The Name applies to a considerable portion of pasture land Situate
on the North of the Tweed. Proprietor Lord Haddington. |
OS1/5/12/80 |
[Page] 80
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29 No. 10 Collected and described by
John Callanan
L.Corp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/81 |
HIGH STREET [Coldstream] |
High Street
High Street
High Street |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
The principal street in the town of Coldstream with numerous good shops and dwelling houses situated on each side of it. |
OS1/5/12/81 |
MARKET STREET [Coldstream] |
Market Street
Market Street
Market Street |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow street leading from high street to the Market place. |
OS1/5/12/81 |
[Page] 81
sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/82 |
Lukes Lane
Lukes Lane
Lukes Lane |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow lane leading from High Street to Duke Street. |
OS1/5/12/82 |
DUKE STREET [Coldstream] |
Duke Street
Duke Street
Duke Street |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A good broad street leading from Market Street to Leet water occupied principaly by Mechanics and labourers |
OS1/5/12/82 |
[Page] 82
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/83 |
Parish Church
Parish Church
Parish Church |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie, Minister
Captain McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A plain stone building with a small tower at the W. End, this church was erected in 1795 has sittings for 950 Communicants about 700 Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie, Minister |
OS1/5/12/83 |
SCHOOL [Coldstream] |
Parish School
Parish School
Parish School |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Mr. J. Allison, Teacher
Capt. [Captain] McLaren |
029.09 |
A commodious room with a house and garden attached, the branches of education taught, are Greek, Latin, French, and the general branches of an English education. Mr. J Allison Schoolmaster |
OS1/5/12/83 |
[Page] 83
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/84 |
BRITISH LINEN COMPANY'S BANK (Branch of) [Coldstream] |
British Linen Co. [Company] Bank (Branch of)
British Linen Co. [Company] Bank (Branch of)
British Linen Co. [Company] Bank (Branch of) |
William Douglas Esqe. Agent
William Cunningham Esqe.
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie |
029.09 |
A neat stone building two stories high, with a large garden attached
the residence of Mr. William Douglas the agent. |
OS1/5/12/84 |
POST OFFICE [Coldstream] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
Mr. Halliburten
William Cunningham Esqe.
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie |
029.09 |
A stationers shop and dwelling house two stories high, it is also used as a post office where letters are despatched and delivered twice daily, Mr. Halliburten postmaster and proprietor |
OS1/5/12/84 |
[Page] 84
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr. RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/85 |
BANK OF SCOTLAND (Branch of) [Coldstream] |
Bank of Scotland (Branch of)
Bank of Scotland (Branch of)
Bank of Scotland (Branch of) |
Mr. James Cunningham, Agent
Revd. [Reverend T.S. Goldie
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A neat stone building two stories high, used as branch of the Bank of Scotland, also as the residence of Mr. James Cunningham the agent. |
OS1/5/12/85 |
FREE CHURCH [Coldstream] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Rodger, Minister
Mr. John Lawson
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie |
029.09 |
A neat edifice in the gothic style of architecture, erected in the year
1846, sittings 500, Communicants about 300 Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Rodger Minister. |
OS1/5/12/85 |
[page] 85
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr. RE [sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/86 |
East Church (United Presbyterians)
East Church (United Presbyterians)
East Church (United Presbyterians) |
Revd. [Reverend] James Porteous, Minister
Revd. [Reverend T.S. Goldie
Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Rodger |
029.09 |
A plain stone building erected in the year 1826 by a body of seceders term'd the relief but that body have amalgamated with the united
presbyterians, of which this church form a pact, Sittings 750 Communicants 440 |
OS1/5/12/86 |
COMMERCIAL INN [Coldstream] |
Commercial Inn
Commercial Inn
Commercial Inn |
Mr. William Rathie, Tenant
William Cunningham Esqe.
Mr. George Wallace |
029.09 |
A neat Inn and porting house two stories high the property of Mrs.
Mauchlan, Coldstream. |
OS1/5/12/86 |
[page] 86
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr.RE [Sapper Royal Engineers]
U.P. East Church (In Stump) |
OS1/5/12/87 |
Newcastle Arms Hotel
Newcastle Arms Hotel
Newcastle Arms Hotel |
William Cunningham Esqe.
Mr. George Wallace
Sign Board |
029.09 |
A good Hotel and posting house two stories high with stabling attached, in the occupation and the property of Mrs. M Hume. |
OS1/5/12/87 |
BLACK BULL INN [Coldstream] |
Black Bull Inn
Black Bull Inn
Black Bull Inn |
Mr. J. Walker, Tenant
Mr. Alexander Fish
Sign Board |
029.09 |
A good Inn with stabling attached, the property of Mr. Alexander Fish Coldstream. |
OS1/5/12/87 |
[page] 87
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr.RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/88 |
Dunse Loan
Dunse Loan
Dunse Loan |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain] McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow street leading from high street to the Dunse Road, at Home place. |
OS1/5/12/88 |
Nursery Lane
Nursery Lane
Nursery Lane |
Revd. [Reverend] T.S. Goldie
Capt. [Captain ]McLaren
William Cunningham Esqe. |
029.09 |
A narrow lane leading from High Street to Dunse Loan. |
OS1/5/12/88 |
[page] 88
Sheet 29.9 Parish of Coldstream Collected by B.E. Hewitt
Sapr.RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/89 |
Lady's Hole
Lady's Hole
Lady's Hole |
William Scott. Coldstream
James Scott. Warke
Henry Johnston |
029.13 |
A portion of the Tweed used as a cast in angling for Salmon. Proprietors Lords Home and Ossulston |
OS1/5/12/89 |
Black Mark
Black Mark
Black Mark |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.13 |
A small portion of the South Side of Tweed used as a Salmon Cast.
Proprietors Lords House and Ossulston. |
OS1/5/12/89 |
Temple |
William Scott
James scott
Henry Johnston |
029.10 ; 029.13 |
The Name applies to a Considerable portion of the River Tweed, which is used as a Cast in angling for Salmon. It derives the name from a Circular building Situated in the North bank of the River Called "the temple." proprietor Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/5/12/89 |
[page] 89
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29. Nos. 9 & 13. Collected and described by
John Callanan
L.CorpRE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/5/12/90 |
Lees Haugh
Lees Haugh
Lees Haugh |
William Scott. Coldstream
James Scott, Warke
Henry Johnston. Cornhill |
029.09 ; 029.13 ; 029.14 |
A Considerable portion of arable pasture on the North side of the Tweed, which also gives a name to the Salmon fishing as far as the name applies. Proprietor Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/5/12/90 |
The Bulwark
The Bulwark
The Bulwark |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.14 |
A small portion of the Tweed used as a Salmon Cast, being Situated on the South Side of the River. Proprietors Sir John Marjoribanks and Earl Gray. |
OS1/5/12/90 |
Leeshaugh Shiel
Leeshaugh Shiel
Leeshaugh Shiel |
William Scott
James Scott
Henry Johnston |
029.13 |
A small Circular building for the accommodation of persons engaged
at the Salmon fishing. Proprietor Sir John Marjoribanks Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/5/12/90 |
[page] 90
Parish of Coldstream Sheet 29. Nos. 10,13 &14 Collected and described by
John Callanan
L.CorpRE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
Richard Burnaby
Capt.RE [Captain Royal Engineers]
30 April 1858. |
OS1/5/12/91 |
Co. [County] Berwick
Name Sheets
of the
of Coldstream |
OS1/5/12/92 |
[page] 92
Index to Coldstream Parish
Name -- Page
Back of the Wall -- 79
Bannock Burn --15
Bank of Scotland (Branch of) -- 85
Black Bull Inn -- 87
Black Horse -- 19
Black Mark -- 89
Brewery Lane -- 70
British Linen Cos. [Company's] Bank (branch of) --84
Camp (Remains of) -- 18
Castlelaw -- 47
Castlelaw Mains -- 48
Cauld Slap -- 80
Chatterpark Bridge -- 44
Chapel Stream -- 36
Church -- 83
City of Glasgow Bank (Branch of) -- 64
Coldstream (Parish) -- 1
Coldstream (Town) -- 75
Coldstream Bridge -- 78
Coldstream Mains -- 51
Commercial Inn -- 86
Cornhill Stream -- 79
Colour Heugh -- 35
Craw -- 53
Craw Shiel -- 53
Craw Green -- 80
Crooksbul -- 53
Crooks -- 45
Cuddies Hole -- 60
Crooks Loch -- 41
Damford Shiel -- 44
Darnchester -- 26
Darnchester West Mains -- 23
Deddo Mouth -- 79
Dovecot Mains -- 12
Dreepers Island -- 22
Dreeping Heugh -- 35
Dunglas Bridge -- 28
Dunglas Wood -- 50
Duke Street -- 82
Dunse Loan -- 88
Earls Haugh -- 59 |
OS1/5/12/93 |
[page] 93
Index to Coldstream Parish (Continued)
Name -- Page
Fair Rig -- 29
Fairy Well --20
Fireburnmill -- 61
Fireburnmill T.P. [Toll Pike] -- 62
Free Church -- 85
Gallowsknowe -- 68
Gas Lane -- 70
Georgefield -- 29
Graden Burn -- 18
Great Haugh -- 34
Greathaugh Shiel -- 37
Grot Heugh -- 20
Hatfields -- 67
Hatchednize -- 41
Haws Law -- 27
Hawkslaw -- 25
Hirsel -- 52
Hirsel Law -- 50
Hirsellaw T.P. [Toll Pike] -- 29
High Street -- 81
Hirsel Lake -- 28
Hill House -- 72
Home Place -- 65
Hope Park -- 66
How Dean -- 13
Howdean Burn -- 13
Island Side -- 59
Jacob's Well -- 68
Kincham Lodge -- 49
Kincham Wood -- 50
Ladys Hole -- 89
Lees -- 71
Lees Haugh -- 90
Leeshaugh Shiel -- 90
Lees Mill (Corn) -- 71
Leet Water -- 11
Lithtillum Loch -- 44
Lennel (Newtown) -- 57
Lennel Hill -- 38
Lennelhill -- 33
Lennel Haugh -- 54
Lennelhaugh Shiel -- 35
Lennel House -- 58
Lennel Church (Remains of) -- 55
Little Haugh -- 14
Littlehaugh Shiel -- 19
Lock-up -- 63
Long Stream -- 80
Lukes Lane -- 82 |
OS1/5/12/94 |
page] 94[
Index to Coldstream Parish (Continued)
Name -- Page
Manse -- 66
Market Street -- 81
Marjoribanks Monument -- 73
Marlfield -- 12
Mason's Cottage -- 67
Market Place -- 69
Merse (Dist) [District] -- 9
Milne Graden -- 21
Milnegraden Home Farm -- 15
Milnegraden West Mains -- 17
Montague Lodge -- 42
Muirhouses -- 87
New Road -- 69
Newcastle Arms Hotel -- 87
Nursery Lane -- 88
Obelisk (Lord Dunglas Monument) -- 43
Obelisk -- 74
Oxenrig -- 49
Post Office -- 84
Propstone Shiel -- 54
Quarry House -- 72
River Tweed -- 77
Rough Haugh -- 23
Rough Stones -- 54
Rosybank -- 76
Salmon Inn -- 58
School -- 83
School -- 16
Scart Heugh -- 37
Shiels Burn -- 17
Simprim Burn -- 13
Skaithmuir -- 31
Skaithmuir Toll (Disused) -- 33
Snuke Field -- 14
St. Mary's Abbey -- 76
St. Mary's Well -- 48
Sunnyside -- 16
The Bulwark -- 90
The Mount -- 47
The Temple -- 89
The Pot -- 36
Todhillrig -- 31
Todrig -- 39
Town Hall -- 63
Tweed Mill (Corn) -- 33
Tweedmill Quarry (Sandstone) -- 34
Twisel Ferry -- 38
Twisel Ford -- 38 |
OS1/5/12/95 |
[page] 95
Index to Coldstream Parish (continued)
Name -- Page
UP. [United Presbyterian] East Church -- 86
UP. [United Presbyterian West Church -- 64
Virtue Well (Chalybeate) -- 27
Wark Dub -- 59
Wark Ferry -- 60
Wallace's Crook -- 41
Wester Fireburnmill -- 61
Wellington -- 36
White Cat -- 19
Wylie Cleugh -- 27
Wyliecleugh -- 26 |