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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ST ABB'S NUNNERY (Remains of) St Abb's Nunnery [remains of]
St Abb's Nunnery [remains of]
St Abbs Nunnery [remains of]
Fullarton's Gazetter of Scotland
New Statistical Account
Mr Gray. Architect Coldingham
Mr Purves Coldingham
005.04 On a bold rocky peninsuler cliff on St Abbs Head. the precipitous margins of which appears from remains still visible to have been fortified by a strong stone wall, the foundations of a building of considerable extent are still traceable and said to be the remains of St Abbs Nunnery. In the present day. these remains are known to the inhabitants residing in Coldingham and its vicinity by the name of "Rampart Hall" and the rocky promontory on which it is situated is called the Ramfauds a corruption of Ramparts.
Tradition relates that Ebba daughter of Ethelfred, king of Northumberland was shipwrecked on this coast. and built a Nunnery on this headland in token of gratitude for her preservation_ See Fullarton's Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland. Article St Abb's Head. In Carrs history of the Priory of Coldingham. pp 22 & 23. it is said that "Within that part of Lindesfarne bishopric north side of the Tweed, a double Monastery, for the reception of both Monks and Nuns, was erected by Oswald the reigning Monarch of Northumberland, on a wild headland near Coldingham, which soon afterwards received in honour of its abbess the name of St Abb's Head_" . [? This primitive establishment [f*] [**] [s*] to the fury of those Scandinavian [*] who visited the coast in A.D 870?]. "The period of the foundation of this primitive religious establishment, is not very precisely known. The popular opinion is, that it owed its erection to the princess Ebba, the

Continued entries/extra info

Parish of Coldingham 76
Sheet 5 No 4. Trace 2 Described by J McDiarmid

Transcriber's notes

Part of the description, near the end, was scored out. I have tried to transcribe it.

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