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On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Kitchen Cleugh Burn
Kitchen Cleugh Burn
Mr. James Hardy. Penmanshiel
The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Ingles. Stockbridge
Mr McGregor Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
004.07 [Situation] Flows in a S. [South] direction parallel to the S [South] end of Penmanshiel Wood. and has its Source about 30 chains South Sisters path Cleugh
A Small Stream, rising on the farm of "Penmanshiel", flowing in a Southerly direction, and [empties] itself into Craw Burn on the farm of "Harelawside"
EDMOND'S DEAN Edmon's Dean
Edmond's Dean
Edmond's Dean
Mr Thomas Mack, Occupier
Mr McGregor Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
Rev [Reverend] Mr Inglis Stockbridge
County Map date 1821
[004.07] [Situation] Extending ESE [East South East] from the West Planline as far as the [lower] Bowshiel Wood, having Haddies Cleugh and Bowshiel Wood on the North and Reedy Burn and [Davies] Dean on the South Side.
A glen east of Ecclie which takes an easterly direction to Bushie Wood. Its Sides in, places are Steep and covered with furze and rough pasture. It is the property of Sir George Suttie, Belgone, North Berwick Copied from Name Sheets of [ ]

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Cockburnspath Parish

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