
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Tower Farm
Tower Farm
Mr. J. Hardy, Penmanshiel
Mr. McGregor, Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster
Mr. Wilson, Chapel Hill
004.03 [Situation] Five chains S.W. [South West] from the W. [West] end of Tower Strip and about twenty East from Tower Dean A good farmhouse, with Small garden, and Suitable offices, with [Steam] thrashing machine, and large farm attached. Property of Sir John Hall Bart. [Baronet] "Dunglass' House.
HERIOT WATER Herriot Water
Herriot Water
Heriot Water
Heriot Water
Heriot Water
County Map, dated 1821
Mr McGregor
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Inglis Stockbridge
Mr George Chirnside Hoprig
Gazeteer of Scotland (Fularton)
004 [Situation] Flowing through Tower Dean in the North West Corner of the plan. A mountain Stream having its Source near Shiels' farm, it takes an easterly direction, passes by the foot of Ewieside Hill, and enters Tower Dean through which it flows and empties itself into Pease Burn Near Pease Mill Copied from Name sheet of 4.1 Trace 6
Mensie Pats
Mensie Potts
Mensie Potts
Mr. J. Hardy
Mr. James Cowan. Tower Farm
Mr. Wilson, Chapel Hill.
Rev. [Reverend] James Smith Minr [Minister] of Kelso
004.06 [Situation] Fifteen chains N. [North] from Tower Farm and about twenty three chains West from the North British Railway. A Small arable hill, rising abruptly on the South Side, upon which there is the "Site", of a Small [Cairn] of an oval form. It has been ploughed over, and is now Scarcely [perceived] Property of Sir John Hall Bart [Baronet]
I believe Potts to mean a [Moss] hole from which "peats" has been dug
J Smith
Minr [Minister] of Kelso
Potts - A place from which peats were dug Jamieson's Dictionary

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Cockburnspath Parish

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