Berwickshire, Volume 02

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/5/2/1 ABBEY ST BATHANS Abbet St Bathans (Parish) Map of Berwickshire Chambers Antiquities of Scotland Statistical Account of Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Minister 003 ; 004 ; 009 ; 010 A parish situated among the Lammermoor Hills in Berwickshire and extending to somewhat short of 8 square miles of Surface. It is bounded on the North by Oldhamstocks N E [North East] by Cockburnspath, East by Longformacus, South by Dunse, West by Longformacus (Detached), & N. [North] West by Innerwick in the Co [County] of Haddington. In ancient times a church was founded here and dedicated to the Saint whose name it bears. The writer of the New Statistical account of Berwickshire says - "There is, properly speaking, no village in the Parish; but in a delightful little vale through which the Whiteadder glides, lie the farm house & Steading of Abbey St. Bathans with its adjoining Smithy;
OS1/5/2/1 [page] 1 Parish of Abbey St Bathans -- W. Beatty C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/5/2/2 ABBET ST BATHANS Abbey St Bathans (Parish) Map of Berwickshire Chambers Antiquities of Scotland Statistical Account of Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Minister 003; 004; 009; 010 Continued --- A neat Cottage, a Corn Mill, the decent parish Church, the Manse which, topping a little eminence, is embosomed - among trees, and the School house; so that there are to be seen within a small space, a cluster of objects connected with the improvement & well being of Man - The interest awakened by these objects is at the same time heightened by the natural Scenery amidst which they occur - To the eye of the Traveller whose way lies through this romantic spot. nothing can be more Striking than the contrast between it & the barren heath, which on one side or other he must pass to reach" ---- Beside the church, there was a Convent for Cistercian Nuns adjoining the present parish church - a chapel a little East of the church, & about a mile west of the Church another church called Strafontane.
OS1/5/2/2 [page] 2 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans Continued
OS1/5/2/3 ABBEY ST BATHANS Abbey St. Bathans (Parish) Map of Berwickshire Chambers Antiquities of Scotland Statistical Account of Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Minister 003; 004; 009; 010 Continued - Again in page 113 it states "Along each side of the Whiteadder, a fertile haugh Stretches for upwards of a quarter of a mile; beyond which the hills that wall in the valley rise on all sides with Considerable Steepness. The ground on the North side of the vale rises abruptly from the haugh, & presents a bank finely covered with natural Wood. The slope which forms the south side of the vale is Cultivated to a Considerable height, & portions of it are planted with Larch & Scotch fir, intermingled with Elm, the Oak & the Ash; but still rising higher as it recedes, it at last presents nothing but its natural Covering of heath. At each end of the valley, besides the opening by which it receives & transmits the Whiteadder, there opens a beautiful dell from the North-Westward, with its appropriate brook. These romantic objects, joined with its attractions connected with human life, render this vale, although Sequestered, a Cheerful & pleasant habitation".
OS1/5/2/3 [page] 3 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty
OS1/5/2/4 ABBEY ST BATHANS Abbey St. Bathans (Parish) Map of Berwickshire Chambers Antiquities of Scotland Statistical Account of Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Minister 003; 004; 009; 010 Continued -- There is a portion of Abbey St. Bathans Detached, lying about half a mile East from the main body & Separated from it by a portion of Longformacus Detached. This detached portion which contains 1685 acres is bounded on the N [North] and N.W [North West] by Cockburnspath. on the East by Oldhamstocks (Detached) on the S.E [South East] by Bunkle, on the South and west by Longformacus (Detached) ---- There is no portion of any other parish within that of Abbey St. Bathans ----
OS1/5/2/4 [page] 4 Parish of Abbey St Bathans W. Beatty
OS1/5/2/5 LAMMERMOOR (District) Lammermoor (District) Fullerton's Gazetteer Scotland County Map New Statistical Account of Berwickshire 003 ; 004 ; 009 ; 010 In ancient times the shire of Berwick seems to have been a Separate jurisdiction from the Bailliary of Lauderdale, & to have been itself divided into the Merse & Lammermoor Districts. It is not easy to Say what had been the exact boundaries & extent of these three divisions, now almost obsolete. For the purpose of agricultural inquiry, the whole may be very conveniently considered under two districts, ie. Merse and Lammermoor - the former including all the Comparatively low land along Tweed, Whiteadder, Blackadder & Eye; and the latter comprehending Lauderdale, along with the more Eastern hilly Country peculiarly Called Lammermoor. According to the general division of the County just pointed out, the "Merse" designates the whole lower ground from Tweed up the cultivated slopes of the lower range of the Lammermoor hills
OS1/5/2/5 [page] 5 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty
OS1/5/2/6 LAMMERMOOR (District) Lammermoor (District) Fullerton's Gazetteer Scotland County Map New Statistical Account of Berwickshire 003; 004; 009; 010 Continued. including the Western parishes of Nenthorn & Mertoun and forming the longest piece of Compact level ground diversified only by a few gentle undulations. to be found in Scotland. Mr Blackadder estimates this division to contain 100.226 acres ---- The whole remainder of the county with the exception of 6.880 acres is therefore to be considered as forming the Lammermoor District, & according to the Same authority should contain 185.214 acres ----
OS1/5/2/6 [page] 6 Parish of Abbey St Bathans W. Beatty
OS1/5/2/7 LAMMERMOOR HILLS Lammermoor Hills Fullerton's Gazetteer Scotland Map of Berwickshire Map of Scotland 003 ; 004 ; 009 ; 010 A broad range of Moorish heights Stretching Eastwards from the Gala Water, in the South Eastern extremity of Mid Lothian to the German Ocean at the promontories of Fast Castle Earlscleugh, & St. Abbs Head in the parish of Coldingham Berwickshire. The Lammermoors all lie within East Lothian & Berwickshire; Commencing at their extreme western limit - forming for two-thirds of their extent a Southern screen, or belt, of uplands to Midlothian - & Constituting, if the Lammermoor portion of Lauderdale be included - nearly half of Berwickshire. The Lammermoors are, in themselves, an extensive range of, for the most part, wild, cheerless, unsightly heights - nowhere bold & imposing in aspect, & after Subsiding into low rolling Table-lands - of bleak moor - They were at one time Clothed with Forests & must have been as bewildering to the Traveller as grandly Sylvan in their Vast Contribution to their landscape. They
OS1/5/2/7 [page] 7 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty
OS1/5/2/8 LAMMERMOOR HILLS Lammermoor Hills Fullerton's Gazetteer Scotland Map of Berwickshire Map of Scotland 003; 004; 009; 010 Continued They still have natural Woods hanging on Some of their Steeps, and, in Such localities, are warmed out of their chilliness of aspect but over their Summits, and down their higher Slopes, they are almost everywhere nakedly dressed in heath - LammerLaw which rises in the Parish of Lauder gives name to the whole range & has an altitude of 1500 feet ----
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OS1/5/2/9 PHILIP BURN Philips Burn John Dale Herd James Dale Herd Henry Stobie Herd 003.16 ; 004.13 A stream or Burn which rises in the Moorlands of Harehead in Haddington shire, & flowing in a S. [South] Easterly direction joins the Monynut Water a little above Godscroft. It forms the boundary between the Counties of Berwick & Haddington
OS1/5/2/9 [page] 9 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 3. 16 [Note] Philip Burn Engraved Sheet of Haddington & adopted on the Berwickshire Plans. [initialled] W.B.
OS1/5/2/10 DElL'S NEUK Deils Neuk Mr George Redpath Mr. James Redpath Mr. Thomas Johnson 004.13 A deep gully or old Course of Stream, at the east end of Crooked Bank. It forms a portion of the old boundary between Oldhamstacks and Abbey St. Bathans.
OS1/5/2/10 KIRN CLEUGH Kirn Cleugh George Redpath Thomas Redpath Thomas Johnstone 004.13 Is a deep gully & extends for about 17 chains - south West from Weir Burn, near Luckie Shiel, & forms part of the boundary between Oldhamstocks and Abbey St. Bathans.
OS1/5/2/10 [page] [10] Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- by. J. McAllister Sheet. 4. 13.
OS1/5/2/11 MONYNUT WATER Monynut Water Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Abbey St. Bathans James Aitchison Abbey St. Bathans John Aitchison Abbey St. Bathans 004.13 ; 010.01; 010.02 A river or Water of Considerable size which takes its rise in Haddingtonshire, & flowing in a S. [South] Easterly direction empties itself into the Whiteadder at Abbey St. Bathans. In character it is something like the Whiteadder, flowing through barren, Stony, heathery, naked moors or hills, desolate & dreary, in some instances, the hills Close in. to such a narrow space as only to leave the Bed of the stream. In many instances its banks are bold & precipitous & present & very fine appearance.
OS1/5/2/11 [page] [11] Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- Compiled by William Beatty Sheet 10. 1.
OS1/5/2/12 HAWBANK WOOD Hawbank Wood Mr. J. Hunter. Godscroft Mr. G. Aitchison. Strafontane Mill Mr. J. Aitchison Abbey House 010.01 A wood Consisting of Forest Trees Situated on a Sloping bank above the Monynut & immediately South of Godscroft.
OS1/5/2/12 SHANNABANK HILL Shannabank Hill Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison James Aitchison Peter Donaldson 010.01 An elevated portion of ground on Shannabank farm partly Covered with heather, & Rough Pasture & partly under Cultivation the remains of a Camp are on its N. W. [North West] Corner.
OS1/5/2/12 CAMP (Remains of) Camp (Remains of) Peter Aitchison. Shannabank James Aitchison. Abbey House Peter Donaldson. Ellemford 010.01 There are scarcely any thing to be seen of this Camp on the ground as it has been almost Levelled.
OS1/5/2/12 [page] [12] Parish of Abbey St. Bathans Sheet 10. 1.
OS1/5/2/13 STRAFONTANE CHURCH AND GRAVE YARD (Site of) Strafontane Church and Graveyard (Site of) Statistical Account of Berwickshire Chambers Gazetteer The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison abbey St. Bathans 010.01 In the New Statistical Account of Berwickshire Page 108. it is stated. "The history of the Parish of Strafontane commences in the reign of David the Second, in which reign an hospital was founded here, but the name of the founder is forgotten. This house seems at one time to have been dependent on the Abbey of Alnwick. It was in 1437 transferred by the Abbot of that place to the Monastery of Dryburgh, & it Came - ultimately into the possession of the Collegiate Church of Dunglass, & gave title to one of the Prebends. Its original destination as an Hospital was changed to that of a Church, but public worship Ceased to be performed in it at the time of the Reformation. Its Cure
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OS1/5/2/14 STRAFONTANE CHURCH AND GRAVE YARD (site of) Strafontane Church and Grave Yard (site of) Statistical Account of Berwickshire Chambers Gazetteer The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison abbey St. Bathans 010.01 Continued was then united to that of St Bathans - Like most of the other ancient buildings in the district the remains of the Church of Strafontane, which was situated about a mile West of St. Bathans on the south side of the Monynut, have disappeared before the encroachments of the Plough. It is however but a few years ago since the foundations of this Church was extant, with the mouldering Tombstones around it - & it is said, that within a Century - (ie.1730-) burials have taken place. It is a favourite article of belief in this quarter, that a Subterranean passage exists leading from the Nunnery of St. Bathans below the Whiteadder to the Church of Strafontane, by which the Nuns went unseen to be Confessed by the Clergy there.
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OS1/5/2/15 GODSCROFT Godscroft Peter Donaldson Mr. J. Hunter Mr J. Aitchison 010.01 A moderate Sized farm house with extensive outbuildings detached to which an extensive district of land is attached. The house is Situated on a very high bank above the Monynut Water, & Commands an excellent prospect of the surrounding Moors & Hills. It is occupied by Mr. J. Hunter and the property of D. M. Home of Milne Graden Esq.
OS1/5/2/15 BANKEND Bankend Peter Donaldson James Aitchison Peter Aitchison 010.01 A neat Stone building with a farm & outbuildings attached in the occupation of, & belonging to Mrs. Landells, A Widow.
OS1/5/2/15 [page] [15] Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 10. 1.
OS1/5/2/16 STRAFONTANE MILL (Corn) Strafontane Mill (Corn) Peter Donaldson James Aitchison George Fortune 010.01 A small Stone building used as a Corn Mill, & propelled by water power. It is in the occupation of G. aitchison, & the property of Mr. Dods Harehead.
OS1/5/2/16 MILL BANK Mill Bank Peter Donaldson Peter Aitchison James Aitchison 010.01 A steep bank overhanging the Monynut Water - & extending from Strafontane Mill, Eastward along the whole extent of Barnside Rough Pasture.
OS1/5/2/16 GODSKNOWE WOOD Godsknowe Wood Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Mr P. Donaldson John Aitchison 010.01 A Small wood of Forest Trees with the exception of a few Firs in the S.E [South East] Corner - it is Situated on the side of a steep bank immediately N. [North] of Bankend.
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OS1/5/2/17 LATCH LEA Latch Lea George Fortune Barnside John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.01 A small portion of Barnside Moor which was formerly under Cultivation & differs in appearance from the Surrounding heathery ground being Covered with Coarse grass.
OS1/5/2/17 LATCHLEAWELL Latchlea Well George Fortune John Aitchison The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.01 A spring in the centre of Latch Lea from which a small stream flows into the Monynut Water.
OS1/5/2/17 PHILIP RIG Philips Rig Philip Rig George Fortune John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Engraved sheet of Haddington and adopted on the Berwick Plans. W.B. 010.01; 010.05 An extensive & elevated portion of Moor within Barnside farm being elevated towards the top and Sloping gradually towards Philips Burn.
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OS1/5/2/18 CATCLEUGH BURN Catcleugh Burn George Fortune. Barnside John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.01 A small Stream which rises in the Moors of Barnside & Ellemford farms & flowing S. [South] Eastwardly empties into the Whiteadder. it formerly divided the parishes of abbey St. Bathans & Longformacus. but the stream has ceased to be the boundary. and it is now Centre of Wall which has been laid down as a give & take line.
OS1/5/2/18 BARNSIDE Barnside George Fortune Map of Berwickshire John Aitchison 010.01 A moderate Sized farm house with outbuildings detached, having an extensive farm consisting of about 100 acres of land under Cultivation & about 700 acres of Moorland attached, in the occupation of Mr. George Fortune & the property of Mr Dods. Harehead
OS1/5/2/18 [page] 18 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 10. 1.
OS1/5/2/19 ST BATHAN'S CONVENT (Site of) St. Bathan's Priory (Site of) St Bathan's Monastery (Site of) St Bathan's Convent (Site of) St. Bathan's Convent (Site of) St. Bathan's Convent (Site of) Statistical Acct. [Account] Berwickshire Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Chambers Gazetteer of Scotland Chambers Caledonia Fullerton's Gazetteer 010.02 The Statistical Account of Berwickshire Pages 107 - 9 States - "At the church of St. Bathans a Convent of Cistercian Nuns. with the title of a Priory, was founded between the Years 1184 & 1200. by Ada, daughter of King William the Lion. & wife to Patrick Earl of Dunbar. Adjoining the church, & between it & the Whiteadder, the remains of the Priory were visible a few Years ago, but they have now entirely disappeared. the Stones having been carried away for different purposes. From the Vestiges however, which could then be traced, the buildings seem to have been of Considerable extent"
OS1/5/2/19 [page] 19 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 10. 2 -
OS1/5/2/20 ST BATHAN'S CHURCH St. Bathan's Church St. Bathan's Church St. Bathan's Church Statistical Acct. [Account] Berwickshire Chambers Gazetteer Scotland The Revd. Thomas Davison Minister 010.02 A neat plain building situated on the banks of the Whiteadder & although a church was founded here in the early part of the 7th Century it is very doubtful whether any of the old building now remains as part of the present edifice. The writer of New Statistical account of Berwickshire in pages 108-9 States - "The Church of St. Bathans is a very ancient building. The north and East walls still bear marks of Antiquity. In the former is to be seen an Arched door, now built up, which Communicated with the Nuns. This refers to a Convent connected with, & adjoining the Church. The ancient Gothic Architecture of the East window is still in Some measure preserved, & in the wall near the Altar was a Stone font with a Leaden pipe in the bottom. The building was formerly large, measuring 58 feet by 26; but about the end of last Century it was greatly contracted by the removal of the West wall to a position nearer the Centre".
OS1/5/2/20 [page] 20 Parish of Abbey St Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 10 . 2 -
OS1/5/2/21 ST BATHAN'S CHAPEL (Site of) St. Bathan's Chapel (Site of) Chambers Gazetteer Scotland New Statistical Account of Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Abbey St. Bathans 010.02 In page 109 of the New Statistical Account of Berwickshire - it says. "Farther east, and about a quarter of a mile from the church, were to be seen a few years ago, the foundations of the chapel, & of a wall enclosing a small space arround it. This space bore no marks of having been used as a place of interment. These foundations have been removed in Consequence, or on account of the obstruction they presented to the operations of agriculture, but the field that contained them is still called "Chapel Field"
OS1/5/2/21 [page] 21 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 2 - Trace
OS1/5/2/22 SHANNABANK Shanny Shanna Bank Shanno Bank Shanna Bank Shanna Bank Channa Bank Map of Berwickshire Stat. [Statistical] Account of Berwickshire Mary Aitchison Peter Aitchison Occupier Peter Donaldson Map of Estate 010.02 A small farm house situated on a sloping bank, the outbuildings are in an indifferent State of repair in fact almost tumbling down, it is in the occupation of Mr. P. Aitchison and the property of Sir H. P. Campbell Bart. [Baronet] Marchmount
OS1/5/2/22 SHANNABANK WOOD Shannabank Wood John Aitchison Peter Donaldson Revd. Thomas Davison Abbey St. Bathans 010.01; 010.02 A long wood, of Forest Trees growing on very high sloping banks of the Whiteadder and Monynut - it presents a very fine appearance & closes in Abbey St. Bathans towards the North.
OS1/5/2/22 [page] 22 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans Sheet. 10.2.
OS1/5/2/22 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/5/2/23 ST BATHAN'S WELL St. Bathan's Well Statistical acct. [account] Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Mr. James Aitchison 010.02 " At some distance from the church, in a woody nook, issues a spring named St. Bathans Well, which according to the superstition of ancient times had the power of healing diseases, and which still is the belief in the neighbourhood. neither fogs nor freezes, and even prevents a Mill-lead into which it flows from being locked up with Ice in the winter" Statist. acct: [Statistical Account] Page 109.
OS1/5/2/23 ABBEY COTTAGE Abbey Cottage Statistical Acct. [Account] Berwickshire The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison James Aitchison 010.02 A very neat thatched Cottage surrounded by Trees and ornamental grounds the summer residence of J. Turnbull Esq. & principally used by him as a shooting & fishing Box.
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OS1/5/2/24 ABBEY MILL (Saw) Abbey Mill (Saw) Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison James Aitchison John Aitchison 010.02 Formerly used as a Corn Mill, but now used for sawing Timber. It is a small mean looking building much out of repair.
OS1/5/2/24 ABBEY HOUSE Abbey House James Aitchison John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.02 A large & Substantially stone built house, the residence of Mr. J. Aitchison the present occupier of the abbey farm - the outbuildings (which are detached) are extensive & commodious. The farm is very extensive having a variety of hill & dale wood & water. It is the property of of J. Turnbull. Abbey St. Bathans. Esq.
OS1/5/2/24 [page] 24 Abbey St. Bathans Parish -- W. Beatty Sheet 10 . 2.
OS1/5/2/25 SMITHY HILL Smithy Hill James Aitchison John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.02 A small elevation or bank immediately East of Abbey House and Close to a house formerly used as a Smithy - hence the name.
OS1/5/2/25 SCRINKLAW WOOD Scrinklaw Wood James Aitchison John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.02 A small wood on the East bank of the Whiteadder & near to Abbey House
OS1/5/2/25 CHAPEL FIELD Chapel Field Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Statistical account of the Parish John Aitchison Abbey House 010.02 The field, in which formerly stood the ancient Chapel of St. Bathan - described in page 21.
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OS1/5/2/26 MANSE Manse Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Mr. Pater Donaldson Ellemford Mr. James Aitchison 010.02 A large and elegant building situated on a gentle eminence, Surrounded by Trees, & having an excellent garden in front It is the residence of the Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison the present Minister of Abbey St. Bathans Parish.
OS1/5/2/26 SCHOOL (Parish) School (Parish) The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Peter Donaldson James Aitchison 010.02 A moderate sized Stone building having a portion of it used as a School room & the remaining portion used as the residence of the School Master. It is the Parish School.
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OS1/5/2/27 SHELLING KNOWE Shelling Knowe Shelling Knowe Shelling Knowe John Turnbull Esq. Owner Mr. James Aitchison Abbey Ho. [House] Mr. Robert Mack Abbey Mill 010.02 Trace 5 A Small Conical hill Close to Abbey Cottage on the east Side, and planted It got its name from parties who got Corn ground at "Abbey Mill" being in the habit of winnowing the "Shelling" here,
OS1/5/2/27 NUNS' WELL (Covered) Nuns' Well (Site of) Nuns' Well (Site of ) Nuns' Well (Site of) John Turnbull Esqr Mr. James Aitchison Mr. Robert Mack 010.02 This well, which is Situated between the "Manse", and "Abbey House," but is now Covered, and the water from it Conveyed by drains to Abbey House, and out buildings etc. The water from this Well was Conveyed through lead pipes (Several of which have been dug up lately in the Cultivation of the ground) to "St. Bathan's Nunnery" (or Convent) which Stood between St. Bathans Church, and the Whiteadder water - hence the name
OS1/5/2/27 [page] 27 Abbey St. Bathans Ph [Parish] Sheet 10 - 2 - Trace 4 & 5 -- Collected by John McCabe
OS1/5/2/28 DOUPS PLANTATION Doups Plantation Doups Plantation Doups Plantation John Turnbull Esqr Owner Mr James Aitchison Mr Peter Aitchison, Shannabank 010.02 A plantation of fir trees South of "Abbey House," property of John Turnbull Esqr Abbey Cott [Cottage]
OS1/5/2/28 GLEBE Glebe Glebe Glebe Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison Mr James Aitchison Mr Peter Aitchison 010.02 A portion of good arable land And Small plantations, Surrounding the Manse, at Abbey St. Bathan [Bathans] And Contains about 14 acres It is the property of the Minister of Abbey St. Bathan [Bathans] for the time being.
OS1/5/2/28 [page] 28 Abbey St. Bathan's Ph [Parish] Sheet 10.2. Trace 4 -- Collected by John McCabe
OS1/5/2/29 ABBEY HILL (Outer) Abbey Hill (Outer) Mr. James Aitchison Mr. Peter Donaldson Revd. [Reverend] T. Davison 010.05 An extensive & elevated portion of Moorland belonging to Abbey Farm & from its distance from the farm house is designated "Outer" in Contradistinction to one nearer the house called "Inner".
OS1/5/2/29 LONG HAUGH Long Haugh John Turnbull Esq. Owner Peter Donaldson James Aitchison 010.05 A low portion of Meadow land belonging to the abbey farm & lying along the banks of the Whiteadder.
OS1/5/2/29 ROBBER'S CLEUGH Robber's Cleugh James Aitchison Peter Donaldson Thomas McLeash 010.05 A cleugh or Glen through which a Stream flows, and which formerly divided the Parishes of Abbey St. Bathans & Dunse. the Stream has ceased to be the parish boundary, which is now a Wall built as a give & take line.
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OS1/5/2/30 ROUGH BANK Rough Bank Mr. Peter Donaldson Mr. James Aitchison Thomas McLeash 010.05 A Steep precipitous bank on the South bank of the Whiteadder, on the face of which grow Hazels, natural wood, Furze. etc. In some places it is rather Stony.
OS1/5/2/30 MOUNTJOY Mountjoy John Aitchison Peter Donaldson George Fortune 010.01; 010.05 A Steep, rough, Stony bank, lately planted with firs - they are only about 4 inches above the Surface, & in many places very thinly planted. It is rather wild & desolate looking. It is called by the Country people. "Munjy"
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OS1/5/2/31 GREENHOPE WIEL Greenhope Weal Greenhope Weil Greenhope Weil Greenhope Wiel John Turnbull Esqr Mr James Aitchison Mr Peter Donaldson Burns' Glossary 010.05 A deep pool. in the Whiteadder Water, a Short distance South of where Greenhope Burn, empties itself into the former. Its a Noted place for fishing.
OS1/5/2/31 FRAMPATH (Remains of) Frampeth (Remains of) Frampath (Remains of) Frampath (Remains of) Frampath John Turnbull Esqr. Owner Mr. James Aithison Mr. Peter Donaldson Title Deeds 010.05 Trace 3 The remains of an old Farmhouse on the west Side of Frampath Burn". The farm is now incorporated with the Abbey farm.
OS1/5/2/31 BLACK WIEL Black Wiel Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison John Mack Ellemford John Turnbull Esq 010.05 A celebrated fishing pool in the Whiteadder water much frequented by the fishing fraternity.
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OS1/5/2/32 LONG WOOD Long Wood John Turnbull Esq Mr George Fortune Mr James Aitchison 010.05 A small wood of Forest Trees Situated on a Sloping bank above Long Haugh & immediately West of Black Wiel.
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OS1/5/2/33 FRAMPATH BURN Frampath Burn Statistical account of Berwickshire James Aitchison Peter Donaldson 010.05 A small Burn, which rises in a Marshy hollow in the Abbey Moor & empties itself into the Whiteadder at Black Wiel. According to the Title Deeds of the Convent Frampath was one of the farms belonging to the Convent or Abbey the farm house & buildings have been taken down & the farm incorporated with that of the Abbey but the Burn is Still Called "Frampath Burn".
OS1/5/2/33 STEELE BURN Steele Burn James Aitchison Peter Donaldson Revd. [Reverend] T. Davison Abbey St. Bathans 010.05 A small Burn, which flows through a hollow in the Abbey farm, & flows into the whiteadder a little below Frampath Burn.
OS1/5/2/33 [page] 33 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Sheet 10. 5. Trace
OS1/5/2/34 WEIR BURN Where Burn Ware Burn Weir Burn Weir Burn Weir Burn Weir Burn Map of Estate Statistical Account John Dods. abbey St. Bathans Heritors Books of the Parish of Abbey St. Bathans James Hardy. Penmanshiel John Dudgeon Moorhouse 004.13 ; 004.14 ; 010.02 A small stream or Burn which takes its rise in the Parish of Oldhamstocks Co. [County] Haddington. & flowing S. [South] eastwardly empties into the Whiteadder at abbey St. Bathans.
OS1/5/2/34 ELLER BURN Eller Burn James Aitchison Peter Donaldson Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.05 ; 010.06 A long crooked narrow Burn which takes its rise in Windshiel Moor & flowing in a Northerly direction empties itself into the Whiteadder about three quarters of a Mile below the abbey & near to the "Retreat" The name originates from the number of alder Trees. which cover its banks.
OS1/5/2/34 [page] 34 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet 10. 6 [Note below Eller Burn] Eller. The "Alder Tree" Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
OS1/5/2/35 BARNSIDE HILL Barnside Hill Mr George Fortune Barnside Mr John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.01 An elevated portion of Moorland belonging to Barnside farm altho much elevated yet it is almost a flat platform when on its top & presents very little the appearance of Hill - in the general acceptation of the term.
OS1/5/2/35 BARNSIDE WOOD Barnside Wood George Fortune John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] T. Davison 010.05 A sloping bank west of Barnside partly covered with natural brushwood & Furze.
OS1/5/2/35 BELL'S BANK Bell's Bank George Fortune John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.01 ; 010.05 A steep or Slope on the banks of the whiteadder belonging to Barnside farm. & covered with Brushwood, Furze, Thorns etc.
OS1/5/2/35 [page] 35 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheets 10. 1 & 5
OS1/5/2/36 WEST WOOD West Wood The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison John Hunter John Aitchison 010.01 A portion of wood on a Sloping bank a little west of Godscroft it consists of Beech. Oak. Elms etc.
OS1/5/2/36 [page] 36 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans Sheet 10. 1
OS1/5/2/37 LEAPY PLANTATION Leapy Plantation James Aitchison John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.02 ; 010.06 An extensive fir plantation on the North Side of Abbey Hill (Inner) & from its elevation overlooks the little Valley in which the Valley of abbey St. Bathans is situated. It is a portion of the abbey farm.
OS1/5/2/37 ABBEY HILL (Inner) Abbey Hill (Inner) James Aitchison John Aitchison Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison 010.06 An elevated portion of Moor of a Conical form immediately south of Abbey St. Bathans. It is Mostly Covered with Furze or Whins towards its top. It is a portion of the Abbey farm.
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OS1/5/2/38 RED HOUSE (In Ruins) Red House (in ruins) James Aitchison Peter Donaldson Revd. [Reverend] T. Davison 010.06 A small stone building situated in the outlying fields of the abbey farm, intended for a hinds residence. It is now unroofed & going to ruins, & got the name of Red House. from having been Covered or roofed with Tiles.
OS1/5/2/38 [page] 38 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty Sheet. 10. 6
OS1/5/2/39 WHITEADDER WATER Whiteadder Water County Map The Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Davison abbey st. Bathans Peter Donaldson Ellemford 001 ; 002 ; 005 ; 006 A river, or as it is termed Water, which takes its rise in the Lammermoor Hills, in Haddington shire, at a place Called "White Well", & flowing in a S. [South] Easterly direction empties itself into the Tweed a little S.W [South West] of Berwick upon Tweed. This river or Water rises in one of the Wildest districts in the South of Scotland & in its Course passes through varied Scenery; occasionally through flat haughs, but generally through places where the hills close in, so as to narrow the valley almost to the bed of the river. At Preston Mill & Haugh, the river escapes from the wild, rocky, Mountainous Country, entering the beautiful Valley in which the Tweed runs. The richest fields Succeed the barren waste, woodlands, orchards & highly Cultivated grounds bespeak wealth & Comfort. The river itself partakes of the character of the Country, running in gentle streams over pebbly-beds, alternating with long reaches of Still water.
OS1/5/2/39 [page] 39 Parish of Abbey St. Bathans -- W. Beatty C.A. [Civilian Assistant] [signed] R. Burnaby Cap: R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] 20 June 1857.
OS1/5/2/41 [Page] 41 Index to Abbey [St. Bathans] Parish Names -- Pages Abbey Cottage -- 23 Abbey hill (Inner) -- 37 Abbey hill (Outer) -- 29 Abbey House -- 24 Abbey Mill (Saw) -- 24 Abbey St. Bathans (Parish) -- 1 Bankend -- 15 Barnside -- 18 Barnside Hill -- 35 Barnside Wood -- 35 Bell's Bank -- 35 Black Wiel -- 31 Camp (Remains of) -- 12 Catcleugh Burn -- 18 Chapel Field -- 25 Deils Neuk -- 10 Doups Plantation - 28 Eller Burn -- 34 Frampath (Remains of) -- 31 Frampath Burn -- 33 Glebe -- 28 Godscroft -- 15 Godsknowe Wood -- 16 Greenhope Wiel -- 31 Hawbank Wood -- 12 Kirn Cleugh -- 10 Lammermoor (District) -- 5 Lammermoor Hills -- 7 Latch Lea -- 17 Latchlea Well -- 17 Leapy Plantation -- 37 Long Haugh -- 29 Long Wood -- 32 Manse -- 26 Mill Bank -- [16] Monynut Water -- [11] Mountjoy -- [30] Nuns' Well (Covered) -- 27 Philip Burn -- 9 Philip Rig -- 17 Red House -- 38 Robber's Cleugh -- 29 Rough Bank -- 30
OS1/5/2/41 Letters and numbers lost in page damage.