Banffshire, Volume 03

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/4/3/1 BANFF [parish] Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Banff Philip's County Atlas Sheriff's List of Parishes Fullertons Gazetteer Old Statistical Account New Statistical Account Johnstones O Map Oliver Boyd's Almanac Ainslies Map of Scotland 1709 Robertson's Map of Banffshire 1822 Blacks Map of Scotland 004;010 The parish of Banff is in the Presbytery of Fordyce and Synod of Aberdeen, Patron the Earl of Seafield; It is bounded on the south by the parish of Marnoch, on the west by the parish of Boyndie, on the east by the parishes of Alvah, Gamrie and King Edward (detached, and on the north by the Moray Firth. The Parish of Banff is in the Co [County] of Banff and contains about 6218 statute acres; There are no detached portions of it in any other county or parish, neither are there detached portions of any other parish within its limits. [continued on page 2]
OS1/4/3/1 [Page] 1
OS1/4/3/2 BANFF Banff Continued [continued from page 1] The parish of Banff contains the town of Banff which is both a Royal and Paliamentary Burgh, together with a market town. The northern district is pleasingly diversified and softly picturesque; Though its height is ground, called Gallow Hill, has an elevation of not more than between 200 and 300 feet above the level of the sea. The southern district lies considerably higher than the northern, yet is diversified ony by swells, and has a easytonic appearance.
OS1/4/3/2 [page] 2
OS1/4/3/3 MORAY FIRTH 004.11 In Authorities and descriptive remarks See Name Book for Boyndie Parish
OS1/4/3/3 RIVER DEVERON 004.16 River Deveron In Authorities and descriptive remarks see the Name Book for Marnoch Parish
OS1/4/3/3 [page] 3 Co. [County] of Banff -- Parish of Banff
OS1/4/3/4 GREAT NORTH OF SCOTLAND RAILWAY (BANFF BRANCH) 004.12 004.14 In Authorities and descriptive remarks see Name Book for Boyndie & Fordyce Parish
OS1/4/3/4 [page] 4 Co. [County] of Banff -- Parish of Banff
OS1/4/3/5 BOYNDIE BAY Boyndie Bay James Cowie Whitehills Thomas Strachan Whitehills William Allan Banff 004.12 A Semicircular bay on the Sea coast, At the Mouth of the Burn of Boyndie, and extending from "Knock Head" to Banff Bay.
OS1/4/3/5 BOYNDIE LINKS Boyndie Links James Cowie Thomas Strachan William Allan 004.12 A piece of common land, on the Shore of Boyndie Bay the property of the Town of Banff. Near the east end of the Links. there is a Battery of 2 guns - for training Coast Artillery Volunteers.
OS1/4/3/5 BATTERY (2 Guns) 004.12 Near the east end of the Links. there is a Battery of 2 guns - for training Coast Artillery Volunteers.
OS1/4/3/5 LINKS COTTAGE Links Cottage Alexander Merson Boyndie Valuation Roll 1867 William Allan 004.12 A cottage dwelling with Some outhouses, and garden Situated on Boyndie Links the property of the town of Banff.
OS1/4/3/5 [page] 5 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/6 BANFF DISTILLERY Banff Distillery Banff Distillery Banff Distillery James Simpson Esq. Distiller Thomas Watson Boyndie Alexander McDonald Banff 004.11 An extensive establishment for distilling Spirits from malt, Situated on the burn of Boyndie - James Simpson Junr [Junior] Esqr. proprietor.
OS1/4/3/6 BRIDGEFOOT Bridgefoot Bridgefoot Bridgefoot Thomas Watson Alexander McDonald William Allan 004.11 A number of Cottar houses with gardens attached, Situated at Boyndie Bridge; & chiefly tenanted by hinds &c in the employment of the proprietor, James Simpson Junr. [Junior] Esq.
OS1/4/3/6 BOYNDIE BRIDGE Boyndie Bridge Boyndie Bridge Boyndie Bridge Thomas Watson Alexander McDonald William Allan 004.11 A bridge crossing the Burn of Boyndie, on the Old turnpike road between Banff & Portsoy &c Said to have been erected by General Wade-
OS1/4/3/6 [page] 6 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff [Note - Boyndie Bridge] This name was not supplied by the Examiner on The adjoining Ph [Parish].
OS1/4/3/7 BANFF Banff Banff Banff Fullartons Gazetteer New Statistical Account Oliver & Boyd's Almanac 004.12 A Royal and Parliamentary Burgh, a Sea Port and a MarKet Town. It consists of two parts, the town proper and the Sea town, completely separated from each other by the Site of the Castle; It contains several places of worship, and Schools, a Court House, Jail, Hospital, Gas WorKs, Brewery, Foundry, one good Inn and Posting House, Baths, Coastguard Station, Patrol Ship and Shipbuiding yards, there are also Branches of six Banks, and a MarKet Place. In a commercial point of view Banff is insignificant, - as a Sea Port, unimportant; It contains a population of about 3600. The Parliamentary boundaries of this Burgh include the town of Macduff which contains an additional population of about 3000. The boundaries are described as follows. "From the Rocks on the West of the Town, called the Little Tumblers, in a straight line, drawn due South, to a point on the Gallow Hill, Eight hundred and fifty yards distant; thence in a Straight line to the point at which the Colleonard Road leaves the Sandyhills road; thence in a Straight line to the Bridge over the River Deveron. [continued on page 8]
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OS1/4/3/8 Banff Continued [continued from page 7] Deveron leading from the Town of Banff to Macduff; thence up the River Deveron to a point which is distant Two hundred yards (measure along the River Deveron) above the same Bridge: thence in a straight line to a point in the road from Macduff to Aberdeen which is distant Two hundred yards (measure along such road) to the South of the point at which the same is crossed by the Dey hill Road; thence in a straight line to the Mineral Well of Tarlair; thence along the shore of the Moray Firth to the Little Tumblers first described" The Royal Burgh is strictly within the limits of the parish of Banff; The Parliamentary Burgh extends some distance with the Parish of Gamrie. A weekly market is held in Banff, for the sale of agricultural produce; together with three annual hiring markets. A Sheriff Court is held every Wednesday and Thursday during session; Sheriff small debt court every Tuesday; and Justice of Peace Court on the first Tuesday of March, May and August, and last Tuesday in October. Banff was enacted a Royal Burgh in 1372 by Robert II; the governing charter was granted by James VI in 1581. It unites with Elgin, Cullen, Inverury, Peterhead and Kintore in returning a Member to Parliament, its parliamentary constituency in 1861 was 223
OS1/4/3/8 [page] 8
OS1/4/3/9 HILLS OF BANFF Hills of Banff Valuation Roll 1867 James Procter A tenant James Watson A tenant 004.11 ; 004.12 Two ordinary Sized cottage dwellings, with outhouses & crofts of land attached. The property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/9 BROAD CRAIG Broad Craig Angus McKay Fisherman Banff Alexander Allan Fisherman Banff Willam Smith Fisherman Banff 004.12 A flat rock on the Sea Coast visible at half tides; and Situated outSide low water Mark -
OS1/4/3/9 ELF KIRK Elf Kirk New Statistical Account Angus McKay Alexander Allan 004.12 A Small rocky promentery on the coast, about one half Mile west from the Banff Harbour Station;-
OS1/4/3/9 [page] 9 County of Banff -- Parish of Banff
OS1/4/3/10 BOYNDIE T.P. Boyndie T.B. [Toll Bar] Name on toll bar Thomas Watson Boyndie Alexander McDonald Banff 004.12 A toll bar with a cottage for the toll Collector Attached On the turnpike road between Banff: Portsoy. Keith &c and the property of the Trust.
OS1/4/3/10 LINKSFIELD Linksfield Linksfield Linksfield Linksfield Valuation Roll 1867 Thomas Watson Boyndie Alexander McDonald Banff Andrew Longmuir Esq. Proprietor 004.12 An ordinary Sized farm house, with offices, garden and farm Attached, in the proprietors hands -
OS1/4/3/10 WELLFIELD Wellfield Wellfield Wellfield Valuation Roll Thomas Watson George Christie Merchant Banff 004.12 A good Cottage dwelling with garden And a few acres of Arable land attached And tenanted by the proprietor George Christie.
OS1/4/3/10 [page] 10 County of Banff -- Parish of Banff
OS1/4/3/11 MARKET INN Market Inn Signboard Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A second class Inn situated at one extremity of the present Market Place, occupied by M Walker the property of the Burgh of Banff.
OS1/4/3/11 ST ANDREW'S LODGE (Freemasons) St Andrews Lodge (Free Masons) Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A large & commodious building recently erected containing a large hall and other apartments, Situated in Castle Street. the property of the Members.
OS1/4/3/11 ST JOHN'S LODGE (Freemasons) St John's Lodge (Operative Free Mason) Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A commodious building containing a hall and other Apartments for the use of the Members. it is situated in the Seatown and belongs to the Members of the Lodge.
OS1/4/3/11 [page] 11 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/12 ST ANDREW'S CHURCH (Episcopalian) St Andrew Chapel Episcopal Revd. [Reverend] J. Davidson Minister Mr Duncan Inspector Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A very handsome building capable of accomodating about 400 persons, in connection with the ScOtch episcopal Church.
OS1/4/3/12 FREE CHURCH Free Church Free Church Free Church Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 A large roomy building having a handsome portico in the Grecian stile in front the rest of the building is plain it is capable of seating about 600 personS.
OS1/4/3/12 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH UP. [United Presbyterian] Church Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 A plain building in Carmalite St. [Street] it is seated for 500 persons
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OS1/4/3/13 HARBOUR Harbour Harbour Harbour New Statistical Account James Simpson Colleonard George Forbes Sheriff Clerk 004.12 The harbour contains two basins the old or miner & the new the first was completed in 1775 the last in 1816. it is situated at the western extremity of Banff Bay and is used soley by small vessels in the coasting trade & by fishermen.
OS1/4/3/13 CUSTOM HOUSE Custom House New Statistical Account James Simpson Colleonard George Forbes Sheriff Clerk 004.12 A house in Harbour Place erected by Her Majestys Commissioners of Customs from the proprietors the Banff Harbour Trustees and used as an office for the collection of the Customs.
OS1/4/3/13 [page] 13 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/14 SCHOOL Free Church School (mixed) Mr King Teacher Valuation Roll Mr Mearns 004.12 A schoolroom in Castle St. [Street] adjoining the Free Church for boys & girls. it is supported entirely by the schoolfees.
OS1/4/3/14 INDEPENDENT CHAPEL Chapel Congregational Revd. [Reverend] W MurKer Minister Valuation Roll Mr Mearns 004.12 A plain building in Castle St. [Street] (North) capable of seating about 500.
OS1/4/3/14 METHODIST CHAPEL (Wesleyan) Chapel (Wesleyan Methodist) New Statistical Account Valuation Roll Mr Forbes 004.12 A house in Castle Street the top flat is ued by the Methodists for a place of worship the ground flat is the Ministers house & it is the property of the Managers
OS1/4/3/14 [page] 14 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/15 REDHAVEN STREET Redhaven Street Inscription on House Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from the junction of St Catherine St. [Street] and Fife St. [Street] Southward for a few chains
OS1/4/3/15 HIGH STREET High Street Inscription on House Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 One of the principal throughfares extends from the Parish Church northward to the junction of Boyndie St. [Street] & South Castle Street.
OS1/4/3/15 BOYNDIE STREET Boyndie Street Inscription on House Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from the junction of North Castle Street and High Street westward to the point where the houses terminate
OS1/4/3/15 [page] 15 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/16 SEAFIELD STREET Seafield Street Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from Castle Street westward to Boyndie Street.
OS1/4/3/16 CASTLE LANE Castle Lane Valuation Roll Incription on House Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 Extends from Castle Street to Old Castle Gate. The Knights Templars possessed property in this lane, and a house is mentioned in the Statistical Account as having stood at the end of the lane next the Water Path which bore the Iron Cross, it has however been pulled down and nothing important can be discovered respecting it.
OS1/4/3/16 [page] 16 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/17 FIFE STREET Fife Street Fife Street Fife Street Fife Street Fife Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from St Catherine Street northward, to the Battery Green intersecting Clunie St [Street] near the centre.
OS1/4/3/17 CLUNIE STREET Clunie Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff Clerk 004.12 Extends from North Castle Street westward to the north end of Coldhome Street.
OS1/4/3/17 BARTLET PLACE Bartlet Place Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 The continuation of Coldhome St [Street] extending from Clunie St [Street] (extremity of) to Battery Green.
OS1/4/3/17 [page] 17 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/18 ST CATHERINE STREET St Catherine Street St Catherine Street St Catherine Street St Catherine Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A street extending west from the junction of North Castle St [Street] & Castle Street to the extremity of Coldhome Street, the name is derived from a chapel dedicated to St Catherine which is supposed to have stood in the neighbourhood of the Prison, the exact site cannot be ascertained.
OS1/4/3/18 GEORGE STREET George Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A Street which extends from the junction of Castle St [Street] & St Catherine Street eastward to the extremity of Braeheads.
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OS1/4/3/19 LOW STREET Low Street Low Street Low Street Low Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 The principal street in Banff in point of buildings & business it extends from Collie Road to the Strait Path & Carmelite Street
OS1/4/3/19 BRIDGE STEEET Bridge Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from Low Street to Old MarKet Place.
OS1/4/3/19 CARMELITE STREET Carmelite Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from the northern extremity of Low Street to Old MarKet Place
OS1/4/3/19 [page] 19 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/20 KINGSWELL LANE Kingswell Lane Kingswell Lane Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A narrow lane extending from Boyndie Street to Seafield Street.
OS1/4/3/20 HEAD OF YARDS Head of Yards Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A lane running parallel to the High St. [Street] and extending from Gallowhill Street to WilSonS Institution
OS1/4/3/20 GALLOWHILL STREET Gallowhill Street Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 Extends from Boyndie Street to Tannery Street.
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OS1/4/3/21 MANSE Manse (Parish) Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police George Forbes Esq. 004.12 A house & offices in the High shore. not at present occupied by the Minister but let out to Miss Greig. the house being old and dilapidated is not in a fit condition for residence of Dr [Doctor] Bremner the present incumbent
OS1/4/3/21 MANSE Manse (Free Church) Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police George Forbes Esq. 004.12 A new & substantial dwelling house in Castle Street occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] J. W. Geddies Minister the property of the Church Managers.
OS1/4/3/21 PARSONAGE Parsonage Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police George Forbes Esq. 004.12 A handsome dwelling house adjoining the Chapel occupied by the Revd.[Reverend] J Davidson the present incumbent, the property of the Managers.
OS1/4/3/21 [page] 21 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/22 TOWN HALL Town House Town House Town House Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor New Statistical Account 004.12 A large plain building ornamented with a square tower & spire, the house is three stories higher and contains a large public hall two drawing rooms, Council Chamber Sheriff Court room Town Chamberlain, and Sheriff ClerKs Offices and prison cells.
OS1/4/3/22 PRISON Prison Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor New Statistical Account 004.12 A large building enclosed by high stone walls, being the principal county jail it Contains cells for both debtors & criminals, and is uder the control of the Magistrates of the County of Banff
OS1/4/3/22 [page] 22 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/23 COASTGUARD STATION Coast Guard Station Coast Guard Station James Simpson Colleonard George Forbes Sheriff Clerk G. Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 A watch house & offices used by the Coast Guard the principal station of the district Capt. [Captain] Creasy commander. This was orignially the guard room and offices attached to a small 4 Gun Battery which was removed to the LinKs of Boyndie a short distance to the west for the practice of the Volunteer Artillery.
OS1/4/3/23 BATTERY GREEN Battery Green James Simpson Colleonard George Forbes Sheriff Clerk G. Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 A small peice of waste land opposite the coast Guard Station the property of the Burgh of Banff.
OS1/4/3/23 [page] 23 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/24 CHALMERS' HOSPITAL Chalmers Hospital Chalmers Hospital Inscription on building Geroge Forbes Esq. New Statistical Account 004.12 A large and handsome building in the Seatown erected and endowed out off the heritable and moveable property of the late Alexander Chalmers Esq. of Clunie in Marnoch Parish according to his will for the support maintenance & care of destitute sick persons. The Lieutenant of the County MP [Member of Parliament] for the Council, Sheriffs depute & substitute & others were appointed Trustees.
OS1/4/3/24 [page] 24 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/25 PATENT SLIP [Banff Harbour] Patent Slip Patent Slip Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Walker Merchant Mr Watson 004.12 A small shipbuilding slip situated at the Northwest corner of the inner basin of Banff harbour; it was constructed in 1837 and is capable of accomodating vessels of 200 tons, old measurement it is the property of the Banff Patent Slip Company -
OS1/4/3/25 [page] 25 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/26 CASTLE Castle Banff Castle Castle of Banff Castle George Forbes Esq. Sheriff ClerK James Simpson Colleonard New Statistical Account Old Statistical Account Fullertons Gazetter 004.12 A plain modern building now occupies the place of the Old Castle, but part of the Old wall and ditch are still in a good state of presentation which are the only remains of the original worK remaining it is now the property of the Earl of Seafield
OS1/4/3/26 [page] 26 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/27 OLD CASTLEGATE Old Castle Gate Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A narrow lane extending from the north extremity of High Street to the Water Path
OS1/4/3/27 WATER PATH Water Path Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A lane leading from the end of Old Castle Gate to the High Shore.
OS1/4/3/27 STRAIT PATH Strait Path Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A steep narrow street leading from the north extremity of High Street to Low Street.
OS1/4/3/27 [page] 27 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/28 HIGH SHORE High Shore High Shore High Shore High Shore Inscription on House Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A narrow lane leading from Carmelite Street near to Harbour Place on the shore where it meets Low Shore.
OS1/4/3/28 LOW SHORE Low Shore Low Shore Low Shore Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 The Street facing the shore from the Old Grave Yard to the Mouth of the River Deveron.
OS1/4/3/28 CHURCH STREET Church Steet Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Mr Forbes 004.12 A short Street on the east side of the Old Grave Yard leading from Carmelite Street to the Low Shore.
OS1/4/3/28 [page] 28 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/29 ST THOMAS' CHAPEL (Site of) St Thomas' Chapel (Site of) Mr Forbes Sheriff Clerk Mr Coults Banker New Statistical Account 004.12 According to an Ancient Charter a Chapel dedicated to St Thomas stood in the High St. [Street] at the top of the BacK Path. but there are no remains or indications of its site, see New Statistical account p [page] 29
OS1/4/3/29 ST NINIANS St Ninians Mr Forbes Sheriff Clerk Mr Coults Banker New Statistical Account 004.12 The name is applied to a blocK of buildings near the Old Grave Yard now used as granaries, it is not Known whither a Chapel dedicated to St Ninian formerly stood here or whithir the buildings had once belonged to a religious endowment of that name probably the latter
OS1/4/3/29 [page] 29 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/30 MARKET CROSS (Site of) Old MarKet Cross (site of) Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inpector of Police Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 The original site of the Old MarKet Cross is still MarKed by a stone placed by order of the Council, its position is near the bottom of the Strait Path on Low Street. the Cross was removed & placed on the summit of Dove cot belonging to Duff House by Lord Fife.
OS1/4/3/30 GREY STONE Grey Stone (remains of) Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK 004.12 A remarKable & well Known stone situated in the High St.[Street] near the top of strait path it is said to be the only remaining stone of a Druidical Circle which anciently stood here. All the measurements of the roads & streets &c within the Burgh are taken & estimated from this stone, It formerly stood above ground but is now entirely covered.
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OS1/4/3/31 ROSE CRAIG Rose Craig Rose Crag Rose Crag G. Forbes Sheriff Clerk New Statistical Account J. Simpson Colleonard New Statistical Account Fullartons Gazetter 004.12 A precipitous ledge of rocKs at the end of Harbour Place on which a stair has been made. A Chapel dedicated to the Holy Rood is said to have stood immediatley above this rocK but the exact spot cannot be pointed out, neither is their any certaintly about the dedication Name. Mr Forbes sheriff ClerK states that the Chapel was dedicated to St Mary & stood within the Castle grounds near the present Kitchen garden.
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OS1/4/3/32 GREEN BANKS Green Banks Green Banks Green Banks G. Forbes Sheriff ClerK G. Mearns Inspr [Inspector] of Police Mr Smith Chamberlain 004.12 A peice of waste land at the foot of Old MarKet Place extending along the westbank of the River from the Bridge to the end of Old MarKet Place it belongs partly to the Burgh of Banff & Partly to the Earl of Fife
OS1/4/3/32 MARKET Market G. Forbes Sheriff ClerK G. Mearns Inpector of Police Mr Smith Chamberlain 004.12 An open space near the centre of the Town in which is held a weekly marKet, their are ranges of stalls covered in on all sides.
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OS1/4/3/33 PIRIE'S SCHOOL Piries Free School (Endowed) Pirie's Free School (Endowed) Pirie's Free School (Endowed) Piries School Inscription on Schoolhouse Mr Smith Chamberlain Abstract of Deeds &c Fullartons Gazetter New Statistical Account 004.12 A plain building comprising a school room & house for the teacher Situate in Clunie Street. Mr Alexander Pirie merchant in Banff made a Mortification of the principal Sum of 1100 eleven hundred pounds for the raising & supporting a Free School for the education of the Children of poor people. The Town Council are the sole Trustees.
OS1/4/3/33 MITCHELL'S SCHOOL [Banff] Mitchells School (Endowed) Mr Coults Esq. Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 A house in Reid Street for the Schoolroom and dwelling house together with 20£ per year left by the late James Mitchell Esqr. for a female School. The deed appoints the Sheriff Substitute, Provost & Minister of Banff to be Trustees
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OS1/4/3/34 BEDE HOUSE Bede House Bede House Bede House Bede House Mr Smith Town Chamberlain Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK Mr Mearns Suprintendent of Police New Statistical Account 004.12 An old building in Carmelite St. [Street] Still used as a dwelling house for poor decayed persons, the Kirk Session of Banff have the management of & are Trustees for a small mortification left by Dr. [Doctor] A. Strachan in 1764 which is expended in Keeping the house in repair, This house is supposed to have been a hospital or Bede House when the Carmelite Monastery was in existence.
OS1/4/3/34 POOR HOUSE Poor House Mr Smith Town Chamberlain Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK Mr Mearns Suprentendent of Police New Statistical Account 004.12 An old dwelling house in Carmelite Street rented by the Parochial Board from the proprietor Mrs Mary Forbes for their use as a Poor House
OS1/4/3/34 [page] 34 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/35 CARMELITE MONASTERY (Remains of) Carmelite Monastery (remains of cells) William Coutts Banker Mr Imlah Banff New Statistical Account 004.12 The arches of three Cells belonging to the Monastery are still standing too in Carmelite St. [Street] near the UP [United Presbyterian] Church and another behind the Royal OaK. they are Supposed to have been dormitories for the monKs. A small mound of earth in Mr Coutts garden behind the Foundry is said to have been made by the MonKs as a worK of Penance, it is similar to another near the Mausoleum in Duff House grounds. there are the only indications of the Monastery now remaining. "The parish is almost wholly destitute of any remains of antiquity. Two cells of the Carmelite monastery (mentioned
OS1/4/3/35 [page] 35 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/36 Carmelite Monastery Continued (Mentioned as existing at the time of the last Statistical Account) have for several years been removed and given place to modern houses. Not far from the site of this, a small vaulted chamber, supposed to have been a sleeping cell, now affords accommodation to the boiler of a Steam engine employed at the foundry. Some arches, apparently parts of similar cells, yet exist behind the inn called the Royal Oak: and persons above till a late period remembered of there having been a continuous line of such cells between the two points now indistinct. This range of cells seems to have terminated the building of the monastery to the east, unless that an hospital, of which there is a tradition as existing about the site of the present bede house, may have formed one of its appurtenances The yards or garden ground of the monastery with its chapel and other dependencies, are supposed to have extended beyond the present southern limits of the town and as far as the small remnants of the "Lodging of the Earl of Airly in Duff House Kitchen garden" New Statistical Account No information can be obtained regarding the site of either the Hospital or the "Lodging of the Earl of Airly mentioned in the forgoing extract.
OS1/4/3/36 [page] 36 Co. [County] of Banff -- Parish of Banff
OS1/4/3/36 Continued from page 35
OS1/4/3/37 FIFE ARMS HOTEL Fife Arms Hotel Fife Arms Hotel Fife Arms Hotel Signboard Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 The principal hotel in Banff Situated in Low Street. Mr Watt occupier. the property of the Earl of Fife
OS1/4/3/37 ST ANDREW'S HOTEL St Andrew's Hotel Signboard Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A Second class hotel situated in old MarKet Place the St Andrews Lodge of Masons formerly had their Lodge here. Mr James Hutchinson occupier the property of the Heirs of William Scott
OS1/4/3/37 ROYAL OAK HOTEL Royal Oak Hotel Signboard Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A Second class Inn situated in Bridge Street, Mr G WalKer occupier, the property of Mr Fraser Banff
OS1/4/3/37 [page] 37 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/38 COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Commercial Bank (Branch of) Door Plate Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 An office and dwelling house for manager in the High Shore a branch of the Commercial Banking Co. [Company] it is the property of the Company.
OS1/4/3/38 NORTH OF SCOTLAND BANK North of Scotland Bank (Branch of) Door Plate Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A Bank Office and dwelling house for Manager in Low Street the property of the Company.
OS1/4/3/38 ABERDEEN TOWN COUNTY BANK Aberdeen Town & County Bank (Branch of) Door Plate Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A branch office in communication with the Aberdeen Town & County Banking Co. [Company] the property of the local agent William Coutts Esq.
OS1/4/3/38 [page] 38 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/39 R.C. CHAPEL Chapel (Roman Catholic) Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Valuation Roll 004.12 The Upper story of a dwelling house used by the Roman Catholics as a place of worship, it is situated in Coldhome Street and belongs to the Members
OS1/4/3/39 HALL Seafield Street Hall Mr Sellar Clothier &c Mr WalKer Merchant Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A plain new building containing a public lecture hall and retiring rooms it is under the direction & is the property of the Young Men's Christian Association
OS1/4/3/39 [page] 39 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/40 [Page] 40 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/41 SHERIFFS BRAE Sheriffs Brae Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A part of the public road extending from Geroge St. [Street] to Harbour Place.
OS1/4/3/41 THE BAR The Bar Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A bank of shingle at the Mouth of the Deveron extending across the extremity of Banff Bay thrown up by the action of the tides.
OS1/4/3/41 CRAIG GILBERT Craig Gilbert Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 Some flat half tide rocks at the mouth of the River Deveron, visible at low Water.
OS1/4/3/41 [page] 41 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/42 CASTLE HILL Castle Hill New Statistical Account George Forbes Esq. Mr Smith Chamberlain 004.12 The rising ground overlooKing the Bay of Banff upon which stands the Castle. The New Statistical Account States that a number of coins were found at the foot of this hill, the spot, however, cannot be pointed out.
OS1/4/3/42 CARPENTERS BRAE Carpenters Brae G. Forbes Esq. Mr Smith Mr Mearns 004.12 A steep foot path leading from the public Road near the Brewery to the Quayside
OS1/4/3/42 SHIP TAVERN Ship Tavern Signboard Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 An ordinary public house situated on the Low Shore. the property of Mr James Bayley, Banff
OS1/4/3/42 [page] 42 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/43 SEATOWN Seatown Seatown Seatown Seatown G. Forbes Esq. Mr Mearns New Statistical Account Fullertons Gazetteer 004.12 That part of Banff situated immediately north of the Castle grounds extending to the Gas worKs an from the Harbour westward to Coldhome Street. "The lands on which the sea-town now stands belonged to the chapel of the Holy Rood. This chapel is supposed to have Stood in the Rode Crag (towards the present northern extremity of the castle-grounds;) another supposition is, that it was on the site of the old church. All existing notices regarding the chaplaincy of the Holy Rood, and that on the site of the old church (whether the same, or different, or how endowed) are confused and obscure" New Statistical Account
OS1/4/3/43 BANFF BAY Banff Bay G. Forbes Esq. Mr Mearns New Statistical Account Fullertons Gazetteer 004 ; 005 A semicircular bay at the mouth of the Deveron having the Towns of Banff & Macduff at its opposite extremities it is bounded on the South by a Bar of Sand & shingle at the western extremity, of which is the mouth of the Deveron.
OS1/4/3/43 [page] 43 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/44 GRAVE YARD Graveyard Graveyard Graveyard G. Forbes Esq. Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 The old grave yard situated in Carmelite Street is considered to be of great Antiquity - several stones dating as far back as the 14th Century are still standing the Old Church originally dedicated to the virgin stood in the centre a part of an Aisle still remains. [standing crossed out] it is used as a burial vault for the Ogilvy family. The grave yard is gradually falling into disuse, and will cease to be a place of interment in a few years
OS1/4/3/44 ST MARY'S CHURCH (Remains of) 004.12
OS1/4/3/44 [page] 44 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/44 nothing noted for St Mary's Church but information about it is given in the entry for the Grave yard
OS1/4/3/45 SCOTSTOWN Scotstown Angus McKay Fisherman Alexander Allan Fisherman William Smith Fisherman 004.12 Eight cottar houses tenanted by fishermens families, situated on on the sea shore, about 1/4 of a mile west from Banff Harbour Railway Station
OS1/4/3/45 HARVEY PLACE Harvey Place Thomas McKenzie Andrew Cowie Finlay Lawrie Name on corner of Place 004.12 A row of Cottage dwellings, with gardens Attached, tenanted by Mechanics And labourers. And Situated on the north Side of Victoria Place.
OS1/4/3/45 VICTORIA PLACE Victoria Place Finlay Lawrie Name on corner of Street Andrew Cowie Thomas McKenzie 004.12 A row of cottage dwellings with gardes Attached. And tenanted by Mechanics and labourers, And Situated on the North Side of the turnpike road between Banff And Keith &c
OS1/4/3/45 [page] 45 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/46 PAINTED EFFIE Painted Effie Finlay Laurie Andrew Cowie Thomas McKenzie 004.12 A cottage dwelling with a Small garden, and a washing house Attached, situated on the west Side of Seatown, And the property of the Burgh of Banff.
OS1/4/3/46 COLDHOME STREET Coldhome Street Name on Street Corner Finlay Laurie Andrew Cowie 004.12 A Street consisting of dwelling houses tenanted by Mechanics &c branching Northward from the West end of St Catherine Street to Clunie Street -
OS1/4/3/46 ROPE WALK 004.12
OS1/4/3/46 DUNCAN STREET Duncan Street Finlay Laurie Name on Street Corner Andrew Cowie 004.12 A lane leading from the east end of Victoria Place, Southward to the east end of Tannery Street.
OS1/4/3/46 TANNERY STREET & TANNERY Tannery Street Finaly Laurie Name on Street Corner Andrew Cowie 004.12 A narrow lane leading westward from Banff passing by the tannery. There are a few Cottage dwellings And a tannery built on its South Side
OS1/4/3/46 [Page] 46 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/47 MEAVIE POINT Meavie Point Alexander Cowie Fisherman William Smith Fisherman Thomas Allan Fisherman 004.12 The extreme north end of the rocky beach, Situated immediately north of the Harbour of Banff.
OS1/4/3/47 FEACHIE CRAIG Feachie Craig Andrew Thompson. Alexander Cowie. William Smith. 004.12 A detached or isolated rock, visible at low water, and Situated on the east side of Meavie Point.
OS1/4/3/47 BOAT HYTHE Boat Hythe Andrew Thompson. Alexander Cowie. William Smith. 004.12 A small creek on the shore Situated on the north west side of Banff Harbour. occasionally frequented by fishing boats.
OS1/4/3/47 [Page] 47 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/48 NORTH PIER [Banff Harbour] North Pier Alexander Cowie Fisherman. Andrew Thompson. Fisherman. William Allan. Fisherman. Thomas Allan. Fisherman. 004.12 A substantial pier and breakwater on the north side of the harbour of Banff.
OS1/4/3/48 GAS WORKS [Banff] Gas Works Alexander Cowie Fisherman. Andrew Thompson. Fisherman. William Allan. Fisherman. Thomas Allan. Fisherman. 004.12 Gas works for Supplying the town of Banff with gas. It belongs to the company of shareholders.
OS1/4/3/48 TERMINUS [Banff Harbour railway station] Harbour Railway Station Mr Morrison Guard. J. Sinclair Porter. Thomas Allan 004.12 A station contiguious to the harbour for passengers goods &c. at the termination of the Banffshire Railway at Banff.
OS1/4/3/48 [Page] 48 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff Banffshire Railway [crossed out]
OS1/4/3/49 [Page] 49 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/50 BLACK ROCK Black Rock Alexander Cowie. Fisherman. Andrew Thompson Fisherman. Thomas Allan Fisherman. 004.12 A conspicuous mass of rock on the Sea Shore covered at flood tides, and Situated on the north west of Scotstown.
OS1/4/3/50 THE BABES The Babes Alexander Cowie. Fisherman. Andrew Thompson Fisherman. Thomas Allan Fisherman. 004.12 A cluster of rocks on the coast opposite Scotstown, only visible at low water.
OS1/4/3/50 THE BOOT The Boot Alexander Cowie. Fisherman. Andrew Thompson Fisherman. Thomas Allan Fisherman. 004.12 A rock on the coast, Situated between the group of rocks called the Babes, and the Shore and covered by the Sea at half tides.
OS1/4/3/50 [Page] 50 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/51 BATHS [Banff] Baths Baths Baths Valuation Roll. Mr Mearns. Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A house containing public baths. situated near the Gas works. the property of Mr Dr [Doctor] Whyte Elgin.
OS1/4/3/51 WRIGHTS CLOSE [Banff] Wrights Close Wrights Close Wrights Close Mr Mearns. Mr Duncan. Mr Forbes. 004.12 A narrow lane or passage leading between High Street and Head of yards.
OS1/4/3/51 [Page] 51 Town of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/52 LITTLE TUMBLERS Little Tumblers Little Tumblers Little Tumblers Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Forbes. Sheriff Clerk Mr Smith. Town Chamberlain 004.12 A number of small boulders on the coast situated at the western extremity of a layer of rocks which extend westward from Scotstown and forms the extreme limit of the parliamentary boundary of Banff on the west.
OS1/4/3/52 THE TUMBLERS The Tumblers Mr Mearns Inspector of Police Mr Forbes. Sheriff Clerk Mr Smith. Town Chamberlain 004.12 A large deposit of boulders within high water mark situated immediately opposite the V.A [Volunteer Artillery] 2 gun battery, on the Links of Boyndie
OS1/4/3/52 SWORDANES Swordanes Swordane Sword-danes J. Garden Clerk Distillery William Lyon. Miller Old Statistical Account New Statistical Account 004.11 A field situated near the Banff Distillery supposed to be the site of a Battle between the Danes & Scotch on the opposite side of the Burn of Boyndie is another field called Ardanes. Vide N. [Name] Book of Boyndie Parish
OS1/4/3/52 [Page] 52 Parish of Banff. -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/53 THE TOWERS (Site of) Towers (site of) New Statistical Account p. [page] 28 George Forbes Esqr. Sheriff Clerk 004.12 The following extract from the New Statistical account p [page] 28 contains all that is known of the Towers "A few old persons can yet remember some large massy Ruins, standing on the space now occupied by the plainstones, called the Towers. These have probably been originally a part of the monastery, but are Known to have been latterly a residence of the Lords of Banff. In some old rights this building is styled a palace a distinction it is supposed to have acquired in consequence of having been the temporary abode of certain of the Scottish Kings who disappears from date of some old charters, had visited the town This building was demolished by General Monro in August 1640 as is thus related in the History of the Gordons vol. [volume] II p. [page] 339. JMH.
OS1/4/3/53 [Page] 53 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/54 [Page] 54 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/55 REID STREET [Banff] Reid Street Reid Street Reid Street Reid Street Inscription on Street. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 That street extending between Carmelite Street & Bridge St having the UP [United Presbyterian] Church at the one extremity and the Royal Oak Inn at the other.
OS1/4/3/55 OLD MARKET PLACE [Banff] Old Market Place Inscription on Street. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 An open space at the foot of Bridge Street, formerly used as the Market Place. the applies from the St Andrews Hotel taking in the square where the journal office stands to the bottom of the street where the road turns off to the Bridge
OS1/4/3/55 WATER LANE [Banff] Water Lane Inscription on Street. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 A narrow lane at the foot of Carmelite Street extending from the Street to the River bank
OS1/4/3/55 [Page] 55 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/56 NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND [Banff] National Bank (Branch of) Inscription on Door Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Valuation Roll 004.12 A dwelling house and office in High Street the property of the National Bank used as a Branch office.
OS1/4/3/56 CITY OF GLASGOW BANK [Banff] City of Glasgow Bank (Branch of) Inscription on Door Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Valuation Roll 004.12 A branch office in connection with the City of Glasgow Bank, the property of the local agent John Forbes Esqr.
OS1/4/3/56 UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND [Banff] Union Bank (Branch of) Inscription on Door Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Valuation Roll 004.12 An office and dwelling house for manager in connection with the Union Bank. the property of the Company.
OS1/4/3/56 [Page] 56 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/57 NORTH CASTLE STREET [Banff] North Castle Street North Castle Street North Castle Street North Castle Street Inscription on Street Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff clerK 004.12 A continuation of the main thoroughfare extending from St Catherines St northward to the Brewery.
OS1/4/3/57 CASTLE STREET [Banff] Castle Street Inscription on Street Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff clerK 004.12 The continuation of north Castle St southward from St Catherines St to the Free Church
OS1/4/3/57 SOUTH CASTLE STREET [Banff] South Castle Street Inscription on Street Valuation Roll Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Forbes Sheriff clerK 004.12 The southernmost division of Castle Street extending south from the Free Chruch to the junction of Boynde Road & High Street
OS1/4/3/57 [Page] 57 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/58 HARBOUR PLACE [Banff] Harbour Place Harbour Place Harbour Place Harbour Place Inscription on House. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan. Inspector of Poor. Mr Forbes. Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 A row of houses adjoining the Harbour comprising the Custom House and several Warehouses &c.
OS1/4/3/58 QUAYSIDE [Banff] Quayside Inscription on House. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan. Inspector of Poor. Mr Forbes. Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 A street facing the harbour extending from the extreme south end of the harbour to the Railway Station.
OS1/4/3/58 BRAEHEADS Braeheads Inscription on House. Valuation Roll. Mr Duncan. Inspector of Poor. Mr Forbes. Sheriff ClerK. 004.12 A street facing the sea and extending along the top of a Steep slope from George Street to North Castle Street.
OS1/4/3/58 [Page] 58 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/59 POST OFFICE [Banff] Post Office Post Office Post Office Inscription on Windows Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 Part of a dwelling house in Carmelite Street used as the Post office for Banff it is the property of Miss Smith the Postmistress.
OS1/4/3/59 FOUNDRY Foundry Inscription on window Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 004.12 A large iron foundry on Reid Street. occupied by G W. Murray. the property of the Aberdeen Town & County Bank.
OS1/4/3/59 BREWERY [Banff] Brewery Mr Duncan Mr Mearns Mr Forbes 004.12 An extensive Brewery in North Castle Street the property of Banff Brewery Co. [Company]
OS1/4/3/59 [Page] 59 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff.
OS1/4/3/60 KING'S WELL Kings Well Kings Well G. Forbes Esqr. Sheriff ClerK. G. Mearns. Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 An ordinary draw well in the Kingswell Lane, there is a tradition that Malcolm Canmore on a visit to Banff drank water from this well
OS1/4/3/60 JAPPY WELL Jappy Well G. Forbes Esqr. Sheriff ClerK. G. Mearns. Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 An ordinary spring of water issuing from a spout at the foot of the Jappy Brae.
OS1/4/3/60 JAPPY BRAE Jappy Brae G. Forbes Esqr. Sheriff ClerK. G. Mearns. Inspector of Police Mr Duncan Inspector of Poor 004.12 A steep foot path leading from Braeheads down to Harbour Place
OS1/4/3/60 [Page] 60 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/61 [Page] 61 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/62 MILL OF BLAIRSHINNOCH Mill of Blairshinnoch Alexander Ross Blairshinnoch William Lorimer Tenant William Coults Esq. Banff 004.14 A midddling Sized farm steading & farm of land the property of A. Milne Esq. Blairshinnoch
OS1/4/3/62 BLAIRSHINNOCH GATE Blairshinnoch Gate Alexander Ross Blairshinnoch William Lorimer Tenant William Coults Esq. Banff 014.04 A small cottage on the Banffshire Railway at the level crossing of Blairshinnoch occupied by the gate Keeper, the property of the Railway Co. [Company]
OS1/4/3/62 [page] 62 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/63 BRANDON HOWE Branden Howe. Branden Howe. Branden Howe. Brandon Howe. Alexander Stewart Culbeuchly William Carnegie Reference Book to Estate Plan Estate Plan. 004.15 A small romatic glen on the farm of Mill of Boyndie the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/63 GOWDEN KNOWES Gowden Knowes Gowden Knowes Gowden Knowes Alexander Stewart William Carnegie William Wright 004.15 Two beautiful round knolls on the farm of Mill of Boyndie immediately above Branden Howe
OS1/4/3/63 JOCK'S WELL Jock's Well Alexander Stewart William Carnegie William Wright 004.15 An ordinary spring well near Hillhead. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/63 [Page] 63 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] WilliamP [Paton] LC R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/64 REDPATH WELL Redpath Well Redpath Well Alexander Stewart Culbeuchly William Carnegie Gowden Knowe 004.15 An ordinary spring well on the farm of Mill of Boyndie, used by the occupier of Lochside for domestic purposes.
OS1/4/3/64 HILLS OF BOYNDIE Hills of Boyndie Hills of Boyndie Hills of Boyndie Hills of Boyndie Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie. John McCulloch. Estate Plan. 004.15 A number of remarKable Knolls and ridges on the farm of Mill of Boyndie several of which were enclosed & planted with trees, which for the most part are now bare & covered with whins &c. among the highest and most remarKable are Knock Thunder, Pig Hills Gowden Knowes & BlacK HillocKs
OS1/4/3/64 [Page] 64 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/65 WESTER CULBEUCHLY Wester Culbeuchly Wester Culbeuchly Wester Culbeuchly Wester Culbeuchly Mr James Weir. Farmer John McCulloch. Fiskaidly Plan of Farm Valuation Roll. 004.15 A large farm steading and farm of arable land occupied by James Weir, the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/65 FISKAIDLY Fiskaidly Fiskaidly Fiskaidly John McCulloch James Weir. Valuation Roll. 004.15 A middling sized farm steading and farm the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/65 SOUTH COLLEONARD South Colleonard William Alexander Tenant Valuation Roll Estate Plan 004.15 A large farm steading and farm of land, the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/65 [Page] 65 Parish of Boyndie -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/66 HILLHEAD Hillhead Hillhead Alexander Stewart Culbeuchly Crofts William Carnegie Shepherd Gowden Knowes 004.15 A cottar house & office with a croft of land attached the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/66 LOCHSIDE Lochside Lochside Lochside Alexander Stewart William Caregie John McCulloch 004.15 Two cottars houses on the farm of Mill of Boyndie the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/66 BROOMSTROTH Broomstroth Broomstroth James Weir, Tenant. Plan of Wester Culbeuchly Estate Plan. 004.15 A cottars house & office on the farm of Wester Culbeuchly the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/66 [Page] 66 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/67 KNOCK THUNDER Knock Thunder. Knock Thunder. Knock Thunder. James Weir. Culbeuchly Alexander Stewart. Culbeuchly William Carnegie. Gowden Knowe 004.15 A prominent hillocK rising to a height of about 100 feet. it is surrounded with a fence and was at one time planted, it is now covered with whins, the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/67 CUTTLE RIG Cuttle Rig. Cuttle Rig. Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie. 004.15 A hill feature on Mill of Boyndie farm planted & enclosed the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/67 LITTLE CUTTLE RIG Little Cuttle Rig. Little Cuttle Rig. Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie. 004.15 Another small ridge planted and surrounded with a fence on the farm of Mill of Boyndie the property of the Earl of Fife
OS1/4/3/67 [Page] 67 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] WilliamP [Paton] L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/68 LADYSBRIDGE STATION Ladys Bridge Station. Name Board. Time Bills. Estate Plan. 004.15 A small Railway station on the Banffshire Railway about 3 miles from the town of Banff. the offices are wooden,
OS1/4/3/68 LADY'S BRIDGE Lady's Bridge Alexander Stewart. Culbeuchly Crofts William Carnegie. Shepherd. James Weir. W. [Wester] Culbeuchly. 004.15 A small stone bridge over the Burn of Boyndie on the public road through the farm of Wester Culbeuchly.
OS1/4/3/68 PIG HILLS Pig Hills Alexander Stewart. Culbeuchly Crofts. William Carnegie. shepherd. Gowden Knowes. 004.15 Two small Knolls on the farm of Mill of Boyndie embraced in the district name of Hills of Boyndie.
OS1/4/3/68 SILLER HILL Siller Hill. James Weir W. [Wester] Culbeuchly Plan of Farm John McCulloch 004.15 A small ridge on the farm of Wester Culbeuchly.
OS1/4/3/68 [Page] 68 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/69 LOCH OF FISKAIDLY Loch of Fiskaidly Loch of Fiskaidly Loch of Fishkedly Alexander Stewart Culbeuchly William Carnegie Estate Plan 004.15 A small natural lake on the farm of Mill of Boyndie it is also called "Meg Kennedy's Loch" from a woman that resided near to it.
OS1/4/3/69 STRIPE OF BRAES Stripe of Braes Stripe of Braes Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie. 004.15 A small stream which collects near the farm steading of Fiskaidly and joins the Burn of Boyndie near the Ladys Bridge Station
OS1/4/3/69 BURN BRAES Burn Braes Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie. 004.15 A steep wooded bank along the Burn of Boyndie on the farm of Mill of Boyndie the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/69 [Page] 69 Parish of Banff. -- Co. [County] of Banff. [signed] William P. [Paton] L Corp RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/70 THIEF'S HOWE Thief's Howe Thief's Howe Thief's Howe Alexander Stewart. Culbeuchly William Carnegie. Gowden Knowes William Wright. Tipperty; 004.15 A small glen partly wooded on the farm Boyndie the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/70 FIDDLER'S ELBOW Fiddler's Elbow Fiddler's Elbow Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie 004.15 A steep wooded bank along the Burn of Boyndie. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/70 BLACK HILLOCKS Black Hillocks Alexander Stewart. William Carnegie 004.15 Several small knolls on the farm of Mill of Boyndie. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/70 [page] 70 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/71 MAUSOLEUM ON SITE OF ST MARY'S CHAPEL St Mary's Chapel (Site of) New Statistical Account Inscription on Mausoleum 004.16 Lord Fifes Mausoleum is said to be built on the Site of an Ancient Chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the west gable of the Mausoleum there is a Niche, in which there is placed a curious Ancient Monument, representing the recumbent figure of An armed warrior, with the inscription "Hie jacet Johanes Duf, de Maldavat, et Baldavi, obiit 2 Julii 1404. etc" Also the following inscription in English. "This Mausoleum is erected on the place where Stood a Chapel dedicated to the blessed Virgin, by King Robert Bruce MCCCXXIV. [1324]- The adjacent grounds were also devoted by his Royal Charter, for the building and Support of a Monastery of the Holy brethren of Mount Carmel". "The Stone effigy referred to above, with the Ashes of the deceased (an Ancestor of Lord Fife) was brought from Cullen" - New Stat: Acct [Statistical Account] p. [page] 27.
OS1/4/3/71 [page] 71 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/72 [Page] 72 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/73 MOUNT CARMEL Mount Carmel Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon. Banff. Mr William Smith Banff 004.16 An artifical mound of a conical form, on the side of the river Deveron, near Backlaw Bridge, Surmounted by a Summer house, and said to have been made in olden times by Monks.
OS1/4/3/73 SCURY FORD Scury Ford Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith 004.16 A ford on the river Deveron above the Danes Dyke, leading from the grounds of Duff House to Kirkside.
OS1/4/3/73 SCURY ISLAND Scury Island Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith 004.16 An island in the river Deveron situate immediately above the Danes Dyke.
OS1/4/3/73 [page] 73 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff Mount Carmel [note] The Old Statistical Account states that a chapel, connected with the monastery, stood on this mount, but such a circumstance is unKnown to anyone in the locality
OS1/4/3/74 RACK Rack Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith. 004.16 A cottage dwelling with a Small ornamental lawn and garden attached, tenanted by one of the gamekeepers of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/74 SAW MILL [Rack] Rack Saw Mill Estate Plan. Mr J. Gordon. Mr William Smith. 004.16 A Saw Mill Situated near the Rack, on the side of the river Deveron: the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/74 HOSPITAL Hospital Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith. 004.16 A pool in the river Deveron above the Weir which draws the water for working the thrashing Mill of Kirkside. Spawned Salmon, usually rest here when returning to the Sea. hence the name.
OS1/4/3/74 [page] 74 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/75 SPITTALMIRE WELL Spittalmire Well George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Colleonard William Coults Esqr. 004.16 An ordinary well or sping of water issuing from a spout. the word is supposed to be a corruption of Hospital mire the name of a wet piece of land which joined the well (but now drained & cultivated) which is supposed to have belonged to an Hospital connected with some of the old religuous houses in Banff. the site of the Hospital cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty
OS1/4/3/75 HILLHEAD OF COLLEONARD Hillhead of Colleonard George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Colleonard William Coults Esqr. 004.16 A cottage and office with two crofts of land attached the property of Mr Watt of Macduff.
OS1/4/3/75 [page] 75 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/76 MID COLLEONARD Mid Colleonard Alexander Simpson Esqr. Tenant. James Simpson Esqr. Mains. George Forbes Esqr. Banff. Estate Plan 004.16 A large farm steading & farm of land the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/76 MAINS OF COLLEONARD Mains of Colleonard Alexander Simpson Esqr. Tenant. James Simpson Esqr. Mains. George Forbes Esqr. Banff. Estate Plan 004.16 A large farm steading and farm of arable land occupied by James Simpson Senior the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/76 LUSYLAW WOOD Lusylaw Wood A. Simpson J. Simpson G. Forbes 004.16 A small mixed wood the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/76 [Page] 76 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/77 SCHOOL [Banff] School (Episcopal) George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Mr Barnfather Teacher 004.16 A mixed school in Connection with St Andrews Chapel it is supported by the school fees & Government Grant.
OS1/4/3/77 ST ANN'S HILL St Ann's Hill George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Mr Barnfather Teacher 004.16 An ornamental villa residence at the top of the Gardeners Brae. the property of the heirs of Mrs Bethune.
OS1/4/3/77 BELLEVUE Bellevue George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Mr Barnfather Teacher 004.16 An ornamental villa in the Sandyhill Road the property of Miss Robertson Banff
OS1/4/3/77 [page] 77 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff
OS1/4/3/78 SANDYHILL T.P. Sandyhill (Toll Bar) Table of Dues James Simpson Colleonard George Forbes Esq. Banff. 004.16 A Toll Bar on the Banff and Huntly turnpike the property of the Trustees.
OS1/4/3/78 SANDYHILLS Sandyhills John Clayton Tenant Estate Plan. James Simpson Colleonard 004.16 A middling sized farm steading & farm of arable land the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/78 CEMETERY [Banff] Cemetery James Simpson. John Clayton. Plan of Cemetery. 004.16 A public burying ground for Banff opened two or three years since - its managment is in the hands of the parochial board.
OS1/4/3/78 [page] 78 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/79 GALLOW HILL Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Gallow hill Estate Plan George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Fullarton's Gazetteer New Statistical Account 004.16 An elevation near the town of Banff 200 or 300 feet above low water marK. on the summit of this hill was the ancient place of execution one of the last criminals executed here was the notorious MacPherson a noted freebotter. which took place 2nd Feb 1701.
OS1/4/3/79 GALLOWHILL COTTAGE Gallowhill Cottage Estate Plan George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Fullarton's Gazetteer New Statistical Account 004.16 A small lodge occupied by one of the Earl of Fifes gameKeepers. the property of the same nobleman
OS1/4/3/79 [page] 79 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff
OS1/4/3/80 LUSY LAW Lusy Law (Tumulus) George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. Alexander Simpson Esqr. 004.16 A small artifical hillock composed of earth & stones. it has not been opened but there is no doubt of it being a tumulus.
OS1/4/3/80 [page] 80 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/81 SPITTAL MIRE Spittal Mire Spittal Mire Spittal Mire Spittal Mire George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. New Statistical Account Fullarton's Gazetteer 004.16 A piece of land near the town of Banff at one time wet & marshy but now drained & converted into arable land & upon part of which the Sandyhill Toll Bar now stands. the name is supposed to be a corruption of Hospital Mire, and the land is supposed to have either belonged to or been the site of an hospital attached to some of the Old Religious establishments then in Banff.
OS1/4/3/81 [page] 81 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff
OS1/4/3/82 DOVE COT Surmounted by OLD MARKET ROSS Dovecot. having the Old Market Cross of Banff erected on roof. George Forbes Esqr Sheriff Clerk Banff James Simpson Esqr. Colleonard 004.16 A small octagonal building originally used for the rearing & breeding of pigeons for Duff House, and lately selected owing to its commodious position as a suitable place for the erection & preservation of the remains of the Old Market Cross of Banff consisting of the Shaft & Capital, the original site of the cross is in the middle of the town.
OS1/4/3/82 [page] 82 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corpl RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/83 CHURCH [Banff] Church (Parish) George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. William Coults Esqr. 004.16 A large plain building built in 1790 and seated for 1500 persons. the church previous to this stood in the old grave yard an aisle of which still remains standing The Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bremner is the present incumbent
OS1/4/3/83 WILSON'S INSTITUTION Wilson's Institution (Endowed) Mr Smith. Town Chamberlin Mr Duncan ex Provost. Mr Barnfather Teacher. 004.16 A large building comprsing within its walls an Infant school. Free School & Class rooms for the Banff Academy besides a library and Museum. "Mr James Wilson of the island of Grenada directed by will "the whole stock" of his property to be drawn from the funds & elucidted to the magistrates of Banff to be by them laid out as a charitable fund in the best manner possible" The magistrates have exectued their trust by founding the above institution
OS1/4/3/83 [page] 83 Parish of Banff -- County of Banff [signed] William Paton L Corpl RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/84 COLLIE ROAD [Banff] Collie Road George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. William Coults Esqr. 004.16 A street immediately south of the parish Church extending from High St. to Low St.
OS1/4/3/84 BACK PATH Back Path. George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Esqr. William Coults Esqr. 004.16 A street extending from High St. to Low St. immediately North of the parish Church.
OS1/4/3/84 [page] 84 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] of Banff Institution Terrace [crossed out] [signed] William Paton L Corpl RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/85 BRIDGE OF BANFF Bridge of Banff Bridge of Banff Bridge of Banff Estate Plan George Forbes Esq. S.C. [Sheriff Clerk] New Statistical Account 004.16 A county bridge over the Deveron near to the Town of Banff built at the expense of the government
OS1/4/3/85 SANDYHILL ROAD [Banff] Sandyhill Road Sandyhill Road Sandyhill Road Name on Street Corner George Forbes Esq. James Simpson Colleonard 004.16 A street in Banff extending from Wilson's Institution in direction of Sandyhills farm
OS1/4/3/85 GARDENERS BRAE Gardeners Brae Name on Street Corner George Forbes Esq. James Simpson Colleonard 004.16 A narrow steep lane extending westward from Sandy hill Road for a distance of about 8 chains
OS1/4/3/85 [page] 85 Co. [County] of Banff -- Parish of Banff William Paton LCorpl R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/86 DUFF HOUSE Duff House Duff House Duff House Duff House Duff House Duff Ho. [house] New Statistical Account. Estate Plan. George Forbes Esqr. Sheriff ClerK. Fullarton's Gazetteer Robertson's Map of Banffhsire &c Black's Map of Scotland 004.16 The principal seat of the Earl of Fife, built about 100 years since stands upon a beautiful haugh on the Deveron adjoining the Town of Banff it possess no historical importance.
OS1/4/3/86 DAW HAUGH Daw Haugh New Statistical Account. Estate Plan. George Forbes Esqr. Sheriff ClerK. Fullarton's Gazetteer Robertson's Map of Banffhsire &c Black's Map of Scotland 004.16 A part of the ornamental pasture land within the policies of Duff House extending along the Deveron from Duff House to the Scury Island.
OS1/4/3/86 KING'S FORD (Disused) King's Ford Estate Plan George Forbes Esqr. James Simpson Colleonard 004.16 An old ford in the Deveron a few hundred yards above the present Bridge, the old Kings highway crossed here hence the name, the ford is not now used.
OS1/4/3/86 [page] 86 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff [signed] William Paton L Corpl RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/87 DANES DYKE (Remains of) Danes Dyke Danes Dyke Estate Plan. Mr J. Gordon. Banff Mr William Smith Banff 004.16 A stone wear or dyke across the river Deveron immediately below Scury Island, and was used for diverting water from the Deveron, to a corn mill which Stood on the river side near Lochlaverock - but now entirely removed.
OS1/4/3/87 ST MARY'S WELL St Mary's Well Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith. 004.16 A well in the grounds of Duff House, Situated near the river Deveron, South of the Mausoleum, and near to where the Mill of Banff Stood. It is said to be a Holy Well.
OS1/4/3/87 [page] 87 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff Mausoleum [crossed out]
OS1/4/3/88 [Page] 88 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/89 DEERPARK Deerpark Mr Forbes. Mr Gordon. Estate Plan 004.16 A cottage dwelling having some outhouses, and garden attached. tenanted by one of the Gamekeepers of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/89 NURSERY [Deerpark] 004.16 There is a small private Nursery attached to the house.
OS1/4/3/89 CRAIGLUG Caiglug Mr Forbes. Mr Gordon. Estate Plan 004.16 A deep pool in the River Deveron, situated between Scury Ford, and the Hospital Island.
OS1/4/3/89 LOCHLAVEROCK Lochlaverock Mr Forbes Mr Gordon Estate Plan. 004.16 A small enclosed rosery, in the grounds of Duff House This was formerly a marshy pool, lately improved and converted into an ornamental garden.
OS1/4/3/89 [page] 89 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/90 HOSPITAL ISLAND Hospital Island Estate Plan Mr J. Gordon Mr William Smith. 004.16 An island in the river Deveron, below the pool called the Hospital.
OS1/4/3/90 COLLEONARD NURSERY Colleonard Nursary Mr Forbes. Town Clerk Banff Mr Alexander, Tenant Mr Gordon. 004.16 A nursary for the rearing of Young trees for sale on the farm of Colleonard in the occupation of Mr Alexander, and the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/90 BACHLAW BRIDGE Bachlaw Bridge Mr Forbes Mr Alexander Mr Gordon. 004.16 A stone bridge on the turnpike road between Banff and Aberchirder crossing the Burn of Bachlaw.
OS1/4/3/90 [page] 90 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/91 THE GAWS Gaws Gaws Gaas The Gaws Mr Smith Town Chamberlain. Old Statistical Account. G. Forbes Esq. Sheriff Clerk. Estate Plan 1832 005.09 A piece of land on the eastside of Deveron lying between the Bridge and the Bar. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/91 PALMERCOVE WELL Palmercove Well. Palmercove Well. Palmercove Well. Palmercove Well. Mr Smith. Mr Forbes. Mr Mearns Inspector of Police. Estate Plan 1832 005.09 An ordinary spring well near the Life boat House on the public road between Banff & Macduff. it is a point on the boundary line of Banff & Gamrie parishes.
OS1/4/3/91 [page] 91 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff Bridge Well [crossed out]
OS1/4/3/92 LIFEBOAT STATION [The Bar] Life boat House Mr Forbes Esqr. Sheriff clerK. Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 005.09 A plain stone building in which is Kept the Life boat. situated at the east extreminty of the Bar.
OS1/4/3/92 PALMERCOVE ROCKS Palmercove Rocks Mr Forbes Esqr. Sheriff clerK. Mr Smith Chamberlain Mr Mearns Inspector of Police 005.09 A layer of rocks on the east side of Banff Bay the western extremity of which forms the eastern limit of the Royalty and parish boundary of Banff, on the Moray Firth.
OS1/4/3/92 [page] 92 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff. Halfway House [crossed out]
OS1/4/3/93 CANTIES KNOWE Canties Knowe (Tumulus) Alexander Lyon. Boarmoss James Pirie. Boarsmoss John Rae. Boarsmoss 010.02 A small natural Knowe, on which still exists the remains of a large tumulus. The greater part of this tumulus has been removed by Alexander Milne Esqr. of Blairshinnoch, and Alexander Lyon the present tenant. It cheifly consisted of chared wood, bones and bitumious earth.
OS1/4/3/93 TUMULUS (Remains of) [Cantles Knowe] 010.02 A small natural Knowe, on which still exists the remains of a large tumulus. The greater part of this tumulus has been removed by Alexander Milne Esqr. of Blairshinnoch, and Alexander Lyon the present tenant. It cheifly consisted of chared wood, bones and bitumious earth.
OS1/4/3/93 BOARSMOSS CROFT Boarsmoss Crofts Boarsmoss Crofts. Alexander Lyon. James Pirie. John Rae. 010.02 This name applies to five Cottars dwellings with Small gardens, and crofts attached - the property of Alexander Milne Esqr. of Blairshinnoch.
OS1/4/3/93 BLAIRSHINNOCH Blairshinnoch New Stat: [Statistical] Account Valuation Roll 1866 A Milne Esqr. pro: [proprietor] Fullarton's Gazetteer Robertson's Map of Banffshire 010.02 A first class farm house, an extensive court of Suitable offices, garden, small ornamental lawn and an extensive arable farm attached - in the occupation of the proprietor Alexander Milne Esq:
OS1/4/3/93 [page] 93 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/94 BLAIRSHINNOCH CROFTS Blairshinnoch crofts Valuation Roll. 1866 William Lorrimor. Crofter John Wright Crofter 010.02 Four cottar houses, with crofts or arable land attached - the property of Alexander Milne Esq:
OS1/4/3/94 BACKHILL Backhill Valuation Roll 1866 Rent Receipts - 1865.6 William Lorrimor William Coults Esq: Banff Robertson's Map of Banffshire &c 010.02 An ordinary Sized dwelling house, with a court of farm offices, garden and farm attached, in the occupation of Misses Smith, and the property of Sir Geroge Abercromby Bart. [Baronet] Forglen Ho. [House]
OS1/4/3/94 HILTON Hilton Valuation Roll William Coults Esq. William Lorrimor. 010.02 An extensive farm steading with a bothy, and a large arable farm attached, in the occupation of James Longmuir Banff, and the property of Sir George Abercromby Bart. [Baronet] Forglen Ho. [House]
OS1/4/3/94 [page] 94 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/95 WHITEOUTTIE Whiteouttie Whiteouttie Whiteouttie Valuation Roll 1866. Duplicate of Tack. James Watt. Tenant. 010.03 An ordinary sized farm house, with offices, garden and farm attached in the occupation of James Watt, and the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/95 LOWER DENHEAD Lower Denhead Valuation Roll. 1866. Duplicate of Tack. Mr Milne Occupier. 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house, with, a court of offices, garden, and farm attached; in the occupation of A. Milne, and the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/95 DENHEAD CROFT Denhead Croft Valuation Roll. 1866 Duplicate of Tack. Angus McKenzie. Occupier. 010.03 A cottar's dwelling house, with some outhouses, a small garden and a few acres of land attached. in the occupation of Angus McKenzie, and the property - of, the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/95 [page] 95 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff.
OS1/4/3/96 WESTER CULBEUCHLY CROFTS Wester Culbeuchly Crofts Wester Culbeuchly Crofts Wester Culbeuchly Crofts Rent Receipts. Alexander Steel. Crofter James Lorimer Crofter 010.03 A number of Scattered cottar houses, having some outhouses & crofts of land attached, and Situated between Easter & Wester Culbeuchly farms; the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/96 PADDOCKLAW Paddocklaw Paddocklaw Paddocklaw Paddochlaw Paddochlaw Valuation Roll 1866 Duplicate of Tack. George Rettie Easter Culbeuchly New Statistical Account Robertson's Map of Banff 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house, with a court of good offices, garden, and a large farm attached. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/96 EASTER CULBEUCHLY Easter Culbeuchly Easter Culbeuchly Easter Culbeuchly Valuation Roll Duplicate of Tack George Rettie. Occupier. 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house with a court of offices, garden and a large farm attached, the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/96 [page] 96 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/97 BACHLAW WOOD Backlaw Wood Backlaw Wood Backlaw Wood Estate Plan Mr G. Rettie Culbuechly Mr Gray Little Wardend 010.03 An extensive plantation of mixed wood on the left bank of the river Deveron - and the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/97 UPPER DENHEAD Upper Denhead Upper Denhead Upper Denhead Duplicate of Tack Valuation Roll 1866.7 William Davidson. 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house with a court of Offices & farm attached - in the occupation of William Davidson, and the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/97 EASTER CULBEUCHLY CROFTS Easter Culbeuchly Crofts. Rent Receipts Valuation Roll 1866-7 George Rettie E. [Easter] Culbeuchly 010.03 Two cottars dwellings, having outhouses, small gardens and crofts of arable land attched, the propert of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/97 [page] 97 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/98 LOWER INCHDREWER Lower Inchdrewer Lower Inchdrewer Lower Inchdrewer Valuation Roll 1866 Duplicate of Tack Robert Leggat Tenant 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house, with a court of good offices, gardens, and farm attached - Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet] proprietor.
OS1/4/3/98 MAINS OF INCHDREWER Mains of Inchdrewer Mains of Inchdrewer Mains of Inchdrewer Valuation Roll Duplicate of Tack William Stewart Tenant 010.03 An ordinary Sized farm house, with a court of good offices, garden & farm attached - Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet] proprietor.
OS1/4/3/98 LITTLE WARDEND Little Wardend Valuation Roll Duplicate of Tack William Gray Tenant 010.03 An Small dwelling house with, outhouses, garden, and a Small farm attached. Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet] proprietor.
OS1/4/3/98 [page] 98 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/99 BURN OF BACHLAW Burn of Bachlaw Estate Plan Mr Gray Little Wardend Mr Forbes Town Clerk Banff 010.03 A small stream rising near Easter Culbeuchly, and flowing northwards through Bachlaw Wood, between the fams of Bachlaw, and Colleonard, thence to the river Deveron, which it joins near the South end of the Hospital Island.
OS1/4/3/99 [page] 99 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/100 [Page] 100 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/101 Site of TUMULUS [Easter Culbeuchly] Tumulus (site of) New Stats. [Statistica]l Account Mr Sewart Culbeuchly 010.03 On the north side of the farm steading of Easter Culbeuchly a tumulus stood, in which were found some forty years ago several vases of baked earth, placed on a sort of a stone bench, supported on blocks of stone - some of these were in an inverted position, others had a flat stone on the top, and the whole enclosed in the tumulus - There is no trace of this tumulus, now remaining, as the land has been levelled and improved.
OS1/4/3/101 URNS FOUND HERE [Easter Culbeuchly] 010.03 On the north side of the farm steading of Easter Culbeuchly a tumulus stood, in which were found some forty years ago several vases of baked earth, placed on a sort of a stone bench, supported on blocks of stone - some of these were in an inverted position, others had a flat stone on the top, and the whole enclosed in the tumulus - There is no trace of this tumulus, now remaining, as the land has been levelled and improved.
OS1/4/3/101 GALLOWS HILL Gallows Hill John Gray. Little Wardend Mr Stewart Culbeuchly. 010.03 A small conspicuous hillock in a cultivated field on the South side of Easter Culbeuchly farm Steading, Said to be the place on which criminals were executed, in olden times - when the district was under the jurisdiction of the Lord of Inchdrewer.
OS1/4/3/101 A STONE COFFIN FOUND HERE [Gallows Hill] 010.03 In an adjoining field, a stone coffin or case was found lately
OS1/4/3/101 [page] 101 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/102 [Page] 102 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/103 INCHDREWER CASTLE (Partly in Ruins) Inchdrewer Castle Old Stat: [Statistical] Account New Stat: [Statistical] Account Mr Gray Little Wardend Robertson's Map of Banffshire Fullerton's Gazetteer 010.03 The ruins of this baronial residence, is in good preservation, and partly habitable. being occupied by farm servants. It was the residence of Lord Banff & Supposed to have been built about the time of King James IV or V. It is now the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/103 [page] 103 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/104 CAIRNELPIE Cairnelpie Cairnelpie Cairnelpie Estate Plan Mr Gray. Little Wardend. Mr Rettie. Easter Culbeuchly 010.03 A high ridge of Cultivated land, on the west side of the farm house of Wardend, on which, at one time Stood a large cairn. Known by the name of Cairnelpie. In removing this cairn, fragments of a human Skeleton were found. The site of this cairn cannot now be traced.
OS1/4/3/104 RASHY PANS Rashy Pans Rashy Pans Rashy Pans Estate Plan Mr Gray. Mr Rettie. 010.03 This name applies to a place which was at one time a marsh but now drained by the burn of Bauchlaw - and now under cultivation, and situated, on the north west side of Little Wardend farm steading.
OS1/4/3/104 BLYTHICK WELL Blythick Well Blythick Well Blythick Well Robert Steel John Lorimer, Alexander Steuart Crofter Culbeuchly 010.03 An excellent Spring of water on one of the crofts of Wester Culbeuchly.
OS1/4/3/104 [page] 104 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/105 CRUIVE DYKE Cruvie Dyke Estate Plan Mr Goldsworth Rack Thomas Morrison Rack 010.04 A wear across the river Deveron near the Rack having cruives in it, to enable Salmon and fish to ascend the river. The wear is for driving the water from the river into the Mill Lead which drives the Saw Mill at the Rack.
OS1/4/3/105 THUMBIE'S CAIRN (Site of) Thumbies Cairn James Duncan. Meresman Mr Smith Junr [Junior] Banff Thomas Gordon. Mountcoffer 010.04 It is said that at one time a cairn stood here, but the Stones composing it were used in building the wall which surround the Deer Park. The Cairn was erected to mark the division of parishes at this point, and was named after a man who resided near the place whose hands were deformed.
OS1/4/3/105 [page] 105 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/106 BACHLAW Bachlaw Estate Plan Valuation Roll 1866-7 Mr Forbes. Town Clerk. Banff. 010.04 An ordinary Sized farm house, with a court of offices and farm attached. the property of the Earl of Fife.
OS1/4/3/106 EAGLE LODGE Eagle Lodge Estate Plan Mr Goldsworth. Rack. Thomas Morrison Rack Mr Forbes Banff 010.04 A gatekeepers lodge in Bachlaw Wood at the entrance to the carriage drive leading to the Bridge of Alvah & Mountcoffer House &c.
OS1/4/3/106 DEER PARK [Duff House] Deer Park Estate Plan Mr Goldsworth. Thomas Morrison. 010.04 A large enclosed arable field forming part of the demesne of Duff House, formerly a deer park, but now Sub divided & under cultivation.
OS1/4/3/106 [page] 106 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/107 ALEHOUSEBURN Alehouse burn Robert Smith Tenant. James Stevenson Oldtown of Ord. Rent Roll. 010.05 A group of houses comprising a corn mill, sawmill, farm steading and two cottars houses, the whole belongs to the Earl of Seafield. Cullend Ho. [Colleonard House]
OS1/4/3/107 OLDTOWN OF ORD Oldtown of Ord Robert Smith Tenant. James Stevenson Oldtown of Ord. Rent Roll. 010.05 A middling sized farm steading and farm of arable land, the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/107 QUARRY CROFT Quarry Croft Alexander Barclay, Tenant James Stevenson, farmer Oldtown of Ord. Robert Smith miller Alehouseburn 010.05 A cottar house & offices and croft of land, the property of the Earl of Seafield,
OS1/4/3/107 [page] 107 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff William Paton LCorp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/108 BURN OF BOYNDIE Burn of Boyndie Robert Smith. Miller. James Stevenson farmer Alexander Barclay. crofter. New Statistical Account 010.05 A small stream rising at Blackhills Moss on the confines of the parish, thence from the boundary line of Banff & Boyndie for a distance of nearly two miles where it enters the latter passing and ultimately falls into the Moray Firth.
OS1/4/3/108 [page] 108 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/109 SCHOOL [Hilton] Hilton School (Parish). Thomas Gentles. Schoolmaster. William Coults Esqr. Factor Banff 010.06 A plain substantial building with dwelling house and garden for the teacher attached, it derives its support from the usual source excepting an annual grant from the Dick bequest. Thomas Gentles Teacher.
OS1/4/3/109 HILTON CROFTS Hilton Crofts. William Coults Esqr. Factor. Banff James Greelaw. Tenant. Hilton Croft. John Murray. BlacKshanK. 010.06 Two cottars houses, with offices and crofts of land attached to each. the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Forglen House
OS1/4/3/109 HILTONPARK Hilton park William Coults Esqr. Mrs Dingwall. Tenant. Valuation Roll 1865-66 010.06 A small farm steading & farm of land attached. the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby. Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/109 [page] 109 Parish of Banff. -- Co. [County] Banff
OS1/4/3/110 BLACKSHANK Blackshank Blackshank William Coults Esq. Factor Banff John Murray Tenant Valuation Roll 1865-66 010.60 Three cottars houses with Crofts of land attached the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet] Forglen Ho [House]
OS1/4/3/110 ELLA Ella William Coults Esq. Arthur Watson Tenant Valuation Roll 1865-66 010.06 ; 010.07 Three cottars houses with garden attached the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/110 LYTHEBRAE Lythe brae William Coults Esq. Alexander Urquhart Tenant Valuation Roll 1865-66 010.06 A small farm steading and farm of land. the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/110 [page] 110 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff William Paton L [Lance] Corp. [Corporal] R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/111 BRAE OF ORD Brae of Ord James Gordon. Tenant Alexander Christie. Tenant John Dawson. W. [Wester] Lochagan 010.06 Two cottars houses with gardens and crofts of land attached. the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/111 WHITE HILL White Hill James Alexander. Easter Culburnie John Dawson. W. [Wester] Lochagan James Gordon. Brae of Ord. 010.06 An eminence on the estate of Ord near the confines of the parish the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/111 HILL OF CULBURNIE Hill of Culburnie James Alexander. Easter Culburnie John Dawson. W. [Wester] Lochagan James Gordon. Brae of Ord. 010.06 One of the highest hills in the parish situate on the estate of Forglen the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/111 HILL OF LOCHAGAN Hill of Lochagan James Alexander. Easter Culburnie John Dawson. W. [Wester] Lochagan James Gordon. Brae of Ord. 010.06 Another bold elevation immediately east of the Hill of Culburnie, it is also the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/111 [page] 111 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff
OS1/4/3/112 COWFORDS Cowfords. John Barclay. Tenant William Coults Esqr. Valuation roll 1865-66. 010.06 A middling sized farm steading and farm of land the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/112 BOGHEAD Boghead. William Coults Esqr. Valuation roll 1865-66 Rent Roll (1800) 010.06 A large farm steading and farm of land. the property of The Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/112 BURNSIDE Burnside James Alexander. Easter Culburnie John Dawson. W. [Wester] Lochagan James Gordon. Brae of Ord 010.06 Two cottars houses, with gardens attached, the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/112 [page] 112 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/113 LOCHAGAN Lochagan James Andrew Tenant. William Coults Esqr. John Dawson. Wester Lochagan Robertsons Map of Banffshire &c 010.06 A small farm steading and farm of land, the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby
OS1/4/3/113 CULBIRNIE PARKS Culbirnie Parks James Cowie Tenant James Alexander Easter Culburnie William Coults Esqr. Banff Valuation roll 010.06 A middling sized farm steading and farm of land, the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/113 EASTER CULBIRNIE Easter Culbirnie James Cowie Tenant James Alexander Easter Culburnie William Coults Esqr. Banff Valuation roll 010.06 A small farm steading and farm of land, the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/113 [page] 113 Parish of Banff. -- Co. [County] Banff. [signed] William Paton LCorp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/114 EASTER LOCHAGAN Easter Lochagan William Coults Esqr. Factor Banff Mr Alexander Webster, Tenant Valuation roll 1865-66 010.06 A small farm steading and farm of land the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby Bart [Baronet] Forglen House
OS1/4/3/114 CAIRNHILL COTTAGE Cairnhill Cottage Alexander Mennie Tenant William Coults Esqr. Valuation roll 1865-66 010.06 A neat cottage occupied by a GameKeeper on the Forglen estate, the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby.
OS1/4/3/114 WESTER LOCHAGAN Wester Lochagan William Coults Esqr. John Dawson. Tenant. Valuation roll 1865-66. 010.06 A middling sized farm steading and farm of land the property of Sir G. S. Abercromby
OS1/4/3/114 [page] 114 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff [signed] William Paton L Corp. RE [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/4/3/115 CAIRN HILL Cairn Hill Mr Chalmers Farmer. Cairnhill John Smart. Ella Alexander Rennie. Cairnhill Cottage. 010.06 A small elevation on the farm of the same name upon the summit of which still remains a cairn or Tumulus of large size. unopened, the present farmer (Mr Chalmers) of Cairnhill states that on trenching the land several years since a large number of similar cairns were opened but nothing was found in them except charred matter.
OS1/4/3/115 TUMULUS [Cairn Hill] 010.06 A small elevation on the farm of the same name upon the summit of which still remains a cairn or Tumulus of large size. unopened, the present farmer (Mr Chalmers) of Cairnhill states that on trenching the land several years since a large number of similar cairns were opened but nothing was found in them except charred matter.
OS1/4/3/115 ELLA WELL (Site of) Ella Well (site of) Mr Chalmers Farmer. Cairnhill John Smart. Ella Alexander Rennie. Cairnhill Cottage. 010.06 This well was drained off some time since it is only of importance as a point on the boundary of Banff & Alvah parishes,
OS1/4/3/115 [page] 115 Parish of Banff -- Co. [County] Banff.
OS1/4/3/116 [Page] 116 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/117 TODHOLES Todholes Alexander Milne. Tenant Rent Recipts 1865-6 Valuation Roll 1866. 010.07 An ordinary Sized dwelling house, a court of farm offices garden, and farm attached. in the occupation of Alexander Milne and the property of Sir George Abercromby Bart:- [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/117 INCHDREWER HILL Inchdrewer Hill Alexander Milne Todholes James Ledingham Inchdrewer William Gray Little Wardend 010.07 A considerable eminence planted with fir wood, Situated about a half mile S.W. [South West] of Inchdrewer Castle: the property of Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet] Forglen House.
OS1/4/3/117 INCHDREWER Inchdrewer Valuation Roll. 1866. James Ledingham. Tenant New Stat: [Statistical] Account. 010.07 An ordinary Sized dwelling house, a court of good farm offices, garden and an arable farm attached, in the occupation of James Ledingham, and the property of Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet] Forglen House.
OS1/4/3/117 [page] 117 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/118 [Page] 118 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/119 CAIRN OF ORD Cairn of Ord Alexander Munro. Tenant New Statistical Account Valuation Roll. 1866. 010.09 An ordinary Sized dwelling house with a court of farm offices and an arable farm attached. in the occupation of Alexander Munro and the property of the Earl of Seafield. Adjoining the steading there is an extensive granite quarry.
OS1/4/3/119 HEADROOMS Headrooms Alexander Munro Rent Receipts. 1865.6 Valuation Roll 1866. 010.09 This is a distinct name comprising two ordinary Sized farm Steadings, with farms attached, and four cottars dwellings with crofts attached, the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/119 BLACKHILLS MOSS Blackhills Moss Alexander Munro. Cairn of Ord. George Wood Headrooms George Simpson. Headrooms 010.90 An extensive peat moss situated in the extreme south end of the parish, extensively used by farmers in the district as fuel. It is the property of the Earl of Seafield-
OS1/4/3/119 [page] 119 Co. [County] of Banff. -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/120 [Page] 120 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/121 OLDTOWN CROFTS Oldtown Crofts Rent Receipts 1866 Valuation Roll 1866. J. Davidson Shanneltown. 010.10 Four cottar houses. with some outhouses. and crofts of arable land attached. the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/121 SHANNELTOWN Shanneltown Duplicate of Tack. Rent Receipts. J. Davidson - Tenant 010.10 A Small farm house with offices and a Small farm attached, in the occupaton of James Davidson and the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/121 RAWGOWAN CROFTS Rawgowan Crofts Rent Receipts 1866. William Coults Esq: William Taylor. Blackloanhead. 010.10 Three cottar houses, with some outhouses and croft attached to each. the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/121 [page] 121 Co. [County] of Banff. -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/122 MANSE Manse Revd [Reverend] Mr J Davidson. Tenant Mr William Taylor. Blackloanhead. Mr J. Davidson Shanneltown. 010.10 A good dwelling house, with offices, garden, and farm attached. It is the legal residence of the Revd [Reverend] Mr J. Davidson the Minister of the adjacent church. The land is rented from the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/122 CHURCH (Chapel of Ease) Ord Chapel Revd [Reverend] Mr J. Davidson Tenant New Statistical Account p [page] 175 Mr William Taylor. 010.10 This small edifice, is a chapel of ease, in connexion with the Established Church - It, and the adjoining Manse, was erected by Church collections, and Subscriptions among the heritors &c. It accommodates about 300 persons - The Minister's Stipend is derived from the Seat rents, and £20 added from the Royal Bounty.
OS1/4/3/122 BLACKLOANHEAD Blackloanhead Duplicate of Tack. Valuation Roll. 1866. Mr W. Taylor - Tenant. 010.10 An ordinary Sized farm house, with a court of good offices, garden, and about 90 acres of land attached - the property of the Earl of Seafield-
OS1/4/3/122 [page] 122 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff.
OS1/4/3/123 GAWNSMOSS Gawnsmoss. Mr George Stephenson. Tenant Duplicate of Tack. William Coutts Esqr. Banff 010.10 A small dewelling house with farm offices, and farm attached, in the occupation of George Stephenson and the property of Sir George Abercromby Bart: [Baronet]
OS1/4/3/123 BLACKLOANHEAD CROFT Blackloanhead Croft. Rent Receipt. 1866. Valuation Roll. 1866. William Taylor. Blackloanhead. 010.10 A cottars dwelling, with a garden and a few acres of land attached in the occupatin of Widdow Munro and the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/123 HILL OF ORD CROFTS Hill of Ord Crofts Valuation Roll 1866 Rent Receipts. 1866 Mr William Taylor. Blackloanhead 010.10 Three cottar houses, having some outhouses, and a few acres of land attached to each - the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/123 [page] 123 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/124 RAWGOWAN Rawgowan William Coults Esqr. Banff Rent Receipts - 1866. Valuation Roll 1866 010.10 An ordinary Sized farm house, with good offices, and farm of arable land attached - the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/124 RAWGOWAN HILL Rawgowan Hill Mr J. Davidson. Shannelton Mr W. Taylor. Blackloanhead William Coutts Esq. Banff 010.10 A high ridge of cultivated land on the farm of Rawgowan Situated on the east Side of the farm Steading -
OS1/4/3/124 BLUE COW Blue Cow Mr J. Davidson. Mr William Taylor. Mr Geroge Stephenson. Gowansmoss. 010.10 A huge granite boulder, forming a mark on the boundary between the parishes of Alva & Banff, and Situated on the east Side of Rawgowan Hill -
OS1/4/3/124 [page] 124 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/125 HILL OF ORD Hill of Ord Mr Munro. Cairn of Ord Mr Wood Headrooms Mr Simpson Headrooms 010.14 A small eminence near south end of the parish on the boundary between the parishes of Banff and Alva. Its Summit on which there is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station is called the Sheriffs Seat.
OS1/4/3/125 SHERIFF'S SEAT Sheriffs Seat Mr Munro. Mr Wood Mr Simpson. 010 A small mound in which there is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station, situated on the Summit of the Hill of Ord. So called from the circumstance of a Sheriff of the county having sat here in his offical capacity a few years since.
OS1/4/3/125 FISHERMEN'S MOSS Fishermen's Moss Mr Munro. Mr Wood. Mr Simpson. 010.14 A peat moss situated in the extreme south end of the parish in which the fishermen of Whitehills have the liberty of casting peats for fuel. hence the name.
OS1/4/3/125 [page] 125 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/126 [Page] 126 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/127 BLACKHILLS Blackhills Rent Receipts. 1866. Valuation Roll 1866. Duplicate of Tack. 010.13 Five cottar houses with crofts of land attached to each, Situated on the South Side of the parish & the property of the Earl of Seafield.
OS1/4/3/127 [page] 127 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff
OS1/4/3/128 [Page] 128 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/129 LOWER MALISON SHOT Lower Malison Shot Mr Goldsworth. Rack Mr Robertson. Banff Mr Forbes Banff 010.04 A pool in the River Deveron, above the Coldwell Shot, used as a Station for netting Salmon.
OS1/4/3/129 [page] 129 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph [Parish] of Banff [crossed out entries] Upper Malison Shot Breast Shot Single Shot
OS1/4/3/130 [Page] 130 [Blank page]
OS1/4/3/131 RACK SHOT Rack Shot Mr Goldsworth. Rack Mr Robertson Banff Mr Forbes. Banff 010.04 A pool in the river Deveron near the Rack, immediately below the Cruive Dyke, used as a Station for catching Salmon with nets.
OS1/4/3/131 COLD WELL Cold Well Mr Goldsworth. Mr Robertson. Mr Forbes. 010.04 A fresh water Spring on the Side of the River Deveron, a few chains South of the Cruive Dyke.
OS1/4/3/131 COLDWELL SHOT Coldwell Shot Mr Goldsworth. Mr Robertson. Mr Forbes. 010.04 A pool in the River Deveron above the Cruvie Dyke used as a Station for netting Salmon.
OS1/4/3/131 [page] 131 Co. [County] of Banff -- Ph. [Parish] of Banff Dallas J. Jones Lieut. R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] 29th June 1867.
OS1/4/3/133 [Page] 133 BANFF Ph. [Parish] - INDEX Names of Objects -- pages Aberdeen Town & County Bank -- 38 Alehouseburn -- 107 A Stone Coffin found here -- 101 Bachlaw -- 106 Bachlaw Bridge -- 90 Bachlaw Wood -- 97 Backhill -- 94 Back Path -- 84 Banff -- 1 Banff -- 7 Banff Bay -- 43 Banff Distillery -- 6 Bartlet Place -- 17 Baths -- 51 Battery (2 guns) -- 5 Battery Green -- 23 Bede House -- 34 Bellevue -- 77 Blackhills -- 127 Black Hillocks -- 70 Blackhills Moss -- 119 Blackloanhead -- 122 Blackloanhead Croft -- 123 Black shank -- 110 Black Rock -- 50 Blairshinnoch -- 93 Blairshinnoch Crofts -- 94 Blairshinnoch Gate -- 62 Blue Cow -- 124 Blythick Well -- 104 Boarsmoss Crofts -- 93 Boat Hythe -- 47 Boghead -- 112 Boyndie Bay -- 5 Boyndie Bridge -- 6 Boyndie Links -- 5 Boyndie Street -- 15 Boyndie TP [Turnpike] -- 10 Braeheads -- 58 Brae of Ord -- 111 Brandon Howe -- 43 Brewery -- 59 Bridgefoot -- 6 Bridge of Banff -- 85 Bridge Street -- 19 Broad Craig -- 9 Broomshoth -- 66 Burn Brae -- 69 Burn of Bachlaw -- 99 Burn of Boyndie -- 108 Burnside -- 112 Cairnlpie -- 104 Cairn Hill -- 115 Cairnhill Cottage -- 114 Cairn of Ord -- 119 Canties Knowe -- 93 Carmelite Monastery (remains of) -- 35 Carmelite Street -- 19 Carpenters Brae -- 42 Castle -- 26 Castle Hill -- 42 Castle Lane -- 16 Castle Street -- 57 Cemetery -- 78 Chalmers Hospital -- 24 Church -- 83 Church (Chapel of Ease) -- 122 Church Street -- 28 City of Glasgow Bank -- 56
OS1/4/3/134 134 Index Continued Names of Objects -- Pages Clunie Street -- 17 Coastguard Station -- 23 Coldwell -- 133 Coldhome Street -- 46 Coldwell Shot -- 133 Colleward Nursery -- 90 Collie Road -- 84 Commercial Bank of Scotland -- 38 Cowfords -- 112 Craig Gilbert -- 41 Craigbeg -- 89 Cruive Dyke -- 105 Culbirnie Park -- 113 Custom House -- 13 Cuttle Big -- 67 Danes Dyke (remains of) -- 87 Daw Haugh -- 86 Denhead Croft -- 95 Deer Park -- 106 Deerpark -- 89 Dove Cot {surmounted by Old Market Cross} -- 82 Duff House -- 86 Duncan Street -- 46 Eagle Lodge -- 106 Easter Culbeuchly -- 96 Easter Culbeuchly Crofts -- 97 Easter Culbirnie -- 113 Easter Lochagan -- 114 Elf Kirk -- 9 Ella -- 110 Ella Well (site of) -- 115 Feachie Craig -- 47 Fiddler's Elbow -- 70 Fife Arms Hotel -- 37 Fife Street -- 17 Fishermen's Moss -- 125 Fiskaidly -- 65 Fosse -- 26 Foundry -- 59 Free Church -- 12 Gallow Hill -- 79 Gallowhill Cottage -- 79 Gallowhill Street -- 20 Gallows Hill -- 101 Gardeners Brae -- 85 Gas Works -- 48 Gawnsmoss -- 123 George Street -- 18 Gowden Knowes -- 63 Grave Yard -- 44 Great North of Scotland Railway (Banff Branch) -- 4 Green Banks -- 32 Grey Stone -- 30 [halfway house crossed out pg 92] Hall -- 39 Harbour -- 13 Harbour Place -- 58 Harvey Place -- 45 Head of Yards -- 20 Headrooms -- 119 High Shore -- 28 High Street -- 15 Hillhead -- 66 Hillhead of Collesnard -- 75 Hill of Culbirnie -- 111 Hill of Lochagan -- 111 Hill of Ord -- 125 Hill of Ord Crofts -- 123 Hills of Banff -- 9 Hills of Boyndie -- 64 Hilton -- 94 Hilton Crofts -- 109 Hiltonpark -- 109
OS1/4/3/134 'Halfway House' p 92 crossed out, it is also crossed out on the acutal page 92.
OS1/4/3/135 135 Index Continued Names of Objects -- Pages Hospital -- 74 Hospital Island -- 90 Inchdrewer -- 117 Inchdrewer Caste (Partly in Ruins) -- 103 Inchdrewer Hill -- 117 Independent Chapel -- 14 Jappy Brae -- 60 Jappy Well -- 60 Jock's Well -- 63 King's Ford (disused) -- 86 King's Well -- 60 Kingswell Lane -- 20 Knock Thunder -- 67 Lady's Bridge -- 68 Ladysbridge Station -- 68 Lifeboat Station -- 92 Links Cottage -- 5 Linksfield -- 10 Little Cuttle Rig -- 67 Little Tumblers -- 52 Little Wardend -- 98 Lochagan -- 113 Lochlaverock -- 89 Loch of Fiskaidly -- 69 Lochside -- 66 Lower Denhead -- 95 Lower Inchdrewer -- 98 Lower Malison Shot -- 129 Low Shore -- 28 Low Street -- 19 Lusy Law -- 80 Lusylaw Wood -- 76 Lythebrae -- 110 Mains of Colleonard -- 76 Mains of Inchdrewer -- 98 Manse -- 21 Manse -- 21 Manse -- 122 Market -- 32 Market Inn -- 11 Market Cross (site of) -- 30 Mausoleum on site of St Mary's Chapel -- 71 Meavie Point -- 47 Methodist Chapel (Wesleyan) -- 14 Mid Colleonard -- 76 Mill of Blairshinnoch -- 62 Mitchell's School (Partly Endowed) -- 33 Moray Firth -- 3 Mount Carmel -- 73 National Bank of Scotland -- 56 North Castle Street -- 57 North of Scotland Bank -- 38 North Pier -- 48 Nursery -- 89 Old Castlegate -- 27 Old Market Place -- 55 Oldtown Crofts -- 121 Oldtown of Ord -- 107 Paddocklaw -- 96 Paintedeffie -- 46 Palmercove Rocks -- 92 Palmercove Well -- 91 Parsonage -- 21 Patent Slip -- 25 Pig Hills -- 68 Pirie's School (Free) -- 33 Poor House -- 34 Post Office -- 59 Prison -- 22 Quarry Croft -- 107 Quayside -- 58 Rack -- 74 Rack Shot -- 133 Rashy Pans -- 104
OS1/4/3/135 Institution Terrace p 84 crossed out, it is also crossed on on the actual page
OS1/4/3/136 136 Index Continued Names of Objects -- Pages Rawgowan -- 124 Rawgowan Crofts -- 121 Rawgowan Hill -- 124 R.C. Chapel -- 39 Redhaven Street -- 15 Redpath Well -- 64 Reid Street -- 55 River Deveron -- 3 Rope Walk -- 46 Rose Craig -- 31 Royal Oak Hotel -- 37 Sandyhills -- 78 Sandyhill Road -- 85 Sandyhill TP—78 [Toll Bar] Saw Mill -- 74 School -- 14 School -- 77 School -- 109 Scotstown -- 45 Scury Ford -- 73 Scury Island -- 73 Seafield Street -- 16 Seatown -- 43 Shanneltown -- 121 Sheriffs Brae -- 41 Sheriff's Seat -- 125 Ship Tavern -- 42 Siller Hill -- 68 South Castle Street -- 57 South Colleonard -- 65 Spittal Mire -- 81 Spittalmire Well -- 75 St Andrew's Church (Episcopalian) -- 12 St Andrew's Hotel -- 37 St Andrew's Lodge (Freemasons) -- 11 St Ann's Hill -- 77 St Catherine Street -- 18 St John's Lodge (Freemasons) -- 11 St Mary's Church (remains of) -- 44 St Mary's Well -- 87 St Ninians -- 29 Strait Path -- 27 Stripe of Braes -- 69 St Thomas' Chapel (site of) -- 29 Swordanes -- 52 Tannery -- 46 Tannery Street -- 46 Terminus -- 48 The Babes -- 50 The Bar -- 41 The Boot -- 50 The Gaws -- 91 The Towers -- 53 The Tumblers -- 52 Thief's Howe -- 70 Thumbie's Cairn (site of) -- 105 Todholes -- 117 Town Hall -- 22 Tumulus (remains of) -- 93 Tumulus (site of Urns found here -- 101 Tumulus -- 115 Union Bank of Scotland -- 56 UP [United Presbyterian] Church -- 12 Upper Denhead -- 97 Victoria Place -- 45
OS1/4/3/136 Upper Melison Street crossed out
OS1/4/3/137 137 Index Continued Names of Objects -- Pages Water Lane -- 55 Water Path -- 27 Wellfield -- 10 Wester Culbeuchly -- 65 Wester Cullbeuchly Crofts -- 96 Wester Lochagan -- 114 White Hill -- 111 Whiteouttie -- 95 Wilson's Institution (Partly Endowed) -- 83 Wrights Close -- 57