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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Valuation Roll
Thomas Young Collector
Johnstons Co. [County] Map
024 This farmyard is the property of Robert Campbell now occupied by Thomas McNay.
QUEEN'S SYKE Queen's Syke
Queen's Syke
Queen's Syke
Robert Campbell Esqr.
Mr Bone
Mr Lamberton Meadowhead
024 The object which bears this name is a Small Stream or marsh forming a Junction with the Stra Burn about 13 chains N [North] east of Coplar. It is handed down by tradition which the Authorities here verify that Mary Queen of Scotts with some of her attendants halted at this place on her passage of flight to England
Cockreoch Hill
Cochreoch Hill
Robert Campbell Propr. [Proprietor]
Mr Lamberton
Mr Bone
024 This name applies to a Small hill on which there is a Sheepfold it is about it is about 14 chains N [North] West from the Queens Syke. -

Continued entries/extra info

County of Ayr -- No. 21 -- Parish of Sorn

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Chr1smac -Moderator, DANIALSAN

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