List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
TARRINGZEAN CASTLE (Ruin) | Terranzean Terranzean Terrinzean Terringzean Castle Tarringging Terrenzean Tarinzean Tarringzeon Terringzean Castle Terringzean Castle The castle of Terrinzean |
Revd [Reverend] James Murray Old Gazetteer Imperial Gazetteer New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] Johnstons Co [County] Map Knoxes Map Mr Charles Shaw Estate Map Paterson's History Full [Fullerton's] Gazetteer Old Statistical Acct [Account] |
035 | This ruin is on elevated ground about 5 chains West of the Lugar Water in the policies of Dumfries House, there is a portion of the South west wall still standing having a track of wall or buttress at the South end of wall referred to, the Origin of the building cannot be Authenticated by any Authoriti [authorities] herein quoted, Name supplied is popularly Known in the locality. |
Continued entries/extra info
[page] 6County of Ayr -- Parish of Old Cumnock
[Notes] -- “Within the demesne of Dumfries-house
stand the ruins of Terringzean Castle,
whence the present Countess of Dumfries
still derives the title of Baroness” -- Full [Fullerton's] Gazetteer
"The ruins of Terringzean Castle stand on a small
rising ground, near the banks of the Lugar, and within the pleasure grounds of Dum [Dumfries]
House. This castle once belonged to the family of Loudoun, and the present countess
Still styled Baroness Terringzean. There are no traditions connected with it." -- New Statisl. Acc [Statistical Account]
"The Castle of Terrenzean lies also in this parish - It is now in ruins; it
stood on an elevated bank above the Luggar, in a beautiful situation; was probabl [probably a]
mansion that belonged to the barony of Terrenzean." "The present countess of Loudo [Loudoun is]
Barroness Terrenzean" -- Old Statistical Account
The ruins of Terringzean Castle stand on the banks of the Lugar, [in]
the pleasure grounds of Dumfries House. It seems to have been a small building, con [consisting]
chiefly of a single tower, built on a gentle eminence, and surrounded by a moat, at a bend [in the]
river. It belonged at one time to the family of Loudoun, and still gives them the title of Baron Terringzean". -- Paterson's History of Ayr
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Words lost in fold of pageTranscribers who have contributed to this page.
Moira L- Moderator, BobbyGrierson
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