
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CHURCH [Castle] Church
Reverend Robert Murray, New Cumnock
Mr. Johnstone New Cumnock
Mr. Miller Laight
042 The Parish Church, a handsome building situated between that part of the village called the "Castle" and Afton Bridgend. The Reverend Robert Murray is minister.
CROWN INN [Castle] Crown Inn
Crown Inn
Crown Inn
Sign Board
Mrs. McKnight, occupier
Mr. Miller, Laight
047 A good Inn. situated near the Parish Church and kept by Mrs. McKnight
POST OFFICE [Castle] Post Office
Post Office
Post Office
Mrs. McKnight
Mr. Cook, postmaster
Mr. Miller
042 The Post Office is adjoining the Crown Inn. Mr. Cook is Post Master.

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Ruth Currie

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