
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BURNBRAE Burnbrae Valuation Roll
Archibald Young Doura Mains
Aitkens Co. [County] Map
017 A Farm house with offices attached occupied by Archibald Fulton the property of Mr Henderson of Kilbride. -
WOODNEUK COTTAGE Woodneuk Cottage Mr Feeny Kilmarnock
Archibald Fulton Burnbrae
017 A Cottage built on a portion of the farm of Woodneuk occupied by William Watson the property of Archibald Feeny Kilmarnock

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 119
County of Ayr No. 21.
Parish of Kilwinning
Sheet 17.2 Trace 1

Neuk - A Corner - Jamieson's Dictionary

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