OS1/3/37/1 |
KIRKMICHAEL [parish] |
Kirkmichael |
Statistical Account
Patterson's History of Ayrshire
Johnston's County Map
County Voters' List |
039 ; 040 ; 045 ; 051 |
"The name of this parish, which is common to no fewer than five parishes in Scotland, is obviously derived from St. Michael, a saint of great note in the Romish Breviary, - who flourished in the tenth century. ** The character of the parish is hilly. On the banks of the rivers and streams, there are considerable tracts of level ground; but these bear a small proportion to what are unequal and undulating. The hill-pasture continues fresh & green, for most part of the season. In the upland farms, there is some little heath and moss, but no naked rock. The ground to the south from the Girvan Water continues to rise, with some interruptions, till it reaches the hill of Glenalla, which is 1612 feet above the level of the sea."
Statistical Account (1842)
"The name of this parish is obviously derived from St. Michael, to whom the church was dedicated. It was called in former times Kirkmichael of Gemilstoun, from the name, no doubt, of the proprietor, John de Gemilstoun, by whom the church was granted to the Prior and Canons of Whithern. The parish lies north and east, and is in length about twelve miles, and five broad, including an area of upwards of 15,000 imperial acres. ** More than a thirteenth part of the parish is wooded, natural and planted. ** six lochs of considerable extent Drumore 9 imperial Acres; Kirkmichael, 5; Shankston, 12; Croot, 10 Barnshean 28 and Spalander 45 - in all about 109 acres, less 5 acres of Spalander which are in the parish of Straiton. ** 'There are,' says the Statistical Account, 'traces of five British or Danish fortlets in this parish, two in the farm of
'Guiltreehill, [continued on page 2] |
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[Page] 1
Parish of Kirkmichael Part 1
"There is a local tradition, besides some
proofs from ancient documents that Blairquhan
is within the original land-marks of this parish .
Convenience, no doubt, suggests the propriety of
its belonging to Straiton, and possibly, in this
way, the old parochial connexion may have
been altered without further title or deed of an-
-nexation, ecclesiastical or civil. The main part
of the beautiful approach to the castle, along
the banks of the river, is within the present admitted
boundary of the parish".
Statistical Account (1842) |
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[Continued from page 1] "'Guiltreehill, one in Keostan, one in Cassanton, and another in Castle Downans. They are all circular, and are supposed to belong to the early period of the fourteenth century! This must be a mistake for the fourth century, because, whether British or Danish, their era must be much earlier than the fourteenth century. There is every reason to believe, as the Roman road from Galloway to Ayr traverses the course of the Doon at no great distance, that they are British remains of the Roman period. They are about a hundred yards in diameter and with a ditch of nearly fifteen feet wide. Where they have been ploughed up, numerous fragments of pitchers, spears, horns &c. were discovered. From the name of a farm in the immediate vicinity - Dunree, in Gaelic Dun-righ, signifying the King's stronghold - it is inferred that the fort was distinguished by a royal appellative."
Pattersons History of Ayrshire (18[52])
There are no detached portions of this parish within other parishes; nor of other parishes in this |
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[Page] 2
Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Cassillis Mill
Cassillis Mill
Cassillis Mill
Cassiles Miln
Cassellis Mill |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
County Voter's List
Johnstons County Map |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses. the former two storeys the latter one all slated & in good repair. Property of the Marquis of Ailsa. |
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Dalrymple Toll Bar
Dalrymple Toll Bar
Dalrymple Toll Bar |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A Toll house, where full rates are payable. one storey thatched & in good repair. Property of the Road Trustees. |
OS1/3/37/3 |
Dalrymple Bridge
Dalrymple Bridge
Dalrymple Bridge |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A small stone bridge one arch spanning the River Doon, on the trust road from Kirkmichael & Maybole to Dalrymple. Erected & supported by the County. |
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[Page] 3
Parish of Kirkmichael |
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T. P. - Turn Pike |
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Barnford |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
County Voters' List
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses. the former two storeys. the latter one. all slated & in good repair
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/4 |
Cassillis Mill
Cassillis Mill
Cassillis Mill
Casilis Miln
Cassellis Mill |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A Saw Mill, machinery about 8 horse power. propelled by water supplied from the River Doon. one storey high & thatched. with a dwelling house one storey partly thatched & partly slated & in middling repair.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/4 |
Veenston Tile Works
Veenston Tile Works
Veenston Tile Works
Macilveenston Tile Works
Macilveenston Tile Works
Macilveenston Tile Works |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
Rev [Reverend] Robert Wallace Copy
W. Porteous Copy
J McLannahan Copy |
039 |
A small Kiln shed &c. with the neccessary implements used in the manufacture of Tile. Hon [Honourable] Mrs Leslie Cunningham Proprietress |
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[Page] 4
Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Tunnoch Park
Tunnoch Park
Tunnoch Park
Tunnockpark |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
A neat Cottage two Storeys high, Slated and in good repair. -
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor - |
OS1/3/37/5 |
Tunnoch Park Bridge
Tunnoch Park Bridge
Tunnoch Park Bridge |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A neat Bridge of One Arch Spanning a nameless Stream. On the trust road leading from Maybole to Dalrymple, name derived from its proximity to Tunnoch Park.
It is a County Bridge - |
OS1/3/37/5 |
Gateside |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A Cothouse One Storey high, thatched and in indifferent repair. -
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
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[Page] 5
Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Keounstoun |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
Statistical Account
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
Farmsteading Consisting of Dwelling house, Outhouses &c. One Storey high, thatched and in bad repair. -
Marquis of Ailsa proprietor |
OS1/3/37/6 |
CAMP (Site of) [Kewnston] |
039 |
About ¼ of a mile East of this [farm]steading, there is the site of an old [British] Camp or Fortlett, but farther [than] being traditionally Known, there is nothing left to indicate its ever [having] existed. As far as can be [ascertained] no excavations have been made, [though] it has been so long ploughed over, that the oldest people in the [neighbourhood] scarcely Know anything about it. |
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[Page] 6
Parish of Kirkmichael
"There are traces of five British or Danish fortlets
"in this parish, two in the farm of Guiltreehill, one in
"Keonstan, one in Cassanton, and another in Castle
"Downans. They are all circular, and are supposed
" to belong to the early period of the fourteenth cen-
" tury. They are about a hundred yards in diameter,
" with a ditch of nearly fifteen feet wide;on being ploughed up,
"fragments of pitchers, spears, horns, ashes &c. are every-
where discovered." Statistical Account (1842)
Patterson in his History of Ayrshire says "This must be
" a mistake for the fourth century, because whether British or
" Danish, their era must be much earlier than the fourteenth
" century. There is every reason to believe, as the Roman road
" from Galloway to Ayr traverses the course of the Doon at no
" great distance, that they are British remains of the Roman
" period". - |
OS1/3/37/7 |
Muckle Veenston
Muckle Veenston
Muckle Veenston
Macilveenston |
Revd [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
Johnston’s County Map
Rev [Reverend] Robert Wallace Copy
W. Porteous Esq Copy
J. McLannahan Copy |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses one Storey high, all slated & in middling repair. Property of the Hon. [Honourable] Mrs. Leslie Cunningham. |
OS1/3/37/7 |
South Hill |
Revd [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses one storey high partly thatched & partly slated, & in good repair. Property of the Hon. [Honourable] Mrs Leslie Cunningham. Probably so called from its elevated situation, as there is no hill bearing the same name. |
OS1/3/37/7 |
Netherton |
Revd [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A Farmsteading, dwelling & outhouses one storey partly thatched & partly slated & in middling repair. Mrs Leslie Cunningham Propt. [Proprietress] |
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Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Chapel Knowe
Chapel Knowe
Chapel Knowe |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Campbell
Mr. David Baillie |
039 |
A small gently rising patch of arable land. Marquis of Ailsa Proptr. [Proprietor] There was a Chapel traditionally Known to have stood on its summit but no information can be obtained regarding it. Site undiscoverable. |
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[Page] 8
Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Killmore |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Mr John Boyd
Estate Map 1837
County Voters List |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling and outhouses. The former one storey with attics the latter one storey all slated and in good repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/9 |
Yonderton |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Mr John Boyd
Parish Register
Estate Map 1837
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former one storey with attics the latter one storey all slated & in good repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proptr. [Proprietor] |
OS1/3/37/9 |
Kilmore Wood
Kilmore Wood
Kilmore Wood
Killmore |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr John Boyd
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
Part of a patch of Mixed Wood through which flows Burnton Burn. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/9 |
Skeldon Wood
Skeldon Wood
Skeldon Wood |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr John Boyd |
039 |
Part of a patch of Mixed wood through which flows Burnton Burn, in close proximity to Kilmore Farmsteading. Mrs. Leslie Cunningham Proptc. [Proprietress] |
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[Page] 9
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/10 |
Tore |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Mr. John Boyd
Parish Register
County Voters List |
039 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling and outhouses one storey high all thatched and in middling repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/10 |
Torr Knowe
Torr Knowe
Torr Knowe |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr John Boyd |
039 |
A small conical knoll producing rough pasture and brushwood. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/10 |
Torr Wood
Torr Wood
Torr Wood |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Mr. John Boyd |
039 |
A small patch of Mixed Wood contiguous to Torr Farm Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
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Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Cassillis House
Cassillis House
Cassillis House |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
An elegant Mansion romantically Situated on the Banks of the Doon, the Property of the Marquis of Ailsa, an excellent Addition has been made to the Old building during the Present Century, built in the Gothic Style, the block of the Original building was quadrangular, and the building itself Called Cassillis Castle, but Since it has been modernised by the addition of the new building, the name has been Changed to Cassillis House; the building in its present shape forms three Sides of a Square, several turrets Occur here and there throughout the Old Building, which may be Seen peering Over the Other Portion, and render it very Picturesque when viewed from a distance.- the entrance to the Kitchen Court is at the South West Side of the building, and immediately at the entrance and near the Gate, may be Seen the "Dule Tree", on which Johnny Faa and his Companions are Said to have Paid the Penalty of their temerity with their lives; - The Out-Offices at Some distance from the Mansion are Plain buildings; the Principal
entrance [continued on page 12] |
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Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Kirkmichael Parish |
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Cassillis House
(Continued) |
039 |
[continued from page 11] to the Mansion leads from the West, through a long, Winding, and beautifully Wooded Avenue, huge Old trees are Profusely Scattered Over the Park in front of the House the Site is well chosen; On One Side it is built to the edge of a rugged Wooded dell, Overhanging the River Doon,- the Mansion is at the present time Occupied by the forester, -
"Cassillis House, the Property of the Marquis of Ailsa, is a fine Building, Situated on the Banks of the Doon. It Seems to belong to the middle of the fifteenth Century, an excellent addition was made to it in the year 1830 when it was fitted up for the late Earl. There is, besides, an extensive lawn, on which there is great Abundance of timber. Under the body of the Castle there is a large Subterraneous Apartment, with a Secret door leading to it. Some years ago, this place was Cleaned Out with the view of making it a Wine-Cellar, In this Process a great many Carts of human bones were removed. These, it is to be feared, were the lingering Witnesses of deeds and times long gone by, when the devoted guest and the refractory Vassal, went So frequently missing, having met a fate which Some might Suspect, but none durst inquire into." - Statistical Account of Ayrshire - |
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[Page] 12
Sheet 39 Plan 14 -- Kirkmichael Parish |
OS1/3/37/13 |
Downans Hill
Downans Hill
Downans Hill
Dunans Hill
Castle Downans
Cassillis' Downans |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart
Johnston's County Map
Burns' Halloween |
039 |
A Well known, Middling Sized, but prominent Hill. About 500 feet in height, with a Steep ascent on all Sides, particularly so at the South East Side, where there is a ridge of Steep Rocks immediately at the Summit & which forms a Natural battlement; it affords very good pasture, presents the form of a Cone when viewed at a distance, and, although comprising five little hills or knolls, on the whole has a very imposing aspect. - There is the remains of an Old British Camp or fortlet on the Summit of this hill and also a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. - "In former times, Downans Hill was regarded as a favourite haunt of the fairies of Ayrshire, and a popular tradition exists illustrative of their peculiar Attachment to the locality. The House of Cassillis it is said, was Originally intended to have Occupied a Site on the top [continued on page 14] |
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CAMP (Remains of) [Downans Hill] |
039 |
[See continued entries/extra info] |
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[Page] 13
Sheet 39 Plan 14 -- Parish of Kirkmichael
"The Cassillis Downans are five beautiful
"green little hills, about half a mile south from
" the house of Cassillis. ***There are traces of five British or
" Danish fortlets in this parish, two in the farm of Guiltreehill, one
" in Keonstan, one in Cassanton, and another in Castle Downans.
"They are all circular, and are supposed to belong to the early
" period of the fourteenth century. They are about a hundred yards in
" diameter, with a ditch of nearly fifteen feet wide; on being ploughed
" up, fragments of pitchers, spears, horns, ashes &c. are everywhere
" discovered." Statistical Account (1842).
"This must be a mistake for the fourth century, because,
"whether British or Danish, their era must be much earlier than
" the fourteenth century. There is every reason to believe, as the Roman
" road from Galloway to Ayr traverses the course of the Doon at no great
"distance, that they are British remains of the Roman period."
Pattersons History of Ayrshire (1847) |
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Downans Hill
Continued |
039 |
[Continued from page 13] of the hill, but the fairies were so much Opposed to this that they invariably demolished at night what had been built during the day, removing the Stones and Other Materials to the Spot where the Castle now Stands until the Owner, Convinced of the folly of Contending with his invisible Opponents, at length gave up the Contest." -
Paterson's History of Ayr |
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[Page] 14
Sheet 39 Plan 14 -- Kirkmichael Parish |
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The Dule Tree
The Dule Tree
The Dule Tree |
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A Old and Majestic Plane tree, on the Branches of Which it is Said, Sir John Faa, Commonly Called Johnny Faa, and 15 Gipsies, Whose Story is So Well Known in Ayrshire, from its being the Subject of a Popular Ballad, Were hanged; the tree Stands in front of the Castle Gate, the Word "Dule" is a Scotticism, and means Sorrow, termination &c.
Tradition avers that Sir John Faa having formed an Acquaintance With a lady named Lady Jane Hamilton, a mutual Attachment sprung up between those two lovers, the lady's father coming to hear of the attachment, Shamefully Violated her Affections by Compelling her to Marry the Earl of Cassillis; in the Course of time, Sir John hearing that they did not live happily together took advantage of the Earls Absence from the Castle, hired a Gang of Gipsies, Came to the Castle in the disguise of Minstrels; Sir John playing some Well Known favourite Airs immediately attracted the Countess to the Window, and She at Once recognised her Old and youthful lover, they immediately arranged an Elopement, Crossed the River Doon alittle below the Castle, at a ford, now Called the "Gipsies Steps", and were threading their Way unseen through the Woods when unfortunately the Earl returned home unexpectedly, missed the Countess, made enquiry
[continued on page 16] |
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[Page] 15
Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Kirkmichael Parish
The period assigned, in the Statistical
Account, for the enactment of the tragical
occurrence, mentioned in connection with
this Dule (or dolor) tree, is about the middle
of the seventeenth century. |
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Some of the entry has been crossed out but is transcribed nonetheless. |
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The Dule Tree
(Continued) |
039 |
[continued from page 15]
of the domestics when he was informed of her flight, he immediately Summoned Man & Horse, and went in hot Pursuit after the fugitives and his faithless Spouse; his Party being greatly Superior in Numbers, Overtook and Captured the fugitives at no great distance from the Gipsies Steps; It is Said that Sir John Chalanged the Earl to Single Combat but the latter declined the honour; they were all brought back to the Castle as Prisoners, and next day were hanged (15 in number) on the "Dule Tree", Sir John being the last,; The Countess being brought by the Earl her husband, to the Turret Window in front of the Castle, and there Compelled to witness the dreadful Scene; She was Subsequently taken to Maybole Castle and there Confined for life. - This Circumstance is also noticed in Chambers Picture of Scotland; the Common Version of the Countess's Story among the people of Maybole is as follows, John, the 6th Earl of Cassillis Obtained to Wife Lady Jane Hamilton, a daughter of Thomas first Earl of Haddington, the match it seems to have been one dictated by Policy, it is therefore very likely Lady Jane had not much to Say in the bargain, on the Contrary, her Affections were violated, She had been Previously beloved by a Gallant young Knight a Sir John Faa, of Dunbar, who had seen her at her fathers Seat of Tynningham. When Several years were Spent & Gone and lady Cassillis had brought her husband three children this passion led to a dreadful Catastrophe, her youthful lover Seizing an Opportunity when the Earl was from home Came to Cassillis, he was disguised as a Gypsy and attended by a band of these desperate Outcasts, Sang Some Songs which was Known to the Countess & she immediately recognised them, the Countess right Soon Condescended to elope with her lover, the Earl returning home & Missing the Countess, when he learnt the fact of her elopement immediately Set Out in Pursuit accompanyed by a band which put resistance out of the question, he Overtook & captured the Whole Party near a ford Over the Doon, Still Called the "Gypsies Steps", having brought them back to the Castle, he hanged all the Gypsys, including Sir John. upon the "Dule Tree", the Countess being made to survey the dreadful Scene, the Particular room where the unhappy lady endured this horrible torture, is still called the Countess's Room after undergoing a Short confinement in that apartment, she was removed to the Castle of Maybole & Confined there for the rest of her life, While Confined in the latter Place, she is said to have wrought a Prodigious quantity of tapestry so as to have Completely Covered the Walls of her Prison. |
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Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Kirkmichael Parish |
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Continuation of crossed out entry from page 15 transcribed here for interest. |
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Parish of Kirkmichael
[Blank Page] |
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Parish of Kirkmichael
[Blank Page] |
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Laigh Woodston
Laigh Woodston
Laigh Woodston |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register |
039 |
A large farmsteading, with extensive Out Offices attached, the dwelling house is one Storey high with Attics, all Slated and in good repair.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/19 |
The Gipsies Steps
The Gipsies Steps
The Gipsies Steps |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A few large, irregular Stones Across the River Doon About 15 Chains West of Cassillis House, Said to be the Way in Which Johnny Faa, and the Countess with a Number of Gipsies made their escape from the Castle. -
This Place had been at One time used as a ford, but it is not fordable at the present time Consequent on Some of the Stones being removed by the floods, which Occur on the River Doon. -
See Description for "Dule Tree". - |
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[Page] 19
Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Parish of Kirkmichael |
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West Mainshill
West Mainshill
West Mainshill
West Mainshill |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register
County Voter's List |
039 |
Farmsteading Consisting of dwelling house and Outhouses Attached, One Storey high, Slated and in good repair
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/20 |
Mainshill Wood
Mainshill Wood
Mainshill Wood |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A Middling Sized Wood, Composed of Fir, Ash &c Situate on the East Side of the Road leading from Dalrymple to Maybole, name derived from its proximity to Mainshill Farmsteadings.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/20 |
East Mainshill
East Mainshill
East Mainshill
East Mainshill |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A large farmsteading, Consisting of Dwelling House, & Outhouses Attached, One Storey Slated and in good repair,
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
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Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Dunree |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart
Lease & Parish Register
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A large and Substantially built farmsteading. Consisting of Dwelling House and Several Out Offices, the dwelling house One Storey With Attics, all Slated and in excellent repair, there are two thrashing Machines, one worked by Water, Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/21 |
Blairbowie Wood
Blairbowie Wood
Blairbowie Wood |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A Middling Sized Wood. Composed Principally of Fir, Ash, Elm &c. Situate on the East Side of the road leading from Ayr to Straiton, takes its name from its proximity to Blairbowrie farmsteading.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
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[Page] 21
Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Parish of Kirkmichael
"From the name of this farm Dunree, in Gaelic Dun-Righ, signifying
" The King's stronghold, it is inferred that the fort (which existed in the
" immediate vicinity and which was situate on the summit of Downans
" hill ) was distinguished by a Royal Appellative" (Pattersons History of Ayrshire. |
OS1/3/37/22 |
Burnmouth |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register
County Voters List
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
Farmsteading Consisting of Dwelling House and Out Offices, all one Storey Slated and in good repair. -
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/22 |
Chapelton Burn
Chapelton Burn
Chapelton Burn |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A broad Stream which issues from Chapelton Loch, it forms the mutual boundary between the Parishes of Maybole and Kirkmichael for a Considerable part of its Course, and falls into the River Doon adjacent to Crorieshill farm Steading. - |
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Sheet 39 Plan 14. -- Parish of Kirkmichael |
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Lindsayston |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register & Lease
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
Large Farmsteading Consisting of dwelling house, Outhouses. &c the dwellinghouse two Storeys high, all Slated and in good Repair
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/23 |
Laigh Woodston Bridge
Laigh Woodston Bridge
Laigh Woodston Bridge |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart |
039 |
A neat Bridge of One Arch Spanning Chapelton Burn, on the trust road from Maybole to Dalrymple, So Called from its Proximity to Laigh Woodston farmsteading.
It is a County Bridge - |
OS1/3/37/23 |
[Page] 23
Sheet 39 Plan 10 & 13 -- Kirkmichael Parish |
OS1/3/37/24 |
Burnbank |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register & Lease
County Voter's List
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
Farmsteading Consisting of Dwellinghouse, Outhouses &c the former two Storeys high, all slated and in good Repair. there is a thrashing Machine here worked by Water
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/24 |
Commonhead |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register & Lease
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
Also a farmsteading. Consisting of dwelling house. Outhouses &c One Storey thatched and in indifferent repair, -
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/24 |
Montgomerieston |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston's County Map
Statistical Account
Abercrombies Description of Carrick
Patterson's History of Ayrshire
County Valuation Roll (1856-57) |
039 |
Another farmsteading, Consisting of Dwelling House, Outhouses &c the dwelling house. two Storeys, Slated, the Outhouses. Some Slated & some thatched all in indifferent repair.
Honble [Honourable] Mrs Leslie Cunningham
Archibald Home Esq Accountant Factor15 Hill St Edinburgh, Factor.-
Tenant, The Heirs of the late Walter Shaw |
OS1/3/37/24 |
[Page] 24
Sheet 39 Plan 15 -- Kirkmichael Parish |
OS1/3/37/25 |
Montgomrieston Quarry
Montgomrieston Quarry
Montgomrieston Quarry
see additio |
Revd [Reverend] J. Mc Ewen
Mr. J Brown
Mr. Boyle |
039 |
A small Freestone Quarry about Twenty Chains North-East of the Ballochcoach Farmsteading. -
Property of the Hon. [Honourable] Mrs. Leslie Cumming |
OS1/3/37/25 |
[Page] 23
(Copy) Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/26 |
[Page] 26
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/27 |
Ballycoach |
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A farmsteading Consisting of Dwelling-House, Outhouses etc the former two Storeys high, all Slated and in good repair --
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/27 |
Windyhill Smithy
Windyhill Smithy
Windyhill Smithy |
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
This name is Applied to a Small Outhouse with a Smithy Attached. One Storey, thatched and in middling repair, --
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/27 |
Cassington |
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
A large farmsteading Consisting of dwelling house, Outhouses etc, all One Storey, Slated and in good repair --
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/27 |
[Page] 27
Sheet 39 Plan 15. -- Kirkmichael Parish |
OS1/3/37/28 |
[Page] 28
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/29 |
Glastron |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
A large FarmSteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former one storey with attics. the latter one storey. all slated & in good repair. There is likewise a Cothouse immediately contiguous to it, which once Constituted the farmsteading, it is one storey high thatched and in bad repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/29 |
Lochill |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
Once a farmsteading, but now merged into the farm of Glastron & occupied by a Cotter one storey high slated & in good repair. Probably so called from its standing on a Nameless eminence in close proximity to Shankston Loch. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/30 |
Burnton |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
County Voters List
Johnstons County Map |
039 |
A Farmsteading, consisting of dwelling & outhouses attached, one storey high partly thatched & partly slated & in very bad repair
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/30 |
Burnton Burn
Burnton Burn
Burnton Burn
Burnton Burn |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Mr John Boyd |
039 |
A small but rapid stream which flows from Loch Croot; & after a course of about a Mile, mostly through arable and pasture land, falls into the River Doon |
OS1/3/37/30 |
Loch Croot
Loch Croot
Loch Croot
Loch Croot
Loch Croot |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Mr John Boyd
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
A small fresh water Loch. Property of the Marquis of Ailsa & the Hon [Honourable] [Mrs] Leslie Cunningham |
OS1/3/37/30 |
[Page] 30
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/31 |
Rigend |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
A small row of Cothouses, which once constituted a farm steading, but now merged into the farm of Glastron, one storey high thatched & in bad repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. |
OS1/3/37/31 |
Shankston Loch
Shankston Loch
Shankston Loch
Shankston Loch
Shankston Loch |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Mr John Boyd
Johnston's County Map |
039 |
A middling sized fresh water Loch, which forms the boundary between the parishes of. Kirkmichael & Straiton. Marquis of Ailsa, & Col. [Colonel] Cathcart Proprietors. |
OS1/3/37/31 |
[Page] 31
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/32 |
Keekumston |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
A small Farmsteading. Now in ruins Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/32 |
Laigree |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
A small Farmsteading . Now in ruins
Property of the Marquis of Ailsa |
OS1/3/37/32 |
High Woodston
High Woodston
High Woodston
High Woodston |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston’s County Map |
039 |
A Farm steading consisting of dwelling [&] outhouses, the former one storey the latter one & two storeys, all slated & in good repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/32 |
Woodston Cottage
Woodston Cottage
Woodston Cottage |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register |
039 |
A small Cothouse, on the farm of High Woodstone, one storey high slated & in good repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/32 |
[Page] 32
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/33 |
Boreland Glen
Boreland Glen
Boreland Glen |
Revd [Reverend] Robert Wallace
Mr. William Porteous
Mr. John Boyd |
040 |
A very picturesque hollow, through which flows the River Doon, on the Mutual boundary of the Phs. [Parishes] of Kirkmichael & Dalrymple. It is very thickly studded with fir & brushwood. Marquis of Ailsa & Alexander Oswald Esqr of Auchincruive Proprietors. |
OS1/3/37/33 |
[Page] 33
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/34 |
[Page] 34
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/35 |
Pinmerry |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr Andrew Young, Farmer -
Estate Map 1848
County Voters List |
045 |
A large farmsteading Consisting of Dwelling House, Outhouses etc one Storey high. Slated and in good repair,
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/35 |
Blairbowie |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register
Johnston’s County Map |
045 |
Farmsteading, Consisting of Dwelling House, Outhouses etc. the former One Storey high with Attics, all Slated and in good repair.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/35 |
[Page] 35
Sheet 45 Plan 2 -- Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/36 |
Crawfordston |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Lease & Parish Register
County Voter's List
Johnston’s County Map |
045 |
A large farmsteading, Consisting of Dwelling House, Outhouses [etc.] the former two Storeys high; all Slated and in good repair.
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/36 |
Coopers-Croft |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
045 |
A Small Cothouse, thatched and in Middling repair, this house has got its name from the Circumstance [of] a Man named Cooper formerly residing there,
Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/36 |
[Page] 36
Parish of Kirkmichael
Sheet 45 -- Plan 2
[Below Cooperscroft]
F E P [Initials] [Francis Edward Pratt]
Lt RE [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] |
OS1/3/37/37 |
Glenhowe |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
045 |
Cothouse & Outhouse attached, One Storey high. Slated and in good repair
General Shaw Kennedy Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/37 |
Drumore Loch
Drumore Loch
Drumore Loch
Drumore Loch |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Mr William Hart
Johnston’s County Map |
045 |
A Small fresh water Loch on the Mutual boundary of the arishes of Kirkmichael and Maybole, Edge Marshy. |
OS1/3/37/37 |
[Page] 37
Parish of Kirkmichael
Sheet 45 -- Plan 2 |
OS1/3/37/38 |
[Page] 38
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/39 |
Dyrock Hill
Dyrock Hill |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Mr. John Boyd |
045 |
A small & slightly elevated patch of Rough pasture & arable land, with a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station on its summit. Property of William Wallace Esqr. This hill takes its name from an old Farmsteading which once stood on it, but there is no trace of it now remaining. |
OS1/3/37/39 |
[Page] 39
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/39 |
Pencil note at the end of description remarks:
3rd Class |
OS1/3/37/40 |
Farden-William |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
County Voter's List
Johnstons County Map |
045 |
A Farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses attached, the former one storey with attics, slated & in good repair, the latter one storey thatched & in Middling repair. Hon [Honourable] Mrs. Leslie Cunningham Proprietor. No information can be obtained, as to how the name is derived |
OS1/3/37/40 |
High Mossend
High Mossend
High Mossend |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register |
045 |
A Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, one storey high, all slated & in good repair. Property of General Shaw Kennedy. |
OS1/3/37/40 |
[Page] 40
Parish of Kirkmichael
[Below Fardenwilliam]
[Initials] F E P
Lt RE. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] |
OS1/3/37/41 |
Guiltreehill |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr John Brown
Parish Register
Johnston’s County Map |
045 |
A large Farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former 2 storeys slated & in Middling repair, the latter partly thatched & in very bad repair; The other part of the outhouses are newly built & in good repair. Property of the Marquis of Ailsa. |
OS1/3/37/41 |
Guiltree Hill
Guiltree Hill
Guiltree Hill
Guiltree Hill |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Mr. John Boyd |
045 |
A large patch of slightly elevated pasture & arable land. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor. Takes its name from Guil-Tree. |
OS1/3/37/41 |
[Page] 41
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/41 |
Pencil note at the end of description remarks:
3rd Class |
OS1/3/37/42 |
Guil Tree
Guil Tree
Guil Tree
Guil Tree |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Mr. John Boyd |
045 |
A large Plane-Tree standing on the roadside; Contiguous to Guiltreehill farm steading. Tradition mentions it as having often given refuge to Sir William Wallace, when he was pursued by his enemies. The word 'guil' is Gaelic, signifying to weep or sorrow. This Tree gives the Name to several surrounding objects. |
OS1/3/37/42 |
Guiltree Cottage
Guiltree Cottage
Guiltree Cottage |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register |
045 |
A small Cothouse, in the farm of Guiltreehill, partly in ruins, one storey high, thatched & in very bad repair. Marquis of Ailsa Proprietor |
OS1/3/37/42 |
[Page] 42
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/43 |
CAMP (Site of) [Guiltree Hill] |
Camp |
Revd. [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr. John Brown
Parish Register
Mr. John Boyd |
045 |
The Site of an Old British Camp or Fortlet, Circular in form, and about 3 chains in diameter. It is quite level with the general surface and is Situated on the W. [West] base of Guiltree Hill. There have been no excavations made, but when it was first ploughed over; which was about fifty years ago, there was a part of an old Spear found in it. There are," says the Statistical Account, traces of five British or Danish fortlets, and are supposed to belong to the early period of the fourteenth Century. This must be a mistake for the fourth century, because, whether British or Danish, their era must be much earlier than the fourteenth Century. There is every reason to believe, as the Roman road from Galloway to Ayr traverses the Course of the Doon at no great distance, that they are
[continued on page 44] |
OS1/3/37/43 |
[Page] 43
Parish of Kirkmichael
Sheet 45 -- Plan 3 |
OS1/3/37/44 |
Camp (continued) |
[continued from page 43]
British remains of the Roman period They are about a hundred yards in diameter, and with a ditch of nearly fifteen feet wide. Where they have been ploughed up, numerous fragments of pitchers, spears horns etc. were discovered
Paterson's History of Ayr |
OS1/3/37/44 |
[Page] 44 |
OS1/3/37/45 |
Drumbuie |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr M Young
Parish Register
County Voters List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farmsteading, dwelling & outhouses one storey, the former slated & in good repair, the latter thatched & in middling repair. Property of Marquis of Ailsa |
OS1/3/37/45 |
West Barnshean
West Barnshean
West Barnshean
West Barnshean |
Revd [Reverend] John Mc Ewen
Mr M Young
Parish Register
County Voters' List |
045 |
A Farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former slated & in good repair, the latter thatched & in middling repair. Property of Marquis of Ailsa. Takes its name from its proximity to Barnshean Loch |
OS1/3/37/45 |
[Page] 45
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/46 |
Quarryhouse |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A dwelling house one storey thatched & in middling repair William Wallace Esq Proprietor. Takes its name from an [old] Limestone Quarry in the immediate locality |
OS1/3/37/46 |
Barnshean Loch
Barnshean Loch
Barnshean Loch |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrison |
039 ; 045 |
A small fresh water Loch. Property of the Marquis of Ailsa & the Hon [Honourable] Mrs Leslie Cunningham |
OS1/3/37/46 |
Barnshean Burn
Barnshean Burn
Barnshean Burn |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwan
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A small stream issuing from a Loch of the same name & falls into Dyrock Burn. Property of the Marquis of Ailsa |
OS1/3/37/46 |
[Page] 46
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/47 |
Auchnarnie |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A farmsteading - property of Shaw Kennedy Esq. - dwellinghouse one storey, thatched - offices slated, one storey - all in good repair. |
OS1/3/37/47 |
Barclay |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A farmsteading, in good repair. property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy - dwellinghouse two storeys - slated - offices one. slated & thatched. |
OS1/3/37/47 |
[Page] 47
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/48 |
Hillhead |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
Two cothouses, so called from their standing on the summit of an ascent on the road leading from Kirkmichael to Maybole They stand on opposite sides of the road thatched, in bad repair property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy Esq |
OS1/3/37/48 |
Drumore |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A farmsteading property of Shaw Kennedy Esq dwellinghouse one storey slated - offices one storey slated & thatched in good repair. |
OS1/3/37/48 |
Drummore Loch
Drumore Loch
Drumore Loch
Drumore Loch |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small loch. the portion within Ph [Parish] of Kirkmichael property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy two other portions of Marquis of Ailsa & Sir D H Blair respectively |
OS1/3/37/48 |
[Page] 48
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/49 |
SCHOOL [Kirkmichael] |
School |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
The Ph. [Parish] school of Kirkmichael. Average attendance about 80. Teacher has the legal accommodation with the maximum salary. fees average £30 but ill paid. Usual branches taught |
OS1/3/37/49 |
MANSE [parish; Kirkmichael] |
Manse |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
One of the most commodious and elegant in the County. The [dwellinghouse] is plain, two storeys, with high peaked gables. Offices one storey. Stipend averages 15 Chals [Chalders] - adjacent grounds picturesquely laid out. |
OS1/3/37/49 |
[Page] 49
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/50 |
CHURCH [Kirkmichael] |
Church |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
"The old church of Kirkmichael 'Ecclesia Sancti Michaelis de Gemilstoun' was granted to the canons & Prior of Whithorn, in Galloway by John de Gemilstoun, the son & heir of John de Gemilstoun, knight; and it was confirmed to them by Robert I in 1326 (Chalmer's Caledonia)
"It was also confirmed to them by James IV in 1451, and it continued to belong to the priory till the reformation" Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]. The old church was replaced by the present building in 1787. It is a plain substantial building in good repair, and, by a recent enlargement capable of accommodating 650 persons. The picturesque situation of the edifice assists the plainness. The churchyard is entered by an old Saxon arch, in good preservation. Among several tombstones of great antiquity there is one which is said to be the oldest in the mainland of Scotland, (one or two in the island of Iona bear a still earlier date). It is a flat stone 7 feet by 2, supported by short massive pillars all in good preservation. The letters on the stone are raised, and still quite legible. They are as follow: Hir Lyis Quintine Muir of Gud memory and Agnis Blair His Spovis
A. M. 1506
The A. M. is of course a ludicrous mistake for A. D. |
OS1/3/37/50 |
[Page] 50
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/51 |
New Bridge
New Bridge
New Bridge
New Bridge |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small, one arch County bridge built over Dyrock Burn. at Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/51 |
POST OFFICE [Kirkmichael] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A minor branch of Maybole office. No money-orders issued, - 1 arrival 1 dispatch per diem. |
OS1/3/37/51 |
Kirkmichael Arms
Kirkmichael Arms
Kirkmichael Arms
Kirkmichael Arms |
John McEwen
Parish Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The inn of Kirkmichael village - one storey, slated house, in good repair - The escutcheon bearing the heraldry of Kirkmichael (S) is surmounted by a Knight's head armour - & contains cross daggers - simple chevron & boar's head - Motto Malim esse probus quam haberi - Better to be really good than to have nothing but the reputation of probity. |
OS1/3/37/51 |
[Page] 51
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/52 |
Bridgend |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small slated one storey house, in good repair contiguous to the Old Bridge in Kirkmichael. There is a female school attached to it |
OS1/3/37/52 |
Portcheek |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A few thatched tenements at the old gateway of the church from the entrance to the churchyard
Port-cheek. |
OS1/3/37/52 |
Old Bridge
Old Bridge
Old Bridge
Old Bridge |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small old, one arch, County Bridge - in good repair built over Dyrock Burn, adjacent to E. [Established] Church Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/52 |
[Page] 52
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/53 |
Kilncroft |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A Cothouse and smithy, thatched & in good repair property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy. The name is derived from Brick Kilns that used to be in working order in the vicinity |
OS1/3/37/53 |
Kilncroft Bridge
Kilncroft Bridge
Kilncroft Bridge
Kilncroft Bridge |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small County bridge, one arch, contiguous to Kilncroft - |
OS1/3/37/53 |
Aitkenhead Tollbar
Aitkenhead Tollbar
Aitkenhead Tollbar
Aitkenhead Tollbar |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
of the usual size - slated & in good repair |
OS1/3/37/53 |
[Page] 53
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/53 |
T.P. - Turn Pike |
OS1/3/37/54 |
Kirkmichael Mount
Kirkmichael Mount
Kirkmichael Mount
Kirkmichael Mount |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small, abrupt wooded elevation - It has some fine conical tops - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy - |
OS1/3/37/54 |
Roan |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A farmsteading property of Shaw Kennedy Esq - The dwellinghouse is old, thatched & in bad repair. Offices- newly erected - slated - in good repair. |
OS1/3/37/54 |
Clawbag |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small farmsteading contiguous to the village of Kirkmichael dwellinghouse slated one storey office thatched - in indifferent repair property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/54 |
[Page] 54
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/55 |
Kirkmichael House
Kirkmichael House
Kirkmichael House
Kirkmichael House
Kirkmichael House |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
"The House of Kirkmichael" says Abercrummie "is as desyreable a dwelling as in all the country, having good gardens & orchards." The house has been considerably repaired, but is still quite plain. Two storeys - offices containing stables etc. detached. A loch spoken of by Abercrummie as near the house has been entirely drained. Two very old Saxon Pillars - square - stand at the entrance of the principal approach. It is the property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/55 |
Drummore Wood
Drumore Wood
Drumore Wood
Drumore Wood |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small patch of mixed wood on the farm of Drumore. Property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/55 |
[Page] 55
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/56 |
KIRKMICHAEL [village] |
Kirkmichael |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Pattersons Hist. [History] of Ayr
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
This Village forms a triangle, the apex towards Maybole. The houses are usually old, one storey buildings contains a large church. Ph [Parish] school small inn & several public houses & victualling shops. also a post office situation very fine. |
OS1/3/37/56 |
Barbrethan Bridge
Barbrethan Bridge
Barbrethan Bridge
Barbrethan Bridge |
John Walker
Thomas E. Macfadyen
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small county bridge one arch, built over Kiln Burn on the road between Crosshill and Kirkmichael. It is in good repair |
OS1/3/37/56 |
[Page] 56
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/57 |
Guiltree Wood
Guiltree Wood
Guiltree Wood |
Mr M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A large patch of mixed wood. Property of William Wallace Esqr. Probably takes its name from a Tree in the Neighbourhood which Tradition gives, as being the hiding place of Sir William Wallace, when pursued by his enemies. |
OS1/3/37/57 |
Orchard |
Mr M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farm Steading dwelling & outhouses one storey, partly thatched & partly slated & in tolerable good repair. Property of William Wallace Esqr. This place gets its name from an orchard having been here at one time, but which is all ploughed up now |
OS1/3/37/57 |
[Page] 57
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/58 |
Brickfield |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register |
045 |
A small cothouse thatched & in bad repair. Property of William Wallace Esq Probably gets its name from being close to Gateside Brick & Tile Works |
OS1/3/37/58 |
Goosehill |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register |
045 |
A Farmsteading, dwelling & outhouses one storey, all thatched & in middling repair Property of William Wallace Esq. How it has got the name cannot be ascertained as there is no Hill bearing the same appelation |
OS1/3/37/58 |
West Barniel
West Barniel
West Barniel |
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register |
045 |
A small Farmsteading with outhouses attached, one storey thatched & in good repair. Property of William Wallace Esq. |
OS1/3/37/58 |
[Page] 58
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/59 |
Quarryhouse |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A small cothouse thatched & in good repair. Property of William Wallace Esqr. This house was erected for the accommodation of the men employed at a Lime stone Quarry, in its immediate vicinity & which has been for some years in disuse. - hence the name |
OS1/3/37/59 |
Glenside Cot
Glenside Cot
Glenside Cot |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A small cothouse thatched & in bad repair Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/59 |
[Page] 59
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/60 |
Cairnhill |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farm Steading. dwelling & outhouses one storey - all slated & in good repair. Property of William Wallace Esq. The name of the steading has originated from the circumstance of a Cairn having at some time existed on a small patch of arable land adjacent to it, but no information can be gleaned as to whether it may have been of ancient or Modern origin; as there is no trace of it now remaining. |
OS1/3/37/60 |
Barniel |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farmsteading, dwelling house two storeys, outhouses one, all slated & in good repair. Property of William Wallace Esq |
OS1/3/37/60 |
[Page] 60
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/61 |
Laigh Lodge
Laigh Lodge
Laigh Lodge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A small Cottage Slated & in good repair, built at the Northern approach to Cloncaird Castle. Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/61 |
Alderbank Wood
Alderbank Wood
Alderbank Wood |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A small patch of mixed wood Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/61 |
[Page] 61
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/62 |
Little Mossend
Little Mossend
Little Mossend |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A Farmsteading. dwelling & outhouses one storey all thatched & in good repair
Property of General Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/62 |
Roaston ?
Roston |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farmsteading dwelling & outhouses one storey all Slated & in good repair. Property of General Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/62 |
Woodend |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
Once a small Farm house. but now merged into the farm of Goosehill. one storey thatched & in bad repair Property of William Wallace Esqr. Occupied at present by a Cotter |
OS1/3/37/62 |
[Page] 62
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/63 |
Horse Park Wood
Horse Park Wood
Horse Park Wood |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small patch of mixed wood. Property of William Wallace Esqr. Takes the name from the adjoining field |
OS1/3/37/63 |
Gateside Tile Works
Gateside Tile Works
Gateside Tile Works |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A small Kiln & shed, with the necessary apparatus used in the manufacture of Brick & Tile. Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/63 |
Gateside Cot
Gateside Cot
Gateside Cot |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small cothouse, thatched & in bad repair William Wallace Esqr. Proprietor. Takes its name from its proximity to Gateside Tile works |
OS1/3/37/63 |
[Page] 63
Parish of Kirkmichael
[Initials below Horsepark Wood]
F. E. P
Lt RE. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] |
OS1/3/37/64 |
Guiltree Mill
Guiltree Mill
Guiltree Mill |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A Corn Mill, propelled by water from Dyrock Burn, about eight horse power. The dwelling & outhouses stand at a short distance from it one storey high, all thatched & in bad repair. Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/64 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill
Cairnhill |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrisson
County Voter's List |
045 |
A slightly elevated patch of arable Ground. There has been a Cairn on its Summit at one time, but whether ancient or modern cannot be ascertained, as there is no trace of it now remaining. Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/64 |
[Page] 64
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/65 |
Old Barniel
Old Barniel
Old Barniel |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A Cothouse, one storey slated, & in middling repair. Previous to the erection of Barniel (new farm steading) it constituted the farm house, Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/65 |
Dyrock Wood
Dyrock Wood
Dyrock Wood |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small patch of mixed wood Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/65 |
[Page] 65
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/66 |
Stepends |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A Dwelling house with a smithy attached & a small cothouse a short distance from it. The former slated & in good repair the latter thatched & in bad repair. Property of William Wallace Esqr. Previous to the erection of Dyrock Bridge, Dyrock Burn was forded at this place, by stepping stones. & from this circumstance the name is derived |
OS1/3/37/66 |
Burnside |
Mr. M Young
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A small cothouse thatched & in bad repair. Property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/66 |
[Page] 66
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/67 |
Dyrock Bridge
Dyrock Bridge
Dyrock Bridge |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. M Young
Mr. D Bone |
045 |
A small stone bridge one arch spanning the Dyrock Burn, on the Road from Kirkmichael to Patna, erected & supported by the County |
OS1/3/37/67 |
[Page] 67
Parish of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/68 |
[Page] 68
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/69 |
Loch Spallander
Loch Spallander
Loch Spallander
Loch Spallander
Loch Spallander
Loch Spallander |
Estate Map of Blairquhan
Rev. [Reverend] John McEwen
William M. Young
Thomas E. Macfadyen
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small loch Situated partly in the Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael & partly in Straiton Ph. [Parish]. Property of Sir D H Blair & property of Mr Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/69 |
Torquhan |
John Walker
Thomas E. Macfadyen
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A farmsteading in middling repair - dwellinghouse one storey, slated, offices thatched - one storey property of Mr Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/69 |
Troquhain Wood
Troquhain |
John Walker
Thomas E Macfadyen
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small patch of mixed wood in the farm of Troquhain |
OS1/3/37/69 |
Glenside |
County Voter's List
John Walker
Thomas E. Macfadyen
Matthew Young |
045 |
A farmsteading in ordinary repair - dwellinghouse slated - offices thatched - all one storey. Property of Mr. Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/69 |
[Page] 69
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/70 |
Kirkmichael Mains
Kirkmichael Mains
Kirkmichael Mains
Kirkmichael Mains
Mains of Kirkmichael |
John Walker
Thomas E. Macfadyen
Matthew Young
County Voters List |
045 |
A large farmsteading, in good repair - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy. dwellinghouse two storeys - offices one - all slated |
OS1/3/37/70 |
[Page] 70
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/71 |
Rodgerston Burn
Rodgerston Burn
Rodgerston Burn
Rodgerston Burn |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A stream which rises near Loch Spallander & empties itself into Backglen Burn. |
OS1/3/37/71 |
Whitehill |
John McEwan
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A farmsteading property of Mrs Ritchie dwellinghouse & offices one storey - thatched in bad repair |
OS1/3/37/71 |
Berryhill |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small farmsteading in bad repair - property of Mrs Ritchie dwellinghouse & offices - one storey thatched in bad repair |
OS1/3/37/71 |
Wee Burn
Wee Burn
Wee Burn
Wee Burn |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small stream which takes its rise at the N [Northern] base of Glenside & falls into Rodgerston Burn |
OS1/3/37/71 |
[Page] 71
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/72 |
Muirsmill Glen
Muirsmill Glen
Muirsmill Glen
Muirsmill Glen |
Matthew Young
James Macadam
George Hendrie |
045 |
A deep narrow glen - partly wooded - a mill formerly stood near the head of the glen property of a person named Muir |
OS1/3/37/72 |
Muirsmill Burn
Muirsmill Burn
Muirsmill Burn
Muirsmill Burn |
Matthew Young
James Macadam
George Hendrie |
045 |
A small stream which rises near Loch Spallander and falls into Spallander Burn |
OS1/3/37/72 |
Backglen Burn
Backglen Burn
Backglen Burn
Backglen Burn |
Matthew Young
James Macadam
George Hendrie |
045 |
A small stream [which] takes its rise near the W. [Western] base of Glenside Mill & falls into Spallander Burn. |
OS1/3/37/72 |
[Page] 72
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/73 |
Barlewan Burn
Barlewan Burn
Barlewan Burn
Barlewan Burn |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The continuation of the stream which flows through Kilhenzie farm - The name Barlewan Burn is retained from its egress from Kilhenzie farm to Baird's Mill. |
OS1/3/37/73 |
Kileekie Orchard
Kileekie Orchard
Kileekie Orchard
Killeakie |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The name is applied to a small slated house - one storey - in indifferent repair - from the circumstance of its having stood within an orchard which has been removed |
OS1/3/37/73 |
Buchan |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
slated cothouse, in bad repair, attached to Kileekie farm |
OS1/3/37/73 |
[Page] 73
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/74 |
Dalduff Burn
Dalduff Burn
Dalduff Burn
Dalduff Burn |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The name given to the stream forming Ph. [Parish] Boundary from Dalduff Bridge to its junction with the Water of Girvan. |
OS1/3/37/74 |
Old Garpin
Old Garpin
Old Garpin
Old Garpin |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small row of old thatched cothouses - dilapidated - property of Sir James Ferguson - formerly used as a farmsteading |
OS1/3/37/74 |
Garpin |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A farmsteading - property of Sir James Ferguson - dwellinghouse one storey - slated in good repair - offices slated & thatched in indifferent repair |
OS1/3/37/74 |
[Page] 74
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/75 |
Barlewan Bridge
Barlewan Bridge
Barlewan Bridge
Barlewan Bridge |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small stone bridge - private - one arch, built over Barlewan Burn - in good repair. |
OS1/3/37/75 |
Bairds Mill
Bairds Mill
Bairds Mill
Bairds Mill
Bairds Mill
Bairds Mill |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List
Johnstons County Map |
045 |
A corn mill with farmsteading attached The Mill is in bad repair, two storeys and like the other offices thatched - The dwellinghouse is a one storey slated building recently erected - all property of Sir James Ferguson. |
OS1/3/37/75 |
Baird's Mill Bridge
Baird's Mill Bridge
Baird's Mill Bridge
Baird's Mill Bridge |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A Ph. [Parish] Bridge - stone - one arch - in good repair. built over Mill Burn at Baird's Mill |
OS1/3/37/75 |
[Page] 75
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/76 |
Dalcur |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small farmsteading property of Sir James Ferguson. Dwellinghouse one storey slated - offices generally thatched - all in indifferent repair |
OS1/3/37/76 |
Dalduff Bridge
Dalduff Bridge
Dalduff Bridge
Dalduff Bridge |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small dilapidated bridge - private - one arch - built over the stream forming Ph. [Parish] boundary at the point where the name Dalduff Burn begins & Mill Burn terminates. It is on an occupation road. |
OS1/3/37/76 |
Mill Burn
Mill Burn
Mill Burn
Mill Burn |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The continuation of Barlewan Burn, from the junction of the Mill lade at Baird's Mill to Dalduff Bridge. |
OS1/3/37/76 |
[Page] 76
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/77 |
Dyrock Burn
Dyrock Burn
Dyrock Burn
Dyrock Burn |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A stream which takes its rise from Shankston Loch, has a small tributary from Barnshean Loch, and the main one from Spallander Loch, and thence flowing by the church & village of Kirkmichael it empties itself into the Water of Girvan above the farm of Mackailstone. |
OS1/3/37/77 |
Fairy Knowe
Fairy Knowe
Fairy Knowe
Fairy Knowe |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
An abrupt green Knoll partly excavated for gravel. This name is frequently given to regularly formed Knolls with conical tops which are not associated with the superstitions which the name implies. |
OS1/3/37/77 |
[Page] 77
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/78 |
MacKlaiston |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voters List |
045 |
An extensive farmsteading in good repair - property of Shaw Kennedy Esqr. The dwellinghouse is one storey - slated offices generally slated & one storey. |
OS1/3/37/78 |
Mackailstone Cot
Mackailston Cot
Mackailston Cot
Mackailston Cot |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse in bad repair |
OS1/3/37/78 |
High Merkland
High Merkland
High Merkland
High Merkland |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A slated house - one storey in good repair - tenanted by a gamekeeper - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/78 |
[Page] 78
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/79 |
Merkland |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
An extensive & substantial farmsteading - dwellinghouse two storeys, slated - offices one storey slated - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/79 |
Northbrae |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse in indifferent repair - |
OS1/3/37/79 |
Aitkenhead |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A recently erected farmsteading in excellent repair dwellinghouse one story & attic - offices one storey - all slated property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/79 |
[Page] 79
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/80 |
Braefoot |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse so called from the circumstance of its being situated at the bottom of an abrupt ascent on the road - In bad repair - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/80 |
Plashmill |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small row of neat thatched tenements. Property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy - a small Wauk Mill was formerly attached to this row, and a fall in the stream which worked the wheel originated the name - |
OS1/3/37/80 |
Merkland Cot
Merkland Cot
Merkland Cot
Merkland Cot |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse attached to the farm of Merkland - It is in bad repair |
OS1/3/37/80 |
[Page] 80
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/81 |
Aitkenhead Mill
Aitkenhead Mill
Aitkenhead Mill
Aitkenhead Mill |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A corn mill in indifferent repair - two storeys, slated - The dwellinghouse & office slated - property of Gen [General] Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/81 |
Auchensow Cot
Arnsow Cot
Arnsow Cot
Arnsow Cot |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse - in bad repair property of Sir D. Blair |
OS1/3/37/81 |
Sawmill Cottage
Sawmill Cottage
Sawmill Cottage
Sawmill Cottage |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young. |
045 |
A neat - slated - ivy-covered cottage in good repair - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/81 |
[Page] 81
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/82 |
Kirkmichael Mill
Kirkmichael Mill
Kirkmichael Mill
Kirkmichael Mill |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A saw-mill with water wheel & sheds in good repair - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/82 |
Wauk-Mill Bridge
Wauk-Mill Bridge
Wauk-Mill Bridge
Wauk-Mill Bridge
Wauk-Mill Bridge
Wauk Mill Bridge |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A large County stone bridge one arch - built over Water of Girvan at Kirkmichael Mill - It is in excellent repair |
OS1/3/37/82 |
[Page] 81
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/82 |
Entry for Moorland Cottage - Cancelled and not transcribed . |
OS1/3/37/83 |
Threave |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A large farmsteading, in good repair - property of Sir Thomas Cunninghame - dwellinghouse two storeys. offices one, slated. |
OS1/3/37/83 |
Threave Cot
Threave Cot
Threave Cot
Threave Cot |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A cothouse, in good repair, attached to Threave farm - the dwellinghouse is slated. an office thatched |
OS1/3/37/83 |
Mackailstone Wood
Mackailston Wood
Mackailston Wood
Mackailston Wood
Mackailston Wood |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
An extensive patch of mixed wood - chiefly fir - property of Gen [General] Shaw Kennedy |
OS1/3/37/83 |
[Page] 83
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/84 |
Barbrethan |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A farmsteading in good repair property of Sir D H Blair - dwellinghouse one storey slated - offices slated & thatched one storey - |
OS1/3/37/84 |
Kiln Burn
Kiln Burn
Kiln Burn
Kiln Burn |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A stream which rises in a meadow within the farm of Barbrethan & after a short course falls into the Water of Girvan. |
OS1/3/37/84 |
Burnhouse |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small thatched cothouse in bad repair - derives its name from a small nameless stream running past it. |
OS1/3/37/84 |
[Page] 84
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/85 |
Bullock Shed
Bullock Shed
Bullock Shed |
Revd. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. John Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
A row of one storey houses abutting from King Street - Crosshill - in bad repair, name originating from their appearance. |
OS1/3/37/85 |
Crosshill Bridge
Crosshill Bridge
Crosshill Bridge |
Revd. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. John Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
A large Stone bridge of one arch spannig the Water of Girvan at the extremity of King St. Crosshill. The name Garpin which used to be given to a small portion of Crosshill & sometimes to this Bdg. [Bridge] is quite obsolete. it was erected & is supported by the County |
OS1/3/37/85 |
[Page] 85
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/86 |
Crosshill |
Revd. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. John Macadam
Mr. M Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A large village comprised of a double row of buildings and several abutting Streets. It contains an Estabd. [Established] and Free Church, Estabd. [Established] Church Manse & School, several publichouses & victualling shops & Mill wright factory, a few only of the houses are two storeys, the rest are usually one storey slated & in good repair. The population is considerable and consist generally of handloom weavers.- Crosshill and surrounding neighbourhood has been created a parish quoad sacra. |
OS1/3/37/86 |
[Page] 86
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/87 |
Bargenoch Bank |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. M Young
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A patch of mixed wood on the E [East] side of the road leading from Straiton to Kirkmichael. " Bargenoch" from a Farmsteading once in the locality. " Bank from the circumstance of its having been a piece of sloping waste land prior to its being planted. and known by the name of The Bank |
OS1/3/37/87 |
Bargenoch Wood |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A patch of mixed wood on the N [North] side of the road from Straiton to Kirkmichael & bounded on the E [East] by the Ph. [Parish] Road leading from the main road to Patna, property of William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/87 |
[Page] 87
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/88 |
Kelse Burn |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small, unimportant, and not very rapid stream, which rises on Cloncaird Moor, near the House of the Hill, and empties itself into the Water of Girvan at Cloncaird Castle, its banks are generally steep, - many places precipitous - and partly wooded, bed gravel. |
OS1/3/37/88 |
Kelse Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small stone bridge with one arch Spanning the Kelse Burn, on the road from Straiton to Kirkmichael, erected & supported by the County. it is good repair. |
OS1/3/37/88 |
[Page] 88
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/89 |
Burnside |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A Cothouse in Broad Wood, one Storey high, Slated, and in good repair; property of William Wallace Esqr.; Burnside is a name of frequent occurrence in Scotland, and originates from the proximity of the objects thus named to Small Streams. |
OS1/3/37/89 |
Burnside Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A Small Stone Bridge of one arch, Spanning the Kelse Burn on one of the private roads leading from the Main Road to Cloncaird Castle, it was built by the late, and is kept in repair, by the present proprietor of the Cloncaird Estate.- William Wallace Esqr.- |
OS1/3/37/89 |
[Page] 89
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/90 |
Arnsow |
Mr. M Young
Mr. D Bone
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
County Voter's List
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Farm Steading; the Dwelling Ho. [House] 1 Storey with attics, the Offices one Storey, all Slated and in good repair. property of Sir D. H. Blair. |
OS1/3/37/90 |
Tranew |
Mr. M Young
Mr. D Bone
Revd [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register
County Voter's List |
045 |
A Farmsteading with offices, all Slated, one Storey high, and in good repair. Property of Sir D. H. Blair. |
OS1/3/37/90 |
Tranew Linn
Tranew Linn
Tranew Linn |
Mr. M Young
Mr. D Bone
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen |
045 |
A Waterfall about 6 feet high on the Water of Girvan, there is nothing remarkable with or about it, it takes its name from the above described farmsteading. |
OS1/3/37/90 |
[Page] 90
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/91 |
Cloncaird Mains |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register |
045 |
A Farm Steading, Dwelling house two, Offices one Storey, all slated & in good repair.- Property of Mrs. Ritchie. |
OS1/3/37/91 |
Drumfad |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
A two storey house & in good repair, Slated. it was erected for, and is occupied by the Gamekeeper of the Cloncaird Estate. The farm of Drumfad - which is extensive - was formerly the property of the Cassilis family, but some years since it passed, by purchase, into the Cloncaird property; present proprietor William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/91 |
[Page] 91
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/92 |
Castle Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A large, old, Stone bridge with one arch built over Kelse Burn on the private road leading from the Main road to Cloncaird Castle, the ivy - which has thickly and tenaciously adhered itself to this bridge so as to completely conceal the work of the architect from the eye of the casual observer by its thick foliage - bears strong evidence of its age. it is in good repair. It was erected by a former & is supported by the present proprietor of the Cloncaird Estate - William Wallace Esqr. |
OS1/3/37/92 |
[Page] 92
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/93 |
Black Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr John Morrisson |
045 |
A small stone bridge with one arch spanning a nameless Stream, on the road from Straiton to Kirkmichael, erected & supported by the County. |
OS1/3/37/93 |
Gardener's Lodge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrison |
045 |
A small Cottage one storey high, slated and in good repair, property of William Wallace Esqr., this name is given to it from the circumstance of its being the Gardener's residence. |
OS1/3/37/93 |
[Page] 93
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/94 |
Blairquhan Lodge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
045 |
A small, neat, Cottage one Storey high, Slated & in good repair property of Sir D H Blair. |
OS1/3/37/94 |
Blairquhan Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
045 |
A large Stone Bridge of one arch Spanning the Water of Girvan at Blairquhan Lodge, on one of the principal approaches from the Main Road, to Blairquhan, it was erected, & is supported by Sir D H Blair |
OS1/3/37/94 |
Broad Wood |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. John Morrisson |
045 |
A large patch of mixed wood, property of William Wallace Esqr.. This name is applied to the portion of wood which constitutes the ornamental ground of Cloncaird Castle, it is bounded on the S [South] & W [West] by the Water of Girvan, and on the N [North] & E [East] by the Trust Road leading from Kirkmichael to Straiton; the approaches to Cloncaird Castle are through this wood. |
OS1/3/37/94 |
[Page] 94
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/95 |
Cloncaird Castle |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
045 |
An elegant Mansion built in the Norman Style of architecture upon the Site of an old Castle of the Same name. The main block is quadrangular, flanked with high towers of varying form and Size. From the largest of these abuts the principal entrance, formed of two circular columns, battlemented, and a pointed arch, Surmounted by the Sculptured coat of arms of the builder - Col [Colonel] Cunningham. The quarterings on the escutcheon are of a pacific character, and one motto is in old French "Tout est Den Haut", the other contains these words "Over Fork Over". The origin of this curious motto is highly ludicrous. A low battlement and massive cornice are carried round the top of the edifice and surmount the towers, and a narrow window - correct Norman - occurs here and there throughout the building, Two portions of the old Castle have been retained in the
[continued on page 96] |
OS1/3/37/95 |
[Page] 95
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael
"Cloncaird Castle, the residence of Henry Ritchie
" Esq of Busbie, was originally in the style of feudal
" mansions of the sixteenth century, having a huge
" square tower, narrow spiral staircase, &c.. In 1814,
" an entire new front was built, which now renders
" it, both from site and exterior, one of the handsomest
" seats in Ayrshire". Statistical Account (1842) |
OS1/3/37/96 |
Cloncaird Castle
continued |
[continued from page 95]
construction of the modern building, one is a high pointed arch, which forms the entrance to the Kitchen Court, and supports a heraldic Stone much defaced, upon the escutcheon however may still be discerned a rampant Griffin, Boars head, and the worn letters of an old English motto. The other is a tower projecting into the court. The offices attached to the Castle are low Slated buildings, forming the larger portion of a circle, divided by a broad battlemented tower. The Stables - at Some distance from the mansion - have preserved in the details of construction the architectural style of the latter. The situation of the Castle is happily chosen, On one Side it is built to the edge of a rugged, wooded dell - huge old trees are scattered profusely over the Ornamental ground, and the Water of Girvan near it through a precipitous glen, The Gardens are extensive, exhibit great taste, and are Supplied with conservatories; The Castle & Gardens are the property of Mrs. Ritchie.- |
OS1/3/37/96 |
[Page] 96 |
OS1/3/37/97 |
Cloncaird Moor
Cloncaird Moor
Cloncaird Moor
Cloncaird Moor |
James Macadam
George Hendrie
Matthew Young |
045 |
A large expanse of Moorland attached to the estate of Cloncaird. |
OS1/3/37/97 |
House of the Hill
House of the Hill
House of the Hill
House of the Hill |
James Macadam
George Hendrie
Matthew Young |
045 |
A thatched Cothouse - in Cloncaird estate. It is observable for many miles around - and is situated at some distance from any other habitation - circumstances which probably have given it a name. |
OS1/3/37/97 |
Gall Hill
Gall Hill
Gall Hill
Gall Hill |
James Macadam
George Hendrie
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small pasture-hill - It derives its name from a bitter plant which grows in abundance upon it. |
OS1/3/37/97 |
[Page] 97
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/98 |
March Burn
March Burn
March Burn
March Burn |
James Macadam
George Hendrie
Matthew Young |
045 |
A stream which rises on [Sclenteuch] Moor. For a portion of its course it runs nearly contiguous to the boundary between the Phs. [Parishes] of [Kirkmichael] & Straiton & before its [junction] with Littleton Burn changes its [name] for Claty Burn. |
OS1/3/37/98 |
[Page] 98
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/99 |
Ballochbroe |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small slated house in good repair - property of Sir James Ferguson |
OS1/3/37/99 |
Spallander Burn
Spallander burn
Spallander Burn
Spallander Burn |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A small stream which flows from Spallander Loch into Dyrock burn |
OS1/3/37/99 |
Glenside Hill
Glenside Hill
Glenside Hill
Glenside Hill |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A small Hy. [Heathy] P. [Pasture] Hill - property of Hon [Honourable] Mrs Leslie Cumming. |
OS1/3/37/99 |
[Page] 99
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/100 |
Killikie |
(signed) J. Blair
(signed) James Macadam
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map
County Voters' List |
045 |
An old farmsteading in good repair - property of Sir James Ferguson Dwellinghouse slated one storey - offices thatched - one storey |
OS1/3/37/100 |
Claylands Wood
Claylands Wood
Claylands Wood
Claylands Wood |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A patch of mixed wood attached to Kileekie farm |
OS1/3/37/100 |
Barclay Mill
Barclay Mill
Barclay Mill
Barclay Mill |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
An old wauk mill - disused house two storeys slated in indifferent [repair] repair property of Sir James [Ferguson] |
OS1/3/37/100 |
[Page] 100
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/101 |
Knockinhardy Wood
Knockinhardy Wood
Knockinhardy Wood
Knockinhardy Wood
Knockinhardy |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A considerable patch of mixed wood - property of Sir James Ferguson. A house, now levelled, stood near it, of this name. |
OS1/3/37/101 |
Barmuck Wood
Barmuck Wood
Barmuck Wood
Barmuck Wood |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 ; 051 |
A small thin patch of mixed wood attached to Kileekie farm |
OS1/3/37/101 |
Barmuck Weel
Barmuck Weel
Barmuck Weel
Barmuck Weel |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A deep portion of the Water of Girvan. This term is frequent in Ayrshire. The signification in English dictionaries are Whirlpool - a kind of trap for fish. It is generally used in the latter sense. Weels are natural holes in the bed of a stream - favourite spots for fishing. |
OS1/3/37/101 |
[Page] 101
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/102 |
Water of Girvan
Water of Girvan
Water of Girvan
Water of Girvan
River Girvan |
Mr N. McDonald
Rev. [Reverend] J Gibson
D McKie Esq.
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A river which takes its use from a small fresh water loch in the Ph. [Parish] of Straiton - named Loch Girvan Eye. From this point it flows for nearly six miles through wild & rocky moorland passing into from Lochs Cornish, Skelloch, Lure & Bradan. It skirts the village of Straiton & soon after washes the mansion of Blairquhan & the farmsteading of Milton, about four miles beyond Blairquhan it becomes the boundary between Kirkmichael & Dailly for upwards of four miles - passing near the termination of this part of its course the village of Crosshill. It then seperates the Phs [Parishes] of Maybole & Dailly for nearly two miles & for upward of three miles the Phs [Parishes] of Kirkoswald & Dailly. Its course is next through a dense wooded valley in the Ph [Parish] of Dailly where it winds past many seats of noticeable beauty, several of considerable [--] The remainder of its course is through an open plain in the Ph [Parish] of Girvan and at the town of that name it empties itself into the sea |
OS1/3/37/102 |
[Page] 102
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/102 |
Some words are lost in the margin |
OS1/3/37/103 |
Old Kileekie
Old Kileekie
Old Kileekie
old Killeakie |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
The old farmsteading of Kileekie - thatched - one storey - in bad repair - now attached to New Kileekie farm - |
OS1/3/37/103 |
Knockroon |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voter's List |
045 |
A farmsteading in good repair - property of Sir James Ferguson - dwellinghouse & offices slated one storey and in good repair. |
OS1/3/37/103 |
Rowanstone |
John McEwen
Ph [Parish] Register
Matthew Young
County Voters' List |
045 |
A farmsteading in middling repair - property of Sir James Ferguson. dwellinghouse slated offices slated & thatched one storey. |
OS1/3/37/103 |
[Page] 103
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/104 |
Gallow-Knowe |
John McEwen
Matthew Young
James Macadam |
045 |
A Small conical arable Knoll in the farm of Balsaggart - property of Sir James Ferguson - This name is of frequent [occurrence] throughout Scotland - Gallow-hills & Knowes were [generally] the scene of executions by the gallows. The word gallow also signifies to terrify. There is no tradition in the neighbourhood about the Knoll. |
OS1/3/37/104 |
Craigoch |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A name still applied to a [Knoll] on the Summit of which the foundation Course of a Small farmsteading named Craigoch is still observable. property of Sir James Ferguson - |
OS1/3/37/104 |
Bardonna |
John McEwen
Ph. [Parish] Register
Matthew Young |
045 |
A Cothouse in ruins property of Sir James Ferguson |
OS1/3/37/104 |
[Page] 104
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/105 |
CHURCH (Quoad Sacra) [Crosshill] |
Church |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A neat plain building with about 300 sittings. The church is surmounted by an elegant belfry, supporting an ornate cross & enjoys a conspicuous situation It is Quoad Sacra being the church of the Quoad Sacra Parish of Crosshill. |
OS1/3/37/105 |
FREE CHURCH [Crosshill] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A plain commodious building containing about 300 sittings, salary about £150 |
OS1/3/37/105 |
MANSE [Q.S.; Crosshill] |
Manse |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A neat building detached from the village, dwellinghouse two storeys offices one - in good repair. Ministers salary about £160. Pertaining to the Quoad Sacra Parish of Crosshill. |
OS1/3/37/105 |
Q.S. -- Quoad Sacra |
OS1/3/37/105 |
[Page] 105
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/106 |
SCHOOL [Crosshill] |
School |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A good-sized school-house built by the then proprietor of Crosshill A small salary is paid by the feuars and a sum is given from the funds of the Church towards support of the teacher. Average attendance about 90. Situate in the quoad sacra parish of Crosshill. - |
OS1/3/37/106 |
Crosshill Arms Inn
Crosshill Arms Inn
Crosshill Arms Inn
Crosshill Arms Inn |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A Commodious Inn, two storeys, in good repair - near the centre [of the] village of Crosshill. The arms consist of a cross with the motto Nil desperandum. |
OS1/3/37/106 |
Crosshill Tollbar
Crosshill Tollbar
Crosshill Tollbar
Crosshill Tollbar |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A Tollhouse the usual size in good repair - situated at the meeting point of Dalhowan & King St. [Cross] |
OS1/3/37/106 |
[Page] 106
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/106 |
Crosshill T. P. [Turn Pike] |
OS1/3/37/107 |
Dalhowan Burn
Dalhowan Burn
Dalhowan Burn
Dalhowan Burn |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
A stream which collects in & flows through the farm of Dalhowan, past the village of Crosshill into the Water of Girvan. |
OS1/3/37/107 |
Kilikie Wood
Kileekie Wood
Killeakie Wood
Kileekie Wood
Killikie |
Parish Register
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young
John McEwen
Johnston's County Map
County Voters' List |
045 |
A patch of mixed wood adjacent to the village of Crosshill |
OS1/3/37/107 |
Rig of Drumwhill
Rig of Drumwhill
Rig of Drumwhill
Rig of Drumquhill |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young |
045 |
An oblong arable elevation which has given a name to the farmsteading to which it is now attached property of Sir Thomas Cunninghame. |
OS1/3/37/107 |
[Page] 107
Ph [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/108 |
Parkfern |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A farmsteading - dwellinghouse two [stories] slated, offices one storey, slated & thatched all in middling repair - property of Sir Thomas Cunninghame. |
OS1/3/37/108 |
Drumfarn |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
A Cothouse, one storey, [thatched] in bad repair - property of Sir Thomas [Cunninghame] |
OS1/3/37/108 |
Barskelly |
J Blair
James Macadam
Matthew Young
Johnston's County Map
County Voters’ List |
045 |
A farmsteading in middling [repair] dwellinghouse & offices one storey, slated - property of Sir D. H Blair. |
OS1/3/37/108 |
NEWTON STREET [Crosshill] |
Newton Street
Newton Street
Newton Street |
J Blair Copy
James Macadam Copy
Matthew Young Copy |
045 |
This name is applied to a row of houses in the village of Crosshill, extending from Dalhowan Street, in a north easternly direction. In middling repair |
OS1/3/37/108 |
[Page] 108
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/109 |
Kirkmichael Road
Kirkmichael Road
Kirkmichael Road
Kirkmichael Road |
Rev. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
This name is applied to a double row of one storey houses extending from Dalhowan St. along the road between the villages of Crosshill & Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/109 |
BACK STREET [Crosshill] |
Back Street
Back Street
Back Street
Back Street |
Rev. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
A street in Crosshill composed of one storey houses in indifferent repair beginning at the Kirkmichael Road & running parallel to Dalhowan St. |
OS1/3/37/109 |
Dalhowan Street
Dalhowan Street
Dalhowan Street
Dalhowan Street |
Rev. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
The continuation of King St in a southerly direction, The houses are usually one storey & in middling repair. Dalhowan farmsteading, from which the St derives its name, stands near its S. [Southern] extremity |
OS1/3/37/109 |
[Page] 109
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/110 |
PLOUGH INN [Crosshill] |
Plough Inn
Plough Inn
Plough Inn
Plough Inn |
Rev. [Reverend] J Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. Matthew Young |
045 |
A small inn on the [Kirkmichael] Road Crosshill - |
OS1/3/37/110 |
Dalhoan |
Rev. [Reverend] J Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young
County Voter's List. |
045 |
A farmsteading adjacent to the village of Crosshill - in middling repair dwellinghouse two storeys, slated offices one storey slated & thatched property of Sir Thomas Cunninghame |
OS1/3/37/110 |
Auchenarroch |
Rev. [Reverend] J Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young |
045 |
A row of thatched tenements with a detached outhouse - [ all] in bad repair - property of Sir James Ferguson Bart [Baronet] |
OS1/3/37/110 |
[Page] 110
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/111 |
Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
051 |
a Farm house with outoffices, the former two the latter one Storey high, all Slated & in good repair
Property of Sir James Fergusson |
OS1/3/37/111 |
Burnton Burn
Burnton Burn
Burnton Burn |
Mr M Young
Revd [Reverend] John Blair
Mr J McAdam |
051 |
The continuation of Balsaggart Burn, it receives this name from its entrance into the farm of Burnton, to its confluence with Lady Burn. |
OS1/3/37/111 |
[Page] 111 |
OS1/3/37/112 |
[Page] 112
[Blank Page] |
OS1/3/37/113 |
Hamilton Bridge
Hamilton Bridge
Hamilton Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A large 40 years Stone Bdg. [Bridge] of one arch Spanning the Water of Girvan on the Trust Road from Crosshill to Girvan. it is in good repair, was erected, and is supported by the county, So called from the circumstance of a young man named Hamilton being accidentally drowned in the river, dear the place where the Bdg. [Bridge] is now erected. |
OS1/3/37/113 |
Lady Burn Bridge
Lady Burn Bridge
Lady Burn Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A Small Stone Bridge of one arch Spanning Lady Burn, on the Trust Road from Newton Stewart to Dailly, erected, & Supported by the County, |
OS1/3/37/113 |
[Page] 113
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/114 |
Barcully |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register
County Voters’ List |
051 |
A Farmsteading, dwelling house 1 Storey, Slated, Offices partly Slated & partly thatched, 1 Storey. all in bad repair. property of Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/114 |
Cloyntie |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register
County Voters’ List |
051 |
A Cothouse - partly in ruins - one Storey, thatched & in bad repair. property of Sir J Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/114 |
Dularg |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register |
051 |
A Cothouse, one Storey high Thatched and in bad repair. property of Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/114 |
[Page] 114 |
OS1/3/37/115 |
Burnton |
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr M Young
Parish Register
County Voters’ List |
051 |
A farmsteading, dwelling house one storey, & attics, Offices, one storey; former slated, the latter partly thatched & partly slated, all in bad repair. property of Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/115 |
Burnton Bridge
Burnton Bridge
Burnton Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A small old Stone bridge of one arch spanning Burnton Burn near its confluence with Lady Burn, erected by a farmer & supported by the present proprietor of the Kilkerran Estate.- Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/115 |
Burnton Cot
Burnton Cot
Burnton Cot |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
051 |
A small, Thatched, one storey house occupied by a cotter on the Burnton Farm, property of Sir J Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/115 |
[Page] 115
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/115 |
Pencil note at the end of description remarks:
except the Dwelling house |
OS1/3/37/116 |
Old Balsaggart
Old Balsaggart
Old Balsaggart |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
The ruin of a Farmsteading, once constituting the Steading of the Farm of Balsaggart, it is now nearly level with the ground. property of Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/116 |
Neilly's Bridge
Neilly's Bridge
Neilly's Bridge |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A small stone Bridge with one arch, spanning Lady Burn on a Ph. [Parish] Road passing near Burnton, and immediately at the confluence of Burnton, with Lady Burn, erected & supported by the Parish. So called from a circumstance of a lad named Neilly having been drowned accidentally, near the spot where the Bdg. [Bridge] was shortly afterwards erected. it is at present in bad repair. |
OS1/3/37/116 |
[Page] 116
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
OS1/3/37/117 |
Balsaggart Glen
Balsaggart Glen
Balsaggart Glen |
Rev. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young |
051 |
A deep, narrow, thickly wooded dell through which flows Balsaggart Burn, property of Sir James Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/117 |
[Page] 117
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael
Burnton Burn [crossed out] -- See page 111 |
OS1/3/37/118 |
Kilbryde Glen
Kilbryde Glen
Kilbryde Glen
Kirkbride |
J. Blair
Rev. [Reverend] John Blair
Mr. James Macadam
Mr. M Young
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Johnstons County Map
County Voters List
County Valuation Roll (1856-57) |
051 |
A deep, narrow, thickly wooded dell, through which flows Kilbryde Burn. property of Sir T Cunninghame. |
OS1/3/37/118 |
[Page] 118
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael
Kilbryde Burn -- Cancelled
Balsaggart Burn -- Cancelled |
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Lady Glen
Lady Glen
Lady Glen |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A deep, narrow, thickly wooded dell through which flows Lady Burn, it is adjacent to Killkerran in the adjoining parish (Dailly) and is intersected at various places with gravel walks, and forms a portion of the ornamental ground attached to Kilkerran, property of Sir J Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/119 |
Falaird |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Parish Register |
051 |
A delapitated & untenanted farm Steading, the dwelling house thatched, Offices in ruins. property of Sir J Fergusson. |
OS1/3/37/119 |
[Page] 119
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
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Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn |
Mr. M Young
Revd. [Reverend] John McEwen
Mr. D Bone |
051 |
A continuation of Shiel Burn, it takes the name Lady Burn from its entrance into Lady Glen, to its confluence with the Water of Girvan, a short distance South of Hamilton Bdg. [Bridge], Lady Burn constitutes the Boundy. [Boundary] between the Parishes of Dailly & Kirkmichael, its bed is partly Rocky & partly gravel, banks during its course through Lady Glen is invariably precipitous, from Lady Glen to its confluence level. its tributaries consist generrally of surface drains, with the exception of Burnton Burn, which joins it at Neilly's Bridge. |
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[Page] 120
Ph. [Parish] of Kirkmichael |
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There is no page
121 |
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There is no page
122 |
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[Blank page] |
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[Signed] Francis - E. Pratt
Lieut. [Lieutenant] Rl. [Royal] Engineers |
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[Volume] 37
Parish of Kirkmichael (Part 1)
Parts of SHEETS 39,40, 45, & 51
Co. [County] Ayr |
OS1/3/37/126 |
[Page] 126
KIRKMICHAEL PARISH -- Part 1 -- Parts of Sheets 39. 40. 45. & 51.
Name -- Page
Aitkenhead -- 79
Aitkenhead Mill -- 81
Aitkenhead T. P. [Turn Pike] -- 53
Alderbank Wood -- 61
Arnsow -- 90
Arnsow Cot -- 81
Auchenarnie -- 47
Auchenarroch -- 110
Backglen Burn -- 72
Back Street -- 109
Baird's Mill -- 75
Baird's Mill Bridge -- 75
Ballochbroe -- 99
Ballochcoach -- 27
Balsaggart Glen -- 117
Barbrethan -- 84
Barbrethan Bridge -- 56
Barclay -- 47
Barclay Mill -- 100
Barcully -- 114
Bargenoch Bank -- 87
Bargenoch Wood -- 87
Barlewan Bridge -- 75
Barlewan Burn -- 73
Barmuck Weel -- 101
Barmuck Wood -- 101
Barndonna -- 104
Barneil -- 60
Barnford -- 4
Barnshean Burn -- 46
Barnshean Loch -- 46
Barskellie -- 108
Berryhill -- 71
Black Bridge -- 93
Blairbowie -- 35
Blairbowie Wood -- 21
Blairquhan Bridge -- 94
Blairquhan Lodge -- 94
Borland Glen -- 33
Braefoot -- 80
Brickfield -- 58
Bridgend -- 52
Broad Wood -- 94
Buchan -- 73
Bullock Shed -- 84
Burnbank -- 24
Burnhouse -- 84
Burnmouth -- 22
Burnside (Plan 45.7) -- 66
Burnside (Plan 45.11) -- 89
Burnside Bridge -- 89
Burnton (Plan 39.16) -- 30
Burnton (Plan 51.1) -- 115
Burnton Bridge -- 115
Burnton Burn (Plans 39.12.16) -- 30
Burnton Burn (Plan 51.1) -- 111, 117
Burnton Cot -- 115
Cairn Hill -- 64
Cairnhill -- 60
Camp (site, of, on Guiltreehill) -- 43
Camp (site, of, - Kewnston) -- 6
Camp (Remains of on Downans hill) -- 13
Cassillis House -- 11
Cassillis Mill (a farm) -- 3
Cassillis Mill (a sawmill) -- 4
Cassinton -- 27
Castle Bridge -- 92
Chapel Knowe -- 8
Chapelton Burn -- 22
Church (Parish) -- 50
Church (Quoad Sacra) -- 105
Claylands Wood -- 100
Clawbag -- 54
Cloncaird Castle -- 95
Cloncaird Mains -- 91
Cloncaird Moor -- 97
Cloyntie -- 114
Commonhead -- 24
Cooper's Croft -- 36
Craigoch -- 104
Crawfordston -- 36
Crosshill -- 86
Crosshill Arms Inn -- 106
Crosshill Bridge -- 85
Crosshill T. P. [Turn Pike] -- 106
Dalcur -- 76
Dalduff Bridge -- 76
Dalduff Burn -- 74
Dalhowan -- 110
Dalhowan Burn -- 107
Dalhowan Street -- 109
Dalrymple Bridge -- 3
Dalrymple T. P. [Turn Pike] -- 3
Downans Hill -- 13
Drumbuie -- 45
Drumfad -- 91
Drumfern -- 108
Drumore -- 48
Drumore Loch -- 37
Drumore Wood -- 55
Dularg -- 114
Dunree -- 21
Dyrock Bridge -- 67
Dyrock Burn -- 77
Dyrock Hill -- 39
Dyrock Wood -- 65
East Mainshill -- 20
Fairy Knowe -- 77
Falaird -- 119
Fardenwilliam -- 40
Free Church -- 105 |
OS1/3/37/126 |
Bullock Shed is on page 85, not page 84 as stated in the index. |
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[Page] 127
Name -- Page
Gall Hill -- 97
Gallow Knowe -- 104
Gardener's Lodge -- 93
Garpin -- 74
Gateside -- 5
Gateside Cot -- 63
Gateside Tileworks -- 63
Glastron -- 29
Glenhowe -- 37
Glenside -- 69
Glenside Cot -- 59
Glenside Hill -- 99
Goosehill -- 58
Guil Tree -- 42
Guiltree Cottage -- 42
Guiltreehill -- 41
Guiltree Hill -- 41
Guiltree Mill -- 64
Guiltree Wood -- 57
Hamilton Bridge -- 113
High Merkland -- 78
High Mossend -- 40
High Woodston -- 32
Hillhead -- 48
Horsepark Wood -- 63
House of the Hill -- 97
Keekumston -- 32
Kelse Bridge -- 88
Kelse Burn -- 88
Kewnston -- 6
Kilbryde Glen -- 118
Kileekie -- 100
Kileekie Wood -- 107
Kileekie Orchard -- 73
Kilmore -- 9
Kilmore Wood -- 9
Kiln Burn -- 84
Kilncroft -- 53
Kilncroft Bridge -- 53
Kirkmichael (Parish) -- 1
Kirkmichael (Village) -- 56
Kirkmichael House -- 55
Kirkmichael Arms -- 51
Kirkmichael Mains -- 70
Kirkmichael Mill -- 82
Kirkmichael Mount -- 54
Kirkmichael Road -- 109
Knockinhardy Wood -- 101
Knockroon -- 103
Ladyburn (a house) -- 111
Lady Burn -- 120
Lady Burn Bridge -- 113
Lady Glen -- 119
Laigh Lodge -- 61
Laigree -- 32
Laigh Woodston -- 19
Laigh Woodston Bridge -- 23
Lindsayston -- 23
Little Mossend -- 62
Loch Croot -- 30
Lochhill -- 29
Loch Spallander -- 69
Macilveenston -- 7
Macilveenston Tile Works -- 4
Mackailston -- 78
Mackailston Cot -- 78
Mackailston Wood -- 83
Mainshill Wood -- 20
Manse (Parish) -- 49
Manse (Quoad Sacra) -- 105
March Burn -- 98
Merkland Cot -- 80
Merkland -- 79
Mill Burn -- 76
Montgomrieston -- 24
Montgomrieston Quarry -- 25
Muirsmill Burn -- 72
Muirsmill Glen -- 72 |
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Name -- Page
New Bridge -- 51
Neilly's Bridge -- 116
Netherton -- 7
Northbrae -- 79
Newton Street -- 108
Old Balsaggart -- 116
Old Barniel -- 65
Old Bridge -- 52
Old Garpin -- 74
Old Kileekie -- 103
Orchard -- 57
Parkfern -- 108
Pinmerry -- 35
Plashmill -- 80
Plough Inn -- 110
Portcheek -- 52
Post Office -- 51
Quarryhouse (Plan 45.4) -- 46
Quarryhouse (Plan 45.7) -- 59
Rigend -- 31
Rig of Drumwhill -- 107
Roan -- 54
Roaston -- 62
Rodgerston Burn -- 71
Rowanston -- 103
Sawmill Cottage -- 81
School (quoad sacra) -- 106
School (Parish) -- 49
Shankston Loch -- 31
Skeldon Wood -- 9
Southhill -- 7
Spallander Burn -- 99
Stepends -- 66
The Dule Tree -- 15
The Gipsies' Steps -- 19
Threave -- 83
Threave Cot -- 83
Torr -- 10
Torr Knowe -- 10
Torr Wood -- 10
Tranew -- 90
Tranew Linn -- 90
Troquhain -- 69
Troquhain Wood -- 69
Tunnock Park -- 5
Tunnock Park Bridge -- 5
Water of Girvan -- 102
Waulk Mill Bridge -- 82
Wee Burn -- 71
West Barniel -- 58
West Barnshean -- 45
West Mainshill -- 20
Whitehill -- 71
Windy Hill Smithy -- 27
Woodend -- 62
Woodston Cottage -- 32
Yonderton -- 9 |