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Ailsa Graig |
Mungo Guthrie |
Ailsa Craig is situated in the Firth of Clyde about ten miles distant form the nearest part of the coast of Ayrshire. It rises abruptly from the sea to the height of 1100 ft. On the E. [East] side the contending tides have brought together a great quantity of boulders and shingle which forms the only convenient landing place for boats and larger vessels. The high columnar cliff which nearly surrounds the island is the most striking feature. The hill beyond the cliff is composed of long ridges of rock and intermediate grassy platforms and slopes. Ailsa is composed of a single rock no difference being perceived between the amorphous and the columnar parts. The whole mass must be considered as one of the numerous modifications of the agents of the trap family. Numerous trap veins traverse the rock. They are of considerable dimensions, and from the abrupt form of the cliffs expose their courses for great space. There are upon the island a Keeper's house. The ruins of a projected fishing station and old castle in ruins, and some fine spring wells.
The island is the property of the Marquis of Ailsa |
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Ailsa Graig Parish of Dailly |
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WATER CAVE [Ailsa Craig] |
Water Cave
Water Cave |
Mungo Guthrie |
This cave derives its name from the circumstance of the water flowing into it at full tide. The disposition of the rocks at the entrance has an artificial appearance. The interior is high and narrow. The cave has directions first N & S [North & South] second E .& W. [East & West] |
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ASHYDOO CRAIG [Ailsa Craig] |
Ashydoo Craig
Ashydoo Craig |
Mungo Guthrie |
A high columnar portion of the cliff. The name is supposed to have reference to an ash-coloured gull resembling the dove in form. The build on this part of the Craig. Doo is a Scotticism for dove. |
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THE CAIRN [Ailsa Craig] |
The Cairn
The Cairn |
Mungo Guthrie |
A cluster of slender columns so called from its supposed resemblance to a Cairn. |
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Ailsa Craig - Parish of Dailly |
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MACANALL'S CAVE [Ailsa Craig] |
MacAnall's Cave |
Mungo Guthrie |
A cave at the base of Main Craig about 200 ft. in length - direction N/S. [North - South] Entrance 12 ft. by 12 ft. It perpetuates the name of an individual who lived within it for a considerable period. Seven graves were found in the recess and their positions indicated by rude crosses cut in the rock. |
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DALTON'S COVE [Ailsa Craig] |
Dalton's Cove
Dalton's Cove |
Mungo Guthrie |
A slight perforation at the base of Craignawn. It is associated with a person named Dalton. |
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STRANNY POINT [Ailsa Craig] |
Stranny Point
Stranny Point |
Mungo Guthrie |
A promontory. The bird, locally named Stranny, frequents this part of the cliff. |
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THE SPOT OF GRASS [Ailsa Craig] |
The Spot of Grass |
Mungo Guthrie |
A patch of grass situated midway up on the cliff. It is conspicuous from contrast with the white rock. |
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Ailsa Craig - Parish of Dailly |
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FISHERMEN'S CAMP [Ailsa Craig] |
Fishermens' Camp |
Mango Guthrie |
Several holes in the beach deriving the name from the circumstance of their having been used as fishermens' huts |
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THE RIG [Ailsa Craig] |
The Rig
The Rig |
Mungo Guthrie |
Flat rocks off Stranny Point - only seen at low water. |
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ASHYDOO CHURCH [Ailsa Craig] |
Ashydow/o church
Ashydow/o church |
Mungo Guthrie |
An immense fallen fragment of the rock. A recess which is entered at the base has probably suggested the name. |
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BOATING STONE [Ailsa Craig] |
Boating Stone
Boating Stone |
Mungo Guthrie |
A large stone situated at low water mark, sometimes used as a landing place. |
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FORELAND POINT [Ailsa Craig] |
Foreland Point
Foreland Point |
Mungo Guthrie |
A projection point of the beach on the E. [East] side of the Craig. |
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SWINE HOLES [Ailsa Craig] |
Swine Holes |
Mungo Guthrie |
Three small coast indentation - origin of name unknown. |
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Red Gair
Red Gair |
Mungo Guthrie |
A hollow which runs down the Craig to the edge of the cliff. Name derived from the colour of the soil. |
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Highlandman's Walk
Highlandman's Walk |
Mungo Guthrie |
This name is applied to a portion of the face of a steep rock sometimes scaled by adventurous tourists. |
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NORTH PORT [Ailsa Craig] |
North Port
North Port |
Mungo Guthrie |
A small rudely constructed landing place for small boats. |
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South Port
South Port |
Mungo Guthrie |
A small landing place for boats. |
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Ailsa Craig - Parish of Dailly |
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Red Gair is not entered in the This List of Names as written and South Port is entered on the previous page. |
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BARESTACK [Ailsa Craig] |
Barestack |
Mungo Guthrie |
A high precipitous, dark coloured rock - the most elevated portion of the cliff - Its formation and the the entire absence of vegetation on its face have probably originated the name. |
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THE EAGLE'S SEAT [Ailsa Craig] |
The Eagle's Seat
The Eagle's Seat |
Mungo Guthrie |
An eagles nest on Barestack. The circumstance of an eagle building on the island is considered as remarkable that though the eyry has long since been destroyed the name is still retained. |
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SWINE CAVE [Ailsa Craig] |
Swine Cave
Swine Cave |
Mungo Guthrie |
A large cave at the N.[North] extremity of Barestack - Origin of name unknown. |
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THE BOURTREES [Ailsa Craig] |
The Bourtrees
The Bourtrees |
Mungo Guthrie |
A small patch of old stunted bourtrees situated at the base of the cliff. It is the only wood on the island. |
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BLACK GAIR [Ailsa Craig] |
Black Gair
Black Gair |
Mungo Guthrie |
A name applied to one of several trap veins which are seen on the face of the cliff. |
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MAIN CRAIG [Ailsa Craig] |
Main Craig
Main Craig |
Mungo Guthrie |
The most precipitous columnar part of the cliff. Columns long, irregular, with immense diameters. |
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LITTLE AILSA [Ailsa Craig] |
Little Ailsa
Little Ailsa |
Mungo Guthrie |
A small rock between high and low water marks - about 30 ft. above water level. |
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Ailsa Craig - Parish of Dailly |
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CRAIGNAWN [Ailsa Craig] |
Craignawn |
Mungo Guthrie |
The least elevated portion of the cliff. It is faintly columnar columns large and irregular. |
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East Trammins
East Trammins |
Mungo Guthrie |
An accessible part of the cliff which overlooks the shore. It is formed of the bases of innumerable pillars. |
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WEST TRAMMINS [Ailsa Craig] |
West Trammins
West Trammins |
Mungo Guthrie |
Also an accessible part of the cliff. It is distinguish from the East Trammins by a longer column. |
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ROTTEN NICK [Ailsa Craig] |
Rotten Nick
Rotten Nick |
Mungo Guthrie |
A deep chasm in the cliff. The idea of decay in the rock has originate the name. |
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CASTLE (In Ruins) [Ailsa Craig] |
Castle |
Mungo Guthrie |
A square tower consisting of three vaulted storeys. Several chambers and a spiral staircase are still in good preservation. |
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CASTLE WELL [Ansa Craig] |
Castle Well
Castle Well |
Mungo Guthrie |
A copious spring near the castle - No medicinal properties. So far as known. |
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CASTLE COMB [Ailsa Craig] |
Castle Comb
Castle Comb |
Mungo Guthrie |
A ridge with tabulated summit upon which the castle is situated. It is said to present the appearance of a comb when viewed from the sea. |
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GARRALOO [Ailsa Craig] |
Garraloo |
Mungo Guthrie |
A name given to a hollow filled with the fallen fragments of an overlooking rock. |
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GARRA LOCH [Ailsa Craig] |
Garra Loch
Garra Loch |
Mungo Guthrie |
Two pools situated in a marsh. |
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ASHWAUN [Ailsa Craig] |
Ashwaun |
Mungo Guthrie |
A hollow running up the face of the hill on the S. W. [South West] side. |
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NETTLEY HOWE [Ailsa Craig] |
Nettley Howe
Nettley Howe |
Mungo Guthrie |
A small valley so named from the nettles which grow profusely on it. |
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KENNEDY'S NAGS [Ailsa Craig] |
Kennedy's Nags
Kennedy's Nags |
Mungo Guthrie |
Applied to a portion of the hill immediately above Main Craig. |
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DORA'S YETT [Ailsa Craig] |
Dora's Yett
Dora's Yett |
Mungo Guthrie |
A point on the summit of the cliff. Yett is a scotticism for gate and is applied in this instance from the circumstance of the cliff being descended at this point. |
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HORSE WELL [Ailsa Craig] |
Horse Well
Horse Well |
Mungo Guthrie |
An artificial well supplied by a tiny streamlet which collects on the face of the hill. |
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Ailsa Craig Parish of Dailly
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Name -- Page
Ailsa Craig -- 3
Ashydoo Church -- 7
Ashydoo Craig -- 5
Ashwaun -- 14
Barestack -- 10
Black Gair -- 11
Boating Stone -- 7
Castle -- 13
Castle Comb -- 13
Castle Well -- 13
Craignawn -- 12
Daltons Cove -- 6
Dora's Yett -- 14
East Trammins -- 12
Fishermen's Camp -- 7
Foreland Point -- 8
Garra Loch -- 13
Garraloo -- 13
Highlandman's Walk -- 9
Horse Well -- 14
Kennedy's Nags -- 14
Little Ailsa -- 11
Main Craig -- 11
Macanall's Cave -- 6
Nettley Howe -- 14
North Port -- 9
Red Gair -- 9
Rotten Nick -- 12
South Port -- 9
Stranny Point -- 6
Swine Cave -- 10
Swine Holes -- 9
The Bourtrees -- 11
The Cairn -- 5
The Eagle's Seat -- 10
The Rig -- 7
The Spot of Grass -- 6
Water Cave -- 5
West Trammins -- 12 |