Ayrshire volume 13

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/3/13/1 BENNANE BRIDGE Benan Bridge Bennane Bridge Bennane Bridge Bennane Bridge Bennane Bridge Mr. Peter Fergusson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 [Situation] Under the public road from Ballantrae to Girvan and about 2½ miles from the former place. A Small Stone bridge of one arch Spanning the Benan Burn on the public road from Ballantrae to Girvan. __Being on a Turnpike Road it is a County Bridge.
OS1/3/13/1 Sheet - 65 -4 -- Trace No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell -- [Page] 1
OS1/3/13/2 DUHORN BURN Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Mr. Peter Fergusson William Dill John F Gray Alexander Cathcart John Jamieson 065 ; 066 [Situation] Flows through the west Side of the plan into the Sea about 1½ Miles W.N.W. [West North West] of Knockdolian Hill A Small Stream which Collects from Surface water near the S.W. [South West] base of Drummore & flows into the Sea adjacent to Drummore Shore.-
OS1/3/13/2 DRUMMORE SHORE Drummore Shore Drummore Shore Drummore Shore Drumore Shore Drummore Shore Mr. Peter Fergusson William Dill John F Gray Alexander Cathcart John Jamieson 065 [Situation] On the west Side of the public road adjacent to the Sea Shore about 1½ Miles W.N.W. [West North West] of Knockdolian Hill.- A Small Cot house on the Duhorn farm The walls are lime & Stone Thatched roof, one Storey high & in good Repair -
OS1/3/13/2 Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 65 -4 -- Trace - 6 - [Page] 2
OS1/3/13/3 BENNANE HEAD Copied Benan Head Bennane Head Bennane Head Bennane Head Bennane Head Mr. A Dougan Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray Esq. Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 A Prominent rocky headland on the lea shore, at the N. [Northern] extremity of Ballantrae Bay - The cliff here is about 200 ft. [feet] high- A Road has been cut through this cliff
OS1/3/13/3 BENNANE HILL Copied Benan Hill Bennane Hill Bennane Hill Bennane Hill Mr A Dougan Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray Esq. Mr John Jameison Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 A Small round hill rocky and arable - W. [West] side precipitous. 3rd. hill
OS1/3/13/3 BIG BENNANE Copied Big Benan Big Bennane Big Bennane Big Bennane Big Bennane Mr A Dougan Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray Esq. Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 A farmsteading with suitable out offices one storey high, slated and in good repair property of Capt. [Captain] Kennedy Finnart
OS1/3/13/3 [Page] 3 -- Sheet 65 - 4 -- Trace 3 -- Ph. [ Parish] of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/4 BALLANTRAE BAY Copy Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Mr A Davis James McIlwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy Mr R Temple George Guthrie Esqr. 065 An indentation of the coast - extending from Doonan to Bennane Head. It has a shingley beach with occasional flat rocks - anchorage [bad] current slight - average [height] of tide ten feet- Most prevalent winds from the S.W. [South West]
OS1/3/13/4 BENNANE BURN Benan Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Peter Ferguson William Dill John F Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 See Sheet - 66 -1 -- Trace
OS1/3/13/4 DRUMMORE Drummore Drummore Drummore Drummore Drummore Peter Ferguson William Dill John F Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 See Sheet - 66 -1 -- Trace
OS1/3/13/4 [Page] 4 -- Sheet 65 - 4 -- Trace 3- 6 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/13/5 BENNANE COVE Benan Cove Brunane Cove Bennane Cove Bennane Cove Bennane Cove Bennan Cove Mr A Dugan John F. Gray John Jamieson Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 065 In length it is about 150 links. It is used now as a shelter for Cattle in The winter Season.
OS1/3/13/5 [Page] 5 -- Sheet - 65 - 4 -- Trace 3 -- Parish of Colmonell " It extends into the rock more than 100 feet, and is 30 feet high by 20 feet wide. This "cave, has been in old times, strongly defended by a wall of rude masonry five feet thick, " a portion of which still remains at its mouth, attached to the rock both above and below, "And in addition to this, the entrance has been further protected by a breastwork, "in front, which it would appear has been flanked by various smaller buildings. "It is impossible to form any opinion as to the purpose for which this rude plan " of Strength was intended." Patersons History of Ayr
OS1/3/13/5 Part of the description is scored through.
OS1/3/13/6 RED BURN T.P. Red Burn T.P. [Turn Pike] Red Burn T.P. [Turn Pike] Red Burn T.P. [Turn Pike] Mr Peter Ferguson Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray Esq. 065 A Toll Bar on the turnpike Road from Girvan to Ballantrae.
OS1/3/13/6 [Page] 6-- Sheet 65 - 4 -- Trace -3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/6 The entry for Bennane Cove has been scored through.
OS1/3/13/7 BALLANTRAE BAY Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Mr Peter Fergusson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 065 [Situation] On the west edge of The plan. An indentation of the Sea Shore extending about five miles, between Doonan Point on the South and Bennan Head on the North. The Shore of this bay is low and Shingley with occasional clusters of flat rocks. The whole of The bay is Shallow: at a distance of 3 miles out There is not more than 8 or 10 fathoms of water. It is not Considered a Safe place for Shipping The anchorage being bad, Mostly sand. Height of tide about 12 feet - Most prevalent winds from W. [West ] to South. W [West]
OS1/3/13/7 CROSECLAYS Croseclays Croseclays Croseclays Mr Peter Ferguson Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray 065 A good Farmhouse, outbuildings garden, etc. the property of Mr Robert Carr. occupied by Peter Ferguson.
OS1/3/13/7 [Page] 7-- Plan 65 = 8 -- Trace 2- 5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/8 RED BURN Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Mr Peter Fergusson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 065 [Situation] Flows through the west Side of the plan into the Sea, about 1½ Miles W. [West] of Knockdolian Hill. A Stream formed by the union of two Small Streams near Crossclays It flows into the Sea adjacent to Red Burn Toll.-
OS1/3/13/8 BALIG BURN Copy Balig Burn Balig Burn Balig Burn Mr John Brackenridge James McIlwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy 065 A Small Stream formed [from] Surface water and runs into the Sea at Low Balig
OS1/3/13/8 [Page] 8 Plan 65= 8 -- Trace 3-5-6 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/8 The entry for Low Balig has been scored through - "In Ballantrae Parish "
OS1/3/13/9 DUHORN Duhron Duhorn Duhorn Duhorn Duhorn Duhorn Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Voters List 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and west of the Colmonell and Girvan Road and about 2 ½ Miles from the former place. - A farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house & out offices & a good partly arable farm. Built of lime & Stone one Story high , & in good repair. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. of KnocKdolian.
OS1/3/13/9 DUHORN HILL Duhron Hill Duhorn Hill Duhorn Hill Duhorn Hill Duhorn Hill Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart 066 [Situation] On the North edge of the plan about 2 Miles W. by N [West by North] of Colmonell A ridge of elevated ground lying to the east of Duhron. It affords good pasture except a few patches of furze. On The Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. of Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/9 [Page] 9 -- Sheet 66-1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/10 MOSSGAVEL Mossgable Mossgavel Mossgavel Mossgavel Mossgavill Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] On the North Side of the Road leading from Ballantrae to Colmonell & about 2¾ Miles from the latter place A New farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house & Suitable out offices to which is attached a good arable farm. It is Built of lime & Stone, one Story high & in good repair- On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq., Knockdolian.-
OS1/3/13/10 LIGGET CHEEK Liggedcheek Ligget- cheek Ligget Cheek Ligget Cheek Ligget Cheek Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart 066 [Situation] At the Junction of Girvan Ballantrae & Colmonell Road about 2 Miles from the latter An old farm Steading occupied by an agricultural Labourer. The walls are lime & Stone, thatched roof, one Story high & in [bad] repair. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq., Knockdolian.-
OS1/3/13/10 [Page] 10 -- Sheet 66-1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/11 DRUMOVER Copy Drumover Drumover Drumover Drumover Drumover Mr Peter Ferguson Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart Esq. Mr John Jamieson 066 [Situation] S.W. [South West] Corner of the Plan. An old dwelling house, one Storey high, built of lime & Stone, thatched, and in bad repair,
OS1/3/13/11 DUHORN BURN Duhron Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Duhorn Burn Copy Mr Peter Ferguson Rev. [Reverend] Mr Dill John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart Esq. Mr John Jamieson 065 ; 066 [Situation] in the West of the Plan running in a N. [North ] Westerly Direction A Small Stream which gathers from Surface water, a little to the North of Duhorn farm house, And joins the Sea near Drummore Shore.
OS1/3/13/11 [Page] 11-- Sheet 66-1 -- Trace 4. -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/12 [Page] 12-- Sheet 66-1 -- Parish of Colmonell [Note] "Not to be transcribed "
OS1/3/13/12 The entries have been scored through.
OS1/3/13/13 DRUMMORE Drummore Drummore Drummore Drummore Drumore Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart 065 ; 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and west of Duhron about 2¾ Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Colmonell A Ridge of ground lying to the west of Duhron & extending to Near the Shore. It is nearly all under Cultivation except a Small portion on The east Side which is partly pasture & partly furze . On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/13 BENNANE BURN Benan Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Bennane Burn Bennan Burn Mr Peter McMillan William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnston Co. [County] Map 065 ; 066 [Situation] Flowing through the N.W. [North West] Corner of the plan into the Sea. A Small stream which takes its Rise, or is formed by the junction of two Small Streams adjacent to & North of Duhron Hill, & Runs into the Sea Near Benan Head, from which it takes its Name.-
OS1/3/13/13 [Page] 13-- Sheet 66 -1 -- Trace 1 -- Parish of Colmonell Derived from the Gaelic Druirn - an elevated piece of ground, and More,- large HMcRae
OS1/3/13/14 KNOCKDOLIAN HILL Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Knockdolian Hill Copy Mr James Bryden John F. Gray Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Dill Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr 066 A prominent Conical hill. affording Mostly Rocky pasture. It rises to [a height] of about 1000 feet with a rugged [pasture] on all sides- has a good [commanding] view - and is the property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. of Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/14 BOUGANG Bougang Bougang Bougang Bougang Bougang Bogang Copy Mr James Bryden Alexander Cathcart Esq. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Mr John Jamieson Teacher John F. Gray Esq. Johnstons County Map 066 A neat farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house and suitable out [offices] with a good arable farm attached one storey high, slated, built of lime [& stone] and in good repair. It is the property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. of Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/14 DUNIEWICK Dennywick Duiniewick Duniewick Duniewick Dinniewick Duniewick Copy Mr James Bryden Alexander Cathcart Esq. Mr William McCrie Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Mr John Jamieson, teacher John F. Gray Esq. 066 A conspicuous and Rocky Knoll on the N.E. [North East] Slope of Knockdolian [Hill]
OS1/3/13/14 [Page] 14 -- Sheet 66-1 -- Plan 1 -- Colmonell Parish
OS1/3/13/15 Supposed Site of KNOCKDOLIAN CASTLE Knockdolian Old Castle Knockdolian Old Castle Knockdolian Old Castle Knockdolian Old Castle Knockdolian Old Castle The House of Knockdolian Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Johnstons Co. [County] Map Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 066 [Situation] On the North Side of the plan adjacent to the North of the Ballantrae & Colmonell Road about 1½ Miles W. N. W. [West North West] of Colmonell The Supposed Site of the ancient Castle of Knockdolian. No traces whatever remains of such a building at present. A few very old trees & some Scattered Stones are the only objects indicative of a building having been here at Some Remote period.-
OS1/3/13/15 KNOCKDOLIAN BARNS Knockdolian Barns Knockdolian Barns Knockdolian Barns Knockdolian Barns Knockdolian Barns Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and North of the Ballantrae & Colmonell road 1¼ Miles west of the latter place A New farm Steading Consisting of dwelling house Stables etc. Built of lime & Stone, one Story high & in good repair. The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.-
OS1/3/13/15 [Page] 15 -- Sheet 66 - 1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/16 LITTLETON HILL Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] On the North edge of the plan about 1¼ Miles N.W. by W.[North West by West] of Colmonell A Middling Sized heathy hill on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical.] Station. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/16 MILLEMON Millemon Millemon Millemon Millemming Milleming Milleming Cancelled 066
OS1/3/13/16 [Page] 16 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 1
OS1/3/13/16 This entry has been lightly scored through.
OS1/3/13/17 COLMONELL [village] Colmonell Colmonel Colmonel Colmonell Colmonell Colmonell Colmonel Mr William Nelson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq Statistical Account 1842 Johnstons County Map. 066 [Situation] On the east edge of the plan on the public Road, leading from Ballantrae to Barr & five Miles from the former place. A Neat Middling Sized village Consisting of the parish Church (established) and Manse, Free Church, Antiburghers' Church, Boars Head , Inn, one Smaller public house, Several Small grocer & draper Shops, & a number of private dwellings frequently occupied by agriCultural labourers. All the houses, with one or two exceptions, are built of lime & Stone , two Stories high & in good Repair. Kirkhill Castle, the property of Colonel Barton, Stands a little to the North & adds Much beauty to the village. Situated on an acclivity overlooking the Stinchar & facing the Ruins of Craigneil Castle.Since the passing of the Reform Bill, the village has been appointed one of the polling Stations of the County- A little to the East of the Village is the Site of a Cairn
OS1/3/13/17 CAIRN (Site of) [Colmonell] 066 A little to the east of the Village is the Site of a Cairn
OS1/3/13/17 [Page] 17-- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66.2 . No.1
OS1/3/13/18 [Page] 18 [ Blank page]
OS1/3/13/19 CLOVEN ROCK Cloven Rock Cloven Rock Cloven Rock Cloven Rock Cloven Rock Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Near the North edge of the plan about one mile N.W. by N. [North West by North] of Colmonell. A cluster of loose irregular Shaped Rocks, Some Standing erect others lying flat on the Surface, in all directions. The inhabitants of the Neighbourhood Say that there was but one large Rock here formerly & that during a thunder Storm it was Struck by lightning. & broken into pieces as it now appears. They are a Kind of hard whinstone.
OS1/3/13/19 [Page] 19-- Plan 66 A Trace No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell --- Sheet 66. 2 No. 1
OS1/3/13/20 LITTLETON HILL Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Littleton Hill Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell John F. Gray Esq. Colmonell Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian 066 A middling Sized Hill producing Rocky Heathy Pasture, & having a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit property of Alexander Cathcart Esq.
OS1/3/13/20 [Page] 20-- Sheet 66.2 -- No. 1 -- [Parish of Colmonell]
OS1/3/13/21 POST OFFICE [Colmonell] Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Sign Boards Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] In the village of Colmonell A Sub Office of the Girvan Post Office- It has one delivery and one dispatch A.M. and the Same P.M.-
OS1/3/13/21 MANSE [parish; Colmonell] Established Church Manse Established Church Manse Established Church Manse Established Church Manse Rev. [Reverend ] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart John Jamieson 066 [Situation] In the west end of the village of Colmonell. A neat and Substantially built edifice to which is attached, Suitable out offices, Vegetable Garden, pleasure grounds & a good arable glebe. The Residence of the Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Established Church Minister. Built of lime & Stone two Stories high in good repair,-
OS1/3/13/21 [Page] 21-- Sheet 66.2 No. 1 -- [Trace No. 4 ] -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/22 GARDEN HOUSE Garden House Garden House Garden House Garden House Garden House Mr William Neilson Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation]In the west end of the Village of Colmonell.- A Neat and Substantially built dwelling house with Suitable out offices and a good arable farm attached. The Residence & property of the Parish Schoolmaster - Built of lime & Stone two Stories high and in good repair.-
OS1/3/13/22 BOAR'S HEAD INN [Colmone11] Boar's Head Inn Boar's Head Inn Boar's Head Inn Boar's Head Inn Boar's Head Inn Sign Board Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F Gray Esq. John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] In the Village of Colmonell.- A public house or Inn. The only one of note in the village of Colmonell. Built of lime & Stone, two Stories high , and in good repair.
OS1/3/13/22 [Page] 22-- Trace No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66 . 2 -- No. 1
OS1/3/13/23 CRAIGNEIL BURN Craigneil Burn Craigneil Burn Craigneil Burn Craigniel Burn Craigneil Burn Craigneil Craigneil Mr Thomas Mc Keown Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Mr Robert Temple John Jameison William Dill Johnstons County Map Statistical Account (1842) 066 [Situation] On the west Side of the Plan Running into the Stinchar about 20 chains South of Colmonell. A Small Stream which takes its Rise from Surface water in the west Side of Foird Hill & Runs into the River Stinchar Near Colmonell.-
OS1/3/13/23 [Page] 23-- Sheet 66. 2 -- Trace No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell -- 47
OS1/3/13/23 The entry for Ned's Moss has been scored through.
OS1/3/13/24 [Page 24] [Blank page]
OS1/3/13/25 RIVER STINCHAR Sinchar Water or River Stinchar River Stinchar River Stinchar River Stinchar The River Stinchar Stinchar River Stinchar Stinchar The Stinchar Mr William Neilson John F. Gray William Dill Alexander Cathcart Esq. John Jamieson Johnston County Map Patersons Hist [History] of Ayr Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 Ayrshire Streams 066 [Situation] Flows through the plan, parallel to the Colmonell & Ballantrae Road, from the former to within 2 Miles of the latter.- A large & Rapid River which rises in a Mountainous district in the eastern part of Ayrshire and flows into the Sea at the Village of Ballantrae. For the most part it flows through a flat and fertile valley.
OS1/3/13/25 [Page] 25-- Sheet 66 . 2 -- Parish of Ballantrae & Colmonell
OS1/3/13/26 [Page] 26 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/27 CRAIGNEIL T.P. Craigneill Toll Craigneil Toll Craigniel Toll Craigneil Toll Craigneil Toll Toll boards William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] On the Colmonell and Stranraer Roads about 1¼ miles from the former place. A dwelling house to which is attached a turnpike for the Collection of tolls of which full rates are payable here. The house is built of lime & Stone, thatched Roof one Storey high & in good repair.-
OS1/3/13/27 CRAIGNEIL HILL Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigniel Hill Craigneil Hill Mr Thomas McKeown John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] On the east edge of the plan about 1 Mile South of the village of Colmonell.- A Middling Sized hill on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station, partly arable and partly heathy pasture. Its North Side facing the village of Colmonell is Steep, but the other Sides fall off gently. On the Knockdolian estate , & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian. -
OS1/3/13/27 [Page] 27-- Sheet 66. 2 No. 5 & 6 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/28 CRAIGNEIL Craigneil Craigneil Craigniel Craigneil Craigneil High Craigneil John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Statistical Account 1842 Johnston's County Map 066 [Situation] About ½ Mile S.S.W. [South South West] of the Village of Colmonell. A Neat dwelling house to which is attached Suitable out offices & a good farm Mostly arable- Built of lime & Stone one Storey high, in good Repair. The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/28 WOODEND Woodend Woodend Wood-end Woodend John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] About 60 chains S.W. [South West] of the Village of Colmonell A Narrow stripe of wood Consisting of ash, oak, beech etc. of about 20 years growth. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/28 [Page] 28 -- Plan 66 A -- Trace No. 9 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66.2 No. 5 & 6
OS1/3/13/29 CHURCH Church Church Church Church Church Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray Alexander Cathcart John Jamieson 066 [Situation] In the west end of the Village of Colmonell A Neat and Substantial edifice in a plain Modern Style, erected at the expense of the parish heritors. It Stands in the Centre of the Grave yard on an acclivity overlooking The Stinchar in the west end of the Village of Colmonell.
OS1/3/13/29 [Page] 29 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66. 2 -- No. 3
OS1/3/13/30 KIRKHILL CASTLE Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Stat . Acct. [Statistical Account]1842 066 [Situation] Near the east edge of the plan adjacent to the village of Colmonell. An elegant edifice erected in 1843- the property & Residence of Colonel Barton . The [face] towards the west is fifty [feet] in length , and has an [elevation] of three Stories. It Stands a little to the North of the Village of Colmonell [adjoining] the ancient Castle of Kirkhill. The ornamental ground garden,walks etc [of ] This Castle are Most [tastefully] arranged.
OS1/3/13/30 [Page] 30-- Sheet 66.2 No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/31 BALHAMIE BURN Balhammie Burn Balhamie Burn Balhamie Burn Belhamie Burn Balhamie burn Belhamy Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] Flows in a Southerly direction till it falls into the Stinchar about 1 mile W.S.W. [West South West] of Colmonell.- A Small Stream which takes its rise or is formed from Surface water Near the S.E. [South East] base of Littleton Hill & Runs in a Southerly direction Crossing the Ballantrae & Colmonell Road about 1 Mile from the latter & falls into the Stinchar adjacent to Low Balhammie.-
OS1/3/13/31 [Page] 31-- Sheet 66.2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/32 PYET CRAIG Piart Craig Pyet Craig Pyet Craig Pyat Craig Pyet Craig Pyet Craig Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart William Dill 066 [Situation] Near the North edge of the plan about 1 mile N. W. by N. [North West by North ] of Colmonell A Rocky, heathy, eminence which affords good Mountain pasture. On & around its top is a cluster of loose irregular Shaped Rocks called the Cloven Rock. The people [of] the Neighbourhood Say that formerly there was but one rock & that during a thunder Storm it was struck by [lightning] & broken into fragments as it Now appears.
OS1/3/13/32 [Page] 32 -- Sheet 66.2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/33 [Page] 33 -- Sheet 66.2 No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell "not to be inserted in the plan"
OS1/3/13/33 These entries have been scored through.
OS1/3/13/34 CLAUCHANTON HILL Clochanton Hill Clauchanton Hill Clauchanton Hill Clauchanton Hill Clauchanton Hill Clachantonhill Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] On the N.E. [North East] Corner of the plan about 50 Chains North of Colmonell. A Middling Sized hill on the Summit of which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station . To the [North] east & South The ascent is Steep & abrupt, but towards the west it gradually falls off in a gentle Slope . The property of Colonel Barton Kirkhill Castle, Colmonell
OS1/3/13/34 BUSH BRIDGE Bush Bridge Bush Bridge Bush Bridge Bush Bridge Bush Bridge Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray Alexander Cathcart John Jamieson 066 [Situation] On the Colmonell & Ballantrae Road & about 10 chains N.W. [North West] of the former place. A Small Stone bridge of one arch Spanning the Bush Burn under the public Road from Colmonell to Ballantrae - In good Repair. It is a County Bridge
OS1/3/13/34 [Page] 34 -- Sheet 66 . 2 -- No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/35 KIRKHILL CASTLE (In Ruins) Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Kirkhill Castle Castle of Kirkhill Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Statistical Acct. [Account] 1842 Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr 066 [Situation] Near the east edge of the plan adjacent to the village of Colmonell The ruins of an ancient Castle, which would appear to have been built More for beauty than Strength as the walls (the whole of which between are yet Standing) are not so thick as those of most ancient Strongholds. It Stands adjoining the New Castle, a little to the North of the Village & from the date stone appears to have been erected in 1589
OS1/3/13/35 [Page] 35 -- Trace No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66. 2 & 3 " The House or Castle of Kirkhill is situated close to the Village of Colmonell . It is in Ruins, but "pretty entire and in good preservation . It is a large building and like many others throughout "the district in every particular Similar to the French country -house of the Sixteenth Century . " The Mounds of earth in the glebe, in front of the castle, were obviously intended to defend the ford "across the river. The castle bears the inscriptions. T.K. 1589. J.K. Thomas Kennedy and Janet Kennedy . "The Arms of the husband and wife , the builders of this Structure, have been cut in stone placed "above the door, but are now so much obliterated. that is impossible to make them out farther than " that they have both been those of the Kennedies. Kirkhill gave the title to Sir Thomas Kennedy. " provost of Edinburgh in 1680." Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr
OS1/3/13/36 [Page] 36 "Cancelled"
OS1/3/13/36 Entries have been scored through.
OS1/3/13/37 [Page 37] [Blank page]
OS1/3/13/38 KNOCKDOLIAN CASTLE - Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian House William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Stat. acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Voters List Ayrshire Streams 066 [Situation] On the North bank and overlooking The Stinchar adjacent to the public Road from Colmonell to Ballantrae about 2 Miles from the former place. A neat and Substantially built edifice in a [plain] modern Style, the property and Residence of Alexander Cathcart Esq. It was erected in the year [1842 ] adjacent to the Ancient Castle of Knockdolian on the North bank of The Stinchar. The Vegetable garden, [plush] grounds etc. are Most [beautifully] laid out [and] add greatly to its [beauty]
OS1/3/13/38 [Page] 38 -- Trace No. 8 -- Parish of Colmonell --Sheet 66.2 No. 4
OS1/3/13/39 MILL FORD Mill Ford Mill Ford Mill Ford Mill Ford Mill Ford Mr William Neilson John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Crossing the Stinchar on the Colmonell and Stranraer Road about 20 chains W. by S. [West by South] of the former place.- A fordable part of the Stinchar where the Colmonell & Stranraer Road crosses it . Adjacent are the Stepping Stones where people on foot Cross when the water is low.
OS1/3/13/39 CRAIGNEIL MILL (Corn) Craigneil Mill Craigneil Mill Craigneil Mill Craigniel Mill Craigneil Mill Craigneil Craigneil Mr William Neilson John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Statistical Acct. [Account] 1842 Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] Adjacent to & South of the Stinchar about 30 chains N.S.W. [North South West] of Colmonell. An old corn Mill the walls of which are lime & Stone, Thatch roof, one Storey high in a bad state of Repair It has ceased to work Some time. The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian .
OS1/3/13/39 [Page] 39 -- Parish of Colmonell --Sheet 66.2
OS1/3/13/40 MILL HOUSE Mill House Mill House Mill House Mill House Mill House Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and South of the Stinchar about 30 chains. S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Colmonell. A farm Steading Consisting of dwelling house, Stables to which is attached a [Small] arable farm & Corn Mill. Built of lime & Stone, thatched Roof, one Storey high & in good Repair. The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian .
OS1/3/13/40 [Page] 40-- Sheet 66. 2 No. -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/40 Entry for Oak Knowe is scored out.
OS1/3/13/41 BUSH BURN 066
OS1/3/13/41 ORKNEY BURN 066
OS1/3/13/41 [Page] 41-- Sheet 66. 2 No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/41 The entries on this page have been scored through. a note states : " Not to be inserted in the plan" GG
OS1/3/13/42 BUSH Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and South of the Ballantrae & Colmonell road & about 15 chains west of the latter place. A Small farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house, Stable etc. to which is attached a Small arable farm. The house is built of lime & Stone, thatched Roof, one Storey high & in good Repair. The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.-
OS1/3/13/42 [Page] 42-- Sheet 66.2 No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/42 The entry for Drum Boghouse is scored through and a note states :" Not to be inserted on the plan G.G."
OS1/3/13/43 [Page] 43 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/44 CRAIGNEIL CAIRN Craigneil Cairn Craigneil Cairn Craigneil Cairn Craigniel Cairn Craigneil Cairn Mr William Neilson John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] On the South bank of The Stinchar about 20 chains South of Colmonell.- A Circular heap of loose Stones and earth about [140] links in diameter at its [base] It is Considered very ancient & Supposed to have been the locality of Some great conflict, but by whom or at what time is a [Matter] of Conjecture. The present occupant of Craigneil farm has it ploughed up [this] Season, & Sown with [turnips ]
OS1/3/13/44 [Page] 44 -- Sheet 66.2 No. 6 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/45 BALHAMIE HILL Copied Balhammie Hill Balhamie Hill Balhamie Hill Belhammie Hill Balhamie Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart 066 A middling Sized hill on the Summit of which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. Its pasture is Rocky, heathy and considered of a good quality. Its N. & S. [North & South] Sides are Steep but to the East & West it falls off with a gentle Slope.
OS1/3/13/45 [Page] 45-- Sheet 66. Plan 2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/46 SCAURHEAD Copy Scarhead Scaurhead Scaurhead Scarhead Scaurhead Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart 066 A dwelling house occupied by an agricultural labourer. The [walls] are lime & Stone, thatched, one Storey high and in a bad [state] of Repair, The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/46 HIGH BALHAMMIE Copy High Balhammie High Balhamie High Balhamie High Belhammie High Balhamie Belhamy Balhamie Mr Daniel Douglas William Dill John F Gray John Jamieson Johnstons Co. [County ] Map Voters List 066 A farmsteading consisting of a dwelling house, stable etc. [all] in one range of building, the walls are lime & Stone, thatched, one storey high and in a bad State of Repair- On the Knockdolian Estate and property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/46 [Page] 46 -- Sheet 66 . -- Plan 2.-- Colmonell Parish
OS1/3/13/47 SCHOOL [Colmonell] Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Schoolhouse School House School House Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] In the west end of the village of Colmonell A Neat & Substantial building, erected at the expense of the Parish heritors & partly Supported by the Same. The annual Rent of the estate of Little Dangart has been left as an endowment by the late Doctor Kennedy in Support of this School. It is built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in good Repair.
OS1/3/13/47 [Page] 47-- Sheet 66.2 -- No. 1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/48 DEAFSTONE Deafstone Deafstone Deafstone Deafstone Deafstone Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] About 30 chains N.W. [North West] of the Village of Colmonell A large bare Rock of an irregular Shape lying on the Surface about twelve feet high [&] thirty long, & twenty wide. It is a kind of hard [Whin] Stone .-
OS1/3/13/48 DEAFSTONE FARM Deafstone Farm Deafstone Farm Deafstone Farm Deafstone Farm Deafstone Farm Mr William Neilson William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] About 30 chains N.W. [North West] of the Village of Colmonell A neat dwelling house with Suitable out offices & a good (partly arable) farm attached - Situated adjacent to Deafstone , from which it takes its name. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart of Knockdolian.-
OS1/3/13/48 [Page] 48 -- Sheet 66.2 No. 1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/49 KNOCKDOLIAN CASTLE (In Ruins) Knockdolian Castle (in ruins) Knockdolian Castle (in ruins) Knockdolian Castle (in ruins) Knockdolian Castle Knockdolian Castle William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. John F Gray Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 066 [Situation] On the North Side of The Stinchar and adjacent to the public Road about 2 Miles from Colmonell The Ruins of an ancient Castle which appears from the date stone to have been erected in the year 1636. Its walls are all entire, about three feet in thickness, and composed of lime & Stone. It Rises to an elevation of three Stories the two upper floors of which are Stone. It is the property and was the Residence of the Cathcart family previous to the erection of the New castle adjacent. At the west Side of the castle are several grassy Slopes or Ramparts, the remains of the outer defences of the Castle.
OS1/3/13/49 [Page] 59 -- Sheet 66.2 -- No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell " The house of Knockdolian, the remains of which stand on the east, at the foot of Knockdolian Hill, where "Abercrombie wrote - shortly before the Revolution- was the seat of the McCubbins. Here he says. is shewn "what art and industrie can do, to render a place to which nature hath not been favourable, very pleasant "by planting of gardens, orchards, walks and rows of trees, that surprise the beholder with things so far "beyond expectation in a countrey so wild and mountainous ." such was Knockdolian House at the "end of the 17th Century." Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr.
OS1/3/13/50 FINNART HOLM Finnart Holm Fuinart Holm Finnart holm Finnart Holm Feunert Alexander Cathcart Esq. William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 066 [Situation] On the North bank of The Stinchar adjacent to Knockdolian about 110 chains S.W [South West] of Colmonell- A Neat dwelling house with out offices which had been used as a farm stead, but Now occupied by an agricultural labourer. Built of lime & Stone [one] Storey high & in tolerable repair. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/50 [Page] 50-- Sheet 66.2 -- No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/51 LAIGH BALHAMIE Low Balhammie Laigh Balhamie Laigh Balhamie Laig Belhamie Laigh Balhamie Belhamy Balhamie Mr David Douglas Alexander Cathcart William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Voters List 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and South of the public Road from Colmonell to Ballantrae and about ¾ Mile from the former place. A Neat farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house & Suitable out offices. The farm attached is Small, partly arable & partly Mountain pasture. The houses are built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in good Repair. On the Knockdolian estate & property of Alexander Cathcart Esq., Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/51 FINNART HOLM Finnart Holm Finnart Holm Finnart Holm Finnart Holm Alexander Cathcart Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John Jamieson John F Gray Esq. 066 A patch of flat arable land on the North West Side of the River Stinchar the property of Alexander Cathcart Esq.
OS1/3/13/51 [Page] 51 -- Sheet 66.2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/52 CAIRN [Cairn Hill] Cairn Hill Cairnhill Cairnhill Cairnhill Cairnhill Mr William Neilson William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to and North of the Colmonell & Stranraer Road about 1¼ Mile S.W. [South West] of the former place.- A Small and arable hill on the top of which is an ancient Cairn. This Cairn has no name & is Composed of Stones and earth placed in a circular form . A good deal of it has been removed [recently] particularly the Stones, for [building] purposes. It is about 50 feet [in] diameter and about 2 feet [above] the general Surface. -
OS1/3/13/52 [Page] 52 -- Sheet 66.2 No. 5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/53 GLENSIDE Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Thomas Mc Kewon John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill W Brown Esq. Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] About 60 Chains E. by S. [East by South] of the Village of Colmonell .- Four Small Cot houses Situated on the Road Side from Colmonell to Barrhill, about one Mile from the former place. The walls are built of earth & the roof thatched with Straw - one Storey high & in a bad state of Repair.- Property of P.W. Kennedy Esq. & James Kennedy Esqr..
OS1/3/13/53 GLENSIDE BRIDGE Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Glenside Bridge Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esq. 066 [Situation] About 100 chains E. by S. [East by South] of the Village of Colmonell. - A Small bridge with one arch on the road from Colmonell to Barrhill, over the Dalroch Burn, at Glenside. This Bridge is on a Statute Labor Road and is consequently a County Bridge.
OS1/3/13/53 [Page] 53 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/54 [Page] 54 -- Sheet 66-5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/54 Entries for Butt Hill & Long Knowe are scored through
OS1/3/13/55 GLENSIDE Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Glenside Mr Thomas McKeown Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlwraith Esqr. Mr Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] About 35 Chains S.E by S. [South East by South] of the Village of Colmonell.- A Farm house with a Small arable farm attached. The walls are lime & Stone, thatched roof, one Storey high & in good Repair.- property of P.W. Kennedy Esqr..
OS1/3/13/55 [Page] 55 -- Sheet 66- 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/55 Entry for Auchanclary Burn is scored through.
OS1/3/13/56 [Page] 56-- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/56 Entries For Fordhill House and Drum are scored through. "not worth inserting" Other feint notes on page.
OS1/3/13/57 DALREOCH CAVE Dalreoch Cave Dalreoch Cave Dalreoch Cave Dalreoch Cave Mr John McMurray John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to & South of Dalreoch about 110 Chains E. by S. [East by South] of Colmonell. A Conspicuous, overhanging Rock on the North side of Dalreoch Hill.
OS1/3/13/57 [Page] 57 -- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66-3 " At Dalreoch there is a cave on the hillside, in which the proprietors often found Shelter from the "Soldiers. The Circumstance gave Rise to a belief amongst the peasantry that the hill was the abode "of fairies. The cave has now been expanded into a quarry. " Patersons History of Ayr . P [Page] 303 [Note] A natural Cave - Should therefore be in [Stamp] plan therefore at Exi off [Examining Officer] 10th. May [18]56
OS1/3/13/58 GARNABURN BURN Copy Garnaburn Burn Garnaburn Burn Garnaburn Burn Garnaburn Burn Mr William Neilson Mr John Jamieson Rev. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esqr. 066 A Small but rapid [Stream] which flows into The Stinchar about ½ Mile E.N.E. [East North East] [of] Colmonell.
OS1/3/13/58 [Page] 58-- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66- 3 "Dalreoch cave See P. [Page] 37" This Name (Garnaburn) Captn. [Captain] Bayly desired to have written Garna Burn, in opposition to the authorities quoted.
OS1/3/13/59 DALREOCH WOOD Dalreoch Wood Dalreoch Wood Dalreoch Wood Dalreoch Wood Dalreoch Mr John McMurray John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] About 90 Chains E.N.E. [East North East] of the Village of Colmonell A Small wood, or plantation Consisting of fir, ash, oak Etc. of about 20 years growth, on the Dalreoch estate property of James Kennedy Esqr. Ayr
OS1/3/13/59 BARDROCHWOOD Baldroched Baldrochwood Bardrochat Bardrochwood Bardrochwood Bardroch Wood Meikle Bardrochwood Mr John McMurray John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esq. Mr William McCrie John F. Gray Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Milroy Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] On the South Side of The Stinchar, about 70 Chains E.N.E. [East North East] of Colmonell. A farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house with Suitable out- offices & a good arable farm attached. The walls are lime & Stone, thatched Roof, one Storey high & in Good Repair. property of PW. Kennedy Esqr.
OS1/3/13/59 [Page] 59 -- Sheet 66- 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/60 DALREOCH Dalreoch Dalreoch Dalreoch Dalreoch Dalreoch Mr John Mc Murray John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esq. Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] About 1½ Mile E.N.E. [East North East] of the village of Colmonell. A Neat farm - Steading Consisting of a dwelling house with Suitable out offices & a good farm attached . The house built of lime & Stone, [one] Storey high & in good Repair . The property of James Kennedy Esqr. Ayr.-
OS1/3/13/60 [Page] 60-- Parish of Colmonell -- Sheet 66. 3
OS1/3/13/60 Entry Craig Isle is scored out.
OS1/3/13/61 CRAIGNEIL CASTLE (In Ruins) Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Craigniel Castle Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Craigneil Castle Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill Alexander Cathcart Johnstons County Map Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr 066 [Situation] On the South Side of the Stinchar, about 25 Chains S. by W. [South by West] of Colmonell- The ruins of a strong Fortalice of the thirteenth century. It commands a very extensive prospect of the Valley through which the Stinchar flows It is Supposed to have been built by Neil Earl of Carrick hence its Name- It is also Said to have been a place of refuge to Robert Bruce during his retreat in Ayrshire
OS1/3/13/61 [Page] 61 -- Sheet 66. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell " Craigneil Castle, though a ruin is still pretty entire. It is a massive, Strong " tower, Similar in Structure to Dundonald Castle, in Kyle -Stewart, three " Stories high, with walls six feet in thickness. It stands upon a rock of "Mountain limestone, which originally rose in a conical form out of " the valley, a short distance above Colmonell. Now owing to the manner in " which the rock has been quarried, the Castle seems as if it had been built " upon a ravine. from its position it commands a view of the whole valley " of the Stinchar, from Penmore to Knockdolian . Seen from the Bridges at "Colmonell, the ruin is very imposing. The Castle is Supposed to have beenbuilt in the thirteenth Century " by a Neil, Earl of Carrick - hence its derigation Craigneil " Pattersons Hist. [History] of Ayr " It belongs to the Most Noble the Marquis of Ailsa , and in feudal times was a prison and place " of execution" Stat. Acct. (Statistical Account] 1842.
OS1/3/13/62 26 [Page] 62 --Sheet 66-3 Parish of Colmonell The entry for Craigneil Castle has been scored through.
OS1/3/13/63 [Page] 63-- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell Both entries have been scored through. " Not to be inserted"
OS1/3/13/64 DALREOCH BURN Dulroch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Morrison John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 066 [Situation] About one Mile South east of the Village of Colmonell where it falls into the River Stinchar. A Small but Rapid Stream which rises near the South [side] of Dulreoch Hill . Flows [N.W. North West] It passes under Glenside Bridge and enters the River Stinchar adjacent to and East of Colmonell.
OS1/3/13/64 AUCHENCHLERY Auchanclary Auchenchlery Auchenchlery Auchenchlery Achanan Cleireach Auchencleery Auchenchlearie Auchencleary Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Morrison John Jamieson William Dill Johnstons Co. [County] Map 066 [Situation] About one Mile South east of the Village of Colmonell. This is a farmhouse with out offices. Situated about one [mile] S.E. [South East] of the village of Colmonell . It is built of lime and Stone one Storey high , and in a [good] State of Repair.-
OS1/3/13/64 [Page] 64 -- Sheet 66 Plan 3 -- Parish of Colmonell [Note] "If words in pencil are correct please pen them in Ex Offr [Examining Officer 10]
OS1/3/13/65 TONGUE CAIRN Tongue Cairn Tongue Cairn Tongue Cairn Tongue Cairn Mr William Neilson John Jamieson William Dill John F. Gray Esqr. 066 [Situation] About 30 chains E. by N. [East by North ] of the Village of Colmonell.- A Circular Mound of earth. It is about one chain in diameter & about 5 feet above the general Surface.- This Cairn was excavated and nothing found- the appearance it presented before the soil was replaced suggested the name.
OS1/3/13/65 CLAUCHANTON SCAUR Clochanton Scar Clachanton Scar Clauchanton Scaur Clauchanton Scaur Clauchanton Scaur Mr William Neilson John Jamieson William Dill John F. Gray Esqr. William McCrie Esq. 066 [Situation] About 30 Chains east of the Village of Colmonell. A precipitous bank on the North Margin of the River Stinchar. It is a Mixture of Clay & gravel.
OS1/3/13/65 [Page] 65 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/66 CLAUCHANTON Clochanton Clachanton Clauchanton Clauchanton Clauchanton Clachanton Clauchanton Mr William Neilson John Jamieson William Dill John F. Gray Esq. William McCrie Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Voters List 066 [Situation] On the west Side of the Plan at the east end of the Village of Colmonell A farm Steading Consisting of a dwelling house with Suitable out- offices attached, also a good farm, partly arable & partly heathy pasture. The house is built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in good Repair. property of J F Gray Esqr.
OS1/3/13/66 [Page] 66-- Sheet 66 - 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/66 The entry for Prieston Hill is scored through.
OS1/3/13/67 COLMONELL BRIDGE Colmonell Bridge Colmonell Bridge Colmonell Bridge Colmonell Bridge Colmonell Bridge Colmonel Bridge Colmonell Bridge Colmonel Bridge Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] About 20 chains S.by E. [South by East] of the Village of Colmonell.- A Stone bridge with two arches over the Stinchar water at the Village of Colmonell, on the road from the latter to Barrhill - It is a County Bridge
OS1/3/13/67 BALLOCH 0' GNORIE Balleyconnorry Balignory Balignory Balignory Balloch O' Gnorie Ballochonorrie Balignory Balloch O'Gnorrie Balloch O'Gnorrie Balloch O'Gnorrie Balloch O'Gnorrie Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill Alexander Cathcart Esq. George Mitchell John Galloway Hugh Galloway 066 [Situation] About 35 chains South of the Village of Colmonell- A farmhouse and out= offices Situated a little South of the junction of the Burn of Craigneil with the Stinchar. The walls are clay - Thatched Roof- one Storey high & in good State of Repair. Property of Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/67 [Page] 67-- Sheet 66-3 -- Trace No. 2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/68 BRIDGE END Bridge End Bridge End Bridge End Bridge End Bridge End Bridge End Bridge End Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. 066 [Situation] About 20 Chains S.by E. [South by East] of the Village of Colmonell.- Two Cottages Situated adjacent to the South end of Colmonell Bridge. They are built [of] lime & Stone, one storey high and in good repair .- The [property] of Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/68 FORD HOUSE Ford House Ford House Foard House Ford House Ford House Ford House Ford House Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esq. 066 [Situation] Adjacent to Bridge End & about 20 Chains South of Colmonell Village.- A cottage Situated on the South Side of the Stinchar water near Colmonell bridge. It is built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in a bad State of Repair.- Property of Alexander Cathcart Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/68 [Page] 68 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/69 LADY WELL Ladywell Lady Well Lady Well Lady Well Lady Well William Dill B. Laing George Mitchell John Galloway Hugh Galloway 066 A Spring Well, a few perches South of Colmonell Bridge Known as "Ladywell" The origin of this name is not Known, it is Supposed to arise from the Soft purity of the water, It has no medicinal properties-
OS1/3/13/69 STRIFELAND BURN Strifeland Burn Strife land Burn Strife land Burn Strife land Burn Strife land Burn Strife land Burn William Dill B. Laing Revd. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlwraith Esq. Mr. Robert Temple John Jamieson 066 A Small Stream which rises from moorland on the farm of Auchencleery and after a short Course falls into a small stream near Glenside farmhouse.
OS1/3/13/69 [Page] 69 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/70 [Page] 70 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/71 BARDROCH WOOD Baldroched Wood Bardroch Wood Bardroch Wood Bardroche Wood Baldrochwood Wood of Baldrochwood Bardrochat Wood Bardrochwood wood Bardrochwood Woods Bardrochwood Woods Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson John Jamieson William Dill Mr William McCrie William Brown Esq. John F.Gray Esqr. 066 [Situation] About 30 Chains east of the Village of Colmonell.- A few Scattered patches of wood Consisting of Oak, beech etc. on both Sides of the Colmonell & Barrhill Road about one Mile from the former place .- Property of P.W Kennedy Esqr.
OS1/3/13/71 OAK KNOWE Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Oak Knowe Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] About 30 chains E. by N. [East by North] of the Village of Colmonell .- A Farmhouse Situated at the North Side of Bardrochat woods the walls are lime & Stone Slate Roof one Storey high & in a good State of repair. Property of P. W Kennedy Esqr.
OS1/3/13/71 [Page] 71-- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/72 WOODHEAD Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Woodhead Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] About 50 chains S.S.E [South South East] of the Village of Colmonell.- A farmhouse with out offices- the property of P.W. Kennedy Esqr. Situated about one Mile east of Colmonell- The walls are lime and Stone- the Roof Straw thatch one Storey high, and in a good state of Repair.
OS1/3/13/72 LONGSHOT Longshot Longshot Longshot Longshot Longshot Longshot Lang shot Lagshot Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston County Map 066 [Situation] Adjacent to Wood head & about 50 chains S. by E. [South by East] of the village of Colmonell.- A Cottage Situated adjacent to and South of the Colmonell and Barrhill Road. Its walls are clay & Roof Straw thatch - one Storey high & in a bad, State of Repair. Property of P.W. Kennedy Esqr..
OS1/3/13/72 [Page] 72 -- Sheet 66-3 --Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/73 FREE CHURCH [Colmonell] Free Church Free Church Free Church Free Church Mr William Neilson John Jamieson William Dill John F. Gray Esq. 066 A plain building erected in 1844 by private Subscription There is no Manse attached to this Church.
OS1/3/13/73 ANTIBURGHER CHURCH [Colmonell] Antiburgher Church Antiburgher Church Antiburgher Church Antiburgher Church Mr William Neilson John Jamieson William Dill John F. Gray Esq. 066 A plain building erected about the Year 1795 by private Subscription There is no Manse or Regular Minister attached to this Church.
OS1/3/13/73 [Page] 73 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/74 COLMONELL [village] Copy Colmonell Colmonel Colmonel Colmonell Colmonell Colmonel Colmonell Colmonell Mr William Neilson Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr 066 A neat middling Sized Village consisting of the Parish Church and Manse, Free Church, Antiburgher Church, Boar's Head, Several Small grocer and drapers Shops and a number of private dwellings generally occupied by agricultural laborers, All the houses with one or two exceptions are built of lime and Stone, two Storeys high and in good repair, Kirkhill Castle, the property and residence of Col [Colonel] Barton Stands a little to the North and [adds] much beauty to the Village, [Situated] on an acclivity overlooking the Stinchar and facing the Ruins of Craigneil Castle - Since the passing of the Reform Bill, the Village has been appointed one of the polling places of the [Continued]
OS1/3/13/74 [Page] 74 -- Sheet 66-3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/75 DALREOCH HILL Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Copy Mr W. Neilson Mr John Jamieson Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. Mr Robert Temple 066 A middling sized hill partly arable and partly Rough pasture, to the South and East it falls off with a gentle Slope, but to the North and West the descent is Steep.
OS1/3/13/75 [Page] 75-- Sheet 66.3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/76 RED SLAP Copy Red Slap Red Slap Red Slap Red Slap Red Slap Red Slap Thomas McKeown John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill 066 This is a Small ruin about 300 Yards from Craigneil Castle. The reputed Scene of a feudal conflict.
OS1/3/13/76 SPIERS DRUM Copy Spiers Drum Spiers Drum Spiers Drum Spiers Drum Mr William Neilson Mr John Jamieson Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Esq. 066 A ridge of elevated ground of an oval Shape, the west half is under cultivation and the East half is partly Furze and partly pasture.
OS1/3/13/76 [Page] 76-- Sheet 66.3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/77 DALREOCH HILL Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Dalreoch Hill Mr John Jamieson Revd. [Reverend] William Dill William Brown Esqr. John F. Gray Esqr. 066 A Middling sized hill, affording arable, rough, and heathy Pasture, Property of James Kennedy Esqr.
OS1/3/13/77 [Page] 77 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 4 -- Trace 1 & 4 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/78 [Page] 78 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/79 ALTICANE BURN Alticane Burn Alticane Burn Alticane Burn Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Revd. [Reverend] William Moore James McIlraith Esqr. 66 A Stream Collecting from Marshy ground on Drumskeoch moor, And falling into the Duisk, a short distance below the junction of the Muck with that River. A noticeable Circumstance connected with the stream, is its disappearance underground about seven chains from the Duisk, continuing its course to the River unseen .
OS1/3/13/79 ALTICANE GLEN Alticane Glen Alticane Glen Alticane Glen James McIlraith Esqr. Revd. [Reverend] B Laing Revd. [Reverend] John Stevenson 66 A narrow Steep glen, dividing the properties of Colonel Barton & the Trustees of the late William Fettes, That side belonging to Colonel Barton is neatly planted with Larch and fir.
OS1/3/13/79 [Page] 79 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 4 -- Trace 6 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/80 BROADMOOR Broadmoor Broadmoor Broadmoor James McIlraith William McCulloch John Stevenson 066 A small Farm House with out offices attached, one storey high thatched and in very bad repair. The property of William McCrae Esqr.
OS1/3/13/80 [Page] 80 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 4 -- Trace 5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/81 MILWHARRAN HILL Milwharran hill Milwharran hill Milwharran hill James McIlraith William McCulloch John Stevenson 066 A small but prominent arable hill The property of The Established School Fund of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/81 MILWHARRAN Milwharran Milwharran Milwharran James McIlwraith William McCulloch John Stevenson 066 A small farm house, built of stone & lime, one storey high, thatched, and in very bad repair, The property of the Established School Fund of Colmonell.
OS1/3/13/81 [Page] 81-- Sheet 66 Plan 4 -- Trace 4 & 5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/82 DALREOCH BURN Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Dalreoch Burn Alexander Macmillan James McIlraith William McCulloch 066 A small but rapid mountain stream, rising in marsh ground, on Dalreoch hill, and emptying itself into the water of Stinchar. It bears this name from its Source to a place about 11 chains S.W. [South West] of Little Dangart. from thence to the River Stinchar it bears the name of Dangart Burn
OS1/3/13/82 PENWHERRY HILL Penwherry Hill Penwherry Hill Penwherry Hill Pinwhirry Hill Alexander Macmillan James McIlraith William McCulloch Johnstons Co. [County] Map 066 A middling sized hill, producing rough Pasture, the property of Gilbert McClung It has a Trig. [Trigonometrical] station on its summit.
OS1/3/13/82 [Page] 82 Sheet 66 -- Plan 4 -- Trace 1. 2. 3 & 4 -- Parish of Colmonell [A note below the Authorities states ] " No not if the lower portion takes another name - or Dangart Burn [Auth off - Authorising Officer]
OS1/3/13/83 MACHERWHAT Mawharawhat Machrrwhat Macher What Macherwhat Macherwhat Mr James Bryden John F. Gray Alexander Cathcart William Dill John Jamieson 066 [Situation] At the South base of Knockdolian Hill and on the North Side of The Colmonell and Ballantrae Road about 3 miles from the former place. A Farm Steading It consists of a dwelling -house & out offices, built of lime & Stone, one Story high & in good Repair. Property of Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Knockdolian
OS1/3/13/83 BROADFORD Broad Ford Broadford Broadford Broadford Broadford Broadford Mr James Bryden John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esqr. 066 [Situation] On the River Stinchar about 3 miles west of Colmonell.- A fordable part of The River Stinchar where Carts &c usually Cross. The large boulder Stones which this part of the River abounds were removed for that purpose.
OS1/3/13/83 [Page] 83-- Plan 66- 5 -- Traces No. 2 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/84 KNOCKDOLIAN Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian Knockdolian Mr James Bryden John F. Gray William Dill John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 066 [Situation] On the North Side of the public road leading from Colmonell to Ballantrae about 2½ Miles from the former place & about equil distance from the . A prominent Conical hill affording [Mountain] rocky pasture. It rises to a height of about 1000 feet with a rugged ascent on all sides. The Country Round is Comparatively low which gives to it a prominent appearance. It Commands an extensive range of view on a [Good] day. Its pasture is of excellent quality for both Sheep and Cattle.- The property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian 1st. Class hill
OS1/3/13/84 [Page] 84- Plan 66 5 -- Trace No. 2 & 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/85 RIVER STINCHAR Stinchar Water or River Stinchar Stinchar Water or River Stinchar Stinchar Water or River Stinchar Stinchar Water or River Stinchar Stinchar River Stinchar Stinchar The Stinchar John F. Gray Esq. Colmonell Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Alexander Cathcart Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 Ayrshire Streams 066 A large and rapid river which rises in a mountainous district in the E. [East] of Ayrshire and falls into the sea at the Village of Ballantrae. For the most part it flows through a flat and fertile valley, receiving in its course Several tributary Streams the principal of which are the Duisk and Tig.
OS1/3/13/85 [Page] 85-- Sheet 66.5 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/86 LING HARR Copy Linn Harr Linn Harr Linn Haur Linnhaur Ling Harr Ling Harr Ling Harr John Jamieson John F. Gray William Dill James McIlraith John Galloway Hugh Galloway James Gemmell 066 A deep part of the River Stinchar a little N. [North] of the junction of Knockdolian Burn with that River . The banks of the Stinchar at this part are thickly wooded and on the N.W. [North West] precipitous.
OS1/3/13/86 GARDEN HALL Copy Garden Hall Garden Hall Garden Hall Garden Hall Garden Hall Mr James Bryden William Dill John Jamieson John F. Gray Esq. Alexander Cathcart Esq. 066 A Small thatched cothouse, property of Alexander Cathcart Esq. Knockdolian.
OS1/3/13/86 [Page] 86-- Sheet 66.5-- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/87 KNOCKDHU BURN Knockdhu Burn Knockdhu Burn Knockdhu Burn Knockdhu Burn KnockdowBurn Knockdhu Burn Thomas McKeown Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Robert Temple William Dill 066 [Situation] On the S.W. [South West] Corner of the Plan at the North base of Knockddhu Hill A Small Stream which takes its rise from Surface water on the S.W. [South West] Side of Foird Hill & runs into the River Stinchar, Near old Kirkcudbright, dividing Craigneil Hill from Knockdhu Hill in its Course.
OS1/3/13/87 CRAIGNEIL HILL Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigniel Hill Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Craigneil Hill Mr Thomas McKeown Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James Mcllraith Esqr. Mr Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Statistical Account 1842 066 [Situation] On the west Side of the Plan about 1 Mile South of Colmonell. A Middling Sized hill, partly arable & partly heathy, Its North Side, facing the Village of Colmonell is Steep but the other Sides fall off gently. It Commands a view of the whole Valley of Stinchar from Penmore to Knockdolian [Signyfying the name Rock]
OS1/3/13/87 [Page] 87-- Plan 7 -- Trace No. 1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/87 Should be Plan 66
OS1/3/13/88 STRIFELAND BURN Striflin Burn Strifeland Burn Strifeland Burn Strifeland Burn Strifeland Burn Strifeland Burn Mr Thomas McKeown Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr. Mr Robert Temple John Jamieson William Dill 066 [Situation] Running in a N. [North ] westerly direction falling into Auchenchlery Burn at Glenside about ½ Mile S.E. [South East] of Colmonell. A Small Stream which takes its rise from Surface water between Auchencleary Hill & Foird Hill & Runs into Auchencleary Burn at Glenside.-
OS1/3/13/88 [Page] 88 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/88 The entry for White Hill is scored through.
OS1/3/13/89 WEST REUCHAL West Reuchal West Ruchal West Reuchal West Reuchal William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk William Brown Esqr. Writer John Jamieson Schoolmaster 066 A Small Farm House with Suitable outhouses attached, built of Stone & Lime & Thatched, one Storey high, and in bad repair, the property of James Kennedy Ayr-
OS1/3/13/89 BACKHILL Blackhill Blackhill Blackhill George Mitchell John Galloway Hugh Galloway 066 A farmsteading with out buildings, garden etc. the property of the Established School, Occupied by John McWhirter.
OS1/3/13/89 LOCH MERADDIE Loch Meraddie Loch Meraddie Loch Meraddie John Jamieson James McIlraith William McCulloch 066 A Small fresh Water Loch. from which flows the Stream Called Meraddie Burn- The Parish Boundary between Ballantrae & Colmonell runs through it-
OS1/3/13/89 FORD HILL Ford Hill Ford hill Ford Hill George Mitchell John Galloway Hugh Galloway 066 A high heathy hill overlooking the Village of Colmonell, nearly midway on its N.W. [North West] Sides it is partially under Cultivation.
OS1/3/13/89 [Page] 89 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan & Trace No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/90 WEE WHEEB Wee Wheeb Wee Wheeb Wee Wheeb Wheeb Wheeb Revd. [Reverend] William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk James McIlwraith Esq. Auchenflour Johnstons County Map Voters List 066 A Small Farm House, with Suitable Outhouses attached, built of Stone & Lime in bad repair, Unoccupied, formerly a portion of Wheeb Farm, was rented by a Second person, forming at that time two distinct Farms, both known by the name of "Wheeb", but the whole is now occupied by one person. It is the property of James Kennedy, Ayr
OS1/3/13/90 SHALLOCH ON TIG Shalloch on Tig Shalloch on Tig Shalloch on Tig Shalloch on Tig Shalloch on Tig William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk James McIlwraith Esqr. Auchenflour Johnstons County Map 066 A Farm House, with suitable outhouses attached, built of Stone & Lime, Slated, and in very good Repair, the property of Sir James Ferguson Bart.[Baronet] -
OS1/3/13/90 [Page] 90-- Sheet 66. -- Plan 7 -- Trace No. 6 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/91 WHEEB Wheeb Wheeb Wheeb Wheeb Wheeb Revd. [Reverend] William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk James McIlwraith Esqr. Auchenflour Johnston County Map Voters List 066 A Farm House with Suitable out-houses attached, built of Stone & Lime, Slated, one Storey high, and in good repair. the property of James Kennedy Ayr. -
OS1/3/13/91 KILCHRENNIE Kilchrennie Kilchrennie Kilthrenzie Kilchrennie Kilrheenie Kilchrennie James McIlraith William Dill William McCulloch William Brown Esq. Writer Johnston's County Map Voters List 066 A Farm House with Suitable out-houses attached, built of Stone & Lime, Thatched, one Storey high & in bad Repair, the property of James Kennedy. Ayr.-
OS1/3/13/91 [Page] 91-- Sheet 66. -- Plan 8-- Trace No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell Kilcrine is Gaelic for A very little church. Chrennie - Threnzie -Lrheenie bear no analogy to any Gaelic word, unless the name of some obscure patron is meant , to whom the church, if any existing may have been dedicated. No traces of such an edifice appear on the plan; the farmhouse, however, may now occupy its Site W Rutherford
OS1/3/13/92 WATER OF TIG Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Rev. [Reverend] William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk James McIlraith Auchenflour Johnston's County Map 066 A large and Rapid Stream, which Rises from Surface water at the East base of Bennaw It flows into the Water of Stinchar about 2½ miles from Colmonell, It joins the Boundary of the Parishes of Ballantrae & Colmonell on this Plan.
OS1/3/13/92 [Page 92] Sheet 66. -- Plan 8 -- Trace No. 4 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/93 FARDEN HILL Farthing Hill Farden Hill Farden Hill Farden Hill Farding Mr Gilbert Milroy John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston's County Map 066 [Situation] On the S.E. Corner of the Plan about 3 Miles E.S.E. [East South East] of Colmonell.- A Middling - Sized hill on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. Its pasture is partly arable and partly heathy . Its Sides are Steep. Property of the Revd. [Reverend] William Sproat.
OS1/3/13/93 THE BUTT The Butt The Butt The Butt The Butt The Butt Mr G. Milroy William McCrie John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. 066 [Situation] On the east edge of the Plan about 3 miles E. by S. [East by South] of Colmonell.- Two Small dwellings or Cot houses, at one time the farm Steading of DrumsKeigh but Now the habitation of agricultural Labourers- The walls are lime & Stone thatched Roof, One Story high & in bad Repair.- Property of william McCrie Dalreoch.
OS1/3/13/93 [Page] 93-- Sheet 66 Plan 8 -- Trace No. 7 -- Parish of Colmonell The Scotch Farden is evidently meant W Rutherford.
OS1/3/13/94 DRUMSKEOCH Drumskeigh DrumsKeoch DrumsKeoch DrumsKeoch Drumskeoch Drumseoch Mr Gilbert Milroy William McCrie John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. Johnston's County Map 066 [Situation] On and Near the east end of the Plan about 2¾ Miles E. by S. [East by South] of Colmonell.- A Neat farm-house, with Suitable out-offices & a good farm attached. About half the farm is arable & under Cultivation; the other half is Rough pasture- On the DrumsKeogh estate & property of Mr William McCrie, Dalreoch. Built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in good Repair.-
OS1/3/13/94 [Page] 94-- Sheet 66 -- Plan 8 -- Trace No. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell Seoc is a Gaelic word signifying a plume or helmet. which the form of the adjacent hill, from which this farmhouse has its name. May have suggested K is not a acknowledged in the Gaelic Alphabet, a circumstance which may entitle Johnston's orthography of this word to a preference. W Rutherford
OS1/3/13/95 [Page] 95 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/96 PEDEN'S MOUNT Pedens Mount Pedens Mount Pedens Mount Pedens Mount Pedens Mount John Jamieson Alexander Macmillan James McIlraith William McCulloch John Stevenson 066 A small rocky eminence, of an irregular shape, on the north side of the River Tig: said to have been a preaching place of the Prophet Peden during the [struggle] of the presbyterians for independence .
OS1/3/13/96 [Page] 96 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 8 -- Trace 4 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/97 EAST ROUCHLE East Rouchle East Reuchal East Reuchal East Reuchal Mr John McCracKen John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. 066 [Situation] Near the West edge of the Plan about 2 Miles E.S.E. (East South East) of Colmonell. A farm Steading on the Dalreoch estate The walls are lime & Stone, thatched roof, one Storey high, & in a bad State of Repair. The property of James Kennedy Esqr. Ayr.-
OS1/3/13/97 [Page] 97 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 8 -- Trace No. 1 -- Parish of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/97 The entry for My Lord's hill has been scored through.
OS1/3/13/98 DRUMMANALLIE [Drummanottie] Drummanallie Drummanallie Drummanallie Drummanallie Mr. William McCracKen John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. John F. Gray Esqr. 066 [Situation] Near the South edge of the Plan, about 3 miles S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Colmonell.- A Cot house which had once been used as a farm Stead. The walls are lime & Stone, thatched Roof, one Storey high, & in a bad state of Repair .-
OS1/3/13/98 BURN OF LIG Burn of Lig Burn of Lig Burn of Lig Burn of Lig Burn of Lig Burn of Ligg Mr John McCracken John Jamieson William Dill William Brown Esqr. John F. Gray Esqr. Johnstons County Map 066 [Situation] Flows through & out at the east end of the Plan. A Small Stream which Collects from Surface water on the east Side of Auchencleary Hill & Runs into & out of Loch of Lig & into the Water of Dhuisk.-
OS1/3/13/98 [Page] 98 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 8 -- Trace No. 2 -- Parish of Colmonell An instance of Carlessness. The final gg is not acknowledged in the Gaelic language. The word is the Gaelic Leog. a Marsh a name given to the loch, on account of its Marshy appearance, into and from which this burn runs. Should not the word be adopted in its purity. (g.) William Rutherford.
OS1/3/13/99 [Page 99] [Blank Page]
OS1/3/13/100 FARDEN Farden Farden Farden Farding Farden Revd. [Reverend] William Dill William McCulloch Glendisk James McIlwraith Esq. Auchenflour Johnstons County Map Voters List 066 A Small Farm House with outhouses attached, built of [Stone] & Lime. Thatched, one Storey [high] and in bad Repair, the property of Rev. [Reverend] William Sproat, Stranraer
OS1/3/13/100 [Page] 100 -- Sheet 66. -- Plan 8 -- Trace No. 6 -- Parish of Colmonell The Scotch Farden is evidently Meant here William Rutherford
OS1/3/13/101 GLEN TIG Copy Glen Tig Glen Tig Glen Tig Glen Tig Glen Tig Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esqr. Revd. [Reverend] John McCroy 066 A deep valley through which the Water of Tig flows, for the most part its side are precipitous and partly wooded, but a considerable portion is under cultivation
OS1/3/13/101 WATER OF TIG Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Revd. [Reverend] William Dill John F. Gray Mr John Jamieson Alexander Cathcart Esq. Revd. [Reverend] J Milroy 066 A large and Rapid Stream which takes its rise from Surface water on the Eastern base of [Bennane] about 2½ Miles S.W. [South West] of Colmonell
OS1/3/13/101 MERADDIE BURN Meraddie Burn Meraddie Burn Meraddie Burn John Jamieson James McIlraith William McCulloch 066 A Small mountainous Stream issuing from Loch Meraddie and emptying itself into the Water of Tig.
OS1/3/13/101 [Page] 101 -- Sheet 66 . 11 -- Colmonell Parish
OS1/3/13/102 KNOCKBRAKE Knockbrake Knockbrake Knockbrake George Mitchell John Galloway Hugh Galloway 066 An old thatched farmsteading, dwelling house and offices, one Storey high.
OS1/3/13/102 [Page] 102-- Sheet 66.12. -- Colmonell Parish
OS1/3/13/103 WATER OF TIG Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig James McIlraith Esqr. Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Revd. [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esqr. 066 [Situation] Running in a N.E. [North East] Direction to the Centre of the Plan then due North A Rapid mountain stream, which rises on the North Side of Strawarren Fell, and empties itself into the Water of Stinchar, about two miles east from Ballantrae.
OS1/3/13/103 SHIEL HILL Shielhill Shielhill Shielhill Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Revd. [Reverend] William Moore James McIlraith Esqr. 066 [Situation] Situated in the N.E. [North East] of the Plan. A middling sized hill, producing Heathy pasture and having a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit. The Property of Sir James Ferguson
OS1/3/13/103 [Page] 103 -- Sheet 66 -- Plan 16 -- Trace 2. 4. & 5 -- Parishes of Ballantrae & Colmonell
OS1/3/13/104 [Page] 104 -- Sheet 66. -- Plan 16 -- Trace 4 -- Parish of Ballantrae A note states " Copied into the Name Book of Ballantrae Parish - [Signed] John Bayly Captain R.E [Royal Engineers] 31st. Decr. [December] 1855. "
OS1/3/13/104 The entry for Strawarran Fell has been scored through .
OS1/3/13/106 [Page 106] PARISH OF COLMONELL Sheets 65 & 66 INDEX Names Pages Alticane Burn -- 79 Alticane Glen -- 79 Antiburgher Church -- 73 Auchenclery -- 54 Balhamie Hill -- 45 Balhamie Burn -- 31 Balig Burn -- 8 Ballantrae Bay -- 4 Balloch O' Gnorie --67 Bardrochwood -- 59 Bardroch Wood -- 71 Bennane Bridge -- 1 Bennane Burn -- 4 Bennane Cove -- 3 Bennane Head -- 3 Bennane Hill -- 3 Big Bennane-- 3 Blackhill -- 89 Boars Head Inn -- 22 Bougang -- 14 Bridge End -- 68 Broadford -- 83 Broadmoor -- 80 Burn of Lig -- 98 Bush -- 42 Bush Bridge --34 Cairn (Site of ) --17 Cairn -- 52 Cairn Hill -- 52 Church -- 29 Clachanton -- 66 Clachanton Hill -- 34 Clachanton Scaur -- 65 Colmonell -- 17 & 74 Colmonell Bridge -- 67 Cloven Rock -- 19 Craigneil -- 28 Craigneil Burn -- 23 Craigneil Castle (In Ruins) --61 Craigneil Cairn -- 44 Craigneil Hill --27& 87 Craigneil Hill -- 39 Craigneil T.P. --27 Corseclays --7 Dalreoch -- 60 Dalreoch Burn -- 64 & 82 Dalreoch Cave -- 57 Dalreoch Hill -- 75 & 79 Dalreoch Wood -- 59 Deafstone -- 48 Deafstone Farm -- 48 Drummanallie -- 98 Drummore -- 4 7 13 Drummore Shore -- 2 Drumover -- 11 Duhorn -- 9 Duhorn Burn -- 2 Drumskeoch -- 94 Duhorn Hill --9 Duniewick --14 East Ruchal -- 97 Finnart Holm -- 51 Farden --100 Farden Hill -- 93 Finnart Holm -- 50 Ford House -- 68 Free Church -- 73 Ford Hill -- 89 Garden Hall -- 86 Garden House -- 22 Garna Burn -- 58 Glenside -- 53 & 55 Glenside Bridge -- 53 Glen Tig -- 101 High Balhamie -- 46 Kilchrennie -- 91 Kirkhill Castle -- 30 Kirkhill Castle (In Ruins) -- 35 Knockdolian Barns -- 15 Knockdolian Burn -- 87 Knockdolian Castle --38 Knockdolian Castle ( In Ruins) -- 49
OS1/3/13/107 [Page 107] Names Pages Knockdolian Castle (Supposed Site of ) -- 15 Knockdolian -- 84 Knockdhu Burn -- 87 Knockbrake -- 102 Lady Well -- 69 Laigh Balhamie --51 Ligget Cheek -- 10 Ling Harr -- 86 Littleton Hill -- 16 & 20 Longshot -- 72 Low Balig -- 8 Loch Meraddie -- 89 Macherwhat -- 83 Manse -- 21 Meraddie Burn -- 101 Mill Ford -- 39 Mill House -- 40 Milwharran -- 81 Milwharran Hill -- 81 Mossgavel -- 10 Oak Knowe -- 71 Pedens Mount -- 96 Penwherry Hill -- 82 Post Office -- 21 Pyet Craig -- 32 Red Burn -- 8 Red Slap -- 76 River Stinchar -- 25 & 85 Red Burn T. P. [Turn Pike] -- 6 Scaurhead --46 School -- 47 Shalloch on Tig -- 90 Shiel Hill -- 103 Spiers Drum -- 76 Strifeland Burn -- 69 & 88 Tongue Cairn -- 65 The Butt -- 93 Water of Tig -- 92 -- 101 & 103 Wee Wheeb --- 90 West Reuchal -- 89 Wheeb -- 91 Woodend -- 28 Woodhead -- 72