
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAIGNEIL CASTLE (In Ruins) Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigniel Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Craigneil Castle
Thomas McKeown
John Milroy
James McIlwraith
Robert Temple
John Jamieson
William Dill
Alexander Cathcart
Johnstons County Map
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842
Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr
066 [Situation] On the South Side of the Stinchar, about 25 Chains S. by W. [South by West] of Colmonell-
The ruins of a strong Fortalice of the thirteenth century. It commands a very extensive prospect of the Valley through which the Stinchar flows
It is Supposed to have been built by Neil Earl of Carrick hence its Name- It is also Said to have been a place of refuge to Robert Bruce during his retreat in Ayrshire

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 61 -- Sheet 66. 3 -- Parish of Colmonell

" Craigneil Castle, though a ruin is still pretty entire. It is a massive, Strong
" tower, Similar in Structure to Dundonald Castle, in Kyle -Stewart, three
" Stories high, with walls six feet in thickness. It stands upon a rock of
"Mountain limestone, which originally rose in a conical form out of
" the valley, a short distance above Colmonell. Now owing to the manner in
" which the rock has been quarried, the Castle seems as if it had been built
" upon a ravine. from its position it commands a view of the whole valley
" of the Stinchar, from Penmore to Knockdolian . Seen from the Bridges at
"Colmonell, the ruin is very imposing. The Castle is Supposed to have beenbuilt in the thirteenth Century
" by a Neil, Earl of Carrick - hence its derigation Craigneil "
Pattersons Hist. [History] of Ayr

" It belongs to the Most Noble the Marquis of Ailsa , and in feudal times was a prison and place
" of execution"
Stat. Acct. (Statistical Account] 1842.

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