
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Loch Farroch
Loch Faroch
Loch Farroch
Loch Farroch
Loch Farroch
Map of Kildonan Estate 1821
Revd [Reverend] William Dill
J. McIlraith Esqr
Hugh Hamilton Esqr
William McCulloch
Johnstons County Map
067 [Situation] Near the Centre of the plan & about 61/2 chains N.E. [North East] of Knocky Skeaggy.
A Fresh Water Loch on the Boundary between the Parishes of Barr and Colmonell, half of which is in each parish, and equally belonging to Hugh Hamilton Esqr. Penmore, and the Episcopal fund of Scotland; it is about 300 yards long by 170 wide a part of it is very deep and affords Some fine Brown Trout. Mr Hamilton has a Boathouse built on his Own Side for the purpose of pleasuring and fishing. It receives no permanent stream but a small nameless one flows in an easterly direction out of it to join the Cammock Burn __

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 95
Sheet 67 Plan -- Trace No. 5 --Parish of Barr and Colmonell

It seems very probable that this loch derives its name from two gaelic words - Feur, grass adjective Feurach, grassy and Loch a lake. We always find the banks of small fresh water lakes covered with fine pasture & Sometimes the Shallow parts, which have always a Muddy bottom, Almost hid with a long species of grass.
W McRae

[Signed] Thomas O' Farrell ca [civilian assistant]
23rd August 54

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