Ayrshire volume 06, part 1

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/3/6/1/1 GARLEFFIN Girlaffin Garleffin Garleffin Garleffin Garleffin Robert Calderwood W. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R. Temple Teacher 065 A small hamlet consisting of ten houses and nineteen tenements mostly occupied by agricultural Labourers. Built of line and Stone, one Storey high, and in good repair. The property of Charles McGibben Esqr. Edinburgh.
OS1/3/6/1/1 Plan 65 16 Trace No 3 Parish of Ballantrae About 50 chains south of the Village of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/2 KINNIGAR Kinnigar Kinnigar Kinnacare Kinnigar Kinnigar Kinnigar Robert Calderwood Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R Temple David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A precipitous bank on the South Side of the River Stinchar - it is a mixture of gravel and clay.
OS1/3/6/1/2 COLLING BRIDGE Colling Bridge Colling Bridge Colling Bridge Colling Bridge Colling Bridge Robert Calderwood Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy Mr. R Temple 065 A Small Stone bridge of one arch Spanning the Kilfin Burn. It is in good repair.- All bridges on Turnpike or Statute Labor Roads are County Bridges.
OS1/3/6/1/2 [Page] 2 Plan 65 16 Trace No 2 Parish of Ballantrae Kinnigar - About twenty chains S.W. of Ballantrae. Colling Bridge- On the Ballantrae & Ballochdoan Road, about 50 Chains from the former place
OS1/3/6/1/3 SMIRTON BURN Smerton Burn Smirton Burn Smirton Burn Smirton Burn Smirton Burn John Milroy James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. John Milroy Mr. Robert Temple Mr. A. Davis 065 ; 070 A small stream which rises in the N. [North] base of Smerton Hill and runs into Kilfin Burn.-
OS1/3/6/1/3 FINE VIEW Fine View Fine View Fine View Fine View Fine View Mr. A. Davis James McIlwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. Robert Temple Mr. A. Davis 065 A cot house - The walls are lime and Stone, thatched roof, one storey high & in good repair. Situation. On the South part of this Plan about 2 miles South of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/3 [Page] 3 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 65 Parish of Ballantrae Situation. Smirton Burn - On the South Side of the Plan about 2 miles from Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/4 [Page] 4 Plan 65 D Trace No. 6 Parish of Ballantrae All entries are crossed out.
OS1/3/6/1/5 BIG PARK Big Park Big Park Big Park Big Park Big Park Big Park Bigpark Robert Wright James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr. Voters List Johnson's Co. [County] Map 065 A farm house with out offices attached built of lime and Stone, one storey high, and in good repair. The property of J. C. Moor, Corsewall. Situated about one mile south of the village of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/5 KNOCKENFINNICK Knockafinnick Knockenfinnick Knockenfinnick Knockenfinnick Knockenfinnick Robert Wright James McIlwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr. 065 Situated- about one Mile S.W. [South West] of the village of Ballantrae. A round green hill famous for the excellence of its herbage. The property of J.C. Moore Esqr. Corswall
OS1/3/6/1/5 [Page] 5 44 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/6 DOWNAN Doonan Downan Downan Downan Downan Downanpark Downan Robert Wright James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr. Johnson's Co. [County] Map Voters List 065 A farm house with out offices attached, built of lime and Stone, one Storey high and in good repair. The property of J. C. Moore Esqr. Corsewall
OS1/3/6/1/6 DRUMBOCHART Drumbochart Drumbochart Drumbochart Drumbochart Drumbochart Robert Wright James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A round arable hill under cultivation. The property of J. C. Moore Esqr. Corsewall. Situated about two miles S. W. of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/6 [Page] 6 Plan 65 16 Trace 4 5 Parish of Ballantrae Situation - Downan about 1½ Miles S.W. [South West] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/7 RIVER STINCHAR River Stinchar River Stinchar River Stinchar River Stinchar River Stinchar Stinchar River Stinchar Stinchar The Stinchar Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy Mr R. Temple George Guthrie Esqr. Johnson's Co. [County] Map Patersons Hist . [History] of Ayr Stat. Acct. [Statistucal Account] 1842 Ayrshire Streams 065 A large and rapid river which takes its rise in a Mountainous District in the E. [East] of Ayrshire and after a course of about thirty miles falls into the sea at the village of Ballantrae. This river is not navigable at any part.
OS1/3/6/1/7 [Page] 7 Sheet 65 - 16 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/8 BALLANTRAE BAY Copy Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Ballantrae Bay Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R. Temple George Guthrie Esqr. 065 An indentation of the sea coast - extending from Doonan point to Benane Head. -It has a low shingley beach, with occasional flat rocks, Anchorage bad, current Slight- average height of tide ten feet. Most prevalent winds from W. to S. W. [West to Southwest]
OS1/3/6/1/8 [Page] 8 65 - 16 - Trace 1-2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/9 BACK LOCH Back Loch Back Loch Back Loch Back Loch Back Loch Mr. Robert Wright James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr 065 A narrow Saltwater pool extending along parallel to and Separated from the Sea by a Narrow ridge or bank of Shingle. It has an opening to the North into the River Stinchar through which the tide flows into this pool at & Near high water.
OS1/3/6/1/9 [Page] 9 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 1 Parish of Ballantrae Situation- On the Sea Shore about 1 mile South of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/10 CRAIGBROOM Craigbroom Craigbroom Craigbroom Craigbroom Craigbroom Mr. Robert Wright James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Milroy Mr. Robert. Temple David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A round green hill which affords good pasture. The property of J.C. Moore Esqr. Corsewall. Situated- on the South edge of the Plan about 1½ miles South of Ballantrae.-
OS1/3/6/1/10 DOWNAN HILL Doonan Hill Downan Hill Downan Hill Downan Hill Dounan Hill Mr. Robert Wright James McIlwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple David Guthrie Esqr. Johnson's Co. [County] Map 065 A round green hill on which are a number of Small bare rocks appearing over the Surface. The property of J. C. Moore Esqr. Corsewall. Situated on the S. W. [South West] corner of the plan about 2 miles from Ballantrae.-
OS1/3/6/1/10 [Page] 10 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/11 KILN HOUSE Kiln House Kiln House Kiln House Kiln House Kiln House Robert Calderwood James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. R Temple Teacher David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A Cot house. The walls of which are built of lime and Stone; and the Roof thatched with straw. One story high and in good repair. On the property of J. C. Moore Corsewall. Situated abut ¾ mile South of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/11 FORD HOUSE Ford House Foard House Ford House Ford House Ford House Robert Calderwood James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. R Temple Teacher David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A cot house, on the property of J. C. Moore, Corsewall. It is built of lime and stone, thatch roof, one storey high and in tolerable repair. Situated about ¾ mile South of Ballantrae.
OS1/3/6/1/11 [Page] 11 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/12 NESSAN BRIDGE Nessin Bridge Nessan Bridge Nessan Bridge Nessan Bridge Nessan Bridge Robert Calderwood James Mc Ilwraith Esqr Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple Mr. A. Davis 065 [Situation] About ¾ mile South of Ballantrae. - A Small Stone bridge of one arch Spanning the Kilfin Burn - on the property of J. C. Moore, Corsewall, and in good repair.
OS1/3/6/1/12 HOLM PARK Home Park Holm Park Holm Park Holm Park Holm Park Holmpark Robert Calderwood James Mc Ilwraith Esqr Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Milroy Mr. R. Temple Mr. A. Davis Johnsons Co. [County] Map 065 [Situation] About ¾ mile South of Ballantrae . - A Cothouse, built of lime & Stone, one Storey high & in good repair - The property of J. C. Moore, Corsewall.
OS1/3/6/1/12 [Page] 12 P 65 16 Trace 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/13 COLLING MILL Colling Mill (Corn) Colling Mill Colling Mill Colling Mill Colling Mill Collingmill Robert Calderwood Mr. A. Davis James McIlwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R Temple Johnson's Co. [County] Map. 065 A Corn mill Substantially built. The property of Charles Mc Gibbin Esqr. Edinburgh. Built of line and stone three storeys high and in good repair. A farm steading attached in good repair. Situated on the east side of the Ballantrae and Ballachdoon road about 1½ miles from the former place.
OS1/3/6/1/13 DIKE SIDE Dike Side Dike Side Dike Side Dike Side Dyke Side Dikeside Robert Calderwood Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R Temple Johnson's Co. [County] Map. 065 A farm dwelling house with out offices attached built of lime and Stone, one Storey high and in good repair. The property of J.C. Moore Esqr. Corsewall.- Situated- Adjacent to & to the west of the Ballantrae & Ballochdoan Road about ½ mile from the former place
OS1/3/6/1/13 [Page] 13 Plan 65 16 Trace No. 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/14 GARLEFFIN STANDING STONES Girlaffin Standing Stones Garleffin Standingstone Garleffin Standingstone Garleffin Standingstone Garleffin Standingstone Mr. A. Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Milroy Mr. R. Temple Teacher David Guthrie Esqr. 065 A cluster of Uniq Remarkable stones, eight in number, five of which are Standing erect about five feet high, on an acreage. The remaining three are lying flat on the surface. Some suppose them to be Druidicial, but the irregularity of their possition would almost Contradict the belief. The old people of the Neighbourhood have a kind of tradition respecting these stones. They say that a great battle was fought here once, but by whom or at what time they do not know and that these stone were placed here to Mark the Spots where renowned Chieftains fell. They are a kind of hard whin stone peculiar to this Parish and of different Shapes. Situation - About ½ mile South of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/14 [Page] 14 Plan 65 16 Trace 2 Parish of Ballantrae "The 'gray stones of Garlaffin' on the opposite side of the "river to the old castle of Ardstinchar, are the only remains " of the Druids now traceable in the parish" Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr
OS1/3/6/1/15 GARLEFFIN WOOD Copy Girlaffin Wood Girlaffin Wood Garleffin Wood Garleffin Wood Garleffin Wood Mr. John Forth Mr. A, Davis James Mc Ilwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R. Temple 065 A long narrow mixed plantation
OS1/3/6/1/15 DOWNAN BURN Copy Doonon Burn Downan Burn Downan Burn Downan Burn Downan Burn Mr. Robert Wright James McIlwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R. Temple D. Guthrie Esq. 065 A small stream which collects from surface water and after a short course runs into the sea at Downan.
OS1/3/6/1/15 [Page] 15 Sheet 65-16 Trace 3-4 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/16 KILPHIN BURN Kilfin Burn Kilphan Burn Kilphin Burn Kilphin Burn Kilphin Burn Aron Stuart Mr. A. Davis James. Mc Ilwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. Robert Temple 065 See sheet 66-13 Trace 4
OS1/3/6/1/16 [Page] 16 Sheet 65-16 Trace 2-3-6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/17 [Page] 17 Blank page
OS1/3/6/1/18 HAW HILL Haw Hill Haw Hill Haw Hill Haw Hill Mr. John Milroy James. Mc Ilwraith Esq Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple 065 A small round arable Knoll nearly enclosed by woods and of which a narrow stripe Crosses near its center. On the Auchensrosh Estate and the property of the Earl of Orkney.-
OS1/3/6/1/18 LITTLE AUCHENCROSH (Site of) Little Auchencrosh Little Auchencrosh Little Auchencrosh Little Auchencrosh Little Auchencrosh Mr. J. Milroy James. Mc Ilwraith Esq Rev. J. Milroy Mr. Robert Temple Mr. A. Davis 065 The ruins of two houses formerly a farmstead. Nothing remains but a mere heap of rubbish on the site of each house. The rubbish has been removed and nothing remains to indicate the site WR
OS1/3/6/1/18 [Page] 18 Plan 65 -16 Trace No. 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/18 A note was made for this entry. Not to be inserted This page has been left since it had been transcribed
OS1/3/6/1/19 [Page] 19 Blank page
OS1/3/6/1/20 [Page] 20 Blank page
OS1/3/6/1/21 [Page] 21 Entry has been crossed out.
OS1/3/6/1/22 WATER OF APP Water of App Water of App Water of App Water of App Robert Thompson James Mc Ilwraith Robert. Temple John Milroy 070 A large and rapid stream formed by two Small Streams at the west base of Beneraird and flows through Glen App into Finnart Bay, Loch Ryan. Situation- Flows S.&W. [South & West] through the corner of the plan
OS1/3/6/1/22 EYES Eyes Eyes Eyes Eyes Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small arable enclosure in the North Side and near the head of Glen App. It appears to have been at one time under cultivation and now affords good pasture.- Situation - Southeast of Auchencrosh Hill.
OS1/3/6/1/22 [Page] 22 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Traces 6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/23 GLEN APP Glen App Glen App Glen App Glen App Glenapp Glen App Glenapp John Milroy James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnston's Co. [County] Map Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 070 A steep and narrow glen extending in a Southwesterly direction from Beneraird to Finnart Bay, Loch Ryan, in length about five miles. The bottom of this valley, on an average is not more than ten chains wide, is pretty fertile: yielding good Crops (of wheat, oats, barley), and its sides which are partly wooded, good mountain pasture.- Situation - I the S.E. [South East] Corner of plan
OS1/3/6/1/23 [Page] 23 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Trace No. 1 , 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/24 AUCHENCROSH Auchancrosh Auchencrosh Auchencrosh Auchencrosh Auchencross Arun Stuart James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A farm house with out offices. The property of the Earl of Orkney, built of lime and stone one storey high, and in a good State of repair. Situation- In the N.W. [North West] Corner of the plan & about 3 Chains South of Auchencrosh Cottage .
OS1/3/6/1/24 [Page] 24 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Trace1 Parish of Ballantrae Celtic, - and Signifies The field of the Crops [W McRae]
OS1/3/6/1/25 [Page] 25 Blank page
OS1/3/6/1/26 AUCHENCROSH COTTAGE Auchencrosh Cottage Auchencrosh i.e. The field of the cross Originall - Achauna- croiss Auchencrosh Cottage Auchencrosh Cottage G. B Wallace Niel Macdonald Stephen Walker D McKie 070 A finely situated seat of the Earl of Orkney nearly two miles S. E. [South East] of the village of Ballantrae. It is two storeys high, and profusely turreted, otherwise plain. Situation - In the N.W. [North West] Corner of the plan about 3 chains N. [North] of Auchencrosh farmhouse.
OS1/3/6/1/26 [Page] 26 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Trace 1 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/27 AUCHENCROSH BURN Auchancrosh Burn Auchencrosh Burn Auchencrosh Burn Auchencrosh Burn Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Mr Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy 070 A small stream which rises on the W. [West] base of Auchencrosh hill and runs into Smirton Burn near Auchencrosh [Lodge]. Situation - Rises in the west base of Auchencrosh Hill & flows N.W. [North West] through the plan.
OS1/3/6/1/27 KILPHIN WOOD Kilpin Wood Kilphin Wood Kilphin Wood Kilphin Wood Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Mr. R. Temple 070 A long narrow wood, composed principally of fir, situated on the S. [S. South] side of the road leading from Comonell to Stranraer Situation- at the N. [North] of the plan & N.E. [North East] of Smirton Burn
OS1/3/6/1/27 KILANTRINGAN BURN Kilantringan Burn Kilantringan Burn Kilantringan Burn Kilantringan Burn Rev.[Reverend] John Milroy Mr. John Milroy Mr. R. Temple James McIlraith Esq. 070 A small stream which collects from surface water, and after a short course runs into Kilantringan Loch.
OS1/3/6/1/27 [Page] 27 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Traces 1-4-5 -2 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/28 SMIRTON HILL Smeiton Hill Smirton Hill Smirton Hill Smirton Hill Smyrton Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A large rocky - heathy hill. Situation- extends along the East of plan as far South as Auchencrosh Hill & Glen App
OS1/3/6/1/28 LEANA BURN Leana Burn 070 See Sheet 70- Plan 2 - A small stream which collects from [ Moss ?] or Surface Water in the West base of Beneraird and runs into the Water of App. Situated - Southeast and N. [North] of plan and falls into the W. [Water] of App
OS1/3/6/1/28 SMIRTON BURN Smerton Burn Smirton Burn Smirton Burn Smirton Burn Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy 065 ; 070 A small stream which collects from surface water on the W. [West] base of Smirton Hill and runs into Smirton Burn near Smirton.
OS1/3/6/1/28 [Page] 28 70 1- Traces 1-2-3-6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/29 AUCHENCROSH HILL Auchancrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill John Milroy James McIlraith. Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A large rocky heathy hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. This hill rises to a considerable height and commands a most extensive range of view.- Situation- Extends along the South end of the plan
OS1/3/6/1/29 [Page] 29 Sheet 79 Plan 1 & 4 Traces 4-5-6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/30 BENAWHIRN Benawhirn Benawhirn Benawhirn Benewhirn John Milroy James Mcilraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A round rocky knoll on the est end of Auchancrosh Hill. Situation- West of Smirton Hill & North of Auchencrosh Hill
OS1/3/6/1/30 [Page] 30 Sheet 70 Plan 1 Traces 5-6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae Signifying the Hill of the Cairn From the gaelic Beinn a hill and Carne a Cairn pronounce a whuìrn Béìnn à whìùrn William McRae
OS1/3/6/1/31 [Page] 31 the entry on this page has been scored through.
OS1/3/6/1/32 LEANA BURN Leana Burn Leana Burn Leana Burn Leana Burn Robert Thompsn James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small stream which collects from moss and surface water in the west base of Beneraird and runs into the Water of App. Situation - Flows West through tp S.W. [south West ] corner of the plan
OS1/3/6/1/32 BALLOCHLANT Ballochlant Ballochlant Ballochlant Ballochlant Robert Thompsn James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A flat moss lying between Beneraird and Smirton Hill, at the head of Glen App. Situation- In Southwest of plan, west of Beneraird & South of Smirton Hill
OS1/3/6/1/32 [Page] 32 Plan 70 2 Trace 1-2-4 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/33 MILLMORE Millmore Millmore Millmore Millmore Rodrick Gorden James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 This is a large hill on which is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station. It is covered with a deep coat of Peat Moss. It commands an extensive range of view. Situation- In the North East corner of the plan.
OS1/3/6/1/33 DUNNACK BURN Donach Burn Dunnack Burn Donack Burn Donach Burn Dunnach Burn Dunnach Burn Roderick Gorden James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy John F. Gray Esq Rev. [Reverend] William Dill 070 A small but rapid stream formed by Several Small Streams between Benaw and Millmore, and runs into the Water of Tig. Situation- flows through the Northeast Corner of the plan.
OS1/3/6/1/33 [Page] 33 Plan 70 2 Trace 3- [Page 13 in pencil] Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/34 [Page] 34 Blank page with cross out Endorsed " should not be inserted " WMcR
OS1/3/6/1/35 GLEN APP Glen App Glen App Glen App Glen App Glenapp Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple Johnstons County Map 070 A steep place extending in a sou-westerly direction from Beneraird to Finnart Bay and Loch Ryan, in length about five miles. The bottom of the glen is fertile and on an average not more than 600 feet wide. Its sides are partly wooded and afford good mountain pasture. Situation- In the Southwest of plan, West of Balochlant
OS1/3/6/1/35 WATER OF APP Water of App Water of App Water of App Water of App Robert Thompson James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A large and rapid stream formed by two small steams on the N. [North] base of Beneraird. It flows through Glen App and falls into Finnart Bay Loch Ryan. Situation- Flows through Glen App
OS1/3/6/1/35 [Page] 35 Sheet 70 2 Trace 4 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/36 PINTASSAN Copy Pintassan Pintassan Pintassan Pintassan Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A high Knoll on the S.E. [South East] side of Smerton Hill, partly arable and partly rocky heathy.
OS1/3/6/1/36 BIG FELL [Balrazie] Copy Big Fell Big Fell Big Fell Big Fell James McIlraith Esq. John Milroy Esq. Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy 070 A high prominent rocky heathy pasture hill. It is seven or eight hundred feet in height. It is the W. [West] end of a range which has no particular name of which it is the highest hill. Situation - At the North of Plan & N.E [North East] of Yellow Mire
OS1/3/6/1/36 YELLOW MIRE Yellow Mire Yellow Mire Yellow Mire Yellow Mire Aron Stuart James McIlraith Esq. Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A low flat patchy moorland. In the winder season it is very soft. Situation - Near the North of plan & S.W. [South West] of Balrazzie Big Fell
OS1/3/6/1/36 [Page] 36 Sheet 70 - 2 Trace 1-2 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/37 BENAWHIRTER Bennawhirter Bennawhirter Bennawhirter Bennawhirter Bennawhirter Aron Stuart James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 This is a round pasture hill over which passes the road form Ballantrae to Strabrachen. The east side of this hill is steep and the decent abrupt. Situation - Near the N.W. [North West] pf plan & N.E. [North East] of Smirton Hill
OS1/3/6/1/37 [Page] 37 Trace No. 2 Plan 70 -2 Trace 1 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/38 SMIRTON HILL Smerton Hill Smirton Hill Smirton Hill Smirton Hill Aron Stuart James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A large rocky heathy hill on which is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station. It rises to a considerable height and commands a most extensive view on a clear day.- Situation- In the West of plan & North West of Ballochlant
OS1/3/6/1/38 CRAILOCH BURN Cralloch Burn Crailoch Burn Crailoch Burn Crailoch Burn Aron Stuart James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small but rapid stream which Collects from Surface water on the North Side of Beneraird and runs into the Stinchar near Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/38 [Page] 38 Plan 70 2 Traces 1-2 -4 [Page 9 in pencil] Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae Crailoch - flows due N. [North] through the plan. Authority for Orthography Aron Stuart -- Shepherd James McIlraith -- Magistrate Robert Temple -- Schoolmaster John Milroy -- Minister
OS1/3/6/1/39 BENERAIRD Beneraird 070 Situation - in the Centre and South if plan See Sheet 70 - 3
OS1/3/6/1/39 NICK OF THE LIBERTY Nick of the Liberty 070 Situation - In the south East of plan & West of Kilmoray Sheet 70 - 3
OS1/3/6/1/39 KIILMORAY Kilmoray 070 Situation - In the Southwest corner of plan South of Benaw & East of Nock of the Liberty See Sheet 70 -3
OS1/3/6/1/39 [Page] 39 Sheet 70 -2 Traces 2-3-5-6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae See sheet 70-3
OS1/3/6/1/40 BENAW Copy Benaw Benaw Benaw Benaw Benawhill Mr. Andrew Wright James McIlraith Esq. Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A large mossy hill situated one mile E. [East] of Beneraird. It reaches a considerable elevation. Situation- Southeast Corner of plan & North of Kilmoray
OS1/3/6/1/40 ALTIMEAN GLEN Altimean Glen Altimean Glen Altimean Glen J. McIlraith Esq. Mr. R temple W. McMorrow 070 A small rocky feature the property of J. McIlraith and H. Onslow Esq. the stream which flows through the glen forming the boundary between the properties.
OS1/3/6/1/40 [Page] 40 Sheet 70 - 2 Trace 6 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/41 NICK OF THE LIBERTY Neck of the Liberty Nick of the Liberty Nick of the Liberty Nick of the Liberty Andrew Wright James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 This is a flat patch of moss between Beneraird and Benaw. It is said that the Rev. [Reverend] Alexander Peden the celebrated Minister at the time of the Covenanters preached here on Several occasions. Situation - In the South West corner of the plan
OS1/3/6/1/41 STRAWARREN FELL Strawarren Fell James McIlraith Esq. Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore 070 A middling sized Heathy pasture Hill, with a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on its summit. The property of H. H. Onslow Esqr. Situation - In the N.E. [North East] of the plan.
OS1/3/6/1/41 [Page] 41 Sheet 70 Plan 3 Trace 3 & 4 Plan 70 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/42 KILMORAY Kilmurray Kilmoray Kilmoray Kilmoray Robert Thompson James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 This is a round knoll situated on the west side of Benaw. There is a circular heap of stones, or ancient Cairn on it. Situation - East of the Nick of the Liberty
OS1/3/6/1/42 [Page] 42 Sheet 70 Plan 3 Trace 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/43 BENAW Benaw Benaw Benaw Beniaw James McIlraith Esqr.Auchenflower by Ballantrae Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore Barrhill William Mc Culloch Esqr. Glendusk 070 A large prominent Mossy pasture hill about 1000 feet high with Regular Sloping Sides from its base to its Summit. Composed of deep peat Moss its surface is much broken on the east side it forms a range with Beneraird but is not so high. The property of Henry Hughes Onslow Esq. Altonalbany Barr.- Situation - at the South east end of the parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/43 CROSS WATER OF LUCE Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce James McIlraith Esq. William Dill Colmonell William Moore Barrhill - William Mc Culloch Esq. Glendusk 011 A stream flowing from the east base of Benaw in a southerly direction till it forms the Water of Luce in Wigtonshire - it divides Ballantrae from Colmonell, thence it becomes the boundary between Wigton and Ayr at which place it becomes a rapid stream or rather river. Thomas O'Farrell ca [civilian assistant] 29th July 1854
OS1/3/6/1/43 [Page] 43 Sheet 70 Plan 3 B Trace No. 4,5, 6 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/44 MILLMORE Millmore Millmore Millmore Millmore James McIlraith Esqr Auchenflower Revd. [Reverend] William Dill - Colmonell - Revd. [Reverend] William Moore - Barhill - William McCulloch Esqr. Glendusk 070 [Situation] About 1½ Miles North of Benaw. A prominent mossy pasture hill Nearly round and between 800 and 900 feet high there is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit it slopes regular from the top to the base the property of Henry Hughes Onslow Esqr Altonalbany Barr -
OS1/3/6/1/44 ROBINS WARD Robin's Ward Robins Ward Robins Ward Robins Ward James McIlraith Esqr Auchenflower Revd. [Reverend] William Dill Revd. [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esq. Glendusk 070 [Situation] about ½ a Mile from the top of Benaw A small hollow at the North east base of Benaw from which flows two streams and apparently has been enclosed in olden times a part of the old Fence Still remains there was some 30 years ago an annual Market held here for the whole of this district but now discontinued it is on the property of Henry Hughes Onslow Esqr. Altonalbany Barr -
OS1/3/6/1/44 [Page] 44 Sheet 70 Plan 3 B Trace No. 1 -- Ballantrae Parish Page 2 [signed] Thomas O'Farrell [--]
OS1/3/6/1/45 [Page] 45 All entries on this page have been crossed out.
OS1/3/6/1/46 CRAIG AN HUIRRY Craig an Huirry Craig an Huirry Craig an Huirry Craig an Huirry James McIlraith Esqr. Auchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore Barhill William McCulloch Esqr. Glendusk 070 A Small nearly Round mossy pasture hill between Benaw and Strawarren Fell it affords tolerable good pasture for sheep. Its Surface is rather broken. The property of Henry Hughes Onslow Esqr. Altonalbany Barr. Situation - bout 1½ Mile North of Arecleoch Farm house
OS1/3/6/1/46 WATER OF TIG Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig Water of Tig James McIlraith Esqr. Auchenflower William Dill William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A rapid Mountain Stream flowing from the Range of hills Connected with Benaw and from the North Side of Strawarren Fell in a northerly direction for about 40 chains then takes an easterly turn for about a Mile then in Northerly direction again becoming the boundary between Ballantrae and Colmonell till at length it joins the Stinchar. Thomas O'Farrell ca [civilian assistant]
OS1/3/6/1/46 [Page] 46 Sheet 70 Plan 3 B Trace No. 2 Ballantrae Parish [Page] 4 Signifying the hill of tears, or sorrow. W. McRae Water of Tig - At the East base of Benaw & Millmore
OS1/3/6/1/47 DUNNACK BURN Dunnack Burn Dunnack Burn Dunnack Burn Donnack Burn Donnack Burn James McIlraith Esqr John F Gray Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Mr. R. Temple Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy 070 A rapid stream flowing form the N. E. [North East] base of Benaw, And falling into the Tig at the N. E. [North East] Base of [Barhallan] Hill.
OS1/3/6/1/47 [Page] 47 Sheet 70 Plan 3 Traces 1 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/48 [Page] 48 Blank page.
OS1/3/6/1/49 [Page] 49 Blank page.
OS1/3/6/1/50 CROSS WATER OF LUCE Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A stream flowing form the East base of Benaw, in a southerly direction, till it Joins the Water of Luce in Wigtonshire. It forms part of the boundary between the parishes of Colmonell and Ballantrae. Situation - Flows S.E. [South East] through the South west Corner of plan.
OS1/3/6/1/50 DRUMACORRA BURN Drumacorra Burn Drumacorra Burn Drumacorra Burn Drumacorra Burn James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A small stream flowing from the south base of Strawarren Fell, and emptying itself into the Cross Wate of Luce. Situation - Flows in a South Easternly direction through the plan.
OS1/3/6/1/50 [Page] 50 Sheet 70 Plan 4 Traces 4 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/51 STRAWARREN FELL Strawarren Fell Strawarren Fell Strawarren Fell Strawarren Fell James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070.4 A low prominent Mossy and Rocky heathy Pasture hill, on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station, property of H. H. Onslow Esqr. situation - In the North West corner of plan
OS1/3/6/1/51 SUTHERLAND KNOWE Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esqr. 070.4 A small round arable knowe on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. Also on its summit is the remains of an Ancient cairn, about 6 yards in diamiter. The stones have been taken to build fences. All that now remain are 4; one at each end and one at each side of what appears to have been a grave. About which Tradition is silent, and the people in the locality cannot tell any thing of it. Property of H. H. Onslow Esqr. Situation - near the south West corner of plan & about a chains East of Cross Water of Luce
OS1/3/6/1/51 [Page] 51 Sheet 70 Plan 4 Traces 1 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae Below Sutherland Knowe are the words Cairn (Remains of)
OS1/3/6/1/52 WEE FELL Wee Fell Wee Fell Wee Fell Wee Fell James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A round heathy and Mossy Pasture hill on the summit of which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. Property of H.H. Onslow Esqr. On this hill there is also an Ancient Cairn. Situation- in the Centre of plan.
OS1/3/6/1/52 DRUMACORRA Drumacorra Drumacorra Drumacorra Drumacorra James McIlraith Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A low range, or Ridge of Mossy Pasture hill, the property of H. H. Onslow Situation - at the South end of plan & about 4½ Chins E. [East] of Drumacorra Burn.
OS1/3/6/1/52 [Page] 52 Sheet 70 Plan 4 Traces 2, 3. 5 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/53 KNOCKYTOLL Knockytoll Knockytoll Knockytoll Knockytoll Mr. James Mc Cracken James Mc Cracken Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy Mr. R. Temple 070 A round hill on the N. W. [North West] side of Glen App. Partly wooded. Knockytoll Lodge stands on the top of the hill. Property of the Earl of Orkney.- Situation-In the S.W. [South West] Corner of the Plan.
OS1/3/6/1/53 [Page] 53 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/54 GLEN APP Glen App Glen App Glen App Glen App Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr. Mr R. Temple Mr John Milroy 070 A steep and Narrow glen extending in a Southwesterly direction from Beneraird to Finnart Bay Lock Ryan, in length about five miles. The bottom of the plain is on an average not more than 700 feet in width. Yields good crops - and its sides, which are partly wooded, good mountain pasture. Situation- Extends from S.W. [South West] to N.E. [North East] Corner of Plan.
OS1/3/6/1/54 WATER OF APP Water of App 070 A large and rapid stream formed by the confluence of two small streams at the W.[West] base of Beneraird, flows through Glen App and falls into Finnart Bay Loch Ryan Situation- from N.E. [North East] to S.W. [South West] of plan.
OS1/3/6/1/54 [Page] 54 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 2, 3, 4 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/55 AUCHENCROSH HILL Auchencrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill Auchencrosh Hill John Milroy John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple 070 A large Rocky Heathy hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. This hill rises to a considerable height and commands a most extensive range of view. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation- In the North tract of the Plan.
OS1/3/6/1/55 CRAIGIE FELL Craigie Fell Craigie Fell Craigie Fell Craigie Fell John Milroy John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple 070 A round rocky Knowe on the east end of Auchencrosh Hill. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - Near the N. [North] of the Plan
OS1/3/6/1/55 [Page] 55 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 1, 2 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/56 EYES Eyes Eyes Eyes Eyes Robert Thomson James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small arable enclosure on the north side, and near the head of Glen App. It appears to have been at one time under Cultivation. It now affords good pasture. The property of the Earl of Orkney. In the N.E. [North East] of Plan
OS1/3/6/1/56 [Page] 56 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Trace 3 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/57 STEPAULDBAIRN Stepaulbairn Stepaulbairn Stepaulbairn Stepaulbairn Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A steep brow between Altiigabert Burn and Water of App near to where the former falls into the latter. The property of the Earl of Orkney.
OS1/3/6/1/57 BENAMUINIE Bennamunni Benamunie Benamuinie Benamuinie Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A round rocky knoll on the top of Auchancrosh Hill adjacent to and west of Craigie Fell. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation- Between Benariskie and Craigie Fells.
OS1/3/6/1/57 [Page] 57 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 1 & 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/58 BENARISKIE Bennariskie Benariskie Benariskie Benariskie Robert Thompson James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A round rocky knoll on the west side of Auchancrosh Hill, between Bennahaur and Bennamunnie. The property of the Earl of Orkney.
OS1/3/6/1/58 BENAHAUR Bennahaur Benahaur Benahaur Benahaur John Milroy James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A round rocky knoll on the west side of Auchancrosh Hill adjacent to and West of the public road. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - S.w. [South West] of Benariskie
OS1/3/6/1/58 [Page] 58 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 1 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/59 ALTIGABERT BURN Altigabert Burn Altigabert Burn Altigabert Burn Altigabert Burn Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A Small but rapid Stream formed by two Small Streams which Collect from Moss or Surface water between Milljoan and Benyaw. This stream flows through Altigabert Glen into the Water of App. Situation - Near the Centre of Plan
OS1/3/6/1/59 [Page] 59 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 2 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae Altikellie Burn has been crossed out with a notation that it had been copied.
OS1/3/6/1/60 TUN GLEN Tun Glen Tun Glen Tun Glen Tun Glen Mr. Robert Thompson James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 A narrow steep glen between Milljoan and Altimeg Hills. Tun Glen Burn flows through it into the Water of App. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation- Southwest of Milljoan & S.E. [South East] of Glen App
OS1/3/6/1/60 TUN GLEN BURN Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn Mr. Robert Thompson James McIlraith Esqr. Mr. R. Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 A small and rapid stream which collects from surface water between Altimeg and Milljoan Hills and flows through Tun Glen into the Water of App. The property of the Earl of Orkney.
OS1/3/6/1/60 [Page] 60 Sheet 70 - 5 Trace 4 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/61 ALTIGABERT GLEN Altigabert Glen Altigabert Glen Altigabert Glen Altigabert Glen Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A Steep and narrow Glen through which flows a Small Stream called Altigabert Burn. The property of the Earl of Orkney.
OS1/3/6/1/61 BENYAW Benyaw Benyaw Benyaw Benyaw Robert Thompson James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A large hill on the South Side of Glen App partly Moss and partly heathy pasture. Situated adjacent to and west of Leana Hill. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situated - In the North East of Plan.
OS1/3/6/1/61 [Page] 61 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 2,3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae Altigabert appears to be derived from the gaelic words Ault a river and Ciber, pronounced Giber a Shepherd. The Shepherds river.
OS1/3/6/1/62 MILLJOAN HILL Milljoan Hill Milljoan Hill Milljohn Miljoan Milljoan Hill Mul Joan Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Rev. [Reverend] James Blair Johhstons Co. [County] Map 070 A large hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. Situated on the South Side of Glen App, and Commands an extensive view on a clear day. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - Extends along the South South- East of plan
OS1/3/6/1/62 CRAIG Craig Craig Craig Craig Robert Thompson James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A Shepherd's house Situated in the north side of Glen App. Built of lime and stone, one Story high & in a tolerable State of repair. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - Between Auchencrosh Hill & water of App, about 1 Chain from the former & 7 chains from the latter place.
OS1/3/6/1/62 [Page] 62 Sheet 70 Plan 5 Traces 4, 5 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/63 LEANA HILL Leana Hill Leana Hill Leana Hill Leana Hill Mr. Robert Thompson James McIlraith Esq. Robert Temple Teacher John Milroy Minister 070 A large hill on the South side of Lena Burn, it is partly moss and partly heathy pasture. It rises to a great height and commands an extensive range of View. The property of the Earl of Orkney and Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - In the west end of plan
OS1/3/6/1/63 [Page] 63 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 1 & 2 Parish of Ballantrae Section for Goodman's Cairn is crossed out. Cancelled - No such object being now on the ground.
OS1/3/6/1/64 BACK STEP (Ford) Back Step Back Step Back Step Back Step Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A Kind of ford where the old road from Ballantrae to Strabracken crosses Laggie Burn between Pildinny and Leana Hill Situation - On the east Bank of Laggie Burn
OS1/3/6/1/64 FORE STEP (Ford) Fore Step Fore Step Fore Step Fore Step Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 This is a ford where the old road from Ballantrae to Strabraken Crosses Leana Burn about one half mile North of Back Step. Situation - On the North bank of Leana Burn
OS1/3/6/1/64 [Page] 64 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 1 & 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/65 PILDINNY Pildinny Pildinny Pildinny Pildinny Palldinnie Hill Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A large hill on the Summit of which is Goodmans Cairn (See Page 55). It rises to a great height and consequently commands an extensive view. The property of Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - in the Centre of plan.
OS1/3/6/1/65 [Page] 65 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 2, 3, 5 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/66 BLACK GLEN Black Glen Black Glen Black Glen Black Glen Andrew Wright James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A steep narrow glen between Beneraird and Pildinny. A Small Stream which rises in the South Side of Beneraird, flows through this valley into Main Water of Luce
OS1/3/6/1/66 GOODMAN'S CAIRN Goodman's Cairn Goodman's Cairn Goodman's Cairn James Mc Ilwraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy Ballantrae Mr. R Temple 070 At present a mere heap of stones, it having been destroyed and the greater part of the stones removed for the purpose of building fences: It was erected to mark the place where a man was found "dead". A traveller supposed to have wandered on these hills and being worn out with fatigue lay down and died. It is designated Goodman's Cairn.
OS1/3/6/1/66 BLACK GLEN BURN Black Glen Burn Black Glen Burn Black Glen Burn Black Glen Burn Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small stream which rises or Collects from Surface water at the South Side of Beneraird, and flows through Black Glen, from which it takes its name, into Main Water of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/66 [Page] 66 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/67 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 ; 074 A large and rapid Stream which takes its rise form Moss and Surface water at the east base of Beneraird and after a course of about 20 miles falls into the Bay of Luce. Situation - Flows Southward through the east pf plan from N. to S. [North to South]
OS1/3/6/1/67 [Page] 67 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/68 BENERAIRD Beneraird Beneraird Beneraird Beneraird Beinerard Beinerard Andrew Wright James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy Johnstons Co. [County] Map Patersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Stat. acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 070 A large hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. Situated at the head of Glen App. It Commands a most extensive range of view: a Considerable part of Wigtonshire, Isle of Man, part of the Irish Coast, Canlyre, Isles of Arran and Bute, and most of the Ayrshire Coast, can be Seen form this on a clear day. The surface of this hill is perfectly smooth, a deep coat of peat Moss. The property of Robert McIlraith Esqr. Situation- Near the N.E. [North East Corner of the plan, between Black Glen & Main Water of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/68 LEANA BURN Leana Burn Leana Burn Leana Burn Leana Burn Robert Thompson James McIlraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small stream, which collects from Moss or surface Water, on the West Base of Beneraird, And runs into the Water of App.
OS1/3/6/1/68 [Page] 68 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Trace 2, 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/69 LAGGIE BURN Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Andrew Wright James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small but rapid Stream which collects from Moss or Surface water between Pildinny and Lean Hill and runs into Main Water of Luce adjacent to Strabracken. Situation- Collects near the Centre of plan
OS1/3/6/1/69 ASKINMIMUDDY BURN Askinmimuddy Askinmimuddy Askinmimuddy Askinmimuddy Andrew Wright James Mc Ilwraith Robert Temple John Milroy 070 A small stream which Collects from Surface or Moss water in the east side of the Milljoan Hill and runs into Laggie Burn adjacent to Laggafater Lodge Situation - Flows Southeast through the S.W. [South West] corner of plan
OS1/3/6/1/69 [Page] 69 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Traces 2, 4 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae Authority for Orthography Andrew Wright Shepherd James McIlwraith Magistrate Robert Temple Schoolmaster John Milroy Minister
OS1/3/6/1/70 MILLCROON Millcrin Millcroon Millcryne Millcroon Millcroon Millcroon Andrew Wright James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Milroy John Stevenson Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A round high hill partly Moss and partly heathy pasture situated between Milljoan and Leana Hill. It has an abrupt ascent on the South and west Sides and rises to a considerable height. The property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - In the South of plan & South of Leana Hill
OS1/3/6/1/70 [Page] 70 Sheet 70 Plan 6 Trace 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/70 Howe of Askinminuddy - Has been crossed out with a note: Not of sufficient importance to be inserted on the Plan.
OS1/3/6/1/71 PALHATCHIE BURN Palhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Andrew Wright Mr. R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Rev [Reverend] J. Milroy H. H Onslow Esqr. 070 A small but rapid Stream which takes its rise from or is formed by three Small Streams which collect from Surface water. For about a mile it joins the County boundary immediately before its Confluence with the Main Water of Luce. Situation - Flows through the west side of the plan about one mile west of Ardnamoil
OS1/3/6/1/71 MULL BURN Moil Burn Mull Burn Mull Burn Mull Burn James McIlraith Esqr. Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A small but rapid mountain stream, flowing from the East Base of Benuaw, and empties itself into the Cross Water of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/71 [Page] 71 Sheet 70 Plan 7 Trace 2, 3 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/72 LINDEES BURN Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Mr. W. Shaw Mr. R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Rev [Reverend] J. Milroy H. H. Onslow Esqr. 070 A Small Stream which is formed from Surface Water and runs into Main Water. Its motion is Slow, running through flat moorland. Situation - On the S.E. [South East] Corner of the Plan about ½ Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Ardnamoil
OS1/3/6/1/72 [Page] 72 Sheet 70 Plan 7 Trace 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/73 BENAW Benaw Benaw Benaw Benaw Beniaw James McIlraith Esqr Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A large prominent mossy pasture hill, with regular sloping sides, about 1000 feet high, with a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on its summit. The property of H. H Onslow and Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - Extend along the North of plan
OS1/3/6/1/73 DRUMBOWIE RIG Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig James McIlraith Esqr Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esqr. 070 A high and prominent Mossy pasture hill, on the summit of which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. It forms a range with Benaw and Beneraird, and is between 900 and 1000 feet high. The property of H. H. Onslow and Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation- Lies South of Benaw .
OS1/3/6/1/73 [Page] 73 Sheet 70 Plan 7 Traces 1,2, 3, 4 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/74 FOREIGN WELL Foreign Well Foreign Well Foreign Well Andrew Wright William Gracie William Mc Culloch 070 An excellent spring well on Drumbowie Rig. On the Boundary of the Properties of H. H. Onslow and Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - Near the South of the plan. Situation -
OS1/3/6/1/74 BENNAN HILL Bennan Hill Bennan Hill Bennan Hill Bennan Hill William Shaw Roger Gordon Mr M Morran Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A small feature forming part of the North end of Drumbowie Rig. Property of H. H. Onslow and Robert Stewart Esqr.
OS1/3/6/1/74 [Page] 74 Sheet 70 Plan 7 Trace 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/75 SUTHERLAND KNOWE Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe Sutherland Knowe James McIlraith Esq. Auchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore Barrhill William Mc Culloch Esq. Glendusk 070 A small round Knowe on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station, composed of Tolerable good arable land. On the summit of which is the site of a Cairn about 5 yards in diameter, the Stones have been partly taken away to build the adjacent walls. It is now level with the surface but still the [line] appears quite visible. In its center appears the remains of a grave with a layer misshapen stone at each end about 2½ feet high with a row of stones placed edge ways connecting each layer thus (small drawing of the shape). It would appear that either a man of the name of Sutherland or a man from that Shire was either killed or buried here. It is on the property of Henry Hughes Onslow Alton Albany Barr. Tradition is Silent as regards Grave or Cairn. Situation - adjacent to Arecleoch farm House Thomas O' Farrell 29th July 1854.
OS1/3/6/1/75 [Page] 75 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Trace 1 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/76 DRUMACORRA BURN Drummacorra Burn Drummacorra Burn Drummacorra Burn Drummacorra Burn James McIlraith Esq. Auchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Barrhill McCulloch Esq. A Small Stream flowing from the South base of Strawarren Fell in a southerly direction till it joins the Water of Luce south of Arecleoch and along the west base of Drumacorra. Situation - East of Arecleoch Farm house
OS1/3/6/1/76 ARECLEOCH Arechleoch Aimecheoch? Arecleoch Aireclaich Arickleoch James McIlraith Esq. Auchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William Mc Culloch Esq. Johnston's Co. County Maps 070 A small farm house one Story high Slated and in good repair with a Suitable Steading attached to which is a small portion of bad arable land and a large extent of Moor which affords tolerable pasture for Sheep. There is neither road nor foot path to this house. The property of Henry Hughes Onslow Esq. Alton Albany Park Barr. Situation- At the S.E. [South East] Margin of the Parish of Ballantrae Thomas O'Farrell ca [civilian assistant] 29th July 1854 82
OS1/3/6/1/76 [Page] 76 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Trace 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/77 PARK HILL Park Hill Park Hill Park Hill Park Hill James McIlraith Esq. Anchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore Barrhill William Mc Culloch Esqr Glendusk 070 A small round low hill on the Summit of which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station it affords Tolerable good Mossy and Rocky Heathy pasture for Sheep and Cattle in the Summer Season. The property of Henry Hughes Onslow Altonalbany Barr Situation - South of Arecleoch House
OS1/3/6/1/77 SMALL BURN Small Burn Small Burn Small Burn Small Burn James McIlraith Esq. Anchenflower Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Colmonell Rev. [Reverend] William Moore Banhill William McCulloch Esqr Glendusk 070 A small stream flowing along the South base of Park Hill in an easterly direction till it joins the Cross Water of Luce a little South of Small Burn Situation - South of Arecleoch Farmhouse Thomas O'Farrell ca [civilian assistant] 29th. July 1854
OS1/3/6/1/77 [Page] 77 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Traces 4 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/78 LINDEES BURN Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Lindees Burn Mr. W. Shaw Mr. R. Temple James McIlraith Esq. H. H. Onslow Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy 070 A small stream formed from Surface water, flows through flat moorland, and falls into the Main Water of Luce. Thomas O' Farrell ca [civilian assistant] 29th July 1854
OS1/3/6/1/78 [Page] 78 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Trace 6 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/79 DRUMACORRA Drumacorra Drumacorra Drumacorra Drumacorra Drumacorra James McIlraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esq. 070 A low Range or Ridge of Mossy Pasture Hill. On the South Side of Wee Fell. The property of the Trustees of the late Sir William Fettes. Situation - At the North of plan East of Drumacorra Burn.
OS1/3/6/1/79 MULL BURN Moil Burn Moil Burn Mull Burn Mull Burn James McIlraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] William Dill Rev. [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esq. 070 A small but Rapid Stream rising on the East of Benaw and emptying itself in the the Cross Water of Luce. Situation - Flows Eastward through the plan and joins Cross Water of Luce near the centre of plan
OS1/3/6/1/79 PEAT HILL Peat Hill Peat Hill Peat Hill William Shaw Roger Gordon Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A small feature on the farm of Arecleoch. The propery of H. Onlsow Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/79 [Page] 79 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Traces 1, 2, 4 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/80 CROSS WATER OF LUCE Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce James McIlraith Esq. Rev [Reverend] William Dill Rev [Reverend] William Moore William McCulloch Esq. 70 A stream flowing from the East base of Benaw, in a southerly direction till it joins the Water of Luce in Wigtonshire. It forms part of the boundary between the Parishes of Colmonell and Ballantrae. Situation - Flows in a S.S.E. [South South East] direction through the plan .
OS1/3/6/1/80 [Page] 80 Sheet 70 Plan 8 Traces 1-2-3 & 5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/81 MILLJOAN HILL Milljone Hill Milljoan Hill Milljoan Hill Milljohin Hill Milljohn Hill James McCrackan James McIlwraith John Milroy Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] James Blair 070 This is a large hill on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. Situated on the east side and immediately over Glen App. It commands an extensive Range of views. The Isles of Arran & Bute, Cantyre, part of the [west coast],and a considerable portion of the Shires of Ayr & Wigton. Property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - On the northern margin of the plan , 120 chains E. [East] of Carlock hill and north of Altimeg hill-
OS1/3/6/1/81 TUN GLEN BURN Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn Tun Glen Burn James McCrachan James Mc Ilwraith John Milroy Robert Temple 070 A Small Stream which collects or is rather formed by two Streams which Collect from Surface water and runs into the Water of App, dividing in its Course Altimeg Hill from Milljoan Hill. Situation - In the north western Section of the plan at the western base of Miljoan Hill-
OS1/3/6/1/81 [Page] 81 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 2 & 3 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/82 TUN GLEN Tun Glen Tun Glen Tun Glen Tun Glen James McCrackan James McIlwraith John Milroy Robert Temple 070 A Small glen, very Steep on each Side, through which flows Tun Glen Burn, between Atlimeg Hill and Milljone Hill. Property of the Earl of Orkney. Situation - In the north western Section of the plan, at the western base of Milljoan hill
OS1/3/6/1/82 BIRCH WOOD Birch Wood Birch Wood Birch Wood Birch Wood James McCrackan James McIlwraith John Milroy Robert Temple 070 This wood is Situated in the east Side of Glen App. It was formerly composed of Birch, but recently it has been partly cleared and planted anew with ash, oak, fir. Property of the Earl of Orkney.- Situation - In the north western section of the plan, 60 chains west of Milljoan hill-
OS1/3/6/1/82 [Page] 82 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 1 & 2 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/83 GLEN APP Glen App 070 Its Sides are Steep and partly wooded, and afford good mountain pasture. The hills on each Side rise to Considerable height. The principal of which are, Milljoan, and Altimeg on the south; Smyrton, Carloch, and Penderry Hill on the North. The Water of App flows through this glen.
OS1/3/6/1/83 [Page] 83 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 1 Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/84 WATER OF APP Water of App Water of App Water of App Water of App James McCrackan James McIlwraith John Milroy Robert Temple 070 A large and rapid Stream which rises on the North side of Beneraird and flows through Glen App into Finnart Bay, in Loch Ryan. Situation- Flows South through Glen App in the N.W. [North West] section of the plan, 70 chains West of Milljoan hill-
OS1/3/6/1/84 GLEN APP Glen App Glen App Glen App Glen App James McCrackan James McIlwraith John Milroy Robert Temple 070 A steep and narrow glen extending in a N. [North] easterly direction from Finnart Bay, Loch Ryan to Beneraird a distance of about five miles. The bottom of this glen yields excellent crops of wheat, oats, and barley. ---description continued on the other side.
OS1/3/6/1/84 [Page] 84 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 1 Ballantrae Parish Situation - Glen App - In the north western section of the plan, 100 chains West of Milljoan hill-
OS1/3/6/1/85 ALTIMEG HILL Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 A large hill of Mossy pasture on the South Side of Glen App. It affords tolerable pasture for Sheep. On the summit of it is a small Knoll called Deers Howe on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. Situation - In the centre of the plan, from 20 to 100 Chains South of Milljoan hill-
OS1/3/6/1/85 [Page] 85 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 1-6 Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/86 [Page] 86 Both entries have been scored through
OS1/3/6/1/87 ALTIMEG BURN Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Mr Thomas Milroy Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr. Mr R. Temple 070 A small stream which flows out of the Black Loan and into the Water of App near Atlimeg.
OS1/3/6/1/87 DUPIN HILL Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dubh Bheinn Mr Thomas Milroy Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr. Mr R. Temple Mr. John Morrison 070 A large hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station. One of the ranges which forms the southern portion of Glen App. The N. [North] side of this hill affords good mountain pasture.
OS1/3/6/1/87 DRUMDOWNS Drumdowns Drumdowns Drumdowns Drumdouns Mr Thomas Milroy Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr. Mr R. Temple 070 A low heathy hill situated the N. [North] of Altimeg Hill and the E. [East] of Dupin Hill, Altimeg Burn runs along the W.[West] base of it. -
OS1/3/6/1/87 [Page] 87 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 4&5 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/88 DEER'S HOWE Deer's Howe Deer's Howe Deer's Howe Deer's Howe Deer's How Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 A small Knoll of mossy pasture on the summit of Altimeg Hill. There is a Trig [Trigonometrical] point on the top of it.
OS1/3/6/1/88 PENWHIRN BURN Pinwhirn Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple 070 A stream which collects from surface water, and which runs in a Southerly direction along the Eastern base of Druimdowns. It falls into the Main Water of Luce near Marks.
OS1/3/6/1/88 [Page] 88 Sheet 70 Plan 9 Trace 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae Pinwherran Burn was altered to agree with p. 10 Ph. [Parish] of Inch Wigtonshire on 28.6.87
OS1/3/6/1/89 STRABRACKEN Strabracken Strabracken Strabracken Strabracken Strabracken Mr. Andrew Wright Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple Johnston Co. [County] Map 070 A Shepherds house. Formerly a Farm Steading. Stone and lime, one storey high. Thatched and in very bad repair. The property of Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - At the East of plan, about 2½ chains E. [East] of Main Water of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/89 ASKINMIMUDDY BURN Askinmimuddy Burn Askinmimuddy Burn Askinmimuddy Burn Askinmimuddy Burn Mr. Andrew Wright James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 A small stream which collects from surface water on the East side of Milljoan Hill and runs into Laggie Burn, adjacent to Laggafater Lodge. Situation- Flows S.E. [South East] through the North North West of plan & enters Laggie Burn.
OS1/3/6/1/89 [Page] 89 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Traces 1, 2 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/90 SGRABY LANE Sgraby Lane Sgraby Lane Sgraby Lane Scrubby Lane Mr. Andrew Wright James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 A small stream which collects from surface water and runs into Laggie Burn near Laggafater. Situation- Flows S. [South] through the N.E. [North East] of plan & Joins Laggie burn at the s.W. [South West] of Craigangunnie
OS1/3/6/1/90 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Mr. Andrew Wright James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 A large and rapid stream, which takes its rise from Moss or Surface Water, on the East Base of Berneraird, and after a course of about 20 miles, empties itself into the Bay of Luce. Situation - Flows from North to South through the E. [East] of plan
OS1/3/6/1/90 [Page] 90 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Traces 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/91 LAGANABEASTIE BURN Baisty Burn Baisty Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Mr. Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr R. Temple William McMorran 070 A Small Stream which collects from Surface water in the moss between Highmilldown and Cross Fell, and runs into Main Water of Luce, near Shannis.-- Situation- Flows south along the eastern base of Altimeg hill, and rises 60 chains S,E, [South East] of Milljoan hill.
OS1/3/6/1/91 [Page] 91 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Traces 4 Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/92 LAIGHMILLDOWN Laighmilldown Laighmilldown Laighmilldown Laighmilldon Meall Donn Laighmilldown Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple John Morrison Johnston's Co. [County] Map 070 This is a high hill, partly Moss and partly rocky and heathy. Situated adjacent to and S. E. [South East] of High Milldown. -The property of Robert Stewart Esqr and the Earl of Orkney. Situation - In the centre of the plan 120 chains S.E. [South East] of Milljoan hill
OS1/3/6/1/92 HIGHMILLDOWN Highmilldown Highmilldown Highmilldown Highmilldon Meall Doon Highmilldown Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple John Morrison Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 This is a large Mossy hill on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Situated adjacent to and N. W. [North West] of Laighmilldown. The property of Robert Stewart Esqr. and the Earl of Orkney. Situation- In the Western side of the plan 100 chains S.E. [South East] of Milljoan hill-
OS1/3/6/1/92 [Page] 92 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Trace 4 & 5 Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/93 LAGAFATER LODGE Lagafater Lodge Lagafater Lodge Lagafater Lodge Lagafater Lodge Lag Bhatair Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlwraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple John Morrison 070 This is a New house erected in 1846 for the accommodation of Sports Men. It is built of lime and stone, one story high and in good repair. Property of Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation - In the north eastern section of the plan, 140 chains E.S.E. [East South East] of Milljoan hill.
OS1/3/6/1/93 LAGGIE BURN Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Laggie Burn Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlwraith Esqr Mr. Robert Temple 070 This is a Small Stream which rises in the north side of Barnvannock Hill and runs into Main Water of Luce near Lagafater. Situation- Flows from the south along the north eastern side of the plan, 100 chains E. by S. [East by South]of Milljoan hill and falls into the Main Water of Luce
OS1/3/6/1/93 [Page] 93 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Traces 2, 3 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/94 CRAIGANGUINNIE Graiganguinnie Graiganguinnie Graiganguinnie Graiganguinnie Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 A round mossy hill situated between Strabracken and Lagafater Lodge. It is enclosed by a fence. The property of Robert Stewart Esqr. situation- In the north eastern Section of the plan, 150 chains E.by S. [East by South] of Milljoan hill.
OS1/3/6/1/94 [Page] 94 Sheet 70 Plan 10 Traces 3 & 6 Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/94 For Kiwiwoman Each Authority should have a separate line and line up with the modes of spelling, please see previous page that I have corrected. Just expand the boxes by clicking and dragging bottom right hand corner to check alignment. If you need some help just post for the Mods attention in Forums or visit FAQ's.
OS1/3/6/1/95 [Page] 95 Crossed out and Noted: Not of sufficient importance to be in [section] or the Plan
OS1/3/6/1/96 DRUMBOWIE RIG Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Drumbowie Rig Mr.W. Shaw Mr. Robert Temple Teacher James McIlraith Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy H. H. Onslow Esqr Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A midling Sized hill Covered with a deep layer of peat Moss. Towards the east and west the descent is abrupt and sudden but to the North and South it has a gentle declivity.The property of H. H. Onslow and Robert Stewart Esqr. Situation- On the N.W. [North West] Corner of the Plan about 1¼ Miles west of Ardmoil
OS1/3/6/1/96 STRIFE RIG Strife Rig Strife Rig Strife Rig Strife Rig Strife Rig Mr. W. Shaw Mr. R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy H. H. Onlsow Esqr. 070 A narrow ridge of elevated Moor lands. It has a Sudden and abrupt ascent on the east Side, but on the west it rises gently. This hill was formerly a disputed property but the present proprietors have agreed to divide it equally between them. H.H. Onlsow and R. Stewart Esqr. Situation - About one mile west of Ardmoil.-
OS1/3/6/1/96 [Page] 96 Sheet 70 Plan 11 Trace 1& 2 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/97 DRUMBRACKEN Drumbracken Drumbracken Drumbracken Drumbracken Drumbracken Drumbracken Andrew Wright Mr. R. Temple James McIlraith Esq. Rev. [Reverend] J. Milroy H. H. Onslow Johnston Co. [County] Map 070 A round flat heathy pasture hill, property of Robert Stewart Esqr. Carfin. Situation - In the South West corner of plan
OS1/3/6/1/97 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Mr Andrew Wright Robert Temple James McIlraith Esqr. Revd. [Reverend] J Milroy H.H. Onslow Esqr. 070 ; 074 A large & rapid stream, which takes its rise from Surface water, on the S.E. [South East] Base of Beneraird, And after a Course of about 6 miles, unites with the Cross Water of Luce , forming the Water of Luce, and empties itself into Glenluce Bay. Situation-Enters and quits the plan at West Side flowing through a distance of about 14 chains
OS1/3/6/1/97 [Page] 97 Sheet 70 Plan 11 Traces 1 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/98 CAIRN [Cairn Hill of the Moil] Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Mr William Shaw Mr R Temple James McIlraith Esqr Rev [Reverend] J Milroy H. H. Onslow Esqr 070 [Situation] Situated in the Northeast of the plan. A middling sized Heathy Pasture hill. on the Top of which is a An Ancient Cairn Composed of a Circular heap of loose stones, also a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station - the property of H.H. Onslow Esqr.
OS1/3/6/1/98 PALHATCHIE BURN Pilhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Mr A Wright Mr R Temple James McIlraith Esqr Revd [Reverend] J Milroy H H Onslow Esqr 6 Inch engraved plans of Wigtonshire 070 [Situation] Flows due South through the Middle of plan. A rapid stream, formed by three Smaller nameless streams, emptying itself into the Main Water of Luce. - A Considerable portion of this stream forms the boundary between the Counties of Wigton & Ayr
OS1/3/6/1/98 [Page] 98 Sheet 70 Plan 11 Traces 2, 3, 5, & 6, -- Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/99 [Page] 99
OS1/3/6/1/99 The entry for Sharpin has been scored through - Not to be inserted in the Plans
OS1/3/6/1/100 CROSS WATER OF LUCE Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water of Luce Cross Water Mr. William Shaw Mr. R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Revd [Reverend] J. Milroy H.H. Onslow Esqr. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 [Situation] Flows through the east side of the Plan about 30 Chains east of Ardnamoil. - A large & rapid Stream which is formed by or takes its rise from Small Streams which Collect from Surface water. Its general direction is Southwesterly & after a Course of about eight Miles joins the Main water forming the Water of Luce. it is famous for Salmon & trout both of which fish are taken here in great numbers during the Months of July, August & September.-
OS1/3/6/1/100 [Page] 100 Sheet 70 Plan 12 Trace No. 2.5 & 6 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/101 ARDNAMOIL Ardnamoil Ardnamoil Ardnamoil Ardnamoil Arnemoil Mr. W. Shaw Mr. R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Revd. [Reverend] J. Milroy H.H. Onslow Esqr. 070 [Situation] Near the North Side of the plan about 30 Chains North of the County boundary - A neat farm dwelling with out offices attached lately erected on the Site of the old house or Steading . The property of H.H. Onslow Esq. Barr Built of lime & Stone, one Story high, & in good repair.-
OS1/3/6/1/101 [Page] 101 Sheet 70 Plan 12 Trace No. 1 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/101 Rough Knowe - is scored through and a note states " Not to be inserted on the Plans. GG "
OS1/3/6/1/102 CAIRN HILL OF THE MOIL Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Cairn Hill of the Moil Mr. W. Shaw Mr R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Revd. [Reverend] J. Milroy H.H. Onslow Esqr. 070 [Situation] On the Centre of the Plan Adjacent to & West of Ardnamoil A Middling Sized hill Covered with a thick layer of peat Moss. It is of great extent but not high, & on its top is an ancient Cairn Composed of a Circular heap of Small loose Stones.
OS1/3/6/1/102 [Page] 102 Sheet 70 Plan 12 Trace No. 1 & 4 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/102 Ringdoo " is not to be inserted on the Plan GG "
OS1/3/6/1/103 [Page] 103 This page is blank
OS1/3/6/1/104 CRAIGOCH BURN Craigoch Burn Craigoch Burn Craigoch Burn Craigoch Burn Craigoch Burn Mr William Shaw Mr R. Temple Teacher James McIlraith Revd. [Reverend] J. Milroy H.H. Onslow Esqr 070 [Situation] Running along part of the South edge of the plan till it falls into Main water about 33 chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Ardnamoil. - A Small Stream formed from Surface water & running in an easterly direction forming the County boundary between Wigton & Ayr from its Source to its Conjunction with the Cross Water of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/104 [Page] 104 Sheet 70 Plan 12 - Trace No. 4 & 5 -- Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/105 ALTIMEG BURN Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Altimeg Burn Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] On the western side of the plan 90 chains N.W. by W [North West by West] of Milljoan hill. A Small Stream which rises in, & runs out of the Black Loan and into the Water of App Near Altimeg from which it takes its name.-
OS1/3/6/1/105 DRUMDOWNS Drumdowns Drumdowns Drumdowns Drumdouns Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] In the north section of the plan, 90 chains S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Milljoan hill A low mossy hill Situated to the west of Altimeg Hill and to the east of Dupin Hill Altimeg Burn runs along the west base of it - property of the Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/105 [Page] 105 Traces Nos. 1 & 2 -- 1 of 2 -- Plan 70 13 -- Ballantrae Ph [Parish] of
OS1/3/6/1/106 HIGH MILLMORE High Millmore High Millmore High Millmore High Millmore Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] In The North western section of the plan, 120 chains S.W. [South West] of Milljoan hill - A round mossy knoll on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station - Situated on the Summit of Dupin Hill. property of Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/106 BLACK LOAN Black Loan Black Loan Black Loan Black Loan Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] In the north western section of the plan, 110 chains S.S.W. [South South West ] of Milljoan hill - A low mossy hollow out of which flows a Small stream Called Altimeg Burn - In the winter Season it is very soft and wet, owing in a great measure to the Surface water of the Surrounding hills. - property of the Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/106 [Page] 106 Traces Nos. 1 & 2 -- Plan 70 13 -- 1 of 2 -- Ballantrae Ph. [Parish] of The word Millmore is derived from the Celtic Maol -a prominence an Mor great .- The great prominence or Knoll. Loan is derived from the gaelic word Lonn - a Soft piece of ground. The description of this place tends to confirm this. [Signed] H McRae
OS1/3/6/1/107 BURN OF THE DUPIN Burn of the Dupin Burn of the Dupin Burn of the Dupin Burn of the Dupin Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] In the north western section of the plan, 130 chains S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Milljoan hill A Small Stream which rises in the moss between Millmoan Hill and Dupin Hill, and runs into the Water of App near Milbane. -
OS1/3/6/1/107 DUPIN HILL Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dupin Hill Dubh Bheinn Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Morrison 070 [Situation] On the north western margin of the plan, 120 chains S.W. [South West] of Milljoan hill. A large hill on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station, situated on the South Side of Glen App. The north Side of this hill affords excellent mountain pasture. property of Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/107 [Page] 107 Trace No. 1 & 3 -- Plan 70 13 -- Ballantrae Ph. [Parish] of
OS1/3/6/1/108 MILLMOAN HILL Millmoan Hill Millmoan Hill Millmoan Hill Millmoin Hill Meall Moine Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple John Morrison 070 [Situation] In the south western corner of the plan, 150 chains S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Milljoan hill. - A large mossy hill on whci is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Situated adjacent to and south of Dupin Hill. property of the Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/108 CAIRN [Millmoan Hill] 070 Between Muilbane Hill and Millmoan Hill there is an Ancient Cairn
OS1/3/6/1/108 GREYSTONE KNOWE Greystone Know Greystone Knowe Greystone Knowe Greystone Knowe Thomas Milroy John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] In the South Western Section of the plan, 130 chains S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Milljoan hill - A Small Mossy Knoll adjacent to and N.E. [North East] of Millmoan Hill. This hillside takes its name from the circumstance of its having a few Small Stones, of a grayish colour, Scattered over it. property of the Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/108 [Page] 108 Trace No. 1-4 -- Plan 70 13 -- Ballantrae Ph. [parish] of
OS1/3/6/1/109 GREYMARE'S Greymare's Mire Greymare's Mire Greymare's Mire Graymares Mire J McIlraith Esq R Temple W M'Morran Johnstons Co. [County] Map 070 A Swampy place in the moors. the property of the Earl of Orkney.
OS1/3/6/1/109 [Page] 109 Sheet 70 . 13 -- Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/110 ALTIMEG HILL Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Altimeg Hill Mr Thomas Milroy Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlwraith Esq. Mr Robert Temple 070 A large mossy hill, one of the range which forms the S. [South] side of Glen App on the Summit of it is a Small Knoll called Deer's Howe, on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station - property of the Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/110 PENWHIRN BURN Pinwhirn Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Mr Thomas Milroy Rev. [Reverend] John Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Mr R. Temple 070 ; 074 A Small Stream which runs in a Southerly direction along the Eastern base of Drumdowns, and falls into the Main Water of Luce, near Marks -
OS1/3/6/1/110 [Page] 110 Sheet 70 Plan 13 -- Trace 2-3-5 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae [Note in blue ink ] Penwhirn See statement in P 88
OS1/3/6/1/111 [Page] 111 The entries are crossed through [Note] Not of sufficient composition to be inserted on the plans G.G
OS1/3/6/1/112 GRAVESTONE [Milljoan Hill] Gravestone Gravestone Grierstone Gravestone Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlwraith Robert Temple 070 [Situation] Near the N W [North West] corner of the plan, 100 chains S.S.E. [South South East] of Milljoan hill A Stone erected to point out the Spot where a man perished in a Snow Storm, and where he was also interred. That part of the stone which appears above the Surface is about two feet Square and about three inches in thickness , having a smooth Surface. There is no inscription or character of any Kind cut on it. on The property of R. Stewart Esqr
OS1/3/6/1/112 DRUMLEY Drumley Drumley Drumley James McIlraith Esq. R Temple W. M'Morran 070 A Small oblongshaped hill on which stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station and near which is a standing Stone about four feet high but by whom, and for what purpose, or at what period this stone was erected cannot now be ascertained. The hill is covered with heathy pasture and is the property of R. Temple Esq. 118
OS1/3/6/1/112 [Page] 112 Sheet 70 -- Plan 14 -- Traces 1 -- Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/113 LAGANABEASTIE BURN Baisty Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Mr Andrew Wright Revd John Milroy J McIlraith R Temple W M'Morran 070 ; 074 [Situation] Flows first Southeast then South through the West of plan. A small stream which collects from surface water, in the moss between high Milldown & Cross fell, and runs into the Main water of Luce, Near Shinnas.
OS1/3/6/1/113 [Page] 113 Sheet 70-- Plan 14 -- Traces 1. 4 & 6 -- Parish of Ballantrae Standing Stone Hill crossed through.
OS1/3/6/1/114 LAIGHMILLDOWN Laighmilldown Laighmilldown Laighmilldown Laighmilldon Meall Donn Laighmilldown Andrew Wright John Milroy James McIlraith Robert Temple John Morrison Johnston Co. [County] Map 070 [Situation] At the North of plan. This is a high hill, partly moss and partly Rocky Heathy Pasture, situated adjacent to, and south East of High Milldown. The property of R Stewart & Earl of Orkney
OS1/3/6/1/114 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Mr Andrew Wright James McIlraith Esqr. Mr R Temple Revd. [Reverend] John Milroy 070 ; 074 [Situation] Flows through the Northeast of the plan. A large and rapid stream, which takes its rise, from moss or surface water, at the East base of Beneraird, and after a course of about 20 miles, empties itself into the bay of Luce.
OS1/3/6/1/114 [Page] 114 Sheet 70 -- Plan 14 -- Traces 2 & 3 -- Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/115 [Page] 115 Plan 70.15 -- Ballantrae Parish Entry for Drumgarlick is scored through
OS1/3/6/1/116 PALHATCHIE BURN - Pilhatchie Burn Palhatchie Burn Mr A Wright James McIlraith Esq. Revd. [Reverend] J Milroy 6 Inch engraved sheet, No. 6, of Wigtonshire. 070 [Situation] Flows in a Southwesterly direction through the Plan & falls to the Main Water of Luce A small mountain stream rising on the South side of Benaw, & emptying itself into the Main Water of Luce. a considerable portion of it constitutes the Boundary between the Counties of Ayr & Wigton .
OS1/3/6/1/116 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Water of Luce Mr A Wright Mr R Temple James McIlraith Esq. Revd. [Reverend] J Milroy 6 Inch engraved sheet, No. 6, of Wigtonshire. 070 ; 074 [Situation] Flows along the west of the plan, then, E. [East] through the SW [South West ] corner, & finally flows due South. A large & rapid Stream which takes its rise from Surface water on the East base of Beneraird & empties itself into the Sea at the Bay of Luce, it forms the Boundary between the Counties of Ayr & Wigton for a considerable distance. 122
OS1/3/6/1/116 [Page] 116 Sheet 70 -- Plan 15 -- Trace 1. 2 4 & 5 -- Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/117 PINWHISKIE Pinwhiskie Pinwisge Pinwisge Pinwhiskie Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 070 [Situation] Situated between Drumcargo & Drumanwhirran. A Small Heathy pasture hill - property of Robert Stewart Esq. In support of the Orthography of the first and last authorities it may be stated that this hill was a favourite place for illicit distillation
OS1/3/6/1/117 OSSAJOIE Ossajoie Ossajoie Ossajoie Ossajoie Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 070 ; 074 [Situation] In the N. E. [North East] of plan bounded on the West by Pinwhirra Burn. A small but prominent heathy pasture hill on the summit of which is a Trigl . [Trigonometrical] station - property of R. Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/117 [Page] 117 Sheet 74 -- Plan 1 -- Trace 3. 5. 6 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/118 PENWHIRN BURN Pinwhirne Burn Penwherran Burn Penwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Penwherran Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. D. McKie 070 ; 074 [Situation] - Flows in a S.S.E. [South South East] direction through the plan for a short distance part between Drumawhirran & Ossajoie A Small stream which joins the County Boundary until it joins Colwell's Burn.
OS1/3/6/1/118 DRUMMANMOAN LOAN Drummonwan Lon Drummanmoan Loan Drummanmoan Loan Drummanmoan Loan Drummanmoan Loan Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. W M'Morran 070 [Situation] Flows SW [South West] through the NE [North East] of plan & Enters Pinwhirra Burn A Small Stream which collects from surface water on High Mark, and after a short course, joins Colwells Burn
OS1/3/6/1/118 [Page] 118 Sheet 74 - Plan 1 - Trace 2. 3. 6 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae [Note below Penwhirn Burn] See Statement on p. [page] 88 [signed] John Stirton 28.6.87 Lōn is a gaelic word for a Burn, it is also applied to Marshy ground, and well watered fields. The word Drummonwan is also Celtic, and cor responds with the gaelic word Druim - a Hill Uan - a lamb (plural, genitive năn wan pronounced Drŭmnânw̄an̈ - the lamb's Hill. Sheepfarmers have always a Select piece of ground for rearing lambs (after their Separation from the Mother [signed] H. McRae
OS1/3/6/1/119 DRUMMANMOAN Drummanmoan Drummanmoan Drummanmoan J. McIlraith Esq. R Temple W. M'Morran 070 A patch of Slightly elevated ground of a circular Shape rising out of the moss by which it is surrounded, It is covered with heathy pasture the property of R Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/119 [Page] 119 Sheet 74.1 -- Ballantrae Parish
OS1/3/6/1/120 DRUMAHALLAN Drumahallin Drumahallan Drumahallan Drumahallan Mr John Ross Mr R. Temple H F. Kennedy Esq 074 [Situation] In the North West Corner of Plan A Small round mossy hill between Millmoan & Turchloy
OS1/3/6/1/120 TURCHLOY Turchloy Turchloy Turchloy Turchloy Mr John Ross Mr R. Temple H F. Kenedy Esq. Mr James Milroy 074 [Situation] At the West of plan, South of Drumahallan & West of Loan of Turchloy a large rocky - heathy hill lying adjacent to the County Boundary
OS1/3/6/1/120 [Page] 120 Sheet 74 - plan 1 -- Trace 1 & 4 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/121 MIRREN'S STONE Mirrain's Stone Mirren's Stone Mirren's Stone Mirren's Stone Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 074 [Situation] Near the NW [North West] of plan & about 6 chain East of Drumahallan. A Stone about six feet in length, three in breadth and one in thickness. It derived its name from the Circumstance of an interesting rustic named Marion having made this her favourite seat. The motive of this young lady's preference for so uninviting a spot is unknown Mirren is the Scotch way of writing this name.
OS1/3/6/1/121 DRUMANWHERRAN Drummanwhirran Drumawhirne Drumanwherran Drumanwherran Drumanquharran Drumouwhirn D. McKie Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Johnston's Co. [County] Map 074 [Situation] Bounds on the N & E by Pinwhirran Burn, on the W. [West] by Pinwhiskie. A long narrow ridge of elevated ground - Heathy pasture.
OS1/3/6/1/121 [Page] 121 Sheet 74 -- plan 1 -- Trace -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae " The name of the stream on the Boundary should be written on the combined sheet as :- Drumorawhirn Burn or Coldwells Burn and the name of the hill on the Ayrshire side should be altered to Drumorawhirn" John Stirton 28.6.87 By Order of the D.G. [Director General] c/c 2028 87 Derivation given on 74. 5
OS1/3/6/1/122 FRIAR'S KIRK Friar's Kirk Friar's Kirk Friar's Kirk Friar's Kirk Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [situated] Near the centre of plan and about 13 chains W [West] of Drumanwhirran The site of a small dry-stone building. In the centre there is a small cave with a circular entrance the bottom of which is reached by four stone steps each a foot in height. The [remains] of an old sheep ree mark the spot where the structure points to as the site of the Kirk o' the Friars.
OS1/3/6/1/122 CAIRN (Site of) [Friar's Kirk] 074 About 4 chains N.E [North west] of Friar's Kirk is the site of an ancient Cairn.
OS1/3/6/1/122 Sheet 74-- Plan 1-- Trace 2 -- No. 21 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae [Page] 122 128
OS1/3/6/1/123 CALDWELL'S BURN Colwell's Burn Colwell's Burn Caldwel's Burn Caldwel's Burn Caldwel's Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Stephen Walker 074 [Situation] Flows S. [South] and then East through a Small part of the South of plan. A Continuation of the stream called Lon of Turchloy. After short course it joins Pinwhirn Burn. It forms the boundary of the Counties of Ayr & Wigton in all its Course
OS1/3/6/1/123 DRUMORAWHIRN Burn Drumorawhirn Burn Six inch engraved sheet No. 5, of Wigtonshire 074
OS1/3/6/1/123 COLDWELLS BURN [1887] Drumorawhirn Burn Six inch engraved sheet No. 5, of Wigtonshire 074
OS1/3/6/1/123 DRUMCARGO Drumcargo Drumcargo Drumcargo Drumcargo Mr Andrew Wright Mr R. Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 074 [Situation] Situated between Caldwell Burn and Pinwhisky A small mossy eminence property of Robert Stewart Esq
OS1/3/6/1/123 [Page] 123 Sheet 74 -- Plan 1 -- Trace 4.5 -- Ph [Parish] of Ballantrae [Note beside Drumorawhirn Burn] See C/C [?] 2028/87 This name adopted by Order of the D.G. [signed] John Stirton 28 - 6 - 87
OS1/3/6/1/124 CRAIGS OF MARK Craigs of Mark Craigs of Mark Craigs of Mark Craigs of Mark Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 074 [situation] At the West of plan & near the East of Turchloy A small rocky eminences on which are the ruins of a number of mud huts. Property of Capt. [Captain] Kennedy
OS1/3/6/1/124 LOAN OF TARCHLOY Lon of Turchloy Loan of Turchloy Loan of Turchloy Loan of Turchloy Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 074 [situation] Flows S.S.E. [South South East] A small stream which rises on marshy ground. It retains this name until it becomes Calwells Burn, where it forms the boundary of the County
OS1/3/6/1/124 [Page] 124 Sheet 74 -- Plan 1-- Trace 1.4 [Ph] Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/125 GREY HILL Grey Hill Grey Hill Grey Hill Grey Hill Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. 074 [situation] Near the S.E. [South East] of plan E [East] of White Hill and Bungy Burn. A small heathy pasture hill property of R Stewart Esq. It has a greyish appearance.
OS1/3/6/1/125 BARNVANNOCK Barnvannock Barnvannock Barnvannock Barnvannock Barnvannock Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 074 [situation] Near the N.E. [north east] of plan and about 10 chains West of Bungy Burn. A farmsteading property of Robert Stewart Esq. Dwelling house of Barnvannock one storey high, stated. Out offices tiled one storey - all in good repair.
OS1/3/6/1/125 Sheet 74-- Plan 2-- Trace 3.6 -- [Page] 125 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/126 BLACK KNOWE Black Knowe Black Knowe Black Knowe Black Knowe Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [situation] Between Knoching Stone Knowe and Shennas about 1 chain from the former and 2½ from the latter. A small heathy knoll, deriving its name from its black appearance - property of R. Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/126 BUNGSIE BURN Bungsie Burn Bungsie Burn Bungsie Burn Bungsie Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [situation] Flows south and joins Beastie Burn near Centre of Plan at the boundary of White Hill A small stream which collects from surface water near Barnvannoch and after a short course empties itself into Beasty Burn, near White Hill
OS1/3/6/1/126 Sheet 74-- Plan 2 -- Trace 2& 5 [Page] 126 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/127 WHITE HILL White Hill White Hill White Hill White Hill Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [situation] At the South of plan bounded on the East by Beastie Burn. A small heathy hill, property of R. Stewart Esq It has a whitish appearance, hence its name
OS1/3/6/1/127 KNOCKING STONE HILL Knocking Stone Knowe Knocking Stone Knowe Stephen Walker D. McKie 074 [situation] About 9 chains West of White Hill and 1 chain North East [N.E.] of Black Knowe. A rocky knoll from which it is said the sounds of two stones meeting in regular and constant collision was frequently heard. Property of R. Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/127 Sheet 74 -- Plan 2 -- Trace 5 -- [Page] 127 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/128 BRAID HILL Braid Hill Braid Hill Braid Hill Braid Hill Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [situation] In the North West [N.W.] corner of plan. A low but extensive heathy hill. Property of Robert Stewart Esq
OS1/3/6/1/128 SHENNAS Shennas Shennas Shennas Shennas Shinnas Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq Johnstons Co. [County] Map 074 [situation] Close to the South end of plan and about 2½ chains South of Black Knowe. A farmsteading, property of R. Stewart Esq. The dwelling house is slated and one storey high. Out offices thatched and one storey. All in bad repair.
OS1/3/6/1/128 Sheet 74 -- Plan 2 -- Trace 4.5 -- Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae [Page] 128
OS1/3/6/1/129 OSSAJOIE Ossajoie Ossajoie Ossajoie Ossajoie Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 070 ; 074 [situation] In the North West of plan. A round mossy hill, on which is a high station, adjacent to North of Shannas. Property of Robert Stewart Esq
OS1/3/6/1/129 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 070 ; 074 Flows South West [S.W.] through the South East [S.E.] of plan. A large and rapid stream which rises on the South base of Bennan Hill. It forms the boundary of the County from Strabacken to the Mark.
OS1/3/6/1/129 LAGANABEASTIE Laganabeastie Laganabeastie Laganabeastie Laganabeastie James McIlraith Esq R Temple W M'Morran Johnstones Co. [County] Map 074 [situation] An old steading now in ruins, the property of Robert Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/129 Sheet 74 -- Plan 2 --Traces 1 to 6 -- [Page] 129-- Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/130 LAGANABEASTIE BURN Beastie Burn Beastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Laganabeastie Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq R Temple W. M'Morran 070 ; 074 [situation] Flows in a South Southeasterly direction through the plan. A small stream which rises in the East Side of Cross [Fell,] and runs into the Main Water of Luce near Shennas
OS1/3/6/1/130 LAGANABEASTIE HILL Laganabeastie Hill Laganabeastie Hill Laganabeastie Hill J.McIlraith R. Temple W.M'Morran 074 An oval shaped and not very high hill, its surface is covered with heathy pasture. The property of R. Stewart Esq
OS1/3/6/1/130 Sheet 74-- Plan 2-- Traces 1.2.5 -- [Page] 130 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/130 Craigwarren has been crossed through and is not indexed.
OS1/3/6/1/131 CRAIGHEAD Craighead Craighead Craighead J. McIlraith R. Temple W. M'Morran 074 An irregular shaped rocky prominence which terminates a ridge of rising ground extending by the Main Water of Luce rising out of the map at the base of Grey Hill. Property of Robert Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/131 THE DUNGEON GLEN The Dungeon Glen The Dungeon Glen The Dungeon Glen Revd. [Reverend] P. Richardson Dr. [Doctor] Blair Mr Thomas Scott 074 A small glen divided by the Main Water of Luce precipitous on the Wigtonshire side. The glen appears a great deal too insignificant for this name. There area few rocks but no precipitous portions on the Ayrshire side.
OS1/3/6/1/131 Ballantrae Parish [Page] 131
OS1/3/6/1/132 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Water of Luce Mr A Wright Mr Temple James McIlraith Esq Rev. [Reverend] J Milroy 6 Inch engraved sheet No. 6 of Wigtownshire 070 ; 074 [situation] Enters the Plan at the North and flows first due South then in winding manner West South West [W.S.W.] A large and rapid stream which takes its lie from surface water at the East Base of Beneraird, and empties itself into the Sea at the Bay of Luce. A considerable portion of it constitutes the County [Co.] Boundary between Ayr and Wigton
OS1/3/6/1/132 STEADY KNOWE Steady Knowe Steady Knowe Steady Knowe James McIlraith R. Temple W.M'Morran 074 A round knoll, on a ridge of rising ground forming "Steady Knoll", "Grey Hill" and "Craighead" heathy pastures. Property of Robert Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/132 Sheet 74-- Plan 3-- Trace No 1.2 & 3 [Page] 132 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/133 CALDWEL'S BURN Colwell's Burn Colwell's Burn Caldwel's Burn Caldwel's Burn Caldwel's Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq Mr Stephen Lawrence 074 A small stream into which runs a stream called Loan of Turchloy. It is the County boundary in the entire of its course.
OS1/3/6/1/133 COLDWELLS BURN [1887] 074 c/c 2028 This name adopted by Order of the D.G.
OS1/3/6/1/133 DRUMANWHERRAN Burn Coldwells Burn Drumorawhirn Burn 6 inch engraved sheet, No 5, of Wigtownshire 074
OS1/3/6/1/133 DRUMORAWHIRN BURN [1887] 074
OS1/3/6/1/133 PENWHIRN BURN Penwhirne Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Pinwherran Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy D. McKie Esq. James McIlraith Esq 070 ; 074 A small stream which forms the County boundary until it joins Caldwel's Burn
OS1/3/6/1/133 FLUSH KNOWES Flush Knowes Flush Knowes Flush Knowes J. McIlraith Esq. R. Temple W. M'Morran 074 A series of Small round shaped Knolls on Breed Hills heath pasture, property of R Stewart Esq.
OS1/3/6/1/133 Sheet 74-- Plan 5-- Traces 2-3-6 -- [page] 133 Parish of Ballantrae [Note in blue referring to Drumorawhiran Burn or Caldwells Burn] C/c 2028 this name adopted by order of the D.G. [Director General] John Stirton 28.6.87 [Note in Blue ] Penwhirn see statement in p 88 139
OS1/3/6/1/134 DRUMANWHERRAN Drumawhirne Drumanwherran Drumanwherran Drumanwherran Drumanquharran Drumoowhirn Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy D McKie Esq James McIlraith Esq 074 A long narrow hill lying between Penwhirne Burn and Penwhiskie - Covered with a deep coat of peat moss. Property of R Stewart Esq. There is the Site of a Cairn on this Hill.
OS1/3/6/1/134 CAIRN (Site of) [Drumanwherran] 074 This place seems to derive its name from two Gaelic Words - Druine - a Hill and Carn a Cairn - genitive - a chuirne pronounced - Druim a Chuirne, signifying the Hill of the Cairn. At the present day the Site of an Ancient Cairn can be distinctly traced. D McRae
OS1/3/6/1/134 [Page] 134-- Sheet 74 -- Plan 5 -- Trace 3 Ph. [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/135 MAIN WATER OF LUCE Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Main Water of Luce Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple James McIlraith Esq H H Onstlow Esq. 070 ; 074 [Situation] Flows South West [S.W.] through the North [N.] at East [E.] of Plan A large and rapid stream which rises between Beneraird and Benan Hill and forms the boundary between the Counties of Ayr and Wigton from Strabracken to Mark
OS1/3/6/1/135 LAGANABEASTIE BURN Beastie Burn Beasty Burn Beasty Burn Laganbeastie Burn Laganbeastie Burn Laganbeastie Burn Mr Andrew Wright Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esquire R Temple W. M. Morran 070 ; 074 [Situation] Flows South and enters Main Water of Luce Near the North [N.] of plan A small stream which rises on the right (r.] side of Cross Fell and runs into the Main Water of Luce near Shennas
OS1/3/6/1/135 Sheet 74 -- Plan 6 -- Traces 2- 3-- [page] 135 Parish of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/136 BRAID HILL Breed Hill Braid Hill Braid Hill Braid Hill Mr Andrew Wright Mr R Temple Mr James Milroy James McIlraith Esq 074 [Situation] In the N.W. [North West] Corner of Plan A large hill lying adjacent to W. [West] of Shennas, covered with a deep coat of peat moss
OS1/3/6/1/136 [Page] 136 Sheet 74 Plan 6 Trace 1 Ph [Parish] of Ballantrae
OS1/3/6/1/137 Ballantrae Ballantrae Ballantrae Ballantrae Ballantrae Pattersons Hist. [History] of Ayr Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842 County Voter's List. Johnstons Co. [County] Map. 065 "The ancient name of this parish was Kirkcudbright Innertig - from the church, which, dedicated to St. Cuthbert Stood at the influx of the Tig - It was changed to Ballantrae in 1617, when the new church built there by the Laird of Bargany, in 1604, was constituted the parish church by act of Parliament" Patersons Hist [History] of Ayr. "The Surface is considerably diversified by hill and dale, being a succession of low ridges nearly parallel to each other, running from west to east, and in general rising in height as they recede from the coast. there are four Such ridges, of which the highest is the third recKoning from the north. In this ridge the highest hill is Beinerard, which is 1430 feet above the level of the Sea." "The only river of any size in Ballantrae is the Stinchar. It has its source in the parish of Barr, flows south-west, crosses Colmonell, forms the northern boundary of part of Ballantrae, then flows through it for about three miles and discharges itself after a course of about thirty miles into the Irish Sea." Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] 1842.
OS1/3/6/1/137 [Page] 137
OS1/3/6/1/138 [Page] 138 Ballantrae continued from Page 137 This Parish has no detached portions in other Parishes and contains none of other Parishes [Signed] Francis. E. Pratt Lieut. [Lieutenant] - Rl [Royal] Engineers April 15th 1856
OS1/3/6/1/139 [Page] 139 OS1/3/6/1 NAME BOOK Parish of Ballantrae SHEETS 65,70,74 Co. [County] Ayr
OS1/3/6/1/140 [Page] 140 PARISH OF BALLANTRAE. Sheets 65 70 & 74. INDEX Names -- Pages Altigabert Burn -- 59 Altigabert Glen -- 61 Altimeg Burn -- 87. 105 Altimeg Hill -- 85. 110 Ardnamoil -- 101 Arecleoch -- 76 Askinmimuddy Burn -- 69. 89 Auchencrosh -- 24 Auchencrosh Burn -- 27 Auchencrosh Cottage -- 26 Auchencrosh Hill -- 29. 55 Altimeg Glen -- 40 Back Step -- 64 Ballantrae -- 137 Ballantrae Bay -- 8 Ballochlanty -- 32 Barwannock -- 125 Balrazie Big Fell -- 36 Biuahaur -- 58 Benamuinie -- 57 Bennan Hill -- 74 Beneraird --39. 68 Benariskie -- 58 Benaw -- 40. 73. 43 Benawhirn -- 30 Benawhirter -- 37 Benyaw -- 61 Birch Wood -- 82 Big Park -- 5 Black Glen -- 66 Black Glen Burn -- 66 Back Loch -- 9 Black Loan -- 106 Black Knowe -- 126 Braid Hill -- 128. 136 Bungarie Burn -- 126 Burn of the Dupin -- 107 Cairn -- 42. 65. 75. 98. 102. 121. 134 Cairn Hill of the Moil -- 98. 102 [Coldwell Burn - scored through and note " see Drumorawhirn &c"] Colling Bridge -- 2 Colling Mill -- 13 Craig -- 62 Craig an Huirry -- 46 Craigbroom -- 10 Craiganguinnie -- 94 Craigie Fell -- 55 Criagoch Burn -- 104 Craigs of Mark -- 124 Crailoch Burn -- 38 Cross Water -- 100 Cross Water of Luce -- 43. 50. 80 Craighead -- 131 Deers Howe -- 88 Downan -- 6 Downan Burn -- 15 Downan Hill -- 10 Dike Side -- 13 Drumacorra -- 50. 79 Drumacorra Burn -- 76 Drumbochart -- 6 Drumbowie Rig -- 73. 96 Drumley -- 112 Drumorawhirn Burn -- 123. 133 Drumdowns -- 87. 105 Drumahallan -- 120 Drumorawhirn -- 121. 134 Drumorawhirn Burn or Caldwell's Burn -- 123. 133 Drumbracken -- 97 Drumcargo -- 123 Drumanmoan Loan -- 118 Dunnack Burn -- 33. 47 Dupin Hill -- 87. 107 Drumgarlick -- 115 Drummanmoan -- 119 Eyes -- 22. 56 Flush Knowes -- 133 Friar's Kirk -- 122 Fine View -- 3 Ford House -- 11 Fore Step -- 64 Foreign Well -- 74 Garleffin -- 1 Garleffin Standing Stones -- 14 Garleffin Wood -- 15 Glen App -- 23. 35. 54. 84 Goodman's Cairn -- 66
OS1/3/6/1/141 [Page] 141 Names -- Pages Gravestone -- 112 Grey Hill -- 125 Greystone Knowe -- 108 Greymares Mire -- 109 Haw Hill -- 18 Highmilldown -- 92 High Millmore -- 106 Holm Park -- 12 Kilantringan Burn -- 27 Kilmoray -- 39. 42 Kiln House -- 11 Kilphin Wood -- 27 Kilphin Burn -- 16 Kinnigar -- 2 KnocKenfinnick -- 5 Knocking Stone Knowe -- 127 Knockytoll -- 53 Laganabeastie Burn -- 91. 113. 130. 135 Lagnabeastie -- 129 Lagafater Lodge -- 93 Laggie Burn -- 69. 93 Laighmilldown -- 92.114 Leana Burn -- 28. 32. 68 Leana Hill -- 63 Lindees Burn -- 72. 78 Loan of Turchloy -- 124 Laganabeastie Hill -- 130 Main Water of Luce -- 67. 90. 97. 114. 116. 129. 132. 135 Millcroon -- 70 Milljoan Hill -- 62.81 Millmoan Hill -- 108 Millmore -- 33. 44 Mirrens Stone -- 121 Mull Burn -- 71. 79 Nessan Bridge -- 12 Nick of the Liberty -- 39. 41 Ossajoie -- 117. 129 Park Hill -- 77 Pildinny -- 65 Peat Hill -- 79 Pilhatchie Burn -- 71. 98. 116 Pintassan -- 36 Penwhirn Burn -- 88. 110 .118. 133 Pinwhiskie -- 117 Robins Ward -- 44 River Stinchar -- 7 Sgraby Lane -- 90 Shennas -- 128 Small Burn -- 77 Smirton Burn -- 3. 28 Smirton Hill -- 28. 38 Standing Stone Hill -- 113 Stepaulbairn -- 57 Strabracken -- 89 Strawarren Fell -- 41. 51 Strife Rig -- 96 Sutherland Knowe -- 51. 75 Steady Knowe -- 132 Tarchloy -- 120 Tun Glen -- 60. 82 Tun Glen Burn -- 60. 81 The Dungeon Glen -- 131 Water of App -- 22. 35. 54. 84 Water of Tig -- 46 Wee Fell -- 52 White Hill -- 127 Yellow Mire -- 36