Ayrshire volume 04

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/3/4/1 AYR Ar Are, Air, Aire Ayr Ayr Ayr United to Alloway Ayr Old Charter(1197). Old Writings of 15th & (and) 16th Centuries, Statistical Accot.(Account) (1842). Paterson's History (1847). Johnston's Map. Voters' List. "Ayr in all probability derived its name from the river at whose mouth it Stands, which appears to have given the Same designation also, to the parish, the bay,and the County. But whence was the name itself derived . There are rivers it is Said bearing the same appelation and having likely the same common etymology, in England, France, Switzerland and in almost every country in Europe. In the formation of Language, proper names, in particular, often take their rise from some quality in the objects to which they have become affixed. This has been obviously the case, in regard to the rivers Ayr and Doon. In Celtic to which the word must obviously undoubtedly be traced. Ar literally signifies clear, and Dhu or Dhur, dark, and those qualities are sufficiently characteristic of the streams which they designate. The latter in consequence of running a soft deep bog near its head, receives a black mossy tinge, which it retains during the whole of its subsequent course, whereas the former from flowing above a gravelly bed, continues clear and limpid throughout. The mode of spelling the word has undergone several changes in the process of time. In the royal charter of the burgh, and in all records,it is written Are; from this it came to be changed in Air, and since the end of the last century, Ayr has very generally been adopted, and is likely and is likely now to be permanent***. Ayr parish consists of the united parishes of Ayr and Alloway which are nearly equal in point of extent of Surface, a Small rivulet called Glengau-Burn.
OS1/3/4/1 Parish of Ayr -- [Page] 1
OS1/3/4/2 AYR Ayr "Burn forming the boundary betwixt them. They were united about the end of the seventeenth century. ***.There are two Small Lochs in the country part of the parish, one towards the South and the other on the eastern boundary. ** The river Ayr takes its rise in the eastern extremity of the county. **. The river Doon forms the south-western boundary of the parish. *** The extent of coast within the parish, must have been more confined at one time than it is at present, as the Doon seems to have joined the sea much nearer the town than it does by its present course. ***. The charter confers on the burgh very important privallages and very extensive property, extending its jurisdiction over the whole are perfectly distinguishable within a mile and a half of Ayr. ***. Ayr has been a collegiate charge since the days of Queen Mary, who made provision for a Second minister. As to the junction of Alloway parish, there is almost nothing distinctly known in regard to the mode of terms by which it was effected." From Statistical Account of Ayrshire. (1842)
OS1/3/4/2 Parish of Ayr. [Page] 2
OS1/3/4/3 BOILING WELL Boiling Well Boiling Well Boiling Well James Campbell Esq. William Hunter LLD. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A Spring of good water flowing Copiously from a Steep bank on the South Margin of the River Ayr. Not a Mineral Spring.
OS1/3/4/3 Sheet 33.6 -- Parish of Ayr -- [Page] 3
OS1/3/4/4 [Page] 4 Parish of Ayr. [Blank Page]
OS1/3/4/5 GATESIDE Gateside Gateside Gatside W. Hunter W. Bone D. Campbell 033 Farm Steading consisting of dwellinghouse and out offices one Storey high Slated and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esq. Auchincruive.
OS1/3/4/5 HOLMSTON Holmston Holmston Holmston Holmstone W. Hunter W. Bone D. Campbell County Voters List 033 Farm Steading Consisting of dwelling house and out offices The former three & the latter one Story high all Slated and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esq. Auchincruive
OS1/3/4/5 OVER MILLS (Corn) Over Mills Over Mills Over Mills Overmills W. Hunter W. Bone David Campbell County Voters Lists 033 Corn Mills worked by water. ten horse power and a Day Mill worked by Steam - 6 horse power. Attached are a few one Story Slated dwelling houses. Propy [Property] of Alexander Oswald Esq. -
OS1/3/4/5 Sheet 33.7 -- Parish of Ayr -- [Page] 5
OS1/3/4/6 RIVER AYR River Ayr River Ayr River Ayr W. Hunter W. Bone D. Campbell 033 A large and rapid Stream which takes its rise from Surface water in Glenbuck, Ph [Parish] of Muirkirk, and after a Course of about 30 Miles falls into the Sea at the town of Ayr. For a few Miles of its Course at first it is only a Small Stream but being joined by the Greenock and Garpal, two of its principal tributaries it becomes Considerable. The last 20 Miles of its course is bounded by Steep banks, generally wooded. A few fertile holms are interspersed along its Margins. In its bed is found a Kind of Claystone, well Known by the name of "Water of Ayr Stone", which is said to be a good whetstone
OS1/3/4/6 [Page] 6 Sheet 33.7 -- Parish of Ayr [Faint note] David Campbell Esq Mounthamilton St Quivox factor to Alexander Oswald of Auchincruive - W Bone
OS1/3/4/7 BELMONT Belmont Belmont Belmont Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. Black 033 A two storey dwellinghouse Slated & in good repair. offices attached - one storey & also slated. The property of James Morton Esqr.
OS1/3/4/7 BELMONT COTTAGES Belmont Cottages Belmont Cottages Belmont Cottages Belmont Cottage Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. W. Black Johnsts Co. [County] Map 033 Cottages one storey slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/7 FENWICKLAND Fenwickland Fenwickland Fenwickland Fenwickland Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw G.Tosh W.W. Black Johnstons Co. [County] Map 033 A two storey dwelling house with offices, latter one storey all slated & in good repair. The property of John Smith
OS1/3/4/7 PYETFIELD Pyetfield Pyetfield Pyet field Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W.W. Black 033 A one storey dwellinghouse thatched & in bad repair. The property of John Struthers.
OS1/3/4/7 Ph [Parish of Ayr] -- [Page] 7
OS1/3/4/8 SLAPHOUSE Slaphouse Slaphouse Slaphouse W. Hunter Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A farmsteading - dwelling house & offices - one storey. Slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton
OS1/3/4/8 CASTLEHILL Castlehill Castlehill Castlehill W. Hunter L.L.D [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A fine old Mansion, three storeys high slated & in good repair. The property of James Ballantine Esqr. Is surrounded by beautiful pleasure grounds - stands on the hill from which it derives its name Tradition states that a castle stood near to the present house but no one in the neighbourhood can point out the Site
OS1/3/4/8 [Page] 8 Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/9 PEGGYSHILL Peggyshill Peggy's Hill Peggy's Hill Peggieshill Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr G. Tosh Mr W.W. Black Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A farm steading - dwelling house & offices - slated & in good repair - one storey high. The property of James Ballantine Esqr.
OS1/3/4/9 COMMONHEAD Commonhead Commonhead Commonhead Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr. G. Tosh Mr. W. W. Black 033 A farm steading - dwelling house and offices - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of P. McNight Carson Esqr.
OS1/3/4/9 ROBBSLAND Robbsland Robbsland Robbsland Robsland Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr. W. W. Black Johnstons Co. [County] Map 033 A farm steading - dwelling house and offices, former two storey, - slated and in good repair. The property of John Boyle.
OS1/3/4/9 BROSEYLANE Broseylane Broseylane Broseylane Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr. George Tosh Mr William W. Black 033 Cothouses -- part slated & part thatched, one storey high - in good repair. The property of James Wilson Esqr.
OS1/3/4/9 CHAPELPARK Chapelpark Chapelpark Chapelpark Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr. G. Tosh Mr. W. W. Black 033 Cothouses thatched & one story high in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton. Tradition states that a chapel stood near to this, but no one in the neighbourhood can point out the Site of it.
OS1/3/4/9 [Page] 9 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/10 CORSEHILL Corsehill Corsehill Corsehill W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] M. Shaw G Tosh 033 A fine mansion, with offices attached, and surrounded by beautiful pleasure grounds, the former three storey - slated & in good repair. The property of James Wilson Esqr.
OS1/3/4/10 ROSEBANK COTTAGE Rosebank Cottage Rosebank Cottage Rosebank Cottage W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] M. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A small dwelling house, one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of James Wilson Esqr.
OS1/3/4/10 CORSEHILL LODGE Corsehill Lodge Corsehill Lodge Corsehill Lodge W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] M. Shaw G Tosh 033 A small dwellinghouse - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of James Wilson Esqr.
OS1/3/4/10 SEAFIELD LODGE Seafield Lodge Seafield Lodge Seafield Lodge W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] M. Shaw G Tosh 033 A small dwellinghouse - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of Capt. [Captain] McTaggart.
OS1/3/4/10 THE KNOWE LODGE The Knowe Lodge The Knowe Lodge The Knowe Lodge W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] M. Shaw G Tosh 033 A small dwellinghouse - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of James Hutchison Esqr
OS1/3/4/10 [Page] 10 Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/11 RACE COURSE [S of Ayr] Race Course Race Course Race Course Race Ground W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr G. Tosh Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A Common -- a Mile to the south of Ayr, where the Western Meeting hold their annual races. It is enclosed by a stone wall -- distance of Course about one & a quarter miles.
OS1/3/4/11 INVERDON Inverdon Inverdon Inverdon William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 A fine Mansion three storeys high slated & in good repair. The property of the Misses Hamilton. This House was the property of Dr. [Doctor] Aiken now deceased and called by him Monclova, but the present proprietors have changed the name to Inverdon.
OS1/3/4/11 [Page] 11 Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/12 BURTON COTTAGE Burton Cottage Burton Cottage Burton Cottage Rev[Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. W. Black 033 A small one storey dwelling house thatched & in moderate repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/12 SHAWFIELD Shawfield Shawfield Shawfield Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W W Black 033 Small dwelling houses one storey -- thatched & in good repair. The property of Miss Shaw.
OS1/3/4/12 EWENFIELD Ewenfield Ewenfield Ewenfield Ewinfield Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W W Black Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A one storey dwelling house slated & in good repair. The property of Robert Ewen.
OS1/3/4/12 [Page] 12 Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/13 BRIDGEHOUSE Bridgehouse Bridgehouse Bridgehouse W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A small dwelling house -- one storey thatched & in good repair. The property of Hugh Hamilton Esqr. Bellisle
OS1/3/4/13 GATESIDE Gateside Gateside Gateside Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] G. Tosh 033 Cothouses one storey, slated & in good repair. The property of Hugh Hamilton Esqr.
OS1/3/4/13 BELLEISLE COTTAGE Bellisle Cottage Belleisle Belleisle W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A small dwelling house -- one storey slated & in good repair. The property of Miss Wallace.
OS1/3/4/13 SEAFIELD Seafield Seafield Seafield W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A neat Mansion, situated a short distance from the Sea shore & surrounded by pleasure grounds, three storey- slated & in good repair. The property of Capt. [Captain] McTaggart.
OS1/3/4/13 SEAFIELD LODGE Seafield Lodge Seafield Lodge Seafield Lodge W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh 033 A small dwelling house one storey slated & in good repair. The property of Capt. [Captain] McTaggart.
OS1/3/4/13 [Page] 13 Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/14 ST LAWRENCE St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. W. Black 033 A fine Mansion with offices attached, former two storey slated & in good repair. The Property of Archibald Hume Esqr.
OS1/3/4/14 ROSEBANK Rosebank Rosebank Rosebank Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. W. Black 033 A neat house with offices attached, former two storey, slated & in good repair. The property of John Wilson.
OS1/3/4/14 ST LEONARDS St Leonards St Leonards St Leonards Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G. Tosh W. W. Black 033 A fine Mansion with offices attached -- tastefully laid out grounds around it -- former three storey -- slated & in good repair. The property of Hugh Cowan Esqr.
OS1/3/4/14 THE KNOWE The Knowe The Knowe The Knowe Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw G.Tosh W. W. Black 033 A fine Mansion, with offices attached, and surrounded by beautiful pleasure grounds -- former three storey -- slated & in good repair. The Property of William Hutchison Esqr.
OS1/3/4/14 [Page] 14 -- Ayr Parish
OS1/3/4/15 VIEWHOUSE Viewhouse Viewhouse Viewhouse W. Bone Ayr D. Boswell R. Love 033 A two storey and Slated house erected for the purpose of a stand or view house for the Racecourse. In good repair.
OS1/3/4/15 BLACK BURN Black Burn Black Burn Black Burn W. Bone Ayr D. Boswell R. Love 033 A Small Stream which takes its rise from drains near St Lawrence and falls into the sea -- Not rapid flowing on level ground.
OS1/3/4/15 [Page]15 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/15 Entry London Washing House has been scored out and a note added - 'See the 5ft work and Name book'
OS1/3/4/16 [Page] 16 -- Parish of Ayr [Blank page]
OS1/3/4/17 BURNTON Burnton Burnton Burnton Rev [Reverend] William Shaw Mr G .Tosh W. W. Black 033 A farmsteading dwelling house and offices one Storey Slated & in good repair. property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/17 FRIARLAND Friarland Friarland Friarland Rev [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh Mr William Black 033 A farmsteading Dwelling house two Stories offices one Storey all slated and in good repair. Property of Mr Stewart.
OS1/3/4/17 WHITEFORDHILL Whitefordhill Whitefordhill Whitefordhill Whiteford Hill Rev [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh Mr William Black County Voters List 033 A farm steading Dwellinghouse one storey slated offices one storey partly slated and partly thatched. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr. Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/17 [Page] 17 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/17 The first three entries in the 'Authority' appear to be the initials of the names below.
OS1/3/4/18 MASONHILL Masonhill Masonhill Masonhill William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 A farmsteading Dwellinghouse & offices one Storey slated and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr [Auchencruve.]
OS1/3/4/18 CROFTHEAD Crofthead Crofthead Crofthead William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 A farmsteading Dwelling house and offices one storey thatched and in a dilapidated state. Property of Mr Ballantine Castle.
OS1/3/4/18 CLOVERHILL Cloverhill Cloverhill Cloverhill William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 A cot house on the farm of Masonhill, one Storey Thatched and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchenc [Auchencruve].
OS1/3/4/18 [Page] 18 -- Ph [Parish] Ayr
OS1/3/4/18 The first three entries in the 'Authority' appear to be the initials of the names below.
OS1/3/4/19 OLD TOLL Old Toll Old Toll Old Toll William Hunter Rev. [Reverend] Mr. W. Shaw G. Tosh W.W. Black 033 So called from the circumstance of a toll bar having been here at one time. At present it consists of a dwelling house two Storey , slated, smithy, three carpenters shops with other out offices all in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esq.
OS1/3/4/19 HOLMSTON QUARRY (Disused) Holmston Quarry Holmston Quarry Holmston Quarry William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 An old limestone Quarry has not been worked for some years. property of Alexander Oswald Esqr.
OS1/3/4/19 HOLMSTON T.P. Holmston Toll Holmston Toll Holmston Toll William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr George Tosh 033 A small one Storey slated dwelling house to which is attached a toll bar at which ¾ rates are payable.
OS1/3/4/19 [Page] 19 -- Ph [Parish] Ayr
OS1/3/4/19 Some of the entries in the 'Authority' appear to be the initials of the names below.
OS1/3/4/20 SANDYHILL Sandyhill Sandyhill Sandyhill Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr G. Tosh William W. Black 033 A cot house on the farm of HolmSton, one storey slated in bad repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/20 KILN COTTAGE Kiln Cottage Kiln Cottage Kiln Cottage Rev. [Reverend] William Shaw Mr G. Tosh William W. Black 033 A small cottage one Storey Slated and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/20 OLD TOLL COTTAGE Old Toll Cottage Old Toll Cottage Old Toll Cottage Rev [Reverend] William Shaw Mr G. Tosh William W. Black 033 A small cottage one storey slated and in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/20 [Page] 20 -- Ph [Parish] Ayr
OS1/3/4/20 Some entries in the 'Authority' appear to be the initials of the names below.
OS1/3/4/21 MACNAIRSTON Macnairston Macnairston Macnairston McNairston Macnairstone Rev [Reverend] A. Duncan John Smith, Schoolmr [Schoolmaster] David Campbell Johnston's Co [County] Map County Voters List 033 A large farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former 2 storeys the latter partly one partly two, all slated & in good repair. James Paton Esqr propr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/21 BELLSBANK Bellsbank Bellsbank Bellsbank Bells Bank David Campbell Revd [Reverend] A. Duncan John Smith County Voters List 033 a farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former two storeys the latter one all slated & in good repair. Property of Alexander Oswald Esqr of Auchencruve.
OS1/3/4/21 [Page] 21-- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/22 BELLSTON Bellston Bellston Belston Bellstoun Belstone Belston Rev [Reverend] A. Duncan John Smith, Schoolm [Schoolmaster] D. Campbell (Factor) Johnston's Co [County] Map County Voters List Ayr District Road Maps 033 A farmsteading dwelling & outhouses one storey all slated & in good repair. Alexander Oswald Esqr of Auchencruve Proprietor.
OS1/3/4/22 KNOCKSOUL Knocksoul Knocksoul Knocksoul Rev [Reverend] A. Duncan John Smith D. Campbell 033 A farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the former one storey with attics the latter one storey partly thatched partly slated & in middling repair. Property of John McClymont Esqr.
OS1/3/4/22 [Page] 22-- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/23 GEARHOLM Gearholm Gearholm Gearholm Rev [Reverend] W. Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone Esqr 033 A plain, neat house two storeys -- in good repair -- property of Mr Stewart.
OS1/3/4/23 DOONFOOT Doonfoot Doonfoot Doonfoot Rev. [Reverend] W. Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone Esqr 033 A cot house, thatched, situated at the junction of the Doon with the sea -Property of the Marquis of Ailsa.
OS1/3/4/23 [Page] 23 -- Parish of Ayr Goukscroft - This object is contained in Maybole Parish
OS1/3/4/23 Entry for Goukscroft scored out
OS1/3/4/24 AYR AND DALMELLINGTON RAILWAY Ayr and Dalmellington Railway Ayr and Dalmellington Railway Ayr and Dalmellington Railway Rev [Reverend] Robert Wallace J McLannachan David Baillie 033 A line of Railway between Ay [Ayr] and Dalmellington; a railway to Maybole called the Ayr and Maybole Junction Railway j [joined] (or diverged from) the Ayr and Dalmellington Railway at a point called the junction on [the] farm of Pleasantfield. The A [Ayr] and Dalmellington is a dou [double] line from Ayr to the junction and single thence to Dalmell [Dalmellington]. The Ayr and Maybole junct [junction] railway, extending as it does f [from] that point of the Ayr and Dalmellington Railway called th Junction to Maybole, is a single line of rails. The working of both the railways is by the Glasgow & South Western Railway company at a certain rate.
OS1/3/4/24 [Page] 21-- Parish of Ayr Having the Railway manned 1845/46 a line was projected to connect Ayr & Galloway by Dalmellington. Only a few miles were formed between Sillyhole & Smithstone. This portion forms part of the Ayr and Dalmellington Rauilway, the Ayr and Galloway Railway project having been abandoned. The capital of the Ayr and Galloway has never been all called up and the value per share is about one half of the amount paid up.
OS1/3/4/25 ALLOWAY MILL (Corn) Alloway Mill Alloway Mill Alloway Mill William Shaw Esqr William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] Mr Bone Esqr 033 A large Corn Mill worked by water stated in good repair, dwelling house one storey in good repair, property of the Marquis of Ailsa.
OS1/3/4/25 MOUNTCHARLES Mount charles Mount charles Mount charles Mount Charles Mountcharles William Shaw Esqr William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr Johnston's Co [County] Map Ayr District Road Map 033 A plain Mansion well situated property of Mrs Shaw. Three storeys in good repair.
OS1/3/4/25 AYR AND MAYBOLE JUNCTION RAILWAY Ayr & Maybole Junction Railway Ayr & Maybole Junction Railway Ayr & Maybole Junction Railway Rev [Reverend] R. Wallace W. Porteous J. McLannahan 033 A single line of railway extending from the town of Maybole to its junction with the Ayr & Dalmellington Railway at which point the name terminates. It crosses the River Doon by a large bridge, five arches.
OS1/3/4/25 [Page] 25 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/26 DOONFOOT BRIDGE Doonfoot Bridge Doonfoot Bridge Doonfoot Bridge William Shaw Esqr William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A large stone bri [bridge of] one arch County -- the final junction of River Doon.
OS1/3/4/26 MONKWOOD BRIDGE Monkwood Bridge Monkwood Bridge Monkwood Bridge Rev [Reverend] R. Wallace William Porteous J. McLannahan 033 A large stone bridge, [Consists] one arch, built over Roiver Do [Doon] in good repair.
OS1/3/4/26 [Page] 26 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/27 ROZELLE COTTAGE Rozelle Cottage Rozelle Cottage Rozelle Cottage William Shaw Mr Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A dwelling house with out-offices one storey high partly thatched partly slated all in good repair. Lady Jane Hamilton propr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/27 NORTHPARK North Park North Park North Park North Park North Park William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Johnston's Co [County] Map County Voters List 033 A farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses one storey high all slated & in good repair. Property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/27 [Page] 27 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/28 BURNBANK BRIDGE Burnbank Bridge Burnbank Bridge Burnbank Bridge William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A small County bridge [one] arch spanning a nameless stream on the Trust Road f [from] Ayr to Maybole.
OS1/3/4/28 ROZELLE HOLM Rozelle Holm Rozelle Holm Rozelle Holm William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A farmsteading consisting [of] dwelling & outhouses one store [storey] all slated & in good repair. Property of Lady Jane Hamil [Hamilton].
OS1/3/4/28 ROZELLE LODGE Rozelle Lodge Rozelle Lodge Rozelle Lodge William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 One storey high slated & [in] good repair. Built at [the] Eastern approach to Roz [Rozelle] --. Property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/28 [Page] 28 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/29 WRIGHTFIELD Wrightfield Wrightfield Wrightfield William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A dwelling house with out offices, one storey high Slated & in Middling repair. James Baird Esqr proper [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/29 GREENFIELD Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A farmsteading Consisting of dwelling & outhouses the former 2 storeys the latter one all slated & in good repair. James Baird Esqr proptr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/29 BURNS' HOTEL [Ayr] Burns' Hotel Burns' Hotel Burns' Hotel William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A commodious Inn 2 storeys high slated & in good repair. James Auld Esqr propr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/29 [Page] 29 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/30 CAMBUSDOON Cambusdoon Cambusdoon Cambusdoon William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A large & elegant Mans [Mansion] four storeys high with ou [out] offices 2 storeys all slat [slated] & in excellent repair. Prop [Property] & residence of J. Baird.
OS1/3/4/30 DOONBRAE COTTAGE Doonbrae Cottage Doonbrae Cottage Doonbrae Cottage William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A beautiful Cottage one storey high with out offices one storey all slated & in [good] repair. Mr James Auld proptr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/30 [Page] 30 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/31 DUMFRIESPARK Dumfries park Dumfries park Dumfries park Dumfries Park William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A farmsteading dwelling & outhouses one storey high all thatched & in good repair. Property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/31 ALLOWAY MOTE Alloway Mote Alloway Mote Alloway Mote William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone A small oval shaped wooded Knoll situated close to Doonholm Lodge. It is about 50 feet above the general surface & appears to be an Artificial height. Usual derivation. Property of Collin Blackburn Esqr proptr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/31 [Page] 31-- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/32 Alloway Alloway Alloway Alloway William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D [Doctor of Law] William Bone XXXIII.14 A few scattered houses mostly one storey high - [partly] thatched - partly slated. a Wright's shop - a Smithy - a Sub-post office in Connection with Ayr. One arrival - one despatch - & a [School] partly endowed. [Schoolmaster's] Salary £5. with school fees. Average attendance [about] 60. Property of James Baird Esqr.
OS1/3/4/32 Alloway Cottage Alloway Cottage Alloway Cottage Alloway Cottage William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D [Doctor of Law] William Bone A neat two storey house, [with] out offices of one storey all [slated] in good repair James Baird Esq. Proprietor
OS1/3/4/32 [Page] 32 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/33 SLAPHOUSE BURN Slaphouse Burn Slaphouse Burn Slaphouse Burn William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A middling sized & rapid stream formed from several small burns which meet a little to the North of Rozelle & after a Course of about two Miles mostly through arable land & over a Smooth bed of gravel falls into the Sea Near Abercrombie Cottage.
OS1/3/4/33 LAIGH CORTON Laigh Corton Laigh Corton Laigh Corton William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A farmsteading Consisting of dwelling & outhouses, one storey high all slated & in good repair. Property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
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OS1/3/4/34 GLENGALL Glengall Glengall Glengall William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A farmsteading [consisting] of dwelling & outhouses the [former] 2 storeys the latter one all slated & in good repair. Property of Lady Jane [Hamilton].
OS1/3/4/34 GLENGALL COTTAGE Glengall Cottage Glengall Cottage Glengall Cottage William Shaw W. Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A Cothouse one storey high thatched & in bad repair. Property of Lady Jane Hamil [Hamilton].
OS1/3/4/34 GLENGALL BRIDGE Glengall Bridge Glengall Bridge Glengall Bridge William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A small stone bridge one [arch] spanning a nameless stream on the Trust road from Ayr to Maybole. Erected & [supported] by the County.
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OS1/3/4/35 NEW BRIDGE OF DOON New Bridge of Doon New Bridge of Doon New Bridge of Doon William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A neatly constructed Stone bridge one arch Spanning the River Doon on the Trust Road from Ayr to Maybole Erected & Supported by the County.
OS1/3/4/35 BURNS' MONUMENT Burns' Monument Burns' Monument Burns' Monument Revd [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A true specimen of a Corafic Monument. "This splendid monument stands on a rather commanding & tasteful position of the Summit of the east bank of the Doon, near Alloway Kirk the bank rising above the stream, with a pretty bold acclivity, ornamented on its brow by an orchard, & the shrubbery on its brow that surrounds the building. [Continues on Page 36]
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OS1/3/4/36 BURNS' MONUMENT Burns' Monument Burns' Monument Burns' Monument William Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 It is situated at nearly an [equal ] distance between the Kirk & [the ] Auld Brig, having the road to Maybole across the new bridge, [facing] it in an oblique direction. It consists of a triangular [base] rising to the height of 16 or 18 feet from the ground, built very Massive materials, [Rough ] & rustic in appearance. These are intended to [represent ] the three divisions of the County, having a [face ] to each of the districts - Kyle, Carrick & [Cunningham] Over the base rises a superstructure of [Nine] open Circular [Columns] representing the Nine Muses, with rich capitols of the Corinthian order having [a] protecting Cupola, highly ornamented, surmounted by a gilt tripod. This tripod is supported by three [inverted] dolphins - fishes sacred to Apollo, who presided over the fine arts".
OS1/3/4/36 [Page] 34 -- 36 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/37 ROZELLE Rozelle Rozelle Rozelle William Shaw W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A large & elegant building four storeys high, with out offices one & two storeys all slated & in excellent repair. Lady Jane Hamilton proptr [proprietor]
OS1/3/4/37 BURNBANK Burnbank Burnbank Burnbank William Shaw W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W Bone 033 A dwelling house with a Smithy & wrights - shop attached one storey - partly thatched - partly slated & in good repair Property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
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OS1/3/4/38 LAIGH GLENGALL Laigh Glengall Laigh Glengall Laigh Glengall William Shaw W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A farm steading consisting of dwelling & outhouses, the [former] 2 storeys the latter one, all slated & in good repair. Lady Jane Hamilton proprietor.
OS1/3/4/38 KINCAIDSTON Kincaidston Kincaidston Kincaidston Kincaidstone William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W. Bone Johnstons' Co [County] Map 033 A farmsteading dwelling & outhouses one storey high all slated & in good repair Property of James Morton Esq
OS1/3/4/38 ANNFIELD Annfield Annfield Annfield William Shaw W. Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A farmsteading consisting of dwelling & outhouses the former [one] Storey with attics the latter one storey all slated & in good repair James Morton Esq propr [proprietor]
OS1/3/4/38 [Page] 38 --36 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/39 BELLEISLE Belleisle Belleisle Belleisle Belisle William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W. Bone Johnstons Co [County] Map 033 A large & Commodious building four storeys high with outhouses of one storey all slated & in good repair. Hugh Hamilton Esq Propr [proprietor]
OS1/3/4/39 CAMBUSDOON LODGE Cambusdoon Lodge Cambusdoon Lodge Cambusdoon Lodge William Shaw William Huner LLD [Doctor of Law] W. Bone 033 A Small Slated house one Storey high - in good repair, built at the Northern approach to Cambusdoon. James Baird Esq propr [proprietor].
OS1/3/4/39 SUMMERFIELD Summerfield Summerfield Summerfield William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A dwelling house with out Offices one storey all slated & in good repair Lady Jane Hamilton propr [proprietor]
OS1/3/4/39 [Page] 39 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/40 SLAPHOUSE BRIDGE Slaphouse Bridge Slaphouse Bridge Slaphouse Bridge W Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W Bone 033 A small stone bridge [one] arch, spanning a [nameless] burn on the Trust road [from ] Ayr to Maybole. [Erected] & supported by the County
OS1/3/4/40 CLOCHRANHILL Clochranhill Clochranhill Clochranhill Cochranhill William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Laws] W Bone Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A farmsteading dwelling & outhouses one Storey high [all] slated & in good repair Property of Lady Jane Hamilton No hill of the Same Name
OS1/3/4/40 DOONHOLM LODGE Doonholm Lodge Doonholm Lodge Doonholm Lodge Lodge William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone Ayr District Road map 033 A small house built at [the] Northern approach to Doonholm, [one] Storey slated & in good repair. Property of Collin Blackburn Esq
OS1/3/4/40 [Page] 40 --38 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/41 ALLOWAY KIRK (in Ruins) Alloway Kirk Alloway Kirk Alloway Kirk William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 Little is Known of the original erection of this church. On the bell attached to it appears the inscription "For the Kirk of Alloway 1657" It is spoken of as roofless prior to 1786. It was again roofed & is now again uncovered. The ruin is small & plain - situated within an old burial ground - has been made famous by the Muse of Burns.
OS1/3/4/41 MUNGO'S WELL Mungo's Well Mungo's Well Mungo's Well William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A small spring of excellent water not impregnated with any Mineral Substances.
OS1/3/4/41 [Page] 41-- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/42 BURNS' COTTAGE Burns' Cottage Burns' Cottage Burns' Cottage William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A small public- [house] one storey high partly [thatched] partly slated & in good [repair] James Baird Esq prop [proprietor] Birth place of the [Poet Robert]" Burns".
OS1/3/4/42 SHELL PALACE Shell Palace Shell Palace Shell Palace William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 033 A small curious erection built entirely of shells & sand & the necessary admixture of lime. It is attached to [the] pleasure grounds of the [Burns] Hotel. The interior is highly decorated.
OS1/3/4/42 [Page] 42 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/42 Some words are partly lost in tight binding of right margin.
OS1/3/4/43 WHITEHILL Whitehill Whitehill Whitehill William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A neat Substantial farm house two Storeys high Slated and in excellent repair the out offices are only one Storey and partly slated and partly thatched the property of G Gemmell Esq West Bank Ayr
OS1/3/4/43 WHITE HILL Whitehill Whitehill Whitehill William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A rising ground on the Turnpike Road from Ayr to Dalmellington and adjacent to Whitehill it is all arable and a narrow belt of wood extends from north to South along the Road over the highest part of it the property of R Gemmell Esq W. [West] Bank
OS1/3/4/43 WHITEHILL SMITHY Whitehill Smithy Whitehill Smithy Whitehill Smithy William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A Small one storey thatched building at the north base of Whitehill occupied by and used as a Black Smiths Shop the property of R. Gemmell Esq West Bank Ayr
OS1/3/4/43 [Page] 43 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 15
OS1/3/4/44 MOTE [a cottage] Moat Moat Moat William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A Small one Storey thatched [cottage] house, when the house was erected it took its name from a natural Knoll hillock adjacent resembling a moat there is no moat in the neighbourhood the property of R Gemmell Esq West [Bank]
OS1/3/4/44 BANK [farm] Bank Bank Bank William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A neat farm house two Storeys Slated in good repair the out offices are all one storey and Slated also the [property] of James Ballantine Esq Castlehill
OS1/3/4/44 BRESTON Breston Breston Breston Barston William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq Johnston's Co [County] Map 033 A thatched farm house one Storey [high] in good repair the out offices on the Same plan. The property of James Ballantine Esq Castlehill Ayr
OS1/3/4/44 [Page] 44 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 15
OS1/3/4/45 THORNHILL Thornhill Thornhill Thornhill William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A Farmhouse two Storeys high Slated and newly repaired the out offices are only one Storey Slated and in good repair the property of J Templeton Esq Ayr
OS1/3/4/45 ABBOTHILL Abbothill Abbothill Abbothill William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A Small plain farmhouse and Steadings all one Storey high Slated and only in tolerable repair the property of W. Findly Esq Ayr
OS1/3/4/45 COCK HILL Cock hill Cock hill Cock hill William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esq 033 A rising ground partly composed of wood and partly of arable on the left of the Turnpike Road from Ayr to Dalmellington the property of Lady Jane Hamilton Rozell
OS1/3/4/45 [Page] 45 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 15
OS1/3/4/46 HIGH COCKHILL High Cock hill High Cock hill High Cock hill William Hunter L.L.D. [ Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esqr 033 A small Thatched farmhouse, one Storey high on the left of the turnpike Road from Ayr to Dalmellington and adjacent to Cock hill the [property] of Lady Jane Hamilton Rozell.
OS1/3/4/46 LAIGH COCKHILL Laigh Cock hill Laigh Cock hill Little Cockhill William Hunter L.L.D. [ Doctor of Law] Revd [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone Esqr 033 A Small low thatched one Storey high with Out offices of the Same description as farm House etc. the property of Lady Jane Hamilton Rozell
OS1/3/4/46 [Page] 46 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 15
OS1/3/4/47 NUNSLAND Nunsland Nunsland Nunsland Revd [Reverend] W. Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr 033 A small Cottage house one Storey thatched and in good repair. Attached is a good large garden, the property of the Marquis of Ailsa.
OS1/3/4/47 SESSIONFIELD Sessionfield Sessionfield Sessionfield Session field Revd [Reverend] W. Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr County Voters List 033 A neat Substantial farmhouse with good Steadings all one Storey high Slated and in excellent repair the property of the Court of Sessions Ayr.
OS1/3/4/47 TREES Trees Trees Trees Revd. [Reverend] W. Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr 033 A neat Farmhouse with tolerable good out offices all one Storey & Slated, the property of Mrs Stewart Ayr.
OS1/3/4/47 [Page] 47 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 16
OS1/3/4/48 WEE MACNAIRSTON Wee Macnairston Wee Macnairston Wee Macnairston Revd. [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter Esqr L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr 033 A Cottage house One Storey high and in good repair on the farm of Macnairston, the property of Mr Paton Macnairston -
OS1/3/4/48 LOCHFERGUS Lochfergus Lochfergus Loch Fergus Loch Fergus Revd [Reverend] W. Shaw William Hunter L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] County Voters List Ayr District Road Map 033 A Substantial farm house and Steading all one Storey high Slated and in good repair the property of the Marquis of Ailsa.
OS1/3/4/48 [Page] 48 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 16
OS1/3/4/49 LOCH FERGUS Loch Fergus Loch Fergus Loch Fergus Revd [Reverend] W. Shaw William Hunter Esqr L.L.D. [Doctor of Law] William Bone Esqr 033 A deep fresh water Loch on the South east margin of the Parish of Ayr, about 30 chains long by about 10 wide has been much larger some 20 years ago its banks are low and marshy. - In the middle of the Loch is a low level round Island partly a marsh and partly Wooded in which are Some Scattered Stones Said by the Country people to be at one time a castle and by Patterson a monastery."- there is no trace of the foundation at present there is no mortar or cut stone visible nothing to indicate that it was either a Castle or Monastery more like the remains of a Decoy for Wild Duck and other water fowl which visit to it in thousands. At present the Island is only about 5 feet above the level of the Loch-
OS1/3/4/49 MONASTERY (Site of) [Loch Fergus] 033 A deep fresh water Loch on the South east margin of the Parish of Ayr, about 30 chains long by about 10 wide has been much larger some 20 years ago its banks are low and marshy. - In the middle of the Loch is a low level round Island partly a marsh and partly Wooded in which are Some Scattered Stones Said by the Country people to be at one time a castle and by Patterson a monastery."- there is no trace of the foundation at present there is no mortar or cut stone visible nothing to indicate that it was either a Castle or Monastery more like the remains of a Decoy for Wild Duck and other water fowl which visit to it in thousands. At present the Island is only about 5 feet above the level of the Loch-
OS1/3/4/49 [Page] 49 -- Parish of Ayr -- Sheet 33 -- Plan 16 "We have seen a statement from an old writing, which bears that the island in Lochfergus was the seat of a Monastery. There are certainly stones & other appearances in the place from which imagination might easily conclude that, at some distant time, there was such a building on this interesting spot. ** Tradition says that this lake derived its name from Fergus one of the Scottish Kings who defeated Coilus, king of the Britons in the adjoining fields." Satistical Acct [Account] (Coylton parish 1842). "There were it is said, till lately, the remains of an old ruined Castle near its margin, which probably was used as a shooting station by the Cassillis family to whom the property belongs. The materials have been used in building & repairing farm steadings & dikes in the vicinity." Statistical Acct [Account] (Ayr Parish 1842). "Loch Fergus with an isle with many growing trees, where great plenty of herons resort with the loch seal. There is a decayed monastery in it". (From Chronicles of Scotland 1624).
OS1/3/4/50 [Page] 50 -- 48 Parish of Ayr [blank page]
OS1/3/4/51 AYR WATER WORKS Ayr Water Works Ayr Water Works Ayr Water Works Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 Composed of three cisterns, two rectangular, & the other circular, the former having gravelly bottoms, with about 2 feet of water in them, the latter a stone bottom & about 12 feet of water. Supplied from a reservoir about a mile to the South, all built of Sandstone & in good repair. The property of the Ayr Water Compy [Company].
OS1/3/4/51 OLD BRIDGE OF DOON Old Bridge of Doon Old Bridge of Doon Old Bridge of Doon Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A high, narrow, stone bridge - one arch, spanning the River Doon, on the Old Road between Ayr & Maybole, erected about the year 1400 & kept in repair by the County. Made famous by Burns.
OS1/3/4/51 [Page] 51--49 Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/52 [Page] 52 -- 50 -- Parish of Ayr [Blank Page]
OS1/3/4/53 SOUTH CORTON South Corton South Corton South Corton Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] 039 A farmsteading - dwelling house & offices - one storey - Slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/53 BROOMBERRY Broomberry Broomberry Broomberry Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] 039 A farmsteading - dwellinghouse & offices - one storey -Slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton, Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/53 BARRHILL Barrhill Barrhill Barrhill Barhill Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Johnston's Co [County] Map 039 A farmsteading - dwelling house & offices - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton, Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/53 MILLBRAE Millbrae Millbrae Millbrae Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] 039 A small dwelling house, one storey high, slated & in good repair. The property of James Baird Esq Cambusdoon.
OS1/3/4/53 FORD LODGE Ford Lodge Ford Lodge Ford Lodge Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] 039 A small dwellinghouse - one storey - slated & in good repair. The property of Elias Cathcart Esq Auchindrane.
OS1/3/4/53 [Page] 53--51 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/54 BARRHILL COTTAGE Barrhill Cottage Barrhill Cottage Barrhill Cottage William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw 039 A small dwellinghouse, one storey high, slated & in good repair. The property of Colin Blackburn Esqr Doonholm
OS1/3/4/54 BROOMBERRY TILE WORKS Broomberry Tile Works Broomberry Tile Works Broomberry Tile Works William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw 039 Tile Works, worked by steam, having an Engine of eight horse power. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton, Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/54 DOONHOLM LODGE Doonholm Lodge Doonholm Lodge Doonholm Lodge William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw 039 A small dwellinghouse, one storey slated & in good repair. The property of Colin Blackburn Esqr Doonholm
OS1/3/4/54 DOONHOLM [farm] Doonholm Doonholm Doonholm William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw 039 A farmsteading - dwellinghouse and offices - two storey high slated & in good repair, the property of Colin Blackburn Esqr.
OS1/3/4/54 MOSSHILL Mosshill William Bone William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] Rev [Reverend] William Shaw 039 A farm steading - dwelling-house & offices - one storey high slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton, Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/54 [Page] 54 -- 52 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/55 DUTCH MILLS (Corn & Wool) Dutch Mills Dutch Mills Dutch Mills Rev [Reverend] Wiliam Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 Corn & Wool Mills, occupying separate buildings - former three storey and thirty two horse power - latter two storey & eleven horse power - propelled by water - dwellinghouses & offices attached, all slated & in good repair. The property of James Baird Esqr Cambusdoon.
OS1/3/4/55 DOONHOLM [house] Doonholm Doonholm Doonholm Doon-holm Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone County Voters list 039 A fine Modern Mansion situated on a gentle rising ground on the banks of the River Doon, surrounded by beautiful pleasure grounds - offices attached, house three storey, offices two, all slated & in good repair. The property of Colin Blackburn Esqr.
OS1/3/4/55 [Page] 55-- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/56 PLEASANTFIELD Pleasantfield Pleasantfield Pleasantfield Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A farm-steading - dwellinghouse & offices - one storey high, slated & in good repair. The property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchincruive
OS1/3/4/56 PLEASANTFIELD COTTAGE Pleasantfield Cottage Pleasantfield Cottage Pleasantfield Cottage Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A small dwellinghouse, one storey high, slated & in good repair. The property of Alexander Oswald Esqr Auchincruive.
OS1/3/4/56 MOUNT FERGUSSON Mount Fergusson Mount Fergusson Mount Fergusson Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A farmsteading - dwellinghouse & offices - one storey high, slated & in good repair. The property of Alexander Oswald Esqr
OS1/3/4/56 MOUNT OLIPHANT Mount Oliphant Mount Oliphant Mount Oliphant Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A farmsteading - dwellinghouse & offices - former two storey high - slated & in good repair. The property of Alexander Oswald Esqr
OS1/3/4/56 HIGH CORTON High Corton High Corton High Corton Rev [Reverend] William Shaw William Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] William Bone 039 A farmsteading - dwellinghouse & offices- one storey, slated & in good repair. The property of Lady Jane Hamilton, Rozelle.
OS1/3/4/56 [Page] 56 -- 54 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/57 CARCLUIE Carcluie Carcluie Carcluie Carclaile Rev [Reverend] Robert Wallace W Porteous Esq J. McLannahan Johnstons Co [County] Map 039 A farmsteading in good repair property of Lady Hamilton. Dwelling house & offices one storey slated in good repair.
OS1/3/4/57 CARCLUIE LOCH Carcluie Loch Carcluie Loch Carcluie Loch Rev [Reverend] Robert Wallace W Porteous Esqr J. McLannahan Esq 039 Small with marshy edge, property of Lady Hamiiton
OS1/3/4/57 DALRYMPLE STATION Dalrymple Station Dalrymple Station Dalrymple Station Rev [Reverend] R. Wallace W Porteous Esq J. McLannahan Esq 039 A railway station minor situated one mile from the Village of Dalrymple - Brick, slated - one storey.
OS1/3/4/57 [Page] 57 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/58 BLACKHILL Blackhill Blackhill Blackhill Backhill Rev [Reverend] R Wallace W Porteous J McLannahan Johnstons Co [County] Map 039 A farmsteading in good repair - dwelling house two storeys, offices [one] slated. property of Lady Jane Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/58 CARCLUIE T.P. Cacrluie TP [Turnpike] Carcluie Turnpike Carcluie Turnpike Rev [Reverend R Wallace W Porteous J. McLannahan 039 Tollbar - one storey, slated, in good repair full rates payable
OS1/3/4/58 ROZELLE COTTAGE Rozelle Cottage Rozelle Cottage Rozelle Cottage W Shaw Esq W Hunter LLD [Doctor of Law] W Bone Esq 039 A neat slated cottage in good repair property of Lady Hamilton.
OS1/3/4/58 [Page] 58 -- 56 -- Ph [Parish] of Ayr
OS1/3/4/59 WELLPARK Well Park Wellpark Wellpark Robert McCormick James Sloss James P Boyd 033 A plain and substantial building recently erected, two storey high, slated in good condition. It stands immediately south of Alloway Turnpike. Property of Mr James Sloss
OS1/3/4/59 BRUCE'S CRESCENT [Ayr] Bruce's Crescent Bruce's Crescent Bruce's Crescent Robert McCormick James P Boyd John Kinloch 033 An intended line of Houses of which, are at present erected two buildings of one storey high slated and in good repair. Property of Various persons.
OS1/3/4/59 CROMWELL COTTAGE Cromwell Cottage Cromwell Cottage Cromwell Cottage Robert McCormick James P boyd John Kinloch 033 A neat little Cottage erected at the south West angle of the Barracks Square one storey high slated and in good repair. Property of Capt. [Captain] James Millar.
OS1/3/4/59 [Page] 59 -- Parish of Ayr Additional Names within the 5ft [feet] work of Ayr - Objects shown only on 1/2500 scale
OS1/3/4/60 MONTGOMERIE TERRACE [Ayr] Montgomerie Terrace Montgomerie Terrace Montgomerie Terrace Montgomerie Terrace Robert McCormick James P Boyd Walter Morison, Minister John Kinloch 033 Consists of four detached buildings two storey high slated and in good repair. Property of the Misses Bellfon
OS1/3/4/60 FORT HOUSE Fort House Fort House Fort House Fort House Robert McCormick James P Boyd J Miller John Kinloch 033 A large and substantial two storey building recently erected and in good repair. property of John Miller Esqr.
OS1/3/4/60 SEABANK VILLA Seabank Villa Seabank Villa Seabank Villa Seabank Villa Robert McCormick James P Boyd J Miller John Kinloch 033 A newly erected two storey building, slated and in good repair. Property of Mr Thomas Steele.
OS1/3/4/60 [Page] 60 -- Parish of Ayr Additional Names within the 5 feet work of Ayr -Objects shown only on 1/2500 plan
OS1/3/4/61 CROMWELL PLACE [Ayr] Cromwell Place in Cromwell St. Cromwell Place in Cromwell St. Cromwell Place in Cromwell St. David Highet Walter Morison, Minister John Kinloch 033 A good sized double-houses situate at the south east corner of a line of way laid off for a Street and to be called Cromwell Street. Two storey, slated, and quite new (indeed not quite finished). Property of David Highet Esqr.
OS1/3/4/61 CROMWELL STREET [Ayr] Cromwell Street Cromwell Street Cromwell Street David Highet Walter Morison, Minister John Kinloch 033 A line of road lately laid out for a street in which only stands, as yet, Cromwell Place. Property of different persons.
OS1/3/4/61 [Page] 61-- Parish of Ayr [Note] Additional Names within 5 feet work of Ayr whose objects shown only on 1/2500 Plan.
OS1/3/4/62 Branch of the ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND [Ayr] Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland Robert McCormick James P Boyd J Miller John Kinloch 033 A large and neatly constructed edifice three storey high slated and in excellent condition. Property of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
OS1/3/4/62 FORT CASTLE Fort Castle Fort Castle Fort Castle St John the Baptist's Church; Belfry (Remains of 12th Century) John Miller David Highet William Miller Ordnance 5ft Plan of Ayr & Name Book 033 The remains of St John's Church (12th Century) consisting of the Tower or Belfry to which has been built, within the last two years, a considerable addition on part of the site of the Church. It has thus become a tolerable mansion and is now called "Fort Castle" all in Gothic Style. John Miller, Esqr Proprietor.
OS1/3/4/62 ST JOHN THE BAPTIST'S CHURCH (Ruin) St. John the Baptist's Church; Belfry (Remains of 12th. Century) Ordanance 5 ft [feet] Plan of & And Name Book 033 The remains of St John's Church (12th Century) consisting of the Tower or Belfry to which has been built, within the last two years, a considerable addition on part of the site of the Church. It has thus become a tolerable mansion and is now called "Fort Castle" all in Gothic Style. John Miller, Esqr Proprietor.
OS1/3/4/62 [Page] 62 -- Parish of Ayr [Note] Additional Names within 5ft. [feet] work of Ayr.
OS1/3/4/63 TOWNHEAD STATION Ayr, Townhead Station, South side Ayr, Townhead Station, South side but may be altered J. M. French W. McNeight 033 A Railway Station, situate at the Townhead of Ayr, on the South side of the River Ayr. It is the property, conjunctly, of the three Railway Companies -- The Glasgow & South Western, The Ayr & Dalmellington, and the Ayr & Maybole Junction. The working of the lines of the two latter Companies is in the hands of the first mentioned, at a certain per centage.
OS1/3/4/63 LONDON WASHING HOUSE London Washing House London Washing House London Washing House William Bone Esqr. D Boswell R Love 033 A two storey and thatched dwelling house in bad repair. Once used as a washing house. Property of the burgh of Ayr.
OS1/3/4/63 [Page] 63 -- Parish of Ayr [Note] Additional names within 5ft [feet] work of Ayr. [Note London washing House] "I cant find this name on 33 -10 [signed] WMC
OS1/3/4/64 ROMAN ROAD [Ayr parish] Roman Road Roman Road Patterson's History Statistical Acct [Account] 033 ; 039 "The remains of the great Roman road leading from Galloway into Ayrshire are perfectly distinguishable, within a mile & a half of Ayr. These no one can have any difficulty in finding, who wishes to examine them. They lie to the southwest of Castlehill gardens behind the gardner's house, extending from near the avenue to the mansion, to the bottom of the hill to the southeast, and up the adjoining hill, passing close by the farmhouse of Breston. The features of this curious rem ant of antiquity are distinctly marked, and can hardly be mistaken. We have seen also a part of the same road in perfect preservation, many years ago, in the neighbourhood of Dalmellington, bearing similar features. From this point, it appears to have run to the east of the River Doon, by the farms of Ponessan, Boreland, etc on to near Cockhill, from which it had been continued in a straight line, past Castlehill, Storehill, Towlcauseway, to Ayr, which it entered by the ground opened for quarries at the head of the town, and ran along in the direction of what is now called Mill Street. In many parts of this course, distinct traces of it could be recognised till within a few years back, and there is reason to believe that, within little more than half a century ago, it formed the only road that was used for communication betwixt Ayr & Galloway & Dumfries shire. Whether it was brought to Ayr, from its being at that tine a town, a sea-port, or a military station, appears uncertain though one or other of these may probably have formed the motive. It is far from being likely that it was made to run in this direction either for shortness or convenience, since both the nearest and most level line to the Clyde, after passing Dalmellington, would have been by Old Cumnock, Irvine & Largs." Extracted from tatistical Account for Parish of Ayr. "The line of a roman road, supposed to have formed a communication between the Friths of Solway & Clyde, passes through this parish. Entering in at the eastern extremity, it passes through the farms of Polnessan, Smithston, Newfield, Boreland, Hollybush Mains and Causeway, which is supposed to have taken its name from this road. From Causeway it goes on to the farm of Perclewan, & passing through this and the farm of Lindston, it enters the parish of Ayr." Extracted from Statistical Account (1842) for Dalrymple Parish. "In Chalmer's Caledonia, notice is taken of a roman road which passed through the length of this parish, from Southeast to northwest. The line of it has been traced through Dumfries & Kirkcudbright shires. The last remains of it in this parish, on the farm of Burnhead, were raised 7 years ago to repair som dikes, which had formerly been built of the whinstone of which the road was formed. It had been from ten to eleven feet broad, composed of a row of large stones on either side, and filled up with Smaller between. Leaving Dalmellington it entered Dalrymple, where it has been traced in various places, and Terminated at a ford in the River Ayr, not a great distance above the town." Extracted from Statistical Account (Dalmellington Parish).
OS1/3/4/64 [Page] 64 -- Parish of Ayr
OS1/3/4/65 [Page] 65 [Blank Page]
OS1/3/4/66 [Page] 66 [Signed] F.E. Pratt Lieut [Lieutenant] Rl [Royal] Engineers
OS1/3/4/66 Page is blank apart from signature and page number
OS1/3/4/67 4 Ayr OS1/3/4 [Page] 67 NAME BOOK (47) OF THE PARISH OF AYR (For Names within Five-feet work, see Town Name book) Parts of Sheets 33 & 39
OS1/3/4/67 Also an Ordnance Survey date stamp but date partly illegible
OS1/3/4/68 AYR PARISH -- Parts of Sheets 38 & 39 -- [Page] 68 INDEX Name ---- Page Abbothill -- 45 Alloway -- 32 Alloway Cottage -- 32 Alloway Kirk -- 41 Alloway Mote -- 31 Annfield -- 38 Ayr Parish -- 1 Ayr Dalmellington Railway -- 24 Ayr & Maybole Junction Railway -- 25 Ayr Water Works -- 51 Bank -- 44 Barnhill -- 53 Barnhill Cottage -- 54 Belleisle -- 39 Belleisle Cottage -- 13 Bellsbank -- 21 Bellston -- 22 Belmont -- 7 Belmont Cottages --7 Black Burn -- 15 Blackhill -- 58 Boiling Well -- 3 Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland -- 62 Breston -- 44 Bridgehouse -- 13 Broomberry -- 53 Broomberry Tileworks -- 54 Broseylane -- 9 Bruce's Crescent -- 59 Burnbank -- 37 Burnbank Bridge -- 28 Burns' Cottage -- 42 Burns' Hotel -- 29 Burns' Monument -- 35 Burnton -- 17 Burton Cottage -- 12 Cambusdoon -- 30 Carcluie -- 57 Carcluie Loch -- 57 Castlehill -- 8 Chapelpark -- 9 Clochranhill -- 40 Clovenhill -- 18 Clockhill -- 45 Commonhead -- 9 Corsehill --10 Crofthead -- 18 Cromwell Cottage -- 59 Cromwell Street -- 61 Dalrymple Station -- 57 Doonbrae Cottage -- 30 Doonfoot -- 23 Doonfoot Bridge -- 26 Doonholm (House) -- 55 Doonholm (Farm) -- 54 Dumfriespark -- 31 Dutch Mills -- 55 Ewenfield -- 12 Fenwickland -- 7 Fort Lodge -- 53 Fort Castle -- 62 Fort House -- 60 Friarland -- 17 Gateside -- 5, 13 Gearholm -- 23 Glengall -- 34 Glengall Bridge -- 34 Glengall Cottage -- 34 Greenfield -- 29 High Cockhill -- 46 High Corton -- 56 Holmston -- 5 Holmston Quarry -- 19 Holmston T.P. [Turnpike] --19 Inverdon -- 11 Kiln Cottage -- 20 Kincaidston -- 38 Knocksoul -- 22
OS1/3/4/69 [Page] 69 INDEX Name ----- Page Laigh Cockhill -- 46 Laigh Corton -- 33 Laigh Glengall -- 38 Lochfergus -- 48 Loch Fergus -- 48 London Washing House -- 63 Macnairston -- 21 Masonhill --18 Millbrae -- 53 Monastery -- 49 Monkwood Bridge -- 26 Montgomerie Terrace -- 60 Mosshill -- 54 Mote -- 44 Mountcharles -- 25 Mount Fergusson -- 56 Mount Oliphant -- 56 Mungo's Well -- 41 New Bridge of Doon -- 35 Northpark -- 27 Nunsland -- 47 Old Bridge of Doon -- 51 Old Toll -- 19 Old Toll Cottage -- 20 Over Mills -- 5 Peggyshill -- 9 Pleasantfield -- 56 Pleasantfield Cottage -- 56 Pyetfield -- 7 Race Course -- 11 River Ayr -- 6 Robbsland -- 9 Rosebank -- 14 Rosebank Cottage --10 Rozelle -- 37 Rozelle Cottage -- 27 & 58 Rozelle Holm -- 28 Roman Road -- 64 Sandyhill -- 20 Seabank Villa -- 60 Seafield -- 13 Sessionfield -- 47 Shawfield -- 12 Shell Palace -- 42 Slaphouse -- 8 Slaphouse Bridge -- 40 Slaphouse Burn -- 33 South Corton -- 53 St John the Baptist's Church -- 62 St Lawrence -- 14 St Leonards -- 14 Summerfield -- 39 The Knowe -- 14 Thornhill -- 45 Townhead Station -- 63 Trees -- 47 Viewhouse -- 15 Wee Macnairston -- 48 Wellpark -- 59 Whitefordhill -- 17 Whitehill -- 43 Whitehill Smithy -- 43 Wrightfield -- 29