List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
LITTLE CUMBRAY [now Buteshire] | Lesser Cumbray Little Cumbrae Little Cumbrae Little Cumbrae Little Cumbra Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Little Cumbray Comray Litell Comeray Little Cambray |
Dawsons Abridged Stat [Statistical] Hist [History] of Scotland 1854 Robert Hunter Esqr. of Hunterston Chart of the Clyde by Cap. [Captain] Robinson R.N. [Royal Navy] 1846 George Johnston Esqr Factor to the Earl of Eglinton Johnston's Co. [County] Map New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] of Ayr Origines Parochiales Scotiae, a work containing proceedings of the Court of Lands and Ecclesiastical Courts on the plantation of Ph [Parish] Churches &c Chalmer's Caledonia 3rd Vol. [Volume] Page 561 Chambers Picture of Scotland Old Stat Acct [Statistical Account] Maitlands Hist [History] of Scotland Full [Fullarton's] Gazetteer of Scotland Lawsons Gazetter of Scotland Aitkens Hist [History] of Scotland Bradshaws Railway Guide Map Aitkens Map of Cunninghame Monro's Hist [History] of the Western Islands New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] for Buteshire The Archeology and Prehistoric Annuals of Scotland Paterson's Hist [History] of Ayrshire Tytler's Hist [History] of Scotland Registry of the priory-seal Rev [Reverend] Alexander Marshall, Millport |
228 | An Island in the Firth of Clyde, the surface of which is exceedingly irregular and rocky, but affords tolerably good pasture for sheep. In several places it appears to have been cultivated, as the distinct traces of ridges indicate; the only portion now in cultivation, and what may be called arable is, the gardens attached to the farm and Lighthouses. There is a chain of cliffs almost surrounding this island, some of which are of considerable height and nearly perpendicular. The rocks at high water mark, are not stratified, but in some places quite smooth and flat, in other places they present a very rugged and uneven surface. The whole island belongs to the Right Hon [Honorable], the Earl of Eglinton. It is in the Co. [County] of Bute, and Quoad sacra attached to the parish of W. [West] Kilbride Ayrshire and Quoad Civilia to the Ph. [Parish} of Ardrossan. It is held in lease by Mr Motion whose steading is in the East side beside the Old tower or Castle. (signed) John Byrne C. Asst [Civilian Assistant] |
Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 1Parish of Ardrossan
This island, although in the
Sheriffdom of Bute, forms
part of the parish of Ardrossan
Ayrshire. See documents relative
thereto in last page of N. [Name] Book.
[Initials below Little Cumbray]
Capt. RE [Captain Royal Engineers]
[Arrow pointing to]
Little Cumbray Island
"The name Cumbray, Cambray,
"Cimbray, or Cumbraes, is said
"to be derived from the Gaelic,
"and to imply a place of shelter
"or refuge."
Full [Fullarton's] Gazetteer.
"The Greater or Big Cumbray, with that
"of the Little Cumbray, form a distinct parish
"in the Presbytery of Greenock, and Synod
"of Glasgow and Ayr," Full [Fullarton's] Gazetteer.
The Island of Little Cumbray lies about midway betwixt the southern
part of the islands of Bute and the promontory of Portincross, in the
parish of West Kilbride, distant from either about 3½ Miles. It is how-
ever attached to the parish of W. [West] Kilbride only Quoad Sacra; Civilly
and politically, it forms part of the shire of Bute the judicial
seat of which is in the Burgh of Rothsay." New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] Ayr.
Lesser Cumbray is [fam]ed for it's perpendicular cliffs rising to the height [of 800] ft in a succession of [terraces.]
[Dawson's] Abridged [Stat Statistical] Hist [History] [of Scotland]
Transcriber's notes
Map situation numbers have been corrected during 19th Century.The missing letters and words of the last quote were copied from the original source.
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Nellie- Moderator, Missus SW
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