
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT A' CHRUINN BHARRAIN Allt a' Chruinn Bharrain Rev. [Reverend] A. Clark Corpach
Mr. Ewen Cameron Corpach
Mr. A. McPhee Corpach
006 "Stream of the Round Clump["] A stream rising little south of Coille Mhòir which flows in a south westerly direction for one mile when it becom[es] confluent with the Suileag
TORR A' CHÒMHLAIDH Torr na Còmhladh Rev. [Reverend] A. Clark Corpach
Mr. Ewen Cameron Corpach
Mr. A. McPhee Corpach
006 "Hillock of Meeting" A hill feature situated on the west side of Glen Suileag the property of D. Cameron M.P. [Member of Parliament] Esq of Locheil,
BEUL ÀTH NAN DEARCAG Beul Ath nan Dearcag Rev. [Reverend] A. Clark Corpach
Mr. Ewen Cameron Corpach
Mr. A. McPhee Corpach
006 "Ford of the Berries" A ford situated a little north west of the confluence of Leth Allt

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 96
Co. [County] Argyll Parish of Kilmallie

[Signature] W.G. Sillifant Sapr. R.E [Sapper, Royal Engineers]

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