
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT DUBH SGÒRR MHIC EACHARNA Allt Dubh Sgòrr Mhic Eacharna Mr. J. Cameron Shalachain 029 A mountain stream taking its rise near the summit of Sgorr Mhic Eacharna and falling into the River Gour - English Meaning Black Burn of McKeachran's rocky Peak
ALLT DUBH BEALACH NAN AINGIDH Allt Dubh Bealach nan Aingidh Mr. J. Cameron Shalachain 029 A large stream taking its rise in Bealach nan Aingidh and flowing southward into Glen Gour, English Meaning Black Burn of the pass of the wicked
ACHLAIS AN INNEIN Achlais an Innein Mr. J. Cameron Shalachain 029 A small rocky hollow situated on the west side of Sròn na Beinne Bige property of A. McLean Esq. Ardgour English Meaning, Oxter of the Anvil

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 367
Co. [County] Argyll Parish of Kilmallie

[Signature] James Gibson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

Allt Dubh Bealach nan Aingidh flows northward.

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