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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Loch Dilate
Loch Dilate
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLeod
D. McMaster
D. McColl
017; 018 A sheet of fresh water, about one mile & three fourths in length, and 15 chains in width. Situate in Glen Hurich Property of Sir T. Riddell Bart. [Baronet]
COIRE NA CRAOIBHE Coire na Craoibhe
Coire na Craoibhe
Coire na Craoibhe
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLeod
D. McMaster
D. McColl
018 A small hollow, situate on the north-west of "Lochan Mich Gille Dhuibh" and on the south of Glen Hurich Signfication: "The hollow of the Tree"
ALLT COIRE NA CRAOIBHE Allt Coire na Craoibhe
Allt Coire na Craoibhe
Allt Coire na Craoibhe
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLeod
D. McMaster
D. McColl
018 A small stream flowing from "Lochan Mhic Gille Dhuibh" and, after a short course, empties itself in "Allt an Dubh-Choirean" a short distance from the junction of the latter with River Hurich. Sig: [Signfication] "The Stream of the Hollow of the Tree"

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 260
Sheet 18 Parish of Ardnamurchan Argyllshire

Loch Dilate [Note] on Sheet 17

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