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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Meall Mòr
Revd. [Reverend] A. Clerk, Corpach
Mr. Duncan Kennedy, Corrlarach
009 A large and very rocky hill on the south side of Cona Glen ten miles west of Loch Linnhe - English meaning Big Hill - Property jointly of the Earl of Morton and Sir Thomas Riddell, Strontian
STOB A' CHÙIR Stob a' Chùir
Stob a' Chùir
Revd. [Reverend] A. Clerk, Corpach
Mr. Duncan Kennedy, Corrlarach
009 A large rocky hill on the south side of Cona Glen a mile east of Meall Mòr - English meaning, Peak of the winding Stream - The property jointly of the Earl of Morton, Sir Thomas Riddell. Strontian, and Alexander McLean Esqr. Ardgour.
BEALACH A' CHARRAIN Bealach a' Charrain
Bealach a' Charrain
Revd. [Reverend] A. Clerk, Corpach
Mr. Duncan Kennedy, Corrlarach
009 A deep rocky pass on the mountain range on the south side of Cona Glen. between Meall Mòr and Stob a Chùir. The property jointly of the Earl of Morton and Sir Thomas Riddell, Strontian - English meaning Weedy Pass

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 164
Parish of Kilmalllie Argyllshire

[Signature] John McKeith Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]

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