
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SGEIREAN MÒRA Sgeirean Mòra Mr. Duncan Kennedy Shepherd Grimisary
Mr. George Andrew Lonban
Mr D. Maclean, Arileod
036 Rocks a short distance off Cliad Bay. The name means "Big Reefs".
CLIAD Cliad Mr. Duncan Kennedy Shepherd Grimisary
Mr. George Andrew Lonban
Mr D. Maclean, Arileod
036 A farm house situated about 2 miles north of the Village of Arinagour and about 3 quarters of a mile southwest from the farm of Gallanach. the property of John L. Stewart Esquire Breacha Castle
CLIAD BURN Cliad Burn Mr. Duncan Kennedy Shepherd Grimisary
Mr. George Andrew Lonban
Mr D. Maclean, Arileod
036 A stream from Loch Cliad flows nortward past the farm of Cliad and falls into the west end of "Cliad Bay".

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