
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Ferry House
Lachlan McLachlan. Occ [Occupant]
D. Clark. Writer.
098 A dwelling house having other buildings attached _ occupied by the Ferry man. From the Jetty east of the house. Connected with the mainland is a Ferry called "Port Kerrera Ferry"-
PORT KERRERA FERRY "Port Kerrera Ferry."
"Port Kerrera Ferry."
Lachlan McLachlan
D. Clark. Factor & Writer. Oban
098 From the Jetty east of the house - connected with the mainland is a Ferry called "Port Kerrera Ferry"
THE HORSE SHOE "Horse Shoe Harbour"
"Horse Shoe Harbour"
Horse Shoe
"The Horse Shoe"
"The Horse Shoe"
D. Clark_ Writer_
Lachlan McLachlan
Admiralty Chart
D. McFarlane. Brandy Cott. [Cottage]
A. McDougall. "Slatrach."
098 A well known name [applying] to a portion of the "Sound of Kerrera". from the "Ferry" south wards to the south-east corner [or] Pt [Point] of "Dail Righ".
Dail Righ
Dail Righ
Duncan Clark - Factor-
Lachlan McLachlan
Allan McDougall. Slatrach -
New Stat: [Statistical] Acct. [Account]
098 A small arable field at the south end of the "Horse Shoe" Sig:- [Signification] "Kings Field". Alexander [II] of Scotland is supposed according to Tradition, to have died here

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Sheet 98 _ "Argyll"_

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