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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Glas Choirein
Glas Choirein
Archibald McCalman, Drissaig
John McNicol, Duninrin
Colin Sinclair, Kilmun
123 A Small Corry beside "Meall Odhar" at the tip of a stream. Sig [Signification] "Pale little mountain dell"
AIRIDH DÙN NA SULTMHORACHD (Ruins) Airidh Duin na Sultmhor
Airidh Duin na Sultmhor
"Airidh Dùn na Sultmhorachd"
A. McCalman
J. McNicol
GO [Gaelic Orthography]
123 A few Ruins, on the side of "Allt na Airidh" and at the mouth of "Gleann a' Cirean" Sig [Signification] "Sheiling of the hill of fattening"
EAS NAM FITHEACH Eas nan Fhitheach
Eas nan Fhitheach
"Eas nam Fitheach"
A McCalman
J McNicol
GO [Gaelic Orthography]
123 A small rock face on each side of a branch stream, in "Gleann a' Cirean" Sig. [Signification] "Waterfall of the Ravens"
ALLT NA H-AIRIDHE Allt na Airidh
Allt na Airidh
"Allt na h-Airidh"
A. McCalman
J. McNicol
GO [Gaelic Orthography]
123 A small mountain stream rising a short distance above the above ruins, flowing south ward about a mile, joins "Allt Mhor" Sig. [Signification] "Burn of the Shealing"

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 123
Sheet 123 Argyllshire

Allt na h-Airidh, variation pencilled above: "h-Airidhe"

Transcriber's notes

ALLT DUN NA SULTMORACHD was the prepopulated entry: the Name Book, Sheet 123 and the Index have it as "Airidh Dùn na Sultmhorachd" and I have changed it accordingly

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