
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Loch Pearsan
Loch Pearsan
Revd [Reverend] Mr McGillvrey F.C. [Free Church] Manse
Mr Sinclair, Teacher, Kilmelford
Colin McColl, Kilmelford
122 A good sized Loch situate about half a mile northeast from Kilmelford. In the southen part of the loch is a small island, partly artificial on which stands the ruin of a small dwelling built of dry stones, and appears to have contained several apartments - eight of which are still traceable, Tradition asserts that during the time of Episcopacy an Incumbent of the parish of a retired disposition, erected this building as a residence, Some time after the Campbells of Inverliver used it as a refuge in fleeing from Coile Coiteach (lefthanded Coll) in one of his raids through this Country. There is no tradition to bear out the statement in the Statt. [Statistical] account of its having been a Monastery or Castle, The building is so slight in construction that it would have been useless as a fortified place.
"On a wooded island in the Parson's Lake there stands the ruins of a Castle or Monastery, with twelve apartments.
The Parson's Lake about a mile from the head of Loch Melfort is upwards of a mile in circumference and is remarkable for its beautiful wooded island and ruins.
New Statistical acct. [account]

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Sheet 122 Argyllshire

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