
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Allt Coire Odhar
Allt Coire Odhar
Mr Robertson, Forrester, Forest Lodge
Peter Dewar, Forrester, Barravurich
Allan McIntyre, Forrester, Clashgobhair
060 This stream rises in Coire Odhar, flows northwards about a mile and a half and falls into River Ba about a mile west of the Bridge.
Sig. [Signification] "The Dun Coire Burn."
LOCHAN MHIC PHEADAIR RUAIDH Lochan Mhic Pheader Ruadh Mr Robertson, Forrester, Forest Lodge
Peter Dewar, Forrester, Barravurich
Allan McIntyre, Forrester, Clashgobhair
060 A small loch close to the main road about a mile south of Ba Bridge.
Sig: [Signification] Red Peter's Son's little Loch.
THE MOSS The Moss Mr Robertson, Forrester, Forest Lodge
Peter Dewar, Forrester, Barravurich
Allan McIntyre, Forrester, Clashgobhair
060 A large flat lying between Allt Coire Odhar and the main road S [South] of Ba Br. [Bridge].

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 75
Sheet 60 -- Argyllshire

"Allt Coire Odhair", or Uidhir.

"Lochan Mhic Pheadair Ruaidh," Red Peter's Sons' (Paterson's) Loch."
Ruaidh - R is never asperated i.e. It does not [ ] of the letter h after it but it takes the mark spiritus asper instead of the h thus 'Ruaidh'

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