
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BEINN STARAV Beinn Staribh
Beinn Staribh
Beinn Staribh
Ben Starive
Ben Starive
Ben Starive
Ben Starive
Beinn Sturrach
Donald McIntyre
Peter Robertson, Forest Lodge
Allan McNicol
New Statistical Account
Johnstons' Coy. [County] Map
Origines Parochiales
Coy. [County] Directory (Map to)
McAlpine & McLeod
075 A mountain of considerable extent & elevation situated on the east side at the head of "Loch Etive". & remarkably rough. Sig. [Signification] Not Known. Ben-Starive forms a noble object in the landscape as the traveller advances up the loch, & attains an elevation of at least 2500 ft. [feet].

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 95
Sheet 75 Argyllshire

Beinn Starav, notes: "in R. [Roman] Print" "Altered to 'Ben Starav' [from Ben Starive] at the request of Dr [Doctor] Clark 12th Decr. [December] 1874."
"I believe this name as now written on trace (Staribh) to be wrong, the Authorities
pronounce it Starra which would agree with Sturrach & then be applicable to
the feature as rough & rugged. Mr McLean made no remark on this name G. A. [George William Archer, Captain Royal Engineers]"

Transcriber's notes

The note in red "Altered to 'Ben Starav' [from Ben Starive] at the request of Dr Clark 12th Decr. [December 1874.": Sheet 75 has followed this advice, while the index still has "Beinn Starive" and the prepopulated field has Beiinn instead of Ben.

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