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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLTAN CHRAOBH-UINNSEANN Allt an Craoibhe Uinnseain Mr Donald McMillan
Mr Andrew Campbell Ardrishaig
180 A small stream rising at the head of Gleann nan Cabar and flowing in a north easterly direction till it falls into Lochfine. Sign. [Signification] "Burn of the Ash Tree"
Valuation Roll
Mr Donald McMillan
Mr McLaughlin Writer Lochgilphead
180 A farm house and offices the property of J. G. Campbell Esq. of Shirvan.
Creagan Beag
Creagan Beag
Mr Donald McMillan
Mr Andrew Campbell
Mr Neil Blair
180 A rocky point on the foreshore ¼ of a mile north east of Stronchullin Sign. [Signification] "Little Crag"
CREAGAN MÒR Creagan Mòr Mr Donald McMillan
Mr Andrew Campbell
Mr Neil Blair
180 Applied to a steep rock between high and Low water mark immediately to the north of Creagan Beag. Sign. [Signification] "Large Crag"

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 37
180.4 -- Parish of South Knapdale -- Argyllshire
Alltan Chraobh-uinnseann [note] (adopted)
Alltan Charobh-uinnseann ? [note] The little burn of the Ash Trees?

Transcriber's notes

In the Stronchullin entry I can't decipher Mr McLaughlin occupation, possible Teacher, or J. G. Campbells residence, possibly Girvan.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, hillhere

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