
Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 51b

[Left hand column]

[Continued from page 51a]
did not appear
on our plans.
As it appeared
from the description
an important
object of antiquity
which if it really
existed ought to
be marked down
on the Survey Sheets.
I visited the spot
last week - &
after a good deal

[Right hand column]

of trouble & enquiry
succeeded in finding
the circle, though
some of the oldest
residents in the
locality knew
nothing about it.
I am surprised
the Examiner failed
to notice it, as it is
a conspicuous object
from one or two points
of view.
Will you please
[continued on page 51a, left hand column]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, hillhere

  Location information for this page.

  There are no linked mapsheets.