
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Corr Eilean
Corr Eilean
Còrr Eilein
Neil Henderson Newhouse
Alexander McGougan Auchamore
Colin McNeil Newhouse
234 A long rough island (at high water) near the south end of Gigalum
Sign. [Signification] The Heron's Island.
RUDH' A' BHODACHAIN Rudha Bhodachan

"Rudh' a' Bhodachain",
Neil Henderson Newhouse
Alexander McGougan Auchamore
Colin McNeil Newhouse.
The Little old man's Point.
234 The southern point of a large island which lies to the south west of Corr Eilean
Sign. [Signification] "Little old man's promontory"

Sound of Gigulum
Saolas Gigulum
Neil Henderson Newhouse
Alexander McGougan Auchamore
Colin McNeil Newhouse.
New Statl. [Statistical] Account
234 A large sound between Gigha and Gigalum
Sign [Signification] Gigalum Sound.

"Between Gigha on the North and Gigulum on the south there is a sound which affords good anchorage for large vessels."
"The principal entrance of the sound of Gigulum is from the east between Gigulum and Gigha."
New Statl. [Statistical] Account

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 116
Sheet 234 Plan 12 -- Island of Gigha

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