
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Valuation Roll
Mr. John Ross Occupier
Mr. William Stewart Den
061 Indicates the name of a farm Consisting of a dwelling house with out houses and Garden, situated at a pub: [public] road a little S.W. [South West] of Milltown and at the north bank of the River Don. The property of Mr. J. Gordon etc.
Rafe's Pot
Rafe's Pot
Cleik-him-in Pot
Mr. John Ross Gateside
Mr. Samual Smith Milltown
Mr. James Ferguson Gamekeeper Brure
Vide [see] Kildrummy documents
061 A Conspicuous turn or pool in the River Don, abt. [about] 5 Chains above Gateside Garden. Name well known to Anglers etc. about the locality.
GOW'S POT Gow's Pot Mr. John Ross Gateside
Mr. Samuel Smith Milltown
Mr. James Ferguson Brure
061 A deep pool in the River Don and 5/8 of a mile east of Gateside
Gow. The old generic name for the --
Gow. A fool, (Jamieson)
More likely personal name of some noted fisher

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 33
Parish of Towie

Note: Name not to be written on Plan [Ford of Milltown]

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GreenflyNZ, Brenda Pollock

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