List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
GLENTOUGH | Glentough | Capt [Captain] Watt, Mr Minto, Railway Agent, Alford. Dr Garden, Alford. |
072 | A one storey farm house with offices, all slated and in good repair. Property of the Rev [Reverend] Mr McCombie. Tenant[ed] by. |
TILLYKIRIE | Tilly Kirie Tilly Kirie Tilly Kerrie |
Estate Plan - 1832 Mr Byres, Tonley. Mr Calder. Torries, Whitehouse Mr Calder. Torries, Whitehouse Mr Minto, railway agent, Alford. Valuation Roll. 1859. |
063 | A few dwelling and office houses mostly thatched and in middling condition. Property of Mr Byres. |
NORTH TILLYKERRIE [1895] | Mr James Macdonald The Farm, Huntly. N.B. [North Britain] | 063 | For 1" purposes only. See Remark in Index 1895. | |
BROOMFOLD | Broomfold | Estate Plan Mr Byres Mr Calder. Valuation Roll - 1859 Mr Minto, Alford. |
063 | A one storey farm house with office houses, thatched and in middling condition. Property of Mr Byres. Tenanted by Mr Anslie. |
Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 26Aberdeenshire -- Ph [Parish] of Tough
[Note beside 'North Tillykerrie'] - I have given this spelling on the authority of the minister, Revd [Reverend] Alexander Milne, & of the Val [Valuation] Roll. There is no doubt it is now the recognised spelling but I think it is a corruption. We have Tuly Kery in 1444 & 1468, Tulliekeirie 1638 & Tillikirie. These last two indicate the penult. [penultimate] long, which it is not now. I think Tillykerrie must be adopted as representing the CS. [Common Speech] & spelling. [Initialled] JMcD
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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Lochaberlass
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