Aberdeenshire volume 85

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/1/85/1 TARVES [parish] Tarves Valuation Roll Statisticall Account Collections of the Shires Fullarton's Gazetter Rev. [Reverend] Francis Knox. The Manse Rev. [Reverend] William Turner U. P. [United Presbyterian]Manse 030 ; 036 ; 037 ; 038 ; 046 ; 047 Tarves, a parish in the northeastern district of Aberdeenshire, called Formarton; is bounded on the North by Methlick and New Deer, on the east by Ellon, on the south by Udny, and on the west by Meldrum & Fyvie. The Ythan a small river of some importance divides the parish into two unequal parts, the greater being on the southern, and the lesser on the northern bank of the river: the soil on both sides is for the most part deep, fertile and alluvial. The Parish wears a pleasing and cheerful aspect nearly the whole being in a superior state of cultivation, while the landscape is beautified by several small plantations. The parish is traversed by a number of excellent roads, and the land cultivated principally by Crofter's. The letting of land into small holdings to enterprising men of small capital, was a peculiar and pleasing feature in the character of the late Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen; a gentleman of great benevolence & kindness of heart, and of whom it is said "went about continually doing good". The antiquities of the parish are very few indeed & of little interest there is no manufactory in the parish and the people live wholly by agriculture. Note:There is no portion of this Parish detached; nor portion or portions of any other Parish enclosed within the boundary of this Parish.
OS1/1/85/1 [page] 1 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/2 LITTLE BARTHOLCHAPEL Little Bartholchapel Little Bartholchapel Little Bartholchapel Little Bartholchapel Rent Receipt Mr James Sangster Croft of Fochel Mr Morrison, Bartholchapel 037 A small farmsteading & dwellinghouse one storey thatched & in good repair; property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen, Haddo House
OS1/1/85/2 CROFT OF FOCHEL Croft of Fochel Croft of Fochel Croft of Fochel Croft of Fochel Mr. James Scrogie, Tenant Rent Receipt 1863 Lease Paper Mr. James Stephen, Factor 037 A farmsteading or large croft & dwellinghouse one storey part of which is thatched & part slated; property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen Haddo House
OS1/1/85/2 COT-TOWN HILL Cottown Hill Cottown Hill Cottown Hill Cottown Hill Mr. James Scrogie Mr. James Stephen Mr. Morrison Mr. James Sangster 037 A small swelling hill feature of no great height nor extent. Situated about ½ a mile east of Croft of Fochel about a quarter of a mile north of Hardford, property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen Haddo House, Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/2 [page] 2 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/3 STONE HAMMER FOUND HERE A.D. 1853 [Skilmafilly] Stone Hammer found here (1853) Stone Hammer found here (1853) Stone Hammer found here (1853) Mr. Urquhart Fraser. Skilmafilly Mr John Cheyne Skilmafilly Mr Alexander White Skilmafilly 030 A stone hammer was found here in 1853. About 6 inches long by 3½ thick with a hole through the middle, and was a very hard, close, blue stone.
OS1/1/85/3 URN FOUND HERE A.D. 1860 [Skilmafilly] Urn found here (1860) Urn found here (1860) Urn found here (1860) Mr. Urquhart Fraser Mr. John Cheyne Mr. Alexander White 030 A small urn was found here in 1860. by the farme[r] when trenching the land. It was about 7 inches long: at top 5 inches in diameter and at bottom about 3½ inches. It was broken in pieces in taken up. A small quantiity of ashes was discovered in it but no bones etc.
OS1/1/85/3 [page] 3 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/4 QUILQUAX Quilquaux Quilquaux Quilquaux Lease Papers Rent Receipts Mr Alexander Allen, tenant 030 Applies a good many Crofts small holdings etc. the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/4 DEN OF SKILMAFILLY Den of Skilmafilly Den of Skilmafilly Den of Skilmafilly Mr Urguhart Fraser Mr John Chyne Mr Alexander White 030 A small den feature, situated about a quarter of a mile south of West Skilmafilly.
OS1/1/85/4 WOOD OF SKILMAFILLY Wood of Skilmafilly Wood of Skilmafilly Wood of Skilmafilly Mr Urquhart Fraser Mr John Chyne Mr Alexander White 030 Applies to a fir plantation of no great extent, situated about amile north of Quelquox property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/4 [page] 4 Parish of Tarves Note: QUILQUOX [1895] - John Sleigh Esq. Factors Office, Strichen Mains - For 1" purposes only, see Luke 1895.
OS1/1/85/5 HILL OF SKILMAFILLY Hill of Skilmafilly Hill of Skilmafilly Hill of Skilmafilly Skilmafilly Mr. Urquhart Fraser Tenant Mr. John Cheyne Mr. Alexander White Valuation Roll 1859-1860 030 A good farm house with offices, garden, etc. attached, so called from the adjacent hill of this name and to distinguish it from other farms on the Eeast and West also called Skilmafilly. The property of the Right Honble. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/5 HILL OF SKILMAFILLY Hill of Skilmafilly Hill of Skilmafilly Hill of Skilmafilly Mr. Urquhart Fraser Mr. John Cheyne Mr. Alexander White 030 A very conspicuous eminence known by this name. The summit is covered with whins & heath. but apparantly redeamable. About 50 years ago a fair or market was held here which was notorious for the drinking and fighting propensities of its attendants and acquired the subrequent of "Cudgel Fair" It has many years ago fallen into disuse.
OS1/1/85/5 CRYSTAL FOUND HERE A.D. 1859 [Hill of Skilmafilly] Crystal found here (1859) Crystal found here (1859) Crystal found here (1859) Mr. Urquhart Fraser Mr. John Cheyne Mr. Alexander White 030 A beautiful specimen of natural Crystal was found here in 1859. It was very bright and transparant about Six inches long 3 inches thick at one end and came to a point at the other, attached to the thick end was a piece of quartz about 3 inches square. It has been forwarded to the Antiquarian Society.
OS1/1/85/5 [page] 5 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/6 NORTH QUILQUAX North Quilquax North Quilquax North Quilquax Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglas Esq. Factor Mr. John Will. Tenant 030 An ordinary farm house with offices garden etc attached. Known by this name. This name is also applied to Several Cottages or Crofts which formerly formed part of this farm, but since the land has been so much improved and brought under cultivation it has been divided into separate tenencies.
OS1/1/85/6 TRUFFHILL WOOD Truffhill Wood Truffhill Wood Truffhill Wood Mr. John Will Mr. J. Forbes North Quilquax Mr. James Fraser North Quilquax 030 A small plantation of fir and forest trees situated on a conspicuous imenence. The hill was Known by this name prior to its being planted with trees, and about 40 years ago a market was held here. but is now discontinued.
OS1/1/85/6 WEST SKILMAFILLY West Skilmafilly West Skilmafilly West Skilmafilly Skilmafilly Mr. John Cheyne. Tenant Mr. Urquhart Fraser Tenant Mr. Alexander White Tenant Valuation Roll 030 A good farm house with offices garden etc attached. Known by this name.
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OS1/1/85/7 GALLOWS HILL Gallows Hill Gallows Hill Gallows Hill Mr. Lewis Lamb Schivas Mr. William Mitchell Broadward Mr. James Watson South Burnside 030 A conspicuous eminence Known by this name, It is believed that a gallows formerly stood here.
OS1/1/85/7 SOUTH BURNSIDE South Burnside South Burnside South Burnside South Burnside of Schivas Mr. James Watson. Tenant. Mr. Lewis Lamb. Mr. William Mitchell Valuation Roll 1859-60 030 An ordinary farm house, with offices, garden etc attached. Known by this name.
OS1/1/85/7 Supposed Site of STONE CIRCLE [North Quilquax] Supposed (site of) Stone Circle Supposed (site of) Stone Circle Supposed (site of) Stone Circle Mr. John Will, North Quilquax Mr. J. Forbes North Quilquax Mr. Alexander White North Quilquax 030 About 19 years ago when the farmer was Clearing away a Considerable Cairn of Stones, which stood here and trenching the ground he came upon a floor or paved Causeway, which he immagined had been the floor of an old Chapel, but nothing more then the paved floor or causeway was discovered. Around the Cairn was large rough boulder stones which would make it resemble a Stone Circle or Druidical Temple, but no authentic information can be obtained in the matter.
OS1/1/85/7 [page] 7 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/8 SCHIVAS Schivas Schivas Schivas Mains of Schivas Shivas Statistical Account 1843 A.F. Douglas Esq. Factor Mr. Lewis Lamb. Tenant. Valuation Roll 1859-60 Pratt's Buchan Page 246. 030 "The mansion house of Schivas was built about 200 years ago, by a gentleman of the name of Gray, desended from a younger branch of the noble family of Kinfauns. The Grays were of the Roman Catholic persuasion and what is now a mansion had been their private Chapel. The date of the Communion Cups is 1618 of tokens 1622" vide Statistical Account page 669. This mansion was rebuilt about 100 years ago and subsequently was possessed by the family of Irvine of Drum, from whom it was purchased about 20 years ago by The Earl of Aberdeen. The estate consisted of about one eighth of the whole parish. The Manor is now used as a farm house. The house and grounds etc being very much neglected and in bad repair.
OS1/1/85/8 MARY GRAY Mary Gray Mary Gray Mary Gray Mary Gray Mr. Lewis Lamb. Mr. William Mitchell Broadward Mr. James Watson Pratt's Buchan P. [Page] 246. 030 This name applies to a forest tree which was planted when the family of Grays possessed this estate and is yet well known by the name. "A large beautiful plane tree, which according to tradition, was planted by a daughter of the Grey family. It passes by the people in the neighbourhood by the name of Mary Gray" Pratts Buchan P. [Page] 246.
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OS1/1/85/9 NORTH BURNSIDE North Burnside North Burnside North Burnside Valuation Roll. 1859-60 A.F. Douglas. Esq. Factor Mr. John Leask, Tenant 030 A good farm house with offices garden etc attached, known by this name. The property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/9 BROADWARD Broadward Broadward Broadward Valuation Roll. A.F. Douglas. Esq. Mr William Mitchell Tenant. 030 An ordinary farm house with offices, garden etc attached, known by this name.
OS1/1/85/9 OLDTOWN LEYS Oldtown Leys Oldtown Leys Oldtown Leys Old Town Leas Valuation Roll. A.F. Douglas Esq. Mr. William Symmers Tenant Mr. William Mitchell 030 A good farm house recently erected with offices yard, garden etc attached known by this name.
OS1/1/85/9 [page] 9 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/10 SOUTH QUILQUAX South Quilquax South Quilquax South Quilquax Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglas Esq. Factor, Mr. James Symmers. Tenant 030 This name applies to several separate tenements or crofts. The property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/10 SCHOOL [South Quilquax] School School School School Mr. George Taylor Schoolmaster Mr. John Gordon. Carpenter Mr. James Walker Mr. James Symmers. 030 An ordinary building used as a private adventurior unendowed School, the house is granted free by the proprietor and the only emoluments is the Scholars fees. The average attendants are about 50. As school has been held here for many years. Mr. George Taylor Schoolmaster
OS1/1/85/10 BLUE HILL Blue Hill Blue Hill Blue Hill Mr. George Taylor Mr. John Gordon Mr. James Walker 030 A conspicuous eminence. Known by this name.
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OS1/1/85/11 FLOBBETS Flobbets Flobbets Flobbets Valuation Roll 1859-60. Rents Receipts. per. A.F. Douglas (Factor) Mr. Joseph Chalmers. Tenant. 037 A good farm house with offices, yard, garden etc attached, well known by this name, the name is also applied to several detached Cottages or Crofts, which formerly, (before the land was so much under cultivation,) was one undivided farm. The farm Crofts etc are still known by this name, and is the property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/11 LEET MOSS Leet Moss Leet Moss Leet Moss Mr. Joseph Chalmers Mr. James Wilson. Flobbets (croft) Mr. William McDonald. Flobbets (croft) 037 A large peat moss known by this name for the use of the adjacent farms, Crofts etc.
OS1/1/85/11 HORNSCROFT Hornscroft Hornscroft Hornscroft Valuation Roll. Rent Receipts etc. Mr. Peter Littlejohn. Tenant 037 This name applies to a small district consisting of Several Cottages, Crofts etc. having outhouses, gardens etc attached, also a few acres of land to each. This was formerly let as one Croft, and is so called from a man named Horn, who resided here.
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OS1/1/85/12 DEN OF KIRKTON Den of Kirkton Den of Kirkton Den of Kirkton Mr. James Shepherd. Bogside Mr. William Ross. Bogside Mr. William Taylor. Bogside 037 This name applies to a deep ravine or Den, through which flows a considerable Stream, and is so called from being Situated on the lands or farm of Kirkton
OS1/1/85/12 ST JOHN'S WELL St. John's Well St. John's Well St. John's Well Mr. James Shepherd. Mr. William Ross Mr. William Taylor 037 An excellent Spring well. the water of which was formerly much esteemed and Sought after. Situated near the extremity of the Den of Kirkton and believed to be Coeval with Saint Bartholomew's Chapel, a short distance from this place.
OS1/1/85/12 BOGSIDE Bogside Bogside Bogside Bogside Mr. James Shephard Mr. William Ross Mr. William Taylor Valuation Roll. 1859-60 037 This name applies to three Crofts, with outhouses, gardens etc. attached, also a few acres of land to each. So called from formerly being a Bog, or peat moss adjoining here. The property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/12 [page] 12 Parish of Tarves Note: St. John's Well - The general belief in the district is that this object is an Antiquity.
OS1/1/85/13 THREEPMUIR Threepmuir Threepmuir Throopmuir Throopmuir Threipmuir Mr. Andrew Littlejohn Tenant Mr. Peter Walker Valuation Roll 1859-60 Rent Receipts etc. Mr James Shepherd Bogside 037 This name applies to two crofts, having outhouses, gardens and a few acres of land to each. This was formerly a disputed portion, between adjoining proprietors, and therefore remained a rough Common, Muir, to which each proprietor claimed a right, until the present proprietor bought all the surrounding land, which ended the dispute. It is now nearly all under cultivation, and about equally divided between the adjoining parishes, Tarves, Fyvie and Methlick. The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/13 BANKHEAD Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead of Bartholchapel Bankhead of Bartholchapel Bartholchapel part of Bartholchapel art of Mr. Peter Walker. Tenant. Mr. James Shepherd Mr. Andrew Littlejohn Mr. William Taylor Bogside Valuation Roll. Rent Receipts . etc. 037 An ordinary farm house and Croft with outhouses etc. attached formerly part of the farm at Bartholchapel but now a seperate holding and Commonly Called Bankhead, or Bankhead of Bartholchapel.
OS1/1/85/13 [page] 13 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/14 WEDDERLAIRS Wedderlairs Wedderlairs Wedderlairs Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglas Esqr. Factor & Rent Receipts Mr. Alexander Burnett Tenant. 037 This name applies to Several Cottages or Crofts having outhouses, gardens etc attached, also a few acres of land for each, and is frequently called Keith field,as this was formerly on the land or estate of Keithfield. but is now the property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/14 CROFT OF TILLYHILT Tillyhilt (Croft of) Tillyhilt (Croft of) Tillyhilt (Croft of) Valuation Roll Rent Receipts Mr. Alexander Burnett 037 An ordinary dwelling house or croft with outhouses, garden, and a few acres of land attached, so called from formerly being part of the land or farm of Tillyhilt
OS1/1/85/14 THORNROAN WOOD Thornroan Wood Thornroan Wood Thornroan Wood Mr. A. Burnett. Mr. John McBean. GameKeeper Mr. George Walker, Wedderlairs 037 ; 037 This name applies to a portion of wood much older than the adjoining plantations, and a great portion is a present cut down. The name is derived from the house or farm So Called, which formerly stood near the wood.
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OS1/1/85/15 TULLOFORD Tulloford Tulloford Tulloford Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglass Esqr. Factor Mr. Alexander Burr. Tenant. 037 A good farm house with offices, yard, garden etc attached. Known by this name the property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/15 KEILYFORD Keilyford Keilyford Keilyford Valuation Roll A.F. Douglass. Esqr. Mr. George Gray. Tenant 037 A good farm house with offices, yard gardens etc attached. Known by this name the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen. There are other Crofts or tenements, which formerly belonged to this farm, but are now seperate crofts and are still called the Crofts on Keilyford etc
OS1/1/85/15 [page] 15 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/16 BARTHOLCHAPEL MARKET STANCE Bartholchapel Market Stance Bartholchapel Market Stance Bartholchapel Market Stance Market Customs Mr. Joseph Arthur. Tenant Mr. James Morrison. Hattoslap Mr. George Gray. Keilyford Valuation Roll 1859-60 037 A market or fair is held here, for Cattle, horses, & sheep etc once a year about the first of September and has been established here for a great number of years but its origin or the date of Charter (if any) cannot be now correctly ascertained from any of the local authorities in this district.
OS1/1/85/16 COUCHERCAIRN Couchercairn Couchercairn Couchercairn Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglass Esqr. Factor. Mr. John Jaffray. Tenant 037; 037 An ordinary farm house, with offices garden etc. attached, known by this name. This farm has been Subdivided into several tenements, principally for improving and cultivating the land, therefore all the tenements or dwellings are called Couchercairn, but one is the original which gives the name to it probably the origin of the name was a "Cairn", which may have stood near this place formerly, but at present no account can be obtained of such. The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/16 [page] 16 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/17 Site of ST BARTHOLEMEW'S CHAPEL Site of Barthol Chapel Site of Barthol Chapel St. Bartholomew's Chapel Mr. Wilson Teacher Mr. P Smith Over Kirkton Mr. J Gray Barthol Chapel Collections of the shires, 037 Previous to the Reformation a Chapel stood here, said to have been erected during the 13th Century. It was dedicated to Saint Bartholomew, and was surrounded by a graveyard which still exists, but is now used as a playground by the School which stands in it.
OS1/1/85/17 SCHOOL [nr Bartholchapel] School School School Mr. Wilson Teacher Mr. P Smith Mr. J Gray 037 A parochial School situated 4 miles North West from the Village of Tarves. It was erected in the year 1847 by the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen for the use of the western part of the Parish, the average attendance of Scholars is 80. The School is used as a Preaching station once a month, when service is conducted by the Minister of the Parish.
OS1/1/85/17 [page] 17 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/18 OVER KIRKTON Over Kirkton Over Kirkton Over Kirkton Valuation Roll Mr. A F Douglass Factor Haddo Ho [House] Mr. P Smith Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and offices attached the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/18 NETHER KIRKTON Nether Kirkton Nether Kirkton Nether Kirkton Valuation Roll Mr. A Douglass Factor Mr. George Smith Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with offices, and garden attached the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/18 BARTHOLCHAPEL Bartholchapel Bartholchapel Bartholchapel Valuation Roll Mr. A Douglass Mr. John Gray Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse offices & garden the property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen, takes its name from Barthol Chapel the site of which is in the vicinity.
OS1/1/85/18 [page] 18 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/19 HATTONSLAP Hattonslap Hattonslap Hattonslap Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglass Esqr. Factor Mr. James Morrison Tenant 037 A good farm house with offices, yard garden etc attached Known by this name the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/19 NEW BALGOVE New Balgove New Balgove Balgove Valuation Roll A.F. Douglas Esqr. Mr. Robert Smith. Tenant 037 A good farm house with offices yard garden etc attached. Known by this name the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/19 OLDTOWN OF FOCHEL Oldtown of Fochel Oldtown of Fochel Oldtown of Fochel Old Mill of Fochel Valuation Roll A.F. Douglass Esqr. Mr. Robert Smith Miss E. Milne. Tenant 037 An ordinary house recently erected with offices, garden etc attached, Known by this name. the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/19 [page]19 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/20 [page] 20 Parish of Tarves [Blank page]
OS1/1/85/21 HARDFORD Hardford Hardford Hardford Valuation Roll Mr A F Douglass Factor Mr A Littlejohn Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwelling house with garden and offices attached, the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/21 MILLTOWN OF FOCHEL Milltown of Fochel Milltown of Fochel Milltown of Fochel Valuation Roll Mr A F Douglass Factor Mr A Milne Occupier 037 A farmsteading with dwellinghouse garden and commodious offices the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/21 MILL OF FOCHEL (Corn) Mill of Fochel (Corn) Mill of Fochel (Corn) Valuation Roll Mr Douglass Factor Mr A Milne Milltown 037 A Corn Mill about 3 miles North West from the village of Tarves, near to the Parish Boundary. It is driven by water power and is the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/21 [page] 21 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/22 EARLSFORD Earlsford Earlsford Earlsford Earls Ford Mr J Coul occupier Mr A Milne Milltown Mr G Ross Merchant Valuation Roll 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and offices attached the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/22 SILVERMOSS Silvermoss Silvermoss Silvermoss Valuation Roll Mr A F Douglass Factor Mr J Milne Jnr. [Junior] occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and commodious offices attached The property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/22 [page] 22 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/23 Site of CAIRN Cairn (site of) Mr Thomas Shepherd, Mill of Keithfield Mr J Scrogie, Courtstone 037 A cairn of stones of considerable height & extent was removed from this hill, in the year 1832: the stones were taken to build dykes, & fill drains, with. At the bottom of the Cairn a quantity of black mould & pieces of bones were found; and in 1862 two Urns were found filled with black dust & pieces of bones. No attention was paid to the size or pattern of the Urns, nor can the farmer tell what came of them.
OS1/1/85/23 URNS FOUND HERE A.D. 1862 [Courtstone] Urns found here A.D. 1862 Mr Thomas Shepherd, Mill of Keithfield Mr J Scrogie, Courtstone 037 and in 1862 two Urns were found filled with black dust & pieces of bones no attention was paid to the size or pattern of the urns, nor can the farmer tell what came of them.
OS1/1/85/23 HILL OF COURTSTONE Hill of Courtstone Mr Thomas Shepherd Mr J. Scrogie 037 A cultivated hill of considerable extent, situated about a quarter of a mile south of Mill of Keithfield: property of the Earl of Aberdeen
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OS1/1/85/24 [page] 24 Parish of Tarves [Blank page]
OS1/1/85/25 MAINS OF KEITHFIELD Mains of Keithfield Mains of Keithfield Mains of Keithfield Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglas. Esqr. Factor John Hepburn Esqr. Surveyor 037 A good farm house, with offices yard garden etc attached, known by this name. There formerly was a mansion house here called "Tillygownie or Tillygywanie, Tillygoyny"; which was a plain building undefended. It has been demolished upwards of a hundred years ago. An old Dovecot is the only remnant now standing The former proprietor's name was Keith and all the land or Estate, was called, Keithfield, which name is still kept up and well known. This is now as is also the entire parish, the property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/25 WEDDERLAIRS WOOD Wedderlairs Wood Wedderlairs Wood Wedderlairs Wood John Hepburn Esqr. Mr John McBean GameKeeper Mr Alexander Burnett 037 A considerable plantation of fir and forest trees known by this name
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OS1/1/85/26 KEITHFIELD COTTAGE Keithfield Cottage Keithfield Cottage Keithfield Cottage Mr Stephen Crichton, Tenant Mr J. Scrogie, Courtstone Mr John Hepburn, Esq. Surveyor 037 A neat Cottage in two tenements with gardens etc attached, erected by the late proprietor, for workmen. The whole of this parish is the property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/26 MIDDLE PLOUGH Middle Plough Middleplough Middleplough Middleplough Mr Stephen Crichton Mr J Scrogie John Hepburn Esq Mr Alexander Burnett, Wedderlairs 037 This name applies to two ordinary Cottages, with garden etc attached occupied by workmen. This was formerly a seperate holding or Croft. The name, "Plough" was used to denote the extent or quantity of land. The name is still well known.
OS1/1/85/26 BURN OF KEITHFIELD Burn of Keithfield Burn of Keithfield Burn of Keithfield John Hepburn, Esq Mr Alexander Burnett Mr J Scrogie 037 A Considerable burn well known by this name from Earls Ford to its Confluence with the Raxton Burn, where it takes the name of Burn of Kelly and flows in an East by Northeast direction.
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OS1/1/85/27 CHAPELPARK WOOD Chapelpark Wood Chapelpark Wood Chapelpark Wood Mr. John McBean, Gamekeeper Mr. Alexander Burnett, Wedderlairs Mr. J Mackie, Chapelpark 037 This name applies to a narrow belt of plantation and extending in length from the Burn of Keithfield to the Brainjohn Wood. The name is derived from the farm so called near which it extends.
OS1/1/85/27 BACKHILL OF COURTSTONE Backhill of Courtstone Backhill of Courtstone Backhill of Courtstone John Hepburn Esq. Surveyor Mr Adam Smith Tenant Mr Forbes Angus Tenant 037 This name applies to Three ordinary Cottages or Crofts with outhouses, gardens & a few acres of land each. This was formerly part of the farm of Courtstone, from which it is named.
OS1/1/85/27 COURTSTONE Courtstone Courtstone Courtstone Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F Douglass Esq Factor Mr. I. Scrogie Tenant 037 A good farm house with offices garden etc attached, formerly there was an old house stood about here, at the end of which there was a shelving or projecting stone, sometimes used as a seat, and commonly called the Courting Stone, which was the origin of the present name Courtstone.
OS1/1/85/27 [page] 27 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/27 I believe that both J Mackie in Chapelpark and I. Scrogie of Courtstone should end with an e and not an r
OS1/1/85/28 MILL OF KEITHFIELD Mill of Keithfield Mill of Keithfield Mill of Keithfield Mr Thomas Shepherd Tenant Mr John Hepburn Land Surveyor R. I. Scrogie Courtstone 037 An ordinary Cottage or Croft with outhouses, garden etc also a few acres of land attached. So called from a meal mill which formerly stood here The property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/28 OVERTOWN OF KEITHFIELD Overtown of Keithfield Overtown of Keithfield Overtown of Keithfield Valuation Roll 1859-60 A F. Douglass Esqr. Factor John Hepburn Esqr. Tenant & Land Surveyor 037 A good farm house with offices yard garden etc attached. Known by this name. The Property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/28 CHAPELPARK BURN Chapelpark Burn Chapelpark Burn Chapelpark Burn Mr John Hepburn Mr J. Scrogie. Mr J. Mackie Chapelpark 037 A small burn so called from the farm of this name, near which it passes. It collects from several drains near South Andet, and flows in an East direction till it joins the Burn of Keithfield
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OS1/1/85/29 LADY'S STEPS Lady's Steps Lady's Steps Lady's Steps Mr Alexander Burnett. Wedderlairs Mr George Walker Wedderlairs Mr John McBean Gamekeeper 037 Lady Douglas in her flight from Gight passed or crossed here, at which time there was a ford and stepping stones crossing the burn here where is now a neat wooden bridge, * The Lady was pursued to a place called Dougal-head or Douglas-head ** where she was apprehend and beheaded. *, ** - in Ellon Parish
OS1/1/85/29 UPPER LAKE Upper Lake Upper Lake Upper Lake Mr Alexander Burnett Mr George Walker Mr John McBean 037 An artificial Lake. Constructed about eleven years ago. Known by this name the depth of water is about from four to ten feet.
OS1/1/85/29 DEER PARK Deer Park Deer Park Deer Park Mr Alexander Burnett Mr George Walker Mr John McBean 037 An extensive deer park Surrounded by a good stone & lime wall, and in which there are plantations and scattered trees, the late proprietor caused all the deer to be exterminated but at present. it is about to be restocked.
OS1/1/85/29 [page] 29 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/29 Note in red in the Situation column x [with dots] in Ellon Parish
OS1/1/85/30 Site of BEDE HOUSE (Site of) Beadhouse (Site of) Beadhouse (Site of) Beadhouse Hospital Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox The Manse Mr William Duthie Tarves Mr Thomas Duncan Tarves Collections of the Shires 037 "Here is a Hospital, hard by the Church, founded by William Forbes of Tolquhon, for four men, who were to eat and lie here, and to have each a peck of meal, and three Shillings a penny, and two sixths of a penny Scots, weekly; also some malt peats etc. The meal and money they still have but their house, which is slated, is neglected and quite waste." vide Collections of the Shires page 329 The oldest inhabitants of this district cannot remember of ever having seen any portion of this house standing, but what is believed to have been the garden can be pointed out and it is generally believed that the house stood there also at the end of the present house there is a stone with a latin inscription but so obliterated as to be now illegible. the name William Forbes is faintly appearant This stone is supposed to have been placed in the old building. This Bequest is still paid by the proprietor to four poor men; who are nominated to receive this during their life. When one dies out another is appointed
OS1/1/85/30 [page] 30 Parish of Tarves Note: Bede House, Bead House. A term used for an alms-house. Bede Man. Beid Man. A person who resides in a Bede House or is supported from the funds appropriated for this purpose. In the Court of Exchequer, this term is used to denote one of that class of paupers who enjoy the royal bounty. Each of these beidmen, annually, on his majesty's birthday, received a blue great coat or gown, as it is denominated (whence they are vulgarly called Blue gowns) with a badge which mark's their privilege of begging: and at the same time, a loaf of bread, a bottle of ale, a leathern purse, and in it a penny for every year of the King's life. The designation has originated from some religious foundation, in times of popery. (Jamieson) "These Bedesmen are an order of paupers to whom the Kings of Scotland were in the custom of distributing a certain alms, in conformity with the ordinances of the Catholic Church, and who were expected in return to pray for the royal welfare and that of the State." (The Antiquary)
OS1/1/85/31 MOURN'S HILL Mourn's Hill Alexander F. Douglas, Esq. Mr John Tait, Wedderlairs Mr John Booth, Tarves 037 Applies to a small hillock like place where tradition says that Lady Douglas in her flight from Gight, risked herself after crossing the burn of Keithfield.
OS1/1/85/31 RAXTON WOOD Raxton Wood Alexander F Douglas Esq. Mr. John Tait, Mr. John Booth, 037 Applies to a wood of considerable extent, situated about a quarter of a mile south of the Mains of Haddo, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/31 BURN OF KELLY Burn of Kelly Alexander F. Douglas, Esq. Mr. John Tait, Mr John Booth, 037 From the joining of the burns of Keithfield & Raxton to the river Ythan is known as the Burn of Kelly. Haddo formerly called Kelly, and hence the name Burn of Kelly.
OS1/1/85/31 RAXTON BURN Raxton Burn Alexander F. Douglas, Esq. Mr John Tait, Mr John Booth, 037 Applies to a small burn flowing through the farm of Raxton, & joins the burn of Kelly, about ½ a mile east of Haddo House. Known by this name from Uppermill of Tillyhill to its confluence with Burn of Kelly
OS1/1/85/31 [page] 31 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/32 LINDSAY HILL Lindsay Hill Lindsay Hill Lindsay Hill Alexander F. Douglas Esq. Mr John Tait Mr John Booth 037 Applies to a small hill feature situated about ½ a mile south-east of Mains of Haddo, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/32 LINDSAYHILL WOOD Lindsayhill Wood Lindsayhill Wood Lindsayhill Wood Alexander F Douglas Esq. Mains of Haddo. Mr John Tait, Wedderlairs Mr John Booth, Tarves 037 Applies to a wood of considerable extent, situated about ½ a mile south-east of the Mains of Haddo. Property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/32 OVERHILL WOOD Overhill Wood Overhill Wood Overhill Wood Alexander F Douglas Esq. Mr. John Tait. Mr John Booth 037 Applies to a wood of considerable extent, situated immediately south of the Mains of Haddo. property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/32 [page] 32 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/32 Overhilll Wood is also on page 34, the index gives it as page 32
OS1/1/85/33 VASE [Haddo House] Vase Vase Vase The Vase Mr John McBean. Gamekeeper, Mr. Alexander Burnett. Wedderlairs Mr George Walker Wedderlairs Mr Alexander Paterson. Wedderlairs Mason 037 A very neat monumental vase erected by the Earl of Aberdeen in 1847 consisting of a base, pedestal & Surmounted by a large, but proportionate, vase all of fine dressed Sandstone, and stands about 26 feet high on a conspicuous eminence, at the extremity of a beautiful avenue leading from, and in view of, Haddo House.
OS1/1/85/33 MAINS OF HADDO Mains of Haddo Mains of Haddo Mains of Haddo Alexander F. Douglas Esqr. occupier Mr John McBean Mr George Walker 037 A good dwelling house with offices yard, garden & ornamental ground attached, the residence of A.F. Douglas Esqr. Factor.
OS1/1/85/33 OVERHILL COTTAGE Overhill Cottage Overhill Cottage Overhill Cottage Mr. John McBean Mr. George Walker Mr. Alexander Burnett 037 An ordinary cottage with garden etc. known by this name.
OS1/1/85/33 [page] 33 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/34 OVERHILL WELL Overhill Well Overhill Well Overhill Well Mr. John McBean Mr. Alexander Burnett Mr. George Walker 037 A good spring well known by this name.
OS1/1/85/34 RIFLE RANGE [nr Overhill Wood] Rifle Range Mr. John McBean Mr. Alexander Burnett Mr. George Walker 037 A short, private Rifle Range constructed by the Earl of Aberdeen for the use of himself and the members of that family.
OS1/1/85/34 [page] 34 Parish of Tarves Note: Overhill Wood [scored out in red] See Page 32. This name applies to a plantation of considerable extent of fir and forest trees, previous to this being planted it was called the Over Hill being a conspicuous eminence
OS1/1/85/35 HILLHEAD OF TULLOFORD Hillhead of Tulloford Hillhead of Tulloford Hillhead of Tulloford Mr. George Duncan Tenant Mr. Alexander Burr Tulloford Mr. William Dickie 037 Two ordinary dwelling houses or Crofts, with outhouses gardens etc attached. Known by this name. The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/35 SOUTH TULLOFORD South Tulloford South Tulloford South Tulloford Mr. Alexander Burr Mr. George Duncan Mr. William Dickie 037 An ordinary dwelling house or croft with offices etc attached. Known by this name the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/35 ROSULLAH Rosullah Rosullah Rosullah Valuation Roll 1859-60. A. F. Douglass. Esqr. Factor Mr. Alexander Smith Tenant. 037 An ordinary dwelling house or Croft with offices. garden etc attached the property of The Right Hon (Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/35 [page] 35 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/36 SUGAR DEN Sugar Den Sugar Den Sugar Den Mr. Alexander Burr. Tulloford Mr. George Gray. Keilyford Mr Alexander Smith. Rosullah 037 A small ravine or den. Known by this name at the bottom of which runs a small stream.
OS1/1/85/36 [page] 36 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/37 BACK MOSS Back Moss Back Moss Back Moss Mr Alexander Coutts. Old Balgove Mr George Chalmers Oldtown Mr Robert Scorgie Ironbrae 037 A portion of rough ground so called, used as a peat-moss. but a portion of it has been reclaimed and brought under cultivation from time to time, and a dwelling house or Croft etc. erected thereon or adjacent which is called Blackmoss or Croft of Blackmoss
OS1/1/85/37 IRONBRAE Ironbrae Ironbrae Ironbrae Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglas. Esqr. Factor Mr Robert Scorgie Tenant 037 An ordinary farm house with offices garden etc attached known by this name, the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/37 SCHOOL [nr Ironbrae] School School School Mr Robert Scorgie Mr Alexander Coutts Mr John Smith Builder 037 A small building used as a School until very recently, with a house and garden etc for the Schoolmaster etc. The building is now in such a dilapidated state, that the school at present is given up but it is intended to erect a new one here soon The school is altogether on the master's own adventure, but The Earl of Aberdeen grants the house etc free, or the ground and site of the same.
OS1/1/85/37 [page] 37 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/38 OLD BALGOVE Old Balgove Old Balgove Old Balgove Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglass. Esqr. Factor Mr Alexander Coutts Tenant 037 An ordinary farm house, with offices garden etc attached, known by this name. The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/38 OLDTOWN Oldtown Oldtown Oldtown Oldtown of Fochel Mr Alexander Coutts A.F. Douglass Esqr. Mr George Chalmers Tenant Valuation Roll. 037 An ordinary farm house so called with offices, garden etc attached the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/38 GATESIDE Gateside Gateside Gateside Valuation Roll A.F. Douglas Esqr. Mr George Chalmers 037 A good farm house. with offices garden etc attached. Known by this name the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/38 [page] 38 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/39 MOSS-SIDE Moss-side Moss-side Moss-side Mosside Mosside Mr A. Davidson Tenant Mr George Chalmers. Oldtown Mr Alexander Coutts Old Balgove Valuation Roll 1859-60 A.F. Douglass Esqr. Factor 037 A good farm house with offices yard garden etc attached. Known by this name from being situated near the Red Moss. The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/39 POORHOUSES [nr Redmoss] Poorhouses Poorhouses Poorhouses Mr A. Davidson Mr George Chalmers Mr Alexander Coutts 037 Three ordinary dwelling-houses or Cottages, for the use of the poor in this portion of the Parish
OS1/1/85/39 RED MOSS Red Moss. Red Moss Red Moss Mr A Davidson Mr G. Chalmers. Mr A. Coutts 037 A portion of rough ground used as a peat-moss, so called from the appearance of the Surface also from the mineral water which flows from it which appears to be impregnated with iron Several adjacent Cottages or Crofts takes their name from this moss, and are called Redmoss
OS1/1/85/39 [page] 39 Parish Tarves
OS1/1/85/40 REDMOSS Redmoss Redmoss Redmoss Mr Alexander Coutts, Old Balgove Mr George Chalmers Oldtown Mr Robert Scorgie Ironbrae 037 A small district consisting of Cottages & Crofts contiguous to Red moss, the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/40 BACKMOSS Backmoss Mr Alexander Coutts, Old Balgove Mr George Chalmers Oldtown Mr Robert Scorgie Ironbrae 037 An ordinary croft with outhouses garden & some land attached the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/40 [page] 40 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/41 LONGLEY Langlay Langlae Longlee Longlee Longlee Longley Mr James Hay Nethermill Mr George White occupier Mr Robert Anderson occupier 037 A small farm consisting of two dwelling houses with out houses and gardens detached situated abt. [about] ⅛ of a mile S.S.W. [South South West] of Nethermills
OS1/1/85/41 [page] 41 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/42 NETHERMILL OF TILLYHILT Nethermill of Tillyhilt Nethermill of Tillyhilt Nethermill of Tillyhilt Valuation Roll Mr James Hay occupier Mr George White Longlay 037 A large farm consisting of a spacious dwelling house with a number of farm offices detached including a tastefully laid out garden. Situated about ½ mile southward of the 2nd. mile stone from Haddo House, of the pub: [public] road leading to Methlick also ¼ of a mile S. [South] of Drumfinnie Hill.
OS1/1/85/42 TILLYHILT Tillyhilt Tillyhilt Tillyhilt Valuation Roll Mr James Hay. Nethermill Occupier Mr George White Longlay 037 name of a small farm consisting of a good dwelling house with garden and outhouses. The most of the farm is at present attached to Nethermill and was formerly known by the name "Mains of Tillyhilt"
OS1/1/85/42 TILLYHILT CASTLE (Remains of) (Site of) Tillyhilt Castle Tillyhilt Castle Tillyhilt Castle Mr James Hay Nethermill Occupr. [Occupier] of Gd [ground] etc. Mr Alexander Norey Craighall Mr W.S. Marr Uppermill 037 The only portions remaining are the fragments of apparently two Towers the walls of which seem to have been nearly 6 feet in thickness. The most of the walls, It is said, having, many years ago, been recovered for building purposes, a stone of which is to be seen in the wall of a small dwelling house about 70 links S.E. [South East] of the point shown for Site, and still in tolerable preservation with initials and date thus (Y.G. 1583 RG) with an upper rim artistically carved and projected as if it was originally at the Upper portion of the Coat of Arms. It is said the last proprietor previous to its issue to the Earls of Aberdeen was Reid to name. I could not procure any further information whilst on the gd. [ground]
OS1/1/85/42 [page] 42 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/43 DEAD WIFE'S BURN Deadwife Burn Deadwife Burn Deadwife Burn Mr Robert Lind Laverockbrae Mr John Scorgie Uppermill of Tillyhilt Mr George Clark Upperhead 037 a stream which issues from drainage etc, a little west of Upper Mill of Tillyhilt and runs a little North of the pub [public] road leading to Haddo Ho. [House] for abt. [about] 2 miles where it crosses the said road a little S. [South] of Mosshead Farm and enters the Den of Keithfield below the 2nd. Mile Stone from Haddo House and after passing the Den it falls into Keithfield Burn. The Burn received the name many years ago, it is said, on account of a Woman being found dead in it near the Sourse.
OS1/1/85/43 UPPERHEAD Upperhead Upperhead Upperhead George Clark Occupier Mr John Scorgie Uppermill of Tillyhilt Mr George Gibb Craighall 037 Indicates the name of a small farm Consisting of a dwelling house and garden with out houses detached, Situated about ½ Mile N.W. [North West] of Uppermill also ⅛ of a M [Mile]S.W. [South West] of Backhill etc.
OS1/1/85/43 [page] 43 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/44 BACKHILL Backhill Backhill backhill Mr John Tough Occupier Mr William Simpson Occupier Mr George Cave Occupier 037 Applies to four detached cottages with gardens one of which is 10. Chains and another 20 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] of Craigieford The third one a little Southwest of the former two, and also abt. [about] 20. Chains from Said Craigieford etc. see also yellow band on traces N. 2 & 5 showing extent etc.
OS1/1/85/44 DRUMFINNIE HILL Drumfinnie Hill or Drumwhinnie Hill Drumfinnie Hill or Drumwhinnie Hill Drumfinnie Hill or Drumwhinnie Hill Mr George Gibb Craighall Mr Alexander Norey Craighall Mr John Tough Backhill 037 a conspicuous hill, covered with plantation and Situated 10 or 15. Chains South of the 2nd. Mile Stone from Haddo House of the public road leading to Meldrum The derivation of this compound Celtic name seems to be very uncertain Drum (druim) means the highest point or Summit of a hill and is also frequently applied to the Watershed on top of a range etc etc Second portion or part of the first named viz "finnie" (Fheanne)s a Celtic name for Elf or Fairy - and that of the Second name or made viz whinnie. a Celtic for meeting viz persons to meet etc etc.
OS1/1/85/44 LAVEROCKBRAE Laverockbrae Laverockbrae Laverockbrae Mr Robert Lind Occupier Mr John Scorgie Uppermill of Tillyhilt Mr George Clark Upperhead 037 a farm consisting of a good dwelling house with garden and outhouses, situated about ⅛ of a mile northward of the Haddo Ho. [House] 3rd. Mile stone of road leading to Meldrum.
OS1/1/85/44 [page]44 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/44 Unsure if it is a signature or a symbol at the end of the description.
OS1/1/85/45 OVERWOODHILL Overwoodhill Overwoodhill Overwoodhill Valuation Roll Mr C. Stephen Netherwoodhill. Mr Robert Lind Laverockbrae 037 Two small farms consisting of dwelling houses with outhouses and gardens. Situated abt. [about] ¼ of a mile north of Netherwoodhill which with the former, it is said, derived their origin from the hill being formerly Covered over with wood. The Earl of Aberdeen is the proprietor of the parish and receives Rank Baron Tarves of the Same.
OS1/1/85/45 NETHERWOODHILL Netherwoodhill Netherwoodhill Netherwoodhill Valuation Roll Mr. C. Stephen Occupier Mr Robert Lind Laverockbrae 037 Name of small farms or crofts consisting of three detached dwelling houses with gardens and outhouses. Each Croft abt. [about] ⅛ of a mile apart in a S.W. [South West] N.E. [North East]direction. The one on the S.W. [South West] is situated abt. [about] ⅛ of a mile N. [North] of Laverockbrae. See also yellow band on trace
OS1/1/85/45 DEN OF KEITHFIELD Den of Keithfield Den of Keithfield Den of Keithfield Mr Alexander Norey Craighall Mr George Gibb Craighall Mr Thomas Forest Den of Keithfield 037 A well known ravine extending about ⅛ of a mile up a Stream. The lower end of which is at the 2nd. Mile Stone from Haddo Ho. [House] on the public road leading to Meldrum for extent etc see yellow band on trace.
OS1/1/85/45 [page] 45 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/46 CRAIGHALL Craighall Craighall Craighall Valuation Roll Mr Alexander Norey Occupier Mr George Gibb Occupier 037 Name of three small crofts consisting of three detached dwelling houses with gardens and out houses situated a little S. [South] of Den of Keithfield. See also yellow band on trace
OS1/1/85/46 MOSSHEAD Mosshead Mosshead Mosshead Valuation Roll Mr James Henderson Occupier Mr George Gibb Craighall 037 A small farm consisting of a dwelling house with out houses and garden. Situated abt. [about] 11 Chains S.W. [South West] of the 2nd. [second] Mile Stone from Haddo Ho. House] of the public road leading from Haddo Ho. [House] to Meldrum and 3 Chains N. [North] of same road.
OS1/1/85/46 CRAIGIEFORD Craigieford Craigieford Craigieford Valuation Roll Mr Robert Hill Occupier Mr James Henderson Mosshead 037 a small farm consisting of a dwelling with out houses and Garden detached and situated abt. [about] 1/10 of a mile S.W. [South West] of Mossfield and a little north of the pub: [public] Road leading from Haddo House to Meldrum
OS1/1/85/46 [page] 46 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/47 SONACH Sonach Sonach Sonach Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr John Burges. tenant 037 A Crofter's dwelling house etc one storey thatched & in good repair: property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/47 BRIDGE OF THORNROAN Bridge of Thornroan Bridge of Thornroan Bridge of Thornroan Mr John Burges Mr John Greig Mr Duncan Logie 037 A small bridge of one arch, across Raxton burn near the Ord Market stance: property of the Road Trustees.
OS1/1/85/47 HILL OF THORNROAN Hill of Thornroan Hill of Thornroan Hill of Thornroan Mr John Burges Mr John Greig Mr Duncan Logie 037 A small hill feature partly Cultivated, situated about a ¼ of a mile west of Thornroan: property of the Right. Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/47 PARKSIDE Parkside Parkside Parkside Mr. John Burges, Sonach Mr. John Greig, Hillhead Mr. Duncan Logie, Parkside 037 A Crofter's dwelling house etc one storey, thatched and in good repair: property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/47 [page] 47 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/48 FOUNTAIN HILL Fountain Hill Fountain Hill Fountain Hill Mr. Thompson, Mr. Duncan Logie Mr. John Greig 037 A name applied to a hill feature of no great extent: situated about two miles north of Tarves: property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/48 LITTLE RAXTON Little Raxton Little Raxton Little Raxton Mr. Duncan Logie Mr. John Greig Mr. John Burges 037 A name applied to a few Crofter's dwellinghouses, thatched & in good repair the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/48 STANDING STONE [Fountain Hill] Standing Stone Standing Stone Standing STone Mr. Duncan Logie Mr. John Greig Mr. John Burges 037 A large upright stone, situated in a field about a quarter of a mile west of Shethin the stone is about 4 feet in height of an irregular shape and is sometimes called the "Poor Man". It is situated on the highest part of the hill & perhaps had some connection with the circle a little further south.
OS1/1/85/48 [page] 48 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/49 ORDHILL Ordhill Ordhill Ordhill Valuation Roll Mr. W Burgess Occupier Mr John Greig Hillhead 037 A farmsteading Consisting of dwellinghouse garden & offices the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/49 YOWLIEBURN Yowlieburn Yowlieburn Yowlieburn Estate Plan Mr. Booth Mr. Douglas 037 A farmsteading Consisting of dwellinghouse with garden & offices attached, the property of the Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/49 (page] 49 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/50 ORD HILL Ord Hill Ord Hill Ord Hill Mr. W. Burgess Ordhill Mr. Greig Hillhead Mr. Thompson Thornroan 037 A cultivated hill a short distance east from the farm of Nether Mill of Tillyhilt.
OS1/1/85/50 STRIPESIDE Strypeside Strypeside Strypeside Valuation Roll Mr Greig Hillhead Mr Burgess Ordhill 037 A small croft consisting of dwellinghouse offices & garden.
OS1/1/85/50 HILLHEAD Hillhead Hillhead Hillhead Valuation Roll Mr. Greig Occupier Mr. Thom New Inn Tarves 037 A small farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse & offices a little north from the Village of Tarves.
OS1/1/85/50 [page] 50 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/51 THORNROAN Thornroan Thornroan Thornroan Valuation Roll Mr. Thompson Mr. Barnet 037 This name applies to a number of Cottages on the road from Tarves to Haddo House.
OS1/1/85/51 RAXTON Raxton Raxton Raxton Valuation Roll Mr. Thompson Thornroan Mr. Duncan Logie Raxton 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with offices & garden attached, the property of the Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/51 LOGIE WOOD Logie Wood Logie Wood Logie Wood Mr Duncan Logie Raxton Mr. John Greig Hillhead Mr. Burgess Ordhill 037 A plantation of fir wood a short distance West from the farm of Raxton.
OS1/1/85/51 [page] 51 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/52 SOUTH LODGE [Haddo House] South Lodge South Lodge South Lodge Mr. Logie Mr. Thompson Mr. Douglass Factor 037 A neat cottage and garden at the South entrance to Haddo House.
OS1/1/85/52 STONE CIRCLE [Fountain Hill] Stone Circle Stone Circle Stone Circle Mr. J Greig Mr. A Gordon Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Knox Manse Tarves 037 A small stone circle about 20 links in diameter consisting of six upright Stones of from 2 to 3 feet in height.
OS1/1/85/52 MARKET STANCE [Ord Hill] Market Stance Market Stance Market Stance Mr. W Burgess Ordhill Mr. John Greig Hillhead Mr. Thompson Thornroan 037 A portion of rough pasture on the north side of Ord Hill about ½ a mile from Tarves village, used as a Market for the parish on which there are held 7 Markets during the year.
OS1/1/85/52 [page] 52 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/53 AUCHNAVE Auchnave Auchnave Auchnieve Valuation Roll Mr. AF Douglass Factor Haddo Ho. [House] Mr. J Anderson Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and Commodious offices attached the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/53 PIKETILLUM Piketillum Piketillum Picktillam Valuation Roll Mr. AF Douglass Factor Haddo Mr. J Duguid Acc [Accountant] 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and offices attached the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/53 [page] 53 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/54 BACKGREENS Backgreens Backgreens Backgreens Mr. John Strath Occupier Mr Duguid Piketillum Mr. J Anderson Auchnave 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and Commodious offices attached the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/54 STRIPESIDE Strypeside Strypeside Strypeside Mr. G Duncan Occupier Valuation Roll Mr. A F Douglass Factor 037 A small farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse garden & offices, the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/54 [page] 54 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/55 CROSSHILL Crosshill Crosshill Crosshill Valuation Roll Mr. A F Douglass Factor Mr. R Clark Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse garden and offices near to the Village of Craigdam. the property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/55 CRAIGDAM Craigdam Craigdam Craigdam Valuation Roll Mr. A.F Douglass Factor Haddo Rev. [Reverend] W Turner U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse 037 A small village consisting of a number of scattered houses including a U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, Manse, and School. Situate on a rising ground about 2 miles S.W. [Souith West] of the Village of Tarves
OS1/1/85/55 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Craigdau] U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church U.P. Church U.P. Church Revd. [Reverend] William Turner Minister Mr. Trail School master Mr. James Taylor Craigdam 037 A plan but substantial edifice erected AD 1806 by the UP. Congregation of Craigdam it is seated for the acommodation of 600 people, and is supported entirely by the members of the U.P. [United Presbyterian] body in Tarves.
OS1/1/85/55 [page] 55 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/56 MANSE [U.P., Craigdam] U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse U.P. Manse U.P. Manse Revd. [Reverend] William Turner Minister Mr. Traill Teacher Mr. J Taylor 037 A handsome dwellinghouse with garden and offices attached close to the Church erected specially for the use of the Minister.
OS1/1/85/56 SCHOOL [Craigdam] UP [United Presbyterian] School UP School UP School Revd. [Reverend] William Turner Minister Mr. Traill Teacher Mr. J Taylor 037 A School belonging to and supported by the Members of the U.P. [united Presbyterian] Church. It was endowed to the extend of £18 per annum some years ago by a benevolent individual of the name of Barron who left £600 in the 3 percents towards the support of the Teacher. The average attendence of Scholars is about 70.
OS1/1/85/56 [page] 56 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/57 MOSSHEAD Mosshead Mosshead Mosshead Valuation Roll Mr. A F Douglass Factor Mr. William MacKay Occupier 037 A small farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse garden and offices The property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/57 PRENSTONE Prenstone Prenstone Prenstone Mr. A Scroggie Occ [Occupier] Mr. MacKay Mosshead Mr. J Taylor Craigdam 037 A small croft consisting of dwellinghouse garden and offices on the farm of Braikly Rymuir, the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/57 COULIEHAIR Couliehair Couliehair Couliehair Mr. MacKay Mr. Scroggie Mr. Taylor 037 A very small laborers Cottage a short distance S.E. [South East] of Uppermill property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/57 [page] 57 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/58 TILLYCAIRN Tillycairn Tillycairn Tillycairn Valuation Roll Mr. A F Douglass Factor Mr. W Lind Occupier 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden, offices etc attached, the property of The Right Hon [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/58 EAST TILLYCAIRN East Tillycairn East Tillycairn East Tillycairn Mr William Milne Occ [Occupier) Mr. William Lind Mr. W. S. Marr 037 A farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse garden and offices the property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/58 UPPERMILL OF TILLYHILT Uppermill of Tillyhilt Uppermill of Tillyhilt Uppermill of Tillyhilt Uppermill Mr. A F Douglass Factor Mr. Marr. Occupier Mr. Lind Tillycairn Valuation Roll 1859-60 037 A very large farmsteading consisting of dwellinghouse with garden and Commodious offices attached, the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/58 [page] 58 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/59 BRAIKLY Braikly Braikly Braikly Valuation Roll 1859-60 A. F. Douglas Esq. Factor Mr. George Bean Tenant 037 An ordinary farm house with offices, garden etc. attached, well known by this name. The property of The Right Honble. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/59 BRAIKLY COTTAGE Braikly Cottage Braikly Cottage Braikly Cottage Croft of Braikly Mr. George Bean Mr. William Duthie Merchant Mr. George Paul Tenant Valuation Roll 037 An ordinary Cottage or Croft with outhouses, garden etc attached well known by this name.
OS1/1/85/59 INN [New Inn, Tarves] New Inn (P.H.) [Public House] New Inn (P.H.) [Public House] New Inn (P.H.) [Public House] Name on Board. Mr. Thorn. Tenant Mr. William Duthie 037 An ordinary public-house, with offices, yard, garden, etc attached Known by this name.
OS1/1/85/59 [page] 59 Parish of Tarves For Braikly and Braikly Cottage see [also] page 61
OS1/1/85/60 WEDDERLAIRS PARK Wedderlairs Park Wedderlairs Park Wedderlairs Park John Hepburn Esqr. Surveyor Mr. Alexander Burnett, Wedderlairs Mr. John McBean, Gamekeeper 037 This name applies to a park or enclosure within the policies or grounds of Haddo House much used for the pasturage of sheep - and is well known by this name
OS1/1/85/60 SCHOOL [nr Tarves] School School School Mr. Alexander Burnett Mr. Alexander Paterson. Mason Mr. George Walker. Tenant 037 An ordinary dwelling house etc in which there has recently been Commenced a private adventure or unendowed School principally for girls, and beginners. The Schoolmistress has no other emoluments but the Scholars fees.
OS1/1/85/60 [page] 60 Parish of Tarves Note: Wedderlairs Park - "Not to be written on the plan"
OS1/1/85/61 BRAIKLY COTTAGE Braikly Cottage Braikly Cottage Braikly Cottage Alexander F Douglas Esq. Mains of Haddo Mr. John Tait Wedderlairs Mr. John Booth Tarves 037 Applies to a dwelling house one storey, slated and in good repair; property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/61 BRAIKLY Braikly Braikly Braikly Rent Receipt & Lease Paper Alexander F. Douglas Esq. 037 A farmsteading & dwellinghouse one storey slated & in good repair property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/61 MILL OF TOLQUHON (Corn) Mill of Tolquhon (Corn) Mill of Tolquhon (Corn) Mill of Tolquhon (Corn) Rent Teceipt Lease Paper Alexander F. Douglas Esq. 037 A Corn Mill, farmsteading & dwelling house, one storey slated & in good repair; property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/61 BOWLROAD Bowlroad Bowlroad Bowlroad Rent Receipt Lease Paper Alexander F. Douglas Esq. 037 A farmsteading & dwellinghouse one storey, slated & in good repair property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/61 [page] 61 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/62 YOWLIE BURN Yowlie Burn Yowlie Burn Towlie Burn Alexander F Douglas, Esq. Mr. John Tait, Wedderlairs Mr. John Booth, Tarves 037 ; 038 Applies to a small stream rising in the south of the parish & flowing northwards a few miles, turns eastwards, then enters the parish of Ellon.
OS1/1/85/62 BOGHOUSE Boghouse Boghouse Boghouse Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. John Booth, Tarves 037 Applies to one farmsteading a dwellinghouse & crofter's place, all thatched & in good repair property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/62 [page] 62 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/63 TARVES [village] Tarves Tarves Tarves Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. The Manse Mr. William Duthie Merchant (& Banker) John Hepburn Esqr. Surveyor 037 A small village. the only one in the parish, Consisting of parish Church, Manse. School Female School one public house Post office, Bank etc and a considerable number of ordinary dwelling houses, outhouses, gardens, etc having a population of about 200 inhabitants. There are feeing markets held here for Servants also, grain & cattle markets in January, February, March and the end of July about a mile north of the village is the principal market Stance, Called Ord Hill. This and the whole parish is the property of The Right Hon. [Honourable] The Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/63 CHURCH [Tarves] Church Church Church Church Statistical Account 1843. Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox John Hepburn Esqr. Collections of the Shires 037 "The Church was built in 1798 and underwent Considerable improvements about Seventeen years ago." vide Statistical Account p. 669. A plain substantial building, used as the parish church: having a choir and three side gallaries, and will accommodate about. 800 hearers, on the south of the church is the ruin of an Isle which belonged to the old Church. It was for the Forbes of Tolquhon who subsequently used it as a family vault or burial ground part of the walls only, now remain.
OS1/1/85/63 [page] 63 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/64 MANSE [parish] Manse Manse Manse Statistical Account 1843. Valuation Roll. 1859-60 Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox (Minister) 037 A good substantial building erected in 1848 with offices yard garden & pleasure ground attached the residence of Revd. [Reverend] F. Knox.
OS1/1/85/64 SCHOOL [Tarves] School School School Statistical Account Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. Mr. William Duthie Merchant. 037 "The parochial School and Schoolhouse were erected in 1837 on a very liberal Scale, and are extremely neat and Substantial, as well as Commodious buildings. The Schoolmasters Salary amounts including the Dick Bequest, to upwards of £60.0 0. The fees average about £30.0.0 annually." vide Statistical Account p.669. The average number of Scholars is about 70
OS1/1/85/64 [page] 64 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/65 THE SQUARE Square Square Square Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. The Manse William Duthie Esqr. Merchant (Banker etc.) Mr. Thomas Duncan. Tarves 037 This name applies to the open space or Square. Sometimes called "the Village Green" where Markets etc are held.
OS1/1/85/65 ABERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY BANK [Tarves] Aberdeen Town & County Bank (Branch of) Aberdeen Town & County Bank (Branch of) Aberdeen Town & County Bank (Branch of) Name on Board Mr William Duthie Agent. Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. 037 A good substantial building used as a dwelling house, general merchant's shop. and a branch of the Aberdeen Town & County Bank having offices, and the necessary accommodations etc. occupied by Mr William Duthie
OS1/1/85/65 BRIDGEFOOT Bridgefoot Bridgefoot Bridgefoot Mr. Milne Sonach Mr. William Duthie Mr. Thomas Duncan 037 An ordinary dwelling house with outhouses garden etc attached so called from being near a small stone bridge.
OS1/1/85/65 [page] 65 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/66 SCHOOL (Girls) [Tarves] Female School Female School Female School Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. The Manse John Hepburn Esqr. [Esquire] Surveyor Mr William Duthie. Merchant (& Banker) 037 A good substantial building erected about 1858 by the late Earl of Aberdeen, at the cost of about £600. The School and Schoolhouse are very neat as well as Commodious buildings, and on a very liberal Scale for the locality, after comp[l]etion it was made over to the Kirk Session, whereby it came under the National System of Education and now participates in the national grant amounting to £15 per annum with £5 for pupil teacher. The Earl of Aberdeen Contributes £15, and the Scholars fees amounts to about £30. The Schoolmistress is necessar[i]ly a certificated teacher, and besides the ordinary branches of English education the Scholars are instructed in knitting and various branches of needlework. The average number of Scholars is about 60 Miss. Symmers. Teacher
OS1/1/85/66 POST OFFICE [Tarves] Post Office Post Office Post Office Name on Board Revd. [Reverend] Francis Knox. William Duthie 037 A good dwelling house. Druggist and provision etc shop and in which is a branch post office, letters arrive here about 8. A.M. and dispatched at 12.30 P.M. via Aberdeen per Mail Gig. Mrs. Lumsden occupier
OS1/1/85/66 [page] 66 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/67 RIVER YTHAN River Ythan Mr. John Norrie, Mill of Auchedly Mr. James Wattie, Mill of Auchedly Mr. John Davidson, Little Meldrum 038 The "Ythan - the Ituna of the ancients which bounds the district of Buchan on the South, takes its rise in the upper part of the Parish of Forgue, from three springs called the Wells of Ythan, which uniting their waters at about twenty or thirty yards below their source, from a very respectable rivulet. Half a mile below, the Ythan receives its first tributary, a cleer bright stream from the Glen of Aldovie, at the western base of the Kirkhill of Logie, near the summit of which there are the remains of three Druidical circles. From this point the stream flows in a northerly direction, till it reaches the Mill of Knockleith, at which place it becomes the boundary of the upper district of Buchan. It then runs in a more easterly line till it reaches Towie Barclay; after which, it takes a southwesterly direction to the port of Newburgh; and a little below this last place it discharges its waters into the German Ocean, after a course of about thirty miles. In former times the Ythan was famous for its pearl oysters. In the lists of unpublished Acts of Parliament of Charles I., there is one for repeating the paten[t] for the pearl-fishing in the Ythan, granted to Robert Buchan." "This" says the New Statistical report "gives countenance to a prevalint tradition that the large pearl in the junction of the water Kelly and the Ythan, was presented to James VI. in 1620 by Sir Thomas Menzies of Cults and Skene, in his Succinct view of Aberdeen, speaks of it as being "for beauty and bigness, the best that was at anytime found in Scotland." The Ythan from the pearl oysters taken in it, has been called "The rich Rig of Scotland." They are still occasionally found in this river, though there is no longer a regular fishing for them. The stream abounds in trout; and near the mouth finnocks and Salmon are still taken, though less plentiful than in former times. There are also cockles [continued on next page]
OS1/1/85/67 [page] 67 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/68 [page] 68 Parish of Tarves River Ythan - [Continued from previous page] cockles and mussels in large quantities, the last eagerly sought after for bait by the fishermen along the coast. The great number of smal fry at the mouth of this stream is said to collect an immense variety of seafowl and and other birds - greater perhaps, than on any other river in Scotland. The Ythan for about a quarter of a mile from its mouth, is hemmed in by rocks and sand banks within narrow bounds, but a little higher up, the stream expands into a spacious bay averaging, at high water, six hundred yards in breadth; and with its many creeks and inlets, is in some places nearly a mile. The length of the pool is about three miles; hence at a moderate calculation, the quantity of water which at spring tides - allowing an average depth of six feet - issues from the neck of the river is about fix or Six millions of cubic yards every six hours. It may therefore be imagined with what terrific impetuosity the water, on the retrocession of the tide forces its way back into the ocean. The river is navigable as far as Newburgh a mile from the Sea" Buchan by the Rev [Reverend] John B Pratt M.A. [Master of Arts] Chapter XIV. P. 227, 228 & 229.
OS1/1/85/69 NEWSEAT Newseat Newseat Newseat Valuation Roll Mr. M. Morrison Occupier Mr. A Cheyne Occupier 038 Indicate the name of two Farms consisting of 4 dwelling houses, with Steading of Farm Offices and gardens. Situated abt. [about] ⅛ of a mile N. [North] of Woods of Schivas also abt. [about] ⅛ of a mile NNE [North North East] of the Mill of Schivas - one of the farms is abt. [about] 14 Chains W. [West] of the other. The property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/69 MILL OF SCHIVAS Mill of Schivas Mill of Schivas Mill of Schivas Valuation Roll Alexander Mitchell Occupier George Allan Occupier 038 Name of three Crofts consisting of a dwelling houses, with outhouses and gardens Situated a little W. [West] of the Woods of Schivas a few Chains North of the River Ythan and on the junction of a pub: [public] Road - The property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/69 WOOD OF SCHIVAS Wood of Schivas Wood of Schivas Wood of Schivas Mr. Alexander Mitchell Newseat Mr. M Morrison Newseat Mr. George Allan Mill of Schivas 038 Name of a Fir Plantation, Situated a little North of the River Ythan and a little W. [West] of the Ellon and Tarves Ph. [Parish] boundary the property of Lord Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/69 [page] 69 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/70 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Schivas] Stone Circle (Remains of) Stone Circle (Remains of) Stone Circle (Remains of) Mr. Alexander Cheyne Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mill of Schivas Mr. George Allan Mill of Schivas 037 Is supposed to have been abt. [about] 1½ chains in diameter and Consisting of a great number of big Standing Stones. It is said that 19 were standing about 30 years ago but all except one have been Cut down and removed for building houses the only one remaining thus (small sketch - upright stone) is abt. [about] 5 feet above the surface and standing near a gate and angle of a stone wall at the north edge of the Woods of Schivas upon the property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/70 MILL STONE Millstone Millstone Millstone Mr. Alexander Cheyne Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mill of Schivas Mr. George Allan Mill of Schivas 038 a large boulder with a circle inscribed upon the Surface of abt. [about] 3 inches deep apparently for the purposes of procuring a Mill stone out of the block. Tradition does not, it seems, refer to the time the Circle was inscribed The Stone however is well known by the name.
OS1/1/85/70 SCHOOL [Wood of Schivas] School School School Mr. Alexander Cheyne Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mill of Schivas Mr. George Allan Mill of Schivas 038 An Infant school situated near the Edge of the Woods of Schivas and abt. [about] 3 ch [chains] in the Wood also abt. [about] 15 chs. [chains] W. [West] of the Boundary of Tarves & Ellon Phs. (Parishes]
OS1/1/85/70 [page] 70 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/71 FEDDERAT CAIRN (Remains of) Fedderat Cairn (Remains of ) Fedderat Cairn (Remains of ) Mr. John Morrison Newseat Mr. Alexander Sheyne [Cheyne] Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mill of Chivas 038 Applies to a Cairn of small stones of no great height nor extent. About 7 years Since while the tenant of Oldmill of Schivas was removing some of the stones he came upon a stone coffin, which contained human bones. The stones being very fine granite slabs, were taken away and built into the office houses of Oldmill of Schivas.
OS1/1/85/71 STONE CIST FOUND HERE [Fedderat Cairn] Stone cist found here Mr. John Morrison Newseat Mr. Alexander Sheyne [Cheyne] Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mill of Chivas 038 Applies to a Cairn of small stones of no great height nor extent. About 7 years Since while the tenant of Oldmill of Schivas was removing some of the stones he came upon a stone coffin, which contained human bones. The stones being very fine granite slabs, were taken away and built into the office houses of Oldmill of Schivas.
OS1/1/85/71 CRAIGIE Craigie Craigie Craigie Craigie Rent Receipt Leaspaper Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mr. John Morrison 038 A small farmsteading & dwelling house, one storey thatched and in good repair, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/72 CRAIGMUIR WOOD Craigmuir Wood Craigmuir Wood Mr. John Morrison, Newseat Mr. Alexander Mitchell Schivas Mr. Alexander Sheyene, Newseat 038 A fir plantation of considerable extent; situated about a mile south east of Tanglan Ford, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/72 OLDMILL OF SCHIVAS Oldmill of Schivas Oldmill of Schivas Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. Alexander Morrison Mr. Alexander Mitchell 038 Two farmsteadings & dwellinghouses each one storey, thatched & in good repair: property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/72 CRAIGIE SHETHIN Craigie Shethin Craigie Shethin Craigie Shethin Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. John Morrison Mr. Alexander Mitchell 038 A farmstead & dwellinghouse one storey, slated & in good repair: property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/72 FEDDERAT POT Fedderat Pot Fedderat Pot Fedderat Pot Mr. John Morrison Mr. Alexander Mitchell Mr. Alexander Sheyne 038 Applies to a deep pool on the river Ythan being a favourite resort for salmon situated about a mile down the river from the Tanglan Ford
OS1/1/85/72 [page] 72 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/73 WARLDSEND Warldsend Warldsend Warldsend Warldsend Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. Peter Henderson Mr. Samuel Davidson 038 A farmsteading & dwellinghouse one storey, thatched, & in good repair; property of the The Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/73 FAIRY HILLOCK Fairy hillock Fairy Hillock Fairy hillock Mr. Norrie Mr. Peter Henderson Mr. Samuel Davidson 038 A small green mound, situated about a quarter of a mile west of the ford of Auchedly. Mr Norrie says that when a boy at school his curiosity led him to dig into this mound like place, and that at different times he found pieces of bones, urns. His parents did not approve of his disturbing what they thought was not canny to meddle with. About the same time two of his father's horses took ill and died of "Staggers", but the old people considered the opening of the mound the principle cause of the horses death!
OS1/1/85/73 URNS FOUND HERE [Fairy Hillock] Urns found here As above 038 Mr Norrie says that when a boy at school his curiosity led him to dig into this mound like place, and that at different times he found pieces of bones, urns.
OS1/1/85/73 [page] 73 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/74 WEDDER BURN Wedder Burn Wedder Burn Wedder Burn Mr. Peter Henderson Mr. Samuel Henderson Mr. Hay, 038 A small stream rising on the farm of Little Meldrum, & flowing north eastwards a distance of about 1 miles, falls into the river Ythan at the ford of Auchedly
OS1/1/85/74 NORTHSEAT OF AUCHEDLY Northseat of Auchedly Northseat of Auchedly Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. Samuel Henderson, tenant 038 A farm steading & dwelling house one storey slated & in good repair: property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/74 LITTLE MELDRUM Little Meldrum Little Meldrum Little Meldrum Rent Receipt Lease Paper Mr. Peter Henderson, tenant 037 A farm steading & dwelling house one story slated & in good repair: property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/75 HILL OF AUCHEDLY Hill of Auchedly Hill of Auchedly Hill of Auchedly Mr Peter Henderson Mr Samuel Davidson Mr Shepherd 038 A small cultivated hill feature situated about a mile south east of the ford of Auchedly on the river Ythan property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/75 OTTER STONE Otter Stone Otter Stone Otter Stone Mr Peter Henderson Mr Samuel Davidson Mr Shepherd 038 A large boulder stone about 4 feet in height 3 feet in breadth, standing near the water edge at a pool considered a great resort for Otters situated about 50 yards east of the farm of Auchedly.
OS1/1/85/75 CAIRN HILL Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Mr Peter Henderson Mr Samuel Davidson Mr Shepherd 038 A prominent hill feature, situated about a mile south of the ford of Auchedly. The oldest inhabitant in this locality does not remember of hearing anything about a cairn over this hill.
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OS1/1/85/76 BRONZE SWORD FOUND HERE [Little Meldrum] Bronze Sword (found here) Bronze Sword (found here) Bronze Sword (found here) Mr. Samuel Davidson Mr. Peter Henderson Mr. Hay, 038 About 25 years since while Mr Samuel avidson tenant of Little Meldrum, was employed opening a drain he came upon a Bronze Sword sunk in the earth about 2 feet. It was about 2 feet in length, double edged, and very much corroded. It was presented by the finder to Mr Melvile, late Schoolmaster of Tarves in whose possession ir was for many years after.
OS1/1/85/76 BACKHILL OF LITTLE MELDRUM Backhill of Little Meldrum Backhill of Little Meldrum Mr Samuel Davidson Mr Peter Henderson Mr Hay 038 A Crofter's house and steading etc. one Story, thatched and in good repair: property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/76 HILL OF LITTLE MELDRUM Hill of Little Meldrum Hill of Little Meldrum Mr Samuel Davidson. Mr Peter Henderson Mr Hay. 038 A small hill feature, situated about ¼ of a mile north of Little Meldrum: property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/77 MILL OF AUCHEDLY (Corn) Mill of Auchedly (Corn) Mill of Auchedly (Corn) Mill of Auchedly (Corn) Mr John Morrison Mill of Auchedly. Mr John Norrie Mill of Auchedly Mr John Davidson Little Meldrum 038 A Corn meal Mill a farmsteading & dwellinghouse, one storey slated & in good repair; property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/77 BRIDGE OF AUCHEDLY Bridge of Auchedly Bridge of Auchedly Bridge of Auchedly Mr John Morrison Mill of Auchedly Mr John Norrie Mill of Auchedly Mr John Davidson, Little Meldrum 038 A small wooden bridge across the river Ythan where the Wedder Burn joins the Ythan. Formerly there was no bridge here and it was then called the ford of Auchedly.
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OS1/1/85/78 [page] 78 Parish of Tarves [blank]
OS1/1/85/79 CAIRNHILL Cairnhill Cairnhill Cairnhill Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas, Factor Mains of Haddo Mr Shepherd. Shethin 038 A farm house with outhouses etc. attached, property of Earl of Aberdeen, Haddo House.
OS1/1/85/79 WEST AUCHEDLY West Auchedly West Auchedly West Auchedly Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas. Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd, Shethin 038 A small farm with outhouses & garden attached. property of the Earl of Aberdeen Haddo House
OS1/1/85/79 EAST AUCHEDLY East Auchedly East Auchedly East Auchedly Valuation Roll Mr Douglas. Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd. Shethin 038 Applies to a small farm with outhouses etc. attached, property of the Earl of Aberdeen Haddo House
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OS1/1/85/80 QUARRYBRAE Quarrybrae Quarrybrae Quarrybrae Mr Shepherd, Shethin Mr. McNaughton, Milltown of Ythie John Norrie, Mill of Auchedly 038 Applies to two small crofts situated on the South bank of the River Ythan, property of Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/80 DUB POT Dub Pot Dub Pot Dub Pot John Norrie, Mill of Auchedly William Mar, Quarrybrae William Skene, Quarrybrae 038 A deep pool in the River Ythan, being a favourite resort for salmon.
OS1/1/85/80 BRAIKS BURN Braiks Burn Braiks Burn Braiks Burn John Norrie. Mill of Auchedly William Mar Quarrybrae William Skene, Quarrybrae 038 Rises on the lands of the Mains of Auchedly and flowing in a northerly direction for a short distance falls into the River Ythan a little to the East of the farm of Burnside.
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OS1/1/85/81 SHETHIN Shethin Shethin Shethin Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas, Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd, Shethin 038 Applies to a large farm with good dwelling house and extensive buildings attached, property of Earl of Aberdeen, Haddo House
OS1/1/85/81 SOUTH AUCHEDLY South Auchedly South Auchedly South Auchedly Valuation Roll Mr Douglas, Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd, Shethin 038 Name of a farm with outhouses attached, property of Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/81 MAINS OF AUCHEDLY Mains of Auchedly Mains of Auchedly Mains of Auchedly Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas, Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd, Shethin 038 Is the name of a farm with outhouses attached, property of Earl Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/82 BURNSIDE OF AUCHEDLY Burnside of Auchedly Burnside of Auchedly J.D. Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd Shethin 038 Is the name of a farm with outhouses etc. attached property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/82 MILLTOWN OF YTHSIE Milltown of Ythsie Milltown of Ythsie Milltown of Ythsie Valuation Roll Mr Douglas Mains of Haddo Mr. McNaughton, Tenant 038 A small farm with outhouses attached property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/82 MONUMENT (Fourth Earl of Aberdeen) Monument (Fourth Earl of Aberdeen) Monument (Earl of Aberdeen) Mr. Smith, Tarves John Greig, Tarves Mr. Thom. Tarves 038 A plain erection in memory of the late Earl of Aberdeen, erected in 1862 & bearing the following inscription "To George Hamilton Gordon, fourth Earl of Aberdeen By his attached & Grateful Tenantry He was born at Edinburgh 28 January 1784 & died at London 14 December 1860,
OS1/1/85/82 [page] 82 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/83 EAST SHETHIN East Shethin East Shethin East Shethin Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas Mains of Haddo Mr. Shepherd. Shethin 038 Applies to a farm with outhouses etc. attached. property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/84 [page] 84 Ph. [Parish] of Tarves [blank]
OS1/1/85/85 HILL OF YTHSIE Hill of Ythsie Hill of Ythsie Hill of Ythsie Mr. Shepherd Shethin Mr. Hay E [East] Shethin Mr. Booth Tarves 038 A hill of considerable extent & height whereon stands a Monument to the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen; the view from the hill is very extensive, and tradition says that a battle was fought here. Mr Hay Tenant of east Shetlin when a boy remembers of seeing trenches on the north side of the facing the small Camp at Shethin.
OS1/1/85/85 CAT CRAIGS Cat Craigs Cat Craigs Cat Craigs Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay E [East] Shethin Mr. Booth Tarves 038 A name applied to a ridged like piece of cultivated ground whereon tradition says the "guid laird Seaton" of Shethin successfully defended himself against the attacks of an enemy occupying a position on the hill of Ythsie.
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OS1/1/85/86 Site of ST JOHN'S CHAPEL St. John's Chapel (site of) Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, East Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 Mr Hay, tenant of East Shethin helped to remove many of the stones from the ruins of this Chapel, and an old man, who lived at Shethin for many years, told him that an Hospital stood near the Chapel.
OS1/1/85/86 CAMP [Shethin] Camp Camp Camp Camp Mr. Shepherd Shethin Mr. Hay, East Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 A very perfect artificial earth work, the south ditch is quite perfect, but the north side is not quite so good: Situated about 4 hundred yards south of Shethin.
OS1/1/85/86 WOOD OF YTHSIE Wood of Ythsie Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay. East Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 A fir plantation of no great extent; situated on the north side of the hill of Ythside.
OS1/1/85/86 [page] 86 Parish of Tarves Note: Site of St. John's Chapel - St. John's Chapel at Ythsie. St. John's Chapel at Shethin (Collections of the Shires)
OS1/1/85/87 NORTH YTHSIE North Ythsie North Ythsie North Ythsie Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas, Mains of Haddo Mr. Garden, North Ythsie 038 A large & commodious farm building with outhouses Garden etc attached, property of Earl of Aberdeen Haddo House
OS1/1/85/87 SOUTH YTHSIE South Ythsie South Ythsie South Ythsie Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas Mains of Haddo Mr. Garden North Ythsie 038 Applies to a farm with extensive buildings attached property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/87 LITTLE YTHSIE Little Ythsie Little Ythsie Little Ythsie Valuation Roll Mr. Douglas Mains of Haddo Mr. Garden North Ythsie 038 A large farm with Commodious & extensive buildings attached, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
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OS1/1/85/88 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Little Ythan] Stone Circle Stone Circle Stone Circle Mr. Garden, North Ythsie Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. McNaughton Millton of Ythsie 038 A very complete specimen of a Druids Temple stands here, consisting of 7 upright stones and is about 60 links in Diameter.
OS1/1/85/88 KIPPERIE BURN Kipperie Burn Mr. Garden, North Ythsie Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. McNaughton Millton of Ythsie 038 A small stream rising a short distance south from South Ythsie, forming the parish boundary during the whole of its course, and falls into Yowlie Burn.
OS1/1/85/88 [page] 88 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/89 BRONZE SWORDS FOUND HERE [South Ythsie] Bronze Swords (found here) Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Hay 038 About 12 years since when cultivating a piece of moss ground 4 bronze swords were found sunk in the earth about 2 feet: they were about 2 feet in length double edged & in a perfect state of preservation. They were exhibited at Aberdeen on the ocasion of the late Prince Consort's presiding as President at the meeting of the British association. After which they were presented by the late Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen, to the Edinburgh Museum.
OS1/1/85/89 THE KIPPERIES The Kipperies Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, E. [East] Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 A well Known name applied to a few scattered rocks, situated about half a mile east of South Ythsie.
OS1/1/85/89 [page] 89 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/90 Site of CAIRN [East Shethin] Cairn (site of) Cairn (site of) Cairn (site of) Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, E. [East] Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 Mr Hay, tenant of E. [East] Shethin some 35 years since removed this Cairn: it was about 7 feet in height & about 2 yards in diameter, a great many human bones were found near the bottom of it & what was generally beleived to be burned wood. The stones were taken away to build dykes with.
OS1/1/85/90 HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [cairn, East Shethin] Human Remains found here Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, E. [East] Shethin Mr. Booth, Tarves 038 Mr Hay, tenant of E. [East] Shethin some 35 years since removed this Cairn: it was about 7 feet in height & about 2 yards in diameter, a great many human bones were found near the bottom of it & what was generally beleived to be burned wood. The stones were taken away to build dykes with.
OS1/1/85/90 [page] 90 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/91 CAIRN (Remains of) [East Shethin] Cairn (Remains of) Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, East Shethin 038 Mr Hay, farmer of East Stethin, when a young man some 50 years since, was employed as overseer in bringing the land in this immediate neighbourhood under cultivation for the first time. He remembers of an extensive cairn of stones being removed from this place. At the bottom of the cairn a number of stones coffins were found. A great quantity of burnd ashes, and a great many bones of a large Size, supposed to have been human.
OS1/1/85/91 STONE CISTS FOUND HERE [cairn, East Shethin] Stone Cists found here Mr Shepherd Shethin Mr Hay East Shethin 038 Two Cists are still to be seen, one of which measures about 7 feet in length 3 feet in breadth and is lying due east west. The other cist is about 4 feet square & both have evidently been opened & their contents carried away.
OS1/1/85/91 STANDING STONE [East Shethin] Standing Stone Standing Stone Mr. Shepherd Mr. Hay 038 A large stone about 5 feet in height, 4 feet in breadth. Mr Hay says that this Stone is one of remaining of the outter circle which formerly stood here.
OS1/1/85/91 [page] 91 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/92 Supposed Site of ST JOHN'S CHAPEL Site of St. John's Chapel (Supposed) Mr. Shepherd, Shethin Mr. Hay, East Shethin 038 On the farm of South Ythsie there is a flat piece of ground of very fine quality & it is generally supposed to be the place where an old Chapel stood. In looking at this place from a distance the natural feature becomes suddenly flat & only extending about as far as the extent of ground probably occupied as the Chapel & Grave yard.
OS1/1/85/92 CHAPEL FAULD Chapel Fauld Chapel Fauld Mr. Shepherd Mr. Hay 038 A piece of arable land of very fine quality where stands a circle of six stones. It is generally believed that it is near this place where at one time a Chapel dedicated to St. John stood. Situated about 50 yard south of South Ythsie.
OS1/1/85/92 [page] 92 Parish of Tarves Note: St. John's Chapel, at Ythsie. St. John's Chapel at Shethin (Collections of the Shires)
OS1/1/85/93 AUQUHORTHIES Auquhorthies Auquhorthies Auquhorthies Mr. A. F. Douglas. Factor Haddo House Mr. James Milne occupier Mr. John Brown Mains of Auquhorthies 038 Applies to a large farm steading with dwelling house & garden situated about 2 miles on the road leading from Old Meldrum to Tarves in the occupation of Mr James Milne and property of the Right Hon [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/93 MAINS OF AUQUHORTHIES Mains of Auquhorthies Mains of Auquhorthies Mains of Auquhorthies Mr. A. F. Douglas. Factor Haddo House Mr. James Milne Auquhorthies Mr. John Brown occupier 038 Applies to a small farm steading with dwelling house & garden situated on the road leading from Old Meldrum to Tarves in the occupation of Mr John Brown & property the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/93 [page] 93 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/94 [page] 94 Parish of Tarves [Blank page]
OS1/1/85/95 GREENMIRE Greenmyre Greenmyre Greenmyre Mr. A. F. Douglas. Factor. Haddo House Mr. James Milne Auquhorthies Mr. James Cooper Occupier 046 Applies to a croft in the occupation of Mr. James Cooper & property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/95 CRAIGIES Craigies Craigies Craigies Mr. A. F. Douglas Factor Haddo House Mr. George Shepherd occupier Mr. James Milne Auquhorthies 046 Applies to a very large & commodious farm steading with Mansion house and garden attached in the occupation of Mr. Shepherd and property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/95 STONE CISTS FOUND HERE A.D. 1846 [Craigies] Stone Cists found here 1846 Mr. George Shepherd Craigies Alexander Gray, Craigies 046 When Alexander Gray was digging for gravel for road purposes in 1846 he discovered near to the surface a number of Stone Cists; the exact number could not be obtained; but might be 3 or 4. the dimensions were about 1 ft. 3in. deep by 3 to 4 feet in length and about 1½ feet broad & consisted of flags built up end-ways but now they were lying, whether East & West North or South, I am unable to find out - There was nothing in the coffins
OS1/1/85/95 [page] 95 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/96 [page] 96 Parish of Tarves [Blank page]
OS1/1/85/97 STONE BOX FOUND HERE A.D. 1851 [Coldhome] Stone Box (found here) Stone Box (found here) Mr. Strath Coldhome Mr. William Norrie Raittshill 046 While trenching the ground in the Year 1851 Mr. Strath, Coldhome found a stone box measuring 1'.0" x 9" x 6" made of flags & containing the half of a gold finger ring.
OS1/1/85/97 TOLQUHON CASTLE (In Ruins) Tolquhon Castle (in Ruins) Tolquhon Castle (in Ruins) Tolquhon Castle (in Ruins) Mr. Robert Garden Mains of Tolquhon Mr. John Duncan Newseat Mr. James Connon East Newseat 046 An ancient pile of buildings forming a quadrangle, in a very ruinous condition, containing several very fine chambers and passages with arched roofs, the main part of the building was erected between the years 1585-1589 by William Forbes, laird of Tolquhon.
OS1/1/85/97 PRESTON'S TOWER Preston's Tower Preston's Tower Preston's Tower Mr Robert Garden Mains of Tolquhon Mr William Booth Mains of Tolquhon Mr James Connon East Newseat 046 This name applies to the chief tower of Tolquhon Castle it was the first erected but the date of erection cannot be ascertained, but it is now a mass of ruins Tolquhon Consists of an ancient Castle called the "Preston's Tower, from its first possessors, and of several other buildings (which render it a Court.) begun, (as the inscription of the front shows.) by William Forbes of Tolquhon A.D. 1584, and ended by him A D. 1589. (Collection of the Shires)
OS1/1/85/97 [page] 97 Parish of Tarves Note: Tolquhon Castle - Statistical Account of Tarves page 667 "The Castle of Tolquhon now in a very ruinous condition with the exception of a part of it called "the Auld tower" was built between 1584 and 1589 by William Forbes, laird of Tolquhon. Its of considerable extent, being of a quadrangular form and enclosing a large courtyard, the arched gateway of which is defended by two towers with loop holes to enable those within to use fire arms or arrows against assailants." Note: Preston's Tower - Tolquhon Consists of an ancient castle, called the Preston's Tower from its first possessors, and of several other buildings (which render it a Court) begun, (as the inscription of the front shows.) by William Forbes of Tolquhon A.D. 1584, and ended by him AD. 1589. (Collections of the Shires)
OS1/1/85/98 BRAESIDE Braeside Braeside Braeside Mr. A.F.Douglas. Factor. Haddo House Mr. Alexander Argo Occupier Mr. John Duncan Newseat 046 Applies to a very large and commodious farm steading with dwelling house and garden attached, in the occupation of Mr. Alexander Argo & property of the Right Honble. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/98 NEWSEAT Newseat Newseat Newseat Mr. A.F.Douglas. Haddo House Mr. John Duncan Occupier Mr. William Norrie Raittshill 046 A very large & commodious farm steading with Mansion house & garden near by, situated about ¾ Mile North of Tolquhon Castle, in the occupation of Mr. John Duncan and property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/98 RAITTSHILL Raittshill Raittshill Raittshill Mr. A.F. Douglas Haddo House Mr. William Norrie Occupier Mr. Robert Garden Mains of Tolquhon 046 A farm steading with dwelling house and garden attached situated about ¼ mile South West of Tolquhon Castle in the occupation of Mr. William Norrie and property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/98 [page] 98 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/99 MAINS OF TOLQUHON Mains of Tolquhon Mains of Tolquhon Mains of Tolquhon Mr. Robert Garden Occupier Mr. William Booth Mains of Tolquhon Mr. James Connon East Newseat 046 Applies to a recently erected farm steading & dwelling house situated near to Tolquhon Castle in the occupation of Mr. Robert Garden and property of the Right Honble. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/99 BRONZE VESSELS FOUND HERE A.D. 1867 [Tolquhon Castle] Bronze Vessels (found here) 1867 Bronze Vessels (found here) 1867 Bronze Vessels (found here) 1867 Mr. Robert Garden Mains of Tolquhon Mr. William Booth Mains of Tolquhon Mr. George Rae Mains of Tolquhon 046 While trenching the ground near Tolquhon Castle in March 1867, the workmen found two bronze vessels, one of which had the handle & spout broken off and the other appears to have corroded, one was 6½" long x 3" broad & the other 8" long x 4" broad, round the rim of the jug was the letters in Old English, as well as can be made out Neens water and Prendesdeleewe
OS1/1/85/99 STONE CIST FOUND HERE A.D. 1842 [East Newseat] Stone Cist (found here) Stone Cist (found here) Stone Cist (found here) Mr. James Connon East Newseat Mr. John Duncan Newseat Mr. William Booth Mains of Tolquhon 046 While trenching the ground A.D. 1842 Mr James Connon East Newseat, found a Stone Cist containing mouldered bones & ashes. The Cist was made of flags, about 4 ft long x 1'.9" broad lying North & South
OS1/1/85/99 [page] 99 Parish of Tarves Note: Bronze vessels - Two small sketches of the vessels with their dimensions accompany this description
OS1/1/85/100 EAST NEWSEAT East Newseat East Newseat East Newseat Mr. James Connon Occupier Mr. William Booth Mains of Tolquhon Mr. John Duncan Newseat 047 Applies to a farm Steading with dwelling house & garden situated about ¼ Mile east of Newseat & on the County road leading from Aberdeen to New Deer, in the occupation of Mr. James Connon, and property of the Right Honble. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/100 [page] 100 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/101 PODROCH Podroch Podroch Podroch Mr. George Marr Cairnbrogie Occupier Mr. Alexander Davidson Mains of Cairnbrogie Mr. John Allan Boudiestone 046 A farm consisting of a dwellinghouse and outhouses situated abt. [about] ½ a mile Westward of Mains of Cairnbrogie and nearly ½ mile North of Murieford
OS1/1/85/101 MAINS OF CAIRNBROGIE Mains of Cairnbrogie Mains of Cairnbrogie Mains of Cairnbrogie Valuation Roll Mr. Alexander Davidson Occupier Mr. George Marr Cairnbrogie 046 A hansome large farm consisting of a Commodious dwellinghouse with gardens outhouses detached. It is said that there has been formerly a large conspicuous Cairn abt. [about] ½ way between this and Cairnbrogie farm which supplied the name to both, but it seems the whole Cairn was removed for building purposes many years ago. The origin of name seems rather doubtful Cairnburg is Celtic for "Badger's Cairn" etc. etc.
OS1/1/85/101 DAMHEAD Damhead Damhead Damhead Mr. Alexander Clark Occupier Mr. Alexander Davidson Mains of Cairnbrogie Mr. George Marr Cairnbrogie 046 Name of a small Croft consisting of a dwelling house with out houses etc situated a little west of the Mains of Cairnbrogie Dam.
OS1/1/85/101 [page] 101 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/102 BOUDIESTONE Boudiestone Boudiestone Boudiestone Valuation Roll Mr John Allan Occupier Mr George Smith Murieford 046 A small farm consisting of a dwelling house with gardens and outhouses detached situated at the South West end of the parish and abt. [about] 9. Chains N.E. [North East] of where the parish boundary bears northward from the Meldrum & Newburgh Co. [County] Road The farm derived its name from a very conspicuous huge block of blue granite which stood a little E [East] of the farm but is cut up and all removed for building purposes
OS1/1/85/102 MURIEFORD Murieford Murieford Murieford Valuation Roll Mr George Smith occupier Mr John Allan Boudiestone 046 a farm consisting of a neat dwelling house with outhouses and garden detached situated a little north of the Meldrum & Newburgh Co. [County] Road and abt. [about] 28 Chains eastward of whence the parish boundary bears northward from the same road on ⅛ of a m [mile] East South East of Boudiestone.
OS1/1/85/102 STONE CISTS AND HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1830 [Murieford] Stone Cist and human bones found here A.D. 1830 Stone Cist and human bones found here A.D. 1830 Stone Cist and human bones found here A.D. 1830 Mr John Allan Boudiestone Mr George Smith occupier of ground Mr Alexander Clark Damhead 046 Found by Mr Smith farmer consisting of two Stone Cists Thus [small sketch] 13 inches in length 10 broad and 8 in depth Containing human bones and ashes About a foot under surface. Discovered whilst draining the field.
OS1/1/85/102 [page] 102 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/103 CAKE WELL Cake well Cake well Cake well Mr. George Marr Cairnbrogie Mr. George Penny Cairnbrogie Mrs. Peter Penny Cairnbrogie 046 An excellent spring well, well Known by that name situated about a quarter of a mile South West of Cairnbrogie
OS1/1/85/103 Site of CAIRN BROGIE Site of Cairn Brogie Mr. George Marr, Cairnbrogie Mr. Penny Cairnbrogie Mrs. Penny Cairnbrogie 046 Mrs Penny an intelligent woman about 67 years of age, remembers when a girl of seeing a Cairn of Stones of Considerable height, on the the hill of Cairnbrogie & remembers of hearing of Urns, bones, and a stone troughlet being found in the clearing away of what was then called the "Bleedy Cairn".
OS1/1/85/103 URNS, HUMAN REMAINS AND GOLD COINS FOUND HERE [Hill of Cairnbrogie] Urns, Human Remains and Gold Coins found here as above 046 Mr Marr Tenant of Cairnbrogie has a faint recollection of hearing that his father found gold coins, urns, human remains, & a stone trough in the clearing away of the Cairn but cannot tell anything about their date or c. [century] The trough is of beautiful red sandstone, neatly chiseled, about 2 feet long, 15 inches broad, 8 inches deep, and is preserved by Mr Marr, at Cairnbrogie
OS1/1/85/103 [page] 103 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/104 HILL OF CAIRNBROGIE Hill of Cairnbrogie Mr. George Marr, Cairnbrogie Mr. Penny Cairnbrogie Mr. Argus Mains of Cairnbrogie Plan of Farm 046 A ridged like hill feature of considerable height & extent situated about a quarter of a mile north of Cairn brogie property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Aberdeen, Haddo House.
OS1/1/85/104 [page] 104 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/105 SUNNYSIDE Sunnyside Sunnyside Sunnyside Valuation Roll Mr. James Wilson Occupier Mr. Alexander Davidson Mains of Cairnbrogie 046 A small farm consisting of a dwelling house with garden and outhouses detached situated at the east edge of a Public Road and nearly ½ a mile E.S.E. [East South East] of the Mains of Cairnbrogie.
OS1/1/85/105 YOWLIE BURN Yowlie Burn Yowlie Burn Yowlie Burn Mr. Alexander Davidson Mains of Cairnbrogie Mr. James Wilson Sunnyside Mr. George Marr Cairnbrogie 046 A small stream, portion of which issues from the Dams of the Mains of Cairnbrogie and the greater portion from the drainage of field belonging to the Mains of Cairnbrogie Sunnyside etc. This Spelling is Commended by Mr. Davidson of the Mains of Cairnbrogie
OS1/1/85/105 CAIRNBROGIE Cairnbrogie Cairnbrogie Cairnbrogie Valuation Roll Mr. George Marr Occupier Mr. Alexander Davidson Mains of Cairnbrogie 046 A handsome farm consisting of a Commodious dwellinghouse with gardens and large farm offices detached. Situated at the north side of the Co. [County] Road leading from Meldrum to Newburgh and about ½ a M. [mile] E [East] of where the boundary enters the said Road from the South. See also description of Mains of Cairnbrogie
OS1/1/85/105 [page] 105 Parish of Tarves Note: Yowlie Burn - See Page 62
OS1/1/85/106 [page] 106 Parish of Tarves Notes: Brony Bridge - Vide Udny Parish Documents Brony Burn - Vide Udny Parish Documents
OS1/1/85/107 SMIDDYHILL Smiddyhill Smiddyhill Smiddyhill Valuation Roll Mr. Charles Gray Occupier Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 A farm Consisting of a dwelling house and garden and also farm offices detached Situated a little north of the Meldrum and Newburgh Co. [County] Road and abt. [about] 16 Chains N.W. [North West] of where the parish boundary leads Southward from the same road property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/107 SAUCHENHILLOCK Sauchenhillock Sauchenhillock Sauchenhillock Valuation Roll Mr. Alexander Smith Occupier Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 Indicates the name of a farm Consisting of a good dwelling house with garden, and farm Office houses detached Situated a little North East of Smiddyhill and abt. [about) 16. Chains North of where the boundary leads southward from the Newburgh & Meldrum Co. [County] Road property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/107 SPHERICAL STONE BALL FOUND HERE A.D. 1836 [Sauchenhillock] Spherical Stone ball found here A.D. 1836. Spherical Stone ball found here A.D. 1836. Spherical Stone ball found here A.D. 1836. Mr. Alexander Smith farmer of place Mr. George Argo Cairdseat Mr. Charles Gray Smiddyhill 046 around the area of this Stone Sphere are described and cut 6 circles of equal diameter. The ball is very hard and of a smooth surface and apparently very ancient but the use of it seems to be very doubtful. The diameter of which is 3 inches and is in the possession of Mr. Alexander Smith Farmer. Found a little above the subsoil whilst draining the land.
OS1/1/85/107 [page] 107 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/108 [page] 108 Parish of Tarves [Blank page]
OS1/1/85/109 CAIRDSEAT Cairdseat Cairdseat Cairdseat Valuation Roll Mr. George Argo Occupier Mr. James Strath Cauldhame 046 Indicates the name of a farm Consisting of a commodious dwellinghouse with gardens and good farm office houses detached. Situated a little north of Oldmeldrum and Newburgh Co. [County] Road, and abt. [about] ½ m [mile] Westward from where the parish boundary leads from the same road northward. "Caird" is the gaelic and frequently the Scottish for "Tinker". property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/109 KILNARY Kilnary Kilnary Kilnary Valuation Roll Mr. Richard Benson Occupier Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 A farm consisting of a dwelling and office houses attached. Situated abt. [about] a ¼ of a mile West of Cairdseat, property of the Earl of Aberdeen.
OS1/1/85/109 DALCHON Dalchon Dalchon Dalchon Mr. William Scott Occupier Mr. George Argo Cairdseat Mr. James Strath Cauldhame 046 A neatly built cottage with outhouses and gardens attached. Situated at the limits of a public road and abt. [about] 25. Chains Northward of Cairdseat farm property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/109 [page] 109 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/110 URNS AND HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE A.D. 1837 [Cauldhame] Urns and human remains found here A.D. 1837 Urns and human remains found here A.D. 1837 Urns and human remains found here A.D. 1837 Mr. James Strath Cauldhame Mr. William Scott Mason Dalchon Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 Consisting of three urns thus [small sketch of urn in brackets] made of backed [baked] clay and each Containing human bones and ashes. Situated a little south of an angle of a Stone wall and abt. [about] 24. Chains N.E. [North East] of Cauldhame Farm, found by Mr. James Strath Farmer of place whilst digging and improving the land.
OS1/1/85/110 URNS FOUND HERE A.D. 1840 [Cauldhame] Urns found here A.D. 1840 Urns found here A.D. 1840 Urns found here A.D. 1840 Mr. James Strath Cauldhame Mr. William Scott Dalchon Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 Consisting of three urns thus [small sketch in brackets] made of baked clay and each Containing some ashes or burnt human bones. Situated abt. [about] 9. Ch [Chains] Soth of those above named and Abt. [About] 21 N.E. [North East] of Cauldhame Farm - found by Mr. James Strath farmer of place whilst improving the land
OS1/1/85/110 CAULDHAME Cauldhame Cauldhame Cauldhame Valuation Roll Mr. James Strath Occupier Mr. George Argo Cairdseat 046 A farm consisting of a Commodious dwelling house with garden and out houses. Situated abt. [about] ¾ of a mile Westward of Cairdseat also abt. [about] ½m. [mile] N. [North] of Smiddyhill property of the Earl of Aberdeen
OS1/1/85/110 [page] 110 Parish of Tarves
OS1/1/85/111 [page] 111 Parish of Tarves Signature: E.H. Courtney Capt RE. [Captain Royal Engineers 13th June 1868.
OS1/1/85/112 [volume] 85 [page] 112 NAME BOOK OF THE PARISH OF TARVES CO [County] ABERDEEN
OS1/1/85/113 [page] 113 Index Parish of Tarves. Aberdeenshire Names -- Pages Auchnave -- 53 Auquhorthies -- 93 Broadward -- 9 Blue Hill -- 10 Bogside -- 12 Bankhead -- 13 Bartholchapel Market Stance -- 16 Barthol Chapel -- 18 Burn of Keithfield -- 26 Backhill of Courtstone -- 27 Burn of Kelly -- 31 Back Moss -- 37 Backmoss-- 40 Backhill -- 44 Bridge of Thornroan -- 47 Backgreens -- 54 Braikly -- 59, 61 Braikly Cottage -- 59, 61 Bowlroad -- 61 Boghouse -- 62 Br. [Branch] Bank -- 65 Bridgefoot -- 65 Bronze Swords found here -- 76 Backhill of Little Meldrum -- 76 Bridge of Auchedly -- 77 Braiks Burn -- 80 Burnside of Auchedly -- 82 Bronze Swords found here -- 89 Braeside -- 98 Bronze Vessels found here -- 99 Boudiestone -- 101 Brony Bridge -- 106 Brony Burn -- 106 Croft of Fochel -- 2 Cot-town Hill -- 2 Crystal found here -- 5 Croft of Tillyhilt -- 14 Couchercairn -- 16 Chapelpark Wood -- 27 Courtstone -- 27 Chapelpark Burn -- 28 Craighall -- 46 Craigieford -- 46 Crosshill -- 55 Craigdam -- 55 Couliehair -- 57 Church -- 63 Craigie -- 71 Craigmuir Wood -- 72 Craigie Shethin -- 72 Cairn Hill -- 75 Cairnhill -- 79 Cat Craigs -- 85 Camp -- 86 Cairn (Remains of) -- 91 Chapel Fauld -- 92 Craigies -- 95 Cake Well -- 103 Cairnbrogie -- 105 Cairdseat -- 109 Cauldhame -- 110 Den of Skilmafilly -- 4 Den of Kirkton -- 12 Deer Park -- 29 Dead Wife's Burn -- 43 Drumfinnie Hill -- 44 Den of Keithfield -- 45 Dub Pot -- 80 Damhead -- 101 Dalchon -- 109 Earlsford -- 22 East Tillycairn -- 58 East Auchedly -- 79 East Shethin -- 83 East Newseat -- 100 Flobbets -- 11 Fountain Hill -- 48 Fedderat Cairn (Remains of) -- 71 Fedderat Pot -- 72 Fairy Hillock -- 73 Gallows Hill -- 7 Gateside -- 38 Greenmire -- 95 Hill of Skilmafilly -- 5 Hill of Skilmafilly -- 5 Hornscroft -- 11 Hattonslap -- 19 Hardford -- 21 Hill of Courtstone -- 23 Hillhead of Tulloford -- 35 Hill of Thornroan -- 47 Hillhead -- 50 Hill of Auchedly -- 75 Hill of Little Meldrum -- 76 Hill of Ythsie -- 85 Human Remains found here -- 90 Hill of Cairnbrogie -- 104 Ironbrae -- 37 Inn -- 59 Keilyford -- 15 Keithfield Cottage -- 26 Kipperie Burn -- 88 Kilnary -- 109 Little Bartholchapel -- 2 Leet Moss -- 11 Lady's Steps -- 29 Lindsay Hill -- 32 Lindsayhill Wood -- 32 Longley -- 41 Laverockbrae -- 44 Little Raxton -- 48 Logie Wood -- 51 Little Meldrum -- 74 Little Ythsie -- 87 Milltown of Ythsie -- 82 Monument (Fourth Earl of Aberdeen) -- 82 Mains of Auquhorthies -- 93 Mains of Tolquhon -- 99 Mains of Cairnbrogie -- 101 Murieford -- 102 Mary Gray -- 8 Milltown of Fochel -- 21 Mill of Fochel (Corn) -- 21 Mains of Keithfield -- 25
OS1/1/85/114 [page] 114 Index Continued Names -- Pages Middle Plough -- 26 Mill of Keithfield -- 28 Mourn's Hill -- 31 Mains of Haddo -- 33 Moss-side -- 39 Mosshead -- 46 Market Stance -- 52 Manse -- 56 Mosshead -- 57 Mill of Tolquhon (Corn) -- 61 Manse -- 64 Mill of Schivas -- 69 Mill Stone -- 70 Mill of Auchedly Corn -- 77 Mains of Auchedly -- 81 North Quilquax -- 6 North Burnside -- 9 Nether Kirkton -- 18 New Balgove -- 19 Nethermill of Tillyhilt -- 42 Netherwoodhill -- 45 Newseat -- 69 Northseat of Auchedly -- 74 North Ythsie -- 87 Newseat -- 98 Oldtown Leys -- 9 Over Kirkton -- 18 Oldtown of Fochel -- 19 Overtown of Keithfield -- 28 Overhill Wood -- 32 Overhill Cottage -- 33 Overhill Well -- 34 Old Balgove -- 38 Oldtown -- 38 Overwoodhill -- 45 Ordhill -- 49 Ord Hill -- 50 Oldmill of Schivas -- 72 Otter Stone -- 75 Poorhouses -- 39 Parkside -- 47 Piketillum -- 53 Prenstone -- 57 Post office -- 66 Preston's Tower -- 97 Podroch -- 101 Quilquax -- 4 Quarrybrae -- 80 Raxton Wood -- 31 Raxton Burn -- 31 Rifle Range -- 34 Rosullah -- 35 Red Moss -- 39 Redmoss -- 40 Raxton -- 51 River Ythan -- 67 Raittshill -- 98 Stone Hammer found here -- 3 South Burnside -- 7 Supposed Site of Stone Circle -- 7 Schivas -- 8 South Quilquax -- 10 School -- 10 St. John's Well -- 12 Site of St. Bartholomew's Chapel -- 17 School -- 17 Silvermoss -- 22 Site of Cairn -- 23 Site of Bede House-- 30 South Tulloford -- 35 Suggar [Sugar] Den -- 36 School -- 37 Sonach -- 47 Standing Stone -- 48 Stripeside -- 50 South Lodge -- 52 Stone Circle -- 52 Stripeside -- 54 School (Endowed) -- 56 School -- 60 School -- 64 Square -- 65 School (Girls) -- 66 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 70 School -- 70 Stone Cist found here -- 71 Shethin -- 81 South Auchedly -- 81 Site of St. John's Chapel -- 86 South Ythsie -- 87 Stone Circle (Remains of ) -- 88 Site of Cairn -- 90 Stone Cists found here -- 91 Standing Stone -- 91 Supposed site of St. John's Chapel -- 92 Stone Cists found here -- 95 Stone Box found here -- 97 Stone Cist found here -- 99 Stone Cists and Human Remains found here -- 102 Site of Cairn Brogie -- 103 Sunnyside -- 105 Smiddyhill -- 107 Sauchenshillock -- 107 Spherical Stone Ball found here -- 107 Tarves -- 1 Truffhill Wood -- 6 Threepmuir -- 13 Thornroan Wood -- 14 Tulloford-- 15 Tillyhilt -- 42 Tillyhilt Castle (Remains of ) -- 42 Thornroan -- 51 Tillycairn -- 58 Tarves -- 63 The Kipperies -- 89 Tolquhon Castle (In ruins) -- 97 Urn found here -- 3 Urns found here -- 23 Upper Lake -- 29 Upperhead -- 43 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 55 Uppermill of Tillyhilt -- 58 Urns found here -- 73 Urns, Human Remains and Gold Coins found here -- 103 Urns & Human Remains found here -- 110 Urns found here -- 110 Vase -- 33 Wood of Skilmafilly -- 4 West Skilmafilly -- 6 Wedderlairs -- 14 Wedderlairs Wood -- 25 Wood of Schivas -- 69 Warldsend -- 73 Wedder Burn -- 74 West Auchedly -- 79 Wood of Ythsie -- 86
OS1/1/85/114 We have Tillyhilt page 42 Tillyhilt Castle Remains of page 58 and Uppermill of Tillyhill page 58 - EAS: was removing all the [NEW COLUMN] side notes from my own index pages - thinking I was the only one doing them- and did this one too - not realising it was someone else's . My apologies. Saved you a job though.
OS1/1/85/115 [page] 115 Index Continued Yowlieburn -- 49 Yowlie Burn -- 62 Quilquox -- 4 Altered by Authority of John Sleigh Esq. Factors Office, Strichen Mains, To be used for 1" purposes only, further investigation to be made during the Revision of the larger scales, By Order of the D.G. [Director General] 12.8.95