
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
NORTH HARBOUR [Peterhead] North Harbour
North Harbour
North Harbour
Pratt's Buchan 1859
Arbuthnot's History of Peterhead 1815
Buchan's Annals of Peterhead 1819
023 "In 1807 the late Mr Rennie furnished a plan and estimate for extending the South harbour and for building a new North harbour, but nothing was, at this time, done to the North harbour. In 1815, the Harbour Trustees adopted measures to raise the funds necessary for the completion of the North harbour, and the formation of a graving-dock. Mr Telford gave in a report and plans for the work, and the harbour was commenced in 181? but in the following year, while it was yet in an unfinished state, a tremendous storm arose , which totally destroyed all that had been done. The commissioners, however, immediately set about raising additional funds to repair the damage. The work was recommenced and in September 1822, according to Mr Telfer's plan, but the harbour still being open to the Sea from the North, a pier was begun in that direction, and soon after completed. The South and West piers of this harbour, including the new Dock (from plans arranged by the Harbour Trustees themselves) was finished in part in 1840, and completed in 185? Vide Pratt's Buchan page 65 & 66. It has been in contemplation for some years past to join both harbours into one, by cutting the mound which separates the town from the Quenzie, For this purpose, the building of a parapet Pier, Graving dock. etc. at the Greenhill, government has given a grant of £10,000 and the feuars have given an equal Sum." Vide Buchan's Annals of Peterhead p. [?]

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Town of Peterhead

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