
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Rope Walk
Rope Walk
Mr. Henry, King St.
Mr. Frazer, Weavers Lane.
Mr. Hutchison, Springfield.
023 A low Stone building about 90 Yards long, near the junction of King St. & Constitution St. & situated in the Kirk town. Small Ropes & Twine are spun by hand. Mr. Henry, 5 King St. Propr. [Proprietor]
KING STREET [Peterhead] King Street
King Street
King Street
Mr. Boyd, Factor.
Mr. Murray, Peterhead
Mr. Hutchison, Peterhead
023 A straight way, extending from Queen St. passing the North end of Princes Street, and joining Kirk St at Constitution St. no dwelling houses are yet erected but at its extremities.
CONSTITUTION STREET [Peterhead] Constitution Street
Constitution Street
Constitution Street
Mr Park, Constitution St.
Name on St. Corner,
Peterhead Directory.
023 A short Street, extending from the junction of King St. & Kirk St. Northward, communicating with the field adjoining.
PRISON [Peterhead] Prison
Mr. Simpson, Governor.
Peterhead Directory
Mr. Boyd, Factor.
023 A massive substantial building, situate at the North end of Prince St. Consisting of governors house & the usual accommodation for prisoners. The term of imprisonment does not exceed 60 days. When trial by jury is necessary, defaulters are transferred to Aberdeen.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 25
Town of Peterhead

Note: Rope Works - This is not a descriptive name

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