
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LOGIE COLDSTONE Parish of Logie Coldstone
Parish of Logie Coldstone
Parish of Logie Coldstone
Parish of Logie Coldstone
Parish of Logie Coldstone
Parish of Logie Coldstone
Mr McCombie, Davoch
Mr Dingwall, Blackmill
Mr J. Wilson, Tulloch
Parish Registers
New Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazetteer
060 ; 069 ; 070 ; 080 ; 081 Continued [from page 3]

certainty. On the west side of the parish a range of steep And high hills runs the whole distance, among which Morven stands Conspicuous, Commanding a view to the east as far as the eye can reach. The climate of this parish with the exception of that part which lies on Deskry side is tolerably mild, equable, and Salubrious One of the lochs alluded to as still subsisting in the district is partly in this parish. It is called Lochdavan supposed to be a corruption of the Gaelic Loch d' abhainn, "lake of two waters, and is about two and a half or three miles in circumference there is a small circular pond upon an elevated part of the farm of Nether Ruthven which bears the name of Lochan-uaine "the green pool or lakelet", from the peculiar colour of the water. The only stream of running water of any magnitude connected with the parish is that of Deskry, which forms a boundary line for some distance betwixt it and Strathdon. The other rivulets in the parish, in Common with those of the whole district of Cromar, discharge their water into the River Dee in the parish of Aboyne. Two different farms in the parish have received the name of Cairnmore from the existence of large Cairns or piles of stone within their boundaries. One

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Parish of Logie Coldstone

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