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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Witchock Loch
Witchock Loch
Mr Anderson N. [North] Birkhill
Mr Gregor McGregor Fernrae
Mr Alexander Cameron (Mains of Tillypronie)
070 A very swampy piece of ground. which in wet weather, has the appearance of a Loch. and is well known by this name
Scar Hill
Scar Hill
Mr Anderson
Mr G. McGregor
Mr Alexander Cameron
070 A conspicuous eminence, recently planted with fir trees, and well known by this name,
COCKS' STRIPE Cocks' Stripe
Cocks' Stripe
Cocks' Stripe
Mr Anderson
Mr G. McGregor
Mr A. Cameron
070 A small stream so called, issuing from a good spring, which is much frequented by birds. The stream after leaving the wood, deviates from its natural course. and an artificial course made which takes it to the farm of Meikle Corrie.

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Migvie & Tarland

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, ElaineF

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