
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Greenwood Hill
Greenwood Hill
Mr Glennie, Barns
Mr Farquharson Downingford
Mr Begg Bridge of Bucket
061 A considerable hill partly covered with Fir Wood overlooking the croft of Downingford.
Site of STONE CIRCLE [Greenwood Hill] Site of Stone Circle
Site of Stone Circle
Site of Stone Circle
Mr Glennie Farmer, Barns
Mr MacHardy Brigdoos
Mr Farquharson Downingford.
061 At the spot marked on trace a Stone Circle is said to have existed Mr Glennie of Barns recollects of seeing, many years ago, a number of upright stones. but they have all been removed for building or other purposes.
Site of STONE CIRCLE [Greenwood Hill] Site of Stone Circle
Site of Stone Circle
Site of Stone Circle
Mr Glennie Barns
Mr MacHardy
Mr Farquharson
061 At this place a Stone Circle is also said to have existed but had been removed under circumstances similar to the one mentioned above.

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Parishes of Tarland & Migvie Detd. [Detached]

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