
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MILTON OF LOGIE Milton of Logie
Milton of Logie
Milton of Logie
Milton of Logie
Milton of Logie
Revd [Reverend] J. Wattie
Mr W. Thompson (Tenant)
Valn [Valuation] Roll 1860
A. Ross. J.P. [Justice of the Peace] Tarland
J. G. Meikie
081 A large farmsteading dwelling house 2 storys; slated, with a good set of offices, one story all in good repair occupied by Mr Thompson. The property of Lord Aberdeen.
Blue Cairn
Blue Cairn
Blue Cairn
Blue Cairn
Revd [Reverend] J. Wattie
Mr J. Tawse (Newbigging Tarland)
Mr J. Anderson Fernyhowe (Cromar)
A. Ross J.P. [Justice of the Peace] Tarland
J. G. Meikie
081 A large heap of stones of different sizes; now about 5 feet high in the centre: (Thrown loosely together.) Situated at the junction of 4 fences (See Trace), between the farms of Upper Ruthven & Newbigging This Cairn is Said to have been a great Size at one time, but there were Some of the fences on the forementioned farms built out of it, I can find no account of its erection or use in the neighbourhood,

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Aberdeenshire Parish of Logie Coldstone

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