
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Remains of Supposed CAMP [Upper Ruthven] Camp (Remains of supposed to be Pictish) Revd [Reverend] J. Wattie
Mr P. Tawse
Mr H. Smith
081 This is supposed to have been a Camp, of some kind or other, from the ditch which surrounds it, bearing a striking resemblance to those usually seen around ancient fortifications. Considerable doubts exist, however, among authorities, with reference to its origin, and some of them are inclined to doubt, whether it ever was a camp; seeing that nothing but the ditch, part of which is defaced, would lead to the supposition. It has however, been inserted on traces on the evidence of the Revd [Reverend] Mr Wattie, who is considered a good Authority on such matters, and I would feel inclined, judging from its situation and appearance, to coincide with him in his supposition: But as nothing is known with regard to it further than the resemblance which the defaced ditch bears to similar objects to be met with around Ancient fortifications, it would perhaps be better to cancel it altogether on account of the differences which exist regarding its origin among Authorities. [Initialled] [].P.

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Aberdeenshire Ph [Parish] of Logie Coldstone

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