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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HUNTLY [parish] Huntly
Valuation Roll 1860
Slater's Directory of Scotland
Robertson's Map 1860 of Aberdeen,
Blacks Map 1822 of Scotland
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Oliver & Boyd's Almanac 1865
Sheriffs List of Parishes
New Statistical Account
Chamber's Encylopaedia
British Postal Guide 1866
017 ; 025 ; 026 ; 033 The parish of Huntly is in the presbytery of Strathbogie and Synod of Moray. Patron the Duke of Richmond. it is situated in the Western Division of the County and is bounded on the north by Rothiemay parish in the County of Banff, on the northwest by the parish of Cairnie, on the west by the parish of Glass, on the south by the parish of Gartly, on the southeast by the parish of Drumblade and on the east by the parishes of Drumblade and Forgue. The parish of Huntly contains about 12577 statute acres, there are no detached portions of this parish, nor are there any detached portions of any other parish situated within it. The important market-town & Burgh of Barony of the same name is situated near the southeast boundary of the parish and contains the parish church and other important buildings. The surface of the parish is generally undulating embracing finely wooded hills & cultivated straths, Strath Bogie and the vale along the course of the Deveron with the prominent wooded hill called the "Bin Hill" being the principal features, the southeast portion of the parish is principally
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Co. [County] Aberdeen -- Huntly Parish

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Chillwind, Joseph Swan

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