
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Valuation Roll 1860
Adam Gray Esqr
Captain Mitchell
Revd [Reverend] W.S. Watt
New Stat. Act. [Statistical Account]
048 A fine village on the West side of the Foveran Burn near its junction
with the River Ythan. The inhabitants are principally connected with the Sea Trade either as Sailors or Fishermen, it is a Small Sea Port situated about half way between Aberdeen and Peterhead.
POST OFFICE [Newburgh] Post Office Valuation Roll 1860
Adam Gray Esqr
Captain Mitchell
048 There are in this Village a Post Office for receiving and delivering Pre-paid letters, but no Money Order Office or Bank,
SCHOOL (Girls) [Newburgh] Sewing School Valuation Roll 1860
Adam Gray Esqr
Captain Mitchell
048 also a Female Sewing School kept up by part of the Mather Fund (See Mather's School) and Scholar's Fees,
UDNY ARMS INN [Newburgh] Udny Arms Inn Valuation Roll 1860
Adam Gray Esqr
Captain Mitchell
048 also a Public House, and Smithy, and Several good Shops for the sale of general Merchandise
MATHER'S SCHOOL (Endowed) [Newburgh] Mather's School
Mather's School
Mather's School
Mather's School
Revd [Reverend] W.S. Watt
Mr Peter Anton (Schoolmaster)
Adam Gray Esqr
Captain Mitchell
048 A considereable sum of Money was bequeathed by the late Mr Mather, a native of this parish, for educating and Clothing twenty poor fishermen's Children belonging to Newburgh. The writer understands that the Magistrates of Aberdeen, Mr Mather's Trustees, [Continued on page 30]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 29
Foveran Parish

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